A funny scene for a corporate event. Humorous mini birthday scenes for men and women

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To activate your guests during a lull in the holiday, play this game. You will only need a marker and a specially prepared field for “crosses and toes”. But... Under each game square, where crosses will be placed, there must be a game task hidden - let it be on the back of the game field. Cross No. 1 - task: “I want a drink.” Cross No. 2 - task: “I’ll sing right now!” .Cross number 3 - task: “I want to kiss!” Cross No. 4 - task: “Oh, what a woman! Let’s dance!” Thus, you will fill the prolonged calm with fun.

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The game can be played at a birthday, anniversary, and the hero of the occasion participates in it. A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) are placed on a chair and covered with material or newspaper. All this is done so that the birthday boy does not see. After this, the hero of the occasion is invited. and ask him to sit on a newspaper under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are.
BABA YAGA Relay race game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

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An ancient French game with a tied ball, which is tossed and caught in a spoon. Take a thick thread or cord 40 cm long. Glue one end with adhesive tape to a table tennis ball, and the other to the bottom of a plastic cup or tie it to the handle of a plastic mug. Your bielbock is ready. Several people play. You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. One point is awarded for this. Take turns catching the ball until you miss. The one who misses passes the billboke to the player following him. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

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Two players compete. Necessary props: Coca-Cola, vodka, 2 glasses. Cola is poured into the players' glasses. This is a brown bear. He needs to be turned white. This is done as follows. The player takes a sip, and the liquid in the glass is topped up with vodka to the previous level. The player takes a sip again - the level returns to the original level again by pouring in vodka. This is repeated until the liquid in the glass turns white. If the players are still able to continue the game, then it goes in reverse order. He takes a sip of vodka and tops up with cola until the glass turns completely brown. The winner... Ahem, the lucky winner is announced that he has won the next morning after a difficult awakening. Attention: you should not play this game if you are not confident in your own abilities and do not know your norm. Be aware of the possibility of alcohol poisoning.

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Men dress up in women's clothes and participate in "ladies'" competitions, in which, for one reason or another, women do not actively participate. For example, in the games described here with removing an elastic band from the waist, counting candies in an opaque bag lying on a stool using the butt, etc. The advantage of such dressing up is that it goes well in an unfamiliar team or where women are afraid of spoiling your clothes, hairstyle. It warms up the audience well even at an official concert.

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(a dissatisfied client and a cheerful waiter of a prestigious restaurant, wearing a bow tie and a napkin draped over his arm, come out with furrowed eyebrows. The waiter responds to all the client’s dissatisfaction with a helpful bow. Couplet
you can sing like ditties, or just talk)


I ate kulebyak in the dining room,
I realized right away - I ate the byaka!
And now I need to go to public catering
The path will always be closed!


Come to us, don't be afraid,
Don't worry about your stomach!
Our cooks are all wonderful
Try all the dishes yourself!


16 Dec 2011


Dear friends!
There are many opinions about diets,
We will not judge strictly!
I offer it for comparison
You listen to impressions,
They will tell us everything about her
Three noble guests,
And the fourth guest is a Yakut,
There's a reason he's here today!
He doesn't accept diets
He always chews everything!

Meet our dear guests!

(four participants come out, one dressed up as a Yakut, another is limping, the third is very thin, and the fourth has a large sign on his chest with the word “sugar” written and crossed out crosswise, i.e. he does not consume sugar. Who is on a diet - he sings his ditty, and every time the Yakut sings his own in contrast, thereby proving that there is no need to go on a diet)

Continuation of this scene in full news


20 but I 2011


Dear birthday boy, dear guests!
I don’t understand, maybe I’m in art,
Forgive me, friends, for this,
But I approve, God knows, of the presence
Ladies from the ballet are celebrating their anniversary!

(a very plump man runs out on tiptoe, comically dressed up as a ballerina, that is, with a bare torso, in a tutu, white socks and sneakers, a headband with a white feather on his head, he sings a song)

In full news the continuation of the scene


10 but I 2011


My friends! We're all honest here
We can speak medically!
So there's no shame at all
Invite such a guest to the holiday!
Meet! Bladder now
He will sing a song for you in treble!

(The Bladder comes out - this is a man who has an inflated balloon tied to the front of his waist, half filled with water. He sings a song)

Continuation of the scene in the full news


In addition to the holiday content, we recommend everyone to watch this news!

10 but I 2011


Our acupuncture
May God grant you success!
Surgery ahead of her
I've already lowered my gaze!
Tell you about this patient
He will tell you everything at this moment!

(the acupuncturist’s patient comes out, covered in needles; you can do this by sticking large nails to him with tape. He sings a song)

Read more in the full news


01 but I 2011

(several men from among the guests come out and say words addressed to the birthday girl, dividing this text among themselves)

Amazing thing
How the hostess managed everything:
I put together a beautiful table,
I brought beauty!
Hairstyle like on parade
And mystery in the look!
And look at the outfit:
This outfit is completely trash!
She's beautiful to all of us
And it becomes clear to us
That we all have problems!
Diverting from the topic,
I'll tell you a secret:
We fell in love, no doubt!
But reciprocity is impossible
Our fate is hopeless!
She has a serious husband
He is strong, strong and hefty!
He won't understand our feelings
He will find a way against us!
So we'll just congratulate
And practically without toast:
Happy birthday, dear,
You are always like family to us!
We give you our hearts
We give, shaking off the sadness from our faces!

