Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - biography, information, personal life. Lenin Vladimir Ilyich brief political and personal biography

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Vladimir Lenin was a politician on a global scale. He managed to create a completely new state. On the one hand, he was able to win a political and triumphant victory. On the other hand, historically Lenin found himself in the camp of losers. After all, his cause, based on the principles of violence, was doomed from the very beginning. Despite this, it was Vladimir Ulyanov who determined the vector of development of world history of the twentieth century.

A complete biography of Lenin is contained not only in Soviet encyclopedias. Numerous books are dedicated to his life. There is a biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on Wikipedia. It exists on various sites dedicated to the history and biography of famous people. We studied the biography and personal life of Lenin, briefly presenting the information in the article.


The biography of Vladimir Lenin began in the mid-spring of 1870 in Simbirsk. His dad worked as a school inspector; he did a lot for public education. Ilya Nikolaevich lost his father early and his older brother took care of his upbringing. At that time he was a clerk at one of the city firms. Nevertheless, Lenin's father received a good education. He was a hardworking man - the leader of the proletariat inherited his colossal capacity for work from his father. Thanks to the merits of Ilya Nikolaevich, the Ulyanovs were even given hereditary nobility.

On his mother’s side, Lenin’s grandfather Alexander Blank was a doctor and medical inspector at the hospitals of the arms factory in Zlatoust. At one time he married a German girl, Anna Grosskopf. Later, my grandfather retired and received the rank of nobility. He even became a landowner, purchasing the Kokushkino estate.

Lenin's mother was a home teacher. She was considered an emancipated woman and tried to adhere to leftist views. She was known not only as an excellent and hospitable hostess, but also as a caring, fair mother. She taught her children the basics foreign languages and music.

There is still debate about Lenin's nationality (the biography contains a lot of contradictory information). Many are documented, but most are unsubstantiated. Lenin himself considered himself Russian.


Lenin's life (his biography confirms this) was not initially distinguished by originality. He was a smart boy. When Volodya was five years old, he began to read. When Vladimir entered the Simbirsk gymnasium, he was considered a real “walking encyclopedia.” The future leader of the state was not interested in exact sciences. The young man loved history, philosophy, statistics, and economic disciplines.

He was a diligent, careful and gifted student. Teachers repeatedly presented Ulyanov with certificates of merit.

According to classmates, young Lenin had great authority and respect. In addition, the head of the gymnasium, F. Kerensky, the father of the future head of the Provisional Government, at one time also gave a rather high assessment of Lenin’s abilities.

The beginning of the revolutionary path

In 1887, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, whose biography we are considering, completed gymnasium training, receiving a gold medal. At the same time, he learned that his older brother Alexander was arrested. He was accused of attempting to assassinate the Russian autocrat. Before this, Sasha was a university student in the Northern capital. He learned the basics of biology, was considered a talented young man and planned to become a scientist. He didn’t have any radical ideas then. But, be that as it may, at the beginning of May 1887 he was executed.

Meanwhile, his younger brother Vladimir also became a student. He studied in Kazan and in his first year began to participate in the student revolutionary movement. After some time, he was completely expelled from the university. Soon the young revolutionary was sent into exile in the same province.

A year later, Ulyanov was allowed to return to Kazan. A little later, he and his family moved to Samara. It was in this city that the young man began to become thoroughly acquainted with the postulates of Marxism. He also became a member of one of the Marxist circles.

After some time, Ulyanov managed to pass exams as an external student in a law faculty course at the University of St. Petersburg. The next year, the young lawyer became an assistant attorney. However, he was unable to fully prove himself as a specialist and soon finally parted with jurisprudence. Vladimir moved to the Northern capital and became a member of the Marxist student circle organized at the Technological Institute. In addition, he began to create a program for the Social Democratic Party.

As the biography tells - Russian), in 1895 he went abroad for the first time. Vladimir visited countries such as Germany, Switzerland and France. It was there that he managed to meet not only the leaders of the international labor movement V. Liebknecht and P. Lafargue, but also his political idol G. Plekhanov.


When Vladimir Ulyanov returned to the capital, he attempted to unite all the disparate Marxist circles into one organization. We are talking about the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class”. Of course, members of this organization have already tried to implement their plan to overthrow the Russian autocracy.

A short biography of V.I. Lenin contains information that he actively promoted this idea. As a result, the revolutionary was arrested. For a long time he was in a prison cell. And after that, in the early spring of 1897, he was deported to Siberia, to the village of Shushenskoye. The term of exile was determined to be three years. Here Ulyanov communicated with other exiles, wrote articles, and did translations.

As he says short biography Vladimir Lenin, in 1900 he decided to emigrate. He lived in Geneva, Munich, London.

It was during these years that Vladimir created the political publication Iskra. On these pages, for the first time, he signed his articles with the party pseudonym “Lenin”.

After some time, he became one of the initiators of convening the Congress of the RSDLP. As a result, the organization was split into two camps. Ulyanov managed to lead the Bolshevik Party. He began to launch an active struggle against the Mensheviks.

In 1905, he continued to prepare an armed uprising in the Russian Empire. There Vladimir learned that the First Russian Revolution had begun in the country.

First blood

A short biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin suggests that he could not remain indifferent to the events in Russia. He arrived in his homeland for a short time. A little later, Lenin found himself in Finland. During this time, Ulyanov tried in every possible way to attract people to his side. He encouraged them to arm themselves and attack officials.

In addition, he proposed boycotting the first State Duma. Note that Lenin later admitted his mistake. He also supported the bloody Moscow uprising and from exile gave advice to the rebels.

Meanwhile, the revolution finally ended in failure. In 1907, at the fifth congress, all parties were already opposed. This factional struggle reached its climax at the party conference in 1912. This happened in Prague.

In addition, during the same period, Ulyanov managed to organize the publication of a legal Bolshevik newspaper. Note that initially this publication, in fact, was created by L. Trotsky. It was a non-factional newspaper. In 1912, Lenin, by and large, became the main ideologist of the publication. And Joseph Dzhugashvili was chosen as editor-in-chief.


After the defeat in the revolution, Ulyanov began to analyze the mistakes of the Bolsheviks. Over time, these failures turned into victories. The Bolsheviks rallied like never before and a new wave of the revolutionary movement began.

