In which rehabilitation center is Dana Borisova being treated? Dana Borisova at rehabilitation for drug addiction in Thailand

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Photo by @danaborisova_official

The program, in which she spoke about her daughter’s problems, was recorded two days before airing.

“During the program, we realized that we couldn’t allow Dana to see this while she was not in the clinic or at least under a drip,” admitted Andrei Malakhov in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, “so after the recording we went to the apartment where Dana lives. In order to somehow motivate her, they came up with a story about how she would become the host of a new reality show on Channel One about anorexics. Then they took Dana’s passport to buy a ticket to Thailand to a rehabilitation clinic under the auspices that the girl was going to star in a reality show.

The next morning Dana was in a good mood, although she complained that “it’s such a holiday, and I’m not wearing makeup.”

“We collected the things we had,” the girl confessed, “most importantly, I took shampoos and hair masks - I’m a fan of this.” To be honest, I still don’t believe what’s happening, it seems to me that this is some kind of prank. When I get on the plane, then I will believe it.

In his program, Andrei Malakhov said that on the first day at the Thai rehabilitation center, Dana behaved freely, got acquainted with the rules of behavior and the daily routine of the center, and prepared for a reality show.

“After a difficult flight, we are ready to start our project,” the girl said to the camera.

On the second day, Dana's mood changed, she was somewhat depressed and, looking at the camera, admitted that she had problems.

– It was a terrible day for me. They took my phone away - it was very cruel for me. I am very weak because I haven’t eaten anything since the day Polina (the TV presenter’s daughter) was taken away. I just wanted to lose a little weight at first, but then I got carried away, and now I physically can’t eat anything, so I’m very exhausted. In addition, I have terrible phobias: in the last couple of months I was afraid to leave the apartment, get behind the wheel, and was afraid to see people in stores.

The second night in a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand was very difficult for Dana Borisova.

“Oh, today was a terrible night,” the girl admitted. “I gave up almost all my sleeping pills, so I wandered around the house, bothered everyone, knocked on doors, and disturbed everyone’s sleep. I had thoughts of going outside with my suitcase, but the door was locked - naturally, no one would let me in at night. She sat on the bare floor for a long time, freezing everything there thoroughly...

On the sixth day, Dana learned that she was not starring in any reality show. This was a great disappointment for her, but afterwards the TV presenter admitted that there is one very important point that helps her come to terms with the situation and, while in a rehabilitation center, fight addiction.

– The most important thing that motivates me now is my daughter. Now I’m filming this project just to show that I’m not such a complete person and I’m capable of more. This is solely for the sake of my daughter... But I’m worried that this project will never go on air, and therefore, honestly, I’m not putting in much effort.

“Dana, everything will be broadcast,” Andrei Malakhov, the host of the “Let Them Talk” program, said at the end of the program. – And even if this is not a reality show about girls who suffer from anorexia, today the whole country is watching you. And this is your show. Many believe in you, many doubt you. And I personally believe it. I believe that everything should work out for you, because I have known you for too long and I remember you as that happy and cheerful girl who came to Moscow to conquer it... So take care of yourself, we are with you.

The dramatic story that unfolded around the once popular TV presenter, 40-year-old Dana Borisova, probably left no one indifferent. The news about the famous blonde's drug addiction has stirred up the public so much that the ratings of talk shows devoted to this topic threaten to break even those records that were previously set by, or. So, according to Borisova’s mother, her daughter has been heavily dependent on drugs for more than one year and systematically uses cocaine, also drinks strong drinks and takes potent medications. The woman decided to tell the whole country about this on the air of the most popular television project “Let Them Talk.” Ekaterina Ivanovna admitted that, on the phone, she told her about the white powder stored in her mother’s bedroom and about the strange guests who often visit their house. Borisova Sr., without hesitation, asked her ex-son-in-law, entrepreneur Maxim Aksenov, to take the girl with her for a while, and she went to television to ask for help from Dana’s friends and colleagues. The host of the show, Andrei Malakhov, immediately warned the TV presenter not to try to blame her mother for insanity, because they have all the certificates confirming the woman’s mental health, so they have no reason not to believe her.

But, as it turned out, something interesting remained behind the scenes of the talk show. It turns out that immediately after the broadcast, Andrei Malakhov himself, as well as Prokhor Chaliapin, and Rustam Solntsev, and some other star friends of Borisova decided to go straight to her home. All of them are simply incredibly concerned about Dana's future. Although there is an opinion that there are no friends in the world of show business, this is far from true. Pop singer Chaliapin, for example, is not only a close friend of the TV presenter, but they also had a common PR director, unfortunately, the late Tim Brik, who, according to some information, tragically died without calculating the dose drugs. In addition, according to Dana’s mother, it was Tim who once got her daughter hooked on hard drugs. The friends all immediately went to Dana’s apartment to jointly pull her out of this abyss and improve her life. Colleagues ultimately managed to take the TV presenter for compulsory treatment to an elite rehabilitation clinic, which, by the way, is located in Thailand. Dana did not want to go there voluntarily, because she never admitted her addiction. For this reason, the comrades even had to resort to a white lie in order to lure the presenter out of the house under the pretext of participating in the filming of a new TV project. Borisova's relatives and friends sincerely hope that after completing the course of treatment, she will be able to return to work and will not be deprived of her parental rights. But Dana’s health condition is now extremely disappointing, she has lost her appetite, has lost a lot of weight, so much so that doctors even called her condition anorexia.

Recently, celebrities have begun to save each other from alcohol and drug addiction. The pioneer of the movement was 41-year-old Dana Borisova, who was sent to a rehabilitation center on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand, where she spent five months.

