Weight of a metal door. Swing gates Weight of standard metal double-leaf gates

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The fencing of the site should be planned taking into account traffic flow. Swing gates, complemented by a wicket for more comfortable entry without a car, will cope with this task perfectly. In most cases, metal structures are installed, since they last much longer than wood.


Installing a gate or additional exit is practical solution, since it is very uncomfortable to open heavy doors every time when moving around the territory.

Purchase or option self-made involve the calculation of some factors that swing gates must comply with:

  • Gates are a kind of fencing private territory from penetration. They must be strong, rigid and resistant to opening.
  • The design should not be heavy. Big size increases the load on load-bearing support in windy weather. An unreliable foundation will cause the hinges to break. Also, the heaviness prevents free passage - it is not easy to move the massive sash every time.
  • Standard metal swing gates are not aesthetically pleasing. Their main priority is protection, but not a decorative component. Decorate and give them unique style possible thanks to forged elements in tandem with harmonious colors.

In addition, the gate must comply international standards. These parameters must be observed for safety reasons. The main provisions are described in GOST 31174-2003. The fence must have a supporting structure that is appropriate in size and weight and can withstand changing weather conditions.

Installing a gate system requires preparatory steps. Before installation, you should clear the space for swing gates, and also pre-build supporting structures. It is necessary to take into account the terrain, as parts of the gate may cling to hills when moving. The rises and protrusions must first be leveled.


Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that the construction market is replete with abundance various materials, the metal still occupies a leading position in terms of long-term performance, being durable and reliable.

Metal structures have significant advantages:

  • Easy operation. Strong hinges fix the structures in one position, allowing the doors to open and close freely.
  • Easy installation. It is possible to carry out the installation yourself, having experience working with welding machine. If you strictly follow the instructions, even a non-professional will quickly complete the installation.
  • Free choice. A wide range of materials contributes to the creation unique design V modern style, the formation of which will not hurt your wallet.

  • Special protection. The polymer coating prevents the development of corrosion under various climatic conditions.
  • Shield against thieves. Thanks to the locking device inside and complete lack of fastening, open metal gates almost impossible.

However, any design, along with advantages, also has disadvantages. Swinging metal gates require installation in free space, which is due to the wide radius when opening. In addition, for smooth plowing it is necessary to clear winter snowdrifts every time.

The design is quite heavy, which will affect the appearance- distortions and lowering are possible.

But this problem is easily resolved by preliminary installation of stronger supports made of reinforced concrete or brickwork.


Swing gate designs are divided into two main types: single-leaf and double-leaf. However, in most cases, site owners prefer to combine both types and install a gate. Due to space saving, installation takes place mainly in garages. Installing the entire fence at the entrance as the main exit involves the use of various forged decorations or the creation of an individual design of the doors.

Metal gates with a wicket installed nearby - a actual choice. Manufactured from corrugated sheets, steel or metal. The last element is the most popular for creating a structure, among which are:

  • Forged gates combine an item of protection and decoration at the same time. Creative forging without load-bearing structure, used primarily as a decoration for the area. More expensive, fully framed gate leaves are strengthened with a strong foundation of brick pillars.
  • Aluminum gate They are light in weight, therefore they are widely used in urban environments as a fencing element that does not warp or fall over a long period of time due to excessive pressure. The aluminum is protected by an internal diagonal cable tie that can provide protection for 10 years.
  • Profiled sheet is a kind of construction from metal pipes. Modern design and the ability of a metal profile to be made by hand helped to gain this type gate is very popular.

The gate can be coated with any paint that will serve additional protection from temperature changes. The right color will add variety to your outdoor interior.

Experts recommend using insulated metal structures. Swing gates are not difficult to operate. They consist of two metal plates, between which a thermal insulating material is installed. Simple foam plastic is used as this element, mineral wool, as well as basalt insulation. When purchasing, you should choose a heat insulator that does not burn.

This will make the gate resistant to fire.


When installing and further operating metal gates great value takes on their size. The size also has a significant impact on the weight of the structure, which creates the need for additional reinforcements.

