Clearing the clog in the sink. The kitchen sink is clogged, what to do: folk and mechanical methods, how to clean it How to clear a severe clog in the sink

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A clogged sink is a huge inconvenience, but before you call a plumber, try unclogging it yourself. You can do this by hand, using natural or chemical cleaning products. Here are the most common methods you should try to clear clogs.


How to clear a blockage manually

  1. Clear the jam using a bent wire from a coat hanger. If you suspect your sink is clogged with hair or debris, you could remove it all with a hook made from coat rack wire.

    • Straighten as much of the wire from the hanger as possible. Fold the end over to create a small hook that can fit into drainer shells.
    • Insert the hook into the drain hole. Try to press it against the wall of the drain pipe so as not to push the clog even deeper.
    • As soon as you feel that you have come across a blockage, try to pick it up and pull it out. Try to remove as much debris as possible from the pipe.
    • Turn on the hot water and let it run into the sink for a few minutes. The water should be as hot as possible and under strong pressure. Turn it off if the sink starts to overflow.
  2. Use a plunger to clear the clog. Use a regular plunger and vigorously push through the clog.

    • If you have a kitchen sink with two drain holes, tightly plug the second hole with a damp cloth.
    • Place the plunger on the drain hole, holding it vertically upward.
    • Fill the sink with water, 7-10 cm.
    • Begin vigorously pumping the plunger up and down for 20 seconds, just try not to break anything.
    • Then sharply lift the plunger up.
    • You may have to repeat the process several times before clearing the clog.
  3. Clean the siphon. The siphon often becomes clogged with food waste and debris. It is part of the drain pipe and is located directly under the sink. It can be removed and cleaned by hand.

    • Place a large bucket under the siphon. Water and waste from the pipe will flow into it when you unscrew the siphon.
    • Loosen the siphon nuts with pliers and then unscrew them by hand. Remove the siphon.
    • Remove debris stuck in the siphon using a small wire brush. Then use it to clean the siphon.
    • Rinse the siphon thoroughly under hot water. You can wash it in another sink.
    • Replace the siphon. If any parts show noticeable signs of wear, replace them.
  4. Use a cable for cleaning. If the clog is deep in the pipe, you will need a cable to remove it.

    • Remove the trap and any other pipes that connect to the drain pipe in the wall.
    • Unwind 15-25 cm of the cable.
    • Insert the cable into the pipe. Tighten the set screw.
    • As you move the cable through the pipe, rotate the handle clockwise. Any initial resistance will most likely be caused by bends in the pipe.
    • When you reach the clog, continue to rotate the cable until you feel the tip of the cable go through it. You will know this because the tension in the cable will suddenly weaken.
    • Start turning the handle counterclockwise to pull the cable out of the pipe. Then wash it.
    • Repeat the process if necessary until you feel the blockage has been removed.

    Natural remedies

    1. Pour boiling water into the sink. Boil a liter of water in a kettle. After the water boils, pour it into the drain hole in two or three approaches, pausing for a few seconds between approaches. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

      • If possible, rinse the sink with at least one liter of boiling water. You can do more if you have a spacious kettle.
      • If you don't have a kettle, you can boil water in a saucepan.
      • You can also use a microwave, but boil the water in 20-40 second intervals. Keep in water wooden stick. Otherwise, the water may become too hot and you may get burned.
      • Pour boiling water directly into the drain hole.
      • This method works best on smaller clogs, but may not be as effective on severe clogs. Also, the water should be bubbling when you pour it, as the vibration of the bubbling water partially helps unclog the plug.
    2. Remove the clog using baking soda and vinegar. A solution of soda and vinegar is very effective means, because a very violent reaction occurs between them, which helps get rid of many stubborn plugs in the pipe.

      • Pour half a cup (125 ml) of baking soda into the drain hole.
      • Then pour in half a cup (125 ml) of white distilled vinegar.
      • Quickly plug the drain hole. This will direct the reaction down the pipes, toward the clog, rather than up into the sink.
      • Once the fizzing stops, add another half cup (125 ml) of vinegar.
      • Close the hole with a stopper and leave for 15-30 minutes.
      • Boil 4 liters of water in a kettle or saucepan. Pour boiling water into the sink to remove any remaining vinegar and baking soda.
    3. Remove the blockage using salt and soda. The mixture of salt, baking soda and water will also create a chemical reaction that can remove most clogs.

