Great German philosophers. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach: quotes, aphorisms, sayings Feuerbach sayings

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On this page you will find quotes from Ludwig Feuerbach; you will definitely need this information for your overall development.

An existence devoid of needs is an unnecessary existence.

Only those who love something mean something. Not being anything and not loving anything are the same thing.

To know a person, you need to love him.

Humor carries the soul across the abyss and teaches it to play with its grief.

The love of science is the love of truth, which is why honesty is the fundamental virtue of a scientist.

The world is pitiful only for a pitiful man, the world is empty only for an empty man.

My conscience is nothing other than my Self, putting itself in the place of the offended You.

In practice, all people are atheists: by their deeds, by their behavior, they refute their faith.

True writers are the conscience of humanity.

The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to demonstrate and prove them in practice.

Our ideal is not a castrated, disembodied, abstract being, our ideal is an integral, valid, comprehensive, perfect, educated person.

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

Where there is no scope for the manifestation of ability, there is no ability.

Where there is no desire for happiness, there is no desire at all. The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of aspirations.

Dogma is nothing more than a direct prohibition to think.

A desire is a need for something to exist that does not exist.

There is not only single or individual egoism, but also social egoism, family, corporate, community, and patriotic egoism.

It is the simplest truths that a person comprehends the most later.

Your first responsibility is to make yourself happy. If you yourself are happy, then you will make others happy too. A happy person can only see happy people around him.

The other world is only an echo of this world.

The idea of ​​a morally perfect being is a practical idea that requires action, imitation, and serves as the source of my discord with myself, because it prescribes to me what I should be, and at the same time, without any partiality, shows me that I am not like that.

The principle of morality is happiness, but not the kind of happiness that is concentrated on one and the same person, but happiness distributed among different persons.

Distinguish between evil, inhuman and heartless egoism and kind, sympathetic, humane egoism; distinguish between gentle, involuntary self-love, which finds satisfaction in love for others, and voluntary, intentional self-love, which finds satisfaction in indifference or even outright anger towards others.

Religion needs the eternal darkness of ignorance, need, technical helplessness, lack of culture.

Religion contradicts morality because it contradicts reason. The sense of goodness is closely related to the sense of truth. Depravity of the mind entails depravity of the heart. He who deceives his reason cannot have a sincere, honest heart.

We deal with books the same way as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.

Superstition is associated with every religion: superstition is capable of all cruelty and inhumanity.

In an enthusiastic state, a person is able to do something that is otherwise simply impossible. Passions work miracles, that is, actions that exceed the powers of the organ in an ordinary, dispassionate state.

Belief in immortality expresses nothing more than the truth and fact that a person, losing his bodily existence, does not lose his existence in the spirit, in memories, in the hearts of living people.

Will is the pursuit of happiness.

Where desire ceases, man ceases.

Only husband and wife together form the reality of man; husband and wife together are the existence of the race, for their union is the source of multitudes, the source of other people.

He who loves God can no longer love man, he has lost his understanding of humanity; but also vice versa: if someone loves a person, truly loves with all his heart, he can no longer love God.

Only the one who admires his personal beauty, and not human beauty in general, is vain.

Good and moral are the same thing. But only those who are good to others are good.

Man in religion has eyes so as not to see, so as to remain blind; he has the intelligence not to think, in order to remain stupid.

Man is the beginning, man is the middle, man is the end of religion.

A person achieves something only there, where he believes in his own strength.

The human essence is present only in communication, in the unity of man with man, in a unity based only on the reality of the difference between I and You.

The more limited a person’s horizons are, the less familiar he is with history, nature and philosophy, the more sincere is his attachment to his religion.

Every god is a being created by the imagination, an image, and, moreover, of a person, but an image that a person places outside himself and imagines as an independent being.

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

In an enthusiastic state, a person is able to do something that is otherwise simply impossible. Passions work miracles, that is, actions that exceed the powers of the organ in an ordinary, dispassionate state.

Belief in immortality expresses nothing more than the truth and fact that a person, losing his bodily existence, does not lose his existence in the spirit, in memories, in the hearts of living people.

Will is the pursuit of happiness.