In most cases, the height of swing gates does not exceed 3 m on private property, and for industrial establishments they use doors that are twice as high as the classic parameters. Due to the increase in size, the mass of the valves increases proportionally.

To install massive elements, the following conditions are required:

  • Each width calculation is made individually.
  • Before installation, the availability of free space must be taken into account.
  • Entry registration certain type transport is also important. To do this, measure the width of the car, and then add a margin to calculate the free passage. Size passenger cars does not exceed 2 m, which allows you to take a spare distance of half a meter on each side, so installation will require a width of 3 m.

Installation of large metal sashes is impractical unless absolutely necessary. A large area creates additional load on the support under powerful wind pressure, which requires strengthening the supporting structure both to eliminate windage and to take into account heavy weight.

Weight metal structure depends not only on its size, but also on the material used in manufacturing.

The calculation takes place according to the following algorithm:

  • The frame consists mainly of profile pipes. Each unit has dimensions of 35 x 15 mm with a wall width of 2 mm. A meter-long profile pipe weighs 2 kg. Provided that the height and width of the metal doors are 3 meters, the total perimeter of both will be 12 m. Each door will require an amplifier in the face cross beams 1.5 m each. It follows that installation will require profile pipe 15 m long with a total weight of 30 kg.
  • The cladding consists of a metal plate about 2 mm thick, which means its weight will vary within 75 kg.

Thus, the weight of metal gates is approximately 100-105 kg. Decorative elements, locking devices can weigh down the structure up to 25 kg.

When purchasing wide gates, it is necessary to install a top tie to create additional support.

Many metal gates do not require special care since the manufacturer applies them in advance. polymer coating, protecting the structure when climatic conditions change. The only part that requires periodic maintenance is the hinges. They need to be lubricated.

Forged decorative fences are often problem areas. Application of anti-corrosion paint is difficult due to the crimped elements. However, the problem is easily solved thanks to aerosol application methods.

From time to time, forged structures require cleaning and additional painting. Dust and dirt are easily washed off thanks to a stream of water from a garden hose.

For coloring faded openwork decoration elements soldered to metal frame, the latter should be covered with thick paper.

Examples of projects

If you look at a few examples in practice, You can make sure that all projects are implemented within two main groups:

  • Swing gates are the dominant part of the entire fencing of the territory. In this case, additional decorations are used in the form of decorative forged elements and massive load-bearing structures.

  • The second option involves secretly designing metal gates. In such conditions, they are practically no different from the entire fence of the site. It is more popular because it does not distract attention from garden landscape or street area.

A classic example of a successful project would be a high stone fence that fulfills its original function - protection from intruders. Winds among the massive walls forged construction metal gates, equipped with alarm and automation. The most common cladding for a graceful entryway is masonry pillars.


General technical conditions



M Moscow


The Eurasian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) is a regional association of national standardization bodies of the states that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the future, it is possible for national standardization bodies of other states to join the EASC.

Under the EASC there is an Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Standards and Certification in the Field of Construction (MNTKS), which is granted the right to accept international state standards in the field of construction.

The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-96 "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions".

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by OJSC TsNIIPromzdaniy and LLC DoorHan » with the participation of the Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology

2 INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (INTKS) on May 14, 2003.

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166)004-97

Country code according to MK ( ISO 3166 )004-97

Abbreviated name of the body government controlled construction


Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia


Kazconstruction Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Goskomarchstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic


Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial Development of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia


Komarchstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan


Gosarchitectstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan


5 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on March 1, 2004 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated June 20, 2003 No. 78

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard and amendments to it on the territory of the above states is published in the indexes of national (state) standards published in these states.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalogue) Interstate Standards, and the text of the changes is published in the information index Interstate Standards. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index “Interstate Standards”.


dateintroduction 2004-03-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to metal gates (gate systems) installed in wall openings of buildings and structures for various purposes, including garages. It is allowed to extend the requirements of the standard to gate structures used in fencing systems in open areas.

The standard does not apply to elevator and sluice gates, special-purpose gates in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, burglary protection, etc., as well as to automatic gate drive mechanisms.

