Umk in kindergarten we study Russian. Lapbook “Grandma’s Chest” based on the teaching materials “Learning the Russian language”

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“UMK - as a means of teaching children the basics of the Russian language for Tatar-speaking children”

The modernization of Russian education has made constructive changes to the preschool education system. Traditional methods of organizing the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions have been replaced by technologies of personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children, expedient organization of the developmental environment, project-based and competency-based approaches to the organization of pedagogical work.

In connection with new approaches to teaching children state languages ​​in preschool educational institutions of the republic, creative groups in the cities of Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny developed 4 sets.

1 set – for teaching Tatar-speaking children the Russian language “Learning the Russian language”, a creative group led by Gaffarova Sabili Mullanurovna.

Set “Learning Russian” which is what I'm working on includes a program for teaching Russian language to children starting from the middle groups of national kindergartens, and a manual for teachers. It contains lesson notes, physical education minutes, finger games, workbooks for children and teachers, a selection of games and exercises, audio and video materials for work both in and outside of class, and a list of visual materials.

The main goal of educational and methodological kits is to master constructive ways and means of interaction with people around you through solving the following tasks:

●development of free communication in Russian with adults and children;

● development of all components of Russian oral speech of children (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;

●practical mastery by pupils of the norms of Russian speech.

Our kindergarten successfully uses the teaching and learning kit. The most effective and accessible form of activity in teaching Tatar-speaking children Russian oral speech is - a game. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it themselves, they master Russian words, phrases, and sentences much better. I implement my educational activities using the following methods and techniques:

I use it in class visual methods.

These include:


Examination of paintings, natural objects;

Showing cartoons such as “Three Bears”, “Funny Toys”, “Who Loves What”, etc.

Methods and forms of teaching the Russian language: Compiling descriptive stories using supporting graphic diagrams and drawings. Children drawing graphic diagrams (plans) based on a descriptive story. Drawing (graphic plan, diagram) based on riddles, proverbs, fairy tales. Games. Cartoons. Making a workbook.

Compiling descriptive stories on the topic “Toys”. “Doll”: “This is the doll Masha. It was bought in a store. It is made of rubber. The doll has a head, neck, arms, torso, and legs. The doll is elegant. She is wearing a red dress and white shoes. Doll Masha toy. They play with her. The doll must be handled carefully." My favorite toy is a car. It is bright red in color and rectangular in shape. My truck is small. It has a body, a cabin, wheels, and lights. The cabin has a steering wheel and seats. The truck has a metal cabin, rubber wheels, glass windows, and leather seats. I really like to imagine myself as a driver, driving my truck, washing it, repairing it if it breaks down. 1. Color. (What color is the toy?) 2. Shape. (What shape is it?) 3. Balls. (What size is the toy?) 4. Machine parts. (Name its details.) 5. Outline with a question. (What material is the toy made of?) 6. Hand. (How can you play with this toy?)

Compiling descriptive stories using a graphic diagram “Clothing” “Dress” I have a favorite dress. It is blue in color with small white flowers. The dress has a yoke, skirt, sleeves, cuffs, collar, zipper, pockets and a belt with a buckle. The dress is made of thin silk, it is silk. This is an elegant summer children's dress. The dress can be washed, ironed, worn, and if it is torn, I will sew it up. “A shirt is men’s clothing. It is made of fabric. The shirt has a collar, sleeves, cuffs, pocket, buttons and eyelets. She's striped." Color. (What color are the clothes?) 2. Details. (What parts are the clothes made of?) 3. Outline, question mark. (What material is it made of?) 4. Weather. (What time of year are these clothes for?) 5. Man, woman, child. (Is this clothing for men, women or children?) 6. Hand. (What can you do with clothes?)

Compiling the story “Autumn” according to the graphic plan AUTUMN Autumn has come. The sun shines brightly, but weakly warms the earth. Getting cold. It rains often. The leaves on the trees change their color to yellow, red, orange and crimson, which is why autumn is called “golden”. Animals are preparing for winter: some, like hedgehogs and bears, hibernate. And others, like squirrels and mice, store food for the winter. All animals shed in the fall and exchange their summer fur for warm winter fur. Birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer regions. People in the fields and gardens harvest vegetables and fruits. Sun. (The sun is shining.) Rain. (It rains often.) Leaves. (The leaves on the trees change color.) Hedgehog. (Animals are preparing for winter.) "Birds. (Birds fly away to warmer regions.) Carrots, apples. (People harvest vegetables and fruits.)

