What day of the week to replant the money tree. How to properly transplant a money tree

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The money tree is a plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family, named for the shape of its leaves. Other common names are Crassula and Crassula.

About 350 species of this succulent are found in nature. Crassula ovoid is common in indoor floriculture. Its oval leaves are dark green and fleshy. The trunk is lignified, thickened at the base. The plant is spreading and branched, and can reach two or more meters in height. Learn how to grow a money tree at home from scratch.

Methods of propagation of the beautiful Crassula

Growing a homemade money tree yourself is very simple, even for a novice gardener. This can be done in several ways.

With the help of a shoot. Rooting of a Crassula cutting occurs quite quickly.

Rooting in water:

  1. A cutting 7-10 cm long is placed in a container of water, removing about 3 cm of leaves from the bottom.
  2. You can add rooting stimulants to the water, for example, kornevin, but this is not at all necessary, since without any additives the cuttings will take root in about a week.
  3. The resulting shoot is planted in the ground.

Plant the shoot directly into the ground:

  1. The base is buried 2-3 cm into the ground for cacti or succulents, sprayed with water and, if necessary, a support is installed.
  2. small in size, a layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom.
  3. Roots appear quickly, within 1-2 weeks.

Using a sheet. A money tree is grown from a leaf using the same methods as from a cutting. First, I root the leaf in water, then plant it in the ground, or immediately plant the leaf in the ground and wait for young shoots. The principle is the same as when growing.

Conditions and rules for growing fat plants

In order for the money tree, according to popular belief, to bring profit and improve financial well-being, it must be properly cared for. After all, as legends say, only a healthy, powerful and properly formed plant has magical properties.

Ideal soil and the right pot

The best soil for Crassula is suitable for cacti and succulents. If a universal mixture is used, then part of the river sand is added to it in a ratio of 3:1. If the soil is acidic, then dolomite flour is added to it - Crassula does not grow well in an acidic environment.

The pot should be low and wide. Select the size of the pot based on the size of the plant. The diameter of the pot should be approximately equal to the diameter of the crown. The money tree grows equally well in clay and ceramic dishes, as well as in plastic pots. Be sure to add a few centimeters of drainage to the bottom of the container.

Location and regular care

The fat woman prefers a bright and warm place. Ideal for growing it east side, however, western and southern are allowed. When grown on a southern windowsill, the tree must be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun.

Every 2-3 weeks the pot should be rotated on 1/4 axis towards the light source. It is necessary to protect the plant from drafts. They can cause leaves to fall. By the way, toast is recommended as a food; it is believed that its presence improves the relationship between spouses.

The money tree should be watered regularly and abundantly. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out more than 2-3 cm. The water should be at room temperature. In winter, watering is slightly reduced.

Feed the fat plant with universal fertilizer or fertilizer for cacti and succulents. The frequency of fertilizing during the spring-summer growing season is once every 2-3 weeks. The rest of the time, fertilizers are not used.

Crown formation and wintering

To grow thick money tree, you need to plant it in a small pot. When the entire earthen ball is entwined with roots, the fat plant will begin to increase the mass of the trunk, and then the crown.

To stimulate education lush crown, pinching begins already when the young plant has a bud above four pairs of leaves. It is pinched so that after some time two shoots form in its place, which, in turn, are pinched in a similar pattern.

Crassula does not have a pronounced period of rest. However, from October to February-March, it is advisable to keep the plant in a cooler place, approximately 15-20 degrees. Watering is carried out when the earthen clod is half dry.

Dangerous diseases and pests

The most common cause of Crassula disease is spider mite. In this case, the trunk, branches and leaves are covered with a white coating of cobwebs. A soap solution will help get rid of it. A soft sponge is moistened with soap dissolved in water and wiped all areas of the plant. In case of severe damage, it is worth using the drug "Fufanon".

