Important friends: how to remove a person from the top position of the list? How to remove a person from being important on VKontakte How to remove a person from being important on VKontakte.

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People are usually not interested in how to remove important friends from VK. The friend list on a social network is built according to certain algorithms - for convenience, users with whom you interact more often are displayed at the top of the list - and there is no need to change this system. But if you decide to remove one of your friends from the first position, there are 3 ways to achieve what you want.

The top lines of the list are occupied by favorites in communication. To lower a friend's priority, you need to keep interactions on the social network to a minimum. Output 3:

  1. Block a person's news.
  2. Delete and block for a couple of seconds.
  3. Stop talking for a while and stop liking each other.

Hiding a friend's news

Set up your feed so that the service stops showing your friend’s news. Open the appropriate section, find the post of the person you are interested in and click on the arrow in the upper right corner. In the drop-down list, select "This is not interesting"

and “Hide from feed.”

If you do everything correctly, the page will display the message “User priority has been lowered.” After some time, the data will be updated, and a friend on the list will give way to someone else as a leader.

Temporarily block a friend

Deletion and blacklisting is the surest way to remove important friends on VKontakte. If you want to create your own order, go to the list of friends and unfollow each one for a couple of seconds. To do this:

Do not refresh the page afterwards, otherwise you will have to add the person again. You also need to select “Cancel”, which appears in place of the ellipsis, and the user will return to the friend list. Only now it will stand 3-5 positions lower.

Decreased activity

Another method that requires patience. It is possible to remove a person from being important if you reduce interactions on VK territory with him and increase them with others. Stop writing to the user, liking, telling subscribers about posts and visiting the page.

Give up trying to somehow communicate, and your friend’s rating will gradually fall. The person will move down, and his place will be taken by people who are more important to you, according to the algorithm.

How to remove the “Important Friends” tab in VK

In 2020, when visiting the site from a computer, the “Important Friends” block is not separately highlighted or displayed. The people with whom the account owner communicates most often are simply located in the first positions of the list. If you see a section and want to remove “Important Friends” in VK, you most likely need to work with the lists. Try:

  • open the list of friends;
  • in the blocks on the right, select “Lists”;
  • find the one of the same name and click to go inside;
  • an “Edit” button will appear at the top of the page, and a “Delete” button next to it;
  • Click the desired one, confirm the action - and the list will disappear.

Please note that this method only works with lists that are created manually. It will not be possible to get rid of existing ones by default in this way.

How to remove important VKontakte friends on your phone

Removing important friends from VK from a mobile phone is no more difficult than from a computer. The same 3 methods work here.

  1. Stop communicating. Don't notice your friend's posts, ignore messages and stop visiting the page. After a couple of days, provided that you are actively interacting with others, the priority of the selected character will drop.
  2. There is no time to wait - temporarily erase from your friends. Open the list of added ones, click the ellipsis next to the selected name and tap “Delete”. Now return to the person's page and accept the application again. He won’t disappear from his friends, but he will disappear from the first lines.
  3. Go to the "News" tab. Find the publication of the person you are interested in among the posts, hold it with your finger and wait until the hidden menu appears. In the list of actions, select hide this news - and the user’s posts will disappear from the feed.

Once the issue is resolved, the publications can be returned. Open settings, go to the “News” section and look for “Hidden”. In the list that appears, click on your friend’s name and tap “Delete.” The action will remove the character from exclusions and posts will begin to appear again.

After the advent of the Internet and society's interest in electronic communication, the first social networks were created, the main purpose of which was to bring people together and communicate conveniently without being nearby in person. As a result, social networks represent a model of virtual life in which a person has the right to conduct dialogues, exchange any materials with someone, receive news and necessary information, and add friends.

Friend list

Why are friends at the top of the list?

Friends are users whose pages have been added to the account owner's friends list. At the top of this list are those users who have higher priority. That is, the account owner most often communicates with them, visits their page, and is active on it (likes, writes comments, reposts, views materials). Responsive activity is also important.

When viewing friends by another user, the people with the highest ratings will also be at the very top of the list, which can sometimes be a disturbing factor.

As a result, the people with the highest priority for a particular page are called important friends, are placed at the very top of the friends tab and remain there permanently. Sometimes with any people there is a disagreement in which it is necessary to get rid of someone at the top of the list. So, there are several options for carrying out this operation.

