What does the body need vitamin B17 for? Can it treat cancer? Vitamin B17: what foods contain it, what are its benefits and potential harm Vitamin B 17 against cancer

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Is cancer treatment possible? Yes, cancer can be defeated! Mother Nature did not forget about us and took care of this by providing a natural effective remedy against cancer - vitamin B17.

But what is his secret? Why does this particular vitamin cure cancer and what is the mechanism of its action? Let's slowly and consistently understand everything so that you gain true knowledge on this topic, truly understand everything and draw your own conclusions.

History of vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 was discovered back in 1830. The German professor of organic chemistry, Justus von Liebig, isolated it from the seeds of bitter almonds, giving it the name “amygdalin” (from the Greek almond). It was later found in the seeds of apples, peaches, cherries, grapes and apricots. In the 20th century, amygdalin was added to the B vitamins - “B17”, but for a long time it could not be obtained in the laboratory. And only in 1952, Dr. Ernst Theodor Krebs managed to obtain it in a purified and concentrated form, isolating it from an apricot kernel and calling it “laetrile.” Based on it, he created a drug that could be administered to cancer patients, but initially Dr. Krebs tested it on himself to personally verify its safety. Later, Dr. John Richardson also proved the effectiveness of vitamin B17 by curing several cancer patients in San Francisco.

But official medicine conducted research in 1971, during which it was revealed that there was no positive effect from the use of B17 in the treatment of cancer. And although Dr. Richardson, with the help of journalist Edward Griffin, managed to prove that the results of the laetrile studies were fabricated, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the drug. And until now, B17 and even apricot kernels are prohibited for sale in the United States, although the number of deaths from cancer is steadily increasing.

It is interesting to note that ancient Chinese medicine used bitter almonds, which are rich in vitamin B17, to treat various tumors.

Mechanism of action B17

What is the mechanism of action of this vitamin on cancer cells? How does he manage to destroy them so quickly? Let's discard complex terms and use simple human language to understand this step by step.

The bottom line is this: B17 has the ability to attract cancer cells and destroy them, while preserving healthy tissue. But why is it harmless to healthy body tissues and does not cause damage to them? The fact is that each vitamin molecule contains a tricky warhead - a cyanide compound, which is essentially poison. But in order for cyanide to become dangerous, it is first necessary to “open” the molecule and release it, which only a special type of enzyme (a protein that plays the role of a catalyst in biochemical reactions) can do.

This enzyme is present in our body, but in very small quantities. However, in cancerous tumors there is almost a hundred times more of it! This is why the poison called cyanide (warhead) acts only and only in cancerous areas of the body! This is detrimental to cancer cells, but not to healthy ones - after all, they do not have enough enzyme in them and the warhead remains dormant. As a result, cancer cells die, and healthy ones continue their activities, which is what we need. This is a cunning but effective mechanism that nature came up with.

What causes cancer

In 1952, Dr. Ernst Theodor Krebs put forward the theory that cancer, like scurvy or rickets, is not caused by some mysterious bacterium, virus or toxin, but is a simple vitamin deficiency, i.e. lack of certain vitamins. The doctor's long experience told him that cancer was a simple disease of vitamin B17 deficiency. Centuries ago we used to eat millet and flaxseed bread (rich in B17), but now we eat rolls and processed wheat bread that contains nothing healthy. For several generations, our grandmothers patiently pounded the seeds of plums, cherries, apples, and apricots in a mortar and carefully mixed the crushed kernels with their homemade preserves and jams. Grandma probably didn't know why she did this, but the kernels of all these fruits are some of the most potent sources of B17 in the world.

Many years of studying the nutrition of the peoples of the world led Dr. Krebs to the conclusion that every pre-industrial people, free from the problem of cancer, had in their diet the same factor that protected them from this terrible disease - the vitamin B17 factor. The transition from the agricultural stage of development of peoples to the technological stage for all peoples without exception occurred with the loss of this food factor. In Rus', the diet has always included rye, which contains B17 - you can also add barley, oats, millet, and flax here. With the transition to wheat, the cancer statistics curve began to go up all over the world.

Cancers are almost completely absent in agricultural peoples whose diets are rich in B17. The transition to wheat cultivation and the general commercialization of agriculture inevitably brought with it the problems that oncology is unsuccessfully trying to solve today. Today, more than ever, it is important for a person to understand that vitamin B17 for a healthy existence is the same simplest and most necessary substance for a person as vitamin D (sunlight) or vitamin C.

Here is an incomplete list of foods that contain B17: bitter almond seeds (2.5-3.5%), peaches (2-3%), apricot and plum pits (1-1.8%), cherry pits (0. 8%) and nectarines, apple seeds. It is also found in alfalfa sprouts, barley, blackberries, brown rice, blueberries, lentils, sorghum, millet, corn, rye, quince, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, walnuts, grape seeds, flaxseed. Please note that these products are almost completely absent from the modern human diet.

It also contains bamboo sprouts, beet tops, blackberries, boysenberries, brewer's yeast, buckwheat, cashew nuts, cherry kernels, cranberries, eucalyptus leaves, currants, fava beans, flax seeds, garbanzo beans, gooseberries, blueberries, lima beans, flaxseed oil, macadamia nuts, millet seeds, plum kernels, sorghum cane syrup, sprouts (alfalfa, lentils, beans, buckwheat, garbanzo), watercress, yams.

Previously, fruits contained B17 not only in their seeds, but also in their pulp. Today it can only be found in wild fruits of various fruits. In general, it is found naturally in abundance in more than 1,200 edible plants and is found in almost every part of the world. This is why animals in the wild do not get cancer.