If brown or rusty spots appear on the leaves of the money tree, then we can conclude that there is an infection scale insect. The affected areas are wiped with a brush dipped in alcohol, then, as in the case of spider mites, the leaves, branches and trunk are wiped with a sponge dipped in a soap solution. It is recommended to use "Fufanon" or "Fitoverm" among the drugs.

White flakes in the leaf axils indicate infection mealybug. In this case, the plant slows down its growth, the shoots become deformed, and the leaves may fall off. If the lesions are small, then foreign formations are cleaned off with a brush. If a significant part of the plant is affected, then it is necessary to use actellik for treatment.

If the leaves have lost turgor, become lethargic and yellow, then there may be several reasons:

  1. One of the most common is insufficient watering. The pot is placed in a container with warm, settled water for 15 minutes, then the excess moisture is allowed to drain.
  2. The second reason is decay. The leaves become wet. The plant is taken out of the pot, the soil is shaken off, the roots are inspected and damaged ones are removed. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal. Plant the tree in fresh soil and reduce watering for a while.
  3. Long exposure to direct sunlight can cause leaves to yellow and fall off. To prevent this, the pot with the plant is removed to the back of the room and sufficient watering is provided.

In the warm season, the money tree can be kept in the fresh air - used for or in. It is important to ensure that the air temperature does not fall below 15 degrees and not leave the plant in the rain.

Nastasya Vorob, an expert, spoke about how to properly grow a money tree from a shoot or leaf. Tips for proper care of house plants are waiting for you in.

Crassula or Crassula is a plant belonging to the genus of succulents and the Crassula family, grown by many gardeners at home not only as an effective and beautiful decorative element, but also as a talisman that attracts material well-being. The last magical property attributed to the flower is the reason that the bush with fleshy leaves is popularly known as the “money tree.”
If it takes root and grows well, it is believed that this promises good and stable well-being for the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, it is not surprising that even flower growers who do not consider themselves to be people who believe in superstitions do everything to make the fat woman feel as comfortable as possible. To achieve this, the popular ornamental crop needs not only proper care, but also timely replanting.

The natural habitat of Crassula is the tropics, which gives the plant certain botanical characteristics. The origin of the Crassula affects the frequency of transplantation. The money tree is sensitive to changes in substrate and container. It is recommended to replant Crassula only as needed. Otherwise, the plant will not feel comfortable and will not take root in the new container.
Compliance with the rules for replanting does not always guarantee that the plant will begin to actively grow. Often, a specimen, on the contrary, begins to develop slowly, which, of course, upsets the gardener. Any deviation can lead to the bush stopping growing, but the plant cannot do without replanting. If you allow the money tree to grow excessively, it will either slow down in development, or the shoots will begin to stretch out excessively, which will make the specimen unattractive.

Frequency of transplantation

The formation of a beautiful money tree is entirely due to timely pinching and the grower’s ability to control the growth and development of the bush. To prevent Crassula from growing and stopping in growth and development, the plant must be replanted. Here you must follow certain rules regarding the frequency of the event:

  • Young specimens. Active growth occurs in the first three years of growth of the money tree. They need to change the soil and pot size every year. If replanting is not carried out, then, as they mature, the bushes will either stretch out, preventing them from forming a beautiful crown, or simply stop developing.
  • Adult fatworts. They require transplantation much less frequently, since they have already gained sufficient growth. Starting from the fourth year, the money tree should be replanted no more than once every two or three years. It is preferable to choose the first option only when the previous pot becomes too cramped.

Not only frequency matters, but also the right timing.

At what time is the fat plant transplanted?

The optimal period for changing the nutrient soil mixture and container is considered to be spring. It is best to choose the first few weeks, that is, March. This period marks the phase of active development and growth of the money tree. Investigator, changes of soil and flowerpot take place for the flower without any noticeable or adverse consequences.
Many gardeners wonder whether it is possible to replant Crassula in the summer. The answer depends on the state of the instance. If it is purchased in the summer, and the container in which the plant grows is already small, then, of course, a transplant should be carried out. In other cases, when the plant is kept indoors, it is necessary not to miss the optimal time for replanting, which is in early spring.
In the autumn and winter months the plant does not need to be replanted. This time is characterized by a dormant period when the root system does not develop and there is no need to expand the capacity. If you change the soil and flowerpot, the fat plant will painfully endure such external interference.

