Wine cabinet: do you need one? Drink or save, or how to choose a wine cabinet You need a wine cabinet.

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If you're passionate about both food and its preparation, you're most likely partial to wine. It is also likely that at one point you may be struck by the idea of ​​buying a wine cabinet for the proper storage of wine given by friends, brought from abroad or purchased for an occasion. However, a wine cooler is a serious investment, and before you spend money on such equipment, it’s a good idea to first understand what a wine cooler is and whether you really need one.

What distinguishes a wine cooler from a conventional refrigerator is the presence of a number of options that allow you to provide the best conditions for storing wine and allow it to mature to its optimal age and ideal taste and aroma characteristics.

What is a wine cabinet for?

The first and main function that even inexpensive wine cabinets can handle is maintaining optimal storage temperature guilt. As a rule, you can set the temperature to your liking in the range from 5 to 20 degrees Celsius, but the best conditions for storing wine are created by a temperature from 10 to 14 degrees. In my subjective opinion, the optimal temperature for home storage is 12 degrees, since it is suitable for long-term maturation of all types of wine, and allows you to quickly bring any type of wine to the required serving temperature.

The second condition is that the wine cabinet must protect the wine from oxidation, which occurs when air penetrates the bottle. That is why the wine, firstly, is placed lying down (or at an angle), and more expensive wine cabinets, in addition, allow you to adjust air humidity, which will prevent the cork from drying out.

The next function of a wine cabinet is air purification. For these purposes, a special filter is provided in wine cabinets, which will allow purify the air inside the cabinet in order to eliminate foreign odors that could interfere with the aroma of the wine during long-term storage.

The fourth argument for storing wine in a wine cabinet is the absence or, more precisely, vibration minimization. For these purposes, special compressors and fans are installed in wine cabinets, which eliminate shaking of the wine, which can lead to the formation of sediment.

The fifth function of the wine cabinet is exclude exposure to light. The wine cabinet opens much less often than the refrigerator, and the wine is protected from the penetration of sunlight by a solid door or special glass that does not allow ultraviolet light to enter.

The sixth option, available, however, only in more expensive models of wine cabinets - dividing the cabinet space into climatic zones for different types of wine with maintaining separate temperatures in each climate zone.

Types of wine cabinets

First of all, you need to understand that any division of wine cabinets by type is conditional.

There are cabinets real and "fake"- those that are designed to perform the functions of a status gadget, and not a serious device for long-term storage of wine. I'll go through a couple of these fun things:

Wine cabinet Climadiff Echanson

And not a cabinet at all, but only a device for quickly cooling wine to the desired temperature and then maintaining it. A stylish gift and a beautiful toy - but the price, of course, is much lower than that of a real wine cabinet.

Wine cabinet Braun

A cabinet that can only hold 8 bottles of wine is no more understandable. A bulky freestanding thing that takes up counter space but doesn't allow you to store any significant amount of wine. The truly low price of this wine cabinet is perhaps its only advantage.

Less conventionally, wine cabinets can be divided into free-standing and built-in. The latter, of course, are preferable in every sense, but it is not always possible to buy a cabinet during renovation or find a place to build it in, so manufacturers offer both options.

The cabinets can also be divided by number of climate zones. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a very necessary feature, but you may want to store white wines separately from red wines, and at different temperatures. In this case, it is better to buy a cabinet with two climate zones.

Well, we’ve discussed the options for wine coolers, now let’s talk about what you can do if you are the proud owner of one of them.

How to save on wine?

An amazing discovery that every new owner of a wine cabinet can make - having one allows you to significantly save on wine. A nice bonus, especially considering the serious cost of the wine cabinet itself.

  • The easiest way to save money is to order wine from wholesale suppliers, in boxes, because now you don’t have to worry about where to store the purchased wine. Such purchases will allow you to get a significant discount, not to mention the opportunity to always have a bottle or two of your favorite wine on hand.
  • There are also discounts in regular stores, and now you have the opportunity not to miss a promotion or sale: it is better to buy decent wine at a discount, and let it lie in the closet until you want to drink it.
  • Now you can safely buy wine abroad - at wineries, in regular and Duty Free stores, as much as you can carry. Savings of at least two to three times are guaranteed.
  • In the current climate, when traditional financial instruments are rapidly losing credibility, wine is becoming an increasingly popular investment method. We are, of course, talking about good wines “for growth” - and you now have everything you need to bring such a wine to its peak without worrying that it will spoil due to improper storage.

As you can see, there are many ways to save, and you can probably come up with a few more. Good luck with choosing a wine cabinet - and happy wines!