Compiling a descriptive story on the topic “My favorite vegetable” followed by drawing a graph “A tomato is a vegetable. It grows in a vegetable garden. It is sweet and sour, round, red, soft. You can make salad, soup, juice, ketchup from it. Tomatoes can be preserved for the winter in their own juice. The tomato is healthy because it contains a lot of vitamins and cleanses the body.” Name of the vegetable. What is this? Where does this vegetable grow? What shape is the vegetable? What colour? What does it taste like? What does it feel like? What can be prepared from this vegetable? (bed, mouth or face, circle, flower, cotton wool and cube, pan, bottle):

Drawing up a graphic plan for a descriptive story on the topic “My favorite fruit” Apples are fruits. They grow on apple trees. Apples are red, ruddy, burgundy, yellow, and green. Fruit trees grow in the garden. My apple is red, round, sweet, juicy. It is smooth and hard. It is eaten raw, jam is made from it, jam is made, and delicious juice is prepared. Apples contain a lot of vitamins. All fruits are beneficial to humans. Story plan: 1. Name of the fruit. 2. Where does this fruit grow? 3. What shape is the fruit? 4. What color? 5. What does it taste like? 6. What does it feel like? 7. What can be prepared from this fruit? 8. What benefits does it bring to a person? tree with fruits (garden), mouth or face, circle, flower or nose (smell), cotton wool and cube (soft, hard, smooth), pan, jar, bag) - what is being cooked

Write a story about your family. My name is Lilia. My mother is Nafisa Mansurovna, and my father is Marat Anvarovich. I have an older brother Ilyas. My mom and dad are engineers, they work at a factory making cars. My grandmother Minnisa Lotfullovna knows how to bake delicious pies and weave openwork napkins. Grandfather Akhat Sabirovich trims the trees and mows the grass in the garden. Grandfather and grandmother spend a lot of time with me - we play ball, ride bicycles, go to the park and forest. They help me do my homework. I love my family very much. Child. (Your name.) Three little men. (Names of parents and family members.) 3. Hammer. (Dad's profession) 4. Apron. (Mom’s profession.) 5. A ball of thread. (Grandparents.) 6. Hand. (Who helps you?)

Textbooks on the Russian language from the Shmelev UMK line take into account the modern needs of society - educational standards. Schoolchildren develop universal learning skills.

Shakesova Sh.L., teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Nizhnebaskunchak secondary school" MO "Akhtubinsky district" named after K.K. Iskaliev, Astrakhan region

I have been working according to M.M. Razumovskaya’s teaching and learning methods for more than 10 years, and I have never regretted it. The textbook, of course, has changed during this time. But the desire of the authors of the textbook to form and improve linguistic literacy, to instill in children a love and attentive attitude to the Russian language, and to keep up with the times has remained unchanged. Thank you!

The textbook from this line is easy to use for both the student and the teacher. Variety of practical tasks. Much attention is paid to working with text in the scientific style of speech. Really like!

Pismennaya N.A., teacher, MAOU secondary school No. 15, Sverdlovsk region

In the textbooks of the author Babaytsev V.V. I like the organic combination of tradition and innovation, the rich and varied didactic material, and the activity-based approach. Wonderful exercises for speech development. What you need now! To be honest, I don’t know what else could be added or changed - so much has been thought out and provided for.

I prefer to work with textbooks from the publishing house "Drofa" and "Ventana-Graf" and on other subjects, thank you!

Belozerova E.A., teacher of Russian language, literature, defense industry, MKOU "Kremenskaya Secondary School", Volgograd region

The advantages of M. M. Razumovskaya’s textbooks on the Russian language: linguistic bias, speech science component, there is an electronic application. I've been working on the textbook for 4 years, and overall I like it. There are enough methodological recommendations for teaching materials.