Transplanting Crassula as a Money Talisman

Some people grow Crassula in the house not only for its high decorative value, but as a talisman that attracts material well-being. Flower growers who believe in the magical properties of the crassula are interested in the question of when to replant the money tree so that it not only remains healthy, but also brings good luck in the financial field.
It is recommended to replant Crassula in order for the talisman to work according to the lunar calendar. This does not change the fact that the time should be during a period of active growth. It falls in the spring. In other seasons there is a risk that the plant will die. This will certainly upset the one who endows it with “magical” properties.
In order to maintain a balance between the desire to attract wealth into the house and not harm the money tree, you need to choose a specific day, but at the beginning of spring. You should focus on the waxing moon. In this case, along with the phase of the celestial body, the day of the weeks should be chosen correctly. The environment is considered the most favorable.

Stages of transplanting a money tree

Nutrient soil is prepared in advance. It can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently from medium-grained sand, leaf and turf soil, taken in a ratio of 1: 3: 1, and a small amount of wood ash and clay. It is also necessary to take care of high-quality drainage. It is better to take a clay or ceramic flowerpot. It should be wide enough and stable.
Activities for transplanting the fat plant take place in several stages:

  1. Holding the flowerpot, the flower is removed from the old container, grasping the trunk. The earthen lump is lightly shaken off.
  2. The money tree is lowered into the center of the new flowerpot. The nutrient soil mixture is topped up.
  3. It is recommended to fill the soil after settling, and not by compacting it around the trunk. The soil itself will “sink” after irrigation.
  4. The transplanted plant is watered abundantly. Take settled water at room temperature.

Flower growers who have extensive experience in growing succulents do not recommend replanting an acquired money tree immediately after purchase. Spring, considered the optimal time for this event, is no exception. You need to wait about 10-14 days, and only then carry out the transplant. This time is necessary for the fat woman to acclimatize to the new conditions of detention.

The Crassula plant is popularly called the money tree. This is due to the unusual shape of its leaves, which resemble small coins. There is a belief that if there is this plant in the house, then there will always be money in it. The popularity of this indoor flower often raises the question among novice gardeners: After all, according to legend, in order for it to “work”, a person must grow it himself. This is quite easy to do. The plant can independently develop from one leaf or twig. All that is required from a person is to create optimal conditions for him and replant on time.

How to properly transplant a money tree

This process should begin no earlier than mid-spring. The beginning of May is the optimal time. Due to the fact that the fat plant grows very slowly, it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot every few years. However, if you provide all the conditions for plant growth - the proper amount of water, light and fertilizers, this can cause a period of rapid growth and replanting may be required within a year. Anyone wondering when to replant a money tree should carefully monitor the plant and, at the slightest sign that it is crowded, begin relocating the flower to a larger pot.

For replanting, it is best to use the following soil mixture: 1 part sand, 1 part turf soil and 3 leaf soil. In addition, you need to add a few tablespoons of ash, humus and ordinary clay to it. You need to pour a little expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot. This will ensure proper drainage and prevent water from stagnating.

Anyone who knows how to replant a money tree knows that the planting pot should be deeper and larger than the previous one. It is worth noting that the roots of the fat plant do not tend to grow much, but the container must be stable. This is necessary because the plant acquires a large number of dense leaves, and as a result, the pot, if it is not wide enough, may turn over.

