Ruler of the natal chart.

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(Other astroschools may have different rulers.)

The rulers (Almutens) of the houses give information about the interaction of the houses of the horoscope. House Rulers divided into day and night. Birth is considered daytime if the Sun was above the horizon (7th - 12th house), nighttime if it was below the horizon (1st - 6th house).

This management system is used:

Sergei Shestopalov

and other astrologers. In Western astrology, rulers may differ.




For those who have not yet memorized all the symbols:

Ruler of Aries - daytime Pluto, nighttime Mars

Ruler of Taurus - daytime Chiron, nighttime Venus

Ruler of Gemini - daytime Proserpina, nighttime Mercury

Ruler of Cancer - Moon

Leo's ruler is the Sun

Ruler of Virgo - daytime Mercury, nighttime Proserpina

Ruler of Libra - daytime Venus, nighttime Chiron

Ruler of Scorpio - daytime Mars, nighttime Pluto

Ruler of Sagittarius - diurnal Neptune, nocturnal Jupiter

Ruler of Capricorn - diurnal Uranus, nocturnal Saturn

Ruler of Aquarius - daytime Saturn, nighttime Uranus

Ruler of Pisces - daytime Jupiter, nighttime Neptune

We write down the signs of the Zodiac in order, dividing them into zones.

Cancer and Leo each have one ruler, they are the easiest to remember, this will be the beginning of the countdown. (we write daytime on top, nighttime below.)

Now let's remember the order of the planets.

We superimpose the list of planets onto the list of the Zodiac, starting from the sun, for the day rulers. And for the third zone, day/night are reversed.

The night rulers go in reverse order, starting with the Moon.

How to determine the ruler of the house?

IN different systems The ruler of houses is determined differently.


  1. Please note that the definition of a manager is on corner houses different from other houses!
  2. You also need to remember that there are major and minor rulers.

The rulers of the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) are determined by their position in the sign, regardless of the position of the cusp. For example, if the cusp of the tenth house is at 28 degrees of Capricorn, then look at the almutens of Capricorn.

Let's look at the example in the picture below. The sun is above the horizon, which means we will take birthday almutens. The cusp of the tenth house is in Capricorn, which means the ruler (almuten) of the tenth house will be Uranus.

All other houses may have a co-ruler (secondary), this must also be taken into account.

Globa’s book “Rulers of Horoscope Houses” says that the ruler is determined by the middle part of the house, and the co-ruler by the cusp. In the example below (daytime), the eleventh house has the ruler Saturn and co-ruler Uranus.

According to my observations, I can say that the ruler identified by the cusp (in any house) has greater or equal influence than the ruler identified by the middle part of the house. Using the middle part of the house it is good to determine the ruler when the time of birth is not entirely accurate and we cannot be sure where it will fall. You can also determine the approximate boundaries of houses by including another system of houses, for example, Koch.

Determination of the ruler in the Koch house system.

This house system is used by many astrologers, followers of Vronsky and Shestopalov.

In this house system, the almuten of the house is determined by the cusp of the house. No co-managers. (See the first example for how to determine the ruler by cupside.)

On the one hand, everyone knows which planet rules which zodiac sign. On the other hand, each astrological school considers this issue in its own way. Naturally, I have my own opinion on this matter.

But first, let’s consider the question of where the Russian land came from in the first place and where the idea of ​​which planet rules and which sign came from.

Before the opening of the so-called The “telescopic” or higher planets had one ruler for each sign of the Zodiac.

First, we determined which signs govern the Luminaries - the Moon and the Sun. The Moon rules Cancer, and the Sun rules Leo. These signs were placed in the center. Then it turned out that there were 10 signs of the Zodiac, and 5 planets. This determined how control was distributed between them.

The Moon is the fastest planet, and it and the Sun are in the center. Next we divide the remaining planets according to average speed their movement per day. We get the following series: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

Following the central signs of the Moon and Sun are Virgo and Gemini. They are ruled by Mercury, because... it is the fastest remaining planet. Additionally, Mercury moves fastest in these two signs.

Next come Libra and Taurus, and in terms of speed of movement - Venus. Accordingly, she is the ruler of these two signs. Well, it moves faster in them.

The next signs are Sagittarius and Pisces, and the planet is Jupiter.

