Installation of different types of door handles: step-by-step instructions. Installing a handle on an interior door with your own hands How to install door handles correctly

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A handle is a necessary element of door hardware, designed for convenient opening of doors. The practicality of a door design largely depends on the external aesthetic appearance, design features and functionality of this accessory. With constant use of the door, the handle, regardless of the material and type, often becomes unusable: it wears out and breaks. Therefore, in case of any problems, it must be repaired or replaced with another one. In order not to call a specialist, you can perform this procedure yourself.

Brief instructions on how to disassemble a door handle will familiarize the reader with this simple process.

According to the installation method, there are 2 types of handles:

  • invoices;
  • mortise

Overlay fittings are installed on the door leaf using a strip; for a mortise design, there must be a hole in the door.

By purpose there are:

  1. input;
  2. interior.

Based on functionality, door products are divided into 2 types:

  • movable;
  • stationary.

Movable handles are available in 2 versions:

  1. rotary (knobs and buttons);
  2. push.

The analysis of a door handle depends on its type and design features.

Design features

Stationary handles are produced without latches or locks. The fastening elements to the door block are screws or self-tapping screws. Such fixed structures are decorative in nature and serve solely for the movement of the door. They can be 1-sided or 2-sided of different shapes, connected by an axial element. They are installed on interior or plastic balcony door blocks, rarely on entrance ones.

Pressure products are 2 L-shaped levers, which are connected by a rod passing through the door block. In such a device, when turning, the halyard tongue enters the inside of the door and locks it. Using the elements, external and interior doors are mounted.

The main advantage of the model is its reliability. The failure rate of push mechanisms is much lower than others.

The rotary mechanism is most often made in the form of a ball or button with a diameter of 50-60 mm with a lock located in the center of the round handle. The keyhole can have a 2-way exit or 1-way with a latch. The door opens with a simple twist. Such fittings may also contain a door opening blocker. Therefore, they are often used in door structures of bathrooms and interior units, and are also called knob handles.

They are compact, easy to install, and low in price, but have disadvantages such as low strength and fragility due to jamming of spare parts inside the mechanism.

Rotary and push products differ in the shape and method of opening the latch.

Components of the mechanism

Pivot and push door products for interior doors have the following spare parts and components:

  • latch;
  • strip or socket;
  • decorative flange;
  • fasteners;
  • special key for squeezing and removing the mechanism.

The door hardware kit with keyhole is supplied with keys.

Required Tools

In order to remove the interior door handle, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. drill;
  2. feather drill;
  3. cutter;
  4. flat screwdriver or screwdriver;
  5. roulette;
  6. marker;
  7. chisel;
  8. hammer.

How to remove

Dismantling door hardware is not a problem if you have the necessary tools and minimal theoretical knowledge of the mechanism. You can remove the door handle of an interior door yourself without calling a technician. To do this, you must follow the instructions:

  • Support and secure the door.
  • Pry the decorative flange with a knife and pull it out a little. Underneath there are fasteners that need to be unscrewed.
  • There is a spring-loaded locking pin on the decorative flange of the pressure device. Press it in with a screwdriver. In rotary models, the pin is located inside the body. In order to get to it, insert a key or awl through the technological flange hole. If the pin cannot be felt, rotate the flange until it contacts it.
  • Press the pin while pulling the door device.
  • Unscrew the mounting screws.
  • Separate the inside of the door element from the outside, remove the handle and decorative flange.
  • If you need to remove the latch and replace it or repair it, unscrew the screws securing it to the side of the door block, remove the bar, then the mechanism.

When installing accessories to another location, you should not disassemble them for spare parts. It is attached to the door structure in the reverse order. If the handle or latch needs to be repaired or replaced, further disassembly is performed.

How to disassemble a door handle

Replacing a door handle is carried out for the purpose of repairing it due to breakage, wear, in the presence of abrasions, scratches, to improve the appearance, as well as when completely replacing the door block.

Before starting work, the type of mechanism and its features are established, because Some models with a simple device are easy to disassemble, while some have more complex elements, such as latches with locks. Carrying out such work is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to consider replacing each type of door hardware separately.


To disassemble a round door handle or knob handle, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Using a tool at hand, hook up a decorative flange or trim with a simple keyless rotary lock.
  2. Use an awl, nail or special key to press the opened stopper.
  3. At the same time, carefully pull out the handle and remove it.
  4. From the side of the removed part, unscrew the bolts from the mounting plate and disconnect it from the door leaf.
  5. Unfasten the cylindrical mechanism, the latch.
  6. Remove the screws and detach the tab.

If there is no need to change, it is rearranged. It happens like this:

  • Insert the latch so that the beveled part of the tongue faces the direction the door closes.
  • Fasten with 2 screws.
  • Insert the piece of hardware with the key drum on the other side of the door structure.
  • Attach the clamping part and secure with 2 screws.
  • The handle should turn without jamming and return freely to its normal state.
  • Correct it. To do this, you need to carefully hold one side and align the other.
  • Attach the decorative trim.
  • Insert the rest of the handle.

The accuracy of installation and operation is checked both from the latch itself and from the drum device with the key.


The stationary product has a simple design and is attached to the door with screws. Therefore, it rarely breaks, and is removed only when it is necessary to exchange it for a more functional model.