      • Mix together half a cup (125 ml) table salt and half a cup (125 ml) baking soda.
      • Carefully pour the mixture into the drain hole. Pour in as much as possible, and try not to spill the mixture in the sink itself, near the hole. The reaction will only be effective against the clog when it comes into direct contact with it.
      • Leave the mixture in the pipe for 10-20 minutes.
      • Boil 1 to 4 liters of water in a kettle or saucepan. Carefully pour boiling water into the drain hole.
      • Then plug the hole as quickly as possible so that the reaction goes down the pipe and not out.
      • A chemical reaction will occur that will remove medium-sized clogs.

    Use of industrial chemicals

    1. Use caustic soda. Caustic soda (or sodium hydroxide) is extremely strong chemical agent, which clears most clogs in the sink.

      • It can be purchased at most hardware stores.
      • Dilute 3 cups (750 ml) caustic soda per 3 liters cold water in a big bucket. Stir the solution with a wooden spoon.
      • Do not use a container or utensil that you may later use for eating.
      • Do not mix the solution with your hands.
      • The solution should begin to fizz and heat up.
      • Carefully pour the solution into the drain hole. Leave for 20 to 30 minutes.
      • Boil 4 liters of water and pour it into the pipe.
      • Repeat the procedure as necessary.
    2. Try bleach. If you are connected to a sewer line rather than a well or septic tank, you can use bleach to clean and deodorize a clogged sink.

      • Pour 1 cup (250 ml) undiluted bleach into the drain hole. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
      • Turn on the water and let it run down the drain for 5 minutes. The water should be as hot as possible and under strong pressure.
      • If your sink begins to overflow, turn off the water and let it drain before attempting to unclog your sink again.
      • Do not use bleach if you are connected to a septic tank. The bleach will kill bacteria living in the tank that feed on its contents.
    3. Use a cleaner drainage pipes. Drain cleaners can be purchased at most stores. They come in several types, for example, acidic or enzymatic.

      • Determine what kind of cleaner you need. For example, some cleaners are better at clearing clogs in the bathroom sink, while others are better at clearing clogs in the kitchen sink.
      • Follow the instructions for use of the product.
      • Caustic soda cleaners clean pipes using chemical reactions caused by hydroxide ions.
      • Acidic cleaners use a chemical reaction between hydrogen ions and molecules of debris clogging the sink. Acidic cleaners tend to be harsher than alkaline cleaners.
      • Enzyme cleaners are the least powerful. They contain bacterial enzymes that eat away organic blockages.
    • You can deodorize your sink using lemon juice. Lemon juice, of course, will not clean the sink, but it will get rid of the smell. After you remove the clog, a persistent and pungent odor may appear in the sink. One glass (250 ml) of lemon juice will help you get rid of it.


    • Put it on latex gloves and safety glasses when using industrial chemical cleaners, especially caustic soda. If any of these products come into contact with your skin, wash them off immediately with soap and water. If your skin tingles or burns, consult a doctor immediately.

Using household items and some items from the first aid kit or kitchen cabinet, you can quickly and easily unclog your kitchen sink without spending a penny. Just select and click below on one of 8 express methods, depending on the degree of blockage, the availability of tools and “chemicals” in the house. Or view the entire material ⇓.

First aid for blockages - 6 simple ways

Perhaps, to clear the blockage in your kitchen sink, the following simple and absolutely harmless to pipes (of any kind) steps will be enough, and you will not need to read further this article.

Method 1. Cleaning pipes with boiling water or hot water

Perhaps this is the very first aid measure, which is often enough to clear blockages.

  1. If the pipes are steel, pour about 1 liter of boiling water into the drain hole and wait 20 minutes. To clean plastic pipes, just run hot water from the tap for 20 minutes (the water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees). A plug that is not too tightly seated should drain into the sewer.
  2. We check the result by running a small stream of water. Did not help? Let's try another method.