(each of the participants in the skit gives the birthday girl a heart-souvenir)


01 but I 2011


There is no sadder story in the world,
What a story about an uneaten cutlet!

(the therapist’s patient comes out, bent over from colic, in his hands is a plate with a half-eaten suspicious-looking cutlet. He sings a song)

(to the tune of the song “Oh, what a woman”!)

Continuation of the scene in the full news


TO every festive event, and even more so 🎄 🎅 🍷 New Year's Eve e , contains a ceremonial part, which often includes performances by invited artists or a congratulatory scenario acted out by the team. But even more exciting can be a performance staged without preliminary preparation - right at the holiday!

P We present to your attention funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2020 for an adult company 🍸, which are perfect for a corporate party or for a home celebration, when you need to defuse the situation and raise the general mood of the holiday. All participants in New Year's skits receive their roles during the game. And this is an additional moment of surprise and inspiration. A little passion and self-confidence is all that is required for a successful improvised production!

New Year's scene for the Year of the Rat "In the animal world"

AND 12 participants are called from the hall - 7 girls and 5 men. The presenter individually tells them the roles with lines.

The presenter portrays Nikolai Drozdov (cap, goatee). The music is played from the TV show “In the Animal World” (Paul Mauriat’s orchestra – “The Lark”).

Nikolai Drozdov talks about the habits of animals living in the horoscope. Each character has his own line, which the character says after hearing the name of his animal. Further, the characters, following the story about themselves, perform those actions that the presenter will voice (what these actions will be, the participants do not know, they were only told their remarks).

RAT: Blonde Queen!

BULL: Horns poke!

TIGER: I want role-playing games!

CAT: What about compote?

THE DRAGON: I am a law unto myself!

SNAKE: I'm all yours!


GOAT: A-za-za!

MONKEY: Why am I still not drunk?

ROOSTER: I have a fighting spirit!

DOG: You hear a noise, where is the fight?

PIG: As soon as I do!

Drozdov's actions with animals: scratches behind the ear, strokes, calls to him, feeds, etc.

Leading(in the very kind and gentle voice of Nikolai Drozdov):

Hello, dear friends. We think we know everything about the animal world. But in fact, even the most common types of arthropods, such as this one (in a touching voice, shows the audience a moving black toy - a scorpion should look like a real one) scorpion... What do we know about it? His body temperature is inconsistent. Depends on the ambient temperature. But how does it regulate its temperature? Or this Capricorn. What kind of creature? The science of zoology is still unknown. Well, now about what you will see in today's program. As you probably guessed, today we will get acquainted with the inhabitants of the horoscope. Or rather, about the annual twelve-year cycle.

2020 will soon begin, and a new cycle of animals walking in circles begins in the horoscope. The animals will line up in a round dance and begin to move around the Christmas tree. The RAT comes first.

RAT: Blonde Queen!

DROZDOV: Yes, this charming animal will change its gray coat for a royal white one in the coming year. The rightful mistress of the coming year! This is how she charmingly gnaws on something delicious - without hesitation, she takes it from the table and gnaws it. And he offers it to me. Run to me, baby. Do you hear how it beeps? She encourages everyone to have fun. But don’t forget to replenish your pantry.

DROZDOV: And this is a BULL.

BULL: Horns poke!

DROZDOV: He sensed that there was something to chew on here and came to the celebration. Watch as this heavy-bodied ruminant eagerly stamps his hoof and continually chews. Give him something to chew already! (In a touchingly frightened voice, as if he was pretending to be frightened.) And who is there watching us so predatorily? Don't eat us, TIGER!

TIGER: I want role-playing games!

DROZDOV: He's actually kind. Especially if you are full. We need to feed him. He takes a bite from the hand of a beautiful girl with pleasure. Here you are. Feed him. Be careful, he might grab your hand. And the heart. They say he's a heartthrob. And look who is there? They say they rule. Well, come on, taxi over here and get some sour cream, CAT.

CAT: What about compote?

DROZDOV: But the compote doesn’t pour into your mouth. Learn student! (Scratches the Cat behind the ear.) Somehow the sky has darkened. And here is an SMS from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. What do they write there? On the territory of the horoscope, precipitation in the form of lava with hot stones is possible. And it's all because of the DRAGON.

THE DRAGON: I am a law unto myself!

DROZDOV: On my own, of course. But you need to get treatment. Look how it's bombing. And runny nose with cough. All this can be fixed. There's some hot medicine on the table over there, especially for hot throats. Who's crawling there? Well, crawl closer, SNAKE.

SNAKE: I'm all yours!

DROZDOV: Wow, it’s flying around and around, but it’s not easy to get your hands on. Slips out. That's how it always is - the dynamite will slip out. Now she’s alert – she feels the earth trembling. It's a HORSE galloping.

HORSE: Tell me the way to Red Square!

DROZDOV: She has such bangs, and what a withers (strokes). Ha, he kicks. Well, well, don't kick. Wow, I would ride on it... What am I talking about? Yes. Look, a GOAT came up to us.

GOAT: A-za-za!

