The effect of alcohol on the human body table. Alcohol and its effect on human health

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Scientists call alcohol a legal drug, because the effects of vodka, beer, cognac, wine and other drinks on the body are comparable to various psychoactive substances. It is worth noting that large doses of alcohol have a detrimental effect on the body, especially when it comes to children, women, and people suffering from chronic diseases. At the same time, the effect of surfactants on people is very different: some have a higher margin of safety, some have less.

How does alcohol affect the body?

Very often you can hear phrases like “if you don’t know how to drink, don’t try it,” “alcohol is contraindicated for him,” “vodka makes him sick.” What do such expressions really mean? on the body has been studied for several millennia - even the ancient Greeks noted the danger of consuming the “green serpent,” and the ancient Romans considered intoxication an aggravating circumstance when committing crimes.

In fact, alcohol has different effects on people's bodies. There are some celebrities who start and end their day with a glass of whiskey and feel great. But most often, constant libations are very poorly tolerated by a person: the head, kidneys, liver hurt, teeth and hair begin to fall out.

Alcohol has the following effects on humans:

  • In small doses it calms. Sedation is the main cause of alcoholism. Constant stress at work and at home forces a person to look for a way to calm his psyche. Indeed, 1-2 glasses of vodka or cognac are very relaxing and help you forget about fatigue and worries.
  • In moderate quantities it causes euphoria. An important aspect that alcohol affects is a person’s mental state. Alcohol ensures the production of endorphin (the hormone of happiness) and GABA (a sedative amino acid), thanks to which a person first relaxes and then feels a surge of energy and pleasure.
  • In large cases, it leads to loss of control over oneself. At some point, the amount of psychoactive substances crosses the line when a person is able to account for his actions. Immediately after this, the consumer begins to behave inappropriately: looking for a fight, destroying property, and is capable of causing significant harm to other people.

Consequences of drinking and harm of alcohol:

  1. General deterioration in health. All internal organs suffer, from the heart to the bladder, which is aggravated by lifestyle.
  2. Disruption of the cardiovascular system. Bursting blood vessels on the face and other parts of the body are a constant companion to alcoholism.
  3. Impotence and infertility. Men and women can no longer perform reproductive functions: serious treatment will be required to conceive a healthy child.
  4. Tremor of the limbs. Trembling of the hands and feet not only interferes with normal life, but is also perceived negatively by others and does not allow one to perform any work.
  5. Withdrawal syndrome.“Withdrawal” is a natural state of the body: severe headaches and constant thirst force the alcoholic to drink new portions of alcohol.
  6. Aggression and mental illness. The constant companion of the “green serpent” is uncontrollable behavior. Under the influence of vodka, cognac, and tinctures, an alcohol drinker may experience hallucinations, behavioral disorders, and psychosis.
  7. Dystrophy and vitamin deficiency. Since the body receives energy from alcohol, a person stops eating normally, and this leads to a deficiency of nutrients.

The impact of alcoholism on social skills:

  1. Deterioration of family relationships. Both men and women who are unable to cope with a bad habit will become the object of criticism from spouses, children, parents and relatives.
  2. Loss of working qualifications. Deterioration of fine motor skills, cognitive functions and hand tremors deprive any specialist of a significant part of the skills.
  3. Tension in communication with people. Contemplating the world through a “bottle prism” does not allow you to conduct a normal dialogue with a person, to convey your thoughts to him.
  4. Loss of friends, socially useful connections. Since a person completely changes internally and externally, close people no longer want to communicate with him.

Signs of alcoholism:

  1. Painful craving for alcohol. Many people like to drink, but if a person starts doing it instead of work, study, to the detriment of his family and cannot stop, this indicates the presence of a disease.
  2. (over 2 days). A healthy body is not able to “digest” such an amount of alcohol and will reject it. But in alcoholics, self-purification processes have atrophied, so they can drink for several days in a row.
  3. Loss of all types of control. In critical situations (illness of a relative, dismissal from work, illness), a significant part of people can give up their addiction. However, alcoholics have absolutely no control over themselves: they continue to drink even when the familiar world around them is collapsing.
  4. Obvious harmful effects. Another factor of dependence is the realization that the former beauty has been lost, professional skills have been lost.
  5. Problems in the family, in the social sphere, with the law. Finally, not a single consumer can abstract himself from a society that does not encourage a bad habit and punishes it in every possible way.

