Nail patterns. Unique panel made of threads and nails: DIY string art

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It is extremely difficult to surprise modern people, accustomed to comfort and luxury. And even such a work as a painting made of nails and threads is not a novelty for them. However, it is worth noting that even the most ordinary threads and nails can participate in the creation of original products. Such paintings can become a worthy decoration of any interior. This article is worth telling you how to make a picture from nails and threads.

Detailed information about the paintings

A panel made of threads is a backing that can be made of absolutely any material. Studs are driven into this material in any specific order, and the beautiful yarn should form a pattern. In other words, nails are pegs on which threads cling. It is important to say that this version of art requires a lot of attention from the master. And if you do everything correctly, the result can exceed all your expectations. You can create paintings yourself, and you can freely involve children in this event. It’s easy to bring any idea to life. And there are completely different schemes specifically for this purpose. Try it and you will definitely succeed.

What materials and tools are needed

In order to create a picture using nails, you need to find a substrate. It can be a wooden board or a piece of foam. A piece of plywood or other similar dense material will also work.

You also need cloves for your work. It is difficult to talk about their number. It all depends on the complexity of the work. But on average, you will need about 20 nails to create one painting. The ideal option for a picture is decorative or carpentry nails that are small in size and have neat caps.

The third component of the picture is the yarn. Threads for knitting would be ideal. They are characterized by high density and also have a huge variety of colors. Floss and twisted threads can also work. But it is not recommended to use silk yarn. She's not fit for work.

In addition to everything that is already listed above, the work uses: a hammer, a drawing on paper, buttons, pliers, paint.

On a note! If you wish to hang your artwork, then you will need to make a loop.

Let's create a picture. Detailed master class

In order to make paintings from nails and threads, you may need diagrams that are easy to find on the Internet. In addition, you can also find a lot of interesting things in our publication. First of all, it is worth communicating the rules for creating such a product.

So, the procedure for creating a picture from nails and yarn is incredibly simple. You should choose or come up with a picture that you plan to create in the future. First of all, you need to draw or print it. Then the image is cut out along the edge using scissors. The substrate must also be prepared. You can use the substrate in its original form, or you can paint it. Only after this can you continue further manipulations.


  1. So, the drawing on the paper is positioned as you like. But in order for the picture to lie flat, it is attached to the substrate using buttons.
  2. Then take neat nails and drive them along the back of the design. They need to be placed at the same distance from each other. For ease of work, the places where the nails are driven in can be marked with a regular pencil.
  3. Then the drawing is removed from the backing and placed somewhere in a row. It should be before your eyes.
  4. Start working with the thread. One end of it is tied to a nail. The threads are then wound in any order. As a result of these actions, you should have intersecting lines between each other. When working, you should rely on the picture that should be in front of your eyes.

Where are these pictures used?

It is worth noting that a painting made from nails and threads, which was created with one’s own hands, is an original work of art. Such products can easily fit into absolutely any interior and add a unique touch of modernity to it. Paintings will look good not only on shelves, but also on cabinets and chests of drawers. However, if there are children in the family, or children come to visit you, then the placement of paintings of this type should be chosen with great attention. Remember that even neat decorative carnations can be dangerous for a child of any age. In this case, the picture is hung high on the wall or placed on the top shelf of the rack.

The panel can be placed in absolutely any room. But the picture must necessarily correspond to the theme. For example, any theme is suitable for the living room; for the kitchen, it is best to make a picture with fruits and vegetables. And for a bath, a marine theme would be a good option.

How to create a silhouette drawing

A picture made of nails and threads looks good in any interior. The next master class will allow you to create another unique work of art. Threads may not always highlight the central composition. In some cases, they are used to create a background that frames empty space. This version of the painting is called silhouette.


  1. First of all, you should prepare everything you need, as well as tools.
  2. An outline of a tree is drawn on a landscape sheet.
  3. The circuit is applied to the substrate. The nails are driven into the back of the tree.
  4. After which, nails are driven in throughout the counter. As a result, you will get a frame.
  5. A loop is tied at the end of the thread. Then create a pattern.
  6. The thread is stretched from the outermost nails to the nails that form the silhouette of the tree.
  7. When most of the yarn is stretched, it is necessary to remove the landscape sheet with the pattern using tweezers.
  8. The thread is stretched and its end is secured.

Easter bunny

If you don't know what paintings with threads and nails are called, then their name is panels. In this article we will give you several options for such paintings.

To create a rabbit, first of all, a template is drawn. It's best to take 2 pictures. After which they are placed on a board.

The nails are driven in along the counter at an equal distance from each other. The outline of the inner ear is highlighted using studs. In the picture you will do it with a different color of yarn.

The nails also highlight the bow on the basket. Easter eggs should also be highlighted.

After you have driven in all the nails, you need to select the yarn for the inside of the eyelet. Pull the thread. Then create other small elements of your painting.

Only after you are finished with small elements should you fill in the main part of the picture. White thread is used for the bunny and blue thread is used for the Easter basket.

How to make patterns

Pictures made from nails and threads can have a special beauty. And they will be created due to the formation of fancy curls from yarn.


  1. To work you will need a square board.
  2. Step back 2 cm from the edge and drive in the cloves. They should be driven in at an equal distance from each other. As a result, you will get a frame.
  3. The end of the yarn is secured to a nail, which is located in the corner. After which, the thread is pulled to the opposite corner. As a result, a line with a diagonal arrangement is formed. Return the yarn, but in this case, hook it onto the next nail. Then make another diagonal line. The thread is stretched in this way. Each time, catching it on neighboring studs. Thread the yarn clockwise. Over time, you will develop a beautiful pattern in the center.
  4. This way the entire panel is filled. And the end of the thread is secured.