And in 1914, Lenin was in Austria-Hungary. It was here that he learned that the First World War had begun. The future head of the Soviet state was arrested. He was accused of spying for the Russian Empire. The consequences could have been more than disastrous, but the Austrian and Polish Social Democrats stood up for their associate. As a result, Lenin was forced to move to neutral Switzerland. It was during this period that the revolutionary made a call to overthrow the Russian government and turn the imperialist war into a civil war.

This position initially led him to complete isolation even in Social Democratic circles. In addition, when the war was going on, Ulyanov’s ties with the Motherland were almost completely severed. And the Bolshevik Party itself inevitably broke up into several separate organizations.

February 1917

When did it come February Revolution, Lenin and his comrades received permission to come to Germany and from there go to Russia. Once in his homeland, Lenin was given a solemn meeting. He spoke to the people and called for a “social revolution.” He believed that power should belong to members of the Bolshevik Party. Of course, many people did not share this position at all.

Despite this, Lenin spoke at rallies and meetings literally every day. He tirelessly called for people to stand under the banner of the Soviets. By the way, at that time Stalin also supported the theses of the Bolshevik leader.

In early July, the Bolsheviks were once again accused of espionage and treason. Now - in favor of Germany. Lenin was forced to go into hiding. He and his associate Zinoviev ended up in Razliv. After some time, Lenin secretly moved to Finland.

And at the very end of the summer of 1917, the Kornilov performance began. The Bolsheviks were against the rebels and thus they managed to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of socialist organizations.

Meanwhile, in mid-autumn, Lenin arrived illegally in the revolutionary capital. At party meetings, he and Trotsky managed to achieve the adoption of an official resolution related to the armed uprising.

October Revolution

Ulyanov acted harshly and quickly. The biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Wikipedia also contains this information) says that on October 20, 1917, he began to lead the direct uprising. On the night of October 25-26, the Bolsheviks arrested members of the Provisional Government. A little later, decrees on peace and land were adopted. In addition, SovNarK was formed, headed by Ulyanov.

A truly new era has begun. Lenin had to deal with urgent issues. So, the head of state began to create the Red Army. He was also forced to conclude a peace treaty with Germany. In addition, the development of a program for the formation of a socialist society began. Thus, the Congress of Soviets of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers became a government body. And the capital of the proletarian state moved to Moscow.

However, several unpopular steps of the new government - such as the conclusion Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and overclocking Constituent Assembly, led to a complete break with representatives of the Left Socialist Revolutionary movement. As a result, a rebellion began in July 1918. This action of the Left Social Revolutionaries was brutally suppressed. Eventually politic system became a one-party state and acquired totalitarian features. Taken together, all this caused discontent. Events resulted in a fratricidal civil war.

Civil War

During the war, Ulyanov was forced to monitor the progress of urgent mobilization into the Red Army. He was closely involved in issues related to weapons. He managed to organize the work of the rear. Actually, these measures subsequently influenced the outcome of the war.

In addition, Lenin was able to exploit the obvious contradictions in the white camp. He managed to create a 10-fold advantage of the proletarian army over the enemy. He also attracted royal military specialists to the work.

Unfortunately, at the very end of the summer of 1918, an attempt was made on the life of the leader of the state. As a result, the “Red Terror” began in the country.

War communism and new politics

Having recovered from his wounds, Ulyanov began economic reforms - the construction of so-called military communism. He introduced it by directive throughout the country. Lenin at that time did not have a clear economic program, but nevertheless he introduced food appropriation, natural exchange and banned trade. A little later the industry was nationalized. As a result, the production of goods practically ceased.

Ulyanov tried to save the situation. That is why he decided to introduce compulsory labor service. Her evasion was punishable by execution.

However, the economic situation continued to deteriorate. Then, in 1921, Lenin announced a course towards a “new economic policy” in the country. The War Communist program was finally cancelled. The government allowed private trade. As a result, a long process of rebuilding the economy began. But Vladimir Ilyich was not destined to see the fruits of the new policy course.

Last years

Due to his failing health, Lenin was forced to step down from power. Joseph Dzhugashvili became the sole leader of the new state of the USSR.

Ulyanov continued to fight the disease with amazing courage and tenacity. To treat the leader, the authorities decided to involve a number of domestic and Western doctors. He was diagnosed with cerebral vascular sclerosis. This disease was caused not only by enormous overloads, but also by genetic reasons.

Everything was in vain - in Gorki on January 21, 1924, Vladimir Lenin died. After some time, the body of the founder of the USSR was transported to the capital and placed in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions. For five days there was a farewell to the leader of the country.

On January 27, Ulyanov’s body was embalmed and placed in the Mausoleum, which was specially built for this purpose.

Let us note right away that after the collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991, the issue of reburial of the head of the proletarian state was repeatedly raised. This topic is still being discussed.

Personal life of the leader

Ulyanov met his future wife Nadezhda Krupskaya back in 1894. Krupskaya's father was tsarist officer. His daughter, Nadezhda, was a student of the famous Bestuzhev courses. At one time, she even corresponded with Leo Tolstoy himself.

When the woman began to live together with Ulyanov, she became not only her husband’s main assistant, but also a like-minded person. She always followed her husband and took part in all his activities. The woman also followed him when Lenin found himself in exile in Shushenskoye. It was here that the lovers got married in the church. The best men were peasants from this village. And an associate of Lenin and Krupskaya made wedding rings. They were made from copper nickels.

Lenin had no children. Although some historians believe that the leader had an only son. His name was Alexander Steffen. According to rumors, his associate gave him a child. They say that this relationship lasted almost five years.

The reader already knows briefly about the most important thing from Lenin’s biography. It remains only to highlight some Interesting Facts from the life of the leader of the proletariat:

  1. At the gymnasium, Ulyanov studied mostly with straight A's. In the certificate he received the only four - in the discipline “logic”. Nevertheless, he graduated with a gold medal.
  2. In his youth, the future head of the Soviet state smoked. One day his mother said that tobacco was too expensive. And there wasn't much money. As a result, Ulyanov gave up the bad habit and never smoked again.
  3. Ulyanov had about 150 pseudonyms. The most common are Statist, Meyer, Ilyin, Tulin, Frey, Starik, Petrov. The origin of the famous pseudonym “Lenin” is still not precisely known.
  4. Ulyanov could be among the Nobel Prize winners. In 1918, his candidacy was considered and they wanted to award him the Peace Prize. But a fratricidal civil war began. As a result, it was these events that were able to deprive Lenin of the prestigious Nobel Prize.
  5. A number of new names were invented in honor of Lenin: Varlen, Arvil, Arlen, Vladlen, Vladilen, Vilen, etc.
  6. Ulyanov was considered a great gourmet. However, his wife was not a fan of cooking. Therefore, the Ulyanovs specially hired a cook.