To unscrew the fittings for an interior door, you need to do the following:

  1. Inspect the door mechanism for the presence of an axle rod. To do this, hold the handle with one hand and turn it with the other.
  2. If the mechanism is located on a rod, remove one supporting side, the second comes off on its own.
  3. If the rod is not found in the handle, use a flathead screwdriver to remove the screws holding the handle in place.
  4. Remove it by gently pulling it towards you.

When unscrewing the mechanism, you must carefully hold it with your hand so that after removing the connecting screws, part of the product does not fall out of the connector and is damaged.

For interior doors

In the pressing device, the process of disassembling it causes difficulties. This is due to the fact that the fittings are attached to the axial rod and tightened with a 4-sided joint.

To repair the handle of an interior door, disassembling the push mechanism is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Remove the screws that hold the cover in place and remove the plugs.
  2. Then you need to loosen the fixation of the rod and separate the 4-sided square.
  3. Remove the cover plate on the other side, the remaining part of the mechanism and the axial rod. After removing the parts, you need to pull the handle towards you.

The pressure product is ready for replacement or repair.

How to fix a pen

Door handle repairs are often carried out in the following cases:

  • the mechanism does not return to its original position;
  • the handle jams and is difficult to turn;
  • The tongue does not move when turning or pressing the device;
  • the handle falls out without damaging the base.

Often the cause of these problems is wear and tear of the part during constant use. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to lubricate the mechanism parts and the keyhole, and clean them from dust and dirt. When lubricating, the door product is rotated so that the viscous liquid is evenly distributed among the elements.

If the handle is loose, it is necessary to correct and tighten the fasteners.

Sometimes it is necessary to repair the fittings in a metal Chinese door. Products made in China from silumin malfunction and break, and installing a lock on such a door is not easy. It's easier to replace the mechanism. The principle of operation is similar to replacing an element in interior doors.

In the interior

In door handles for interior doors, repairs are most often made when the handle falls off. The base remains attached.

The reason is the use of low-quality fittings, as a result of which the locking ring could break or fall off.

To carry out repair work, perform the following steps:

  1. Unfasten the base from the door.
  2. Inspect the retaining ring. If it has moved, you need to adjust its position and install it. If the ring bursts or breaks, it is replaced with further installation of the handle.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Repair of the door handle of an interior door is carried out if, after opening the doors, the fittings do not return to their normal position.

The cause of the malfunction is a broken or displaced spiral.

To replace the spiral, carry out the following work:

  • remove the device;
  • unfasten the damaged part and replace it;
  • secure with a locking ring at the top;
  • install the mechanism.

If the spring breaks, you can make it yourself from a small piece of steel wire. Pre-wind it, heat it over the fire until it turns bright red and put it in cold water.

Lock removal and repair

Repairing interior door locks is difficult. The causes of malfunctions are different.

When using cheap, low-quality silumin door fittings, the 4-sided pin may break. The solution to the problem is to purchase a steel mechanism from trusted manufacturers and completely replace it.

A common problem with locks is the tongue not working properly. This is possible with a short pin. The square can move in the direction of the latch, pressing it, reducing operation.

Repair work on locks is carried out as follows:

  1. A long pin is purchased and the length is measured.
  2. Using a grinder, it is shortened to the required size.
  3. Then you need to disassemble the interior door lock.
  4. The square is changed, door fittings are installed.

When installing the handle, the base must cover all the holes that remain from the previous mechanism.

A lock with a handle can be replaced or repaired even by a novice master who knows how to use available tools.

To figure out how to install a handle on an interior door yourself, you should have an idea of ​​the different types of fittings used for such structures. Then the entire installation process will go without problems.

Almost everything is now sold without accessories. This means that the buyer of such products has to install the handles either independently or seek help from specialists. The services of the latter must be paid for. A thrifty owner, of course, will not spend money on services that he can easily perform with his own hands. Installing handles does not cause any real difficulties for home craftsmen. You just need to understand what types of fittings are currently available, and taking into account what features devices are installed for opening and closing doors of different types.

Types of door handles

All pens are usually divided into two large categories. The first includes mortise mechanisms, the second - overhead ones. The first of these are further divided into:

  • Rotary (knobs). These handles close or open the latch when the handle is turned. They are made in the form of a disk or ball.
  • Push-type (with socket and ring, latching handles). The principle of their functioning is similar to knobs. But in this case, the opening and closing of the interior door is carried out by pressing the handle handle. Typically, such mechanisms are initially equipped with a special lock or a special device - a latch.

To install a mortise device, you must first prepare a large hole in the door leaf where the mechanism will be placed.

Installing overhead handles on interior doors with your own hands is much easier. For installation, it is enough to make a small hole in the canvas, corresponding in diameter to the mechanism rod. There are no differences in terms of functionality and durability of overhead and mortise handles. Choose the device that suits you best. The main thing is that the mechanism you like matches the design of the door itself and the entire room where it is installed.

If there are several door structures in the room, it is advisable to install the same handles on them.

To quickly and efficiently mount a latch handle or a more difficult-to-install mortise mechanism, you will need the following tools - a tape measure, a screwdriver, a square, an electric drill, self-tapping screws, a chisel, a hammer, bits of various sections and a set, a simple pencil. It is also advisable to stock up on a conductor. It is a template that greatly simplifies the operation of marking holes on the door leaf and their subsequent drilling.