I would like for grades 5-6 to have clear rules and several exercises to reinforce the skill. The textbook must be decorated with color illustrations.

Okhotnikova Sofia, teacher, St. Petersburg

I really like watching webinars on the Russian language, I especially like webinars by M. G. Nizenkova. and Boytsova O.N. The speakers present the information so clearly and concisely that I often even include webinars for my students in extracurricular classes.

Petelina Z.P., teacher of Russian language and literature, Yakutsk

At first I treated the webinar format with a slight note of distrust, but my colleagues advised me to watch several broadcasts from your publishing house, and I really liked this format! Particularly attractive is the opportunity to ask questions to methodologists. I hope that new webinars on the Russian language will be released soon, which will be devoted to complex topics of the Russian language school course, as well as preparation for the Olympiads.

Erokhina I.T., Russian language teacher, Omsk

The “Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge” is designed conveniently for students to work with the material. An appendix with instructions on how to work with different types of tasks in order to complete the work quickly and efficiently is provided for the main test work. A very interesting and useful sheet with a “Graph of the dynamics of quality and skills.” I believe that the teacher and the students themselves can work with him. Self-analysis helps children increase interest in their level of knowledge in the subject and confidence that their work has been adequately assessed.

G. G. Ikramova , teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 17, Kurgan

The textbook includes tasks of various levels, which allows students both in class and at home to choose tasks in accordance with their desires and capabilities and helps create a situation of success for each student. There are also assignments aimed at students doing independent work.

The advantage of the textbook is the richness of information, the scientific nature and accessibility of the presentation of linguistic concepts, and the abundance of practical tasks.

G. S. Medvedeva , teacher of Russian language and literature, MAOU “Gymnasium No. 1”, Bryansk

The Russian language textbook, edited by M. M. Razumovskaya, is based on an activity-based approach and allows the use of activity-based learning technologies. The activity aspect is presented in the presentation of theoretical material. The authors move away from directive presentation of material, replacing traditional rules with linguistic texts. The headings “Observe”, “Compare”, “Take note” allow the child to draw their own conclusions and approach the educational material meaningfully.

L. V. Kosheleva , MBOU "Lyceum No. 8 of the city of Novoaltaisk, Altai Territory"

I like the textbook because it is aimed at the speech development of students. It contains a lot of creative exercises, which contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual. The advantage of the textbook is that the theory is included in a separate book

I believe that the V.V. complex Babaytseva is worthy of high praise and is able to prepare students well for passing exams.

O. N. Chekalina , teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution “Inzhavinskaya Secondary School”, Tambov Region

Garipova G.R.,

Russian language teacher for children

I qualification category (MBDOU "Bolsheatninsky kindergarten" of the Atninsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan)

Introduction and use of teaching materials “Learning the Russian language” in a bilingual educational environment.

In recent years, there has been a dynamic shift in the implementation of language and educational policies aimed at creating equal bilingualism. There is an intensive process of modernization of education on the basis of new legislative acts: namely, the development of a new federal state standard.

One of the points of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions focuses on the structure and goals of the educational program of preschool education. “The basic educational program is designed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of the development of preschool children and determines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education.”

The program is aimed at creating conditions for a social situation for the development of preschool children, which opens up opportunities for the positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal moral and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities based on types of activities appropriate for preschool age (games, visual arts, design, perception of fairy tales, etc. .), cooperation with adults and peers in the zone of proximal development.

Most people on Earth live in multilingual conditions. Our Republic of Tatarstan was one of the first to adopt the law “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan,” which defined Tatar and Russian languages ​​as state languages. Bilingualism and multilingualism are important factors in human communication. The most important trends in the development of modern linguistic culture of the Republic of Tatarstan are the widespread use of the Tatar and Russian languages ​​in a wide variety of fields of activity.

A key role in solving problems associated with the development of bilingualism in the Republic of Tatarstan belongs to preschool educational institutions, which bear the main burden of developing national bilingualism in preschoolers, promoting the harmonization of interethnic relations, since knowledge of two or more languages ​​contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual.