Ways to reduce rating

After hiding, the VKontakte service will consider this page irrelevant and change its rating.

"Don't receive notifications" for a specific page

It is important to remember that it takes some time for the update to occur and for the changes to take effect. Typically this time is several hours, but can be longer - you just need to be patient.

Similar methods can be used when lowering the rating of a community in the list of groups. That is, the less the user is interested in the information coming from public sites, the lower the rating the community has for this account.

It often happens that a user registered on the VKontakte social network needs to remove a person from his friends list. However, not everyone can cope with this easily. There are users who are little familiar with site navigation and cannot understand its extensive functionality on their own. It is for such people that this article was written, which will help find the answer to the question: “ How to delete a friend in contact?».

To do this, you need to perform the following list of actions:

  1. Log in to your account on the VKontakte social network.
  2. Go to page "My friends", to do this, you need to click on the link to the left of the main photo of your profile (usually it is located second from the top).
  3. Once you get to the page with the list of people with whom you are friends, you need to find the person who is to be deleted. To do this, it is convenient to use the search bar (it is located at the top of the page and is indicated by a “magnifying glass” icon).
  4. We enter the first or last name of the person we want to delete into the search bar. The list will immediately give us a line with a thumbnail of the desired person.
  5. Opposite your friend's photo there will be a number of links that allow you to perform various actions. Click on the link “Unfriend.”
  6. After clicking this link, all other actions will become impossible. However, a small link will appear "Return to friends", which will allow you to re-add a person to your friends list if he was deleted by mistake. But this is only possible while you are in the section "My friends", if you leave it, then instant recovery will not be possible.
  7. Once deleted, the person will be added to your list of subscribers and will still be able to view all your updates. To remove it from there too, you need to go to the page with subscribers.
  8. To do this, click on the small link "My subscribers", which is located directly below the main photo of your page.
  9. A window will appear with people following you. Select the person you just deleted by hovering the mouse cursor over him and click on the cross in the corner of the thumbnail with his photo. Then we confirm the action by pressing the button "Continue". So, a person will go to "Black list".
  10. After this, an hour later, or better yet a day, we go to "My settings"(to the left of the main photo on your page).
  11. Select a tab "Black list".
  12. Next to the name of the deleted person, click on the link "Remove from list". Refresh the page.

This is how you can easily remove a friend from your account permanently. In addition to this problem, users often have a question:

How VKontakte friends are distributed

Today, the social network Vkontakte is considered the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. Every day, hundreds of millions of users visit the website to read news, find out something interesting, listen to music, watch movies and, of course, chat with friends. After all, what are social networks for in the first place? Of course, for communication!

Today the maximum number for one user is neither more nor less - 10 thousand people, and the average number of people who are on such a list for a socially active user is, according to statistics, 200-300 people.

Looking through these people, many of us think about how VKontakte friends are sorted, how their list is formed and what influences this sequence. Some people go even further in their thinking and want to know how to change the order of VKontakte friends and whether it can be done at all. In this article we will try to answer these and many other questions about the VK friends list, revealing to you several useful secrets.

Arrangement order

Let's start with a simple one: how are friends located on VKontakte and who is first? If you open the list, you will see that your first friends on VKontakte are those users with whom you communicate most often. Sometimes sorting VKontakte friends can be a little confusing - for example, among your important acquaintances there may be those with whom you have not corresponded for a long time. How so? It's very simple - the communications that influence how people are sorted include not only private messages, as one might think, but also comments on posts, replies, etc. Thus, the first person on the list is not only the one with whom you have the longest correspondence, but also the one whose posts and news are most interesting to you. How to move friends to the top of the display list? Just communicate with them more often, that’s all!

However, there is an exception to this rule - users you added recently are automatically moved to the first 5 VKontakte friends so that you do not lose track of them if they end up at the end of the list. In the future, if you do not communicate with the newly added one too often, he will become one of the first 10 friends on VKontakte, and then the sequence will become standard.

Order online

Another issue is the order of the list online. How is it sorted? It’s very simple - the arrangement of friends in it is the same as in the general sequence, with the only difference being that there are no people who are now offline.