Method 2. How to clear clogged pipes with a plunger

  1. We tightly plug all overflow holes in the sink with a wet rag to block the passage of air and provide a hydraulic column.
  2. Press the plunger against the drain hole, then sharply pull it towards you. We repeat these steps several times to thoroughly “stir” the cork and break it into small pieces.
  3. We check the result by releasing a small stream of water.
  4. Let's start the flow hot water for a few minutes so that the plug goes safely into the sewer.


  • If you don’t have a plunger at hand and the blockage is not too complicated, you can replace it with a glass or a rag. The steps are the same: press it against the drain and pull it out sharply.
  • If you have a two-section sink, then you need to have two plungers and use them at the same time. That is, when cleaning the drain in one bowl of the sink, you need to close the drain in the second. This will create more suction force. If there is no second plunger, then close the second drain hole with a damp cloth and press it with your hand.

Method 3. How to clean grease from pipes in the kitchen using soda and salt

A clog in the kitchen sink is often caused by an abundance of grease congealed in the pipes. In this case, ordinary salt and soda can solve the problem.

Method 4. Removing clogs with vinegar and soda

Another popular way to clean kitchen pipes at home is with vinegar (9%) and soda. The caustic foam formed as a result of the chemical reaction of these components should eat away the blockage.

  1. Pour 150 grams of soda into the drain hole, and pour the same amount of 9% vinegar on top.
  2. Close the drain with a stopper to prevent foam from flowing out.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes, then run hot water at full speed - this will help push the plug.

Method 5. Clearing the clog... Alka-Seltzer

If there is suddenly no soda in the house, but there is Alka-Seltzer, then it can also clear a moderately clogged siphon. By the way, this product has another bonus - the unpleasant smell from the sink will disappear.

  1. Throw a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets into the drain hole, and then pour in 1 cup of 9% vinegar.
  2. After 2 minutes, run the hot water full blast to help push through the dirt.

Method 6. How to clear blockages in pipes using a vacuum cleaner

Do you have a vacuum cleaner with a blow function? Great! Wrap the vacuum cleaner pipe with a rag so that it fits tightly into the drain hole. The strong air flow from the vacuum cleaner will push through the stagnation.

When traditional methods don't help

Problem not solved? If first aid does not help, this means that the clog in the sink is old, large and dense. How to clear a clog in a pipe if folk recipes didn't work? Don’t rush to call a plumber and disassemble the siphon; try using special chemicals (Mole, Tiret, Pothan, etc.) or a plumbing cable.

Method 7. How to clear a clogged pipe using a plumbing cable (and how to replace it at home)

If the kitchen sink is very clogged, you can use a special plumbing cable. This metal device looks like a brush with a long flexible handle (sold in hardware stores). Cleaning water pipes cable is best suited for metal structures– they can even partially remove rust. But the method is not suitable for cleaning plastic pipes, since there is a risk of damaging them due to excessive mechanical pressure.

  1. The cable is placed in the pipe and rotated. Here you can direct the movement both away from you, pushing the blockage into the sewer pipe, and towards you, pulling out the plug.
  2. When cleaning with a cable, you need to periodically supply water to the sink so that the flow of water washes away the released dirt.
  3. Run hot water for a few minutes to flush any remaining sediment down the drain.


  • If there is no cable on the farm, then the usual metal hanger, from which you can make a mini-cable. Cut it with wire cutters so that the resulting wire has a small hook at the end (see picture below).

Method 8. How to clear a clog in the sink using household chemicals

Special products designed to remove blockages in pipes can be acidic or alkaline. Most often they are:

  • Liquid and helium (for example, Sanfor, Tiret Turbo, Deboucher).
  • Dry in the form of loose powder or granules (for example, Bagi Pothan, Mole, Chirton “Clean Drains”).

The pipe cleaner is selected depending on the material of the water pipe and the expected type of contamination.


  • The cheapest, most famous and universal remedy– “Mole” is based on acidic compounds and in most cases eats away blockages of any origin. But for the most advanced cases, we recommend trying the fast-acting remedy Bagi Pothan in the form of granular powder.
  • Liquid cleaners for clearing clogs are gentler and easier to use.
  • Whatever remedy you choose, first clear the blockage with boiling water for 20 minutes (if the pipes are steel) or with a stream of hot water for 20 minutes (if the pipes are plastic). Then add the cleaning solution exactly following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • If children live in the house, then it is better to buy a pipe cleaner for one time in small packages.
  • Before you start cleaning your pipes, be sure to wear rubber gloves, otherwise the clog remover will attack not only the stopper, but also your skin.
  • If you are planning to clear a clog in your sink using a caustic chemical or vinegar, be sure to open the window.