How to replant a money tree: subtleties of the process

A few centimeters of drainage should be poured into the selected container, after which soil can be added. It should take up about a quarter of the pot. You can put a couple of small coins at the bottom, which, according to legend, activates the energy of the plant. The money tree must be placed strictly in the center of the container, after which you need to add soil to the pot. For those who do not know how to replant a money tree, it is very important to remember that after the procedure the plant needs abundant watering. In addition, to ensure proper access of oxygen to the roots of the flower, the soil must be periodically loosened using a small stick. In good weather, it can be left on the balcony or windowsill. However, you should avoid exposing it to direct sunlight to avoid the leaves of the flower getting burned.

After transplantation, the plant’s energy should be directed in the necessary direction. To do this, you need to take several coins and, tying them with a red ribbon, tie them to a flower. The pot needs to be placed in the south-eastern part of the living room. This will attract positive energy and prosperity to your home.

Transplanting a money tree is a necessary procedure when caring for this plant. Like any indoor flower, the Crassula grows in a limited volume of soil, which is quickly depleted. And in order for the plant to receive the necessary nutrition, it is not enough to feed it with fertilizers. For proper development and maintenance of its decorative appearance, it must be periodically replanted in fresh nutrient soil. Let's look at how to properly transplant a money tree (crassula) at home into another pot.

Reasons for replanting a plant

Reasons for transplanting a money tree may include:

  • Insufficient volume of soil for the growing root system of the plant;
  • Soil depletion;
  • Diseases of the root system.

In young plants, the root system grows quite quickly. Soon she feels cramped in the old potty. Sometimes the roots may even emerge through drainage holes or through the surface of the soil. If you take such a tree out of the pot, you will see that the roots are tightly entwined with an earthen ball. In this case, it is necessary to transplant into a larger container so that there is room for the growth and development of roots.

The growth of the root system at a young age occurs intensively, so the plant must be replanted often. With age, the rate of root growth slows down. The tree will no longer be cramped in the pot. But replanting is still necessary, since the soil in the pot is gradually depleted and no longer provides the plant with sufficient nutrition.

Succulents, which include the money tree, do not require very fertile soil. They grow well in depleted soils. Therefore, it is not necessary to replant an adult money tree every year. But this procedure must be carried out, otherwise the plant gradually slows down its growth, sheds its leaves and loses its decorative effect.

In case of diseases of the root system, the money tree requires an emergency transplant. In this case, the roots are inspected to detect and remove diseased parts. If during a normal transplant it is recommended to replant the plant, then during an emergency transplant the soil is changed completely.

Scheduled transplant time

Let's consider when you can and should replant a money tree. Typically, a planned transplant of Crassula is carried out in the spring. This is done immediately after wintering, while the tree has not yet begun to grow. As for emergency transplantation due to damage to the roots, it can be done at any time. In this case, you cannot wait until spring; you need to save the plant as soon as possible.

Adult fatworts after 3 years are replanted every 3-4 years. This regime is necessary so that the plant receives from the soil nutrients sufficient for its intensive growth. The money tree should not be replanted less than once every 4 years, since lack of nutrition usually affects its appearance.

Soil for money tree

You can purchase a soil mixture for replanting a money tree at a flower shop or make it yourself. This plant needs loose soil. Water should not stagnate in it. It is also necessary to monitor the acidity of the soil. Acidic soils are not suitable for Crassula; it grows well in a neutral and slightly alkaline soil mixture.

Typically, the money tree is replanted in succulent potting mix. It is quite loose and light, but rich in minerals for plant development. The tree grows well in specialized soils for palm trees.

This unpretentious plant can be planted even in a light universal soil mixture, but it should not contain peat. Peat additives significantly increase the acidity of the soil, which is harmful for this succulent.

Mixing soil for a money tree with your own hands is not difficult. You need to take the following components:

  • Sod land - 1 part;
  • Leaf soil - 3 parts;
  • Sand – 1 part.

It is useful to add a little ash to the soil for Crassula to enrich its mineral composition.