If you use an option such as lists of added people, you will probably be interested in how VKontakte friends are distributed if you add them to the list - for example, "Colleagues" or "Relatives". Everything works the same here: the more messages, likes and replies you are connected with, the higher the acquaintance’s position on the page will be.

The order of people that appear on your page has another interesting feature. If you go to your page, you will see that the first six people online and the first six in the general list never match. By the way, how are the friends you see in these sequences displayed? Everything follows the same principle - according to the frequency of your communication with them.

From other users

So, everything is more or less clear with our own friends, but what about this question: how are the friends of other users whom we see from our page located? Here, again, everything is simple: the distribution occurs according to the number of mutual acquaintances. What if you and the user whose page you looked at don’t have a single friend in common? Then the order of friends is based on the date of registration.

Changing the order

Well, now we have figured out how such sequences of people are displayed and how friends are distributed in VKontakte. Let's move on to practical questions, the first of which will be: is it possible to change this order? How to move friends in lists and sort them at your own discretion, how to swap friends? Alas, the order, as already mentioned, is set automatically, and currently VKontakte does not have a function that allows you to perform such an operation. If you are interested in how to raise a friend and how to lower him in the general list, then there is only one way - to communicate more often with this person in any form or, conversely, to reduce communication to a minimum.

And now - a couple of interesting and useful options.

Let's start with the useful: as you know, many VKontakte users share their real coordinates, including their mobile phone number, Skype login, as well as links to blogs, etc. However, few people know that there is an application for mobile phones that allows you to synchronize contacts from VK with an address book in the phone’s memory. The application is called "VKontakte Sync" and available for the operating system Android.

Now for something interesting: imagine what your list of your acquaintances would look like if you presented it in the form of a graph? Visualization of friends- this is a very real function offered by the site You only need to allow the application hosted on the site to access your page, and the program will build an interactive friends graph, which displays all your connections between people, visually and informatively.

The last thing I would like to say is that in pursuit of a huge number of added people on VKontakte, do not forget about those who are close to you, and when communicating on the Internet, you should not neglect live communication, because they will never replace real acquaintances!

Do you know why so many people want to know how to remove a person from important friends on VK? The fact is that this category includes only those contacts to which the user is most active. In other words, he regularly visits the pages of these particular people, gives them likes, comments on the news, and follows their lives. Moreover, this group of contacts is always located at the top of the friends list.

Do you want your new guy to see that you're still interested in your ex? Would you like the fact that the girl you secretly dream about will be aware of regular visits to her page? There can be many reasons, which is why the question “how to remove important friends on VKontakte” is always relevant.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to do this, and also explain how, on the contrary, to raise a person to be important in VK, how the list is formed and how to view it from yourself and from another person.

Who are important friends?

These are the users from your VK contact list with whom you communicate most actively. Moreover, “communication” means any interaction with a person’s profile: viewing photos, videos, music, likes, comments, dialogues, even simple transitions to a page.

Even if you are not interested in a person, their page can still get into your top. It is enough for the author to start showing interest in you - posting on the wall, liking, writing messages.

People also fall into this category again, but for a very short period of time. If the algorithm understands that the new person is not interesting to you, his page will quickly lose its position.

Important contacts are located at the top of the list and are also displayed in the “Friends” block on the VK user’s start page.

How is this list formed?

The list is not static, it is constantly changing, and is not reciprocal. This means that if Ivan Ivanov is on your “important” list, it is not at all a fact that you, in turn, are also on his.

The principle of forming important friends in VK is the constant interaction of your account with your friends and vice versa. If over the past few days you occasionally exchange a few words with Ivan Ivanov and give a couple of likes to his photos, without communicating with anyone else, he will definitely rise to the top of your list.

This is what the important ones in VK depend on, by the way, if you suddenly find in your top page a page of a long-forgotten person who you definitely haven’t visited recently, it means he’s your fan. Well, or at least he doesn't lose sight of you.

Now you know how important friends are identified in VK, then it’s time to protect your boyfriend/girlfriend’s nervous system - let’s find out how to remove a person from the top of the list of contacts.

How to remove a person from the top

There is no button with which you can remove a friend from being important in VK. In order to lower your profile rankings, you will have to take certain actions - we will introduce you to 4 ways.