If none of the above methods work, then it is time to call a plumber. Most likely, the blockage has built up too deep and is packed tightly beyond the reach of most clog removal tools.

Cleaning plastic pipes should be done with extreme caution, since the material is quite susceptible to mechanical damage. It's worth knowing that smooth surface plastic pipes do not corrode. Also, surface contaminants do not adhere well to it. However, a blockage can still occur, because fat deposits, hair, and food debris gradually clog the water drain.

And a little about prevention

To keep your kitchen pipes from getting clogged for as long as possible, you should follow these recommendations:

The problem of a clogged sink appears in every home from time to time. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the operation of plumbing equipment. However, to solve such a problem it is not at all necessary to be a professional plumber or to resort to his help.

The sink drain system has a simple structure. If the blockage has actually formed within the premises and not in the general sewer system, you can remove it yourself. But first determine possible reasons leading to frequent sink clogging.

Causes of a clogged sink pipe

Most often, the drain pipe becomes clogged for the following reasons:

  1. Decrease internal diameter pipes due to the formation of deposits of organic and inorganic origin on its surface.
  2. Foreign objects entering the sink during operation.
  3. The appearance of scratches on the internal surfaces of pipes due to mechanical damage, which slows down the flow of wastewater.
  4. Illiterate installation, namely incorrect angle of inclination of the sewer pipe.

Preparing for cleaning

Before you begin, remove everything stored under the sink. Remove the filter mesh from the sink and clean out any debris.

Stock up on floor rags and a container where dirty water will be drained.

If the sink is empty, pour hot water into it.

  1. Place the plunger nozzle, pressing it firmly, to the sink drain hole.
  2. Using rhythmic movements back and forth, create strong pressure inside the pipe, creating a water hammer.
  3. Try to remove as much debris as possible from the drain by actively working with the plunger.
  4. Do not let water containing contaminants go back into the hole. To do this, immediately cover the drain with a mesh that will filter them out. If there is no mesh, plug the sink with a stopper and pump out all the water and debris.

The duration of the action depends on the result. If the water begins to actively drain, we can assume that the goal has been achieved. After this, it is advisable to immediately carry out prophylaxis. To do this, pour a special cleaning agent into the drain and rinse it with plenty of water.

Cleaning a sink with a plumbing cable

  1. Place the cable into the drain hole, pushing it deep into the pipe until you hit a blockage. Most often, debris accumulates in the siphon or in the pipe itself.
  2. Having reached the blockage, turn the cable clockwise. Try to push or break the resulting plug.
  3. When it becomes obvious that the water is leaving, push the cable deep into the pipeline as far as its length allows. This will help eliminate the possibility that the traffic jam is stuck in the middle of the journey.
  4. If everything works out, the cable is removed and the sink is washed well with hot water and powder.

Sometimes manipulating the cable through the drain hole does not lead to the desired result, due to the fact that the blockage is deep. In this case, you will have to disassemble the plumbing and try to clean the pipeline with a cable from the elbow and further in the direction of the sewer pipe.

  1. Place a suitable container under the sink to collect water.
  2. All drain systems have a similar structure and are quickly disassembled. Remove the connecting elements by which the siphon is attached, on the one hand, to the drain hole of the sink, and on the other, to the corrugated pipe.
  3. Drain the water into a bucket and clean the siphon. It is necessary to remove not only accumulated debris, but also fatty deposits. To remove greasy deposits, use dishwashing detergent.
  4. Check the condition of the pipe itself. Check to see if there is any blockage or grease deposits. Rinse the pipe with hot water and powder.
  5. Install the sink drain system in its place - in the same order as you disassembled it.

The above steps are enough to solve the problem with serious blockage. But the sink can be cleaned without resorting to mechanical methods. There are many chemicals for this, both cheap and expensive.

The safest and ecological way Remove the blockage yourself - use baking soda and vinegar. These substances are cheap and are always available in any kitchen. They help to avoid the use of expensive and specialized chemical-based products.