V.I. Lenin, whose brief biography is given later in the article, was the leader of the Bolshevik movement in Russia, as well as the leader of the October Revolution of 1917.

The full name of the historical figure is Vladimir Ilyich. He can rightfully be called the founder of a new state on the world map - the USSR.

An extraordinary personality, philosopher and ideologist, leader of the country of the Soviets, during his short life he managed to turn around the destinies of countless people.

Lenin Vladimir Ilyich - significance for Russia

The activities of the leader became a decisive factor in the preparation and implementation of the revolution in Tsarist Russia.

His numerous and persistent calls, articles and speeches became the detonator of the struggle for people's power not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

The highest ability for self-education allowed him to thoroughly study everything about the Marxist theory of world building. Scientists suggest that Vladimir Ilyich knew 11 foreign languages. Unshakable self-confidence made the Marxist the leader of the revolution.

A competent and active agitator, overwhelming any listener with his pressure, was followed by the majority of Social Democrats, who, with his help, carried out the “preparatory” revolution of 1905-1907.

Completely crush the might Russian Empire it happened only 10 years later, during the unfolding revolutionary actions of 1917. The result of the uprising was the formation of a new state with governance based on unlimited violence.

After a 7-year struggle with hunger, devastation and popular ignorance, Lenin at the end of his life realized the doom of the entire capitalist idea.

Unable to speak due to paralysis, he wrote the most important words about the failure and change of point of view on socialism. But his last weak appeals did not reach the masses; the Soviet state began its difficult path.

When and where was Lenin born

World leader of the people liberation movement was a descendant ancient family Ulyanov. His paternal grandfather was a Russian serf, and his maternal grandfather was a baptized Jew.

Vladimir's parents were Russian intellectuals. For his services, his father was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, III degree, which gave him a title of nobility, inherited. The mother was educated as a teacher and was involved in raising children.

Volodya was born in April 1870, he became the third child in a family that lived in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). The date of his birth, the 22nd according to the new style, subsequently began to be celebrated as a holiday in the Soviet Union.

Lenin's real name

At the beginning of his political activity, Vladimir Ilyich published personal works under various pseudonyms, including Ilyin and Lenin.

The latter became his second surname, under which the leader entered world history.

The leader's blood surname was Ulyanov, it was borne by Vladimir's father Ilya Vasilyevich.

Vladimir’s mother was the daughter of the doctor Israel Moishevich, a Jewish nationality, and in her maiden name she bore the surname Blank.

Lenin in childhood

Vladimir differed from the other children in the Ulyanov family by being noisy and clumsy. The boy's body developed disproportionately; he had short legs and a large head with blond, later slightly reddish hair.

Because of his weak legs, Volodya learned to walk only by the age of three; he often fell with a crash and roar and, unable to get up on his own, beat his large head on the floor in despair.

Rumble accompanied almost any activity of the baby; he loved to break and disassemble toys and objects. However, the child grew up conscientious, and still admitted to his tricks after some time.

By mistake, the ophthalmologist early age diagnosed Ulyanov with strabismus; his left eye saw very poorly. And only towards the end of his life did Lenin learn that in fact he was nearsighted in one eye, and he should have worn glasses all his life.

Due to poor eyesight, Vladimir developed the habit of squinting during a dialogue with his interlocutor, and thus his characteristic “Leninist squint” was born.

Lenin in his youth

Some physical disabilities did not affect mental abilities Vladimir. His intelligence and memory were significantly higher than those of his peers.

The director of the Simbirsk gymnasium, where the boy entered in 1879, recognized the young Ulyanov as superior among other gymnasium students. After 8 years, the best student completed secondary education with a gold medal.

On the day of the final exam in geography, May 8, 1887, Vladimir's older brother was executed for participating in an assassination attempt on Alexander III, the Russian Emperor.

Volodya did not have a close relationship with his executed brother, but his death left a terrible wound in the boy’s heart. The entire subsequent struggle against the monarchy was carried out by Lenin with a hidden thirst for revenge for the grief that befell the entire family.

In the same year, Vladimir entered Kazan University, however, he was soon expelled for a student meeting and exiled to the village of Kukushkino, where he studied self-education.

In 1891, having prepared on his own, he finally received a law diploma from St. Petersburg University, having passed all the exams externally.

Participation of V.I. Lenin in political circles

After a short exile in 1888, Vladimir Ulyanov, returning to Kazan, joined the Marxist circle led by N.E. Fedoseev, actively sought connections with professional revolutionaries.

The following year, the Ulyanov family moved to Samara, where Vladimir himself created a Marxist circle.

Among its participants, the future leader distributed his own translation from the German “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, the work of F. Engels and K. Marx.

In 1893, Ulyanov’s thirst for open spaces led him to St. Petersburg, where he actively began lecturing in workers’ circles, becoming a member of the Marxist circle at the Technological Institute.

How Lenin came to power

For organizing the activities of the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class,” the revolutionary was exiled to the Yenisei province.

There, over the years of his life in the village of Shushenskoye, multi-volume works came from his pen, published under various pseudonyms.

There, 3 years later, Vladimir Ilyich married his faithful comrade-in-arms, who was exiled after him; his wife’s name was Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya.

In 1900, the future leader went abroad for 3 years. Upon his return, he becomes the leader of the Bolshevik Party in Russia.

As a former exile, Ulyanov was prohibited from living in major cities and the capital, therefore the leadership of the revolution in 1905-1907. he carried out while living in St. Petersburg illegally.

After the workers' strikes subsided, Vladimir Ilyich spent 10 years abroad, where he actively participated in conferences, made connections with like-minded people and published newspapers. Lenin learned about the overthrow of the monarch in February 1917 from newspapers; at that time he lived in Switzerland.

Immediately, the future leader arrived in St. Petersburg with the aim of preparing the last, October Socialist Revolution, as a result of which he headed the new Soviet government - the Council people's commissars and took the position of chairman.