If you use the method described above, you can create very beautiful paintings without drawing.

How to write words on a picture with threads

A painting made from threads and nails is easy to make. And you should use templates in your work. In this publication we talked about how beautiful these products can be. However, in addition to silhouettes, you can even write words on panels with threads. We will describe how to do this correctly below.

  1. So, first of all, take several landscape sheets and glue them together. You can write any word on these sheets. For a beautiful picture, the words should be made thicker.
  2. At the next stage, the substrate is prepared, and the picture with the word is placed on it.
  3. The nails are driven in counter as always, and the distance between them should not be too large.
  4. After all the nails have been driven in, remove the paper.
  5. The threads should be prepared in advance. The colors of the threads should be such that one shade gradually turns into another.
  6. The yarn is stretched from the top of the first letter. Then a thread of a different shade is taken and the work is already carried out using it.
  7. Thus, it is necessary to gradually fill in all the letters.

Making a combined panel

If you create any drawing and add a signature to it, you will get a combined panel. The elements are also made from nails and threads. Now it’s worth describing in more detail how to make such a panel.

  1. A ball is cut out of paper and placed on a substrate that was prepared in advance.
  2. Nails are driven in along the contour of the ball.
  3. The paper is removed, and a string is drawn with a felt-tip pen to the ball. Nails are also driven in along the contour of the rope.
  4. Then, at the bottom of the panel, a phrase is written in pencil.
  5. The thread is first pulled in a chaotic manner onto the contour of the ball. The yarn should cover the entire space.
  6. A thread of a different color is pulled onto a string. The yarn goes in a zigzag pattern and it should rise and fall to the bottom and top several times. In the same way, you need to pull the string over the letters.

If you decide to make this product yourself, then you should consider several recommendations.

  • So, if a piece of foam plastic appears, then before carrying out further manipulations its surface is covered with acrylic paint.
  • In order for the work to be accurate and neat, the thread needs to be tightened better.
  • To hammer nails into panels, it is better to choose a small hammer.
  • The picture will look quite beautiful if you use decorative elements during its creation, which can be buttons and rhinestones.
  • The paintings will turn out to be unusually beautiful if you stick some image on the backing and use yarn to make some of it three-dimensional.

A unique panel made of nails and threads, made with your own hands, will become a worthy decoration of any interior. Nails and threads... It would seem that these two elements are absolutely incompatible. Nails symbolize construction, which is considered a rough activity reserved for men. Threads are more of a feminine thing. However, the combination of these materials allows you to create real masterpieces for apartment design. What can you do, armed with ordinary nails, multi-colored threads and using a cut of wood or an ordinary smooth board as a base?

Panel made of nails and threads: creation technique

Even a child can create a panel from threads and nails with his own hands, this is a great advantage of the technique. You don’t need to have any special artistic skills; you just need to print out a sketch or draw it by hand.

When the picture is ready, you should take care of the base, the role of which can be played by an ordinary cut of a wide tree trunk. If you don’t have such material at hand, an ordinary board is quite suitable, which must first be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper and varnished. Instead of varnish, acrylic paint is sometimes used, and fabric can also be stretched over the base.

Sketch of a drawing for the panel “Firebird”

Tools required for work:

  1. Small nails, the number of which directly depends on the size and complexity of the painting.
  2. Threads of different structures and colors.
  3. Fabric, if needed for the background.
  4. Long-nose pliers for holding nails so as not to knock off your fingers.
  5. Nail scissors.

The sketch is placed on the base so that the outline of the drawing does not protrude beyond its boundaries. The first nail is driven into any point on the line, but this is not done to the end, but only 1/3 of the way. To ensure that the nails fit smoothly and your fingers remain intact, you need to use long-nose pliers.

When the first nail goes in, you need to check if the pattern has moved to the side. If everything is in order, a second one is driven in on the opposite side of the first nail. All subsequent ones go one after another with equal steps (0.5-1 cm). Thus, it is necessary to fill the entire contour of the drawing.

Now the paper with the sketch is removed by simply tearing it off along the edges and center. It's time to fill the center of the design with threads. The thread is tied to any nail under the head itself, and then it is randomly wound around the nails, moving both along the contour and to the opposite heads. The work continues until all the gaps between the threads disappear. The panel on the wall made of threads and nails is ready. It can be supplemented with applique, beads, rhinestones and other decor.

Tip: If you add glitter (sparkles for manicure) to acrylic varnish and carefully cover the thread fabric with this composition, then after drying it will sparkle with hundreds of tiny multi-colored lights.

Creating silhouette drawings and complex patterns

Silhouette images look no less attractive when only the background is filled with threads, while the central composition remains empty. To create such a panel you will need all the same materials.

When doing this, a frame is necessarily made, that is, nails are driven in along the contour of the substrate, and then, as in the previous case, along the contour of the drawing itself. The thread is tied on the nails running along the edge and pulled to those that form the outline of the design. It turns out very beautiful and unusual.

An amazing panel can be created without a sketch. You need to take a dark base and bright threads. Nails or pins are driven only along the contour of the substrate. The essence of the technique is that the thread is pulled to the opposite edge, wrapped around a nail, returns back and clings to the adjacent nail.

The process continues until all the space is filled. The result is a regular figure, twisted in a spiral. This technique produces very complex panels with a 3D effect.

How to choose the right drawing

At the initial stage of creativity, you should choose large and simple sketches. Beginners are recommended to make a panel in the shape of a circle or polygon from multi-colored threads. It could even be a photo frame.

As the technique is mastered, they begin to work on more complex paintings, in which the threads are not arranged randomly, but using some kind of system. Such panels look especially chic and can be the subject of additional income.