The list is completed by Capricorn and Aquarius, the planet is Saturn.

For many centuries, astrologers used this system, and it suited them. But then the telescope was invented and Uranus was discovered. Uranus is a planet, which means it must rule some sign of the Zodiac. He was made co-ruler of Saturn in the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn.

The same thing happened when Neptune was discovered. He was made co-ruler of Jupiter in the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius.

Then Pluto was discovered and made co-ruler of Mars in the signs of Aries and Scorpio.

Then Chiron was discovered, and they decided to make him co-ruler of Venus in the signs of Taurus and Libra. But nothing came of it, because... Chiron is not a planet, but a planetoid, i.e. it's an asteroid, just a very large one. It is believed that this is an asteroid that has “lagged behind” some comet, which is why it has an elongated orbit. In my opinion, Chiron has much more properties as an asteroid than as a planet. Thus, Chiron has exaltation (Sagittarius), but no signs of control. Its place is between planets and asteroids, because It is still not an asteroid, but also not a planet, but a planetoid.

Then Proserpine was discovered. Those astrologers who classify Chiron as a planet gave her control over Virgo and Gemini. But, if Chiron is not a planet and does not control signs, then Proserpina becomes the co-ruler of Venus in the signs of Taurus and Libra. And then it turns out that there must be another planet, the “higher octave” of Mercury, which together with it will take control of Gemini and Virgo. In fact, even Proserpina has not yet been discovered as a celestial body. Honestly, I don't know where her ephemeris came from, but it works. Proserpina is responsible for genetic engineering and genetic modeling. I think that Proserpina is a favorable planet, because... Thanks to IVF, many childless couples were able to have children. It is believed that Proserpina is a transpluto, i.e. a planet whose orbit lies beyond the orbit of Pluto. There, beyond the orbit of Pluto, there are a lot of different celestial bodies that are not related to Solar System. Among them may be Proserpina, the mythical Isis, and many other transplutons. Surely there is a place there for the last planet, which they are in no hurry to “discover” because Chiron was successfully introduced in its place... or Proserpina, changing places with Chiron.

Then different astrological schools appeared, and they decided to systematize the issue of the rulers of the Zodiac signs in their own way. Because, from their point of view, it is not an order when two planets rule one sign at once. There are 12 signs, there are also 12 planets, for a total of one planet per sign. The standard for them in this regard is Leo and Cancer, which actually have one ruler each.

In some astrological schools, only one planet was considered the ruler of each sign. In others there are two, but with the difference of night or day birth, and retrograde. True, the following question arises: what if the planet is stationary? This happens rarely, only a few days a year, but it happens. In general, there are as many opinions as there are schools. But I do not belong to any school because I have my own opinion on this matter, different from them, and do not want to accept the opinion of any of the schools.

I came to the conclusion that each zodiac sign (except Cancer and Leo) has a ruler and co-ruler. The ruler is the household planet, and the co-ruler is superior planet. They are distributed accordingly as follows:

Cancer is the ruler of the Moon, there is no co-ruler.
Leo is the ruler of the Sun, there is no co-ruler.
Gemini and Virgo - ruler Mercury, co-ruler not yet revealed.
Taurus and Libra - ruler Venus, co-ruler Proserpine (but she is still weakly active, so she can not be taken into account).
Aries and Scorpio - ruler Mars, co-ruler Pluto.
Pisces and Sagittarius - ruler Jupiter, co-ruler Neptune.
Aquarius and Capricorn - ruler Saturn, co-ruler Uranus.

How do these planets work? In my opinion, the influence of the ruler and co-manager is distributed in the same way as the load on the right and left hand right-handed. The right hand is the ruler, the left is the co-ruler. Most of the actions a person performs right hand, but if for some reason she suddenly refuses, then he will begin to perform the same actions with his left hand. You can change the load by learning to use your left hand in the same way as your right. In the same way, the life of the native is influenced by the lord and co-ruler in the sphere of the house they rule.

The manager acts stronger and more often, but if suddenly for some reason he is inactive, the action of the co-manager is activated instead. Moreover, if in the natal the ruler is damaged, and the native has various problems in his life, then with appropriate training the qualities of a co-ruler can be developed. This can be compared to when a left-hander is taught to write with his right hand, because everyone writes that way, or when a right-hander, wanting to develop his Creative skills, learning to write with his left hand.