Every god is a being created by the imagination, an image, and, moreover, of a person, but an image that a person places outside himself and imagines as an independent being.

Where morality is based on theology, and law is based on God's decrees, there the most immoral, unjust and shameful things can be justified and justified.

Where the eyes and hands begin, the gods end.

Where there is no scope for the manifestation of ability, there is no ability.

Where there is no desire for happiness, there is no desire at all. The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of aspirations.

Dogma is nothing more than a direct prohibition to think.

A desire is a need for something to exist that does not exist.

There is not only single or individual egoism, but also social egoism, family, corporate, community, and patriotic egoism.

It is the simplest truths that a person comprehends the most later.

What are the hallmarks of what is truly human in a person? Mind, will and heart. A perfect person has the power of thinking, the power of will and the power of feeling. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love.

An existence devoid of needs is an unnecessary existence.

Only those who love something mean something. Not being anything and not loving anything are the same thing.

The love of science is the love of truth, which is why honesty is the fundamental virtue of a scientist.

The world is pitiful only for a pitiful man, the world is empty only for an empty man.

My conscience is nothing other than my Self, putting itself in the place of the offended You.

In practice, all people are atheists: by their deeds, by their behavior, they refute their faith.

True writers are the conscience of humanity.

The real properties of a person are revealed only when it comes to show them, to prove them in practice.

Our ideal is not a castrated, disembodied, abstract being, our ideal is an integral, valid, comprehensive, perfect, educated person.

There is nothing a person can control more than time.

Communication ennobles and elevates; in society, a person involuntarily, without any pretense, behaves differently than in solitude.

Responsibilities towards oneself only have moral meaning and value when they are recognized as indirect responsibilities towards others - to my family, to my community, to my people, to my homeland.

The basis of life is the basis for morality. Where, from hunger, from poverty, you have no material in your body, there is no basis and material for morality in your head, in your heart and in your feeling.

Your first responsibility is to make yourself happy. If you yourself are happy, then you will make others happy too. A happy person can only see happy people around him.

The other world is only an echo of this world.

The idea of ​​a morally perfect being is a practical idea that requires action, imitation, and serves as the source of my discord with myself, because it prescribes to me what I should be, and at the same time, without any partiality, shows me that I am not like that.

The principle of morality is happiness, but not the kind of happiness that is concentrated on one and the same person, but happiness distributed among different persons.

Distinguish between evil, inhuman and heartless egoism and kind, sympathetic, humane egoism; distinguish between gentle, involuntary self-love, which finds satisfaction in love for others, and voluntary, intentional self-love, which finds satisfaction in indifference or even outright anger towards others.

Religion needs the eternal darkness of ignorance, need, technical helplessness, lack of culture.

Religion contradicts morality because it contradicts reason. The sense of goodness is closely related to the sense of truth. Depravity of the mind entails depravity of the heart. He who deceives his reason cannot have a sincere, honest heart.

We deal with books the same way as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.

Superstition is associated with every religion: superstition is capable of all cruelty and inhumanity.

Conscience originates from knowledge or is associated with knowledge, but it does not denote knowledge in general, but a special department or type of knowledge - that knowledge that relates to our moral behavior and our good or evil moods and actions.

Conscience represents things differently than they appear; she is a microscope that magnifies them in order to make them distinct and noticeable to our dulled senses. She is the metaphysics of the heart.

Consciousness is the hallmark of a perfect being.

Where there is no difference between happiness and unhappiness, between joy and sorrow, there is no difference between good and evil. Good is an affirmation, evil is a negation of the desire for happiness.

Where desire ceases, man ceases.

Only husband and wife together form the reality of man; husband and wife together are the existence of the race, for their union is the source of multitudes, the source of other people.

He who loves God can no longer love man, he has lost his understanding of humanity; but also vice versa: if someone loves a person, truly loves with all his heart, he can no longer love God.

Only the one who admires his personal beauty, and not human beauty in general, is vain.

Good and moral are the same thing. But only those who are good to others are good.

Man in religion has eyes so as not to see, so as to remain blind; he has the intelligence not to think, in order to remain stupid.

Man is the beginning, man is the middle, man is the end of religion.