Is it possible to recover from alcoholism?

Due to the fact that this disease appeared several centuries ago, it has now been studied very well. Methods and programs have been developed that allow you to completely get rid of addiction and return to social life. Unlike drug addiction, timely diagnosed and treated alcoholism leaves minimal health consequences, but this does not apply to advanced forms.

At the same time, the biggest problem of the disease is the lack of criticism and motivation among the consumer. Therefore, until a person really wants to be cured and lead a normal life, the efforts of the best doctors will be in vain.

Video The effect of alcohol on the human body

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Today, alcohol abuse is a pressing problem in society. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages causes accidents of various types, regardless of the person’s status in society.

It is also important that alcohol very quickly destroys young healthy organisms and their personalities, which has a deplorable effect on the entire society. The highest percentage of deaths from alcohol poisoning and the consequences of its use is among young people. It is very important to know and attach importance to information about the action and influence of alcohol on the body and the consequences of drinking alcohol.

The effect of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract

First of all, alcohol irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx during drinking and swallowing. This results in a burning sensation as it moves into your mouth, then into your throat, and then down your esophagus.

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With prolonged use, alcohol can lead to the development of various diseases of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, to the same mucosal atrophy. Drinking five or more drinks (the amount of drink containing 10-12 grams of alcohol in it) per day, you can double the mouth, pharynx or esophagus.

Alcohol cannot be digested, that is, during its processing, enzymes of the stomach, pancreas and liver are not released. It is directly absorbed into the blood from the gastric mucosa. When the stomach is empty, alcohol passes directly into the bloodstream through the shortest route. When there is food in the stomach, it mixes with it, and the absorption process slows down.

Alcohol in small quantities can stimulate appetite by increasing the production of gastric acid. In large quantities, it provokes an increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, a constantly increased amount of which will certainly lead to the development of at least gastritis, and subsequently a stomach ulcer (remember that a stomach ulcer is prone to malignancy, unlike a duodenal ulcer).

When the concentration of alcohol and hydrochloric acid in the stomach becomes excessively high, a reflex urge to vomit is triggered as a protective mechanism to reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa.

When alcohol that is not absorbed in the stomach moves into the small intestine, it can also cause damage to the digestive system. It blocks the absorption of vitamins such as thiamine, folic acid, vitamin B1, B12, important fats and amino acids. Therefore, chronic alcohol consumption can lead to the development of malabsorption syndrome.

The effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system

When alcohol enters the body, it is carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, where it directly affects the blood vessels and heart. Since it is completely eliminated from the body after 14 days, its effect lasts the same amount.

Among its immediate effects on the cardiovascular system are:

  • Dilation of skin vessels and blood flow;
  • Temporary feeling of warmth;
  • Increased heat loss and rapid decrease in body temperature;
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances (sharp slowdown followed by an increase in heart rate).

With regular drinking of alcoholic beverages and transition to chronic alcoholism, alcoholic cardiomyopathy may develop, which, as it progresses, is complicated by heart failure.

The effect of alcohol on the liver

When processing alcohol, the liver takes the brunt of the damage. Chronic drinking of alcoholic beverages can lead to the development of liver diseases. Among them:

  • Steatosis, as the beginning of manifestations of organic disorders;
  • Alcoholic hepatitis;
  • Alcoholic fibrosis with transition to cirrhosis;

As a result of the toxic effects of alcohol on liver cells, their membrane and structure as a whole are destroyed. Destroyed cells are replaced by connective tissue. The degree of this substitution and the reversibility of the process determine the stage of alcoholic liver disease. In the presence of fibrosis, changes in the liver are still reversible, and it makes sense to think about changing your lifestyle. With cirrhosis, persistent connective tissue replacements appear in the liver. The more there are, the more severe the disease. There are 3 stages of liver cirrhosis. In the latter, it is complicated by ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) and hepatargia (hepatic encephalopathy followed by coma).