Of course, the manager acts more powerfully. But this does not diminish the importance of the co-manager. There are cases in life when it is necessary to act with both hands at once - in the same way, a ruler and a co-ruler can act simultaneously.

The question arises: how to determine which person will have a stronger ruler, whose co-ruler will act stronger, and who will have them together, and in what situations. So: it is impossible to determine this at this stage! Because which of the planets will become leading and when depends on various reasons, upbringing and on how the person himself lives and what qualities of this or that planet he is accustomed to relying on in life. What is more developed in him will act. But at the same time, each person can develop those qualities of the planet that he needs, constantly acting in the appropriate area. This is called working out the planet.

The special beauty is that you can work out those qualities of the planet that are closest and most pleasant to you, and at the same time receive dividends on the properties of the same planet in several areas at once that were not worked out, but were really necessary.

A house is a certain section of the ecliptic, a sector. There are twelve of these sectors in total. Each house is associated with a specific zodiac sign. Each sector is divided into three equal parts. And each part carries its own information. In some Hindu schools of astrology, the number of houses does not correspond to the number of zodiac signs: there may be thirteen or twenty-eight.

1st House - house of Aries (ruler Mars)

It speaks of a person’s desire to fully realize the qualities inherent in him, to become bright, active personality. The needs and demands of a person are also determined by this house. If there are many planets in the first house, then this indicates a person’s egocentrism or a not very strong personal position. The first part of the house characterizes the most striking personality traits. The second indicates physical characteristics and habits, the third speaks about a person’s talents, his innate abilities and the possibility of their implementation.

2nd House - House of Taurus (ruler Venus)

Indicates our connection with the Earth, the material world, including money, ways of earning it, spending and losses, property and accumulation. The second house carries all the information about what hinders the development of personality, and in some cases talks about the earthly plane of human existence. If in a person’s horoscope the second house is occupied by planets, then everything in his life will be stable, or his attention will be focused primarily on material problems. The first third of the house gives information about a person’s material world, about his property and food. A person who eats a lot has Jupiter at the beginning of his house, the one who is not subject to gluttony has Saturn. This part of the house warns a person against the seduction of money. The second third of the house indicates the ways in which a person will earn money. The third determines business partners, contacts, debts.

3rd House - house of Gemini (ruler Mercury)

Contains information about a person’s close contacts, immediate relatives, as well as relationships with friends. The third house is often saturated with a large number of planets for writers and journalists. In addition, this house indicates the person’s upcoming trips. The first third of the house provides information about all human movements, including even short trips. The second talks about education, about what initial training a person must go through (for example, school, college). The third part of the house determines a person’s relationship with relatives, but not with parents. If there are many planets in this third, then all the person’s attention will be given to relatives, but not to friends.

4th House - house of Cancer (ruler Moon)

This house determines the original traditions of a person, everything that is contained in it that is deep, intimate, and genetic. A person whose house is heavily populated by planets may be a clairvoyant, or may have the ability to “look” into the past. The fourth house also indicates a connection with parents, attachment to one’s own home, to relatives, it also gives information about the person’s original environment. The death of a person is often determined by the fourth house. The first third of the house determines the immediate existence of a person, traditions, place of residence, homeland, home. Based on this third, you can immediately predict the loss of your home, homeland, and separation from your roots. The second third of the house gives information about the attitude towards parents and authorities. It also determines the memory of ancestors. The third part points to a person’s retrospectives, that is, to events of the past that remind of oneself.

5th House - Leo's house (ruler Sun)

Heavily filled with planets, this house promises a royal life for the person. This is the home of self-determination, freedom and creativity. In addition, he gives information about the thread that connects him with his offspring, about the memory that he will leave in them. The first third of the house speaks of the gifts of fortune and the creative foundations of a person, as well as all the entertainment and pleasures that he can receive in life. The second part of a person corresponds to love life of a person, it determines the number of amorous connections, the intensity of emotional life. The third part gives information about children, about the memory they have after the person’s departure.