By using threads of different colors and stretching them at different heights, they achieve a 3D effect and a similarity to tapestries.

What could be the plot:

  • Christmas tree, Santa Claus, snowflake;
  • heart, star, bell;
  • all kinds of flowers;
  • animals – cat, hare, elephant;
  • birds, such as an owl.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas for creating a wall panel from threads and nails. If a child takes on the work, it is recommended to choose a sketch that depicts a fairy-tale character. It will be especially interesting for your child to make his favorite character with his own hands.

In addition to the fact that panels made of threads are simply beautiful, they cultivate perseverance and other useful qualities in a child:

  • instill a passion for creativity;
  • develop fine motor skills of fingers;
  • give an idea of ​​space and complex geometric shapes;
  • force you to think abstractly;
  • develop sensory perception and speech.

Inscriptions made using this technique look especially stylish. Such a gift will certainly be appreciated. This decor would be very appropriate in the kitchen, nursery and hallway.

Tip: Instead of a wooden base, you can use a sheet of foam. It is easy to work with this material; nails are inserted into it without a hammer, but when filling the space with threads, they should not be pulled too tightly. If even one nail pops out under strong tension, all the work will go down the drain.

Using the iso-thread technique, a large image or even an entire composition made directly on a wooden or plasterboard wall of an apartment will look gorgeous. Such a painting will require a lot of thread, but the result is worth some material investment. Only for large-scale images you need to choose stronger threads and longer nails.

  • the foam backing should be coated with acrylic glue and then varnish, then the balls will not crumble;
  • When making a large painting, the main silhouette is made from threads, and rhinestones, broken glass, beads and other materials are used for small details.
  • Content

    It’s simply impossible to count how many different types of needlework there are, but if banal knitting or embroidery is not for you, it’s worth trying to learn something new. For example, ordinary nails and threads can create an amazingly beautiful picture using modern string art weaving techniques. Interested? Then find out: what materials are needed for this, how to draw up a diagram correctly and master a few simple master classes.

    What is string art

    An unusual type of needlework, string art, was invented in England almost four centuries ago. Using ordinary nails and threads, weavers of that time created decorative patterns on planks, which they later decorated the walls of their own homes with. Over time, the ancient weaving technique was reworked and improved several times, but the version of string art from Mary Bull became especially popular in the world. With her help, the English researcher taught children algebra and geometry.

    What you need for string art

    The main supplies for creating a string art pattern are nails and threads. You can use thin yarn for knitting, ordinary sewing threads, floss or silk. In addition to this standard set, you will also need:

    • a piece of plywood or board;
    • thick cardboard if you are going to make a postcard or master string art with children;
    • template, photo, spot diagram or finished image;
    • paint, if the base needs to add color;
    • a hammer for driving nails or an awl for making holes in paper.

    Isothread technique - diagrams with numbers for beginners

    If you have never tried to master string art before, then you will have to start from the very basics. Schemes with numbers in this case are a godsend for you. Arrows on them indicate the movement of the thread and the type of connection of all elements. To make it easier to work, apply the diagram to cardboard or wood in its original form, in the first case on the back side of the product.

    For beginners, mastering the string art technique starts with learning the principle of filling an angle or circle. All other shapes: circle, oval, square or letters are only derivatives. To practice your skills, draw a right angle on a piece of paper with lines equal to 10 and 5 centimeters. Divide the long strip into 10 equal parts, 1 centimeter each, and number them. Divide the short strip by half a centimeter, also mark it with numbers - the diagram is ready. The thread must be led from one edge of the top to the other on both sides.

    What to make from nails and threads

    It would seem that simple threads, ordinary nails - well, what good can come out of such a set of tools? In fact, with the correct weave of yarn, a printed pattern can miraculously turn into a three-dimensional picture. For the string art technique, ideas can be drawn from anything. Did you like the image on the Internet? Feel free to download and print.

    Using string art, you can make a three-dimensional image of a pet: a cat, a dog, a parrot. Abstraction lovers can master the technique of creating multi-colored panels. The correct geometric shapes of the lines will not become a hindrance to creating a postcard for Valentine's Day. Flowers, insects, wildlife, kitchen utensils - all this can be easily turned into paintings made from threads and nails.

    Panel made of threads and nails

    Instead of an ordinary purchased painting, it is better to hang a picturesque string art panel on the wall in the central room. The main feature is that the finished image should not have many small details that distract attention. In any case, you will have to make the base for the panel using threads and nails with your own hands, but you can trust children to stretch the multi-colored lines.

    Painting with threads on nails

    If you like plot drawings that you will have to pore over for a single day, then you should master the creation of a picture. For example, a canvas with animals, cartoon characters or fairy tales is suitable for the interior of a nursery. A DIY picture made of nails and threads with an interesting food theme will be a worthy decoration in the kitchen, and in the bedroom you can hang images of sailboats, clovers or delicate flowers.

    Postcard with threads

    Are you going to a friend's birthday party or preparing to congratulate your loved one on Valentine's Day? Then make an original string art postcard from threads. The pattern will have to be drawn on thick paper using a needle and thread. For these purposes, buy thick cardboard; regular printed paper tears too easily and quickly loses its shape. A postcard using the isothread technique will look beautiful if the finished template is glued to cardboard of a larger diameter.

    DIY string art - master class

    So, you have bought everything you need and are ready to start string art. Where to start? To begin with, you should master simple patterns, or better yet, use ready-made master classes or repeat the ideas of experienced needlewomen. Today you will learn how to make various crafts from nails and threads, learn about the basic principles of decorative weaving and creating incredibly beautiful patterns.