The effect of alcohol on the pancreas

American scientists back in the 80s proved the harmful effects of alcohol on the pancreas. Even a single case of libation can provoke the occurrence of acute pancreatitis. The extensiveness of this process and the duration of recovery, the presence of pancreatic necrosis and the occurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts can lead to insufficiency of both exocrine (secretion of digestive enzymes) and endocrine (secretion of insulin) functions, which is fraught with both the occurrence of insufficient saturation of the body with nutrients and the occurrence of diabetes.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

The human brain is one of the vital organs of a person. It is responsible for all vital processes of the body, such as breathing, thermoregulation, movement, sensations and many others, as well as for the mnestic sphere. Poor circulation and death of neurons, which occur with excessive and constant consumption of alcohol, are accompanied by a weakening of its functions. This leads to a decrease in mental abilities, directly affects human behavior, and impairs coordination of movements. Due to the constant consumption of alcohol, a person’s personality ultimately deteriorates.

With chronic alcohol consumption, the following changes occur in the brain:

  • Memory impairment;
  • Decrease in intelligence;
  • Loss of a critical attitude towards one’s own personality and what is happening around;
  • Violation of the general state of the psyche.

Under the influence of alcohol, a person's behavioral reactions change. The drinker loses his shyness, restraint, becomes untied and overly frank. Self-criticism suffers greatly. Often, a person’s personal qualities degrade in direct proportion to the amount and duration of alcohol consumption. He gradually loses interest in his own life and what is happening around him. All this negatively affects social status.

The effect of alcohol on the female body

Alcohol and the female body are completely incompatible things. As you know, female alcoholism cannot be cured. In women, the process of achieving chronic alcoholism takes a shorter time than in men, which is why it occurs much earlier.

Alcoholism often affects the entire female body, including reproductive function. A woman who drinks increases the risk of giving birth to a child with a genetic anomaly, or some other organ defect, not to mention alcoholic fetopathy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy, even once, provokes hypoxia in the fetus, which can affect its future health.

Take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, undergo regular examinations and do not abuse alcohol! Your health is only in your hands!

Having life experience, you have probably been convinced more than once that excessive alcohol consumption is quite capable of destroying not only a person’s health, but his entire life. It has been proven that alcohol addiction is a disease from which it is very difficult to recover, and if this happens, it is at the cost of many losses. The state of intoxication, which causes euphoria at the first stage, if not stopped, then turns into unconsciousness and creepiness, which is fraught with injury and violation of social norms. Often people suffering from such addiction are socially isolated.

With regular consumption of large quantities of alcohol, irreversible changes occur not only in the nervous system and brain, but also in the internal organs. The liver simply cannot cope with large doses of toxic substances contained in cheap strong drinks, which are most often used to quickly reach the usual state. Ethanol, which is part of their composition, is capable of causing irreparable damage in the shortest possible time, in which the liver literally decomposes, which, of course, leads to death.

But doctors have long known that any poison in moderate quantities can be a medicine. And alcohol is no exception.

What are the benefits of alcohol?

No matter how the fighters protest, its positive effect, as well as its negative effect, is a scientifically proven fact. In small quantities, it reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 40% by stimulating normal metabolism.

Alcoholic drinks based on grape juice - wines and cognacs - have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system because they contain tocopherols, which reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevent cholesterol plaques from settling on the walls of blood vessels.

But not only wines, in which the alcohol content is low, are useful, but also strong drinks, from 35 degrees and above. They have antibacterial, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, which allows them to be used and consumed in extreme conditions, including as a pain reliever.

Of course, we can say that tocopherols are found in many fruits and vegetables or that there are medicinal pain relievers. But the culture of winemaking goes back many millennia, and good alcoholic drinks are the quintessence of the vital juices of plants. A glass of fine wine with fruit and cheese or a small glass of vodka before a hot dish is a pleasure. And, if you know how to appreciate it and know the norm, why not treat yourself.