6th House – Virgo (ruler Mercury)

This house is material: it determines everything that we submit to in life, indicates our work, everyday events that will distract and slow down your spiritual development. The sixth house is associated with problems of our health, with our body. He also informs us about our superiors. The first third of the house provides us with information about superiors and relationships with them. The second third indicates health, the physical cycles of the body, and the diet that the person will use. If general nutrition you and I determined by the second house, then those diets and voluntary hunger strikes for which man walking, are determined precisely by the 6th house of the horoscope. By the way, the second third of this house is usually occupied by planets for people whose attention is always focused on the health of others, that is, doctors. But many planets in this part are observed among those people whose subordination to internal discipline is associated with the type of their activity, for example, among monks, as well as among those who consciously discipline themselves, limiting the manifestation of many human weaknesses. The third part of the sixth house informs about colleagues, how relationships develop with them, about a person’s place of work, about various career moves, as well as about those changes that are possible in the psychological climate of the team, about the conflicts that await a person in his place work.

7th House - house of Libra (ruler Venus)

This house determines a person’s relationship with the world, with the environment, with his spouse. With the help of the seventh house, you can determine who exactly a person will choose as his wife. This house gives information about a person's double. You probably know that the Pythogorians considered man to be a bisexual creature. And only then there was a division into individuals: male and female. The seventh house can be used to judge a person’s relationship with the world, the environment, and society. The seventh house is a scale, on one side of which is a person and his opinion, and on the other - people’s opinions about him. And the cups must be balanced. It is extremely important for a person how he is perceived in society. For people in whose horoscopes this house is heavily occupied by planets, the opportunity to express themselves is inextricably linked with society, without which they cannot succeed as individuals. The 1st third of the house gives information about marriage partners, the number of marriages, and family relationships. The 2nd third indicates a person’s social activities, all his business and other contacts. 3rd third - talks about opponents, as well as about lawsuits or public condemnation that threaten him.

8th House - house of Scorpio (ruler Pluto, Mars)

Western astrologers consider this house to be the house of death. But I believe that the sixth house indicates the death of a person. The eighth house informs us about extreme situations in life. If many planets are concentrated in a house, then this immediately puts a person in extreme conditions, which give rise to pessimism in him. The eighth house of the horoscope indicates that a person’s life will take place in difficult conditions, that his work will be associated with a risk to life. For example, pilots, firefighters, and police officers usually have many planets in the eighth house. Some astrologers tend to consider the eighth house as the house of inheritance. They believe that this house indicates the inheritance that a person will receive after the death of other people. I do not fully share this point of view, believing that the eighth house indicates not so much a material inheritance as a spiritual one. For example, about a library inherited, or about other things, although materialized, but addressed primarily to the human soul. The 1st part informs about extreme conditions, situations in human life, disasters and fatal accidents. The 2nd part contains information about the problems that arise around a person, about extreme situations around him, about the illness of people close to him. The 3rd part talks about inheritance after someone's death, as well as parting words received from mentors and teachers.

9th House - Sagittarius house (ruler Jupiter)

It determines a person’s religious ideas and the beliefs to which he comes in life. The cluster of planets in this house is most often found among teachers, preachers, and missionaries. This house tells about a person’s travels, a change of place of residence, significant changes in life, and changes in his life plans. The 1st part of the house carries information about teaching and one’s own training, about obtaining in-depth information. The 2nd part of the house indicates travel and movement of a person. The 3rd informs about religion, beliefs, and a person’s life principles.

10th House - house of Capricorn (ruler Saturn)

This house indicates the realization of the goals that we set for ourselves, our professional achievements, and success in our career. The accumulation of planets in this house means that what a person strives for will certainly become a reality. The 1st part of the house directly testifies to the glory of a person, the honor and respect that he has earned, the goal that a person has set for himself and which he has achieved. The 2nd third of the house gives information about a person’s career, his social status, and social achievements. The 3rd third talks about what the person has achieved in his professional field, about the degree of his professional skill.