A person achieves something only there, where he believes in his own strength.

The human essence is present only in communication, in the unity of man with man, in a unity based only on the reality of the difference between I and You.

The more limited a person’s horizons are, the less familiar he is with history, nature and philosophy, the more sincere is his attachment to his religion.

A clear conscience is nothing more than joy over the joy caused to another person, a bad conscience is nothing more than suffering and pain over the pain caused to another person.

To know a person, you need to love him.

Humor carries the soul across the abyss and teaches it to play with its grief.

Every god is a being created by the imagination, an image, and, moreover, of a person, but an image that a person places outside himself and imagines as an independent being.

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

Where there is no desire for happiness, there is no desire at all. The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of aspirations.

The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to demonstrate and prove them in practice.

There is nothing a person can control more than time.

Communication ennobles and elevates; in society, a person involuntarily, without any pretense, behaves differently than in solitude.

A desire is a need for something to exist that does not exist.

It is the simplest truths that a person comprehends the most later.

Only those who love something mean something. Not being anything and not loving anything are the same thing.

The love of science is the love of truth, which is why honesty is the fundamental virtue of a scientist.

The world is pitiful only for a pitiful man, the world is empty only for an empty man.

In practice, all people are atheists: by their deeds, by their behavior, they refute their faith.

True writers are the conscience of humanity.

The other world is only an echo of this world.

Religion needs the eternal darkness of ignorance, need, technical helplessness, lack of culture.

Religion contradicts morality because it contradicts reason. The sense of goodness is closely related to the sense of truth. Depravity of the mind entails depravity of the heart. He who deceives his reason cannot have a sincere, honest heart...

We deal with books the same way as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.

Where morality is based on theology, and law is based on God's decrees, there the most immoral, unjust and shameful things can be justified and justified.

Where the eyes and hands begin, the gods end.

Man in religion has eyes so as not to see, so as to remain blind; he has the intelligence not to think, in order to remain stupid.

Man is the beginning, man is the middle, man is the end of religion.

He who loves God can no longer love man, he has lost his understanding of humanity; but also vice versa: if someone loves a person, truly loves with all his heart, he can no longer love God.

A person achieves something only there, where he believes in his own strength.

The more limited a person’s horizons are, the less familiar he is with history, nature and philosophy, the more sincere is his attachment to his religion.

Only husband and wife together form the reality of man; husband and wife together are the existence of the race, for their union is the source of multitudes, the source of other people.

To know a person, you need to love him.

Where there is no scope for the manifestation of abilities, there is no ability.

Consciousness is the hallmark of a perfect being.

Where desire ceases, man ceases.

In an enthusiastic state, a person is able to do something that is otherwise simply impossible. Passions work miracles, that is, actions that exceed the powers of the organ in an ordinary, dispassionate state.

Ludwig Feuerbach(German Ludwig Feuerbach) - a wonderful German philosopher. He studied theology in Heidelberg with the Hegelian Daub, from whom he adopted the ideas of Hegel, then listened to Hegel himself in Berlin. From 1828 he lectured in Erlangen; from 1836 he lived near Bayreuth, then in Rechenberg. Died in poverty... Biography →

Brightness and richness of ideas, brilliance and wit are combined in Feuerbach's works with paradox and great instability of views. The hostile spirit of his philosophy, determined by the ardor, passion, and imbalance of his nature, is reminiscent of the works of such thinkers as Pascal, Rousseau, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Feuerbach was fully aware of this, saying: "You want to know what I am? Wait until I stop being what I am now." Feuerbach's philosophical development is best described by himself: “God was my first thought, reason was my second, man was my third and last.”

Quotes and aphorisms, as a rule, are the most successful sayings of famous philosophers, politicians, rulers, artists, which were said once and turned out to be so accurate and meaningful that they then began to be used outside the historical era.

Ludwig Feuerbach's aphorisms are modern and relevant, they are full of deep meaning, self-irony and humor. They are timeless, they will never become obsolete, because they briefly and wittily answer the questions that every person mentally asks in all eras and times.

The aphorisms of Ludwig Feuerbach, a man with a difficult fate and strong-willed character, show not only the brilliance of the mind and the originality of the philosopher’s original thinking, they are full of worldly wisdom, so they entered the treasury of world civilization along with his philosophical works.