DROZDOV: A wayward and capricious animal. Constantly on a spree. She is both full and drunk. He walks around the hills and finds everything he needs everywhere. But a MONKEY jumped off the branch.

MONKEY: Why am I still not drunk?

DROZDOV: She's so cheerful. Jumps on the branches, bullies everyone, teases. Curious prankster! But the loudest and brightest of all birds, of course, is the ROOSTER.

ROOSTER: I have a fighting spirit!

DROZDOV: This bird lives in the horoscope and in every village. Fly here, peck the grains, show yourself in all your glory, shout the morning wake-up call. As soon as he senses someone’s fighting spirit, the DOG’s ears will immediately prick up.

DOG: You hear a noise, where is the fight?

DROZDOV: To me! Sit! Stand! Give me your paw! Well done. Smart little animal. For something delicious. And the last one to appear in the horoscope is the PIG.

PIG: As soon as I do!

DROZDOV: She loves to take care of her massive body - she takes mud baths, flops around, and rolls around. And then he comes out of the puddle and grunts contentedly. Now all the animals of the horoscope are with us. They take each other by the paws and walk around each other, following the little tailed leader who wishes everyone happiness in the coming year!

Funny scene-game "How to decorate the Christmas tree"

IN the traveler invites everyone to remember how they decorated the Christmas tree🎄. For this purpose, participants are invited to the stage. The role of Yolka is played by a girl in a green dress or anyone else who wants to be in the role of Yolka. The presenter individually communicates his remarks to all participants.

The fun of this skit-game is “heap and little”: when the Christmas tree is decorated, “toy” characters they stick around the main character, and remain in this position, while more and more “decorations” are added. This episode fits best into an event for an adult company, when the guests are already pretty tipsy and don’t mind getting a little naughty.


An additional assistant participant is needed - the one who brings in and places the TREE (brings in his hands, places it on the stage, then brings in a stool). A stool is placed behind the “Christmas tree”, where the “star” will stand in order to be “on top of the head”.


STAR: The star is shocked! (Climbs onto a stool, “shines” with a halo from his hands around the head of the “Christmas tree.”)

GARLAND: There are so many golden lights... (Sings, hugs Yolka and at the same time everyone else in an armful.)

Tinsel: Can I tinsel you a little? (He stretches to one side, but imperceptibly grabs his ear with his hand, then hugs him with the other hand.)

SNOWBALL: I'm at your feet! (Lies under the Christmas tree.)

ICICLE (male character): (Takes Yolka by the hand, kisses the hand.) Let me kiss your charming paw! (Takes him by the arm and hangs.)

SNOWFLAKE: Oh, I'm flying... melting, melting! (Spins, stops, clings to Yolka’s hair.)

SHISHKA (male character): Come on, Yolka, how many cones did you have before me? (He clings with his hand to the back of the Christmas tree dress below the waist.)

CLAPPER: Clap-stop! I came around the corner! (He clings to the Christmas tree dress with one hand, and puts out his other hand in the form of a pistol.)

BALL: (Puffing out his cheeks, he made a bubble with his hands.) Move aside! I am the main Christmas tree decoration in any year! (Chooses a place, squeezes in and clings on.)

FLASHLIGHT: (Hands on his belt, turned left and right, looking around the Yolka.) Oh, I’ll cling to the lantern somewhere! (He grabs onto the Christmas tree where there is free space.)

MOUSE: The most prominent place for the symbol of the year! (Takes Yolka by the free hand.)

At the words “the toys will return to the box,” all participants in the scene return to their places, and with the words “they will take away the Christmas tree,” the main character of the scene is also taken away.

Text (voiced by the presenter), along with the characters' remarks:

So, let's remember how we decorated the Christmas tree. Actually, these will be Christmas tree memories. How it all happened.

The song from the cartoon “New Year's Tale” sounds - verse and chorus:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Forest scent,
She really needs it
Nice outfit.


Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
With every needle
Makes us happy
Makes us happy.

They brought it into the house and put up a TREE: Shine - and no nails! This is my slogan and the sun!

A STAR was immediately placed on the top of the head: Star in shock!

And at the base they placed a SNOWBALL made of cotton wool: I'm at your feet!

We took out the Christmas tree decorations. The first thing to stick out of the box was the sharp tip of the ICICLE: Let me kiss your charming paw!

Next a ribbed CONE poked out: Come on, Yolka, prick yourself: how many cones did you have before me?

Now you can throw a little RAIN on top: It seems the rain is starting…

And here is the sparkling white SNOWFLAKE: Ah, I’m flying... melting, melting!

And here is the main toy this year, the MOUSE: The most prominent place for the symbol of the year!

Well, where is he? The biggest, the most beautiful... Oh, here it is - BALL: Step aside! I am the main Christmas tree decoration in any year!

It seems that this round favorite is shocking the top of this Christmas tree society. After all, the STAR considers himself to be the main one: Star in shock!

But then, quietly rustling and shimmering, TINSEL arrived in time: Can I spoil you a little?

And then a cheerful FLASHLIGHT rolled out: Oh, I’ll cling to the lantern somewhere!

Suddenly, out of nowhere - a ringing CLAPPER: Clap-stop! I came around the corner!

And the finishing touch is, of course, an old Christmas tree friend - a bright GARLAND: There are so many golden lights...