Money tree pot

Now let's consider which pot to transplant the money tree into. When choosing a pot for a money tree, the following parameters are important:

  • Material;
  • Form;
  • Size.

Money trees do best in simple clay pots. Clay is a breathable material. Air passes through it, and excess moisture evaporates through the walls of the pot. For all succulents, including money trees, clay pots are preferred. Moisture does not stagnate in them, which means the roots do not rot. It is better not to transplant the fat plant into plastic pots, as there is a high probability of developing root rot.

You should not choose a deep pot for the money tree, since the root system of this plant is superficial. The depth of the pot should be no more than its diameter.

The size of the money tree pot should match the size of its root system. There may be 1-1.5 cm left from the walls of the pot to the roots. You cannot transplant the plant into a very large pot, since the soil that is not reclaimed by the roots will quickly turn sour. When transplanted regularly, the fat plant is planted in a pot whose diameter is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one.

Preparing the plant for transplantation

Before you start transplanting a money tree, you need to prepare:

  • Container for transplantation;
  • Soil mixture;
  • Plant.

The container for transplanting should be of the recommended size and shape, and also be made of red clay or other ceramic material. Used pots should be thoroughly washed with soap and rinsed with hot water. It is recommended to soak new clay pots in warm water for 1 day so that they do not dry out the soil during the first time after replanting.

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Soil for a money tree can be purchased and mixed yourself. Typically, soil mixtures are sold already processed; they are free of pests, fungi and pathogenic bacteria. This soil can be immediately used for replanting. But if it has a characteristic mushroom smell, treatment is necessary. It is also necessary to cultivate the soil mixed with your own hands.

Before transplanting, the soil is steamed at a temperature of 80°C for 0.5-1 hour. To do this, it is placed in a metal tray, moistened, covered with foil and placed in the oven. After steaming, when the soil has cooled, it is ready for use. Sometimes the soil is calcined on metal sheets, but with such heating it loses some nutritional properties. Therefore, soil treatment by steaming is preferable.

Preparing the plant consists of watering it in a timely manner to ensure the necessary moisture in the earthen ball. When transplanting, the soil should not crumble; the lump of earth should remain moist. The plant is well watered. After 3-4 days, when the soil dries a little, the flower is ready for replanting.

The process of replanting a money tree

Before starting a planned transplant, you need to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the new pot. Its thickness should be at least 2 cm. Expanded clay, pebbles or broken bricks can be used as drainage. If the drainage holes in the pot are large enough, they can be covered with shards or large flat stones. Then a layer of prepared soil is poured over the drainage layer so that the pot is ¼ full. The soil layer is necessary to ensure that the plant's roots do not touch the drainage and have room to grow.

After this, you need to carefully remove the plant from the old pot. Sometimes the roots entangle the earthen ball and grow to the walls of the pot. In this case, it will not be possible to remove the plant without damaging the roots. But you should always exercise utmost caution. To make the earthen lump easier to separate from the old container, you can gently knock on the outside of the pot.

The money tree is taken by the trunk near the ground, turned over and removed from the old pot. If the earthen ball is completely removed and has not crumbled, then the roots of the tree are practically undamaged. But if it starts to fall apart, you need to hold it with your hand. It is recommended to replant the tree only by transshipment, preserving the bulk of the old clod of earth. In this case, the stress from replanting and damage to the roots will be minimized.

The fat plant removed from the old container is carefully placed in the center of the new pot. Since the new container is slightly wider than the previous one, about 1 cm of free space remains between the pot and the earthen lump. It is filled with fresh soil. In order for the gap to be filled completely, soil is poured into it in small portions, carefully compacting it with a thin stick or pencil.

The soil should not be compacted too much, as this can accidentally damage the root system. If during the replanting process there are unfilled areas in the soil, they will gradually disappear during watering. If the soil settles too much some time after transplanting, you can add the required amount later at any time.