The scope of application of specific brands of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building codes and rules taking into account the requirements of this standard.

Requirements for the design of safety devices and safe operation gates are established in the regulatory and technical documentation for specific types of products.

The standard can be applied for certification purposes.

2 Normative references

5.3 Characteristics

5.3.1 The main operational characteristics of the gate are given in the table.

5.3.7 The appearance of products (color, gloss, surface quality) must correspond to standard samples approved by the head of the manufacturer.

Surface defects visible to the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m under illumination of at least 300 lux are not allowed.

The front surfaces of sandwich panels and aluminum profile elements of the panels must be protected with self-adhesive film, which is removed after installation of the product.

5.4 Requirements for materials and components

5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of the standards, technical specifications, technical certificates approved in accordance with the established procedure.

5.4.2 Materials and components used for the manufacture of gates must be resistant to climatic influences.

5.4.3 Rubber elastomers and seals installed around the perimeter of the gate and between panel elements must be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences and meet the requirements of GOST 30778.

5.4.4 Drums, hinges, brackets, torsion springs, cables, rollers and other parts must have certificates or other documents confirming the safety of their use at design operating loads.

5.4.5 Aluminum profile elements used for the production of gate leaves must comply with the requirements of GOST 22233.

5.4.6 Steel structural parts must have grades that provide strength characteristics structural elements, welded, bolted and other connections, depending on the nature and conditions of their operation.

5.4.7 Wooden laminated infill panels must meet the requirements of GOST 30972, profile molded wooden parts- GOST 8242.

5.4.8 For glazing of door leaves, tempered glass is used in accordance with GOST 30698, laminated glass in accordance with GOST 30826, double-glazed windows in accordance with GOST 24866, as well as glass from polymer materials according to ND.

5.4.9 Glazing elements are installed on elastomeric gaskets in accordance with GOST 30778, while the edges of the glass are not allowed to touch the metal surfaces of the structures.

5.5 Requirements for locking devices and hinges

5.5.1 When manufacturing products, locking devices and hinges are used that are specifically designed for use in gate structures.

5.5.2 The type, location and method of fastening of locking devices and hinges are established in the working documentation based on the size and weight of the opening elements of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the products, taking into account the requirements established in the technical documentation.

5.5.3 Locking devices must ensure reliable locking of opening elements of products. Opening and closing should occur easily, smoothly, without jamming.

5.5.4 The design and fastening of locking devices and hinges must ensure that the products cannot be opened or dismantled from the outside.

5.5.5 Locking devices, locks, hinges and fasteners must meet the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective and decorative (or protective) coating in accordance with GOST 9.303.

5.5.6 Locks used to close gates must comply with GOST 5089.

5.5.7 Sectional door panels are connected on permanent hinges, which are secured using self-tapping screws or bolted connections.

5.5.8 The force of manual opening and closing, the strength of fastening the handles to the door leaf must meet the requirements of the table.

5.6 Level of factory readiness and completeness

5.6.1 The complete set of products when delivered to the consumer must comply with the requirements established in the order (agreement) and agreed with the consumer.

5.6.2 Product sheets must have sealing gaskets installed and have a protective film on the front surfaces.

5.6.3 When delivering products that are not fully prefabricated, responsibility for the quality of finished products installed by third parties is established in the supply contract.

5.6.4 The delivery set must include a specification of parts, assemblies and sending elements of the kit, a quality document (passport), as well as instructions for operating the products. The delivery of prefabricated products is accompanied by instructions for their assembly.

5.6.5 The locks, locking devices, translucent elements and other components included in the product must be accompanied by technical documentation for these products, if this is provided for by the terms of the contract.

5.6.6 At the consumer’s request, the manufacturer provides him with standard instructions for installing products.

5.7 Marking

Each product is marked waterproof paint or a label (label) indicating the name (trademark) of the enterprise, symbol, the date of its manufacture and (or) order number, sign (stamp) confirming acceptance of the products by technical control. The product is usually marked on one side of the fabric. The markings must be weather-resistant and located in a visible location.