So it stands, courageously and adamantly, all hung with decorations - enchanted, bewitched, and as if our precious TREE was shackled: Shine - and no nails! This is my slogan and the sun!

But everything passes, and the holiday will pass. The toys will return to the box and the Christmas tree will be taken away. But the main thing is that each of us has a vivid memory for many years to come!

Horoscope sketch "It's time to sleep. Nobody sleeps!"

N Oh, it's time to sleep. But no one sleeps, because New Year is coming soon.

The performance requires 12 participants. The presenter calls spectators from the hall according to their zodiac signs (lists the signs, and calls one from each category of spectators).

Characters and their actions:

ARIES: lies down on the bed mat. Watches the others.

CALF: with a businesslike air, he depicts cutting jellied meat and placing it on plates.

TWINS: walks around an imaginary Christmas tree with admiration, touches toys, gasps.

CANCER: funnyly depicts claws with his hands, makes appropriate movements, turning in different directions.

A LION: approaches everyone and shows how to do these actions correctly.

VIRGO: puts on makeup.

SCALES: walks around, nervously, glancing at his watch from time to time.

SCORPION: with a criminal look - fingers fan out, thumbnail touches tooth, etc. - slices bread.

SAGITTARIUS: periodically knocks over the stopper and, looking around, drags imaginary cucumbers from an imaginary jar.

CAPRICORN: makes movements - as if riding a train, loads boxes and drags them into the house, lays out tangerines on the table, cleans them. The aroma is just wow!

AQUARIUS: Gestures depict hugs, handshakes, invitations to pass.

FISH: sitting on the second mat, he imitates washing himself in the bath.

As soon as the clock starts striking 12, everyone speeds up their actions (except for Aries - he gets up, yawns, itches, trudges towards an imaginary table), trying to do everything, then rush around and (wow, barely managed to) stop their actions, stand in a circle and pretend like drinking champagne, clinking glasses.


Time to sleep! The cricket doesn't sleep

The rat is grilling a kebab.

Sleepy Aries went to bed,

So that you can't sleep all night.

Business Taurus cuts

Cubed jellied meat.

The twins run around aimlessly

And they admire the Christmas tree.

Sausage claws Cancer

It cuts like this, it cuts like that.

As a boss,

Leo gives advice.

Virgo puts on makeup

She looks like a queen.

That's it, Libra is tired of waiting,

They look nervously at their watch.

On someone Scorpio

He crumbles a loaf into a bowl.

Sagittarius nibbled on a stack

Pop a cucumber from a jar!

Tangerines Capricorn

Dragged from Abkhazia.

Aquarius is on the doorstep

Invites guests to the house.

Fish splashing in the bath -

There is still water in the tap!

Time is passing faster and faster...

Soon, soon New Year!

[The chimes can be heard.]

The clock is already striking twelve.

That's it, everyone managed to get ready!

Everyone is at the festive table!

Happy New Year! Bom-m, bom-m, bom-m...

Free improvisation "There was a Christmas tree in the snow"

WITH free improvisation on a poem by S. V. Mikhalkov “ There was a Christmas tree in the snow ».

Participants must improvise the actions and remarks of the characters during the poem themselves!


TREE: in the first quatrain - flaunts itself, in the second quatrain - in fear with the cry “Oh-oh-oh!” closes his eyes and shakes.

THE FORESTMAN and THE FORESTMAN'S SON: like bandits, they burst onto the stage, banging firecrackers with confetti and streamers. YOLOCHKA with her eyes closed shakes even more, imagining that this is shooting from pistols. THE FOREST MAN and THE FOREST MAN'S SON decorate the TREE - they hang tinsel on it and give them balls. YOLOCHKA shouts: “Mommies, is this a bomb or a grenade?!” Then, opening her eyes, YOLOCHKA notices that she is dressed up, sighs with relief and rejoices.


There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
One and a half meters.

An event occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! –
So it seemed to her.

She was noticed
Was surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.

Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?
Forester's son!

D Let's imagine how our favorite fairy-tale characters - Father Frost and Snow Maiden - live from one New Year to the next. For this we will need 12 volunteers from the audience.

Participants are divided into roles (singles and doubles). Everyone is told their action.

Characters and their actions.

HOUSE (1) Gesture: hands with a house above your head.

MIRACLE GIFTS (2) Gesture: hands describe a rectangle - a box.

SQUIRRELS (2) Leaning forward a little, their eyes bulge, looking at the gifts.

SNOWMAN (1) Grabs his nose, doesn’t find a carrot there, threatens the Bunnies with his fist.

BUNNY (2) Run up to the Snowman, make a gesture as if they are grabbing a carrot from his nose, and run away.

DEER (2) They jump funny, lifting their legs and pretending to be antlers with their hands.

SNOW MAID (1) Catches Reindeer, scratches their sides, makes rubbing movements along the antlers.

SANTA CLAUS (1) Holds an imaginary glass of cocktail with one hand, and with the other he calls the Snow Maiden and nods his head to the side - they say, let's go.


Here's the house

Where Santa Claus lives.

And here are the New Year's Miracle gifts,

The whole house is magically illuminated, so bright -

And these are funny red Squirrels,

Who often play staring contests (eyes bulge),

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And here is the Snowman,

Who is not used to playing staring contest.

