Quiz on Krylov's fables. reading material (grade 3) on the topic

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His fables will survive centuries. K.H. Batyushkov

Target: generalization of students’ knowledge about I.A.’s fables Krylov, develop memory, attention, cultivate interest in reading.
I competition.
Name Krylov's fables about: Fox (“Crow and the Fox”, “Fox and Grapes”, “Wolves Fox”, “Good Fox”, “Fox”, “Fox and Donkey”)
Volke (“Wolf and Lamb”, “Wolf in the kennel”, “Lion and Wolf”, “Wolf and Cat”, “Wolf and Shepherds”, “Wolves and Sheep”).
Medvede (“Quartet”, “Bear with the Bees”, “The Hermit and the Bear”, “The Hardworking Bear”, “The Peasant and the Worker”)
Monkeys ("Mirror and Monkey", "Monkey and Glasses", "Monkeys", "Monkey", "Quartet")
People (“Peasant and Worker”, “Cat and Cook”, “Large”, “Curious”, “Demyan’s Ear”, “Peasant and Snake”, “Two Boys”)

II competition.
Who owns the words?
“My dear, how beautiful! What a neck, what eyes!” (To the Fox from the fable “The Crow and the Fox”)
“They only lied to me about the glasses; But they are of no use for hair.” (To the monkey from the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses”)
"Friends! What's all this fuss about? I, your old matchmaker and godfather...” (To the wolf from the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel”)
“Don’t leave me, dear godfather! Let me gather my strength..." (To the Dragonfly from the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant")
“Wait! How should the music go? After all, YOU don’t sit like that” (To the monkey from the fable “Quartet”)

III competition.
Remember the missing word

  1. “Two... (barrels).”
  2. "The boy and... (Snake)."
  3. "Fox and... (grapes)."
  4. "Hardworking... (Bear)."
  5. “Trishkin... (caftan).”
  6. "Dragonfly and... (Ant)."
  7. "Donkey and... (Nightingale)."
  8. "Cat and... (Cook)."
  9. “A pig under... (oak tree).”
  10. 10. “Wolves and... (Sheep).”

IV competition
“The moral of the story is this”
- What fable had such a moral?

1. “How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.”
("A Crow and a fox".)

2. “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies,
And the boots are made by the cake maker:
And things won’t go well.” (“Pike and Cat.”)

3. “It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you just have to guess
It’s easy to get down to business.” (“Casket.”)

4. “Forward someone else’s misfortune
Don’t laugh, Dove!” (“Siskin and Dove.”)

5. “When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.” ("Swan, Pike and Cancer",)

V competition.
Many phrases from the fables of I.A. Krylov became popular words. We often say “The casket just opened” or “And Vaska listens and eats,” without even thinking that these words were first uttered by Krylov’s heroes. Krylov has a lot of such phrases that have become catchphrases. Here are some of them:

  • “Yes, but it’s still there”
  • “The powerful are always to blame for the powerless”
  • “There is no stronger beast than a cat!”

Do you remember what fables these lines are from?
(Respectively: “Swan, Pike and Cancer”, “Wolf and Lamb”, “Mouse and Rat”).
Not only lines from Ivan Andrekich's fables, but even the names of the fables themselves became catchphrases. Who will name them? “Trishkin Kaftan”, “Swan, Pike and Cancer”, “Elephant and Moska”, “Demyan’s Ear”, “Cuckoo Rooster”, etc.)
The greatest expert on the Russian word, I. A. Krylov enriched our literary language with many figurative expressions that became proverbs and sayings. They are used in disputes, since it is better to confirm your thoughts with them than with long arguments:

  • “The eye sees, but the tooth numbs”
  • "Harrow in Peacock Feathers"
  • "Jumping Dragonfly"
  • "Trishkin caftan"
  • "Monkey's work"
  • "Disservice"
  • “And the casket just opened”
  • “And Vaska listens and eats”

VI competitions.
1 Crossword

"Ivan Krylov"

  1. A writer who composes fables (fabulist).
  2. The city with which Krylov’s childhood is connected (Tver)
  3. The position in which Krylov began his career (sub-office clerk)
  4. French poet-fabulist, Krylov translated his fables into Russian (Lafontaine)
  5. Musical instrument played by Krylov (violin)
  6. An important part in the fable, the conclusion is the lesson (moral)
  7. Works for the theater that Krylov wrote (plays)
  8. Profession in which Krylov worked for 30 years (librarian)
  9. and 10. Heroes of one of Krylov’s most famous fables (Dragonfly and Ant)

2 Crossword

"I.A. Krylov"
1. “To that misfortune... she ran very close” (fox).
2. “The Naughty Monkey, the Donkey,” the Goat and the club-footed Bear started to play...” (quartet).
3. “She knows she is strong” that barks at the elephant.” Who is this? (Pug).
4. “My dear, how pretty! What a neck, what eyes!” Who is this? (Crow).
5. “Somewhere God sent a crow a piece of...” (cheese).
6. “Through the streets... they were driven, apparently, for show” (Elephant).
7. “The monkey, out of frustration and sadness, hit the stone so hard that the splashes sparkled* What is this? (Glasses).
8. “On a hot day, a lamb went to a stream to drink; and it must have happened that a hungry man was prowling around those places...” Who? (Wolf).

