Installing an exhaust pipe on the dressing room. Ventilation in the dressing room: project development, work techniques and expert advice

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When starting to build a bathhouse, you need to understand that one of the important stages of the work will be the creation of high-quality ventilation. Moreover, this applies not only to the steam room, but also to other rooms (for example, a dressing room). The time spent taking bath procedures should provide exclusively moral and physical satisfaction. Air ventilation in the dressing room is necessary to protect the wooden bath from rotting. Self-created ventilation will minimize the effects of high humidity and extend the service life of the entire structure.

Ventilation in the dressing room is carried out by the flow of air through special vents or door (window) openings. In the first case, the flow is controlled using special sliding plugs.

The ventilation system of the waiting room must meet several requirements:

  • Ensure absolutely equal air inflow and outflow;
  • The movement of air masses should occur only from the living room to the utility room (for example, from the dressing room to the toilet). Otherwise, comfort may be disturbed by foreign odors;
  • The ventilation grill must be located at least 2 meters from the ground surface;
  • It is recommended to use the hot air that will come out of the steam room to heat the entire bath. This will save a certain amount of resources. At the same time, in the dressing room it is better to ensure the joint operation of forced and natural ventilation;
  • The air circulation in the room should be as efficient as possible - according to the three-fold exchange formula. Thus, if the volume of the dressing room is 5 square meters, then in one hour it should “receive” at least 15 m2 of clean air.

DIY ventilation in the dressing room

Before creating a ventilation system in a bathhouse, it is necessary to develop a pattern of air movement in the room. But for the waiting room this requirement can be neglected.

Independent creation of a ventilation system in the dressing room occurs in a certain sequence:

  • Even at the stage of building a bathhouse, it is necessary to think about the location of the door from the steam room to the dressing room. It is better if it is located close to the stove, which will ensure the preservation of high temperature conditions;
  • On the opposite wall from the steam room, you need to create a rectangular hole 20x15 cm and equip it with a sliding plug;
  • Install a fan into the vent to speed up air exchange;
  • The vent with a fan can be replaced with an exhaust pipe through which moist air will flow out;
  • Then you need to cut out an vent designed for the influx of fresh air masses. It should be located at a height of 50 cm from the floor;
  • If the firebox “exits” into the dressing room, then a ventilation duct must be installed under the flooring.

How does additional ventilation of the dressing room occur?

Fresh air enters the dressing room through a lower vent located 50 cm above the floor covering. And the recycled heated air is discharged through a ventilation pipe, an upper vent, or even a window in the window opening.

Signs of improper ventilation

Improper installation of the ventilation system can lead to many problems. For example, the temperature in the room will rise for a very long time, and in some cases, it simply cannot be raised to the required levels. In addition, there is a high probability of carbon monoxide concentrations and humidity levels exceeding the norm.

Several signs indicate that ventilation was not created correctly:

  • Accumulation of condensation on the walls and ceiling;
  • There is no greasy deposit on the exhaust pipe;
  • There is an unpleasant, musty smell in the room;
  • When a burning splinter is brought to the ventilation hole, the flame does not deviate to the side.

When constructing a dressing room, it is necessary to take care not only of its ventilation, but also of its insulation. The room must be provided with a comfortable temperature regime and an absolute absence of drafts.

The parameters of the dressing room must be sufficient to accommodate at least 2-3 people. Approximately 1.3 square meters are calculated for each visitor. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in significant inconvenience.


The dressing room is a room that plays an important role in a comfortable visit to the bathhouse. In this regard, it is necessary to take care of its functionality and comfort, which cannot be ensured without creating a high-quality ventilation system. Good ventilation will have a beneficial effect on the health of visitors and will ensure long-term operation of the premises.

A bathhouse, which is used only in the summer, can do without insulation. Insulation, as well as ventilation in the dressing room and bathhouse, are, however, necessary if these rooms are used throughout the year.

Ventilating the air will help avoid the consequences of high humidity (mold, mildew), which will make it possible to save the wood from rotting and extend the life of the bathhouse. The ventilation system also ensures quick heating of the steam room.

Arrangement of the waiting room

The room must be warm enough, so you will need to insulate surfaces, including walls, floors and ceilings. You also need to organize heating and a supply and exhaust ventilation system.

Floor in the waiting room

In order not to spoil the feeling after the bath, the floor in the dressing room should be insulated. Typically, sanded and treated wood is used as flooring material. Special wood treatment prevents the formation of fungus and mold that can appear in high humidity.

Thermal insulation of the floor is carried out as follows:

Waiting room ceiling

Ceiling insulation is carried out according to similar principles used for floor insulation. However, the choice of insulation here is more varied and allows for both cheap and expensive materials. Basalt wool is considered the best option, as it is characterized by high fire safety and moisture resistance.