They look, without blinking, at the Miracle Gifts,

Which illuminate everything, so bright -

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And these are big-eared white bunnies,

Stands near the entrance to the house where Belki is,

Who often play staring contests,

They look, without blinking, at the Miracle Gifts,

Which illuminate everything, so bright -

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And these are the horned deer brothers,

Those who poke carrots without concealment

At the Snowman's. He's calm for now

Stands near the entrance to the house where Belki is,

Who often play staring contests,

They look, without blinking, at the Miracle Gifts,

Which illuminate everything, so bright -

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And this is our beautiful Snow Maiden,

She will scratch the velvety skin

And he will wipe the horns of these deer brothers,

Which can be worn without laziness

In the white snow, where the white bunnies are,

Those who poke carrots without concealment

At the Snowman's. He's calm for now

But maybe one day he’ll give the Bunnies a kick.

Stands near the entrance to the house where Belki is,

Who often play staring contests,

They look, without blinking, at the Miracle Gifts,

Which illuminate everything, so bright -

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And here Santa Claus has returned home,

I brought ice cream with jam for dinner.

He invites the Snow Maiden to drink cocktails with ice,

As soon as she scratches the skin with a brush

And he will wipe the horns of these Deer brothers,

Which can be worn without laziness

In the white snow, where the white bunnies are,

Those who poke carrots without concealment

At the Snowman's. He's calm for now

But maybe one day he’ll give the bunnies a kick.

Stands near the entrance to the house where Belki is,

Who often play staring contests,

They look, without blinking, at the Miracle Gifts,

Which illuminate everything, so bright -

In the house where Santa Claus lives!

Game-sketch "New Year's table setting ✨"

AND The graphic scene “New Year's table setting” involves a large number of participants depicting New Year's furnishings, furniture, cutlery and dishes. You also need a large piece of white cloth (“tablecloth”) and a towel (to cover the “bread”). Objects designated in the plural are depicted by three participants (the presenter calls three at a time), and the corresponding remark is pronounced in chorus. The groups prepare themselves, when and how they will perform their actions - before or after pronouncing the words, on what command they will simultaneously pronounce the text, etc. For the speed of organization, all participants are not told the cue individually, but are given sheets of paper with the cues. During the presenter's story, comments will be made on the action, where to go and in what position to be positioned on the stage.

Characters and their lines (printed on pieces of paper and distributed to participants):

YOLKA: [Stands in the far right corner of the stage.] Please don’t forget, today I am your Excellency!

CHAIRS: This [pointing to himself] is a chair, they sit on it. This [extending his hands to the center of the stage] is a table, people eat at it.

TABLECLOTH: [Spreads his arms wide, spreads a large piece of cloth on the floor and stands in the center.] I’m all so white, not dirty, whole. I'm so excited, this is my first holiday night.

PLATES: [They march around the “tablecloth”, then in place, turn to face the audience, stop on a piece of cloth.] Everything requires skill, layout and serving! At-two, at-two!

SPOONS: [Lie to the right of the “plates.”] Our cause is just!

KNIVES: Can I lie down next to you? [They lie down next to the “spoons” and choose a “pair” for themselves.]

FORKS: The fork is the festive queen, its place is on the left of the plate! [Lie to the left of the “plates.”]

GLASSES: When the clock strikes twelve, people pour champagne into us! [Stand behind the plates, on the right side.]

GLASSES: Don't yawn! Pour it up! [Stand behind the plates, on the right side.]

NAPKINS: [“Folded like a swan” – sit down and extend your hand.] Like a white swan on a pond, we wipe food from your lips!

OLIVIER: [Stands on the “table.”] I apologize for my French, madams and monsieurs, be sure to put me on the edge of the plate! Symbolically.

HERRING UNDER A FUR COAT: [Stands on the “table.”] Oh, don’t fool this herring! What? Where's the head? Right there, where the promised fur coat is!

JOLODETS: [Stands up on the “table.”] Please, cool your ardor!

CUCUMBER: [Stands on the “table.”] We need a snack!

CHAMPAGNE: [Stands on the “table.”] Oh, hold me seven!

MANDARNINE: [Lies down on the “table.”] Fiery redhead, I am the scent of New Year’s Eve!

CHOCOLATE: [Lies on the “table.”] Take me, I’m so sweet!

PINEAPPLE: [Stands on the “table” and extends his hand in a poetic gesture.] When there is pineapple in the champagne, the muses will flock to Parnassus!

CANDIES: [Lie down on the “table.”] Hey, baby, I’m your candy!

VODKA: [Stands on the “table.”] Do you respect me?

COGNAC: [Stands on the “table.”] You can’t live without me, I’m a strong aphrodisiac!

BEER: [Stands on the “table.”] May I stand here on the edge? For company.

HOT: [Squats down in the left corner of the stage, folds his hands over his head like a house.] Phew! I'm frying, I'm crackling - I want it on the table!

BREAD: There are such words: bread is the head of everything! [Stands in the center, covering himself with a towel.