Cancer Prevention

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to simply remember to periodically eat something from the above list - for example, 1-2 apricot kernels per day. Gradually, their number can be increased to 7-10 seeds per day, which will be quite enough. It is understood that you will eat the bones not at one time, but throughout the day. They need to be chewed, despite their bitterness, because they are essential in our diet. They can be added to any food product. They can be crushed and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey. As a preventative measure, Dr. Krebs argued that about 7 apricot seeds per day guarantees a person protection against cancer for life. One or two B17 tablets (about 100 mg) per day is the most acceptable dosage.

Don’t forget about the other side of the issue - limit sugar in your diet (it feeds cancer cells) and flour products made from premium flour, give up caffeine. Avoid drinking alcohol and try to eat as many unprocessed foods as possible. Drink plenty of drinking water (about 8-10 glasses per day) - it will help you remove toxins from your body.

This is where the original text and the most complete information about vitamins are located. If you are reading these lines on another site, then this text has been stupidly copied and you are visiting dishonest people. Sorry and let's move on.

If cancer has already occurred

If cancer has occurred, then the most important thing is to supply the body with the maximum dose of B17 in a short period of time. All related medical skills are secondary. In almost all cases of the disease, when a person was given B17 in large doses, the cancerous tumors shrank.

Why can't you just eat apricot kernels if you have cancer? The fact is that this food simultaneously brings nutrition to the infected cells. Therefore, preference should be given to their purified extracts or tablets. In order for them to exert their full effect, extracts and nutrient tablets must be taken in extremely large doses - megadoses.

Cancer is a very serious disease, and to cure it, you need to gain true knowledge about this disease and draw your own conclusion. To do this, we suggest you watch Edward Griffin's film "A World Without Cancer and Vitamin B17." Let us recall that Dr. John Richardson proved the effectiveness of laetrile (B17). But when the drug was banned, the doctor turned to Edward Griffin, a journalist specializing in independent investigations, with a request to inform the public about the merits of laetrile. After conducting his own investigation, Griffin discovered that the results of the laetrile studies were fabricated by pharmacists. In addition, Edward Griffin received classified materials regarding these studies, which indicated the opposite - pharmacists saw the effectiveness of laetrile, but hid it. These documents formed the basis for this film.

Where to buy laetrile (B17)

It is impossible to buy vitamin B17 in a pharmacy, but you can still purchase it on our website - information below. We will definitely contact you and discuss both the monetary issue and the delivery method. If you are convinced that you or your loved ones need laetrile, then you need to act decisively and quickly. You should have Vitamin B17 as soon as possible.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: You should know that real vitamin B17 (amygdalin) is completely different from crushed apricot kernels, which is what some companies offer. For comparison: 33 capsules of 500 mg of this pseudoamygdalin are equivalent to one tablet of 500 mg of real amygdalin (vitamin B17).

Vitamin B17 (100 capsules of 100 mg)

Natural B17 is extracted from apricot seeds. Made in USA (California).

Vitamin B17 capsules (100 capsules, 100 mg each).

Other Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsules), microcrystalline cellulose, ascorbyl palmitate, silica.

Price 3200 rub.

Vitamin B17 (100 capsules of 500 mg)

Vitamin B17 capsules (100 capsules, 500 mg each).

Made in the USA (California) from raw materials grown without pesticides and herbicides.

Apricot Seed Extract, B17 (Amygdalin) 500 mg

Price 6500 rub.

Amygdalin Forte

One of the most popular drugs against cancer is Amygdalin Forte. Potent and highly effective in use.

The treatment method is based on restoring the immune system of our body, after which it has the ability to independently and effectively deal with the disease. This method does not coincide with the dogmas of traditional medicine. Amygdalin therapy has been successfully used in foreign countries, showing excellent results.

Amygdalin Forte is a 99% concentrate of vitamin B17, the source of which is the kernels of wild apricots and bitter almonds. Amygdalin Forte is used in the treatment of cancer, effectively destroying cancer cells.

The package contains 3 blisters of 20 capsules each, 1 capsule directly contains 300 mg of pure amygdalin, 25 mg of microcrystalline cellulose, 25 mg of maltodextrin.

Anti-cancer vitamin B17 (amygdalin) in ampoules

The package contains 10 ampoules of 3 grams each.

Dosage as directed by your doctor (intramuscular/intravenous).

The contents of 1-2 ampoules are administered at a time by slow jet injection into a vein or catheter, once a day (with a 20 ml syringe of 21 gauge with a 40 mm needle).

Price 9200 rub.

Anti-cancer vitamin B17 (amygdalin 100x100mg) Mexico

The package contains 100 capsules of 100 mg each. The dosage is determined according to your doctor's instructions. We recommend.
Price 3600 rub.

Anti-cancer vitamin B17 (amygdalin 100x500mg) Mexico

The famous amygdalin from Mexico! But why has he earned such a high reputation?

Apricot seeds contain varying amounts of amygdalin depending on the variety. Large amounts of amygdalin were found in bitter apricot varieties, but not in sweet ones. And therefore, the seeds of bitter varieties contain very high levels of amygdalin.

This amygdalin has an active ingredient of pure vitamin B17, extracted from apricot kernels with a purity of 99.5%, and is a very stable compound.

The package contains 100 capsules of 500 mg each! The dosage is determined according to your doctor's instructions. Highly recommended.
Price 8400 rub.

Laetrile Forte

The natural preparation Laetrile Forte contains 80 capsules of vitamin B17, 100 mg of pure amygdalin each. Suitable for both cancer treatment and prevention.

It is recommended for the diet as an additional source of vitamin B17, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, fatty acids and flavonoids in order to normalize the functional state of the immune and cardiovascular systems of the body. Laetrile Forte contains 100 mg of pure amygdalin of 98% concentration.