First, you buy a couple of magazines or books about wine. Then the decanter. Then they give you a super corkscrew and a set of wine accessories. And suddenly it occurs to you that it would be nice to have a wine cabinet in your household - how long can you keep white in the refrigerator and red in the cupboard? Congratulations on going from amateur to professional!

Who needs a wine cooler?

Of course, a couple of bottles of wine can be stored anywhere. But if you are already buying wines not only for a specific occasion, but simply because you are interested in a millesime or an estate, then you have already moved to a new expert level.

In order for wine to ripen properly, it is necessary to ensure a certain constant temperature, light, humidity and good ventilation during storage. In other words, maintaining ideal conditions for beautiful aging and simply high-quality preservation of wines is possible only with the help of a wine cabinet.

Having a wine cabinet helps you save significantly on your “hobby” by buying wine from wholesale suppliers or directly from wineries.

Perfect Consistency

As you know, ideal conditions for aging wine are approximately the following: constant temperature at 13-14˚C, humidity 65-70%, complete absence of vibration and effective ventilation.

Any temperature changes have a bad effect on the quality of the wine and the elasticity of the cork. It is important to remember that wine matures more quickly if the temperature is higher than recommended. It is much more dangerous to “overexpose” wine than to drink it young - in the first case, it may become completely unfit for consumption.

Why is constant humidity important? Low humidity causes the cork to dry out, allowing air into the bottle, while high humidity promotes the growth of unwanted microorganisms. In both cases, the wine spoils and does not age.

Lighting is another important factor that affects the quality of your collection. You can't rely on bottle glass alone to protect your drink from direct sunlight. You yourself must provide the precious bottles with darkness, coolness and complete rest.

And finally, only in wine cabinets can you conveniently store many bottles in a horizontal position. In this case, the plug is always in contact with the liquid. A dry cork can lead to evaporation of wine through it, which also adversely affects the final taste of the product.

Selecting a wine cabinet


The simplest wine cabinets function similarly to a refrigerator, that is, they maintain a constant temperature. More expensive multi-temperature cabinets allow you to set a specific temperature on each shelf. For example, +7˚С on the shelf with sparkling wine and +16˚С on the shelf with dry reds. In a multi-zone cabinet, you can quickly prepare wine for serving by moving it to a compartment with the desired temperature. Single-temperature cabinets are more interesting for collectors who have a large number of wines in long-term storage.


Built-in wine cabinets can be beautifully integrated into kitchen furniture, but they have a small capacity - from 7 to an average of 50 bottles. In size they are quite comparable to a dishwasher or oven.

Freestanding cabinets can hold up to 500 bottles, such home models have a classic design with wood trim, while commercial cabinets are similar to regular refrigerators.

Only you can determine the optimal capacity - evaluate how often you buy wine “in reserve,” welcome guests, etc. According to experts, the average family of wine lovers drinks up to 200 bottles a year, and this figure can be used as a guide. It is advisable to choose a cabinet larger than you think is necessary at the moment, because the appetite comes with eating, and the cost of this unit only increases over time.

Market leaders

Today, a wine cooler is in the catalog of almost every company that produces built-in kitchen appliances. However, specialized brands have gained great popularity:

Liebherr- a wide range of models, both built-in and free-standing, at an affordable price.

Climadiff— French wine cabinets with a 200-year manufacturing history. The company even developed a special “Declaration of Rights of the Wine Bottle”, according to which each of them has the right to respect, safe shelter and flourishing. The catalog of models includes both inexpensive single-temperature cabinets and three-zone monsters for storing hundreds of bottles of wine.

EuroCave— premium French cabinets for those who devote themselves to their passion for wine and plan to use the gadget to age valuable, exclusive wines.

Every person has their own little weaknesses. Some people prefer to admire reproductions of paintings by famous artists at home, others collect porcelain donkeys, and others are partial to good wine. And if in the first two cases the problem is only the search for the necessary element of the collection, then in the third, the problem of how to preserve the properties and taste of the drink for many months, or even years, also becomes relevant.

The ability to correctly select and serve wine at the table speaks not only of refined taste, but also of the excellent manners of the owner. Often a bottle of good vintage wine can make a simple dinner unforgettable. However, the same bottle, as a rule, waits in the wings on the shelf for a very long time.

According to modern wine connoisseurs, it is difficult to find a better place than a cellar to store a noble drink. And if in a private home this is at least theoretically possible, then in the conditions of a modern metropolis it justifiably causes difficulties. However, there is a way out, namely a wine cabinet.