The main purpose of ceiling insulation is to reduce heat loss, as heated air is directed upward. Based on this goal, we use foiled polyethylene to reflect heat, the seams of which are treated with reinforced tape. We attach polyethylene to wooden blocks to the ceiling. We cover the ceiling with 120 mm clapboard.

Waiting room walls

We carry out insulation of internal walls with our own hands as follows:

We do insulation from the outside as follows:

  1. We use a wooden block sheathing along the height of the wall. We place boards below and above, to which we attach the bars with metal corners.
  2. We place mineral wool between the bars.
  3. We lay a vapor barrier and glue the joints with tape.
  4. We arrange another lathing on top for facing work.

Windows can be of any size. The best option is a double frame made of wood or double glazing.

Reasons for the formation of condensation in the dressing room

As a result of the difference between the temperatures in the dressing room and the steam room, condensation appears.

The following factors lead to the formation of condensation:

  • the dressing room is too cold;
  • the ventilation system is not equipped correctly;
  • The outside temperature is too low.

Thus, to overcome the problem of condensation, it is necessary to provide high-quality heating and ventilation.

Ventilation system in the dressing room

The functioning of ventilation in the dressing room is ensured both by the flow of air through window and door openings, and through special vents made in the wood. Air flow is regulated by special sliding plugs.

The size of the vents is usually 15-20 centimeters. The lower vent is located approximately 50 centimeters from the floor and not far from the combustion chamber. The second vent should be on the opposite side, approximately 2 meters from the floor level.

Forced ventilation of the room can be created using a fan installed in the exhaust hole. This device will make the removal of moist air more intense.

Waiting room heating

The ideal scheme is if one of the walls of the brick oven goes into the dressing room. In this case, there is no need to create separate heating in the dressing room. However, a small heater will not be enough to heat all the rooms of the bathhouse. In such a situation, you can use any of the following types of heating:

  1. You can use pipes that are laid through the combustion chamber to the compartment with stones. The essence of the idea: hot air steam enters the dressing room after watering the stones with water, and the steam itself remains within the steam room.
  2. You can install a system of air channels passing through all rooms of the bathhouse and equipped with valves.
  3. If the area of ​​the dressing room allows, you can install an additional stove.

Advice! To prevent wood rotting, it is recommended to dry the wood after each heavy moistening.

Thus, to avoid excessive humidification and condensation, only ventilation of the waiting room is not enough. A set of measures is needed that, in addition to ventilation, will ensure high-quality insulation of the room.

When starting the actual construction of a bathhouse, it is necessary to clearly understand that a high-quality ventilation system is an important feature of the entire construction process.

As a rule, a building of this kind must be heated periodically. Also, its main note is long-term operation. All the time you spend in the bathhouse brings both physical and mental satisfaction. In turn, the correct equipment of the ventilation system in the waiting room copes with the assigned tasks.

Requirements for the ventilation system equipment in the dressing room

The basic requirements for ventilation in the dressing room are as follows:

  1. The ventilation system must provide exactly the same air inflow and outflow;
  2. The air direction should be carried out directly from the living space to the utility room. For example, from the dressing room to the toilet/vestibule, but not vice versa, otherwise, foreign odors may be observed due to the fact that the air flow for ventilation comes from outside;
  3. The ventilation grille must be installed at a distance of at least 2 meters from the ground surface;
  4. Hot air, which exits the steam room through air ducts, should be directed to. In turn, this will help you save significantly on resources. In the waiting room it is recommended to use combined ventilation: the joint functioning of natural and forced. Thus, it can increase the efficiency of air exchange;
  5. Air exchange should occur three times. In other words, if the volume of the room is 5 m3, then at least 15 cubic meters of clean air flow should flow in one hour.

Step-by-step instructions for installing ventilation in the dressing room

  1. Initially, you should determine the location of the door from the steam room to the dressing room. Its location should be as close as possible to the stove. In turn, this is what can ensure the maintenance of a high temperature in the room;
  2. A rectangular vent measuring 15x20 cm is made together with a sliding plug, directly on the opposite wall from the steam room;
  3. We install a special fan that speeds up air removal and also improves ventilation in the dressing room;
  4. In the event that there is an outflow of moist air through the pipe, which ensures optimal ventilation efficiency in the dressing room, an exhaust pipe should be installed instead of an vent with a fan;
  5. Next, we cut an vent for air flow at a height of 0.5 m above the floor level;
  6. We will install a ventilation duct under the floor covering of the dressing room (in case the firebox exits into the dressing room).