Many books have been written about the dangers of alcohol. Little and reluctantly people talk about the benefits of alcohol. Unless during a noisy feast. It’s hard to find a book that would colorfully talk about the positive effects of alcohol on the human body.

Is there any benefit to What effect do they have on the body? And are there any less dangerous drinks among them? Before answering the question about the benefits of alcohol, it is worth making a short excursion into history.

When did strong drinks appear? Who invented them? Did people in ancient times think about the benefits of alcohol and what its harmful powers are? Or did people start talking about the traditions of discussing the quality and effect of alcohol only in recent centuries?

Ancient times

The first appeared several thousand years ago. This is evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations. In prehistoric times, hardly anyone thought about the benefits of alcohol. At least, researchers know little about this. Nevertheless, there is more accurate information about the attitude of the ancient Egyptians to alcohol. Texts dating back to 2100 BC speak of the positive effects of alcohol on the human body.

Once upon a time, Sumerian settlements were located in southern Mesopotamia. People lived here who firmly believed that alcohol was to blame for their imperfections. According to myth, the deities who created the first man first took a fair amount on their chests. That is why weak, evil, envious people appeared on earth.

One of the most popular drinks in the world is beer. He is loved in Europe, Asia, and America. Every year, factories produce several tens of thousands of types of low-alcohol drinks. On the menus of cafes and restaurants you can see not only all kinds of beer, but also various beer cocktails. It is generally accepted that the best producers of the foamy drink are Germany and the Czech Republic. But it was invented by the ancient Egyptians.

The inhabitants of Egypt also revered wine, which they considered a divine drink. They not only drank it at dinner, but also used it for medicinal and ritual purposes. The traditions of producing alcoholic beverages in ancient times developed in China and Rome.

Middle Ages

After Columbus discovered the New World, European sailors had the opportunity to taste puke, the wine of the Aztecs. This drink is still produced in South America. Its basis is fermented agave juice.

In Europe, the most popular drink was beer. The production of cider, apple and grape wine also developed. Alcohol is beneficial in small doses. This was well known to the inhabitants of medieval Europe, where epidemics constantly roamed due to monstrous unsanitary conditions. It was much safer to quench your thirst with wine than with water. The sweetish alcoholic drink saved many French and Germans from cholera.

New time

The consciousness of the inhabitants of Western Europe was influenced by the ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin, who argued that wine is nothing more than a divine gift. Until the 18th century, attitudes towards alcohol were positive. People who did not know how to drink in moderation were not condemned.

Healing drink

It was said above: little is said about the benefits of alcohol; much attention is given to its harmful power. It's worth clarifying here. Wine is the only alcoholic drink about which many articles and books have been written. It is recommended by doctors for certain diseases. Poets and philosophers wrote a lot about him, and most of all - Omar Khayyam.

Red wine is considered a healing drink. It contains tannin, which, when entering the body, thins the blood. Red wine is an excellent preventative against cardiovascular diseases.

Red wine contains flavonoids - natural antioxidants that stop the negative effects of free radicals. It’s not for nothing that this drink is called the elixir of youth. Wine also contains many beneficial substances, including iron, which prevents anemia. Doctors recommend using the drink as a prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Alcohol dilates blood vessels. Therefore, it is useful in moderate doses. Especially wine, the healing properties of which are given above. But do not forget that any alcohol is addictive. Moreover, dependence develops from regular use. A person who drinks 50 grams of wine daily is more susceptible to addiction than someone who drinks a bottle of Cabernet once every six months.

Best wines

Luxury liquor stores offer a wide selection of wines. Not every one of them has healing powers. Healthy wine is dry or semi-dry. It contains many useful substances, little alcohol and sugar. The most popular varieties:

  1. "Pinot noir".
  2. "Sauvignon Blanc"
  3. "Shiraz".
  4. "Riesling".
  5. "Cabernet".

Wine lovers unanimously say: you can and should drink this drink every day. Abstract scientists are often mentioned who supposedly confirmed this version through research. It is worth knowing: there is no established limit of alcohol without harm to health. Doctors still disagree about what or if it exists. One person can drink a couple of glasses of wine with lunch for twenty years and feel great. Such meals will turn another into an alcoholic within a year.