Critical components and products of gate systems may have their own markings, defined in the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Products must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of this standard, as well as the conditions specified in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of acceptance of products by the technical control of the manufacturer is their marking, as well as the execution of documents on the acceptance (quality) of products.

Products are accepted in batches or individually. When accepting products at the manufacturing enterprise, the number of products manufactured within one shift and issued with one quality document is taken as a batch. The volume of a batch can be taken as the number of products of one design, manufactured per order.

6.2 The product quality requirements established in this standard are confirmed by:

incoming inspection of materials and components;

operational production control;

acceptance control of finished products;

control acceptance tests of a batch of products carried out by the quality service of the manufacturer;

periodic testing of products in independent testing centers;

qualification and certification tests.

6.3 The procedure for conducting incoming inspection and operational production control at workplaces is established in the technological documentation.

9.1 Requirements for installation of products are established in the working project documentation for construction projects, as well as in the standard installation instructions approved by the head of the manufacturer.

9.2 Installation of products must be carried out by specialized construction companies or installation teams beforeacceptance - the gate manufacturer in accordance with the installation instructions for specific types of gates, approved by the head of the manufacturer. The completion of installation work must be confirmed by an acceptance certificate, which includes the warranty obligations of the work manufacturer.

9.3 Standard instructions for gate installation should include: drawings (diagrams) of typical installation units;

list of materials and parts used (including fasteners);

sequence and content of technological operations for installing gates (including construction work);

safety rules during installation and construction work.

9.5 The sagging of sliding and swing gates and wickets should be no more than 1/250 of the opening width.

10 Manufacturer's warranty

10.1 The manufacturer guarantees that products comply with the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer complies with the rules of transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope of application established in the regulatory and design documentation.

10.2 Guarantee period gates are specified in the supply contract and product passport.


Design examples various types gate

1 – load-bearing elements of the opening frame; 2 – panel board; 3- narthex cover with sealing gasket; 4 - lock; 5 - handle; 6 - valve; 7 - loop; 8 - metallic profile frame (frame) of the canvas; 9 – filling of the canvas (sandwich panel)

Figure A.1 – An example of a swing gate design with an insulated panel leaf

1 - panel board; 2 - opening framing elements; 3 - pen; 4 - locking device; 5 - lower support beam; 6 - drive unit; 7 - power (bearing) frame; 8 - roller bearings

Figure A.2 - Design example sliding gates with lower support beam

1 - framing elements of the wall opening; 2- guide profiles; 3 - gate safety devices; 4 - rotary-balancing system; 5 - locking devices; 6 – door leaf; 7 - seal

Figure A.3. - Example of an up and over gate design

1 - door leaf; 2 - web balancing system; 3 - seal; 4 - opening framing elements; 5 - drive; 6 - guide profiles; 7 - valve; 8 - handle; 9 - locking device

Figure A.4 - An example of the design of an overhead sectional door

Figure A.5 - Schemes of lifting options for overhead sectional doors

1 - door leaf; 2 - guide profiles; 3 - web balancing system; 4-drive; 5- valve; 6 - seals; 7-handle

Figure A.6 - An example of a vertical overhead gate design

1 - gate leaves; 2 - opening framing elements; 3 – guide profiles; 4 - roller moving device; 5 - loops; 6 – locking devices and lock; 7 - handles; 8 - seal

Figure A.7 - Example of a folding gate design

1 - door leaf; 2 - guide profile; 3 - web winding device; 4 - drive, 5 - seal; 6 - protective box

Figure A.8 - Example of a roller shutter gate design

Vlasova T.V., Center for Certification of Window and Door Equipment;

Shvedov D.N., Center for Certification of Window and Door Equipment;

Kiyashko B.N., TsPKTB Gosstroy of Russia;

Ivashkevich V.E., JSC "VNIIDMASH";

Mogutov V.A., NIISF RAASN;

Tihomirnov S.I., National Research and Training Center “MIO”;

Savich B. C ., Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNS Gosstroy of Russia;

Milkov V.G., Federal State Unitary Enterprise FCS;

Shvedov N.V., Gosstroy of Russia.

