Unified form of employment order. Features of the employment order: adult and minor workers

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As soon as new employee passed all kinds of professional aptitude tests at the enterprise and that’s it job responsibilities agreed with the employer, it is the turn of official employment. One of the documents used to register an employee for a vacant position is the Order for Employment in Form T-1. If a group of people is hired at once, the order is drawn up in form T-1a.

Sample and form of an order for employment in the T-1 form


The employment order can be drawn up by an employee of the personnel service, or by the employer himself, if the enterprise is small. The document is signed by the relevant official (or manager), and only after that is presented to the new employee for signature.

An entry in the work book (or registration, if the employee receives it for the first time) is made after drawing up and signing the T-1 form.

The employment order signed by both parties goes into the archives of the enterprise and is stored there for the entire duration of the employee’s presence in a particular position. Sometimes a situation arises when an employee may need this order; in this case, he makes a request to the accounting department, and it issues him a certified copy of the document. The copy must bear the company's seal.

Stages of filling out an employment order according to form T-1

When starting to fill out, remember: there should be no errors, clerical errors or corrections in the document. You can correct what you have written, but you must put the seal of the company and write “believe the correction”, and also sign for the official responsible for personnel or the manager. But it’s easier, if a mistake is made, to order to destroy and create a new one.

What you need to fill out in the employee’s hiring order is highlighted in the images below with a yellow marker. The remaining fields are present in the sample order by default and do not need to be adjusted.

So, the first thing to do is enter the name of the organization, in our case - Great Forest LLC.
Further - Document Number and him date.

These documents can be numbered in any way, but, of course, any personnel service does this in order.
In our case, the order was drawn up on February 14, 2017, document number 24.

Count "recruit" contains two input fields. Moreover, the first field must be filled in in any case. This is the date from which the employee will begin his job duties.
The second field most often turns out to be empty, since the company, by default, accepts workers for an indefinite period. However, if the final period of the employee’s presence at the position is established by the employment contract, it must be reflected in this column.

Attention! Filling out all fields of the order for hiring an employee must comply with the previously concluded employment contract between the employee and the employer.

Fill in the field “ salary" And " bonus" If there is no bonus (as in our example), last field leave it blank.

Also, if the employment contract contains a condition probationary period, then this should be reflected in the order. The default form says “month(s)”, but you can change it to “weeks” if you need a shorter period. In the example, we did just that.

Field " base" - This component order, which should contain the date and number of the document on the basis of which this order was drawn up. In our case - employment contract.

After drawing up the order, the official or manager puts his signature, its transcript, and enters his position. Then he gives an order for review by the employee, who must make sure that all the information in the order corresponds to the previously concluded employment contract. If no discrepancies are noticed, the employee boldly puts his signature and can begin his duties on the appointed date.

Detailed explanations and a ready-made sample, which you will find in the material on the site, will help you accurately fill out an order for hiring a new employee in an organization of any form of ownership.

Entrepreneurs and organizations are required to formalize the decision to hire new employees in the form of an appropriate order. This requirement is established by the Labor Code Russian Federation. In 2019, the employer has the right to independently develop and approve samples personnel documents at the enterprise, including the employment order form. Exists necessary condition: the document must contain mandatory details, such as the name of the document, the date of its preparation, the name of the organization, the full names of the persons to whom this order applies and the information of the manager who signed it.

Also, when registering the employment of employees, you can use a unified sample from Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/2004: form T-1 or T-1a. Form T-1 is filled out when hiring one employee, and form T-1a is filled out when hiring two or more persons. As a rule, enterprises most often use unified forms in personnel document flow, since they contain all the necessary details and are very easy to compose. You can download samples of employment orders in 2019 using forms T-1 and T-1a at the end of this article.