Acceptable rate

Still, most doctors believe that a man can drink a glass of wine a day. The permissible norm for a woman is two times less, that is, 75 ml. The trouble is that wine lovers cannot adhere to such strict limits. Where there is one glass, there is a second one.

The fairer sex is interested in the calorie content of alcohol per 100 grams. By the way, red wine is included in some diets. One hundred grams of dry food contains only 64 kcal. That's not a lot. It is impossible to gain weight by drinking a glass of wine regularly. However, this drink awakens the appetite.


Sparkling wine appeared in the 17th century. It became widely known thanks to the monk, whose name can be seen today in any luxury alcohol store. "Dom Perignon" is the name of one of the most expensive sparkling wines.

Champagne is the general name of a drink that appeared several centuries ago in one of the French provinces. There are a lot of varieties. Of course, the choice should be made in favor of more expensive brands. For example, Veuve Clicquot, Brut, Extra Brut. "Asti Martini", so beloved by girls, contains too much sugar, its calorie content is twice that of dry wine.

It is extremely strange to talk about the benefits of champagne or any other alcohol. Nevertheless, there are versions about the healing power of this drink. Just like dry wine, it contains antioxidants and normalizes blood pressure. But only if you drink it in small doses. The permissible volume per day for a woman is 75 ml.


And there are many myths about the benefits of this strong alcoholic drink. Neither expensive Armenian cognac nor French “Martel” is a panacea or a medicine. Doctors categorically do not recommend drinking it regularly. It's addictive. The permissible norm for a man is one glass per day, that is, 50 ml. For a woman, even less - 25 ml.

Still, cognac is not without beneficial qualities. If it's high quality. Expensive Armenian cognac, like elite French drinks, contains sodium, potassium, and calcium. Taking it in small doses helps strengthen the immune system. Low-quality drinks, which are often found on store shelves, contain pesticides, sulfur compounds and other chemicals.


This drink does not belong to the category of sophisticated ones. Nevertheless, many ladies prefer it to exquisite French and Italian wines. Beer contains hops, malt, sugar and, of course, alcohol. Is every day dangerous?

This drink may seem quite harmless - intoxication comes gradually, and more often it is replaced by a pleasant feeling of relaxation. Is it possible to become addicted by drinking one or two glasses of beer after a hard day at work? Undoubtedly. Any alcohol can be addictive - both strong and low alcohol. There is even such a thing as “beer alcoholism.” True, it has no scientific basis. Alcoholism does not come from vodka, beer, or cognac. Alcohol addiction has standard symptoms.

According to popular belief, drinking beer leads to extra pounds. In reality, vodka, which is allowed on the so-called Kremlin diet, contains more calories. It is not the foamy drink itself that is harmful, but the snacks that go with it. Traditionally, beer is served with crackers, nuts, and chips. These are very high-calorie foods, and it is their consumption that leads to excess weight.

Beer contains beneficial substances. One or two glasses do not have a negative effect on the body. But it’s better to avoid all kinds of beer cocktails. By the way, it is advisable to drink any alcoholic drink in its pure form. A cocktail, which, in addition to the intoxicating drink, contains only lemonade, is harmless, which cannot be said about the so-called “ruff”. Vodka and beer is a mixture that, in large quantities, does not have the best effect on your state of mind. In addition, in the morning she can remind herself of an unbearable headache.


A pleasant sweet drink is included in many popular cocktails. Liquor can be strong, dessert. We will not repeat ourselves about the risk of developing alcoholism; we will only say that this drink is also useful in small doses. But, of course, not everyone. Only natural, devoid of flavors and dyes.


This is one of the most popular liqueurs, a Czech drink with herbal flavor. Once upon a time, Becherovka was sold exclusively in pharmacies; it was used as a stomach remedy.