11th House - house of Aquarius (ruler Uranus, Saturn)

Some astrologers call this house the house of tests, because it can be used to judge what a person gives to people, those good deeds which he commits. The 11th house determines our attitude towards friends, the help we provide them. In addition, he points to plans and projects aimed at improving our existence. And this house also speaks of a person’s ability to adapt to changing conditions. environment. This is the house of Aquarius, and under this sign, as a rule, people with developed creativity. If there are many planets in this house, then this indicates that the person will become a writer, composer, artist. The 1st third of the house indicates a person’s debts, that
and to whom he must give, for all the good deeds that he does. The 2nd part of the house gives information about a person’s friends, about his like-minded people. The 3rd part talks about plans, projects, how a person reacts to changing environmental conditions, how he perceives new things in public life how he adjusts his destiny in accordance with the changes taking place.

12th House - house of Pisces (ruler Neptune, Jupiter)

This house determines everything secret, hidden, mystical that is in a person’s life, all those secrets that he carefully guards. This house talks about everything that fetters a person in his actions, that forces him to forcibly perform some actions that he would not have done voluntarily. In short, the 12th House is the house of mystery. The 1st third indicates the secrets of a person, his hidden life. This third speaks of the illusory nature of existence, characteristic of people of the Pisces sign. Part 2 informs about human isolation, including all its forms: prison, hospital, disruption of contacts with other people. Part 3 talks about inner life a person, about what outcome he will come to at the end of his life.

Sign management is distributed as follows:

Aries – Mars;
Taurus – Venus;
Gemini - Mercury;
Cancer - Moon;
Leo - Sun;
Virgo - Mercury;
Libra - Venus;
Scorpio – Mars, Pluto;
Sagittarius – Jupiter;
Capricorn - Saturn;
Aquarius - Saturn, Uranus;
Pisces - Jupiter, Neptune.

A lot depends on the manager in the development of the storyline of the house. If the Zodiac sign of the cusp shows the quality of the house, its interior, then the ruler will tell about the owner or boss of the house. Where is the owner? How is he feeling? Who is he friends with and who is he in conflict with? In the interpretation of the position of the ruler, life in action is revealed, acquiring dynamics.

For example, a house in, this is a bright and hot house, impulsive and naive, a house filled with heroism and courage, conflicts and passion, if figuratively, then this is our testing ground.

However, the landfill will be empty until characters and until the commander gives the order to act. What orders there will be depends on the ruler of the sign, in in this example from . Is Mars at home or is it far away in a foreign land? Is he able to properly manage his home?

A house under its own control interests the planet most of all. We can say that the planet sees its calling in the implementation of this sphere of life.

Each manager, due to his personal qualities, manages the house in his own way. Mars rules decisively, his goal and desire is to lead the house into leadership. wants to see his home beautiful and harmonious. cozy and caring. – bright, prestigious, creative.

The house ruled by the planet is its calling card, pride, purpose and meaning of life. The planet goes to any lengths to realize its home.

The house where the planet is located is living area(If it is not own house). Imagine a person, preoccupied with some issue, who is at that time in another place. He will think and talk only about what worries him, and he will also try to solve his issues through the environment and people. Planets behave exactly the same way when visiting. Although they use the sphere of the home where they are located, the purpose of this is to realize the potential of their own home.

For example, the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 4th, which means that this planet will try to earn money through family connections or work in real estate, i.e. The topic of the house where the planet is located interests her indirectly.

The 2nd house is ruled by Venus. This means that the Venus boss wants to see her house filled to the brim with beautiful and luxurious things, the design of her wallet and bank card is important to her, she wants material wealth to flow to her like a river, allowing her to behave passively like a woman. If the second house is in , then this Venus probably wants a handsome prince to drive a flock of peacocks in golden caps to her abode. These are all her dreams ideal scheme. But ideals, unfortunately, are rare, so not every Venus meets a peacock prince, and in the end is forced to be content with what is at her disposal. For example, being in the 4th house you can hardly count on luxurious carriages and pearls; this situation is more reminiscent of the role of Cinderella in the damp basement of the evil stepmother. Will our Cinderella be able to realize her dream? Perhaps, but not really in the classic way, she will have to take a risk, use the services of a magical fairy, escape from the ball on time and at the same time leave her mark in the form of a lost shoe.

In life, this situation can be revealed through all sorts of machinations involving family or other topics of the 4th house. For example, a person will spend a lot of effort to receive an inheritance or decide to choose the role of a victim, which will be taken on by a rich relative.