How to correctly fill out a unified order T-1

The order to hire an employee must exactly correspond to the content of the employment contract concluded between the citizen and the employing organization. Let's fill in the main fields of the T-1 form:

  1. the name of the employer is indicated in accordance with the title documents;
  2. the OKPO code (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations) is filled out according to the Rosstat letter received during registration, or an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP). You can get the code online by making a request on the website kodyrosstat.rf;
  3. serial number assigned to the order upon its registration;
  4. the date of preparation is the day the order is issued. The document cannot be dated earlier than the contract;
  5. hiring date - the day on which the employee actually begins to perform duties;
  6. the end date of the employment period is filled in if the employment contract is fixed-term, indicating either a specific date (if known) or an event upon the occurrence of which it will terminate work activity employee;
  7. a personnel number is assigned to an employee upon registration as a member of the enterprise;
  8. the surname, name and patronymic of the employee are filled in according to the model from the entries in the document proving his identity;
  9. the structural unit of the employing company is indicated only when it is specified in the contract;
  10. position (specialty or profession) must be present in staffing table employer;
  11. character information work activity(traveling, on the road, etc.) and conditions of employment (part-time, during the absence of a permanent employee, etc.) are filled out as in the employment contract;
  12. the salary or tariff rate is indicated in a fixed amount;
  13. availability of probationary conditions upon hiring.

A correctly completed T-1 form will look something like this:

The completed employment order form, Form T-1a, looks similar, only instead of one employee, it will contain data on several individuals at once. Nikikih special instructions This form is not required to be filled out. However, it is better to refuse to fill it out and fill out T-1 forms for each employee individually. This is due to the protection of personal data, which also includes information about wages, the indication of which is provided in this form for each employee. Once the order is issued, new employees should be familiar with it, so they will see information about other individuals listed in the group document.

Who signs the employment order?

The document is signed by the head of the enterprise or an authorized person who temporarily replaces him or acts by proxy. The employer must familiarize the employee with it no later than three days from the day on which he actually began his duties. When reading the order, the employee puts his personal signature and indicates the date. For this purpose, a corresponding column is provided in the document form. A certified copy of the document is provided to the employee upon his request. You can download the employment order (completed sample 2019) below.

Common mistakes and difficulties when drawing up employment orders

A correctly drawn up order when registering an employee will allow you to avoid claims from regulatory authorities, and will also help the company defend its point of view in the event of labor disputes. The greatest difficulties arise when specifying the amount of remuneration. To fill out this line, you must set a fixed salary and bonus (if any). It is prohibited to indicate a range of values ​​(the so-called “salary range”) or possible bonuses upon achievement of indicators. This follows from Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To set bonuses and incentive payments, the employer must use separate internal regulations.

Occupation or job titles are also often filled in incorrectly and are the subject of controversy. When filling out in the hiring order the names of professions or positions that involve the provision of benefits and compensation for employees or are associated with restrictions, it is necessary to use the names of such professions and positions from qualification reference books and professional standards.

Unified forms of primary accounting in the field of accounting and remuneration were developed in connection with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry economic development and trade of the Russian Federation and approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment” dated January 5, 2004). Since January 1, 2013, the unified T-1 form for personnel records is not mandatory, but its use significantly standardizes and streamlines work in this area.

Application area

The unified form T-1 “Order (instruction) on hiring an employee” is used for hiring and registering new employees. The order is issued after signing an employment contract with the employee and is signed by the head of the organization. Drawing up the order is the responsibility of the HR department employee, the list includes official duties which includes registration of new employees.

Form of the unified form T-1

Sample filling

In the upper right corner of the form contains two codes - the OKUD code, which is always filled with the value “0301001”, and the OKPO code (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations), which must be indicated along with the full official name of the organization.

The text of the order specifies the period for which the employee is hired, in the format “from... to...”, while if the employment contract is open-ended, then the date is not indicated in the “to” column. Next, the full last name, first name and patronymic of the hired employee, as well as the personnel number assigned to him, are indicated. The personnel number must contain no more than six digits.

The text states:

  • name of the structural unit to which the employee is hired,
  • his position,
  • class, category or rank and qualifications for those professions where these classifications are applicable.

It is also necessary to indicate the conditions for employment, for example, in connection with a transfer from another department, as a result of reorganization, part-time work, for project work, to replace an employee on maternity leave, etc.

The order must also contain information about tariff rates in the case of piecework wages or the amount of salary, existing allowances.

Next, the basis for hiring an employee is indicated, which is an employment contract. It is necessary to indicate the date of its signing and the contract number. If the main contract was signed for a certain period with the possibility of automatic extension, for example for a year, and in subsequent periods an additional agreement is signed with the employee, then an order on this form is issued only once upon the initial hiring of the employee and is not duplicated with additional agreement.