Key words: sliding gates, swing gates, sliding gates, spring, drum, safety

Number of double-leaf doors produced annually entrance structures made of metal is noticeably inferior to the much more common single doors. Obviously, main reason This situation is due to the fact that such products are significantly more expensive. And this is explained quite simply - the serious dimensions of a metal double door require an appropriate consumption of materials and labor resources.

Factors that influence the size of double doors

Dimensions of double doors entrance doors are determined based on a number of factors. The most important of them is the dimensions of the existing opening. Obviously, such a design has a significant enough cost that it can be increased by additional work on installing additional elements or expanding the space for installation.

Another noticeable factor influencing the final dimensions of double doors metal doors, is the possibility of opening provided for one or both leaves. We should also not forget that such structures are often installed in crowded places, which also poses certain requirements to the dimensions of the finished product.

Standard dimensions of double-leaf steel structures

The currently valid GOST clearly indicates standard sizes double-leaf entrance doors:

  • Minimum width similar design must be 90 cm;
  • At the same time, the height of a steel door with two leaves does not differ from conventional single doors and ranges from 200 to 220 cm.
  • It should be noted that much more often the size of the entrance double door differs from the minimum permitted. This concerns, first of all, the width of the product. As a rule, it is in the range from 120 to 150 cm. At the same time standard height considered 210 cm.

The indicated dimensions can be taken as standard, since the production of entrance structures with two doors, having dimensions exceeding those given above, is carried out in most cases only on an individual order.

Features of non-standard double doors

Despite the sharp rise in cost, in some cases it is necessary to manufacture non-standard steel entrance structures with two panels. In this case, GOST provides for maximum parameters, failure to comply with which will lead to inefficient use of materials and a decrease in the level of operational safety. similar products. The maximum width of a double-leaf steel door is 200 cm, and the height is 230 cm.

Production steel doors a larger size leads to a sharp increase in the weight of the structure and, as a consequence, its cost. Moreover, in most such situations, additional work is required to strengthen the opening in which the product will be mounted.

The production of metal gates sometimes turns into a work of art where various forged elements, decorative details, expensive handles and locks are present. However, there are often cases when a simple metal gate is required, the manufacture of which uses simple hot-rolled metal profiles. These can serve as an entrance to a barn, garage, transformer substation, to any territory enclosed by a fence. There are many firms and companies manufacturing metal structures, including metal gates, but for this you need to pay money, which can be saved significantly by making a simple metal gate with your own hands.

Wicket elements and metal profiles

The main elements or, as you can also say, wicket assemblies are:

First of all, in order to start manufacturing any metal structure, you need to have a drawing for it, or at least a sketch, which will indicate the main dimensions of the product, as well as the material from which it will be made. We will proceed from the traditional dimensions for most passages where gates are installed, which are 2000 x 800 mm. It should be noted right away that all dimensions on the drawings for the manufacture of metal structures are indicated in millimeters.

Manufacturing a frame for a metal gate

For the manufacture of a frame for a gate, ∟ 63 x 63 x 6 or ∟ 70 x 70 x 7 may well be suitable. The corners can be replaced with channel N 8 - 10, but this will look rough and more expensive.

Marking of metal profiles, sheet iron, how to calculate the weight of metal structures can be done by reading mine.

We will proceed from the fact that we have a corner 63 x 63 x 6. The length of the corner, in our case, is the height of the frame, should be calculated from the fact that the frame will be concreted into the ground to a depth of 500 mm. This means that to 2000 mm you need to add 500 mm and the width of the flange of the joining corner, and as a result we have the size of the vertical corner equal to 2000 + 500 + 63 = 2563 mm.

The transverse corner, which determines the width of the frame opening, is calculated as follows: the width of the opening plus gaps for the size of the gate, that is, 800 + 10 and plus the width of the shelf of the joined vertical corner, which in total is 800 + 10 + 63 = 873 mm. 10 mm is this gap, which is divided in half by 5 mm on each side of the opening. If this gap is not taken into account, the gate will simply be clamped in the frame and will not open. This point is also important because it is almost impossible to perfectly align the corners of the frame at 90º. Size 10 can be further increased, but this depends on the qualifications of the fitter, that is, on you.