First, man unconsciously and involuntarily creates a god in his own image, and then this god consciously and voluntarily creates a man in his own image.

Happiness is to have good health and poor memory.

Where desire ceases, man ceases!

Only he has the power to create something new who has the courage to be absolutely negative.

It’s easy to blaspheme, that’s why many people do it; It is difficult to praise sensibly, which is why only rare people dare to do so.

A person only achieves something where he believes in himself.

A man differs from a monkey by having his own point of view.

Man is God to man.

The more limited a person’s horizons are, the less familiar he is with history, nature and philosophy, the more sincere is his attachment to his religion.

To know a person, you need to love him.

Humor carries the soul across the abyss and teaches it to play with its grief.

What are the hallmarks of what is truly human in a person? Mind, will and heart. A perfect person has the power of thinking, the power of will and the power of feeling.

The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love.

Vices are only failed projects of virtue.

The human essence is present only in communication, in the unity of man with man, in a unity based only on the reality of the difference between I and You.

Where there is no difference between happiness and unhappiness, between joy and sorrow, there is no difference between good and evil.

Good is an affirmation; evil is the denial of the pursuit of happiness.

Your first responsibility is to make yourself happy.

If you yourself are happy, then you will make others happy too. A happy person can only see happy people around him.

The basis of life is the basis for morality. Where, from hunger, from poverty, you have no material in your body, there is no basis and material for morality in your head, in your heart and in your feeling.

Only the one who admires his personal beauty, and not human beauty in general, is vain.

My conscience is nothing more than my Self, putting itself in the place of the offended. Conscience represents things differently than they appear; she is a microscope that magnifies them in order to make them distinct and noticeable to our dulled senses. She is the metaphysics of the heart.

We deal with books in the same way as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.

The same thing happens with books as with girls. The best, the most worthy are lying low. But in the end, a person appears who appreciates them and brings them out of the darkness of obscurity into the light of beautiful activity.

True writers are the conscience of humanity.

In an enthusiastic state, a person is able to do something that is otherwise simply impossible. Passions work miracles, that is, actions that exceed the powers of the organ in an ordinary, dispassionate state.

Dogma is nothing more than a direct prohibition to think.

It is the simplest truths that a person comprehends the most later.

Life should be enjoyed like a fine wine, sip by sip, with a break.

Even the best wine loses all its charm for us; we stop appreciating it when we drink it like water.

The love of science is the love of truth, which is why honesty is the fundamental virtue of a scientist.

A witty manner of writing consists, among other things, in the fact that it presupposes intelligence in the reader too...

The world is pitiful only for a pitiful man, the world is empty only for an empty man. The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to demonstrate and prove them in practice.

Communication ennobles and elevates; in society, a person involuntarily, without any pretense, behaves differently than in solitude.