Lenin's role in the October events of 1917

After a forced long-term emigration, on April 3, Ulyanov returned to his homeland as a world-famous personality among the Social Democrats, the leader of the Bolsheviks and the leader of the future socialist revolution.

The peaceful demonstration in St. Petersburg, held on June 18 under the slogan “All power to the Soviets!” did not bring the desired results. And therefore the capture state power must have occurred during an armed uprising.

The Central Committee of the Party hesitated to take armed action; Lenin's calls for an uprising in letters were not communicated to the people. Therefore, despite the threat of arrest, the revolutionary personally came to Smolny on October 20.

He became so active in organizing the uprising that already on the night of October 25-26, the Provisional Government was arrested and power passed into the hands of the Bolsheviks.

Lenin's works and reforms

The first working document of the new government, the presentation of which took place at the congress on October 26, was the peace decree created by Vladimir Ilyich, which declared any armed attacks illegal large state on weak nations.

The Decree on Land abolished private ownership of land, all land passed without redemption to committees and Councils of Deputies.

In 124 days, working 15-18 hours, the leader signed the decree on the creation of the Red Army, concluded a forced peace with Germany, and created a capable new state apparatus (SNK).

In April 1918, the newspaper Pravda published the work of the leader, “The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power.” In July, the Constitution of the RSFSR was approved.

In order to split the peasant strata and eliminate the rural bourgeoisie, power in the villages was transferred to the hands of the poorest representatives of the peasants.

In response to the Civil War that broke out in the summer of 1918, the “Red Terror” was organized; the word “shoot” became one of the most frequently used.

The severe economic crisis resulting from the exhausting Civil War forced the leadership to create the New Economic Policy, allowing free trade, after which the country's economy began to struggle.

As an unbending atheist, Vladimir Ilyich waged an irreconcilable struggle with representatives of the clergy, allowing churches to be robbed and their ministers shot. In 1922, the USSR was officially created.

When Lenin died

After being wounded in 1918 and a busy work schedule, the leader’s health began to deteriorate. In 1922 he suffered 2 strokes.

In March 1923, a third stroke led to complete paralysis of the body. In 1924, in the village of Gorki near Moscow, the leader of the Russian revolution died, the date of death is January 21 according to modern style.

When asked how many years Lenin lived, the answer is: 54 years.

Historical portrait of Lenin

As a historical figure, V.I. Ulyanov laid a strong foundation for the Bolshevik ideology, which was realized during the October Revolution.

The power of the Bolshevik party, which later became the only one in the country, was maintained by the unlimited terror of the Cheka.

Lenin became a cult personality during his lifetime.

After the death of Vladimir Ilyich, thanks to the efforts of V.I. Stalin, the former leader of the revolution, began to be idolized.

The role of Lenin in the history of Russia

A brilliant Marxist revolutionary, a cunning and calculating avenger for his executed brother, Vladimir Ulyanov served to bring about the All-Russian Socialist Revolution in a short time.

Millions of people became victims of forceful actions under his leadership: both opponents of the Bolshevik regime at the hands of the Red Terror, and people devastated and starved to death during the formative years of the USSR.

Sparkling revolution, merciless destruction of enemies of Soviet power, execution royal family, put together a political portrait of Vladimir Ilyich as a brilliant leader and tyrant who fought for power for so long and ruled for so short.


Vladimir Ulyanov dreamed of a World Revolution. In his plans, Russia was only the beginning of a long journey, carefully prepared during the years of forced emigration.

But illness and death stopped the never-tiring revolutionary, who played his significant role in history. His mummified body in the mausoleum was the object of worship of millions of people, but this time has passed.

Lenin -
Lenin -
Lenin -
will live.

/V. Mayakovsky/

Lenin Vladimir Ilyich(1870-1924) - theorist of Marxism, who creatively developed it in new historical conditions, organizer and leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the international communist movement, founder of the Soviet state.

The formation and development of Lenin’s aesthetic views were facilitated by his rich erudition, deep knowledge and study of the phenomena of domestic and world culture, revolutionary democratic aesthetics, as well as his constant interest in various types of art, especially in painting. literature and music, and a thorough acquaintance with them, direct communication with prominent figures of culture and art (for example, Lenin maintained close contacts with Gorky for many years).

Developed by Lenin dialectical-materialist theory of reflection became the methodological basis of modern Marxist aesthetics and art criticism. Considering the process of cognition as a reflection of the external world in human consciousness, Lenin substantiated the dialectically contradictory nature of reflection and showed that it is not a simple, mirror-dead act, but a complex process, which is characterized by an active, creative attitude of the subject of cognition to the reflected reality.
Lenin revealed the historical nature of the phenomena of the spiritual culture of society and proved the need to identify their epistemological and social-class roots. Lenin's theory of reflection made it possible to reveal the inconsistency of idealistic concepts of art that break its connections with reality. A truthful reflection of the laws of the latter in its leading trends (Artistic Reflection, Realism), a reflection of the essential, typical, appears, in the light of Lenin’s theory, as the most important criterion for the value of art.

A series of articles by Lenin on Tolstoy is an example of the concrete application of the principles of dialectics and the theory of reflection to analysis artistic creativity, identifying its ideological and aesthetic originality. Calling Tolstoy “the mirror of the Russian revolution,” Lenin emphasized the social and class conditionality of the process of reflecting reality in art: “ Tolstoy's ideas are a mirror of the weakness and shortcomings of our peasant uprising, a reflection of the softness of the patriarchal village...» ( vol. 17, p. 212). Speaking against both dispassionate objectivism and vulgar sociologism in the understanding of artistic creativity, Lenin showed that the reflection of reality in works of art (“ Tolstoy embodied in amazing relief... the features of the historical originality of the entire first Russian revolution...» - vol. 20, p. 20) is inseparable from the subjective attitude of the artist towards it, giving an aesthetic assessment of what is depicted from the standpoint of certain social ideals. According to the logic of Lenin’s thought, Tolstoy’s “ardent, passionate, often mercilessly sharp protest” against the police-official state and the church, “denunciation of capitalism” ( vol. 20, p. 20-21) is a necessary condition for the artistic value and social significance of his works. The artistic generalization of the essential, the natural, in reality is carried out, according to Lenin, through the individual, the individual: “. ..the whole point is in the individual setting, in the analysis of the characters and psyches of these types» ( vol. 49, p. 57). Thus, the process of artistic creativity was considered by Lenin as a dialectical unity of objective and subjective, knowledge and evaluation, individual and general, social and individual.