The situation would be completely different if Venus was in Pisces in the 7th house. Here Venus is transformed, she shines and delights, here she can be lazy and capricious, while not forgetting about her main goal - to make her home rich.

Planets show the interaction of rulers. For example, the lord of the second and fifth in the tenth house suggests that the themes of the house of love, children and financial situation are resolved through superiors, profession, career. At the same time, both planets simultaneously “press” the authorities and, depending on their own qualities, can either help or hinder each other.

Aspects with the ruler of the house the planet is in make interactions more “personal.” In the case of a harmonious aspect, the planet receives some kind of “pull” from the owner of the house, but in the opposite case, conflict and refusal of help occurs.

Each house of the horoscope carries information characteristic only of it, providing information about a person’s connection with a certain field of activity and allowing one to judge whether this field of activity will be expressed, as well as to what extent and how it will manifest itself. Each house has its own ruling planet. This ruler is responsible for the manifestation of certain characteristics in a person. Moreover, these characteristics differ depending on which house of the horoscope the planet-ruler of this particular house is in.

It should be noted that each house has two rulers - one is conditional, he is the symbolic ruler of the house (the ruler of the 1st house in any horoscope is Mars, the ruler of the 2nd house is always Venus, etc. See Table 2) - these are the rulers of the houses, conditional, are called significators; in essence, they are assistants to the true rulers of the house, which are individual in each horoscope; when analyzing the horoscope, both real rulers and significators are taken into account.

1. You need to know in which signs of the Zodiac the significator planets are located in the horoscope. These planets will indicate what a person’s abilities are to realize his capabilities in a certain field of activity. However, significators will not answer the question of whether a person will achieve his goal or not, for they only indicate a person’s potential capabilities in revealing various sides his activities.

Example. Mars gives information about personality, about the development of personal capabilities. The presence of Mars in any house indicates how the goal will be realized, in what field of activity the given personality will be realized. If Mars, which is the symbolic ruler of the 1st house, is located in the 10th house, then this will indicate the implementation of a person’s program through achieving a goal. If Mars is in the VIII house, then this will indicate realization through extreme conditions (aspects will show the direction of realization).

Mercury - the symbolic ruler of the III house - will indicate the main sphere of communication of a person in his life. If this planet is in the X house, this will mean that communications will contribute to the discovery of the purpose in a person’s life.

table 2

Significator planets and houses ruled by them


Zodiac sign - the abode of the planet

Mars Aries
Venus Taurus
Mercury Twins
Moon Cancer
Sun a lion
Proserpina Virgo
Vulcan or Chiron Scales
Pluto Scorpion
Jupiter Sagittarius
Saturn Capricorn
Uranus Aquarius
Neptune Fish

2) You need to know the real rulers of the houses. They are also the rulers of the zodiac signs located on the border of the angular houses, as well as on the cusp of the middle and cadent houses.

The corner houses are I, VII, IV, X, the middle ones are II, V, VIII, XI, the falling ones are III, VI, IX, XII. The cusp is the center of the house, its middle degree. It indicates the mobilization of forces in this area of ​​activity. If the royal degree is on the cusp, then this indicates good luck in this area of ​​human activity. For example, the royal degree is located on the cusp of the 2nd house. This situation ensures good luck in business material world(this situation is present in the horoscopes of billionaires Rothschild and P. Getty). If a destructive degree is located on the cusp, then this promises failure.

It should be remembered that the cusp is taken into account only for median and cadent houses. For corner houses, the “border” or “hora” (i.e. corner point), in other words, the points AC, DS, MC and IC are more significant.

The real ruler of the house indicates how a person implements the program of his life, i.e. he will give information about what a person will encounter when implementing this program, where his efforts will be directed. Real house rulers are used to judge what a person’s life will be like. This information is required for analyzing the horoscope chart.

The real rulers of houses are called by the Arabic word almuten.

3) You need to know where the almutens of the corner houses are located, i.e. in which houses they are located in the horoscope and in what relationships with other planets they find themselves.

It should be clarified how the real owners of the houses - almutens - are determined. Angular houses starting from cardinal points (Ascendant, Descendant, Medium Cayley or Zenith, Imum Cayley or Nadir) have an almuthen of the owner zodiac sign, where the desired point is located. For example


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