  • There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.​
  • In an enthusiastic state, a person is able to do something that is otherwise simply impossible. Passions work miracles, that is, actions that exceed the powers of the organ in an ordinary, dispassionate state.​
  • ...Belief in immortality expresses nothing more than the truth and fact that a person, losing his bodily existence, does not lose his existence in the spirit, in memories, in the hearts of living people.​
  • Will is the desire for happiness.​
  • Every god is a being created by the imagination, an image, and, moreover, of a person, but an image that a person places outside himself and imagines as an independent being.​
  • Where morality is based on theology, and law is based on God’s decrees, there the most immoral, unjust and shameful things can be justified and justified.​
  • Where eyes and hands begin, gods end.​
  • Where there is no scope for the manifestation of ability, there is no ability.​
  • Where there is no desire for happiness, there is no desire at all. The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of aspirations.​
  • A desire is a need for something to exist that does not exist.​
  • …There is not only single or individual egoism, but also social egoism, family, corporate, community, patriotic egoism.​
  • It is the simplest truths that a person comprehends the last.
  • What are the hallmarks of what is truly human in a person? Mind, will and heart. A perfect person has the power of thinking, the power of will and the power of feeling. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love.​
  • An existence devoid of needs is an unnecessary existence.​
  • Only those who love something mean something. Not being anything and not loving anything are the same thing.​
  • The love of science is the love of truth, which is why honesty is the fundamental virtue of a scientist.
  • ​The world is pitiful only for a pitiful person, the world is empty only for an empty person.​
  • My conscience is nothing other than my Self, putting itself in the place of the offended You...​
  • In practice, all people are atheists: by their deeds, by their behavior, they refute their faith.​
  • True writers are the conscience of humanity.​
  • The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to demonstrate and prove them in practice.​
  • Our ideal is not a castrated, disembodied, abstract being, our ideal is an integral, valid, comprehensive, perfect, educated person.​
  • There is nothing a person can manage to a greater extent than time.​
  • Communication ennobles and elevates; in society, a person involuntarily, without any pretense, behaves differently than in solitude.​
  • Responsibilities towards oneself only have moral meaning and value when they are recognized as indirect responsibilities towards others... to my family, to my community, to my people, to my homeland.​
  • The basis of life is the basis for morality. Where, from hunger, from poverty, you have no material in your body, there is no basis and material for morality in your head, in your heart and in your feeling.​
  • Your first responsibility is to make yourself happy. If you yourself are happy, then you will make others happy too. A happy person can only see happy people around him.​
  • The other world is only an echo of this world.​
  • ...The idea of ​​a morally perfect being is... a practical idea that requires action, imitation and serves as the source of my discord with myself, because it prescribes to me what I should be, and at the same time, without any partiality, shows me that I am not like that .​
  • The principle of morality is happiness, but not the kind of happiness that is concentrated on one and the same person, but happiness distributed among different persons...​
  • ... Distinguish between evil, inhuman and heartless egoism and kind, compassionate, humane egoism; distinguish between gentle, involuntary self-love, which finds satisfaction in love for others, and voluntary, intentional self-love, which finds satisfaction in indifference or even outright anger towards others.​
  • Religion needs the eternal darkness of ignorance, need, technical helplessness, lack of culture.​
  • Religion contradicts morality because it contradicts reason. The sense of goodness is closely related to the sense of truth. Depravity of the mind entails depravity of the heart. He who deceives his reason cannot have a sincere, honest heart...​
  • We deal with books the same way as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.​
  • Superstition is associated with every religion: superstition is capable of all cruelty and inhumanity.​
  • Conscience originates from knowledge or is associated with knowledge, but it does not mean knowledge in general, but a special department or type of knowledge - that knowledge that relates to our moral behavior and our good or evil moods and actions.​
  • Conscience represents things differently than they appear; she is a microscope that magnifies them in order to make them distinct and noticeable to our dulled senses. She is the metaphysics of the heart.​
  • Consciousness is the hallmark of a perfect being.​
  • ...Where there is no difference between happiness and unhappiness, between joy and grief, there is no difference between good and evil. Good is an affirmation; evil is the denial of the desire for happiness.​
  • Where desire ceases, man ceases.​
  • Only husband and wife together form the reality of man; husband and wife together are the existence of the race, for their union is the source of multitudes, the source of other people.​
  • He who loves God can no longer love man, he has lost his understanding of humanity; but also vice versa: if someone loves a person, truly loves with all his heart, he can no longer love God...​
  • Only the one who admires his personal beauty, and not human beauty in general, is vain.​
  • Good and moral are the same thing. But only the one who is good for others is good.​
  • Man in religion has eyes so as not to see, so as to remain blind; he has the intelligence not to think, in order to remain stupid.​
  • Man is the beginning, man is the middle, man is the end of religion.​
  • A person achieves something only there, where he believes in his own strength.​
  • The human essence is present only in communication, in the unity of man with man, in a unity based only on the reality of the difference between I and You.
  • The more limited a person’s horizons are, the less familiar he is with history, nature and philosophy, the more sincere is his attachment to his religion.
  • ...A clear conscience is nothing more than joy over the joy caused to another person, a bad conscience is nothing more than suffering and pain over the pain caused to another person...​
  • To know a person, you need to love him.​
  • Humor carries the soul across the abyss and teaches it to play with its grief.​
  • Dogma is nothing more than a direct prohibition to think.


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