The concept of the connection between art and social reality received an in-depth interpretation in the doctrine of the partisanship of art developed by Lenin. In work " Party organization and party literature"(1905) Lenin opposed the false ideas about the "disinterest" of art, "lordly anarchism", the disguised dependence of the bourgeois artist on the money bag with the slogan of the proletarian, communist party spirit of art, its open connection with the ideas of socialism, the life and struggle of the revolutionary proletariat. Considering socialist art “part of the common proletarian cause” ( vol. 12, p. 100-101), Lenin was far from ignoring the specifics of artistic activity, dialectically connecting the principle of party membership with the issue of freedom of creativity. Pointing to the social prerequisites for the formation of artistic talent, Lenin criticized the subjective idealistic slogan of absolute freedom of creativity. He equally sharply opposed the belittling of the specificity of the artist’s creative individuality (Individuality in art), and constantly reminded of the need careful attitude to talent. In art, Lenin wrote, “it is absolutely necessary to provide greater scope for personal initiative, individual inclinations, scope for thought and imagination, form and content” ( vol. 12, p. 101). But, Lenin emphasized, the artist gains true freedom of creativity only in conscious service to the people, the revolution, and socialism: “ This will be free literature, because it is not self-interest or career, but the idea of ​​socialism and sympathy for the working people that will recruit more and more forces into its ranks» ( vol. 12, p. 104).

Theoretical questions of art. creativity were considered by Lenin in organic connection with the tasks of the revolutionary transformation of society. Lenin defined the basic the ideological orientation of socialist culture, including Lenin’s artistic culture, specific ways of its formation and development. The essence of the cultural revolution is revealed by Lenin in his works “Pages from the diary”, “About our revolution”, “Less is better” etc. The cultural revolution presupposes, according to Lenin, the broadest public education and upbringing, which opens up access for the masses to cultural values, the education of a new, truly popular intelligentsia, and the reorganization of life on socialist principles. Lenin foresaw that as a result of the cultural revolution, a new, multinational art would be born, capable of perceiving and creatively processing best achievements world artistic culture.
This will be “a truly new, great communist art that will create forms in accordance with its content.” Pointing out the need to develop the cultural wealth accumulated in the process of historical development of society, Lenin at the same time opposed an uncritical attitude towards the culture of bourgeois society, within which it is necessary to distinguish between the reactionary culture of the ruling classes and “elements of democratic and socialist culture” ( vol. 24, p. 120). The process of mastering, processing and developing art. the culture of the past should occur “from the point of view of the worldview of Marxism and the living conditions and struggle of the proletariat in the era of its dictatorship” ( vol. 41, p. 462).

Lenin sharply criticized the nihilistic denial of all past culture by the theoreticians of Proletkult. Proletarian culture is not “jumped out of nowhere,” Lenin said at the Third Congress of the RKSM. " Proletarian culture must be a natural development of those reserves of knowledge that humanity has developed under the yoke of capitalist society...» ( vol. 41, p. 304). Attempts at the “laboratory” creation of new art, the substantiation of “pure” proletarian culture, Lenin considered theoretically incorrect and practically harmful, containing the threat of separation of the cultural avant-garde from the masses ( vol. 44, p. 348- 349). Genuine socialist art. culture should be not only the result of the cultural development of mankind, but also “ take its deepest roots into the very depths of the broad working masses».

Nationality is, according to Lenin, not only an integral feature of the new, socialist art, but also one of the principles for the development of cultural wealth. Evaluating the artistic heritage through the prism of the artistic and aesthetic ideals of the masses does not mean, however, a simplistic rejection of everything complex in the history of artistic culture. The development of the artistic heritage should contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste among workers, awakening the “artists” in them. The principles of partisanship and nationality of art, careful attitude to artistic talent and cultural heritage, etc. formulated by Lenin formed the basis of the policy of the Communist Party in the development of Soviet literature and art.

Lenin ( real name- Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich - the largest Russian Soviet politician, statesman, publicist, Marxist, founder of Marxism-Leninism, one of the organizers and leaders of the October Revolution of 1917, founder of the Communist Party, creator of the first socialist state, the Communist International, one of the leaders of the international communist movements. Ulyanov was from Simbirsk, where he was born on April 22 (April 10, O.S.), 1870. His father was an official, an inspector of public schools. During the period 1879-1887. Vladimir Ulyanov successfully studied at the local gymnasium, from which he graduated with a gold medal. Until the age of 16, being a baptized Orthodox, he was a member of the Simbirsk religious Society of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The turning point in the biography of V. Lenin is considered to be the execution in 1887 of his elder brother, Alexander, who took part in the preparation of the assassination attempt on Alexander III. Although the brothers did not have a particularly close relationship, this event made a huge impression on the whole family. In 1887, Vladimir became a student at Kazan University (Faculty of Law), but participation in student unrest resulted in expulsion and exile to Kokushkino, his mother’s estate. He was allowed to return to Kazan in the fall of 1888, and exactly a year later the Ulyanovs moved to Samara. Living in this city, Vladimir, thanks to active reading of Marxist literature, begins to become acquainted with this teaching in the most detailed way.

Having graduated from the law department of St. Petersburg University as an external student in 1891, Lenin moved to this city in 1893 and worked as an assistant to a sworn attorney. However, he is not concerned about jurisprudence, but about issues of government. Already in 1894, he formulated a political credo, according to which the Russian proletariat, having led all democratic forces, must lead society to a communist revolution through open political struggle.

In 1895, with the active participation of Lenin, the St. Petersburg “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” was created. For this he was arrested in December and then more than a year later he was sent to Siberia, the village of Shushenskoye, for three years. While in exile, in July 1898 he married N.K. Krupskaya due to the threat of her being transferred to another place. For the rest of his life, this woman was his faithful companion, comrade-in-arms and assistant.

In 1900, V. Lenin went abroad and lived in Germany, England, and Switzerland. There, together with G.V. Plekhanov, who played an important role in his life, started the publication of Iskra, the first all-Russian illegal Marxist newspaper. At the Second Congress of Russian Social Democrats, held in 1903 and marked by a split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, he led the former, subsequently creating the Bolshevik Party. He found the revolution of 1905 in Switzerland, in November of the same year, under a false name, he illegally came to St. Petersburg, where he lived until December 1907, taking over the leadership of the Central and St. Petersburg Committees of the Bolsheviks.