Mortise mechanism

Having prepared the specified devices, decide on the installation height of the fittings that interest us. Experts say that the handle should be about 0.8–1 m away from the floor. In principle, you can choose a different height, taking into account your own height. The main thing is that you and your family members feel comfortable using the handle. Now you can markup. If you purchased a conductor, this process will take a minimum of time. Simply screw it from the end to the door structure. Subsequently, the holes on the jig will completely coincide with the tongue lining of the handle being used.

If you do not have such a template, mark the installation location of the fittings using a simple pencil and a square:

  1. Measure the required height from the floor, draw a horizontal line on the canvas (first on one of its sides), and then transfer it to the other side of the door and to the end.
  2. Place a mark in the middle of the drawn line at the end of the interior structure. It indicates the location where you will drill the hole for the tongue.
  3. On the drawn line you also mark areas for mounting the handle itself (marks must be placed on both sides of the canvas).

This completes the preparation for installation. You can begin the main activity.

Let's see how to install the simplest type of door handle - overhead. The first step is to make a through hole in the canvas. To avoid damaging the door, use crowns and an electric drill to perform this operation. After this, it is necessary to drill the interior structure from the end. In this case, you need to use a smaller crown or a special pen drill. Then everything is simple:

  1. Insert the locking mechanism with the tongue into the hole made. Check whether the system is functioning or not.
  2. Trace the outline of the overlay. Be sure to remove a small layer of material from the outlined area with a chisel.. Then, when installing the trim, you will not worry that it will spoil the appearance of the door. After processing the specified area, you can easily mount this part of the handle flush.
  3. Screw the cover with universal self-tapping screws.
  4. Insert its rod inside the already installed mechanism. Place the handle with the ring on the last one. Sometimes the ring begins to rub against the canvas after installation. In such situations, you should grind off a thin layer of material around the hole circumference (do the work with a chisel). And then simply drown the ring. The friction will disappear!
  5. Fix the handle with tightening pins or fasten it with self-tapping screws (depending on the design of the mechanism you purchased).
  6. Install the decorative overlay and enjoy the results of your labor.

Now let's see how to install a latch on an interior door without the help of specialists. You will need to drill an additional hole in the door leaf so that the position of the latch mechanism completely coincides with it. Then you thread the axle through the lock and place the cap on it. Place the rotary latch indoors, and install the key lock or plug on the back side.

Handle with lock

Next, you need to secure the installed mechanism (all its elements) with self-tapping screws and use caps to decorate the used hardware. Note! Some pens do not have caps. They are simply not included in the design of the latch. One more nuance. When the handle has a tongue lock, no other action needs to be performed. If the mechanism only has a tongue, you will have to additionally drill a hole to install it on the door frame.

You will have to tinker a little longer with the mortise mechanisms. As noted earlier, in such a case it will be necessary to make a special, sufficiently capacious hole for the lock.

Door handle installation

In this case, the handle installation diagram itself will remain the same:

  • mark the door structure;
  • draw an outline;
  • drill several holes in the marked area, and then, using a chisel, gouge out the required area to accommodate the mechanism;
  • remove 2–3 mm of the door covering to install the decorative trim flush;
  • install the lock and secure its elements.

After that, insert the handle and fix it. Place the nozzle in the recess on the frame and secure it with self-tapping screws. In cases where the handle gives a slight play, its axis needs to be filed with a grinder to a suitable length. This completes the work. Use an interior door that you yourself have equipped with a convenient and functional handle!

Materials and tools:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • a simple pencil;
  • conductor;
  • electric drill with a set of crowns and drills;
  • square;
  • roulette.

The door handle is an important element of any door. Together with the door, the handle bears significant loads during daily use, and also plays the role of a decorative element that should be harmoniously integrated into the interior of the room.

When installing doors on their own, or replacing an unsuitable or broken handle, the home craftsman has to face the question - how to install a door handle? A good result of the work will help ensure strict adherence to the instructions for installing the door handle. In addition to the direct installation of the fittings, the correct selection of a handle that can perform its functions for a long time is important.

Helpful information:

Types of door handles

Before buying handles for interior doors, you need to understand how they differ from each other besides the manufacturer and price. In addition, knowledge of the classification of door hardware will allow you to choose a handle that will best fulfill its purpose - to participate in opening / closing the door.

Lever handles are one of the most common options for door handles. They can be used for both entrance and interior doors. A design feature of the push handle is a special tongue - a halyard flap. When you press the handle, a special mechanism pulls the damper into the door leaf and it opens. When the handle is released, the damper returns to its place, the tongue protrudes above the end of the door and prevents it from opening. To open the door, you need to press the handle again.

Lever handles are available in two versions.

First option– with separate overlay. In this option, a separate mechanism with a cylinder and a key is used to lock the door. The handle and lock are installed separately. When choosing, you should pay attention to the size of the pads. The distance between the axes of the tongue and the bolt is not significant, since the lock can be installed at a sufficient distance so that the operation of the mechanisms does not interfere with each other.

Second option– when both the latch and the lock cylinder are enclosed under one cover on the door. When selecting a lock for such a handle, you need to take into account the parameters of both the lining and the lock. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the damper axis and the bolt, the shape and size of the key slot on the escutcheon.