  • Pour a cup of baking soda into the drain hole.
  • Pour in the same amount of vinegar solution.
  • Leave this mixture for about 40-50 minutes to allow both substances to dissolve the clog.
  • Rinse off any remaining chemical mixture with hot water.

Baking soda and vinegar react chemically and attack the clog, dissolving it. If after the procedure the blockage is not completely eliminated, all steps must be repeated.

Clearing clogs with pipe cleaners

When you can't solve a problem by simple means, you can use specialized cleaners. Depending on the form of release, dry and liquid products are distinguished. Dry can be in the form of powder or granules, sold in a foil bag designed for one use. Substances in this form are the most concentrated. Liquid or gel cleaners are softer and safer to use on pipes.

Depending on the active substance can be acidic or alkaline. Alkali has the property of dissolving grease stains, this product is ideal for the kitchen sink. Acidic ones have a destructive effect on plastic and metal, shortening the life of the pipeline, but quickly remove the blockage.

Today there are a large number of chemical cleaners for different manufacturers. The most famous brands:

Mole– means domestic production. It has a budget price and high efficiency. Eliminates blockages and unpleasant odors.

Tiret– according to consumers, one of the the best means. Suitable for both plastic and metal pipes.

Mister Muscle– is considered an effective remedy for prevention and for mild blockages. The stated action is the destruction of bacteria found in sewer pipes.


  1. Instructions for using such products are usually standard. It is important to worry about safety in advance: ensure good ventilation indoors, put on rubber gloves.
  2. Need to measure required quantity substances. The dose depends on the nature and complexity of the blockage - detailed information indicated on the packaging.
  3. Pour the liquid product into the sink drain hole.
  4. Now you need to wait for the time indicated on the package. After this, thoroughly rinse the system with hot water by opening the tap for 10 minutes.

Preventing blockages

Regular maintenance of the sewer system will help avoid frequent blockages. To do this, install a filter mesh over the drain hole. It will prevent large particles of food or other debris from getting into the pipe. Periodically pour special cleaners or a mixture of soda and vinegar into the drain to prevent plaque from accumulating on the internal surfaces of the pipes.

It is not difficult to cope with this unpleasant everyday problem. Use the methods described in the article for cleaning the sink drain system. Be patient and you will achieve the desired result.

Video: cleaning pipes at home

Probably everyone modern man at least once faced with the fact that water in the kitchen remains in the sink and does not flow away. This problem is called a not very euphonious word - “clogging” - a constant companion of any sewer pipes!

And here competent cleaning is urgently needed, which, of course, is better to entrust to plumbers. But not every owner has such an opportunity, and therefore, in this article we will talk about how to clean the pipes in the kitchen on your own.

Keeping your sink in perfect condition

Four effective ways to get rid of clogs

This disease occurs, as a rule, due to the accumulation of small debris on the walls of the pipes, due to which their volume gradually decreases until complete blockage. When faced with a blockage, you can immediately call a plumber who will solve all your problems for a certain amount.

But there are situations when it is much easier and faster to do everything yourself, while saving money and gaining a little experience.

Information! Blockages are excluded only in new buildings, or after overhaul water supply in an old house with complete replacement of all pipes.

Preliminary actions

If you have a clogged pipe in the kitchen, first of all you need to determine the type of blockage - local or a blockage of the main sewer pipe (see also article). To do this, check all existing drains in the house.

If the water does not drain only from kitchen sink, then the blockage is precisely in its outlet pipe. This means that the remaining pipes will not have to be cleaned.

Pour boiling water over baking soda and pour the mixture into the drain hole.

Then pour a solution of boiling water and soda into the sink drain hole - this method is effective when there is accumulation in the pipe. large quantity fat deposits. It is quite possible that after this action you will no longer have to do anything.

Method 1: plunger

1 – most often the blockage occurs in this section of the pipe; 2 – plunger bowl; 3 – this place can be located additional hole to drain excess water; 4 – some siphons have a cleaning hole closed with a plug.

How to clean a sewer pipe in the kitchen if the steps described above did not help? For minor blockages, the well-known plunger can help.

With its help, pressure differences are created inside the pipe, which partially destroy the constipation - this will temporarily relieve you of the problem.