The drug Laetrile Forte is manufactured in Ukraine from imported components in accordance with the EU Directive "Directive 2002/46/EC". Take 1-2 capsules daily with meals. Use in consultation with your doctor (we recommend taking it for at least one month).

Price 2600 rub.

Amygdalin (Mexico) 60x500 mg

This package contains 60 vitamin B17 tablets, 500 mg each. We recommend!
Price 5700 rub.

Amygdalin (Mexico) 100x100mg

Mexican Amygdalin may have the highest reputation among similar manufacturers, based on customer reviews. What is the secret of such popularity? If you face the truth, only a few can explain this. All vitamin B17 manufacturers claim that they produce products only from high-quality raw materials, have 100% quality control and other marketing “goodies”. But in fact it turns out that Mexican amygdalin is the best of the best.

This package contains 100 vitamin B17 tablets, 100 mg each. We recommend!
Price 3600 rub.

Unshelled bitter almonds

The source for the production of vitamin B17 are the kernels of wild apricots and bitter almonds. Therefore, the use of bitter almonds in its original form is a very mild prophylactic agent, as well as a good fixing agent when the goals of anti-cancer therapy are achieved and a gradual transition to a normal healthy lifestyle is required. If bitter almonds are taken together with amygdalin (vitamin B17), then the effectiveness of taking them together increases.

The price of almonds is small and is indicated for 100 grams. You can order any quantity of bitter almonds. Minimum purchase volume - 500 g..
Price 100 rub. for 100 gr.

An effective set of vitamins against cancer

The basis of the anti-cancer set is vitamin B17 (amygdalin), one of the most effective vitamins B17 among world producers. Its action is aimed at the widespread destruction of cancer cells, which it successfully does.

The set is complemented by vitamin B15 (pangamic acid), which is actually an assistant to B17 - together they act much more effectively. Because cancer cells are coated with a protein coat, it is difficult for immune cells to penetrate it. But B15 dissolves the membrane, allowing the cancer cell to be attacked directly.

The final component of the set is Super Enzymes. These enzymes have been successfully used in anticancer therapy together with vitamin B17 (amygdalin) and vitamin B15. Super Enzymes help optimize the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and protein, and help absorb B17. Enzymes are the key to health at any age - with them, wounds heal faster, inflammatory processes occur more easily and end faster.

Set includes:

  • Two packs of vitamin B17 - 100 tablets/capsules, each containing 500 mg of pure amygdalin.
  • Packaging B15, each containing 100 vitamin capsules.
  • Super Enzymes - the package contains 90 capsules. The manufacturer is the world famous company "NOW".
Approximately, the “Effective set of vitamins against cancer” is designed for 1 month of use. When cancer has already occurred, many are interested in how and in what dosages to take B17, and is it necessary to use any additional drugs for a more effective result?

The question is correct and relevant, and it is difficult to answer it briefly. Naturally, it has helpers in the form of other vitamins, minerals or trace elements. But his most important assistant is the man himself!

Hello dear readers of Andryukha’s blog. Oncology is one of the most terrible and deadly diseases. Cancer affects tens of millions of people around the world and has already claimed the lives of millions of people. There are various types of treatment, but none can guarantee complete healing. Therefore, many patients are looking for a variety of treatment methods, including those not recognized by official medicine.

A simple solution was found in vitamin B17, which is found in most fruit seeds. Therefore, large companies resist this with all their might; they do not need such a drug, since it can destroy a giant industry built on cancer patients.

Many were able to heal thanks to this vitamin and this is proof that natural medicine exists!

In this article you will learn everything about vitamin B17 against cancer (useful properties, where it is found, how to take it and what are the contraindications), as well as an effective remedy for boosting immunity.

Vitamin B17 (amygdalin) is a gencibioside of mandelic acid nitrile, which is found in the seeds of plants of the plum genus. It began to be used in the treatment of oncology in the mid-19th century. It was noticed that when it entered the patient’s body, it quickly dealt with malignant cells, while not affecting healthy cells. It was used as an additional agent for the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Nowadays, this vitamin is sold under the brand name Laetrile; it began to be used in the treatment of oncology in the 19th century, but it was toxic, and a safe drug appeared only in the second half of the 20th century.

According to a number of theories, cancer usually occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin B17. At one time, during the Soviet era, millet bread was on sale and was in steady demand, and in villages women crushed seeds and pits of plum-shaped fruits in mortars. All these foods contained quite a lot of amygdalin.

The effect of vitamin B17 is unique, it selectively acts at the cellular level, finds and acts on cancer cells, killing them, and at the same time, without affecting healthy cells of the body. In addition, this vitamin slows down the aging process, improves metabolic processes and has a pronounced analgesic effect.

In the mid-20th century, Laetrile was tested on animals and confirmed its therapeutic activity with: leukemia, carcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma and melanoma. Within 20 years it began to be used as an alternative treatment for human oncology.

Beneficial properties of vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 has many positive properties:

  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Removing inflammatory processes.
  • Reducing symptoms of intoxication in oncology.
  • Reducing the occurrence and development of arthritis, osteochondrosis, thrombosis.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Allows you to get rid of depression.

There has been controversy surrounding this vitamin for more than half a century. Official medicine does not recognize it and even declares its danger; fans of alternative medicine do not agree with them. They believe that amygdalin has the following properties:

  • Destroys cancer cells without affecting healthy tissues and cells.
  • Slow down the aging process of the skin.
  • They have a pronounced analgesic property.
  • It is an excellent preventive agent for oncology.

Prohibition of vitamin B17

The ban on vitamin B17 began in 2000, the first country where amygdalin was banned was the USA, then it began to be banned in other countries. This ban in the United States was initiated by large pharmaceutical companies, since it is profitable for them to sell their patented drugs for the treatment of oncological diseases, making fabulous profits from their sale than the sale of an inexpensive, unpatented vitamin B17 product. The cause was stated to be the presence of hydrocyanic acid (cyanide).