The easiest option for installation would be a handle, in the thickness of which the lock mechanism is located. In this case, the hole for the key is on the handle itself, and the tongue consists of two parts. When the lock is opened, the latch and bolt of the lock act as one unit. Turning the key blocks the movement of the bolt and when you press the handle, the door shutter is removed, and the door remains closed due to the bolt.

A push door handle, without a locking mechanism, is most often used as interior fittings.

Push-button pen

Push-button handles or ball handles are similar in their mechanism of action to push-button handles. The ball handles also hold the door due to a special pawl. But in order for the dog to hide, you need to spin the ball - hence the second name of this variety - pen - ball. Round door handles are most often used on bathroom doors. This is explained by the fact that the lock of these handles contains a key slot on one side and a special latch on the other. It turns out that you can easily block the door from inside the room. And in case of an emergency - for example, if a child is locked in a room or there is a suspicion that the locked person’s health is deteriorating - you can easily open the door from the outside using a key. However, the market does not stand still, and some modern push handles contain a similar locking mechanism.

Stationary handles

Perhaps the oldest and simplest type of interior fittings. The operating principle is push/pull. The stationary handles are fastened with tightening screws. Screws are used to attach handles to interior doors. The difference between stationary handles is only in the form:

  • bracket or U-shaped (with a straight or bizarrely curved bar);
  • mushroom (round, polygonal or artistic element on a stalk).

To hold doors with stationary handles, it is better to use a roller mechanism. When free, the roller protrudes above the surface of the door leaf and does not allow the door to move. However, if you apply a certain force, the roller is recessed into a special groove and the door opens.

Handles for sliding doors

These handles have a special design. This is due to the handle being recessed into the door leaf during installation. Such a handle practically does not protrude above the surface of the door leaf and does not interfere with opening.

Handles for sliding doors differ in thickness. The thickness of the handle for sliding doors should correspond to the door leaf. A handle that is too thin will be difficult to install correctly. A handle that is too thick will stick out and prevent the door from opening. .

What are door handles made of?

The purpose of the fittings determines the material from which it is made.

For example, the handle for the front door should be more durable, since the weight of the front door is significantly greater, which means the load on the handle is higher. Thus, high-quality steel is often used to make handles for front doors. The door handle for the front door must withstand the main mechanical methods of opening - breaking out and drilling.

It is imperative to take into account the operating conditions. So, wooden handles are afraid of high humidity, which means it is not advisable to use them on doors to the bathroom and kitchen.

The most commonly used door handle materials are:

  • tree. A very beautiful material, but capricious in relation to room humidity, and not very resistant to active use.
  • plastic. The cheapest material, but at the same time the most unreliable.
  • Brass is the most common metal used to make door handles. The main advantages of the material are strength and wear resistance. In addition, it creates a feeling of warmth when touched.
  • various grades of steel, including stainless steel. The main advantages are strength and durability.

In addition to the main material, finishing elements made of glass or natural stone can be used.

How to properly attach a handle to a door?

No matter how complex the mechanism or decor of the door handle is, its installation can be done in a few standard steps.

Step 1. Selecting accessories

As already mentioned, the handle should match the design of the door itself and the interior of the room as a whole. Thus, the modern high-tech style is best suited to laconic chrome-plated handles. For a room in the Rococo or Baroque style, luxurious ornately shaped handles with gilding are suitable.

In addition to the handle, the visible door fittings are the hinges, which means the hinges and handles must be made in the same color. Find out more in our material about.

It is also necessary to take into account the purpose of the door and the characteristics of the room where the door is located.

It is imperative to clarify the method of placing the lock. Namely, the method of its attachment in relation to the handle - a separate installation of the locking mechanism is required or it is built into the handle. Preliminary measurement of the thickness of the door leaf is important not only for sliding doors. It will be difficult to install a lock and handle designed for a massive entrance door into a thin interior door. If the lock cylinder and handle are located under one escutcheon, it is necessary to take into account the size of the internal elements of both mechanisms so that they do not interfere with each other’s operation.

When purchasing, it is advisable to hold the handle and squeeze it in your palm. Protruding elements should not leave a clear imprint on the skin. Otherwise, using the pen will be unpleasant. In addition, there should be no burr on the handle.

Step 2: Locate the Handle

Before you start marking and drilling, you need to decide on the location of the handle.

The distance between the handle and the edge of the door leaf is regulated by the size of the mechanism and the length of the tongue, if any. If the handle is stationary, it should also not be placed too far from the edge. This arrangement will make it difficult to open/close the door.

For ease of use, the installation height of the door handle is also important. This parameter is easy to calculate when approaching the door - the installation height of the door handle is determined by the level of the belt. The height of the handle directly depends on the height of the regular user, which means that the level of the handle in the living room and children's room will be different. The height of the handle on public doors, such as the kitchen and bathroom, should be at an average level, usually 80 - 120 cm from the floor.

Step 3. Marking the location of the handle and its fastening on the door leaf

Having determined the location of the handle, it is necessary to prepare the canvas for making holes for installation. The standard length of the tongue in the lock is about 60 mm. This is exactly how much needs to be set aside from the edge of the door. A straight line is drawn through the resulting point parallel to the end edge of the door leaf. Next, using a square at the required height, draw a perpendicular line to the end of the leaf, along the end of the door and again along the other side of the leaf at a distance of 60 mm.