An additional ventilation system for the waiting room occurs through a hole, which is located at a height of 0.5 m from the level of the floor covering. Direct removal of the air flow is carried out through a ventilation pipe or the stove chimney, as well as an equipped window in the window opening of the dressing room.

You can determine that the ventilation system was installed incorrectly by the following signs:

  • moisture collection (condensation) is observed on the walls or ceiling;
  • the exhaust system pipe has no greasy marks;
  • there is a musty and unpleasant smell in the room;
  • By bringing a burning match directly to the ventilation hole, it is observed that the flame does not deviate to the side.

You should always remember that a properly equipped ventilation system can ensure not only long-term operation of the bathhouse, but will also have a beneficial effect on the health of people who take water procedures.

In the process of constructing a dressing room, it is very important to take care of the high-quality insulation of the room, as well as the dressing room and other rooms of the bathhouse. Please note that this room should have a comfortable temperature regime, as well as a complete absence of drafts. Make sure to provide the room with sufficient space. Thus, there should be about 1.3 m of area per person. In turn, smaller volumes can lead to significant inconvenience.

The waiting room is a fairly significant room for the bathhouse as a whole. That is why, try to make it not only as functional and comfortable as possible, but you should also remember such aspects as installing ventilation, as well as ceilings and walls.

When starting the construction of a bathhouse, each builder must clearly take care of quality. As a rule, a building of this type must be heated periodically, and it is intended for long-term use. Hours spent in this wonderful place are bound to bring physical and mental satisfaction. Proper ventilation in the dressing room can completely cope with such tasks.

No one will argue that the process of ventilating this room is capable of regulating the degree of air humidity, coordinating the ambient temperature, filling it with clean air and heating it. Of course, this cannot be done without significant financial costs.

Calculation of required parameters

It is known that the ventilation of this building is directly dependent on the operation of the stove. Taking into account the fact that the area of ​​the steam room is calculated based on the parameters for each person of 4 meters square. Many people are divided on the height of the ceiling. While some make it minimal, others decide exactly the opposite.

Of course, a small and low room heats up much faster. However, it will be difficult to be in an excessively cramped bathhouse; in a bent and uncomfortable position, your back and shoulder girdle will quickly get tired. Still, a small amount of space must certainly be above your head. In this case, you can wave a broom without any problems and enjoy taking a steam bath.

Ventilation in the dressing room of the bathhouse itself, relating to the firebox of the room, is located in the underground zone and appears to be a specially constructed channel. Its removal can be observed in the place where there is a metal sheet that protects the bathhouse from possible fire.

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Ventilation device: features

The construction of the ventilation duct is associated with the systematic operation of the duct, the diameter of which will be larger than the chimney within 20%. In this option, oxygen will fill the room. The flow of air from the underground is completely eliminated. The bathhouse will always be fresh and clean.

In addition, such ventilation may also have an underground purpose. The ventilation box will be located on the outside of the building and clearly open onto the street. It is closed on the inside with a special grille, and on the inside with mesh material that protects against insects.

The presence of a firebox in the steam room indicates the construction of 2 such boxes, each of which performs its own functions: the first lets air into the room, and the other acts as convection. Arranging a podium would be a very comfortable purpose. For such purposes, near the wall with supposed ventilation, a row of bricks in 3 rows is placed on the side. Its height should correspond to 24 cm. This method is built up to the brick screen. The upper part should be covered with brick. Bricks are not laid at the location of the furnace. In this way, air flows should enter under the oven. Then the end part is mounted. Another box is built to its logical end; the stove ash is fixed in the end part. To ensure that the floor surface remains intact and is not damaged by accidental hits, something is placed under it.

When the podium is built, a furnace is installed on its base. A heating structure built into the corner space allows you to systematically limit the loading of the brick box. It is possible to install the furnace at corner points on iron plates. After this, the heated equipment of the bathhouse should be covered and a protective screen made of bricks should be erected. It must be equipped with two doors. They provide the steam room with high-quality ventilation and uniform heating of the air.

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Air outlet: additional points

All the heated walls of the stove in the sauna dressing room, called mirrors, are located near the floor.

In this way you can warm up this part of the building well. Floor heating is obtained due to the radiation of infrared rays from a radiant mirror.

The arrangement of the shelves differs in some nuances: they do not have to be in a vertical position and block the heat from this element in the ceiling area. Furnace equipment is certainly equipped with chimneys in several versions. This will help to best absorb heat during fuel combustion.

Sometimes, during the process of warming up the bath, you can observe a large amount of smoke in the room. In this case, we can talk about the presence of cooler air in the room compared to the outside temperature. As you know, cold air is much more massive than warm air, so its weight is greater. A cool layer of air appears in chimneys. It must be pushed in order for the stove to be lit. For such purposes, it is imperative to build a door in the outlet pipe of the stove to help remove unnecessary ash. You can burn paper there. These simple tips will help rid the sauna stove equipment of excess smoke.