Storage conditions

To start– a brief excursion into the key conditions for storing wine. Firstly, the container should be as airtight as possible. This is why bottles are stored horizontally, so that the liquid flows around the cork, thereby creating another barrier to air. The entry of oxygen into the bottle leads to oxidation of the drink and, accordingly, to a change in the original taste. This usually happens due to the drying out of the cork, which after three years begins to crumble and break. Constant humidity at 70-80% prevents this. If the percentage of water in the air is higher, the cork and label will begin to mold, which is also extremely undesirable.

Secondly, constant temperature. Since the process of wine maturation does not stop from the moment the bottle is corked, temperature can greatly affect its taste and overall condition. So at high temperatures, fermentation occurs faster, at low temperatures, respectively, slower. For short-term storage of wine, experts recommend a temperature of 10-13 degrees Celsius, for a storage period of more than 1.5 years - 16-17 degrees. It is also worth protecting bottles from sudden changes in temperature, which again leads to destruction of the cap and depressurization of the bottle.

Third, peace. Wine does not tolerate any, even remote vibration, vibrations or shocks. The drink should be stored in a quiet place where no one will disturb it unnecessarily. Conditions of clean air without unnecessary odors also occur. It is worth taking care of good ventilation so that the drink remains only with its own aroma and does not pick up outsiders.

Fourth, lighting, or rather the lack thereof. Bright light provokes unwanted processes that make the taste of wine much worse. Darkness, on the other hand, creates conditions that allow the drink to age and acquire a much richer flavor.

Wine cabinets

Today, all leading refrigeration equipment manufacturing companies are engaged in the production of wine cabinets. They come in a variety of sizes: from full-wall racks to small cabinets for a maximum of 6 bottles. Since a wine cooler is primarily an expensive piece of furniture, the design of the devices is designed accordingly. Different colors, clear or frosted glass, lighting - all this helps to create a sophisticated and elegant style for your home.

Let's briefly evaluate several of the most popular models of wine coolers from different price ranges:

IP INDUSTRIE JG 45 AX CF an expensive wine cabinet designed for 45 bottles. It has a coating on the glass door to protect against UV rays, wooden shelves, a display and one temperature setting. Cost – 1900 US dollars.

Tabletop wine cabinet PROFYCOOL JC 23 G2 for 8 bottles of Bordeaux type. The cooling system is built on the Peltier principle, which means the exclusion of moving particles and, accordingly, the complete absence of vibrations. It also has touch controls and blue backlighting. Would be a great addition to an office or home office. Cost – 200 US dollars.

LIEBHERR WKb 1812 It features a child lock feature, easy-to-change activated carbon air filters and an open door alarm. Capacity – 66 bottles. Cost – 1000 US dollars.

Is it worth buying

Today, a bottle of good collectible wine is considered one of the most versatile and representative gifts. The collection of wines, albeit small, speaks of wealth and an excellent sense of taste. In order to preserve this collection and give the drink the opportunity to age and improve, a simple cabinet is not enough. It is necessary to comply with all the conditions described above, and this in a modern apartment is only possible with a special wine cabinet. If you really appreciate the delicate taste and lightness of real wine, a wine cabinet will be a useful and appropriate purchase that will allow you to enjoy your favorite drink at any time.

Wine cabinet- is it needed at all?

A very good question that I hear quite often. The truth is, the answer lies in your tasks and goals. What is a wine cabinet for? Correct for storing wine. There is only a small nuance that matters. If you always have wine in small quantities, maybe a couple of bottles, which quickly run out and others appear, then there is no need for a wine cabinet. Yes, you can purchase a small wine cabinet. Now they are more varied and the choice is quite large. At least for 10 bottles. And you will have a stylish, special place to properly store your tasting joys.

Although, I don’t see the point when it comes to such a small quantity. It’s another matter when there is always wine in your house and there is quite a lot of it - from 30 bottles. Inventories are constantly decreasing and then replenished again. And there are wines that you want to save for a special occasion. That's when wine cabinet will be a faithful assistant. Today you can fit up to 300 bottles there. Firstly, you will free up space in your closet for clothes, space on the floor and other space that can be used for its intended purpose. The most important thing is that the wine will be stored correctly! You can set aside several shelves for everyday wines that you can simply “drink” in the evening. You can set aside a couple of shelves for wines that need long aging. And below there are a couple of shelves where sparkling wines can be placed. They always delight with their bubbles and give a feeling of celebration!