After filling the gap with soil, a thin layer of new soil is poured on top of the old earthen ball. But you should not bury the tree too deep into the ground. This can cause rotting of the root collar and trunk. It must be remembered that the root collar must be at ground level. Therefore, the top layer of fresh soil can have a thickness of no more than 1 cm.

Mature money trees have a fairly massive crown. Sometimes after transplantation, when the soil has not yet compacted, such plants are not very stable and may bend or even fall over time. To prevent this from happening, you can tie the trunk of the plant to a peg installed in a flower pot. A tied plant is less decorative. But it should be remembered that the roots of the tree grow quickly, and the earth becomes compacted. Once the tree has gained stability, the garter can be removed.

Replanting a diseased plant is carried out in the same way. But the old soil is completely removed and the roots are examined. If it is not possible to remove the old soil without damaging the roots, it is soaked in water at room temperature. Diseased parts of the roots are cut off, and the sections are covered with crushed activated carbon to prevent further rotting. After this, the plant is transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil.

Caring for the plant immediately after transplantation

After completing the transplantation process, you should not water the plant for several days. During this time, damage to the roots will have time to heal. Otherwise, if water gets on the damaged roots, rotting will occur, leading to the death of the plant.

The transplanted money tree is placed in partial shade for 2 weeks. If this is not done, it can shed a significant part of the leaf mass and lose its decorative appearance for a long time.

2 weeks after transplanting, the tree can already be moved to a more illuminated place and gradually begin to accustom it to sunlight. This plant requires bright but diffuse lighting. In partial shade, the flower will stretch out and grow weak and thin shoots. However, exposing the flower to direct sun is not recommended. Its leaves may be damaged by direct sunlight and fall off.

After transplantation, the fat plant slows down its growth for some time. It is better to limit watering during this time, watering very rarely so that the top layer of soil is dry almost all the time. Once the plant resumes vigorous growth, watering can be gradually increased.

The transplanted plant should not be sprayed with water. Getting into the axils of the leaves, water can cause rotting of the shoots and stems. It is recommended to carefully wipe the leaves with a damp sponge to remove dust.

Common mistakes when transplanting

Crassula is an unpretentious plant that is easy to care for. However, when transplanting it, problems may arise, the causes of which are mistakes made by inexperienced gardeners. Here are some of them:

  • The money tree does not grow; its trunk becomes soft near the root. This is a manifestation of root rot, caused by watering the plant immediately after transplantation. Also, the roots can rot due to the wrong shape and size of the pot.
  • The plant begins to lose leaves, and then some shoots darken and fall off. This is the decay of shoots, which can be caused by spraying the tree after replanting or keeping it in a very humid atmosphere at low temperatures.
  • The tree loses its leaf mass after transplantation. A possible reason for this is the sun hitting the leaves of a plant that has not yet adapted to new conditions.
  • The tree does not grow, the leaves turn yellow and fall off gradually. This may occur due to incorrectly selected soil. In soils that are too heavy, when oxygen access to the roots is difficult, the plant feels unwell and its growth is slowed down. When transplanted into acidic soil, the money tree gradually loses its green mass and dies.

Now you know when it is better to replant a money tree and how to do it correctly.

How to properly plant a money tree (crassula) from a shoot into a pot and care for it at home so that there is money in the house: Feng Shui and advice from flower growers.

Crassula as a means to attract money

Money tree, breadfruit tree, tree of happiness - what beautiful names flower growers have not come up with for the plant, which is correctly called Crassula (Crassula).

This tree with a thick trunk and oval dense leaves is so unique that it has decorative, magical and medicinal properties at the same time.

If you believe, the fat woman improves financial well-being, brings peace and good luck to the house. The money tree is a talisman that activates the zone of well-being and attracts wealth to the home. Crassula attracts money, works like a magnet for it. Its leaves look like shiny coins.

The plant is also believed to purify the air in the home and kill bacteria. Where Crassula grows there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Types of money tree

There are many varieties of Crassula that differ in appearance. Among them there are ampelous, groundcover, bush-like and tree-like forms.