Implementing the law “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan”, in 2011, a program was developed under the editorship of Sabili Mullanurovna Gaffarova, head of the preschool department of the Kazan Pedagogical College, teacher of the highest category, honorary worker of the secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, etc. for teaching Russian as a second language for preschool children age, born in families where the main language is not Russian, but some other language, for example, Tatar.

The main objective of this program is the formation of initial skills and practical knowledge of the Russian language in oral form, which contributes to solving the problems of moral, physical, labor and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Before settling on this program, I reviewed many different other programs, but I was most interested in this program.

I have been working under this program at the Bolsheatninsky kindergarten for three years. The Bolsheatninsky kindergarten has the status of a national kindergarten, which was built under the Belekach program. According to the results of the 2010 All-Russian population census, 99.8% of Tatars live in the village of Bolshaya Atnya. Whereas in 2002 this figure was 98.7% Tatars, and the rest were peoples of other nations. Accordingly, the communication environment is only in their native language, so the task of teaching Tatar children the Russian language plays a key role in solving problems associated with the development of bilingualism.

To solve the problems of teaching the Russian language, our preschool educational institution has created all the conditions for the implementation of this program, namely: a rich subject-development environment, material and technical base, and the availability of ICT.

The effectiveness of the process of teaching the Russian language is determined by how consistently its basic principles are implemented, therefore in my work I focus not only on the formation of practical skills and abilities, but also on a more complete realization of the educational development potential of the Russian language. Therefore, already in the 1st year of schooling, I offer children materials and tasks that promote the development of imagination. Namely: an obligatory part of my classes is a variety of finger games, active games, didactic games, interesting physical education lessons, music, working with drawings, watching cartoons.

In the process of teaching the Russian language, I try to teach a child to empathize, feel sorry, sympathize, understand, help through various forms and methods that contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual. Therefore, in many situations, in my classes, children must, for example, help fairy-tale characters, each other, i.e. I put them in the condition of choosing a positive moral action.

In my practice, I came to the conclusion that the use of dramatization games based on the plots of poems, Russian folk tales (“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Three Bears”), works of Russian writers (K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, etc.), contribute to the consolidation of new vocabulary, the formation of the ability to build dialogue and coherent texts.

The entire process of teaching the Russian language in kindergarten is characterized by a communicative orientation. Strengthening the communicative focus of learning is carried out through the introduction of fairy-tale characters, the use of role-playing games (Pinocchio, Dunno, games “Shop”, “Travel”).

Parents play a role in the formation of sustainable knowledge and skills in mastering the Russian language. Parents regularly attend my classes and are interested in their children’s success, as they understand the importance of language learning. In the groups, I have created parent corners, where there is information on those interested in teaching the Russian language, the topic, the goals of the lesson, and what they should learn in this lesson are indicated. I also include poems, physical education lessons, and songs that parents and their children can learn at home.

A lot of work is also being done with kindergarten teachers, music directors, and physical education instructors. These are joint holidays and theatrical performances. I try to share my work experience with teachers of other kindergartens, both in our and other districts. To do this, we often hold seminars at our kindergarten where the problems of bilingualism are addressed. So, on March 24, 2015, in our kindergarten, together with the Institute of Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is planned to hold a republican seminar on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions, where, among other things, the problems of bilingualism will be addressed.

To identify the receipt of operational information about the real state of the pedagogical process, in kindergarten I systematically monitor the results of language acquisition.

Diagnostics gives me the opportunity to monitor children’s assimilation of program material and, based on the data obtained, to draw up individual programs of organized educational activities with different categories of children, clarify the effectiveness of the methods and techniques used, select new forms of organizing educational activities, purposefully include didactic games and exercises in those sections. diagnostics that cause difficulties for children.The analysis is carried out through direct educational activities, studying the productive activities of children, through games, conversations, and by observing children.I carry out diagnostics twice a year: for the first half of the year in January, for the second half of the year in May.

The results of diagnosing children confirm the effectiveness of the work done. As a result of the diagnostics, it is noted that this program contributes to the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. But at the same time, problems are identified that need to be solved for the successful acquisition of Russian as a second language.