    You should start getting acquainted with a new type of art with the simplest images, for example, making a heart out of threads and nails with your own hands. Even children can do this craft if adults help drive in carnations. In addition, such string art can be a great gift or just decorate a wall in your bedroom. This step-by-step master class will make your task easier:

    1. On a blank sheet of paper, draw a neat heart with a pencil.
    2. Place points where you are going to nail. It is important to make marks at the same distance; the appearance will depend on this.
    3. Place the paper against the plywood. Drive the nails into the places that you previously marked with a pencil.
    4. Remove the paper template from the nails. Use tweezers to remove any remaining clean sheet from the plywood.
    5. Make a neat knot on the central top nail and pull the tip of the thread diagonally.
    6. Continue wrapping the rope around the nails so that each new wrap creates a sharp angle.
    7. Once all the studs are tied, secure the end of the thread and carefully trim the tail.

    Flower using isothread technique

    Having learned how to embroider a circle or corner using the string art technique, you can easily move on to creating simple flower arrangements. The next step-by-step master class will teach you how to create flowers using the string art technique using the simplest example - dandelions. To work, you only need a sheet of paper, a pencil, an awl and thread of two colors: white and green. Step by step floral embroidery iso-thread looks like this:

    1. Starting at the top of the sheet, draw three circles in random order, each 5-6 centimeters in diameter.
    2. To get many dandelion inflorescences inside the circles, draw another small circle, from which draw 5 connecting lines upward.
    3. Make the stems and draw the leaves of the future flower. Make the necessary punctures.
    4. Embroider dandelion inflorescences with white threads in a circular pattern, starting your work from the very center. Remember that each part of the large circle is a separate inflorescence.
    5. To make the leaves voluminous, divide them into several triangles and embroider them with green threads according to the principle of the corner.
    6. At the very end, use small stitches to connect the base to the buds.

    Having mastered simple pictures of a heart and flowers, you can proceed to more complex compositions and weave a portrait using the string art technique. You can take a ready-made photo of your pet, try to bring it to life, or depict the figures of movie characters with threads. As an example, take the monochrome portrait of lovers from the following master class on string art:

    1. Drive nails around the entire perimeter of the plywood sheet.
    2. Cut out a couple in love so that they represent a single whole.
    3. Place the image in the center of the panel and make marks for the nails with a pencil.
    4. Remove the paper and drive the nails in at equal distances.
    5. Start filling the picture according to the principle of creating sharp corners, but not from the central part, but by drawing only the general background with white thread.


    Do you want to decorate your apartment in Scandinavian style? To do this, you only need an aged flat piece of wood, white threads, decorative nails with a small head, a hammer and a few hours of free time. Using the string art technique, the deer from the next step-by-step lesson will look almost like a real one. The creation principle is as follows:

    1. Clean the surface from excess chips and cover with a layer of varnish. If desired, the board can be painted any color.
    2. Print out a large stencil of a deer's head and cut out the design along the outline.
    3. Place a piece of paper in the center of the wooden sheet. Make marks for driving in at a distance of 5-7 mm. This step will be easier if you use graph paper.
    4. Carefully drive in the nails and start creating a masterpiece from the very bottom of the design.
    5. Fasten the tip of the thread to a nail and make a general outline, drawing the yarn like a snake around each nail.
    6. The further process is a matter of taste. You can use straight geometric lines or distribute the thread randomly inside the outline.

    A DIY thread tree will look very symbolic on the wall. Coping with its creation is as simple as weaving a heart from isothreads. All you need for this picture is: a piece of smooth plywood, a hammer, chalk, green thread and nails with a beautiful head. Then just follow the step-by-step instructions:

    1. Draw a sketch of the tree in chalk on a wooden board, trying not to create too many small details, but rather working out the outline.
    2. Then drive the nails in at a distance of about 1 centimeter from each other and erase the chalk outline with a damp cloth.
    3. At the base of the tree, tie the tip of the thread and start by creating an outline using the same principle as in the previous master class.
    4. Having completed this stage, run the thread in a chaotic manner, first at the roots of the tree, then on the trunk and branches.
    5. Make as many straight lines as you wish.


    This type of needlework is good because even small children can be taught it. On one of your free evenings, try making a craft out of thread and cardboard with your child. Such works are popular in preschool institutions and even take first place in handmade exhibitions. Let the boat become your first joint craft. The principle of its implementation is as follows:

    1. On the back side of the thick cardboard, draw a right angle with a vertical line 10 centimeters long and a horizontal line 5 cm long.
    2. Step back 2-3 mm to the left and repeat the size of the image in mirror image.
    3. Draw a semicircle below. Using an awl, make holes in the cardboard that are equal in length.
    4. Start embroidering with blue thread from the right corner. Pass the needle through the bottom outer hole from the wrong side.
    5. Draw a straight line to the top, turn the work over and thread the needle into the adjacent hole.
    6. So make 9 parallel lines and start working on another sail.
    7. To do this, change the thread to a different color and embroider the sail according to the classic principle of filling the corner.
    8. Use diagonal lines to fill the bottom semicircle with contrasting thread.

    Birds are a symbol of flight, lightness and freedom. However, not every type of bird has such a clear and simple symbolic meaning. For example, the owl is considered a symbol of chastity, insight and the ability to foresee the future. This bird is depicted in all types of needlework; in the string art technique, the owl was no exception:

    1. On a blank sheet of paper, draw a general outline of an owl, make two large eyes, outline the wings and tail.
    2. Transfer the sketch to a piece of plywood and secure with nails, being careful not to leave large gaps between them.
    3. Select a thick brown thread and outline all the contours.
    4. Arrange the lines in a random direction so that each stud is involved in the work.
    5. Additionally, take a white thread. Shade the chest area and wings by making a few diagonal stitches.
    6. Finish the work by tying the end of the thread in a tight knot.