A wine cooler is useful because it regulates and maintains the optimal storage temperature. And also humidity, which is also important. It is sealed, so no foreign odors will penetrate. Wine cabinet- looks stylish, takes up minimal space and teaches discipline!
Store your wines correctly so that they delight you with their aroma and taste!

For those who understand wine. We doubted for a long time whether to prepare this material. Is it needed at all? Still, the culture of drinking wine in Russia cannot be called developed. In our country, due to objective and subjective reasons, there is a different national drink. However, neither our nor anyone else’s industry produces special refrigerators for vodka (in any case, “Culinary Eden” knows nothing about this yet). But wine refrigerators are produced by various manufacturers and sold in stores, including Russian ones. Since they are present on the domestic market, it means someone needs it.

Meet the wine cabinet

Wine cabinet. It's also a wine refrigerator. Suitable for use both at home and in the office (depending on where it is more convenient for you to store wine). There are wine cabinets of different sizes (for different numbers of bottles). A wine cabinet can resemble a small single-door cabinet, or it can be multi-door, the size of a large refrigerator. It all depends on how many standard wine bottles (0.7 liter capacity, narrow, with high sides, Bordeaux type) it is designed for. The size of the wine cabinet is also affected by its functionality. Wine cabinets can be free-standing or built into furniture, as well as integrated into the refrigerator. Also, wine cabinets differ from each other in the variety of possible temperature settings: there are models that support one temperature, there are models with two and three temperature zones, and multi-temperature ones (after all, different temperatures are desirable for storing different wines).

Based on the type of design, wine cabinets are divided into standard (relatively inexpensive), luxury, elite and even exclusive. The most demanding wine connoisseurs (winemakers, sommeliers) for storing vintage collection wines, of course, should pay attention to more advanced models that provide not only proper storage for various types and varieties of wine, but also, for example, bringing the wine to the temperature of consumption before serving (this is important for the fullest disclosure of the taste of the drink).

Shelves and vibration

Shelves in “correct” wine cabinets ensure the horizontal position of bottles of wine (can be at a slight angle so that the label is visible). Thus, during storage, the wine comes into contact with the cork - it does not dry out. Often standard wine cabinets have plastic or metal shelves. It's practical, but it has There is one downside to this solution - such shelves do not completely dampen possible vibrations that occur during compression cooling. Meanwhile, when storing wine, it is advisable to avoid vibrations (otherwise, certain biochemical processes in the wine are disrupted, which can lead to the appearance of sediment). For the same reason (vibration, as well as additional unnecessary heating), it is not recommended to install the wine cooler next to a dishwasher or washing machine. Wooden shelves (especially, for example, made of cherry) dampen vibrations better. The compressor in a wine cooler is usually mounted slightly differently than in a regular refrigerator: damping rubber gaskets and other solutions are used to dampen vibration. There are wine cabinets in which the design does not provide for a compressor at all - they are thermoelectric (there are also such refrigerators).


Modern wine cabinets are usually electronically controlled. It allows you to create optimal conditions for long-term storage and serving of wine. Thanks to electronics, the storage temperature of wine or the temperature for serving it, as well as humidity (if there are corresponding functions), can be accurately set and maintained. The “communication” between the user and the device will be facilitated by the display.

Temperature and humidity

Correct temperature conditions are one of the main conditions for proper storage of wine. Professionals consider the optimal temperature for long-term storage of wine to be 12-13°C. This is in general, although some varieties require it to be a little warmer or a little cooler - keep that in mind. This is why it is advisable to have several temperature zones in the wine cabinet. At least two - because the wine serving temperature is 16-18°C (red), 7-12°C (white), 5-8°C (champagne). Thus, if the cabinet has two temperature zones, the user can store wine in one chamber and bring it to the ideal serving temperature in the other.

As for humidity, an equally important aspect that should be taken into account when storing wine, the optimal humidity for this is 50-75%: ideal humidity levels for maintaining a wine cork (made of cork) in proper condition. At lower humidity, the cork may become deformed (dry out) - air will get into the wine and it will turn sour. At higher humidity, there is a danger that the cork will begin to mold - this is also completely useless for wine. Typically, the humidity in a wine cooler is maintained using a “drip system” (also called a “crying wall”) - just like in a regular refrigerator. More expensive models may be equipped with humidity control aids. For example, lava stones - they absorb excess moisture if the air is too damp, and release moisture if the air is dry. Lava stones can be purchased optionally if necessary.