The most popular varieties among flower growers are Crassula ovata and Crassula moss. Both species are succulents and are completely different from each other.

Crassula lycopsum is grown only in greenhouses and winter gardens, while Crassula ovata grows quite successfully at home.

How to plant a money tree in your home

Crassula is not a capricious flower that requires painstaking care and careful attention.

How to plant a money tree cutting in a pot

First of all, let’s figure out how to propagate the Crassula correctly, so that by taking a shoot from friends or acquaintances, you can easily plant it in a pot in your home.

Propagation of the money tree is carried out using seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in shallow containers with drainage holes, then covered with polyethylene. Subsequent care of seedlings consists of regular ventilation and spraying. In 2-3 weeks the first shoots will sprout. This method of breeding Crassula is quite complex.

The method of propagating Crassula by cuttings is much simpler. The cuttings can be rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground. The money tree shoot is planted in a pot to a depth of about 5 cm. Some gardeners believe that when planting cuttings in March or April, the likelihood that the money tree will bloom in the future increases. And if Crassula is planted in the middle of summer, the chances of this will be less.

How to choose the right flowerpot for a money tree

Crassula has a rather massive ground part, which means this flower is better suited to a wide and low pot with good stability. This choice of pot is also due to the fact that Crassula has a superficial root system. For water to drain successfully into the pan, there must be small holes at the bottom of the pot.

Of course, it is not necessary to immediately plant a money tree shoot in a large flowerpot. To start with, a small pot is enough, but as the flower grows, it needs to be transplanted into a more suitable pot.

How to replant a money tree

To transplant a grown Crassula flower, you need to take a pot of suitable size, fill it one-third with a drainage layer (for example, from pieces of coal or crushed brick), then fill it with earth. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. This will make it easier for the plant to tolerate this procedure. After this, the soil is added to the top.

During the transplantation process, you need to carefully examine the root system of the flower. Rotten roots, indicating an excess of moisture, must be removed. After this, the crassula is left to dry for a day.

How to choose land for planting Crassula

Planting a money tree should be done in the ground for succulents, which this plant belongs to. The flower feels best in turf soil. The soil used for growing cacti is suitable, but Crassula can also be successfully planted in universal soil.

If desired, you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, flower growers advise mixing one part each of sand, humus and leaf soil, adding four parts of turf soil.

How to plant a money tree correctly so that there is money in the house?

To ensure that there is always money in the house, when transplanting it into a pot of Crassula, you need to put a coin and tie its branches with red ribbons. It’s good if a crassula grows in your apartment, but it’s important to learn. You can do this even with a small salary.

How to properly care for a money tree

Growing a money tree at home is not labor-intensive and very interesting. This flower comes from hot countries, so it needs to be provided with conditions as close to tropical as possible. Crassula has a growing season in spring and summer, and winter is a dormant time. Basic care for a money tree at home is to follow the following rules.

How to water a money tree?

Many gardeners have a question: how to properly water a money tree? The first rule: do not allow the fatty fish to flood. Excess moisture is detrimental to it. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot and the leaves to begin to fall off. In the warm season, the plant can be watered twice a week; with the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to a minimum. To avoid flooding the money tree, before each watering you need to check the condition of the soil at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. If the soil there is dry, Crassula can be safely watered.

If the watering regime is not observed and the soil is excessively moist, the root system is susceptible to fungal attack. In this case, you can save the money tree if you take it out of the pot together with the earthen lump, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special anti-fungal solution.

However, Crassula can also suffer due to lack of moisture! Ideally, the soil with the flower should be slightly moist.

We wipe the leaves of the fat plant - we attract money!

Flower growers advise from time to time to wipe the leaves of the fat plant with a damp cloth to remove dust and spray water on them from a spray bottle. It would be optimal to give your Crassula a warm shower once a week. In winter, such a “wash” can be done once a month.