    An exclusive panel made of threads and nails, made by yourself, will be a wonderful gift, or perhaps the pride of any craftsman. Such an unusual item can be used for photo shoots or simply made into a bright part of the interior. It would seem that incompatible elements - threads and nails - still combine perfectly in this type of needlework as String Art.

    Nails serve as a symbol of repair, construction, which seems to be rough work characteristic of men. The threads, in turn, symbolize women's labor. Despite this, combining such different materials does not prevent the creation of interesting decorative elements.

    The history of panels made of nails and threads

    The name of the skill String Art translated from English into Russian sounds like “the art of strings.” There are many interpretations: the art of thread pulling, thread graphics, thread design.

    The founders of such non-standard art were the British. The meaning of the technique is that nails are driven figuratively into the board, and threads of any colors are stretched on them in accordance with the selected image. The nails must be driven in so that the threads eventually create a completed design.

    The first mentions of the technique of stringing threads appeared in the seventeenth century in England. But at that time, the art of stretching threads onto nails driven into boards had a slightly different purpose: in this way, sketches for weaving lace were formed. And already at the end of the nineteenth century, thread graphics became an art and a subject for interior decoration. According to one version, the founder of this trend was mathematics teacher Marie Everest Bull, who, with the help of threads and nails, visually explained to students the principles of the structure of geometric figures.

    Basic materials for panels

    To master the technique you will need a substrate, nails and threads. It’s not at all difficult to make a panel from threads and nails with your own hands, the main thing is a little patience and accuracy.

    The backing is a solid sheet into which the nails will be driven. The materials can be any, but the most commonly used are plywood, cork, fiberboard, and foam. The advantage of these materials is that their surface is smooth, they can be coated with paint, varnish, and also tinted.

    If the priority is a foam backing, then instead of nails you need to use invisible needles or pins with a small eye. Foam plastic can be easily painted with acrylic paints. Unlike wooden materials, it does not need to be primed before painting.

    The number of nails should be huge if you plan to do a lot of work and if the size of the picture and its detail should be large. For example, for a small painting the number of nails should be about twenty pieces. You can make a panel of threads and nails with your own hands more accurately if you place the latter close to each other. By type, nails can be divided into:

    • decorative;
    • furniture;
    • carpentry.

    It is best to use these types because they are small in size and have small caps, so they will not stand out too much.

    For a DIY panel made of threads and nails, knitting threads are best suited for density. But besides this, you can use:

    • floss;
    • fine iris;
    • twisted threads.

    It’s better to avoid silk threads. They will not sit in one place, do not stretch and slide off on the studs.

    Additional tools for creating panels with your own hands

    In addition to the board, nails and threads you will need:

    • scissors;
    • pliers (in case the nail accidentally gets misplaced);
    • long-nose pliers (so that the nails fit evenly into the substrate);
    • a sketch of the image on a piece of paper;
    • double sided tape;

    Weaving methods

    How to make a panel from threads and nails? The main methods of weaving panels are as follows:

    1. Weaving the design itself: the threads are located directly inside the image.
    2. Weaving from the inside out: the threads are located on the outside of the design, the design itself remains empty.

    Braiding styles

    Typically, two styles of weaving are used:

    1. Ray. It is characterized by guiding the threads using a fan method, i.e. from one point in different directions, superimposing them on each other.
    2. Solid. It involves weaving a pattern by randomly winding the thread around the sketch.

    Silhouette drawing with filled background

    When creating such a panel, the outline of the frame must be completed by driving decorative nails into it. The outline of the drawing itself is also affected. The thread is tied with a small, inconspicuous knot to the nails that follow along the edge, and is pulled over those that make the outline of the design.

    A panel of threads and nails can be created without using a template. To do this, use bright threads and a dark backing. The wooden or foam base is painted with acrylic paints of a suitable color. The nails are driven in exclusively along the contour of the base. The threads are pulled in the opposite direction, braided around the nails, come back and cling to the nail located nearby.

    Creating a panel from threads and nails is not a difficult task, but there are several irreplaceable tips for getting a good result:

    1. Depending on the choice of pattern, it would be better to tint or paint the surface of the substrate. For this, various beads, “broken glass”, seed beads, etc. are also used.
    2. The substrate is painted mainly with acrylic paints, because They have excellent grip on any surface.
    3. Thread thickness should be medium. If you plan to decorate, for example, a wall, then it is better to take larger threads.
    4. It is better to choose simple figures, without small details.
    5. To create a sketch, it is better to choose thin paper.
    6. Do not pull the thread too tightly, because the future pattern may be distorted, as well as the backing material.
    7. The picture will look more voluminous if on one part of it the stretched threads are adjacent to the board, and on the other - to the heads of the nails.

    How to make a panel from nails and threads

    It’s better to start mastering any business with something simple. Therefore, the “Heart” panel made of threads and nails will be an excellent example, especially since such a pattern can decorate any interior.

    You will need:

    1. Tablet.
    2. Paper, pencil.
    3. Double sided tape.
    4. 70 pieces of furniture nails.
    5. Hammer.
    6. Red floss threads.
    7. Scissors.
    8. Pliers.

    The instructions are as follows.

    First, you need to draw the heart itself on a piece of paper, then glue the sketch to the board with double-sided tape. Drive nails at equal distances from each other according to the outline of the pattern. This is necessary, otherwise the panel will be uneven. The distance between the nails should not be too large. After the nails are driven in, the template can be removed.