Products containing vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 is found only in foods of plant origin, with its maximum concentration found in seeds. The seeds of all common fruits (except citrus fruits) contain vitamin B17. There is no amygdalin in meat and dairy products. Flaxseed and apricot oils are rich in this vitamin. The medicinal properties of apricot seeds became known almost 40 years ago. Many scientists believe that if you add the seeds of this fruit to your daily diet, cancer will never begin to develop.

Foods containing the most vitamin B17:

  1. More than 500 mg. Apricot, cherry, peach, plum and prune pits. Apricot oil, beans, pear and apple seeds, cranberries, blueberries and bitter almonds.
  2. From 100 to 500 mg. Quince, apple, elderberry, cherry, raspberry, gooseberry, currant, lentil, green peas, buckwheat, millet, macadama nut, pumpkin seeds, flax seed and oil.
  3. Less than 100 mg. Blackberries, raisins, dried apricots, watercress, spinach, cashews, brown rice, Jerusalem artichoke, beans, bird cherry and beet leaves.

Permitted daily intake of vitamin B17

In order to completely compensate for the deficiency of vitamin B17 and not get signs of poisoning, they must strictly follow the following fairly simple rules:

  1. If you eat fruit seeds, then you cannot eat more than 6 during the day, and you should limit yourself to only two kernels at a time.
  2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children under 12 years of age, should completely limit their intake of fruit seeds.

To eliminate a possible overdose, you need to take ascorbic acid and drink as much water as possible.

During amygdolino therapy, it is necessary to completely stop drinking alcohol, smoking and drinking coffee.

The maximum daily intake of vitamin B17 is 3000 milligrams (this is about 300 grams of bitter almonds or 20 apricot kernels), but it is not recommended to consume more than 1000 milligrams at a time.

  • In the presence of detected cancer.
  • With a high risk of malignant tumors (if you are in a risk group: genetic predisposition and polluted environment).
  • For obesity.
  • With excessive mental and physical stress.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should limit your intake of vitamin B17 or reduce it to a minimum; these are the only contraindications.

Deficiency and excess of vitamin B17 in the body

The only reason for oversaturation of the body with vitamin B17 is the use of medications and food products containing this vitamin in too large quantities. An overdose is very dangerous, since the breakdown process produces hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic even in small quantities. Hydrocyanic acid stops energy production in cells and stops cellular respiration; with a stronger overdose, death from suffocation is possible.
The main signs of an excess of amygdalin are:

  • Symptoms of poisoning.
  • Choking and signs of lack of air.
  • The skin becomes bluish.
  • Nausea and weakness appear.
  • Severe headaches begin.
  • Possible loss of consciousness.

Vitamin overdose occurs very rarely.

Official medicine believes that the presence of this substance in our body is not necessary and is not necessary, but representatives of alternative medicine do not agree with this.

In their opinion, the consequences of a lack of vitamin B17 in the human body:

  1. The likelihood of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors increases very sharply, even for people who are not at risk.
  2. The emergence and development of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Interactions with other drugs and products

No large-scale and serious studies of vitamin B17 for interactions with other medications and foods have been conducted and have not been fully studied. It is only known that when consuming foods high in amygdalin, you should not simultaneously take alcoholic beverages, as they seriously increase the likelihood of hydrocyanic acid poisoning. Therefore, alcohol is contraindicated when consuming vitamin B17.

The use of vitamin B17 in oncology

In our country, vitamin B17 is sold under the brand name Amygdalin and is available in capsule form. The main active ingredient is dry powder of crushed apricot kernels. Amygdalin is taken twice a day, morning and evening with meals, 1 capsule with plenty of water for 30 days. The duration of the course of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.

The main indications for taking vitamin B17 are malignant tumors, as well as a preventative against cancer and a source of antioxidants, fatty acids, and flavonoids.

How can you fight cancer naturally?

Edward Griffin, in his book “A World Without Cancer,” proved that cancer develops as a result of vitamin deficiency, as a result of the lack of essential substances that have recently been removed from the diet. To cure oncology of any etiology, you simply need to restore a healthy diet, namely add vitamin B17 to your diet. This book contains detailed information about cancer research that was abruptly stopped, and about leading scientists who were persecuted and even stopped when they advocated the use of vitamin B17.

Transnational pharmaceutical and medical corporations are not ready to lose their super-profits and they started a campaign to persecute the author and all scientists who supported his idea, as well as against vitamin B17 itself, declaring that it contains hydrocyanic acid. They were also able to ban the sale of apricot kernels, as well as vitamin B17 itself.

Previously, all fruits, except citrus fruits, contained this vitamin in seeds, seeds and even fruit pulp. Thanks to the efforts of pharmaceutical companies, as a result of selection and cultivation, the pulp no longer contains vitamin B17. Amygdalin in pulp is now found only in wild fruits.

The vitamin is harmless to the body, since each molecule consists of 1 cyanide compound (hydrocyanic acid), 1 benzene dehyde and 2 glucose compounds, which are tightly packed. For cyanide to begin to act, this tightly packed compound must be opened, and only beta-glucosidase can do this. In our body it is present in minimal quantities, and in malignant neoplasms there is 100 times more of it, so cyanide is released only in malignant areas of the body and only affects them. Oncological cells are destroyed, and an almost complete cure occurs.

When oncology begins to develop, it is necessary to immediately very quickly supply the body with the maximum recommended dose of vitamin B17. It is approximately necessary to consume 7 apricot seeds per day; this is the amount that can prevent the possibility of developing cancer. In almost all cases, when taking vitamin B17 in maximum doses, cancerous tumors are destroyed. To prevent cancer, you can start eating 2 seeds a day and gradually increase the daily dose and reach 8 pieces. in a day.