  1. Remove visible debris from the sink (hair, leftover food, etc.);
  2. Remove the filter plug from the drain hole;
  3. Close the overflow protection that allows excess water to flow out (if there is one, of course). This can be done using tape, a wet rag or a special rubber plug. This is necessary so that the pressure created by the plunger does not decrease;
  4. Fill the sink with water;
  5. To ensure that the bowl of the plunger has good contact with the surface of the sink, apply some thick lubricant (for example, Vaseline) to its rim;
  6. Insert the bowl of the tool so that the water filling it displaces all the air from it;
  7. Cover the drain hole with the bowl of the plunger and, holding the handle in a vertical position, make 10-15 sharp pushes down and up;

Important! When doing these manipulations, make sure that the plunger does not come off the surface of the sink. You only need to remove the tool abruptly at the end of the entire process.

  1. Remove the plunger from the sink with a sharp movement. A clogged pipe in the kitchen should move under the influence of forward movement liquids. That did not happen? Then repeat what is written in paragraph 7 several more times.

Method 2: chemicals

Chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes

If your kitchen drain is clogged, you can try using liquid chemicals, of which there are a huge variety today (see also article). But you don’t need to buy everything at once and pour them at the same time!

Many of our compatriots believe that the more you pour in, the faster and more efficiently the pipeline will be cleaned. This is wrong.

In addition, there are instructions that tell you how to use chemicals correctly (and it is better to follow them, for your own safety):

  • For each individual case of blockage, a specific chemical cleaner should be used. For example, acidic preparations work well with hair and soap, and alkaline preparations work well with fatty deposits. Therefore, before making a purchase, consult with the store seller, who will offer you one of the most suitable remedy. The price of such cleaners is low.

Important! If used incorrectly, chemicals are very dangerous! Therefore, first carefully read the instructions, which mandatory must be attached to the product.

  • These drugs cannot be used when the pipe in the kitchen is completely clogged. Otherwise, the substance may splash back into the sink, damaging its surface, and getting into your eyes and skin.
  • Also, you should not use them too often, as they contribute to the destruction of sewer pipes.
  • Before you start cleaning, make sure the area is well ventilated. Do not allow the chemical to come into contact with your eyes, nose, or mouth (even with product fumes). It is better to wear rubber gloves on your hands and a gauze bandage on your face.
  • Under no circumstances should you mix alkaline products with acidic ones! The consequences are unpredictable (even an explosion is possible).
  • After reading the instructions, pour the specified amount of chemical into the sink drain.
  • Wait a while and then check to see if the blockage is cleared by running a stream of water.

Note! Liquid cleaners only help get rid of small blockages. And if you live in a fairly old house, where sediment has accumulated on the walls of sewer pipes for decades, then this cleaning method is unlikely to help you.

Method 3: plumbing cable

Plumbing cable

Is the blockage in the kitchen more serious? In this case, it would be rational to use a plumbing cable - special tool for cleaning pipes, which any plumber has. It can also be purchased for personal use.

Please note! This tool can only be used if you have metal pipes.

A plumbing cable is a steel twisted spiral spring consisting of several layers wound on top of each other in opposite directions. As a rule, the cable is also equipped with a special handle, for more comfortable work with a tool.

The main task of the cable is to hook and pull out debris from the pipe, due to which the blockage was formed.

How to clean a pipe in the kitchen using a cable?

Its use is quite simple and effective, but to do everything quickly and competently, read these instructions:

  • To clear the cable, it would be good to find a partner - you need someone to constantly keep the cable taut. If you loosen the cable tension during cleaning, it will twist and become unsuitable for further work.
  • Before running the tool into the pipe, remove the siphon and remove all dirt from it.
  • Then insert one end of the cable into the drain hole and carefully push the cable through the pipe. As soon as it hits something, have your partner turn the handle clockwise - most likely you just hit a bend in the pipe.
  • Push the cable further until you find a blockage. Try to break through the blockage with the cable, intensifying the shocks. And don’t forget to rotate the tool - this will help you go around the bends of the pipe and wind the accumulated debris onto the cable.
  • Bring the cable to the surface and remove all debris from it. At the final stage of the whole process, all you have to do is assemble the siphon and check the sewer to clear the blockage. To do this, simply turn on the water.