    The thread must be tied on the outermost nail. In an absolutely chaotic manner, do not wind the threads very tightly onto opposite nails, making two turns around each. The thread may run out, and then an additional thread should be tied to its end, making a very small knot. Apply the thread to each nail in 3-4 layers.

    When weaving is finished, the edge of the thread should be tied tightly to the nail. Be sure to hide it under the resulting canvas so that it doesn’t stick out. The panel of threads and nails (photo above) is ready.

    Example of a panel: "Tree"

    A tree is a symbol of life, growth and strength. This panel will be a wonderful original gift and can decorate any interior.


    1. You can take not even a plank, but a wooden cut of the required diameter with a small thickness.
    2. The color of the thread should be the opposite color of the wooden surface.
    3. Decorative nails.
    4. Hammer.
    5. Template drawing.
    6. Stationery tape.
    7. Pliers if you need to change the location of the nail.

    Glue the pre-prepared template drawing on which the sketch is drawn with tape to the wooden cut. Drive in decorative nails at a short distance from each other so that the heads are located at the same level. The nails should be located both along the contour of the intended pattern and along the circumference of the cut. The selected colored threads must be pulled in an absolutely chaotic order, but without affecting the middle of the tree itself. The threads should be located in the outer space. For greater convenience, it is better to place them below the nail head, so that you can wrap the thread again. A panel of threads and nails (you can draw the templates yourself) is ready.

    Panel idea: "Giraffe"

    A great idea for a children's room would be a panel in the shape of a giraffe's head. For this you will need:

    1. Square foam backing.
    2. Black acrylic paint.
    3. Decorative invisible needles or thin nails.
    4. Threads are yellow and brown.
    5. Drawing of a giraffe's head on paper.
    6. Scotch.
    7. Hammer.

    The principle of constructing the panel is as follows.

    A layer of black paint is applied to the foam backing. You need to wait until it dries completely, and then apply another layer so that the white color of the foam does not show through. Decorative nails or bobby pins are attached to the giraffe head template, capturing the contours of the eyes, mouth and spots. Brown threads are used to braid the carnations inside the spots and eyes of the animal, and yellow threads are used to braid the rest of its surface.

    African sunset with elephants


    1. Foam rectangular backing.
    2. Black acrylic paint.
    3. Nails.
    4. Threads are red, orange and yellow.
    5. Drawing of elephants and a tree.

    Apply 2-3 layers of acrylic paint to the surface of the rectangular foam substrate until it dries completely. According to the pattern of the drawing, as well as along the contour, nails or pins are stuck into the foam. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous examples, only other parts are captured by the threads. The very top of the sky remains black. Next comes red, followed by orange, and then yellow, the color of the threads being pulled, creating the image of a sunset. The threads are pulled from the edges of the design to the nails, which create the shape of the animals, and vice versa. The elephant figures with the tree should remain empty.

    Words and phrases

    With the help of words and phrases you can congratulate on the holiday, designate something; in a nursery, a child’s name made using the String Art technique will look great. Many ideas for thread and nail panels are based on spelling words.

    The same materials are used for this, but the main canvas will look good if its surface is covered with light acrylic paint. In this case, you can drive the nails under the ruler rather than using a stencil or template. First, the outline of the letters themselves is outlined with threads. Then they are pulled in the same chaotic order. You can use bright multi-colored threads or make each letter a different color. There are plenty of options. If the panel will decorate the wall, then special hooks are driven in on its reverse side. They can be found at any art or craft store.


    The most valuable things are things created with your own hands. A creative process such as string graphics promotes relaxation. This art can help relieve stress, and a panel as a gift will eliminate eternal questions about what to give. This method of creativity develops creative thinking and instills accuracy and attentiveness in a person. You can involve children in creating beautiful panels; such paintings are good to use in the interior of a house or apartment, or for photo shoots. Moreover, to create a picture from nails and threads you will need almost any base, nails, hammer, threads and pliers, and these materials are available in almost every home.

    “String art” or the art of creating a picture from nails and threads is a graphic technique that appeared in the 17th century. A kind of “embroidery” on cardboard or wood is not too expensive in terms of materials and tools, but it perfectly develops fine motor skills in children, perseverance, and accuracy. The use of colored threads in such needlework lifts the mood, being one of the most popular hobbies in many countries of the world.

    What is string art

    The art of string art originated in the 16th-17th century in England. At that time, weaving on looms and frames was a very popular activity. One day, one of the craftsmen came up with the idea of ​​putting a lot of nails on a board and pulling the threads so that a certain design came out. Later the technique became more complex, multi-layered and multi-colored. Such original products decorated the walls of houses, art workshops, and public buildings.

    This interesting technique, also called “isothread,” gained the greatest popularity thanks to the English mathematical researcher Mary Boole, who figured out how to teach geometry to children using nails and threads. At that time, with her “light hand”, almost all segments of the population began to engage in string art, entire clubs for lovers of this technique began to be created, and training classes were conducted for people of different ages.

    Clocks, key holders, mirrors, spaces around lamps, drawers and other elements are decorated using the string art technique.

    Tools, materials for creativity

    To start “embroidery” with isothread, you will need to purchase a piece of plywood or thick cardboard, a couple of small nails, any strong colored threads (floss, iris, knitting, sewing), a hammer, an awl and pliers. The latter will come in handy if the nail is driven in the wrong place. For marking, you will need a pencil to beautifully build complex figures; use a square, compass, various patterns, rulers with circles, diamonds, numbers, etc.