Previously, our grandmothers did not know why they crushed the seeds and pits of fruits and then added them to their diet, but this is the most powerful anti-cancer agent in the world.

The following foods and drinks that contribute to the development of cancer:

  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Drinks (all carbonated drinks, Diet Coke).
  • Meat and sausage products (sausages, beef fat, red meat, smoked meats, sausages).
  • Dairy products.
  • Salt.
  • Refined sugar.
  • Vinegar.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Popcorn and chips.
  • Tomatoes canned in metal cans.
  • Margarine.
  • Refined vegetable oils.
  • Flour products (white flour and premium flour).
  • All products with flavor enhancer E-621 (monosodium glutamate).

100% Effective immunity booster

An excellent alternative for boosting immunity at home is a remedy to eliminate accumulated stress. Scientists have proven that 95% of diseases are caused by stress and depression: bronchial asthma, rheumatism, diabetes, decreased potency, obesity, hypertension, psoriasis, insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases, decreased memory and intelligence, and excessive sweating.

According to statistics, stress shortens life by 15-20 years, causes early aging and can result in heart attack and stroke.

In addition, clinical trials conducted by European researchers involving 1,400 people found:

  • 100% effective for relieving chronic stress!
  • Efficiency in psychosomatic diseases is 98%.
  • Improved physical well-being by 96%.

The product has no side effects.

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Best regards, Andrey Vdovenko.

Amygdalin B17 is a naturally occurring substance found in nuts, such as almonds and the seeds of some fruits. Most of it is found in apricot kernels. It is also found in mung and lima beans, celery, flax seeds and other plants.

Vitamin B17 is the name given to amygdalin by Dr. Eugene Krebs Jr. He called it a food component, and natural, non-poisonous, water-soluble and compatible with human metabolism food components are referred to as vitamins.

Amygdalin comes in a concentrated, purified form, created in the laboratory and used for antitumor therapy. Therapy involves the use of amygdalin in combination with other agents that help cope with tumors and strengthen the body's immune system.

History of the use of Amygdalin in the treatment of cancer

Amygdalin is a plant compound obtained from the venom of various fruits of the genus Prunus (syn. amygdalus), including plum, prune, cherry, peach and apricot. It is one of the oldest foods used to treat cancer. Apricot kernels have been used in medicine since the time of Pen T'sao (the great Chinese herbalist) who practiced in 2800 BC in ancient China. In addition, the great Persian master of pharmacy, medicine and natural sciences Avicenna (980-1037) recommended the use of apricot and bitter almond oil for the treatment of tumors of the spleen, uterus, stomach and liver.

In the 1930s, Major Sir Robert McCarrison wrote about the Hunza tribe, who lived in a remote rural area near Northern Pakistan. He encountered these healthy and resilient people while working in the Indian Medical Service. According to McCarrison's written observations, members of the Hunza tribe enjoyed almost perfect health. Some of them lived more than 135 years, and none of them had any of the diseases that are common in the modern world, such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

Then, twenty years later, Dr. Ernest Krebs, a biochemist, discovered amygdalin in his quest to understand how cancer cells form. He read what McCarrison wrote about apricot kernels. Krebs also began to study the lifestyle and habits of the Hunza tribe.

Krebs realized that the vitality of the tribe members had much to do with their lifestyle and diet. The Hunza diet consisted primarily of raw milk, sometimes meat and bone broth, fresh grains and vegetables. They ate little sugar, and, being nomads and pastoralists, naturally moved a lot. Another characteristic that was unique to the Hunzas was that they consumed large quantities of apricot seed kernels.

Intrigued, Krebs continued his research until he found what he believed was a secret weapon that helped fight cancer cells. It was hidden in the kernels of apricot kernels and it was the glycoside amygdalin.

Once the powerful anti-cancer properties of amygdalin were discovered, the next logical step was to extract and administer this substance in concentrated doses, much greater than what a person could obtain by eating apricot kernels.

In the 1950s and 1960s, success as a cancer treatment became known, and although it did not receive FDA approval, doctors such as John A. Richardson began using it illegally. Dr. Richardson used Amygdalin B17 to treat patients in his San Francisco clinic. He said the drug worked better than any orthodox therapy he knew. The success of Amygdalin treatment is reflected in his book Case History: The Richardson Clinic Experience, authored by John A. Richardson and Patricia Irving. Originally written in 1977, the book was updated in 2005. It included follow-up histories of patients treated with Amygdalin, many of whom are still alive!

In 1972, Sloan Kettering commissioned Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, one of the world's top researchers with over 60 years of experience studying cancer, to conduct tests over a 5-year period between 1972 and 1977 that would test the effectiveness of Amygdalin in treating cancer.

The conclusion of Sugiura's work was surprising:

  1. Amygdalin inhibits tumor growth
  2. It stopped the growth of metastases in mice
  3. It eases the pain
  4. It acts as a cancer preventative
  5. It improves overall health

Why is amygdalin not recognized?

Many people are concerned about the question of why representatives of the pharmaceutical industry are trying to discredit Vitamin B17? Aren't they trying to cure cancer?

It's simple. Because it cannot be patented. If amygdalin cannot be patented, it cannot generate huge profits. And therefore it is in direct competition for pharmaceuticals. The pharmaceutical industry has repeatedly resorted to falsifying studies to prove that natural therapies don't work.

And as a result, at the moment there is not a single natural and non-toxic type of therapy used as part of traditional cancer treatment. The pharmaceutical/medicine industry wants you to believe that only patented, toxic, lab-created chemicals can cure disease.