To clarify the dimensions of the hole for the mechanism, it must be freed from the lining, attached to the door and the boundaries of the groove are drawn. If the door is equipped with a separate locking mechanism, it is necessary to make markings for it as well. Marking the door for a lock is carried out in a similar way.

Don't forget to mark the place for the tongue exit on the end of the door. This place should be exactly in the middle of the thickness of the canvas.

All marks must be made carefully and accurately. Reducing the dimensions may lead to difficulties in installation or may interfere with the free movement of mechanism parts. A hole that is too large will be visible under the trim and ruin the overall appearance.

Step 4. Making holes for the handle and lock elements

For drilling large diameter holes, there is a special drill - with a crown. To avoid damaging the opposite side of the canvas, you should not try to immediately drill a hole through the entire thickness of the canvas. It is optimal to drill to about half the required depth. Next, it is better to continue drilling from the opposite side until the channels are connected. This trick will not only protect the appearance, but will also ensure the correct movement of the channel under the mechanism - strictly perpendicular to the surface of the canvas.

When drilling, you need to hold the drill strictly perpendicular to the blade. Deviations are unacceptable; this will lead to distortion of the mechanism and incorrect or short-lived operation of the handle and lock.

After preparing the groove for the mechanism, you can begin to create a hole for the tongue and bolt of the lock. This must be done very carefully and carefully. An excessively wide passage can damage the door leaf during operation and create a noise effect. It is better to cut the hole using a chisel.

Step 5. Directly installing the handle

After making the necessary holes, you can begin attaching the handle. Before screwing, it is worth marking and using a thin drill to mark the places for screwing in the bolts directly holding the handle in the door. The purpose of pre-drilling is to ensure that the handle attaches neatly and the latch functions properly. If the bolts for connecting the halves are hidden by a cover plate, it must be removed before installation using a special key. The key must be included with the handle.

Step 6. Making a slot in the door frame

After attaching the door handle and installing the lock mechanism, you need to mark and cut a groove in the door frame where the tongue and bolt of the lock mechanism will be hidden. There are two marking methods.

First option. A coloring substance is applied to the installed dog: ink, paint, chalk, toothpaste, etc. Then, with the door closed, pressing or rotating the handle makes a mark on the door frame. This option is convenient if there is a very small gap between the door and the frame or it is covered with a decorative overlay on the door leaf

Second option. With the door closed, the level of the tongue is marked using a ruler inserted between the door and the frame.

After completing the installation work, you must make sure that the handle is attached correctly. If the lock works without difficulty, the bolt is easily controlled by the key and securely fixes the door, opening/closing the door does not cause difficulties, the handle is installed correctly.

The door handle installation instructions provided are suitable for most interior door handles. Installation of the handle for the front door in most cases is carried out by the manufacturer. This situation is explained by the complex design of the lock and the need for special precision during installation. In addition, entrance doors are made of particularly durable metal, which is difficult to drill with home tools.

We recommend watching a video about installing an interior door handle

Replacing a door handle

Sometimes it is necessary to replace the old handle on an already installed door. The process of replacing a door handle is slightly different from installing a new one. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that there are already various holes in the door, the size of which must be measured and when choosing a new handle, be guided by them.

So the size of the mechanism and decorative lining should not be smaller than that of the old handle. Otherwise, the edges of the old hole will be visible and ruin the appearance. If the hole is still large, it must be filled with putty and, after hardening, thoroughly cleaned.

If the size of the new lock is larger, you need to expand the grooves for it using a chisel or drill.

If the old tongue remains operational, you should leave the old mechanism, this will help avoid difficulties during dismantling and reduce the likelihood of damage to the door leaf.

To clean the painted lock plate, it should be dismantled and returned to its place after cleaning.

When painting doors, it is better to remove the door handle. This way, there is no need to cover the handle and pad with newspaper or masking tape, as there is no danger of getting them dirty.

Now you have all the necessary information for a quality installation or replacement of a door handle. If you correctly mark the door leaf and carefully drill all the holes and grooves, installing the handle will only take a few minutes.

When replacing a broken handle, you must perform a similar sequence of operations, paying special attention to choosing a new handle.




You bought, say, a new interior door and decided to assemble the door frame yourself and install this very door, without any experience. Well, it happens that you have to do some things for the first time. The most important thing here is to take your time and be attentive to what you are doing.

When I had to install interior doors in one of the apartments for the first time, I must admit, while sawing the first frame, I made a mistake. As a result, I had to buy a new box set. Since then, I have been very attentive and careful when performing work on assembling and installing doors.

When sawing door frame elements there is no room for error, you need to remember this. As they say, measure twice - cut once!
So, the door was delivered and has been standing in the corridor, perhaps for the second week. There’s nowhere else to put it off and it’s time to get down to business. A reasonable question arises. Where to start?

Marking the door leaf for insertion

You should start by marking the place on the door leaf where it will be built-in handle with latch. The door leaf is, in fact, the door itself without additional elements, frames, extensions and trim.

First, decide in which direction the door will open; the position of the bevel of the latch tongue will depend on this. Now you need to determine the height at which the door handle will be located. As a rule, the handle is embedded at a height of 90-100 cm from the floor or threshold. There are, of course, no thresholds in the rooms. But in the bathroom or toilet, they are very possible.