In recent years, there has been a trend of families from near and far abroad moving to our area. Naturally, mostly children from such families do not speak either Tatar or Russian. For them, I try to create conditions under which these children would be motivated to learn the Russian language. Namely: individual work with parents, an individual approach to these children during classes.

Implementing a program for teaching Russian to preschool children, I have achieved certain successes in my work - these are publications from work experience at the republican and Russian levels; presentations at various seminars and conferences, competitions. But I consider the victory in the republican competition “Bilingual Kindergarten” to be a great success in my work, in which our kindergarten received a grand prize of 1,000,000 rubles.

I would like to conclude my speech with the lines of a poem by the Tatar writer Shaikhi Mannur:

“Tatarcha and Yakhshy Bel,

Ruscha da Yakhshy Bel.

Ikese de beznen very

In kirakle yakhshy tel.

What does “Know the Tatar language” mean?

Know the Russian language too..."


1.S.M. Gaffarova, G, Z. Garafieva, D.S. Garipova, G.M. Bilalova, R.F. Nigmatullina, Z.F. Badrutdinova. We are learning Russian. Kazan: Tatar Republican Publishing House “HETER”, 2011.-300 p.

2. Bogush A.M. Teaching correct speech in kindergarten.-Kyiv: Radyanskaya School, 1990

3. Bilingual kindergarten. The program and the main conditions for its implementation/responsible editor L.E. Kurneshova.-M., 1996.

4. Negnevitskaya E.I., Ivanova E.A., Protasova E.Yu. Methods of teaching the Russian language in the national kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1985

5. Sergeeva O.E. Fun steps: teaching a preschooler Russian as a foreign language. - M.: Vlados, 2009

6. Education and training in kindergarten (National-regional component of the Program). - Kazan: Magarif, 2009

Natalia Glazkova

Target: Arouse interest in lexical topic being studied, increase curiosity. Strengthen and expand children's vocabulary on the topic "Cloth", "Family".


Introduce new lexical units on the topic.

Learn to form and use in speech the genitive case forms of personal pronouns with the preposition u (at mine, at yours).

Strengthen the ability to use grammatical structures in speech “noun + 3rd person verb”(grandfather is sleeping, the boy is playing, "numeral + noun" (two dresses, three shirts, etc.).

Strengthen the ability to conduct mini-dialogues.

Train children in correct pronunciation Russian sounds.

Develop the ability to understand Russian speech, words "family", "cloth".

Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

1. Didactic game "Family album" (riddles about family)

2. Word game "Who's doing what"

3. Poems about family

4. Folding book "Cloth"

5. Didactic game “Who will we give what to?”

6. Didactic game "Cut pictures"

7. Didactic game "Pick up a patch"

8. Didactic game "Choose by color"

9. Didactic game "Count"

10. Coloring pages (cloth)

11. Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"

12. Didactic game "Dress the doll"

13. Poems about clothes

14. Riddles (cloth)

15. Pure sayings

Publications on the topic:

Lesson notes "Grandma's chest." Reading V. Dahl’s fairy tale “The Old Man of the Year” Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, physical development. Goal: to develop in children.

Scenario of the holiday for March 8th in the middle group “Grandma’s Chest” Children enter the hall. Stand freely near the central wall facing the guests. Children have flowers in their hands. Ved: Today is a big holiday in the whole world.

To interest third-graders in the Russian language lesson, I came up with a didactic game “Snow decoration for the Christmas tree.” This game is based on.

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development and manual labor in the middle group “Grandma’s Chest” P/N: Teach children to resolve contradictions, find a way out of a problematic situation, using their own experience. Improve grammar.

Type of direct educational activity: Club activity. Integrated activities Integrated educational areas “Artistically.

Long-term plan for a circle for the second junior group “Grandma’s Chest” What do we call Motherland? The house where we grow up, And the birch trees along the road along which we walk What do we call Motherland? Suns in the blue sky. And fragrant.

Work plan of the KMO “Russian language in preschool educational institutions” for the 2015–2016 academic year. year-Head of KMR-Ondar Ayana Alekseevna, MBDOU d/s "Solnyshko" 1. Organizational issues: 1. Summing up the results of KMR for the 2014-2015 academic year. year. Rewarding.


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