Do you really believe this? Amygdalin has been used by cancer treatment centers outside the US for over 50 years because it really works! One of the most famous among them is the Oasis of Hope Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, founded by Dr. Ernesto Contreras in 1963. Now his son Francisco Contreras works there.

A huge contribution to the popularization of amygdalin belongs to G. Edward Griffin, author of the book “A World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17,” written in 1974. It is thanks to her that the world knows so much about the amygdala.

How does Amygdalin B17 act on cancer cells?

Vitamin B17 is a molecule consisting of four parts:

  • 2 parts – glucose
  • 1 part – benzaldehyde
  • 1 part – hydrogen cyanide

Many people will immediately think that cyanide is poison! Don't worry, it is non-toxic in this form, just like the B-12 (Cyano cobalamin) form.

Normal healthy cells contain the enzyme rhodanase, which neutralizes the benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide found in vitamin B17 and converts them into the beneficial nutrients thiocyanate and benzoic acid.

And then comes the amazing part. Glucose delivers vitamin B17 to cancer cells, but they do not have the enzyme rhodanase. Instead, they have a unique enzyme called beta-glucosidase. Found exclusively in cancer cells, this “unblocking enzyme” releases benzaldehyde and cyanide from glucose and creates another targeted poison that kills the cancer cell. It's like "natural chemistry".

This is why integrative physicians and many other health experts identify deficiencies in essential nutrients, such as vitamin B17 and/or deficiencies in proteolytic (digestive) enzymes, as causes of cancer development.

In other words, cancer is a natural process that occurs in your body when it lacks nutrients. Replenish this deficiency - and your body will heal itself from the disease.

The effectiveness of treatment with Vitamin B17

For many people, it is a discovery how useful amygdalin is in treating cancer; you can buy it on the Internet, but it is worth remembering that vitamin B17 is not a magic pill. There are a number of factors that are included in the treatment of cancer. The type of cancer is such an important factor. Some types of cancer tend to be more sensitive to amygdalin treatment than others. Vitamin B17 is not equally effective in treating different types of cancer.

Israeli scientists conducted clinical studies of Amygdalin B17 and found that it was most effective in the treatment of adenocarcinoma and Hodgkin's disease, and somewhat less effective in the treatment of sarcomas and leukemia. Similar results were achieved in Mexico, the USA and other countries.

In 1956, scientists Navarro and Lagman reported excellent results in a five-year study of 83 cancer patients. The types of cancer treated included adenocarcinoma of the breast, stomach, lung, tongue, larynx, nasopharynx, rectum, colon, liver, esophagus, thyroid, uterus, Hodgkin's disease, lymphosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, etc. Under no circumstances did scientists saw no evidence of toxicity of Amygdalin.

The results were as follows: 20% of patients experienced a decrease in tumor size or complete regression. The scientists also found that patients treated with amygdalin B17 suffered much less than those who received high-dose radiation therapy. Some patients with superficial cancerous lesions have been able to get rid of the unpleasant odor when applied topically. In patients with anorexia, appetite improved and weight gain was noted. In many patients, blood pressure normalized.

Scientists have also discovered that it is possible to improve the regression of cancerous tumors if Amygdalin is used in combination with vitamin A and enzymes. They conducted laboratory studies on mice suffering from murine adenocarcinoma and found that they experienced up to 89.3% regression of the tumor, depending on its initial size (Contreras, 1982).

Interaction of amygdalin with other drugs

In theory, amygdalin B17 may enhance drowsiness caused by certain medications, such as benzodiazepines such as lorazepam or diazepam, barbiturates such as phenobarbital, opioids such as codeine, some antidepressants, and alcohol.

You should use it with caution when driving a car or operating machinery. You should not drink alcohol during treatment with amygdalin, since in studies on mice, almond oil, when consumed simultaneously with alcohol, caused a toxic reaction in rodents (nausea, vomiting, increased respiratory rate, sweating).

Amygdalin and bitter almonds may also interact with analgesics (pain relievers), central nervous system depressants, agents that suppress or stimulate the immune system, and agents that are excreted by the kidney. However, human evidence is lacking.

Side effects of vitamin B17

It contains cyanide, which is a poison. Thus, the side effects of vitamin B17 are the same as those of cyanide. These include:

  • increase in body temperature
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • liver damage
  • drooping eyelids
  • lack of oxygen in body tissues
  • lowering blood pressure
  • nerve damage resulting in loss of balance and difficulty walking
  • confusion, coma and death

According to preliminary estimates, consumption of approximately 50-60 apricot kernels or 50 g of Amygdalin can lead to death.

If you are taking vitamin B17, it is very important to avoid taking foods that contain amygdalin at the same time, such as:

  • raw almonds
  • carrot
  • celery
  • apricots
  • peaches
  • bean sprouts
  • mung and lima beans
  • nuts
  • flax seeds
  • high doses of vitamin C

These foods are safe to eat without amygdalin because their levels are low. It is also important that people with liver problems are aware that amygdalin B17 may cause additional damage to their liver.

Vitamin B17: instructions for use in cancer

Dr. Jimenez, who first encountered vitamin B-17 in 1988 and has extensive experience with its use in cancer therapy, says clinical doses vary depending on the treatment method.

Dr. Jimenez says, “If this is your first time eating apricot kernels, start with one. Then wait a few hours before consuming another one. "Everyone is different and it may take time for your body to adjust to the recommended dosage of vitamin B17."

The ideal dosage of oral Amygdalin tablets is a 500 mg tablet or capsule half an hour before each meal (3 times a day) and another 500 mg before bed (for a total of no more than 3000 mg per day). This treatment is not as effective as intravenous administration.

For many people, the main source of amygdalin is apricot kernels. For patients with active cancer, Dr. Jimenez recommends 20 to 40 cores per day. The exact dosage depends on the patient's medical history, type and location of cancer, stage of development and other factors.