New Year is not only a family holiday, it is also a solemn event taking place in society. That is, we can say that this is a social event, and it presupposes the presence of some rules - such as table setting. Let's imagine what it looks like from the point of view of surrounding objects. I will name the objects, and those who want to play should raise their hands and go up to the stage. Go behind the scenes for now. (Hands out pieces of paper to everyone and instructs the participants.) Let’s begin our story.

Text of the presenter's story, with remarks from the participants in the scene:

HOST: New Year's Eve is full of mystery. It seems that there is an invisible mysterious force in everything, flowing through all the objects in the room. Do you hear? It's the TREE rustling with its needles. She stood in the room like a real forest princess.

HOST: In the center of the room there is a festive table, and CHAIRS are located around it.

CHAIRS: This is a chair, they sit on it. This is the table, people eat at it.

HOST: A tablecloth fluttered and landed on the table like a snow-white bird.

TABLECLOTH: I’m all white, not dirty, whole. I'm so excited, this is my first holiday night.

HOST: A plate detachment has arrived at the site of the festive deployment. DISHES!

PLATES: Everything requires skill, layout and serving! At-two, at-two!

LEADING: SPOONS were placed to the right of the plates. They put it down, but they didn’t put it in!

SPOONS: Our cause is just!

HOST: And next to them they put KNIVES.

KNIVES: Can I lie down next to you?

HOST: And they put FORKS on the left.

FORKS: The fork is the festive queen, its place is on the left of the plate!

HOST: To the right, behind the plates, there are GLASSES.

GLASSES: When the clock strikes twelve, people pour champagne into us!

HOST: GLASSES stood next to the wine glasses.

GLASSES: Don't yawn! Pour it up!

HOST: And the NAPKIN swans swam across the snow-white tablecloth.

NAPKINS: Like a white swan on a pond, we wipe food off your lips!

HOST: Well, now it’s time to bring the dishes. [Addressing the audience.] Tell me, dear guests, what is considered the main New Year's dish? Of course, this is OLIVIER salad!

OLIVIER: Pardon my French, madams and monsieurs, be sure to put me on the edge of the plate! Symbolically.

HOST: [Addressing the audience.] And what kind of salad is usually put on the New Year's table? Well, of course, this is a HERRING UNDER A FUR COAT.

HERRING UNDER A FUR COAT: Oh, don’t fool this herring! What? Where's the head? Right there, where the promised fur coat is!

HOST: If passions flare up at the table, he always comes to the rescue - JELLY.

JOLODETS: Please, cool your ardor!

HOST: [Addressing the audience.] What is the most important appetizer that rhymes with jellied meat? Yes, exactly, it's a CUCUMBER!

CUCUMBER: You need to have a snack!

HOST: So, the snacks were served. Now the main New Year's drink. Which? That's right, CHAMPAGNE!

CHAMPAGNE: Oh, hold me seven!

HOST: And in the festive New Year's triad, two desserts are required to accompany champagne. Which? Yes, of course, MANDARNINE. Let it lie on the table - it smells fragrant.

MANDARNINE: Fiery red, I am the scent of New Year's Eve!

HOST: And one more New Year's dessert. Which? Of course, CHOCOLATE! Let him lie there too.

CHOCOLATE: Take me, I'm so sweet!

HOST: There is another New Year's dessert. Not a fruit, not a vegetable, not a berry. So to speak, for refined taste. Put it on for them and for us. Because he is PINEAPPLE!

PINEAPPLE: When there is pineapple in champagne, the muses will flock to Parnassus!

HOST: Well, the most classic children's New Year's dessert. They are always on the New Year's table! This is... Yes, CANDY!

CANDY: Hey baby, I'm your candy!

HOST: And for the most seasoned adults, what is the main thing on the holiday table? Yes, guys, only hardcore, only VODKA!

VODKA: Do you respect me?

HOST: There is also COGNAC on the table.

COGNAC: You can’t live without me, I’m a strong aphrodisiac!

HOST: Okay, and BEER.

BEER: May I stand here on the edge? For company.

HOST: Meanwhile, the oven is cooking HOT.

HOT: Phew! I'm frying, I'm crackling - I want it on the table!

HOST: They forgot something. But what? Everything is here [lists, pointing]. Guests, can you give me some advice? Well, of course, BREAD!

HOST: But in the year of the Mouse, cereals are of particular importance, so BREAD should occupy the central place on the table.

BREAD: There are such words: bread is the head of everything!

HOST: And, of course, the symbol of every New Year always remains our beloved TREE.

YOLKA: Please don’t forget, today I am your Excellency!

HOST: The table is set, dear guests, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

A funny scene for the New Year "And deer are better!"

E That funny play-scene involves influencing the characters and spectators to a predetermined effect of surprise. The main character is Santa Claus. He rides reindeer across the tundra in a snowstorm and cannot see the road. Suddenly obstacles appear in his way. But, of course, he will overcome all of them and will definitely get to the children for the holiday!

Replies from the main participant - GRANDFATHER'S CLAUS:

– An airplane is good, a snowmobile is good, even skis are good. And deer are better! (A joke from Santa Claus on the way.)

- However! (When an obstacle arose.)

- Happy New Year! However. (At the very end, after the final words of the presenter.)