The VIP-center for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction “Sabai” became popular with the easy suggestion of Andrei Malakhov, who suggested sending Dana there. Channel One spent more than a million rubles on the rehabilitation of the former host of the Army Store - a month’s stay in the center costs 200-250 thousand rubles, which is approximately 8,000 rubles a day. During this time, Dana had to be brought out of depression and instilled in her thoughts about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Time will tell whether the rehabilitation was effective. In the meantime, Dana happily gives interviews, telling how she “became stronger,” and actively helps other celebrities who are also in trouble. For example, she persuaded Chris Kelmi and Evgeniy Osin to come to the rehabilitation center for alcoholics. And last week she announced that she had become the face of a psychological recovery center.

To understand how therapy takes place in a Thai center, just look at the schedule of events on the official website. There is everything for a happy patient's life: shopping, spa treatments, boxing classes, play therapy, English language, watching movies, chef's dinners, yoga, swimming and an item called “daily reflections”. Once a day, the patient can listen to a lecture on a healthy lifestyle, talk with a psychologist and make an entry in a personal diary on the topic “How my life is changing.”

Dana even began writing a book in Thailand called “Obsession,” where she admitted that she first tried illegal drugs at the age of 16.

« My mother, who worked in an ambulance, brought phenazepam and told me: “You sleep so poorly... (And I was already working as a TV presenter.) Take them and you will be rested.” Since then, I constantly began to escape reality. Maxim saw how handfuls I always drank of them, and this infuriated him. All my relationships ended because of pills. Only in the 2 years that I was pregnant and breastfeeding did I not drink one. Then alcohol and drugs joined them. Pills have always been evil number 1 and at the same time salvation. I couldn't live without them, it was an obsession....", says Borisova

There is also an Orthodox priest in Thailand who helps patients cleanse themselves of sins, as well as an equestrian instructor, a meditation coach, in short, everyone who can distract addicts from thoughts about illegal drugs.

However, not everyone recognizes such a system as useful; there are also negative reviews about the clinic. The Thai rehabilitation center also has opponents, for example, State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, who published information about the true activities of Dana Borisova’s savior Nikita Lushnikov on his website: “I I consider cooperation with the “Center for Healthy Youth” charity foundation to be my mistake and I do not at all regret that I cut off all possible contacts with this organization».

According to Valuev, the declared activities of the Center of Health Outwardly look great and involve many famous personalities - domestic artists, doctors and even politicians, but the flip side of the fund’s work is the introduction of all these people, as well as their charges, into deep misconception by hiding real connections with the neo-Pentecostal movement. religious organization "Kingdom of God", whose headquarters are located in Ukraine.

In the end, due to the provision of false information about the activities of the Center for Health Protection, Nikita Lushnikov was removed from work in the State Duma. But he did not stop his activities.

There are indeed many popular people associated with the activities of the Center for Healthy Youth. For example, TV presenter Alexey Lysenkov, Ksenia Rappoport, Pavel Derevyanko, Vera Brezhneva actively help him... Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave gratitude for the active life position of the CZM organization.

But Lushnikov’s most zealous defender was TV presenter and journalist Andrei Malakhov, who, due to his profession, simply could not help but know about the strange past of the group for rescuing drug addicts. He continues to promote the activities of an organization with a tarnished reputation and involve unfortunate artists in it, writes

About Dana Borisova (in the hope that she will improve) two years is not a record. The former lover of the notorious TV presenter kept her secret for even longer - three years.


Only now, German businessman Alexey Pankov confirmed in a frank interview that the TV star has long had problems with drugs. Dana tried to build love with him in 2014.

Pankov and Borisova met on the show “Let's Get Married!” The young people didn’t have time to get to the registry office - and then they were slopped through the media. Dana accused her ex-lover of stalking her and allegedly... The businessman even had to turn to lawyers to... The blonde goes to the police.

Alexey claims that during those months of the showdown he sounded the alarm, but was ignored. “I knew then that she was taking drugs, but no one wanted to hear me. Everything I tried to convey turned out to be black PR for me,” Pankov complained.

The businessman said that once, when Borisova, she had a heart attack while taking illegal drugs.

“We had just started dating, I didn’t yet know about her problem. Dana suddenly felt bad, I called an ambulance. The doctor, having taken blood for analysis, even then told me: “Do you understand that these are drugs?” I could believe it. But analysis can’t lie!” – Pankov is quoted by the website

The man wanted to help the TV presenter. “I tried to talk to her, but she denied it, insisted that these were diet pills... Now I feel very sorry for her, although she brought herself to this. Now, I hope people understand that she was talking nonsense about me. And I hope she It’s a shame, although... I doubt it,” Alexey summed up.

Let us remind you that Dana is currently undergoing treatment in a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where her Channel One is visiting. The blonde said that in this paradise on Earth she is not at all sweet. To begin with, Borisova was embarrassed by the early rise. Then she lost her favorite gadget and all the pills that she managed to smuggle across the border.

“They took my phone away,” Dana complained. “I don’t eat anything. I can’t physically eat anything. I’m weak. I have terrible phobias. For the last couple of months I’ve been afraid to leave the apartment or drive.”

On the third day of her stay at the clinic in Thailand, Borisova reported that she had a nightmare night after specialists took away all her sleeping pills. The TV presenter also caught a cold in her internal organs after sitting on cold stones for a long time.

Dana is helped to hold on by the only thought - about her daughter Polina. And Borisova also dreams of rehabilitating herself. “I’m not a complete person, I’m capable of more,” assured the TV presenter in trouble.


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