In box with door handle, you will almost certainly find instructions with the dimensions by which you need to mark. Often the dimensions are indicated on the box itself. Ordinary handles are almost always installed in the same pattern. Construction tool stores sell special kits for inserting handles into interior door leaves. The set consists of a feather drill with a diameter of 23 mm. and wood crowns with a diameter of 50-54 mm.

So, mark a distance of 95 cm at the end of the door leaf. Using a square, draw a clear line perpendicular to the end of the door leaf. Mark the middle on it and mark it. You can use any sharp object, an awl, a nail or a self-tapping screw. At this point you will need to drill a hole for the latch. But don't rush, it's not time yet!

Need to continue markings for pen, or speaking professionally, for knoba. To do this, you need to extend the line at the end further onto the canvas itself on both sides. This must be done strictly perpendicular to the door leaf, using a square. It would be useful to remind you that the pencil must be sharpened.

Here you should pay attention to one detail. The handle can be positioned at a distance of 60 or 70 mm. from the edge. This can be done using the adjustable latch length design. Decide which distance suits you best and mark the desired distance on both sides of the canvas on the lines drawn earlier.

Please note that on a blank canvas, that is, one that does not have decorative elements in the form of slats, glass, etc., the distance from the edge where the handle will be embedded is not critical. After all, the canvas is absolutely even and smooth. But the presence of decorative inserts can limit the position of the handle. And if you decide to embed the handle at a distance of 70 mm. from the edge of the door leaf, be sure to make sure that the handle does not overlap the decorative elements. Otherwise, make a mark of 60mm. from the edge.

Drilling a hole for the handle

Drills first hole for pen, then for latches. It is more comfortable. Firstly, when you start drilling the end, you will know exactly when to stop, and secondly, all the chips when drilling the end will simply fall down, and you will not need to sweep or blow them out with a vacuum cleaner, which is very inconvenient.

So, take a drill, attach a wood bit (50-54 mm) to the chuck and start drilling from one side, having previously marked the marked point. Do not try to drill through the entire canvas “in one go.” Firstly, the depth of the crown itself will not be enough, and secondly, the teeth of the crown will become clogged with sawdust, the crown will get very hot and burn the wood, and the deeper, the stronger. All we needed was a fire!

Having drilled 4-6 mm, without turning off the drill, pull it towards you, removing the crown from the drilled hole. There is no need to turn on the reverse and generally make sudden movements. Everything should happen smoothly but confidently.

Clean the teeth of the crown from sawdust. Be careful, it can be very hot! It all depends on the material of the door leaf and the degree of its humidity. The denser the material and the moister, the more the crown heats up. But the crown with blunt, ground teeth heats up the most. Never use this! Buy a new one is my advice.

Having cleaned the teeth of the bit, and allowed it to cool if necessary, immerse it in the same place where it was removed some time ago, and continue this important mechanical operation to obtain the hole we need so much. As I already mentioned, the crown, due to its limited depth, will not allow the canvas to pass through. Having drilled halfway, you should go to the other side and repeat the entire operation again. You need to be careful here. When approaching the middle of the canvas, do not press too hard, let yourself enjoy the last seconds of this exciting process! Otherwise, you risk the bit going through and hitting the door leaf hard with the drill. But we don’t want to scratch it or leave a dent, right?

Drilling a hole for the latch

Let's move on to the next stage. We remove the bit from the drill chuck, not forgetting about its elevated temperature. We clamp a feather drill with a diameter of 23 mm into the chuck. Pay attention to the photo. It shows that the drill is stamped with a size of 25 mm. But rest assured, no deception! It’s just that I didn’t have a drill of the required diameter, so I used a 25 mm “perk”, having previously ground down its edges with a “grinder” to the required diameter. Here's a little trick, take note.

You need to drill strictly perpendicular to the end of the door leaf. At first I thought it was very difficult to control. I mean, perpendicularity. But then I realized that it was easy to do, just by observing how smoothly the drill selects the circle. This is especially noticeable at the beginning of drilling, and having gone a little deeper, you can hardly worry that the drill will deviate from the specified course. But this does not mean at all that you can relax and look not at the drill, but at a cat covered in sawdust passing by.

Installing a latch for an interior door

Well then! The drilling of the holes is completed, now you need to recess the latch bar into the end of the door leaf so that it is “flush” with the plane. Professionals do this using a manual milling machine, but not everyone has one, so you will have to work with a hammer and chisel.

Insert the latch into the hole and trace it with a sharpened pencil. To ensure that the strip stays in place while tracing, I usually immediately drill holes for the fastening screws and lightly tighten them, fixing the strip. Having traced the bar, remove the latch and take a chisel. Need I say that the chisel should not just be sharp, but very sharp?!

Any door must include handles, otherwise you simply won’t be able to open them. Many developers do not pay enough attention to door handles, believing that their main purpose is to assist residents in opening and closing the door. However, the handles still have to withstand the heavy loads of the door and fit into the overall design of the room. It seems at first glance that installing this fittings on interior doors is very simple. However, in this case, deviations from the instructions for installing the door handle are not allowed!

Purpose of door handles

Before you begin directly installing door handles, you must first buy fittings. To do this, you need to decide on the model and manufacturer of the pen. This is not too easy to do, since there is a wide variety of fittings on the market, which differ from each other in appearance, size, price and material used.