Silent participants (they run onto the stage and suddenly stop right in front of Santa Claus):

MOUNTAIN (you have to go around it)

GAP (you have to jump over it)

ICE FLOW (it must be driven to the shore by a blow of wind)

POLAR BEAR (you need to give him a gift - fish)

WIND (howls)

BLIZZARD (circling and sweeping)

All participants must figure out for themselves what to do and when to do it, following the course of the presenter’s narration.

HOST: Far North. It's cold, though. The wind howls. Santa Claus rides across the tundra in a large sleigh on reindeer and exclaims cheerfully...

HOST: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND howls. A BLIZZARD swirls and sweeps. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, a huge MOUNTAIN appears in front of Santa Claus!


HOST: Santa Claus took off his hat, scratched the back of his head, and put on his hat. And I remembered the old wise proverb: a smart person won’t climb a mountain, a smart person will walk around a mountain. And he ordered the deer to go around this huge mountain, and then move on.

SANTA CLAUS: An airplane is good, a snowmobile is good, even skis are good. And deer are better!

HOST: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND howls. A BLIZZARD swirls and sweeps. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, suddenly, an Abyss appeared in front of Santa Claus! It lay and stretched far in both directions - there was no way to get around it.


HOST: Santa Claus took off his mittens, rubbed his hands, stretched his legs, and put on his mittens. And I remembered the old wise proverb: don’t say “hop” until you jump over. Then Santa Claus ordered the reindeer to run faster and push off harder. So they jumped over the abyss. And I moved on.

SANTA CLAUS: An airplane is good, a snowmobile is good, even skis are good. And deer are better!

HOST: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND howls. A BLIZZARD swirls and sweeps. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, the open ocean splashed in front of Santa Claus. This was a huge ICE floe breaking off, which the WIND carried far from the shore.


HOST: Santa Claus looked left, looked right. I determined where the WIND was blowing from, and remembered the old wise saying: the wind is the brother of the blizzard. Santa Claus called Blizzard. The Blizzard began to blow towards the WIND. The WIND and Blizzard swirled in a snowy waltz, and drove the ICE FLOW to the shore. And Santa Claus moved on.

SANTA CLAUS: An airplane is good, a snowmobile is good, even skis are good. And deer are better!

HOST: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND howls. A BLIZZARD swirls and sweeps. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, a POLAR BEAR suddenly appeared in front of Santa Claus.


HOST: Santa Claus looked at his red bag and remembered the old wise saying: it is not the gift that is valuable, but the attention. And Santa Claus took a silver fish out of his bag and gave it to the polar bear. The POLAR BEAR gladly took the fish, bowed to Santa Claus and stepped aside. And Santa Claus moved on.

SANTA CLAUS: An airplane is good, a snowmobile is good, even skis are good. And deer are better!

HOST: This is how he goes, goes. And the horizon brightens. The polar night is receding. The tundra is over and the taiga has passed. And there are the lights of big cities and decorated Christmas trees. And Grandfather Frost gives gifts to everyone. And why? And all because Santa Claus is kind and savvy.

SANTA CLAUS: Happy New Year! However.

New Year's game for the New Year 2020 "And Baba Yaga is against!"

E This pantomime game is very easy to implement. All the characters' actions are represented by gestures and facial expressions, without words. The only phrase is from Baba Yaga. The rest of the text is read by the presenter, and the participants in the game perform actions according to the text.

Characters and their actions:

MOUSE: Without words, places (places) the participants in places, the participants pantomimically depict objects.

BABA YAGA: One remark - “And Baba Yaga is against it!” Next, he changes the position of the participants on stage. The stage is an imaginary table, in the corner of the stage there is a “Christmas tree” (participant in the pantomime game).

“Mute” CHARACTERS: TREE, GIFTS (“the gifts” will have to lie under the “tree”), SALAD (“the mouse” will clasp the “salad” with its hands and “carry” it “to the table” - both will approach the center of the stage in an embrace), CHOCOLATE (in the center of the stage, lies down or leans against the “lettuce”), CLAPPER (“transferred” to the steps leading from the stage to the hall), CANDLE (in the center of the stage).

The interesting thing about this skit game is that additional participants from the audience help restore order, and to do this you need to remember who was on stage and where before.


The MOUSE decorated the house,
The mouse was decorating the TREE.
Let it shine brightly
And underneath there are GIFTS.

Places chairs for guests.
Table - for food, sweets.
There is already SALAD on the table
I am glad to meet the guest first.

Who needs CHOCOLATE,
If you don't want a salad.
After all, until twelve strikes,
You might get hungry.

CLAPPER - on the porch,
In a candlestick - a CANDLE.
Guests will soon be knocking!
I ran to dress up!

It came like a snowstorm.


But Baba Yaga is against it!

Confused, weird -
Everything has been changed!
In the refrigerator on all shelves -
All GIFTS from under the tree.

In a candlestick - a CLAPPER,
CANDLE under the pillow.
Under the Christmas tree - SALAD.

Let our Mouse not know
About an insidious affair
Evil grandmother Yaga.
Hall, help quickly!

Guests, help the mouse,
Put everything back!
Come on in, don't be shy
Climb the steps!

(The audience remembers what happened where and returns everything to its place.)


She went on the run.


But Baba Yaga is against it!


She closed her eyes,
She stamped her feet.

But let the New Year
And he will come to her too.
On the most fabulous of days
Grandma will become kinder!