Quizzes usually consist of non-standard questions. And the more interesting the question, the more valuable the answer. Answering quiz questions on the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a great way to test your knowledge of the subject, find out where the gaps are, and what you need to pay attention to.

I.A. Krylov is an original master of fables; he enjoys well-deserved love not only among his compatriots, but also among representatives of other countries.

The quiz on the fables of I.A. Krylov contains 11 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review.

1. What fable is the proverb from?
“It’s not for nothing that they say that the master’s work is feared.”

"The Nobleman and the Philosopher"
"Pike and cat" +
"Cobblestone and Diamond"

2. Name three fables by I.A. Krylov, the title of which contains the word “frog”

Answer:"The Frog and the Ox"
"Frog and Jupiter"
"Frogs Asking for a Tsar"

3. What was the name of the shepherd in I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Shepherd,” who tended the master’s sheep?

Savva +

4. What “ants” were in I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant?”

Soft +

5. Continue the phrase:

And the casket just... opened (“Casket”),
I didn’t even notice the elephant (“Curious”)
Like a squirrel.. in a wheel (“Squirrel”)

6. I.A. Krylov was an ardent defender of education. We learn about this from his fables exposing ignorance. Name these fables.

Answer:"The Monkey and the Glasses"
"The Rooster and the Grain of Pearls"
"Pig under the Oak"

7. What fable is this quote from?
“When you want to be respected by people -
Make new acquaintances and friends with discretion!”

"The Picky Bride"
"Council of Mice"
"The Peasant and the Snake" +

8. The famous fabulist Krylov spoke out sharply against the unjust “order,” lawlessness and violence perpetrated against the serfs and people. His fables testify to this. Give examples of this type of fable.

Answer:"Wolves and Sheep"
"Peasants and the River"
"Motley Sheep"

9. Give examples of I.A. Krylov’s fables that contain plants in their titles.

Answer:"Pig under the Oak"
"The Fox and the Grapes"
"Oak and Reed"

10. In this fable, the eminent master, with poisonous irony, brought to us the image of a king mercilessly dealing with freethinkers. The fabulist also exposed the pretense and hypocrisy of the royal person. During the life of I.A. Krylov, the fable was not published. What king and what fable are we talking about?

About Alexander II, “The Peasant and the Snake”
About Nicholas I, “The Boy and the Snake”
About Alexander I, “The Motley Sheep” +

11. What was the cat’s nickname in Krylov’s fable “The Cat and the Cook”?

Vaska +

(Read the rules for solving puzzles on the game page)

Everyone knows the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. They ridicule stupidity, ignorance, and injustice. Ivan Krylov had to deal with all this from early childhood. His father, army officer Andrei Prokhorovich Krylov, although he was a nobleman, had no money and left his son as an inheritance his only, but truly priceless wealth - an old traveling chest with books, which he had collected for many years, spending his last pennies on them. Vanya saw from childhood that his father spent all his free time reading. There was no money for Ivan’s education. Well, one day a rich landowner, having heard Vanyusha read poetry, out of mercy allowed him to come to his children’s lessons. The boy took up the languages ​​especially hard - French and Italian. Then he accidentally came across a thin book by the French fabulist La Fontaine, and Vanya even tried to translate one of the fables. When Vanyusha was 9 years old, his father died. The mother worked from morning to night just to keep her son busy with his studies, but still there was not enough money. At the age of 11, Vanya entered the service - he copied papers in court, delivered important documents, repaired quill pens, he had his own desk littered with papers, and they even called him Ivan Andreevich. But he often received punishment from his stern boss for “an empty and useless activity” - reading all kinds of books.
In addition to books, Ivan also loved the theater. And he even began his journey into literature by writing plays. Plays were staged. But they were so truthful and witty, and their characters were so easily recognizable that theaters soon stopped performing them. Three times Krylov began publishing magazines. But even in them the satire was so sharp that the magazines had to be closed. And only at the age of 37 Ivan Andreevich Krylov found his calling - fables! And he immediately became known throughout Russia.
Our people have long called the great Russian fabulist Grandfather Krylov. He wrote exactly 200 fables and himself combined them into 9 books. At the foot of his monument in the Summer Garden in the city of St. Petersburg, characters from his fables are depicted.