As a preventive measure for everyone or for patients in remission, the doctor recommends taking 14-16 kernels per day.

In addition, to achieve better results, Dr. Jimenez in his clinic combines Amygdalin treatment with vitamin C and a number of minerals, especially zinc and selenium.

Vitamin B17: reviews from oncologists

Treatment with amygdalin is not officially permitted. Modern medicine is of the opinion that this substance is not only not useful in treating cancer, but can also lead to cyanide poisoning. Therefore, when looking for vitamin B17, you are unlikely to find reviews about amygdalin from real oncologists online. It is rare for a legally practicing doctor to compromise himself with calls for unconventional treatment.

However, there are doctors who officially treat with vitamin B17 and are not afraid to talk about the results. One of them is the founder of the Hope4Cancer clinic at the Baja California Institute and in Cancun, Mexico, Dr. Jimenez.

Dr. Jimenez emphasizes that doctors and patients must be patient. Treatment with vitamin B17 takes time. The primary results you should aim for are improving your quality of life and slowing down the progression of the disease.

“Many patients believe that Amygdalin is a magic pill. I explain to them that this is not so. Cancer is a multifactorial disease with multiple causes, and Vitamin B-17 should be part of a broad integrative plan,” says Dr. “It should be noted that Amygdalin is not selective for any specific type of cancer, but is potentially effective in treating all tumors. However, we have not yet been able to confirm this at the cellular level and also with clinical results, that is, how patients with certain types of cancer respond to treatment.”

Amygdalin (Vitamin B17) where to buy?

Despite the fact that the antitumor activity of amygdalin has not been officially proven, many people believe in its power. Therefore, when you type “buy amygdalin” in the search bar, you will definitely get a lot of results.

Nowadays you can easily buy Vitamin B17 online. There are various forms of the medicine, ranging from crushed apricot kernels and oral vitamin B17 capsules.

Of course, as with any other alternative anti-cancer drugs, amygdalin B17 is heavily counterfeited. Therefore, it is very important to purchase medicine from trusted suppliers. Pay attention to product reviews and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Remember that a counterfeit drug may not only not help in the fight against a terrible disease, but also cause additional harm to your body.

It should be remembered that consistency and regularity in the case of treatment is the key to success. Therefore, do not expect a quick result, but at the same time firmly believe in victory. A positive attitude is one of the components of a quick recovery.

The human body needs a variety of vitamins. They protect the body from various infections and help fight diseases.

Each vitamin contributes to the normal functioning of certain internal organs, improves immunity and affects a person’s well-being.

Vitamin B17, which is also known as amygdalin or laetral, does not have a very large mass of useful properties. But this vitamin is unique in that is a good assistant in the treatment of malignant tumors.

The role of vitamin in the body

Amygdalin is important for the body not only as a product that helps fight cancer, it also has other beneficial properties:

  • is a good pain reliever;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • helps in the fight against obesity;
  • useful for heavy physical and emotional stress;
  • resists the formation of cancer cells;
  • increases immunity;
  • has a positive effect on well-being;
  • fights chronic fatigue.

It is also used for the prevention of cancer.

Despite its role in the body, official medicine categorically does not recognize amygdalin as a vitamin product.

People who are inclined to treat with alternative medicine believe that such a substance really has the above properties.

Video: “What we didn’t know about vitamin B17”

Since amygdalin is not recognized by traditional medicine, there is no information about taking this drug.

For adult men and women

Optimal daily allowance the norm is 3000 mg. It is not recommended to consume more than 1000 mg at one time.

Since vitamin B17 is not a drug, it is taken, for example, by eating 30 g of dark dark chocolate or 20 pieces of fruit seeds containing amygdalin per day.

For children

This vitamin is not recommended for children, as it is very toxic.. But due to the consumption of products in which such a substance is present, a share of amygdalin enters the child’s body in any case.

For pregnant women and during lactation

Signs of vitamin deficiency

With a deficiency of vitamin B17, there may be a tendency to develop cancer cells.

  • fast fatiguability;
  • mental disorders;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of general condition.

Consequences of vitamin B17 deficiency

Insufficient amount of laetral in the body can lead to:

  • pain throughout the body;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • development of cancer;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the emergence of various infectious diseases.

Vitamin deficiency occurs extremely rarely. Many people do not take laetral with food or in its pure form. Such people may never experience any of these symptoms or consequences throughout their lives.

Video: "How does vitamin B17 affect the body"

Indications for use

Laetral is used in the following cases:

  • upon detection of cancer;
  • at risk of developing cancer cells;
  • nervous stress;
  • increased physical activity;
  • excess body weight.

It is often used in dietetics to combat excess weight.

Sources of vitamin B17

Most vitamins are found in both animal and plant foods. Unlike other vitamins, amygdalin is present only in plant sources.

In products such as:

He present in spinach, beans, dried apricots, raspberries, quince, pumpkin seeds, cranberries and legumes, dark chocolate and various cereals. There is also a huge content of laetral in peach and plum pits.

Vitamin and mineral complexes containing vitamin B17

Since the vitamin is not a drug, vitamin-mineral complexes Hardly ever.

But there are only a few drugs that are recognized by medicine.

They are:

  • "Laetrile B17". The composition of this preparation includes oils of grape seed kernels, apricot, sweet and bitter almonds. It will help boost the body's immune system and prevent the formation of malignant tumors. Take one capsule before meals, twice a day for one month. For preventive purposes, it is used about 3 times a year.
  • « Vitalmix Recnacon 17 » . Take 1 capsule per day orally. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.
  • « Metamygdalin » . The drug is used as a supplement, which is diluted in water before use. Use about two bottles per day.