Cool impromptu scene "🎁 Gift for Santa Claus"

WITH The essence of the scene is that all the characters play like one main character - Santa Claus. One man is called from the audience, who will be given a Santa Claus costume and a bag of gifts backstage. He is then escorted from behind the scenes to the farthest entrance to the auditorium. Thus, his role is to enter the hall and go to the stage. Along the way, various surprises will lie in wait for him. Santa Claus, based on the situation, must find gifts in his bag and distribute them (hares - a carrot Korean salad in vacuum packaging, squirrels - a pine cone, foxes - a can of canned fish, wolves - a can of stew).

While the participant portraying Santa Claus is getting dressed and preparing to enter, the presenter persuades several participants sitting in the auditorium. When Santa Claus passes by them, the presenter will say the words, and they must quickly jump up from their seats and say their words. That is, the participants in the game are all in pairs and sit at opposite ends of the aisle along which Santa Claus will walk.

Characters, their actions and remarks:

BUNNY HARNIES [jump up sharply from their seats and shout]: Give us some gifts!

CHEATS [jump up sharply from their seats and shout]: We want gifts!

FOXES [quietly rises and reaches for the bag]: Can we steal anything here?

WOLVES [rises up, looks suspiciously, leaning forward slightly]: Does your grandfather happen to have a double-barreled shotgun?


He has a fur coat down to his toes, and a staff in his hand.

He carries gifts in a huge bag.

And the HARNIES jump at his heels,

And they ask:

BUNNY: Give us gifts!


And every winter with a heavy bag

He makes his difficult journey on foot.

He wanders through the forest. And the Squirrel is behind him.

And they ask:

BELCHATA: We want gifts!

And he keeps walking and walking through the forests.

And he himself carries the annual load.

And the red FOXES look cautiously:

LISKI: Can we steal anything here?

Mysterious Grandfather - knee-length beard.

Why does he go here and there?

And the drool is swallowed by hungry WOLVES.

WOLVES: Does grandfather happen to have a double-barreled shotgun?


Of course, everyone knows that he is Santa Claus,

That he brought gifts to the children for the Christmas tree,

That he is very kind, that he is strong and brave.

But look, what's the matter here?

He gives gifts to you all every year.

Or maybe he himself is waiting for a gift!

What if he's bored, what if he's dreaming,

And secretly he tells fortunes on a white snowflake.

Let's give him gifts too!

Kindness and smiles - sparkling and bright -

Let the stars shine in the darkness of the forest,

And let everyone repay goodness with kindness!

Applause to Santa Claus! And gifts! Happy New Year!

(There is only one gift left in the bag - a box containing a prize - a gift for Santa Claus.)

In a restaurant, a client ordered a steak. The waiter, fulfilling the order, carries the steak and holds it with his finger. The client is indignant:
-What are you allowing yourself to do? Are you touching my steak with your hands?
The waiter answered him:
- Do you want him to fall to the floor for the third time?

2. Reasonable waiter

A client, while eating soup, saw a cockroach swimming in the plate. He indignantly addresses the waiter:
- I caught a cockroach in your hodgepodge!
“Don’t worry,” the waiter answers, “you’re still lucky.” You see a man at the next table, but he didn’t catch it.

3. The all-seeing waiter

A man, eating ice cream, turns to the waiter:
- Your menu says that ice cream with nuts, I finished almost the entire portion, but there were no nuts.
- Yes, they are there, it’s just that your teeth are rare.

4. Straightforward waiter

A man in a restaurant looks at the menu for a long time and cannot make a choice. The waiter comes up to the table and asks sympathetically:
- Can I tell you anything?
- Yes... Tell me, how do you cook chicken?
- Well, in general... We just tell them directly: “You will die soon!” Why bother telling them?”

5. Hasty waiter

The waiter hurriedly approaches the client’s table:
- Please, quickly eat this salad that I just brought you...
- Why such a rush? - The client looks in surprise.
- Because the sanitary inspection came.

6. The right waiter

In a Japanese restaurant, a customer placing an order:
- I'd like salmon rolls, please, and instead of wasabi, Chilean horseradish.
- In general, to hell with you, and wasabi... Did I write it down correctly?

7. An inconspicuous waiter

Waiter…. There's a fly in my soup! What does it mean?!!!
- Sorry sir, but I take orders and serve, and do not interpret omens.

8. Savvy waiter

Man to the waiter:
- I would like to get the same thing that the lady at the next table has.
- No problem! I’ll invite her to the phone now, and you go ahead.

9. Clarifying waiter

The indignant client calls the waiter and says:
- What kind of chicken did you bring me, just skin and bones!!!
- What did you want with the feathers?

10. The all-knowing waiter

Confused man in a restaurant:
- Waiter! What kind of soup do you have - some kind of water!
- Not just any kind, but boiled!

11. Happy waiter

A visitor in a restaurant says to the waiter:
- This meat is very hard! It's impossible to eat! Call the administrator!
- He won’t help, he has false teeth.

12. Thoughtful waiter

Waiter! I'll call the chef! I won't eat this latex!
- This is unlikely to help, he won’t eat it either.

13. Sexy barmaid

A visitor addressing the barmaid:
- I'd like a bottle of Rum.
- With myself?
- No, without you.

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