Wine cabinets come with transparent (usually glass) and opaque doors. Of course, especially if you purchase a cabinet for long-term storage of wine, it is very desirable that the light does not fall on the bottles. After all, ultraviolet radiation (from the sun or fluorescent lamps), to put it mildly, is not beneficial for wine - it promotes the oxidation processes of the drink. There are also many models, where the door has darkened glass and lighting is provided inside (special lamps - the light does not harm the wine and does not heat the air) - this makes it possible to look inside the cabinet without opening the door. It’s good if the wine cabinet door is double glazed. In this case, there are fewer temperature losses, which means the device will consume less electricity.


When purchasing a wine cabinet, you should also pay attention to the presence of cabinet ventilation. The supply of fresh air is important for storing and ripening wine (after all, wines are often stored precisely so that they ripen). In good wine coolers, the interior space is usually connected to the “outside atmosphere” through a special opening. Naturally, if different odors, for example kitchen odors, enter the wine cabinet, there is no need for blame. Therefore, wine coolers with ventilation capabilities are always equipped with carbon filters.

Design and wine

The appearance of the wine cabinet, as well as the materials from which it is made, generally do not affect the quality of wine storage (except for better vibration-damping wooden shelves). At the same time, a wine cooler is usually not a cheap pleasure (the price range is wide: from 30 thousand to half a million rubles*). Equipment purchased for that kind of money should not only be useful and functional, but also beautiful. Manufacturers understand this and strive to create wine cabinets that are pleasing to the eye. The finish of the wine cabinet can be anything: stainless steel, plastic elements, wood (or wood-like), even leather. Since wine cabinets are produced, including to order, the finishing materials can be anything. Depending on the customer's imagination.

A few examples

The main manufacturers of wine coolers, whose products can be purchased in Russia: Miele, Liebherr, Gorenje, Electrolux, Bosch-Siemens, Climadiff, EuroCave, Samsung, Vestfrost.

A large range of wine cabinets is produced under the French brand EuroCave. It is little known in Russia (although connoisseurs know), but in fact it is one of the leading manufacturers of wine cabinets in Europe. The range includes both compact models (multi-temperature cabinet S059 with a capacity of up to 56 bottles, dimensions: 82 × 59.4 × 56.6, approximately the same as a full-size “dishwasher”, cost - 90-100 thousand rubles), and more spacious ones (S159 , for 70 bottles, 130 thousand rubles), etc. There are several lines on sale, including luxury wine cabinets finished with expensive exclusive materials.

The Russian assortment of the Gorenje company includes an inexpensive (for a wine cabinet) model XWC660EF. This single-temperature compressor cabinet costs about 35 thousand rubles. Holds up to 52 standard wine bottles. There is a manual setting of the wine storage temperature, as well as preset storage modes: “White wine” and “Red wine”. Metal shelves with telescopic guides and front wooden decorative panels. Bottles are stored at right angles.

A large range of free-standing and built-in wine cabinets is presented in Russia under the German brand Liebherr. It is also worth noting the side-by-side form factor refrigerator with an integrated wine cooler. We are talking about the SBSes 7155 model. On the right (if you stand facing the refrigerator) it has a refrigerator compartment (useful volume - 247 l) and a freshness zone (BioFresh, 103 l), and on the left there is a freezer (at the bottom, 119 l) and a wine compartment (128 l , 41 bottles). Note that the wine chamber has wooden shelves. There is ventilation (with carbon filtration). It is possible to organize two independent temperature zones inside the wine compartment. Maintained temperature is from 5 to 18°C. Door with tinted glass, backlight. The cost of the Liebherr SBSes 7155 refrigerator is 170-180 thousand rubles.

Several models of wine coolers of different sizes and capacities are presented in Russia by the Miele company. Let us note the compact compressor model KWT 4154 UG-1. This small wine cabinet (dimensions: 82x60x57.5 cm) has wooden shelves with telescopic guides. Capacity: up to 38 bottles. There are two temperature zones with the ability to individually adjust the temperature in each. In addition, each zone has: its own internal lighting, dynamic cooling (uniform distribution of cool air), heating system (automatically turns on in case of low outside temperature), ventilation (with carbon filtration), metal frames at the ends of the shelves (for placing labels). The cost of the Miele KWT 4154 UG-1 wine cabinet is 105 thousand rubles.

Of course, each specific model of a wine cabinet may have its own individual technical features. Manufacturers can use certain technologies and know-how in them. When purchasing a wine cabinet, be sure to consult with a specialist (including a sommelier). In this material, we have outlined general points that are relevant, in general, for most wine cabinets.

* - All prices in the material are based on results
monitoring of Russian online stores. As of January 2011.

Daniil Golovin


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