You can join the corners by cutting the shelves at 45º, but it is very difficult to do this exactly taking into account the thickness of the shelves, which also need to be cut at the same angle. Therefore, in practice, in one of the corners, which is shorter, a cutting is made, that is, one shelf is cut to the size of 63 mm (in our case), and the other perpendicular to it, as if from below, is cut to the size of the thickness of the shelf, that is, 6 mm . In this case, joining the corners is more accurate and it is easier to maintain a right angle. In workshop conditions, die-cutting is done using specially designed cutting equipment, but at home this operation can be done with an ordinary hacksaw, holding the corner in a vice. It is quite clear that the cuttings need to be done from both ends of the corner.

Sketch for making a gate frame

If you are embedding a frame into a brick opening, you need to weld reinforced round timber Ǿ 6 - 8 mm to the vertical and horizontal corners of the shelves. At what distance they need to be welded depends on the size of the brick and the method of laying. In the case when the frame is installed in a wooden opening, do not forget to drill holes for it in advance.

Well, and finally, when concreting the frame, you need to weld “nickels” at the bottom so that the structure is securely fixed in the concrete. Nickels are made from sheet steel δ 8 - 10 mm.

Very important

After you have assembled the frame and before welding the joints, you must tie the frame. What it is? At a distance slightly exceeding the size of 2000 mm, weld (do not weld) any long-size metal profile (strip, corner, round timber) so as to keep the width of the opening in this place the same as in the upper part. This is done so that when welding and concreting the frame, the size does not “go away” to the side. Then, when the concrete hardens, the strapping profile is easily knocked down with a hammer.

Tack spots, like welding seams, need to be cleaned with a cylindrical grinder, or, more simply, with a grinding wheel. All operations for the manufacture of frame metal structures must be carried out on a flat surface and, preferably, with a partner.

To the description of making a frame for metal gate Attached is Fig. 1 - 1 and Fig. 1 - 2, drawings with details of frame elements.

Frame for filling the gate

So that you are not confused by the word “filling,” I hasten to explain: the filling can be made of round timber, strips, reinforced rods, squares, or a combination of the above profiles. In our case, the filling will be sheet metal, but more on that later.

Frame for metal gate Fig. 2 - 1

If you have mastered the process of making the frame, then assembling and welding the frame of the gate itself will not be difficult for you. The size of the frame should be, as stated above, 2000 x 800 mm. It follows that we need to make a metal structure similar to the frame using the same techniques, but using different metal profiles.

For a frame of this size, a corner of 40 x 40 x 4 is quite suitable; sizes of shorter length will have cuttings, and longitudinal parts should be prepared without cutting. The question may arise: why are cuttings made in transverse corners? The answer is simple: if they are shorter, they are lighter and easier to work with. Unlike the frame, the transverse corners will need to be prepared in three pieces: one on top, one in the middle (for rigidity) and one at the bottom. The dimensions of the corners, that is, their length, differ from the definition of the dimensions of the frame corners: high-rise parts are strictly 2000 mm, and transverse parts are 800 mm plus 4 mm for cutting = 804 mm. But the main thing is that dimensions the frame was 2000 x 800 mm, otherwise it would simply not fit into the frame. The frame is shown in Fig. 2-1.

Filling the frame of a metal gate

Since in the proposed version we agreed to use sheet metal as a filler, we need to take into account the following details. The sheet thickness should be from 1.5 to 2 mm, but no more and no less. If the sheet is thinner, the gate itself will turn out to be very flimsy and unreliable. When using a thicker sheet, for example, 3 mm, the weight of the gate will increase, which will negatively affect the operation of the hinges, which can simply jam.