The water should be warm, but not hot. To prevent moisture from getting on the soil, you can cover the soil in the pot with regular cling film. You can’t take a wet fat woman to her place. You need to let the water drain a little.

Where is the best place to put a money tree in an apartment?

Crassula is a light-loving plant, but placing it under the scorching sun is strictly prohibited. Moreover, in this case, the top layer of soil in the pot will dry out very quickly.

The plant will grow fully on a windowsill on the south-east side, where there will always be light, but there will be no sun. With the onset of spring, many gardeners place it on the floor of the balcony, and in winter - on the windowsill on the south side.

Insufficient lighting can cause the plant's stem to stretch, causing it to become misshapen. To prevent this, the fat plant should be placed on window sills, especially in poorly lit rooms.

In summer, temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees are suitable for Crassula. But in winter, the flower will need to lower the temperature to 10 - 15 degrees. A drop in temperature of up to 6 degrees is allowed. If it is not possible to place the plant in a room with such a temperature in winter, then at least you should remove the flower from the radiator.

A negative consequence of incorrect temperature during the dormant period can be the elongation of the Crassula trunk and the falling of leaves located below. Leaves may also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the money tree pot is located. Of course, the fat woman needs constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed to appear. They will only do harm.

The money tree needs to be fed!

Universal preparations or additives for succulents are most often used as fertilizers for fat plants. To ensure better absorption of nutrients, plants are fertilized only after watering.

Fertilizers are applied during the growing season - in spring and summer, once a month. In the autumn-winter period, feeding is carried out once every 3 months.

Formation of the Crassula crown

To create a uniform and symmetrical shape, the fat plant is rotated in the light around its axis. But to form a beautiful crown, the flower still has to be trimmed a little.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant and a new bud begins to form. You need to pinch it off by carefully twisting it with your hands or miniature tweezers.

Each branch of a money tree should have no more than three to four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows, its top will also need to be plucked off.

If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed and new leaves appear, pruning will help. You need to cut the branch above the 4th pair of leaves. The cut is covered with activated carbon powder.

Possible problems in caring for a money tree

Many gardeners complain that the leaves of the fat plant fall off or wither. What can be wrong?

Excessive watering causes leaves to darken, change color, or fall off.

A change in foliage color to dirty yellow can also be caused by a fungal disease caused by waterlogging of the soil.

Watering with cold water is another reason why tropical flowers develop diseases.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage indicates a lack of moisture.

Rot that appears at the base of the stem is a sure sign of rotting of the plant’s root system. In this case, the apical part of the plant is cut off and the flower is grown in a new way.

Money tree pests

Crassula is an unpretentious and pest-resistant plant. However, there are many pests that attack the fat plant:

Scale insects form brownish or yellow spots on the leaves. Methods of treatment: “Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”, soap solution.

Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Methods of treatment: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.

Mealybug - forms a whitish coating on the axils of the leaves. Treatment methods: thick solution of laundry soap, insecticides.

Is the money tree blooming?

Flowering in Crassula is a rare phenomenon, so not every gardener gets to see it. Therefore, it is a very common belief that the money tree does not bloom. But that's not true.

During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with small flowers of white, light pink or greenish color, depending on the variety. They emit a pleasant sweet aroma.

The flowering period begins during the plant growth stage in spring and lasts 2-3 months. You should not hope that the fat plant will bloom in the first years after planting. It can produce flowers after 8 or even 10 years. Or it may not bloom at all, despite the fact that it was provided with proper and timely care.

Flower growers believe that the flowering of the money tree is hampered by lack of lighting. This is a feature of our climate.

There is a sign: if a money tree grows well and gets stronger, wealth is just around the corner, but if it withers and its leaves fall off, this promises problems with money.

However, it is not at all necessary to believe in omens. If you properly care for a money tree, it can become an excellent decoration for any room, will delight you with its beauty for a long time and will bring warmth and comfort to your home.


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