During the First World War, V.I. Lenin, who was in Switzerland at that time, put forward the slogan about the need to defeat the government and turn the imperialist war into a civil war. Having learned from the newspapers the news about the February Revolution, he began to prepare to return to his homeland.

In April 1917, Lenin arrived in Petrograd, and the very next day after his arrival he proposed a program for the transition of the bourgeois-democratic revolution to the socialist one, proclaiming the slogan “All power to the Soviets!” Already in October he was one of the main organizers and leaders of the October armed uprising; at the end of October and beginning of November, detachments sent by his personal order contributed to the establishment of Soviet power in Moscow.

The October Revolution, the repressive first steps of the government headed by Lenin, turned into a bloody Civil War that lasted until 1922, which became national tragedy, claimed the lives of millions of people. In the summer of 1918, the family of Nicholas II was shot in Yekaterinburg, and it was established that the leader of the world proletariat approved of the execution.

Since March 1918, Lenin's biography has been connected with Moscow, where the capital was moved from Petrograd. On August 30, he was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt, the response to which was the so-called. red terror. On Lenin's initiative and in accordance with his ideology, the policy of war communism was pursued, which in March 1921 was replaced by the NEP. In December 1922, V. Lenin became the creator of the USSR - a new type of state that had no precedent in world history.

The same year was marked by a serious deterioration in health, which forced the head of the Soviet Union to curtail his active activities in the political arena. In May 1923, he moved to the Gorki estate near Moscow, where he died on January 21, 1924. The official cause of death was problems with blood circulation and premature wear of blood vessels, caused, in particular, by enormous loads.

IN AND. Lenin is one of the individuals whose assessment of their activities ranges from harsh criticism to the creation of a cult. However, no matter how his contemporaries and future generations treated him, it is quite obvious that, being a politician on a global scale, Lenin, with his ideology and activities at the beginning of the last century, had a colossal influence on world history, giving it a further vector of development.

Lenin Vladimir Ilyich(pseudonym) real name -Ulyanov"

  • Childhood, family, study of V.I. Lenin
  • Revolutionary spiritLeninVladimir Ilyich
  • Shushenskoye
  • Life abroad
  • PolicyLeninVladimir Ilyich after the October Revolution
  • Last years life
  • The results of Lenin's activities
  • Video about Lenin

"lenin Vladimir Ilich" (1870—1924)

Childhood, family, study

  • The future revolutionary and leader of the proletariat was born into the Ulyanov family - representatives of the intelligentsia of Simbirsk (1870).
  • His father for a long time Worked as a teacher. Then he was appointed inspector of public schools in the province. And later he became their director.
  • For his outstanding services in the field of public education, Ulyanov Sr. was repeatedly awarded orders, he was awarded the rank of truly state councilor and was granted nobility.
  • He died when the future leader of the proletariat was barely 15 years old.
  • His wife was quite educated, and she herself taught the children, of whom there were six in the Ulyanov family, a lot.
  • According to genealogical research, Lenin's ancestors included Jews, Germans, Swedes (on his mother's side), and Kalmyks (on his father's side).
  • Parents encouraged their children's curiosity and supported them in every possible way.
  • Having entered the Simbirsk classical gymnasium (1879), he quickly became the first student, showing a special passion for history, philosophy, and literature.
  • Graduated from this educational institution Vladimir is excellent. And he decided to continue his studies at Kazan University, choosing the profession of lawyer.
  • The death of the head of the family was a big blow for the Ulyanovs. And the execution of the eldest son that followed soon after. Alexander was arrested and sentenced to death for his participation in organizing an attempt to assassinate the emperor.
  • And soon Vladimir was expelled from the university as one of the participants in the student gathering. And they send her to her mother’s remote village estate.
  • A few years later, the Ulyanovs moved to Samara. This is where his acquaintance with Marxist ideas begins.
  • Having not completed his studies at Kazan University, Vladimir Ilyich managed to study as an external student at. After which he was appointed to the position of legal assistant (sworn attorney) (1892).

Revolutionary spirit

  • Most researchers believe that young Vladimir awakened his desire for revolutionary activity after the execution of his brother. Then there were the works of Marx, which strengthened it.
  • Vladimir did not work at the bar for a long time - only a year. After which he left jurisprudence and moved to St. Petersburg. Here he joined the student circle of the Institute of Technology. Members of this community were engaged in-depth study Marxist ideas.
  • Two years later he went abroad, where he had the opportunity to meet many participants in the international labor movement.


  • After returning from a trip abroad, together with L. Martov, he took an active part in the founding of the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” in St. Petersburg, which carried out active propaganda among ordinary workers. However, he was soon arrested. He spent time in prison more than a year, and then was sent to Siberia - to the village of Shushenskoye.
  • The clean air and favorable climate of Shushenskoye had a beneficial effect on the health of the young revolutionary. Here he married N. Krupskaya, just as he was exiled for prohibited activities. He also found use for his legal knowledge in Siberia, giving advice to peasants. He is also actively starting to write. His works bring him popularity among followers of Marxism.

Life abroad

  • Back in 1898, the First Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was organized in Minsk. Its participants were dispersed and many were taken into custody. Therefore, after returning from exile, the leaders of the Union of Struggle, including Lenin, are trying to gather the scattered and scattered members of this party.
  • They decide to use a newspaper as one of the means of unification. To seek support and conduct negotiations with foreign supporters, Ulyanov again goes abroad.
  • Living for a long time in Munich, London, Geneva, he meets the right people. He is included in the editorial board of the new newspaper Iskra. On its pages he begins to sign with his pseudonym. Subsequently, he uses it in life.
  • Here in immigration, he formed his own vision of the tasks and goals of the Social Democratic Party.
  • As a result, already during the second congress of the RSDLP (1903), the party split into “Mensheviks” and “Bolsheviks”. The latter, who supported the position of Ulyanov - Lenin, got their name due to the fact that they constituted the majority in the voting. Well, their opponents began to be called “Mensheviks.”
  • Almost at the same time, with light hand Martov, the term “Leninism” appeared. Lenin's former like-minded person outlined radical methods in the theory and practice of the revolution.
  • Having only briefly arrived in Russia during the years of the first revolution (1905-07), he actively worked at the head of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party and their new print organ, New Life. Without sharing the opinion of those who prepared the revolution, he nevertheless hoped for its victory: it was supposed to rid the country of autocracy and open a further path for the implementation of the Bolshevik plans.
  • However, after the unsuccessful completion of the uprising, he goes first to Switzerland and then to Finland. But while there, he is keenly interested in what is happening in his homeland.
  • So, he learned about the beginning of the war while in Austria-Hungary, in the remote town of Poronino (the territory of modern Poland). Here he was arrested, suspecting him of being a Russian spy. Local Social Democrats helped him avoid a long imprisonment.
  • Immediately after this, he began to vehemently oppose the war and advocated for its end. Moreover, the fact that if resistance ceases, Russia could completely find itself under German occupation did not bother him or stop him.
  • The February Revolution came as a complete surprise to him (as well as to most immigrants and Russian Social Democrats).
  • After this, after 17 years spent abroad, the leader of the proletariat headed to Russia.