Filling a metal gate frame with sheets

The dimensions of the sheet should not exceed the dimensions of the corners of the gate, and it is even better if the dimensions of the sheet are smaller, for example, 1980 x 790 mm. In this case, the edges of the sheet are guaranteed not to extend beyond the dimensions of the gate and, in addition, it will be more convenient to weld it (the sheet) to the corners. By the way, you need to weld, observing a certain step between the welding seams, which should be no more than 10 - 15 mm long. Otherwise, the heating will cause the entire structure of the gate to “behave”, that is, it will have a slightly helical appearance and there is no need to say that it will be comfortable in the frame. See fig. 2- 2.

Installing handles and hinges on a metal gate

If you do not plan to insert the lock into the gate, you can use an ordinary U-shaped bracket, bent from ordinary round timber Ǿ12 - 16 mm, as a handle. When installing a lock, you must first weld the hinges, which can be purchased at any clothing market. No need to pick loops too large diameter, say 20mm. For our gate, which is light in weight, products with a diameter of 16 and even 12 mm are suitable.

When welding the hinges, you need to leave gaps between them and the frame with the gate, otherwise it (the gate) will not open. To do this, the loops are placed on ordinary matches, which simply burn out during welding, leaving the required gap. All this is done on the ground when the gate is inserted into the frame and adjusted, taking into account the gaps on both sides and on top. Now let's go back to the castle. You can, of course, weld it or bolt it in a lying position, but it works more accurately when the frame is concreted. Since in this case it will be easier to align the lock so that the bolt fits more accurately into the corresponding hole in the frame.

Weight of assembled metal gate

To determine the weight of the gate complete with frame and sheet, you need to determine the weight of each element. To do this, you need to use reference books from the Internet, which indicate specific gravity for sheet steel and weight 1 m/p for long products.

Frame weight

To determine the weight of the frame, we will round the total molding of the corner 63 x 6, which will be equal to: 2000 x 2 + 800 mm = 4800 mm or 4.8 m. If in the drawings we dealt with mm, then when calculating the weight it is necessary to use meters. These are the reference books. So, we find in the reference book the weight of 1 m/p ∟ 63 x 63 x 6, which is equal to 5.72 kg. We multiply 5.72 kg by 4.8 m and get a weight equal to 27.5 kg ≈ 28 kg.

Weight of the gate frame with sheet

The total length of the corner that was used to make the frame is 2000 x 2 + 800 x 3 = 6400 mm or 6.4 m. The weight of 1 p/m of the 40 x 4 corner is 2.42 kg. The result is: 2.42 kg x 6.4 m = 15.5 kg ≈ 16 kg.

To calculate the weight of the sheet, it is assumed that 1 m² of sheet with a thickness of 1 mm weighs 7.85 kg. This means we need to calculate how many m² of 2 mm sheet was used to fill the frame. Multiplying 2000 mm by 800 we get 1600,000 mm² or 1.6 m². The weight of the sheet will be 7.85 kg x 1.6 m² x 2 = 24.2 kg ≈ 24 kg.

Now we add everything up and get the weight of the assembled metal gate: 28 kg + 16 kg + 24 kg = 68 kg. If we also add the weight of nickels, hinges, lock and handle, then the approximate weight will be 70 kg.

Very important

Welding work must be carried out in a dry room and on a dry floor. Look at welding only through protective glass. Have welding gloves on your hands!

How much do metal swing gates weigh?

How much do metal swing gates weigh?

Swing gates are one of best solutions for home, cottage, any private area. The design is not only functional and durable, but also durable. Swing gate frame, in any case, is made of reliably welded metal that is protected from corrosion. And if the doors are also made of metal, then the performance characteristics of the structure increase significantly.

The main advantages of metal swing gates:

  • Durability, burglary resistance– they will provide excellent protection for your yard from the visit of “uninvited guests”;
  • Durability– metal gates serve for decades without being influenced external factors. They are resistant to mechanical damage, temperature changes, high humidity And ultraviolet rays. The leaf of most of these gates is coated with polymers and is therefore not subject to corrosion;
  • A wide variety design solutions . Gates can be manufactured according to individual project: have forging elements, inserts from other materials, and so on. Therefore create perfect interior- easier than it seems.

Metal gates are equipped with both manual and automatic drive. Automation greatly simplifies the control of the structure: to open/close the gate, just press a button on the remote control.


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