The order must be signed by the head of the organization, after which the employee being hired puts his signature, a transcript of the signature and the date in the column “The employee is familiar with the order (instruction).”

After signing the unified T-1 form by the manager and the new employee, the HR department employee responsible for this area makes a corresponding entry in work book employee and issues a personal employee card (

Registration of employee employment is strictly regulated by labor legislation. The issuance of an employment order occupies one of the central places in this procedure, along with the conclusion of an employment contract.

Let's figure out what rules the creation of this document must comply with.

What labor legislation says about the order and its form

The formalization of the relationship begins with the signing by the employee and the employer of the main document for them - the employment contract.

The next mandatory stage is the issuance of an order (instruction) on hiring the employee.

Now, due to changes in accounting legislation, employers have the right to use independently developed and approved forms of accounting documentation, including employment order forms. It is also possible for the organization to make changes and additions to the unified form with their approval as part of the organization’s accounting policies.

In practice, most organizations, when issuing an employment order, continue to use the unified T-1 and T-1a forms unchanged, since they are convenient and universal.

Basis in the employment order

The order on the unified form T-1 indicates the employment contract concluded between the employee and the employer as the basis.

An application for employment is not a basis for issuing an order, just like a memo official authorized to carry out actual admission to work, and other internal documents.

If the employer considers it necessary to also refer to these documents in the order, he should enter the corresponding column in the approved order form.

Deadlines for issuing an employment order

Regarding the timing of drawing up and issuing an order, the law only says that it must be presented to the employee against signature within three days after the actual start of work.

This means that the employer must issue an order no earlier than the employment contract comes into effect, and no later than three days after the actual start of work.

In any case, the period for issuing an order for employment should not precede the start of work, so that in the event of cancellation of the employment contract (according to Article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the employee has not started work, the employer has such a right) to draw up a smaller number of documents.

The procedure for familiarizing an employee with an issued order against signature within three days is simple: in the text of the order itself (in the unified form No. T-1) there is a place for this and the date of its execution.

The design and issuance of an order to hire an employee do not differ in any other features.

The fact that an employee is hired is recorded using an appropriate order, which is issued on the basis of a document signed between the employee and the employer.

The employment order is prepared and executed by an employee of the personnel or legal service, signed by the head of the organization and brought to the attention of the hired employee against signature. In the future, this order is already the basis for making appropriate entries in his work book, as well as for the accounting department to open a personal account for the employee.

To register and record persons hired, an organization can develop and use its own text form of an employment order. In this case, the content of the order must reflect the following data:

  • indication of administrative action,
  • surname, first name, patronymic of the hired employee,
  • the position (profession) for which the employee is hired,
  • name of the division or department,
  • wage level,
  • conditions of the probationary period (if necessary),
  • date of conclusion and number of the employment contract on the basis of which the employee is hired.
A hiring order can be issued to a group of employees. Then all of the above points must be indicated in the order for each employee separately.

Also, to register persons hired under an employment contract, you can use a special unified form of an order (instruction) on the admission of an employee(s): form No. T-1 - used for the admission of one employee, form No. T-1a - for a group of workers.

Filling out the unified form No. T-1 and T-1a should not cause any difficulties, but there are still some features of their design that require explanation:

  1. If an employment contract is concluded with an employee (employees) for an indefinite period, then in the “Date” line of form No. T-1 (in the “Work period” column of form No. T-1a), the “to” column is not filled in.
  1. In form No. T-1, one of the forms of labor organization must be indicated as the conditions of employment and the nature of the work to be performed. For example, “part-time”, “permanently”, “as a transfer from another organization”, “to perform certain work", "to replace a temporarily absent employee" and so on.
  2. The tariff rate, salary and allowances in the employment order are indicated in accordance with and must correspond (coincide) with the terms of remuneration specified in the employment contract.
The main advantage of unified employment order forms is their comparative simplicity, much less formalization compared to the text version, which is largely arbitrary. IN unified forms there is no need to make notes about the employee’s agreement with the working conditions, about his completion of the necessary instructions, medical examination, and so on. However, this entails the need to draw up approval sheets, a medical examination, a briefing sheet, etc.

According to the issued order, the employee must a certain day begin your professional duties. If the employee does not go to work on the specified day without good reason, the order may be cancelled.


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