If the water drains well, it means the blockage has been removed.

Method 4: Spiral Cleaning Machine

Pipe Cleaning Machine

Perhaps the most effective method– eliminating blockages using special automatic equipment for cleaning small-diameter sewer pipes. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to use it yourself, since an automatic machine is expensive and requires certain skills.

Therefore, it would be most rational to call a specialist in this field.

Advice! So that you no longer have to think about how to unclog your kitchen pipes, install special filter plugs, as in the photo below. These devices will prevent debris from entering the sewer.

However, no one guarantees that you will never encounter blockages after this. They will just occur much less frequently.

Filter plug

Sewage smell in the kitchen

If you smell an unpleasant smell from the sewer in the kitchen, you need to immediately start looking for the cause (see also article). Don't expect to drown out this "aroma" with air fresheners, and remember that it is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health.

Let's look at the possible reasons for its appearance, and also find out how to get rid of sewer smell in the kitchen.

  1. If you live in apartment building on one of the lower floors, and there is a sewer smell not only in the kitchen, but throughout the entire apartment and in the entrance, then this is a problem with the general building sewer system. In this case, you can only get rid of the disease with the help of the housing office and a plumber. After it eliminates the cause of the smell, you can sprinkle bleach on all the pipes in the apartment.
  1. If your kitchen riser is made of cast iron and the sewer pipes are also made of it, then perhaps a crack has formed somewhere and the smell is coming from there, or in the worst case, the pipes have rotted. Having discovered a crack on cast iron pipe, seal it with cement, diluting it to a consistency similar to plasticine. If the pipes are rotten, they will have to be replaced. There may also be a problem with the sewer riser - then it needs to be replaced with a new one. If you have plastic pipes in your kitchen and you find a crack in one of them, then it is better to replace it ( plastic sewer easily dismantled and assembled).
  1. The smell from the pipes in the kitchen may be due to a blockage in the siphon. Hair, leftover food and other debris decomposes and creates a very unpleasant “aroma”. In this case, you need to disassemble the siphon and clean it.

A little about sewage pumps

Convenient use of sanitary sewer pump

There are situations when it is necessary to relocate the sewerage system in the kitchen. Therefore, I would like to talk separately about such a wonderful invention as sewage pumps for the kitchen.

They are designed for collecting and pumping domestic water in cases where the bathrooms are installed far from the riser (that is, the water cannot be drained into sewer system by gravity). In other words, with the help of such a pump you can install a sink in any corner of the house convenient for you!

A sanitary sanitary unit is ideal for a kitchen space. sewage pump for the kitchen - it perfectly pumps out sewage dirty waters, while maintaining high temperatures. A grinder can be built into the pump, which, if necessary, will crush and transport wastewater to the nearest central sewer.

Important! About once a year, such a pump needs to be disassembled and cleaned, since the inside becomes covered with a greasy coating and begins to smell unpleasant.

Proper planning and implementation of sewerage is a rather important task that requires a responsible approach. And, of course, it’s better to entrust it to specialists. This is the only way you can be sure that sewer pipes transferred correctly and work smoothly.


Everything you need to know to an ordinary person We talked about cleaning and preventing blockages in kitchen pipes. You can find more information in the thematic video material.

Remember, the most effective method avoid clogging - make sure that the kitchen sink is kept clean and that a lot of debris does not fall into it. Well, if a blockage does occur, then try one by one the methods for eliminating it described in this article.

Almost every person thinks about how to clean the sink and the blockage that has formed in it, because often the water stops fully flowing into the sink drain at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes there is not enough time to call a plumber and wait for him. Therefore, knowing several options for unclogging your sink, you can do it yourself. How exactly is written in our article.

Using a plunger to clean a sink

Most in a simple way The only way to clean a kitchen sink is to use a plunger, because this item is found in almost every home and even more: a plunger is a tool that is known all over the world. It consists of:

  • wooden handle;
  • a rubber cap placed on one end of the stick.