First of all, door handles are divided into two types: for interior and exterior doors. The fittings for the front door should not be so much aesthetic as they should be reliable and durable, because a colossal load is placed on them, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to open the heavy entrance door to the apartment without pressing the handle. Often, door handles for entrance doors are equipped with special steel linings and combine the functions of protectors, that is, they serve to protect the cylinder mechanism from drilling, breaking and other forceful methods of breaking.

Handles for interior doors have a less massive appearance; they are intended to be more beautiful and elegant. But no one has denied their reliability, because no one will like it when the handle constantly remains in their hand when opening or closing an interior door.

How the handles work

When purchasing door handles, it is recommended to pay special attention to their functionality and adaptability to hand movements. Depending on the principle of operation and the shape of this fittings, the following types of door handles are distinguished: push-button, stationary, push-button (knob) and handles for sliding doors.

Lever handles

The lever handles are equipped with a halyard latch that is embedded in the door. When you press the handle, the lock tongue moves, the latch is hidden, and the door opens. When the door handle is in its original position, the latch is extended and the interior door is locked. Thus, installing a push-type door handle is only possible if the door is equipped with a lock with a latch.

Push-type handles, in turn, are divided into two types: models with separate overlays and models with a continuous overlay. Lever handles, which have a solid overlay, are usually used with latch and deadbolt locks, which are operated by a key. When selecting such a handle, the center-to-center distance between the axis of the keyhole and the handle, the width of the lining, the shape of the keyhole and the cross-section of the profile pin of the door handle are taken into account.

Split handles are also used with locks that have a latch and a key-operated deadbolt. However, when selecting these handles, the interaxal distance is not taken into account; only the size of the pads is taken into account. If a lock without a deadbolt with only a latch is used on an interior door, then it is customary to install a push handle with one socket. In this case, the key is no longer needed.

Push-button knobs

Knobs are a type of push handle, often called ball handles. There is no lever that needs to be pressed, and to operate the latch you need to turn the ball. In the center of such a ball there is usually a keyhole. The handle opens the door with an ordinary turn. It is customary to install noba door handles on the door to a bathroom or toilet; they can be closed from the outside with a key, and from the inside with a button or latch.

Stationary handles

Stationary handles, unlike push-type models, are not connected in any way to the door lock. They cannot be turned or pressed, but only pushed away from you or pulled towards you. They simply install a stationary handle on the door leaf: attach such fittings to entrance doors with tightening screws, and to interior doors with screws. Stationary handles can have different shapes, but the most common of them is U-shaped (bracket).

Since such a handle is not connected to the lock at all, in this case a lock with a halyard latch will not work; preference should be given to a lock with a roller latch and a deadbolt or only with a deadbolt. Such a roller latch will secure the door, easily releasing it when the door is opened.

Handles for sliding doors

A sliding door is a non-standard solution in interior design. Doors of this design require the installation of a special handle. Handles for sliding doors are built-in, “recessed” inside the door leaf itself. It is necessary that they correspond to the size of the internal door in order to avoid poor-quality work of the structure.

Door handle material

The materials from which handles are made can vary, but the most common ones on sale are metal and wood handles. Wooden handles look very beautiful, they are especially harmonious for veneered and wooden doors. However, they are most often susceptible to high humidity and are not suitable for use in the bathroom. Only handles made of hard wood are susceptible to abrasion.

Metal handles can be made from different alloys, which is why their performance characteristics differ. The most functional and reliable handles are made of brass. They are resistant to changes in humidity and temperature, light, durable and warm to the touch. Aluminum handles are not as durable as brass, but they can be used in areas with high humidity levels.

For the manufacture of door handles, ordinary and stainless steel are used. This is a durable material that is intended for the heaviest structures. Models made of alloys or metals are usually coated with nickel or chrome plating, which protects the product from abrasion and corrosion. Bohemian or Murano glass, natural stone and plastic are also used to make door fittings.

DIY door handle installation

Despite the wide variety of door handles, their installation comes down to performing the same actions. Let's take a closer look at how to choose and how to properly install a door handle on the door.

Choosing a door handle

The door handle must necessarily correspond to the overall style of the interior. For example, if your house is furnished in a high-tech style, then it is better to give preference to laconic chrome-plated handles, and leave luxurious gold-plated items with elaborate elements for rooms in the Rococo or Baroque style. For interiors in a classic style, it is better to choose bronze door handles.

In addition, the handle should match the color scheme of the door. The visible parts of any door are the hinges and locks, so the handle should match them in color. For massive doors, you should not choose a weak handle, because it will quickly break under stress. Wood handles should not be installed in damp areas.

The handle must not have a negative impact on the functioning of the door locking mechanism. An incorrectly selected handle causes a lot of trouble: the door does not open or close well. Therefore, before going to the store, you should measure the thickness of the door leaf to find out whether the model you like will suit you.

Make sure that all handle mechanisms are working properly and that the lock tongue is completely hidden inside the case. And finally, when purchasing, it is recommended to touch the handle to find out how comfortable it will fit in the palm of your hand.

Handle installation height

Before you install the door handle, you need to decide at what height you will install it. If you are replacing fittings, then it will be a little easier here, because you will have to put the handle in the old place. The situation is somewhat more complicated with the new door leaf. Remember that door handles in any case should be located at the level of a person’s waist.