The strength of the drink is 38%. It contains twenty herbs, some of which are found, as a rule, in Karlovy Vary. It was here, at one of the best resorts in Eastern Europe, that Joseph Becher came up with a recipe for a medicinal tincture, which later became a popular alcoholic drink. The list of ingredients is kept secret. Becherovka is produced only in the Czech Republic.


This is a common drink that is usually consumed before meals. Drinking aperitifs is a typically European tradition. She came to us relatively recently. Although the menu of many Russian establishments has a whole section with aperitifs, they are ordered both after lunch and during it.

The most popular aperitif is vermouth. The drink has a tart, slightly bitter taste. Wermut translated from German means “wormwood”. This drink appeared in the late Middle Ages and was originally a medicine.

There are several types of vermouth. All of them are an excellent remedy for improving digestion. True, in large quantities vermouth can cause heartburn.

Alcohols vary in their degree of toxicity, each type is dangerous and can be fatal. If ethyl alcohol, contained in most alcoholic drinks, enters the body, the central nervous system is depressed. Then destructive processes occur in the internal organs. The most poisonous and dangerous alcohol is methanol. Poisoning with it leads to severe damage to internal organs, blindness, and can even cause death.

Types of alcohols and their effects on the body

When in contact with methyl alcohol, the organs of vision are affected, and in severe cases, blindness occurs. Ethanol and methanol are widely used in industry.

There are different types of alcohols:

  1. 1. Methyl alcohol is poison. It is not added to alcoholic drinks and is rarely used in medicine. If this substance gets ingested, the functioning of the heart is disrupted, and central nervous system disorders occur. If more than 25 ml enters the body, death occurs.
  2. 2. Ethyl alcohol is also found in alcohol and is toxic. This substance quickly penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed through the mucous membranes. The maximum concentration is observed one hour after administration. At first, the person experiences euphoria, as if he is in a state of trance. Afterwards, the effect of alcohol continues, but the nervous system is depressed, the mood becomes bad, and a feeling of depression arises. The substance destroys brain cells, and they are not restored in the future.
  3. 3. Isopropyl alcohol has the same toxicity. If this substance enters the body, a central nervous system disorder occurs and the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted. In case of an overdose of chemicals in the substance, a person falls into a coma, which can lead to death.
  4. 4. Allyl alcohol causes severe intoxication. If more than 25 g enters the body, a person loses consciousness, the respiratory system is affected, and death occurs.

Harm of alcoholic beverages

The effect of alcohol on the human body is destructive. People addicted to alcoholic beverages live 10 to 15 years less. An overdose of alcohol can be fatal.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

Ethyl alcohol destroys brain cells. The harmful substances contained in this substance lead to oxygen starvation of neurons. This problem causes intoxication and a number of mental disorders. Cell neurons are gradually destroyed, resulting in mental illness. If a person abuses alcohol, the functioning of brain structures is disrupted and the cerebral cortex is affected.

People who drink experience hallucinations, convulsions, and muscle paralysis. Alcohol poisoning leads to delirium tremens; in exceptional cases, the disease ends in death. Delirium tremens is accompanied by hallucinations and clouding of consciousness. The patient becomes disoriented in space and becomes overly excited. With such an attack, blood pressure rises and emergency assistance is required.

Gastrointestinal organs

Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract and provokes the development of such serious diseases as:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis.

In chronic alcoholics, the functioning of the stomach is impaired. The mucous membranes are damaged, and in severe cases, peptic ulcers occur.

Alcohol and the cardiovascular system

Alcoholism causes exacerbation of chronic heart disease. Ethyl alcohol disrupts the functioning of this organ. If a person abuses alcohol, damage occurs to the heart muscle and arteries located nearby. As a result, dangerous diseases develop, in severe cases they lead to death. The heart enlarges with regular consumption of drinks containing ethyl alcohol.

If a healthy person drinks a large amount of alcohol, the heart rhythm is disturbed. Some people experience hypertension; in other situations, alcohol worsens the disease. In severe cases, ischemic heart disease develops.

Respiratory system

Ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on the respiratory system. Patients with alcoholism experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Against the background of such problems, tuberculosis may arise. Alcoholics are more likely to...


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