Interaction of vitamin with other substances

One of the elements that makes up vitamin B17 is hydrocyanic acid, which, once inside the body’s cells, impairs their ability to absorb oxygen. At the same time, it combines with the enzyme, which ensures the flow of air.

Hydrocyanic acid absorbs this enzyme, which can result in oxygen starvation.

When taking medications and various substances simultaneously, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Signs of an overdose and how to deal with them

Excessive use of the drug leads to such consequences as:

  • suffocation;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • weakness;
  • gagging;
  • nausea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • bluish skin;
  • decreased protective function of the body;
  • poisoning

Vitamin B17 contains hydrocyanic acid, which is very poisonous. An overdose of this substance can lead to severe poisoning or even death.

If such symptoms appear, you should stop consuming this substance and consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid serious problems and death.

There are many interesting facts about this substance:

  • When vitamin B17 breaks down, a negligible amount of hydrocyanic acid is released, which is almost impossible to get poisoned. The toxic substance affects only cancerous tumors;
  • Laetral was discovered by the chemist J. Liebig in the mid-19th century. It was isolated from bitter almonds;
  • Asian tribes never get cancer, because their diet includes most amygdalin-containing fruits;
  • Amygdalin is banned in the USA, as it contains cyanide, which is a poisonous substance. In order to obtain this substance you need to pay a lot of money;
  • Official medicine completely rejects any facts that laetral has beneficial functions for humans, but fans of alternative medicine consider this drug indispensable for the body;
  • Research results have shown that vitamin B17 does not have any positive properties and is not recommended for use for medicinal purposes against cancer. However, many years of human experience show that amygdalin is excellent at fighting tumors;
  • Scientist Ernest Krebs, on the contrary, confirmed the effectiveness of laetral against cancer;
  • When you eat foods that contain amygdalin, your body also receives many other vitamins. Thus they complement each other;
  • It is better to take this drug during periods of physical and mental stress, as it helps to cope with fatigue.


Vitamin B17 is white crystals that easily dissolve in liquid. Its most important advantage is considered to be getting rid of malignant tumors. and resistance to the development of cancer cells;

Vitamin B17 is one of the most controversial vitamins. In the USA it is completely banned as it is considered toxic. There is an opinion that the substance can kill cancer cells. However, there is still no official confirmation of this.

It’s not for nothing that vitamin B17, also known as laetral, letril, amygdalin, is called the most controversial substance. It contains cyanide and benzenedehyde, which in turn are toxic substances. It is believed that letril is capable of destroying cancer cells without affecting healthy ones.

In addition B17:

  • helps with arthritis, reducing pain;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents cells from aging quickly;
  • fights obesity;
  • increases immunity;
  • Helps the body during severe stress and increased physical activity.

As for harm, it can only come from an overdose. Since benzaldehyde and cyanide molecules are considered poisonous, when they react with each other, they form a new molecule, which is given the name B17. In normal quantities, this substance is not capable of causing harm, but if you consume more than the norm, then a sharp deterioration in the condition will occur, even leading to death.

Letril is found in apricot kernels. If you consume a large number of seeds at once, there is a risk of death. Death from an apricot kernel is a scientifically proven fact. You should take this seriously and not think that this is a joke.

Indications for use B17

Vitamin B17 is taken in the following cases:

  • Constant stress;
  • If malignant tumors are detected (strictly as prescribed by the doctor);
  • If you are overweight.

B17 is often used in dietetics, since the vitamin is capable of breaking down fat deposits.

Daily norm

For adults, the daily requirement for vitamin B17 is 3000 mg. But this is a dose for three doses, under no circumstances should you drink it all at once! No more than 1000 mg at a time.

Due to its toxicity, letril is not recommended for children. But by eating foods containing B17, the child will in any case receive it in some quantity. Therefore, parents need to make sure that the baby does not eat too many foods high in B17, in order to avoid an overdose.

As for pregnant and breastfeeding women, amygdalin is also contraindicated for them.

What products contain

Vitamin B17 can be found in the seeds of many fruits: apricots, peaches, plums, apples. But these are not all sources. Below is a table listing which products contain this lethril.

What you need to know about the full absorption of B17 by the human body

When B17 breaks down, it releases hydrocyanic acid, which is considered poisonous to the body. But its proportions are so small that they can only affect cancer cells. But with the simultaneous use of vitamin and alcohol, the likelihood of poisoning with this acid increases several times.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while using amygdalin.

Can B17 cure cancer?

US doctors believe that B17 is a highly toxic substance that in no way can be a cure for cancer. Since the mid-1970s, research and testing of letril has been conducted in the fight against cancer cells. No evidence has been found that the substance actually helps treat cancer.

In Russia, the use of amygdalin as a cure for cancer began in 1945. But the substance turned out to be toxic. Then they came up with a modified version called Laetrile. It was prescribed to cancer patients and improvements were indeed noticed, but not always. Sometimes there were deaths.

Proponents of alternative treatment methods still include the use of B17 in therapy together with a special diet. However, according to modern oncologists, the drug cannot cure cancer.

List of pharmaceutical drugs with B17

There are quite a few vitamin complexes based on B17, but they still exist.

  • Vitalmix Recnacon 17". Contraindicated for children and pregnant women. Drink one capsule a day.
  • "Laetrile B17" with apricot, grape and almond seeds. Increases immunity and is used in the prevention of cancer. Take 1 month, twice a day, capsule.
  • "Metamygdalin." Two bottles per day, pre-diluted in water. It is not a medicinal product.

In the treatment of cancer, the effectiveness of B17 from the point of view of official medicine has not been proven. However, there are many people who claim that amygdalin helped them in the fight against cancer. In any case, you should consult a specialist before taking the vitamin.


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