When opening a door using a door handle, the hand must be bent at a right angle at the elbow joint. Depending on the height of the owners, the installation height of the door handle is 80 - 120 centimeters from the floor surface. Please note that the handle on the door that leads to the children's room should be placed slightly lower than on the door to the living room or parents' bedroom.

Marking the door leaf

It is recommended to mark the door leaf using a square. Draw a line on one side of the door with a well-sharpened pencil, attach a square and mark on the door with an awl the height of the door handle at a distance of 60 millimeters. Then attach a square and draw the end of the door, after which you can begin marking on the other side.

Continue the line on the other side of the door along the completed line and make a mark at a distance of 60 millimeters with an awl. It is also necessary to use an awl to make a puncture on the end line, dividing the thickness of the door in half. After this, attach the fittings to the installation site so that the tongue protrudes completely beyond the boundaries of the door leaf. In this position, outline the place where you will need to drill a hole for the handle mechanism.

Drilling holes in the door

To drill a larger hole for installing the handle, it is recommended to use a special drill that has a crown. To do this, take a drill, clamp a wood bit and drill through the door leaf on one side. Drill not right through, but to a depth that is equal to half the thickness of the door, having first watched how to install a door handle in the video. To make it visible, you can make a mark on the crown with a marker.

Then drill a hole along the markings on the other side of the door until it is completely drilled. With this method, you can be sure that the crown at the exit will not spoil the back side of the door and will not move to the side. Hold the drill at a 90 degree angle relative to the door. The drill must not be allowed to deviate horizontally or vertically.

Once you have drilled the hole for the mechanism, it is time to make a hole for the handle tongue. You can drill it using a feather drill or using a chisel. The most important thing is to make sure that the drill drills evenly, because there will only be about 6 millimeters left at the edges. If you can remove the door, you can pass it between your legs for easier drilling.

Door handle fastening

When all the necessary holes are prepared, you can begin installing the door handle with your own hands. First, you need to take the door handle, attach it to the installation site and use an awl to mark the points for installing the bolts on which the handle itself will be attached on both sides. To perform this operation, install the mechanism of this design in the drilled hole and screw both halves using the bolts included in the kit.

The bolts must be tightened evenly. Remember that the tightening should be such that the door handle works well and the latch easily returns to its original time. Handles in which the bolts are located under the cap and are therefore not visible should be disassembled by pressing the stopper on the handle with the key that comes with the door handle.

Metal frame installation

After you have installed a round door handle or another type of handle, you need to begin installing the metal plate. To do this, you need to make markings again. There are two known marking methods. The first of them lies in the fact that the end of the tongue should be smeared, for example, with chalk, oil, paint or even toothpaste. Then hide the tongue in the door, close it tightly and make an open-close motion several times so that the tongue makes a mark on the door frame.

The second method is this: close the door, slide a ruler into the gap above the tongue and make a mark where it touches the tongue, and also place a mark at the bottom of the tongue. To attach a metal frame to the box, you should mark the location of the hole for the tongue and the plate itself. First of all, you need to make a selection under the tongue using a chisel or a feather drill.

Having made a hole for the tongue, you need to check whether the tongue comes out of the latch completely and whether the door closes. If everything is fine, then you can start creating a selection for the frame, which is also done using a chisel. The metal frame inserted into the sample should be located at the same level with the surface of the box.

The metal frame is screwed to the box with screws. To do this, drill holes using a thin drill, then the screws will fit without distortion. After completing such manipulations, you can close the door to evaluate the result of your work. If the handles open and close easily, the latch moves freely, and the door can be closed by lightly pressing without effort, then such installation of the door handle can be called successful.

Door handle replacement procedure

It often happens that there is a need to reinstall the handle on an old door. The procedure for replacing fittings is somewhat different from the procedure for installing a door handle on a new door, since the hole for the product mechanism already exists, and its dimensions should be taken into account. We recommend that you use some of our tips:

  1. When buying a new door handle, it is worth considering that it must be no less than the old one. Otherwise, the old hole for the mechanism will remain uncovered, which will spoil the entire appearance of the door. If this happens, you need to fill the holes on both sides with wood putty and sand the area with sandpaper.
  2. If you purchased a larger handle than the previous one, then you need to widen the hole for the mechanism. This is done using tools that are used to create a hole for the handle mechanism.
  3. If the new door handle is shorter than the old one, and the old spindle is not suitable for it, then you need to replace it with a new one from the door handle kit. And if the spindle is suitable, then you should use it to get rid of unnecessary hassle that could affect the quality of mounting the handle.
  4. If the lock bar is painted, but you want to return it to its former metallic shine, then in this situation it is recommended to remove this part before installing the door handle and remove the paint using a special product, then return the part to its place.
  5. If you decide to paint the door, then you should first remove the door handles and paint the area that is located under them, and only after that you can proceed to further painting of the door leaf - this allows you to carefully apply the coloring composition to the door, and will also protect the fittings from getting on it paints.

Now you know how to install a door handle. The whole procedure will take you just a few minutes if you correctly mark the door leaf and door frame, and also drill holes evenly for the mechanism and tongue of the door handle. By analogy, you can replace an old handle if it is broken, but you need to be careful when selecting new fittings.


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