Answers to puzzles:
1. Quartet
2. Elephant and Moska
3. Dragonfly and Ant
4. Crow and Fox

(To go to the game, click on the thumbnail illustration)

Poster size A4 - 960 x 720
File size - 98 kb.

Greetings from grandfather Krylov

A little about the writer

Solve puzzles and find out the names of Krylov's famous fables

To the librarian

Collect mosaics based on illustrations of Krylov's fables

When creating the page we used
materials from the magazine "Chitaika", No. 2, 2009.

Andreeva M.S. Box of wisdom: [script for a literary matinee] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 3-7.
Apollonova, G. V. Hello, grandfather Krylov! : [scenario] // Read, learn and play. - 2012. - No. 11. P. 21-25.
Bikeeva, V. A. The poet and the sage merged into one: [script] // Leisure at school. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 14-19.
Glazkova, L. A.“I wasn’t looking for magnificent ranks...”: [script] // Read, learn, play. - 2013. - No. 12. P. 21-25.
Glubokovskikh, M.V.“Neighbor, my light!...”: [scenario of educational and intellectual event] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2017. - No. 11. - P. 6-7.
Glubokovskikh, M.V.“Dragonfly and Ant”: [script for children 9-10 years old] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 6-8.
Darsalyamova A.I. The kingdom of fables: a game - a journey through the work of I.A. Krylova // Read, learn, play. - 2005. - No. 7. - P. 43-45.
Drey, O. I. Krylov's Fables: [scenario for the game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" // How to entertain guests. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 52-56.
Yeshchenko N. Fables of Grandfather Krylov: [scenario for a game lesson-competition] // Elementary school. - 2003. - No. 6. - P. 3. - (Appendix to the newspaper “First of September”).
Makarova B.A. A fabulist like no other: [script of a literary evening about I.A. Krylov] // Read, learn, play. - 2003. - No. 12. - P. 42-50.
Makarova B.A. Scenario "The Great Fable Writer": [theatrical production about I.A. Krylov] // Leisure at school. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 18-23.
Nushtaeva, A.A.“I didn’t even notice the elephant”: an educational literary game. // Read, study, play. - 2015. - No. 6. - P. 88-91.
Peshkun, L.G.“The Crow and the Fox”: [scenario of a literary event for children 9-10 years old] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2017. - No. 5. - P. 8-12.
Polyakova, G. V. Lafontaine's heir: [script] // Read, learn and play. - 2014. - No. 2. P. 58-61.
Semenikhina E.V.
“The moral of this fable is...”: [development of a competition program] // Read, learn, play. - 2003. - No. 12. - P. 51-53.
Sergeeva, I. A. By pen and fable: [event scenario and quiz based on the works of I. A. Krylov for students in grades 4-5] // Read, learn, play. - 2013. - No. 12. P. 26-27.
Solovyova, E. V.“The moral of this fable is...”: [game program script] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2011. - No. 12. P. 10-11.
Shikulya, O. V. On a visit to grandfather Krylov: [script] // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2014. - No. 9. - P. 9-12.

List of scenarios for public events for children

Library poster for bookshelf

Guess the riddle: find the answer in the picture

The crow has that cheat
She managed to take the cheese away deftly.

Put the halves together to make fable titles



Wolf and

Crow and

Cuckoo and

Monkey and

Dragonfly and

Chizh and

Check your answers


Halves of fable titles:
Wolf and Lamb
A Crow and a fox
Cuckoo and Rooster
Fox and grapes
Monkey and glasses
Mouse and Rat
Elephant and Moska
Dragonfly and Ant
Siskin and Dove

Who has not heard his living words?
Who hasn’t met him in their life?
Immortal creations of Krylov
Every year we love you more and more!

M. Isakovsky

Fables by I.A. Krylova

Fables by I.A. Krylova

Find the correct answer in the text of I.A.’s fables. Krylova

Click on a word number to read the definition. Write down your answer in the window that appears. Then click on the word "Enter". If you are at a loss for an answer, click on the word "Hint" to see the letter or part of the word.


February 13, 2019 marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of the famous fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Even the youngest schoolchildren are familiar with his work. Librarians were able to verify this at the literary hour “The moral of this fable is…”, which was held for primary school students. They told the children interesting facts from the life of the writer and showed dramatizations of fables. And the young readers themselves recognized fables by popular expressions and took part in competitions: “Guess the object”, “Find a pair”. The children also demonstrated their artistic abilities by reciting fables they knew by heart. At the end of the event, the children named many human qualities that fables teach: modesty, justice, honesty, kindness.
T.V. Dmitrienko, library subscription of the State Children's Library

Quiz on fables by I.A. Krylova

"Guess a riddle"

This bird has wanted since childhood Become a famous singer. Day and night restless “Kar-kar-kar!” - sings...