    In order to place additional emphasis on one or another part of the image, use paint - acrylic, gouache, or any other. It is also advisable to find or come up with a suitable picture in advance. To easily wind thread onto nails, many craftswomen use a thin hollow tube, a handle without a rod through which the thread is passed. Some handicraft stores sell entire sets of materials and tools for String Art.

    Professionals use a cork base instead of plywood - it is softer and has a beautiful texture. Foam plastic is suitable for teaching children string art.

    Basic techniques, filling schemes

    To master the String Art technique, it is better for a beginner not to immediately take on overly complex products, but to try to make the simplest monochromatic drawings. Beginners will be helped by diagrams where numbers and arrows indicate the sequence and direction of weaving. First, it is advisable to master the principle of filling an angle, circle, arc, since all shapes are derivatives of these elements. Even the most intricate painting depicting flowers, animals, insects, a portrait or a landscape is made up of small and large geometric elements. Volume is obtained by using nails of different lengths, several shades of each color.

    This “exercise” is suggested for training purposes. An angle with sides of five and ten cm is drawn on paper, each side is divided into 10 segments, the points are numbered. The lines go back and forth, wrapping around the studs, intersecting in many places. The denser and darker the area being designed should be, the more intersections are made in different directions.

    The circle is a little more complicated to fill - first, using a compass, a drawing of the circle is made, the contour is divided into equal parts, about a centimeter long. The threads are pulled at an acute, very acute or right angle to each other. In each case, a different pattern is obtained. The arc is filled in approximately the same way as the corners - both symmetrical and arbitrary winding is allowed.

    Features of creating paintings

    First you need to decide what kind of pattern you want to create, think about the dimensions, number of colors, and other parameters. Often ready-made diagrams from magazines are used - these are inscriptions, silhouettes, plot drawings. Pictures with “tips” will be useful for beginners. The most important point in creating a thread pattern is tensioning the threads. It is advisable to do this not too tightly so that the nails do not bend, but not too weakly either. Only strong threads are used - if the material breaks, it is tied, and the resulting knots spoil the appearance of the product.

    If you need to get a rich color, a larger number of threads are wound in a certain area. When using several shades of the same color, the threads intersect each other, forming soft gradient transitions.

    How deep should you drive the nails?

    All nails are driven in to the same depth, at an equal distance from each other. The height of the part protruding above the surface is five to nine mm. When driving in nails, use small forceps or pliers - this way there is less chance of damaging your fingers. After the painting is completed, it is permissible to drive the nails deeper, although this is not at all necessary.

    How to change thread color

    When winding the thread, its beginning is secured to the first nail with a knot. When it runs out or you need to change the color, a neat knot is also made. The new thread starts again from the knot. After finishing the work, all the “tails” are cut off and glued inside out to make them unnoticeable.

    Using the same pattern, using different colors and thread placement options, it’s easy to create completely different paintings.

    Options for filling the picture

    When the nails are already filled along a certain contour and perimeter of the board, there are two filling options. In the first, the interior is filled, in the second, the background. There is a third option, when the middle is decorated with threads of one color, the edges - with others. The threads do not necessarily intersect in many places. For example, if the outline is square (round) and the middle is in the shape of a heart (circle), the lines run in different directions side by side, like rays from the sun. The use of several overlapping thread colors allows you to create beautiful shades. To create a light, openwork pattern, thin sewing threads are used, wool yarn is used for more voluminous work.

    The edging is a dense, usually contrasting outline of the design. It is performed by entwining carnations with a “snake”. The outlines are often made with a thicker, denser thread, while the filling is made with thinner threads. Sometimes the edging is made just two or three tones darker (lighter) than the figure itself, which looks especially beautiful when creating realistic paintings.

    How to create multi-layer compositions

    Complex, two-three-color, multi-color compositions can also be created using this technique. If we take an image of an animal or a bird as an example, then first the main color of the creature’s body is woven into the picture, then the contours, paws, spots on the “fur” are made, and lastly the eyes and noses are made. To give the color an interesting shade, threads of similar tones of the same color are used.

    Selection and preparation of a wooden base

    It is permissible to use even rough, unsanded boards as a base, but most often the surface is thoroughly sanded with sandpaper. The most commonly used materials are decorative cork panels, plywood, multi-layer cardboard, and polystyrene foam. If desired, the surface is painted in a light or bright color and carefully covered with paper.

    When the canvas is prepared, a drawing is placed on it, holes are pierced with an awl along the contours - nails are later driven into them. It is important to make punctures strictly at right angles - this way the studs will hold tighter. Before you start driving them in, place the board on a slight elevation so as not to accidentally nail it to the table. After applying the markings, the diagram is removed, if pieces of paper remain, they are removed with tweezers, and they begin to fill the picture with threads of a suitable color.

    Master classes for beginners and more - sketches, diagrams

    The basic patterns for making circles, corners, and arcs using the String Art technique are not at all complicated, but their proper combination makes it possible to create almost any image. But it is important to pull each thread correctly, otherwise the picture will be ruined. Each thread is pulled tightly enough so that it does not sag over time.

    The most popular image options:

    • flowers, snowflakes;
    • hearts, stars;
    • leaves, trees;
    • letters, words, inscriptions;
    • animals, birds, fish;
    • still lifes with fruits, bouquets;
    • portraits of people;
    • world map, starry sky.

    When working with nails and a foam base, do not pull the thread too tightly - the parts may fall out and the picture will be ruined.


    Snowflakes are the most popular decoration for New Year and Christmas. In the String Art technique it is performed like this:

    • an elegant six-pointed snowflake is drawn on a square or round piece of paper;
    • the drawing is applied to the plywood;
    • nails are driven into the board to create a suitable contour;
    • white or pale blue threads are used, sometimes two colors at the same time;
    • wrapping is done starting from the middle;
      The more often the nails are filled, and the thinner the threads, the more interesting the picture will look.