Return to Russia

  • He returned to Petrograd along with 35 of his comrades. Moreover, they crossed the territory of enemy Germany completely unhindered, having secured permission from the authorities of this country. It was in April (1917). And immediately upon arrival, right at the station, realizing that those gathered here had not come to arrest him, but to support him, he made his famous fiery speech, climbing onto an armored car.
  • His radical idea of ​​an armed uprising of the workers was not supported by many party members. However, people liked it.
  • After Lenin's first unsuccessful attempt to take power into his own hands, as a result of which he was accused of treason in favor of Germany, he and several associates took refuge in the outskirts of Petrograd. He returned only a few months later to organize a revolutionary coup, or rather to give the final impetus to its implementation.
  • When the October events had already become a thing of the past, Lenin and his followers, having eliminated their political opponents and dissenters by hook or by crook, came to power. Vladimir Ilyich moved to the Kremlin, becoming not only the leader of the party, but also the country.

We can briefly say about Vladimir Ilyich Lenin that he is an outstanding figure who played a significant role in Russian history. Creator of the RSDLP, etc. the leader of the world proletariat, regardless of the assessment of his activities, directed Russia along a special path of development, which affected the entire world history.

General characteristics and performance assessments

  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is a man to whom an incredible number of books, articles, and publications are dedicated. His characteristics range from servile worship, recognition as a genius of all times and peoples, to outright abuse and denigration, identification with the devil who plunged Russia into hell.
  • The assessments of the first kind include, of course, all Soviet literature. This is not surprising. The man who was the leader of the Bolsheviks and carried out the October Revolution could not help but become a role model in the state he created. Despite Stalin's purges, during which former heroes of the revolution were easily forgotten and erased from memory, Lenin's authority was never questioned. It is interesting that even rivals in ideological struggle ( Stalinists, Trotskyists, Zinovievites), disagreeing in opinions, always looked for Lenin’s statements confirming their correctness.
  • After the exposure of the “cult of Stalin” and his associates, during which the very principles of the development of the Soviet state were questioned, Lenin also remained at an unattainable height. Criticism of the leader not only did not exist, but it simply could not arise among the population.
  • Of course, this situation was possible for several reasons. Firstly, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin left an incredible literary legacy. All his notes, not excluding the most trivial ones, were carefully collected and published in the form of a collection of works, which seemed to be the pinnacle of human wisdom. Lenin was a fairly flexible politician, and in his works, depending on the political moment, one can find direct contradictions to himself. However, there are unlikely to be many people who have seriously read the entire collection of his works. Most often it was simply used to confirm one’s own thoughts or actions.
    Secondly, during his lifetime Lenin was literally deified, to say nothing of the halo of inaccessibility that was created after his death. Stories for children about Lenin are striking in their naivety and simplicity, and yet more than one Soviet generation was raised on them.
  • Finally, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was truly an extraordinary person. Possessing enormous intellect, he could easily talk about some lofty economic problems and at the same time furiously, without understanding the expressions, attack his ideological opponents. Many, by the way, attribute to him the tradition of using not quite decent words and expressions in journalism ("sharks of imperialism", "political prostitute", etc.).
  • The very fact of the implementation of a socialist revolution in a particular country, the formation of a state that announced plans to build communism, cannot but evoke a special attitude towards Lenin. Being a fanatic of the revolution, he completely subordinated his life to this goal. The mentality of the Russian people allows one to forgive the most terrible actions of a person who does not strive only for personal well-being.
  • The opposite point of view belongs to Russian emigrants who were forced to flee Russia after the revolution and some of the modern Russian historians. The position of the emigrants is clear. Having lost all their fortune, they were expelled from their own country and declared enemies of the new state. For them, the main culprit of what happened was Lenin. These assessments carry a huge stamp of subjectivity (for example, Bunin about Lenin: “Oh, what an animal this is!”).
  • Huge streams of mud were poured after Perestroika over the entire Soviet historical period, including Lenin. This is a completely understandable phenomenon: after for long years censorship gave people the opportunity to openly express their opinions. But attributing all mortal sins to Lenin, declaring him the enemy of all humanity, and using unproven evidence and facts is too reminiscent of Soviet times, only with the opposite sign.
  • At present, when the era of the USSR is beginning to be viewed more objectively, works are appearing that illuminate the personality of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin impartially. Both negative and positive aspects of his activities are recognized.