She is more cunning than all the animals, She's wearing a red fur coat, A fluffy tail is her beauty! This forest animal is...


Came from hot countries, There she lived among the vines, And, hanging on them by the tail, I ate a banana.


Pakhom rides on horseback. Reading a book But he doesn’t know how to read and write.



and glasses"

A helicopter is flying in the sky, And how beautiful is his flight, What captivates the eye. His wing is a continuous pattern, Large, mesh eyes. Everyone knows this...


I work in an artel At the roots of a shaggy spruce. I drag a log over the hills - It's bigger than a carpenter.


Ants lift a load one hundred times heavier than their own weight

Long trunk instead of a nose. On a hot day it carries water. And huge ears It flaps like sails. This good giant Resident of distant hot countries. Can eat five tons of fruit African gray...


The African elephant is the largest mammal that lives on Earth.

Tell me why my friend Sleeps without a pillow, eats without hands, In winter he walks without felt boots, And if he’s happy, does he wag his tail?


She's not a dog, but she barks It wags its long, red tail. Not a cat, but catches mice And she raises babies in a hole. To the village, to the chicken coop for a bird Will go on a dark night...


Like bright garlands, Decorating the garden Ripe and sweet The grapes hang in it. Maturing, dressing up In a colorful outfit. Everyone will guess This - …


In front there is a patch, At the back there is a hook In the middle is the back, And it has bristles on it.


I crawled out of the little barrel, Sent roots and grew up, I have become tall and mighty, I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds. I feed pigs and squirrels - It’s okay that my fruit is small.

An oak tree can be more than 1000 years old.

The gray bird lives Never builds a nest, Growing up in other people's families Years of life predicts: - Ku-ku, ku-ku - screams on a branch, - Where are you, where are you, where are you kids? Don't believe her, you liar bird! And her name is...


It's important to walk around the yard, He wakes everyone up in the morning. Has a skill in boasting, Red cap on one side. And usually with an opponent He gets into fights as usual. His singing hurts the ears - It screams in the morning...


That's the end of the fable, and whoever listened - well done!

Quiz on Krylov's fables.

1. Which fable contains the following words: “The cart is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) Wolf in the kennel

B) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyan's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

A) On the hedgehog

B) On the snake

B) To the lion

D) On the elephant

3. What is the Lamb’s fault in the fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”?

A) In the fact that he muddied the waters for the wolf

B) The fact that the wolf wants to eat

B) In waking up the wolf

D) In ​​scaring the wolf

4. Continue the sentence from the fable: “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies and sewing boots...”

A) Pie Man

B) Ice cream maker

B) Janitor

D) Road worker

5. Where did the crow land with a piece of cheese?

A) On a stump

B) On a branch

B) On spruce

D) On a tree

6. Where did the cunning wolf go in the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel”?

A) Run away

B) In the corner

B) Into the forest

D) Into negotiations

7. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

A) Because he is beautiful

B) Because he praises the Cuckoo

B) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

8. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) I was swimming

B) Helped Ant

B) Sang

D) Flew to my sister

9. “I know you.” What fable is this moral from? (connect the fable and the moral with an arrow)

“How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.” "Casket"

"Forward someone else's misfortune

Don’t laugh, Dove!”"A Crow and a fox"

“When there is no agreement among comrades,

Things won't go well for them,

And nothing will come out of it, only torment.”"Siskin and Dove"

“It often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you just have to guess

It’s easy to get down to business.”"Swan, Pike and Cancer"

10. From what fable is this sentence: “They are trying their best, but the cart is still moving.”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

B) Monkey and glasses

D) Chest

11. From which fable are the following words: “My dear, how beautiful!”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Raven and Fox

B) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

12. From what fable are these words: “Where is it? What an empty thing! Isn’t it stupid that they value him so highly?”

A) Crow and Fox

B) Pig under the Oak

B) Rooster and pearl grain

D) The wolf and the lamb

13 . "Larchik."

– The chest contains various items. You must remember which hero they belong to.

Mirror -

grain –

snare -

a piece of cheese -

acorns –

14. “Rebuses. Guess the name of the fable."

15. "Bulletin Board"

- Read the advertisements. Which of the fable heroes could they belong to?

16. “Who said such words?”

  • “My dear, how beautiful!

What a neck, what eyes!”

  • “Everyone just lied to me about the glasses;

But they are of no use for hair.”

  • "Friends! What's all this fuss about?

I, your old matchmaker and godfather..."

  • “Don’t leave me, dear godfather!

Let me gather my strength..."

  • “Wait!

How should the music go? That’s not how you sit.”


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