The absence of such a device gives rise to the possibility of ventilating the locker room in the usual way - simply by opening the doors for a while. Once the temperature is balanced, the stove will heat up. It is quite possible for the stove to re-ignite.

Bath ventilation options: a – air intake above the floor; b – air intake from above; c – air intake from under the floor; d – air intake from the recess.

In such rooms of a small area, the dressing room can serve several purposes simultaneously. This room is a room for dressing and undressing, resting after taking procedures, and a transition area for going outside. This room can also be adapted for storing firewood. Here you can install a washing machine. When calculating the dimensions of this room, it is necessary to assume how many people will take water procedures here. It is necessary to take care of the convenience and comfort of people. They should be able to undress and dress without difficulty.

Speaking about window openings, it should be understood that they must be of medium size, their location should not be lower than 1 m from the floor surface. For better heat retention, it is necessary to take care of double glazing of these structures. The doorway should be well finished and usually opens outwards. The materials for its manufacture will be traditional bases. The door in the dressing room should be upholstered from the outside. Additional arrangement of the veranda will also bring significant convenience to the use of this room. In this part of the building you can relax comfortably by placing the necessary furniture for this. In addition, the veranda will retain the heat of the bath.

Very often, the equipment of a bathhouse is connected with the location of the heating in the next room. This is often done when building a Russian bathhouse. Ventilation with this method is calculated based on these facts:

  • comfort of service;
  • absence of smoke, litter and burning in the room;
  • there is no need to add firewood every time, moving throughout the entire bathhouse, thereby letting in cool air;
  • by heating the steam room, you can also heat the adjacent room; the temperature of the hot compartment should not be subject to changes;
  • you can stack and store firewood without any problems;
  • as a result of installing a door made of tempered glass, you can add some zest to the interior design; Here you can install a fireplace, as moving flames significantly calm the nervous system, creating additional comfort and tranquility.

To combine the stove with the firebox in the next room, a slot is made from the plane of the wall, which is 3 cm larger than the tunnel for the firebox, trimmed with brick. After this, insulation measures are carried out using basalt wool. This material ensures that the wall does not come into contact with the very heated stove, therefore, it is protected.

The temperature background and high level of moisture in the bathhouse are favorable conditions for the settlement of all kinds of harmful microorganisms. These include bacteria, viruses, molds that destroy wood and the pulmonary system of bath lovers. Properly done ventilation in the bathhouse will eliminate the listed negativity. How to make it?

We will tell you everything about the rules for organizing ventilation systems designed for drying wet rooms. Using reliable information will help you develop and implement an impeccable ventilation project. The data presented for consideration is based on building codes and the practical experience of builders.

The article describes in detail the methods of constructing ventilation systems designed to remove water suspended in the air, drying finishes and load-bearing structures. The materials and components required for their arrangement are described. Photo applications and video tutorials will provide effective assistance in mastering a difficult topic.

The bathhouse needs regular air renewal. This is a safety requirement for people taking bath procedures. Also, proper ventilation can extend the service life to 50 years or more.

The type of ventilation system is selected individually and depends on the location, size of the structure, and materials used in construction.

Bath ventilation schemes

All existing ventilation systems according to their operating principle are divided into natural, forced and combined. In the first case, ventilation occurs due to the random intake of street air, its mixing in the room and the displacement of exhaust air through the holes in a natural way.

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If insulation takes place, then a counter-lattice must be installed to ensure ventilation between the insulation and other layers of the roof. It is also used to ventilate wall structures so that condensation does not form in the thickness of the layers.

To dry floors, use burst ventilation or install a ventilated floor. This option should be considered during the construction phase. To do this, a rough floor is made by carefully pouring concrete on a slope, and the finishing floor is laid from hardwood boards, leaving small gaps between them. This flooring ensures rapid removal of excess moisture.

It is important to properly organize ventilation in all rooms of the bathhouse. Particular attention should be paid to the washing/shower area, where high humidity threatens the formation of fungus and mold.

All rooms of the bathhouse need ventilation, including:

  • washing room;
  • dressing room/rest room;
  • other premises.

To arrange proper ventilation, you have to choose the optimal scheme that suits the requirements and conditions of a particular bath. It is important to remember that fresh air must enter and be removed from all rooms.

They build ventilation ducts, make supply and exhaust openings in the walls, or install an entire system of air ducts - everything is very individual

Experienced craftsmen do not recommend laying complex ventilation duct systems, preferring to focus on the simplest solution suitable for a particular case. The rule here is that the simpler the better. And in terms of price, the simple option will cost several times less.

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