The plunger is quite easy to use. For this:

  1. It is necessary to close the drain hole in the sink or sink;
  2. Open, preferably hot, water;
  3. After the water covers the rubber bulb from above, you should make a certain number of pumps with the plunger, and quite energetically.
  4. These steps will allow you to create drain pipe pressure changes that destroy the plug, which forms a blockage.
  5. At this point, you can lift the plunger.
  6. And with successful actions, the water will begin to swirl into a funnel and go into the drain that has been cleaned.

Pro tip:

If your sink drain is clogged, you need to remember how to unclog a sink without a plunger, using an empty cardboard milk carton. It is necessary to insert the bag into the drain hole with a cut corner, and then press vigorously several times from above.

Hydraulic pump to remove blockage

Siphon cleaning

Disassembling the siphon

The siphon is located directly under the drain hole of the sink or sink. It is a curved pipe filled with water. Its main function is to isolate odors from the sewer. The siphon becomes clogged, as a rule, due to the formation of a plug of solid particles at the very bottom.

Before you clean your bathroom or kitchen sink, you should place a bucket under the sink to prevent water from spilling onto the floor. Then proceed to disassemble the siphon:

  1. Using wrench, you need to unscrew the lid of the siphon cleaning hatch (usually all products have standard principles).
  2. For a bottle siphon, you need to unscrew the large sump cup by hand.
  3. If access to the inside is not provided by the structure itself, then you should unscrew the fastening nuts and remove the entire siphon.
  4. You must wait until all the contents of the siphon drain into the bucket.
  5. After this, bend the hook at the end of the wire piece and use it to check the pipe outlet area, which is located behind the siphon.
  6. It is also necessary to check the other end of this pipe, as it may be blocked by fallen leaves.
  7. If, after all, the siphon has been removed, then before installation it is necessary to wash it with detergent.

Using a drill

Quite often, the vertical pipe coming from the siphon is connected to the horizontal section of the sewer branch. That is why it is necessary to install a cleaning plug in this connection to be able to clean the horizontal pipe. The cleaning process itself looks like this:

  1. You need to place a bucket under the sink.
  2. Unscrew by hand and remove the plug.
  3. Check the horizontal pipe for contamination with a wire that has a hook at the end.
  4. If there is a plug in the pipe that is tightly seated, then you need to use a special drill designed for cleaning pipes.
  5. If there is no cleaning plug, then to be able to use the drill, the siphon must be removed.

Clearing a clog using a cable

The presence of a plumbing cable will make it possible to clean even quite complex ones or in a sink. The cable will help even if the plunger cannot cope with the blockage. Therefore, having purchased such a product for your home, you will no longer have to think about how to clear the clog in the sink.

The cable is a wire that is wound into a spiral, which has a handle at one end and a spiral drill at the other. Its length, as a rule, is close to 3 meters, but the diameter of the cable can be different.

You can use the cable even if cleaning the siphon also did not bring results. The cable is perfect for clearing blockages in metal pipes.

Wire cleaning technology:

  1. First, insert the end of the cable into the hole in the drain or drain pipe and direct it in the direction of the blockage.
  2. It's better to work together. So, one will constantly push the cable forward, but the other will create tension by twisting the cable around the longitudinal axis using a handle.

Pro tip:

The cable must be tensioned! Since if the tension weakens, the cable may become twisted and damaged, which will make its further use impossible.

  1. It is twisting that helps the cable go around the joints and turns of sewer pipes - screwing the cable into the contents of the sewer pipe.
  2. When passing through a blockage or pushing the cable to its full length, several reciprocating movements should be made. Then remove the cable and clean it.

So, if the sink is very clogged, what needs to be done is already known, and this procedure can be repeated if the result of the work is not satisfactory. It should be remembered that the diameter of the cable must be smaller than the diameter of the sewer pipe.

Preventive measures

Even with careful use of the sink, the following gradually accumulates in siphons and pipe outlets:

  • hair;
  • food waste particles.

Absence unpleasant odor and the cleanliness of the pipes can be ensured by treatment with a chemical intended for cleaning sewers, which is carried out regularly. Also, a product intended for clearing blockages should be used as soon as the water begins to flow more slowly, so that later you have to think less about why the kitchen sink is clogged.

Pro tip:

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions so that handling of the chemical becomes harmless.

If, after cleaning the pipe outlet, the unpleasant odor still remains, then a small amount of antiseptic should be poured into the sink overflow hole.


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