The main directions of Lenin's policy before the seizure of power

  • Having led the struggle against the tsarist government, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, at the head of the Bolshevik Party, immediately took an irreconcilable position, excluding the possibility of any compromise. He considered only revolution to be the ultimate goal of his activity, to achieve which all means were suitable.
  • The success of the Bolshevik agitation cannot be explained solely by personal qualities Lenin or other party members. Russia was indeed in an extremely difficult situation. Despite the vast territory, the rich Natural resources and human potential, the country still lagged behind the leading world powers, but at the same time decisively declared its imperial ambitions. The mediocre Russo-Japanese War, which resulted in the revolutionary events of 1905-1907, clearly demonstrated the failure of the state structure. Creation State Duma, attempts to carry out some half-hearted reforms could no longer calm the population, but only postponed another explosion of discontent.
  • The true cause of the revolution, along with the poverty of the bulk of the population, was the First World War. General jingoistic enthusiasm and faith in Russian “miracle soldiers” quickly gave way to disappointment and a premonition of disaster. Whether Lenin was a genius or not, only he was able to make the most of what was happening. Having declared from the very beginning the imperialist, wrong nature of the war, he resolutely opposed its conduct and, in general, against victory in the war. Lenin agitated for the soldiers' bayonets to be turned in a different direction, towards their own government. Bolshevik agitation against the war in itself could not cause defeat, but it lay on the fertile ground of soldier discontent.
  • The logical result was the February Revolution, after which we can already talk about the real influence of the Bolsheviks and Lenin on political processes through the councils of workers' and soldiers' deputies. The well-known Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Council actually meant the collapse of the Russian army and defeat in the war. There is no longer an authoritative political leader or movement left in the state that can correct the situation. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin played on these sentiments, calling for a radical change in the existing system. The slogans of the Bolsheviks were as simple as possible and close to the people, who were ready to do anything to at least somehow improve their situation.
    In the end, Lenin simply showed maximum concentration and readiness to take power into his own hands. The October Revolution, despite its subsequent idealization and heroic glorification, occurred almost bloodlessly. In general, there were no defenders.

The politics of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin after the October Revolution

  • Having seized power, the Bolsheviks declared their government temporary, as they promised to hold elections to the Constituent Assembly, which was supposed to resolve the issue of the Russian state structure. The elections took place in November 1918 and did not bring Lenin the desired result (the Bolsheviks received only 25% of the votes). However, the leader of the RSDLP already possessed all the main levers of state power, so the voting results did not play a big role for him.
  • Lenin's critics blame him for the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly at the beginning of 1918. However, this body did not have any real power. The Bolsheviks’ ignorance of his decisions and his status in general did not in any way affect the political situation in the country. In fact, only the members of the Constituent Assembly were dissatisfied. The few demonstrations against its crackdown confirm this.
  • One of the darkest deeds of Lenin's politics is considered to be the signing of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty (March 1918) with Germany. The terms of the agreement were extremely humiliating. Huge territories were given to Germany, Russia was obliged to immediately demobilize the army and navy, a huge amount of reparations was imposed on it, etc. On the one hand, Lenin consciously agreed to such conditions, since he understood that he needed strength to protect his own power. On the other hand, was there any real alternative to such a solution? Russia clearly could not continue the war, torn apart by internal contradictions. Prolongation of the war could lead to even worse results. It is unknown whether Lenin foresaw subsequent events, but already in November 1918, during the revolution in Germany, the Soviet government unilaterally canceled the terms of the peace treaty. Ultimately, history confirmed that signing the treaty was not the worst decision at that time.
  • One of the directions of Lenin's policy after the revolution was the elimination of political competitors. At first, the Cadet Party was outlawed, as contrary to the very idea of ​​a socialist state. However, with the exception of the arrest of the party leaders, she was not persecuted for about six months and was even able to take part in the work of the Constituent Assembly.
  • Gradually, the Bolshevik Party gained strength, and the fight against political opponents became increasingly brutal. There are arrests, repressions, and executions of people disliked by the new government. A special focus was the fight against the church and priests. The consequence of this is the Civil War.
    In this brutal clash, the Russian people suffered great losses. The country was subjected to the greatest disasters, the consequences of which were then not easy to get rid of. It is difficult to determine who is right and who is wrong in this fratricidal war, but it cannot be said that the Bolsheviks won only thanks to their harsh repressive policies. The white movement was not popular among the broad masses of the population, and this was the reason for its defeat. Lenin managed to captivate the people with his slogans, not all of which, unfortunately, were implemented in practice.
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin declared the proletariat to be the main driving social force; accordingly, the dictatorship of the proletariat became the form of power. Only in alliance with him will other classes (the peasantry and the intelligentsia) be able to move along the path social progress to the construction of the highest phase - communism.
    The main directions of Lenin's policy arising from the task were: the concentration of all power in the hands of one party; nationalization of all industries, lands, banks; abolition of private property; eradication of religion as a means of stupefying the people, etc.
  • Economic difficulties and the Civil War led Lenin to proclaim the policy of War Communism, which included the implementation of a large-scale “Red Terror”. The merciless destruction and robbery of the “exploiting” classes began in order to obtain material resources and food. These measures truly characterize Vladimir Ilyich Lenin as a very cruel person, walking towards his goal over the corpses of his enemies. The call for the destruction of the kulaks as a class led to the fact that Agriculture lost its main producers. Protection primarily of the poor led to the fact that power in the village was often given to idlenesses and parasites.
  • During the Civil War, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin proved himself to be a brilliant organizer who was able to achieve maximum centralization of power and effective distribution of available limited resources in a short time. The proclaimed social equality made it possible to promote many talented military leaders from among the people who won victories over white generals. As a result, by 1920 the main centers of resistance were defeated. Until 1922, only the struggle to establish Soviet power on the outskirts of the former Russian Empire continued.
  • However, the end of the Civil War posed new problems for Lenin. The policy of war communism had exhausted itself; a transition to peaceful construction was needed. In March 1921, Lenin announced the transition to the New Economic Policy (NEP), which consisted of some concessions to capitalism to overcome the economic crisis. The rental of small and medium-sized enterprises was allowed, the possibility of hiring labor became possible, instead of surplus appropriation and taxes in kind, a progressive income tax was introduced for peasants, etc. In general, this policy brought results. So, by the mid-1920s. The country reached pre-war production levels.

last years of life

  • In August 1918, an attempt was made on the leader of the revolution. According to the official version, F. Kaplan, a fan from the Socialist Revolutionary camp, shot at him. However, despite being seriously wounded, Lenin continued to work.
  • 4 years later, according to his recommendation, the USSR was founded. At the same time, there is a sharp deterioration in the leader's health. For some time, he has been fighting the disease with varying success, continuing to work and lead the country.
  • But at the beginning of 1924, the disease finally prevailed, and on January 21, the man, under whose strict leadership one state was destroyed and a completely different one was created, dies.
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin initiated one of the largest events in Russian and world history - the October Revolution. The world's first socialist state was created. The statement about the inevitability of building communism, of course, did not justify itself, but the fact that a completely new model of the state was created is undoubtedly.
  • The USSR existed for almost 70 years, achieving, along with the United States, the status of a world leader. The Soviet state won the Second World War, gave the world a large number of scientific discoveries, scientists, artists, etc. The very existence of a socialist state influenced the development of all regions of the globe.


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