    As New Year's decorations, a similar technique involves making snowmen, the most striking detail of the image of which will be an orange carrot nose.


    Flowers are the most popular idea for any art. These include intricate rich shades of roses, lilies, violets, almost “childish” daisies, and sunflowers.

    How to make fluffy dandelions step by step:

    • for the work you will need about a hundred nails, a skein of white and light green threads, a wide board, a simple pencil;
    • Three circles of approximately the same size are drawn on paper - these are flowers;
    • then leaves and plant stems are drawn, points where carnations will subsequently be driven in are marked;
    • the drawing is applied to the board, the required number of elements is driven in, the paper is removed;
    • Dandelion inflorescences are “embroidered” in a circle with white thread; it is also permissible to use an overlapping pattern;
    • the stems and leaves are done in green, as is the frame of the board, if required.

    Light contours look most advantageous against a dark background, and vice versa.

    To make a maple leaf from threads and carnations, you need to find a real, preferably large and whole, maple leaf, trace it on paper or directly on the board. To fill the outline, use almost any natural tones - spring green, emerald, brown, yellowish-brown, crimson, orange-yellow, etc. The outlines of the leaves are decorated with a darker braid, but preferably in a tone that matches the main one. The main “veins” are worked out in the same way. If desired, it is easy to create a whole “autumn bouquet” of colorful leaves.


    Trees using the string art technique are made schematic or more believable. Trees, in this case, include both individual branches and an entire thread forest. Such a panel is made in black and white or multicolor. This is an oak or baobab on a greenish-brown background, a green fir tree among snow-covered forests, a sketchy eucalyptus “stuffed” right on the wall. A tree with a thick crown looks interesting, made on a board covered with a dark stain, where the texture of the wood is clearly visible. Here the background is filled with thin threads, and the main element is decorated with paper leaves, apples, cherries, and acorns.


    The heart is one of the simplest details, after a circle, square, arc. The finished product will be an excellent gift for Valentine's Day; it will decorate a bedroom, living room, or children's room, made in a romantic style. A heart is carefully drawn on paper or the board itself, dots are placed on the resulting line, in increments of about one cm. Nails are driven into the latter, and the line is erased with an eraser. Working with threads begins by tying a knot at the bottom of the heart. The winding is made at an acute angle. There is another option for executing the idea - the background is filled with a thread “web”, the heart itself is painted red and decorated with a textile or paper sticker.


    To create inscriptions you will need stencils of letters in Russian, English, or any other alphabet you like. They are made in capital letters or printed, and the distance between the details is sufficient so that the words are clearly readable and do not merge when viewed from a distance of several meters. This type of decor was invented and first used by the Americans.

    Here is one option for creating a word:

    • for work you will need a large board, a furniture board;
    • All over the surface of the object, at a distance of a centimeter from each other in height and width, nails are stuffed - to make it even, the markings are applied directly to the board, using a ruler or square. If it is decided to make the outer contour round, a compass is additionally used;
    • First, the letters are outlined with an outline, then the background is designed in one or more colors;
    • filling is done in random order - most often strongly “broken” lines are made, but smooth transitions are also acceptable;
    • Animals

      “Drawing” realistic animals with isothread is very difficult, especially when it comes to multi-color paintings. Before starting, a pencil sketch is made on paper to understand what exactly should happen in the end. Next, the drawing is simplified - the contours of individual large parts are indicated, the template is applied to the surface to be designed, and pierced with an awl in the places where the nails are driven in.

      The figure of the animal, bird, fish or the background around it is filled directly. The most interesting picture ideas:

      • silhouettes of different birds on a perch;
      • colored fish in a round “aquarium”;
      • figure of a horse with harness made of strips of leather;
      • antlers of deer, elk;
      • a wolf howling at the moon - dark in a white circle;
      • black and white zebra – whole or only head with mane;
      • an elephant in tones of terracotta and reddish-gray, stylized as an African mask;
      • Portraits

        Unique portraits using string art technique take a long time to create, but look very impressive. Such a product will be an interesting, memorable gift. The basis here is a photo of a famous person, an acquaintance, a beautiful pencil drawing from the Internet. The creation of such a picture begins not from the center, but by filling the entire background - the threads are first stretched in the darkest places (shadows, details of clothing), then the light spots (face, hands) are worked out. The main difficulty here is the use of a large number of colors, halftones, shades, which allows you to create a magnificent portrait or full-length image.

        Painting individual background fragments in one color or another will give the picture volume using no more than four or five thread colors.

        How to further decorate the picture

        As additional decor in crafts made from threads with nails, paints are used to decorate the substrate, decorative attachments for the heads of nails, beads, rhinestones, and glitter in the form of a spray. The finished painting is placed in a frame made of wood, metal, plastic, cardboard, or other material. Additional parts made of paper, textiles, leather are secured with glue. The heads of the nails are sometimes painted to match the threads, less often - in a sharply contrasting color. Often used are jute “tassels”, satin ribbon bows, paper, dry (varnished) or polymer clay flowers, all kinds of rivets, “gifts of the forest”, such as acorns, pine cones, dry hawthorn, rowan, etc.


        Paintings made from threads and nails, made by hand, will perfectly decorate the interior and will become a source of pride for the master. The panel is easy to make at home with just a few nails, yarn, and a piece of flat wood. Detailed master classes on this type of art can be easily found on the Internet, on sites dedicated to handicrafts. The product will decorate the interior of almost any interior style - it is only important to choose the colors correctly. Having mastered the art of String Art to perfection, many masters earn big money by turning their favorite hobby into a real business.


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