Remove from friend list

We have already talked about how important friends are identified in VK, and we clarified that those with whom you have just become friends fall into this category. However, if immediately after adding you do not begin to interact with the person in any of the listed ways, he will immediately leave it. In other words, to remove someone important, you will have to break off your friendship with him and then become friends again. It will look something like this:

  • Go to the person’s profile on VK and click on the button "Your friends" under the main avatar;
  • Choose a team “Remove from contacts”;
  • Or delete it directly from your friends section - opposite each name there is a corresponding button;
  • You wait 2-3 hours and perform the reverse manipulations, that is, add it to yourself again;
  • Next, be careful - his page will hang in your top for some time, but if you are not active with him in any way, it will quickly leave there;
  • In just a couple of days you will see that the person has been removed from the top of the list.
  • Keep in mind that if you go to visit him, like him or contact him in any other way, all efforts to remove him will be in vain.

By the way, people see your contact list not only according to the “important to unimportant” principle. At the top of it there are also your mutual acquaintances, therefore, you can never be completely sure that the owner of the profile really follows the life of Ivan Ivanov. In other words, perhaps he is not an “important” friend to him at all, but simply a mutual acquaintance of yours. To check this, delete Ivanov from yourself and check the friend list of the original account in a couple of days.

Can be removed via blocking

To remove important people from VK, you can temporarily or. Don't worry, it will only last a couple of hours - the person shouldn't notice anything. Otherwise, blame everything on the social network and quickly unban your friend.

How to blacklist a person?

  • Click on the small round avatar in your account (top right);
  • Select "Settings";
  • Go to the “Black List” tab;
  • Press the “Add to Emergency” button;
  • Find the page you need;
  • Click the button "Block".

After a couple of hours, you can remove the person from the ban - go to this section again and press the button "Unblock". After this, the position of this profile in your friend list will greatly decrease. Of course, if you are not very active with her.

Remove by hiding news

This action will greatly lower the person's priority on your friend list. Just go to his VK profile, click on the three horizontal dots in the line "Your friends" and select "Hide news".

This is how you can simply remove a user from the list of your important ones without any deletion or blocking.

Reduce activity

This path is the longest, but the most effective. You just need to stop contacting this profile. This means:

  • No likes;
  • Transitions to the page;
  • Viewing photos or videos;
  • Etc.

Instead, choose a couple of other friends and develop hyperactive attention to them. Perform the opposite actions: dialogues, reposts, likes, visits, comments - use the entire possible list of tools.

Add a couple of new friends to your contact list and show the system that you are interested in them. Thus, it is these few accounts that will become important in your list, and the real object of interest can be removed from there.

How to get someone up on the important list

You know how to remove a person from the “significant” list. Go ahead!

If you carefully read the previous sections of the article, you probably already know how to make a person important in VK. There is no special key or option to instantly raise a friend to the top. You need to start actively interacting with your profile - go there more often, write messages, comment on audio and video recordings.

It will take 2-3 days to add a person as an important friend on VK. If you want to speed up the process, let this friend become the only object of interest in a given period of time.

Well, now you know what important friends on VKontakte mean and how to remove them from there. You can use any of the proposed methods, but the easiest one is to reduce activity.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to somehow hide important friends in VK, we will disappoint you - you will have to either from your contact list through the privacy settings, or follow one of the 4 paths proposed in the article.

How to view the list of important

So, you know how to remove profiles from your top contact list, and now let’s talk about how to see a friend’s important VK friends. Of course, by default, we start from the statement that he did not try to remove anyone from this category. Well, that is, we are talking about the situation “how the fox tried to deceive the fox.”

So, it’s easy and simple to see someone’s important friends on VK through a computer and phone:

  • Go to their profile;
  • Click on the “Friends” block to go to the full version of the section;
  • The top ones on the list are the important ones.

Keep in mind that your mutual friends are also there, as well as those newly added to the list.

That's all, now you will always be able to exchange important people in VK for others, and you will never get burned. Now the task of “getting the person out of there” is not unsolvable for you. Be smart and don't put too much faith in your investigations. Remember, the fact that a profile is listed in the top does not mean that the object of your interest is actively following the life of its owner. It is quite possible that the opposite is true.


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