The influence of food on a person's mood. How does food affect your mood? Worsens: Milk chocolate

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The human body is a kind of chemical plant that processes everything we eat, causing certain reactions in the internal organs. And not always those that are beneficial.

Modern physiology explains how nutrition affects our state of mind, emotions and even behavior. According to scientific research, brain cells “communicate with each other” through chemical reactions. The composition of the substances that participate in this metabolism is influenced by the foods we eat.

Thus, we are able to improve the balance of our mood and be more optimistic throughout the day if we eat the right foods for our emotional health. Accordingly, it is necessary to exclude or limit the consumption of foods that negatively affect our emotional state.

What should you consider when planning your weekly diet?

Bad Mood Products

Fatty Fast Food. Tempting food from McDonald's and other fast food restaurants overloads our body with excess fats and salt. Eating a hamburger would seem to quickly satisfy your hunger, and it is. But after a short period of time, your blood sugar level drops sharply again, you feel drowsiness and decreased tone. Moreover, this state sometimes lasts up to 2-3 hours.

Caffeine. A couple of strong espressos loaded with caffeine or a mochaccino with extra heavy cream can lead to rapid mood swings throughout the day. Caffeine can cause addiction and changes in brain chemistry similar to amphetamines, contributing to irritability and aggressive behavior.

Alcohol. Alcohol is a known sedative. Even low-strength alcoholic drinks, if consumed frequently, can cause dehydration, drowsiness, muscle weakness and inability to concentrate.

Sugar. Eating sweets, especially on an empty stomach, causes the pancreas to pump a record amount of insulin into the blood, causing a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. The result is the same as after a hamburger: laziness, a feeling of fatigue and - what’s worst - an irresistible desire to eat more sweets. So we find ourselves in a vicious circle - the body demands sweets, but we are unable to resist the temptation.

Carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks are often high in sodium, which can lead to dehydration. In addition, the low temperature successfully masks huge amounts of sugar. Be careful with so-called "energy drinks" - known side effects include memory loss, loss of ability to concentrate, and unexplained anxiety.

Good Mood Products

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega-3 fatty acids improve your mood and help cope with depression. Products rich in omega-3: fatty sea fish (salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel, etc.), flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, seeds and nuts (not fried!), cod liver, fish oil.

Folic acid and B12. Deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 can lead to depression, constant feeling of fatigue and insomnia. The following foods are rich in folic acid: avocados, bananas, apricots, lentils, broccoli, green vegetables. Products with a lot of vitamin B12: seafood, shrimp, squid, sea fish, meat, eggs.

Vitamin D. Foods rich in vitamin D will help prevent the winter blues, when your mood is affected by short daylight hours: fish, egg yolks, cheese, liver, mushrooms, butter.

Vitamin B6. Why do we sometimes feel tired and irritable after illness? The fact is that taking certain medications causes a deficiency of vitamin B6. Urgently help the body and include meat and fish, avocados, legumes, and wholemeal bread with bran in your diet.

Vitamin B1. A lack of vitamin B1 also causes depression, loss of appetite, and irritability over trifles. The deficiency increases if you eat a lot of sweets and starchy foods. The following foods rich in vitamin B1 will help you cope: pork, sprouted wheat, wholemeal rye bread with bran, oatmeal.

Tryptophan. Tryptophan promotes the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). Tryptophan-rich foods: all dairy products, buckwheat, rolled oatmeal, bran bread, eggs, meat, fish, turkey, tomatoes, eggplant, legumes, fruits - especially bananas, plums and avocados, and nuts.

Magnesium. Why do you crave chocolate when you're in a bad mood? Cocoa, which is usually found in chocolate, contains a lot of magnesium, and magnesium deficiency causes irritability. However, milk chocolate and chocolate candies are rather sweets, but dark chocolate and a cup of good cocoa without sugar can compensate for the lack of magnesium. There is also a lot of magnesium in almonds and walnuts.

Protein food. If there is a lack of protein in the diet, the body reduces the production of the hormone dopamine, and if there is a deficiency of dopamine, melancholy and indifference attack. I don’t want anything, nothing makes me happy. Everyone knows the sources of protein: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese.

Read more detailed information about healthy foods and drinks that can restore mental well-being and health on the pages of the online magazine

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What does our mood depend on?
Mood directly depends on the substances produced by the body, which have a special effect on the brain and central nervous system. The so-called neurotransmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, endorphin and tryptophan - improve mood. Thanks to them, we feel light and confident, experience a surge of vitality and positive emotions, and perceive the world in bright colors. If the number of neurotransmitters in the body decreases, mood decreases accordingly. Most often this happens due to stress, lack of sleep and rest, nutritional disorders or imbalance. Active recreation and sports, as well as certain foods, help improve your mood.

Foods that improve your mood:

Certain types of meat (chicken, beef, pork) contain the amino acid tyrosine, which increases the level of dopamine and norepinephrine, which improve a person’s mood, concentration and memory. In addition, meat is a source of vitamin B12, which helps cope with insomnia and depression. Iron, which is part of meat, maintains the saturation of the body's cells with oxygen and thus charges it with energy.

Meat is a natural energy drink that will help cope with depression and insomnia.

Fatty fish (tuna, trout, herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary to maintain a good mood in the body. The same function is performed by vitamin B6 contained in fish, which also strengthens the immune system.

Fish is good for improving mood and immunity

This algae contains a large amount of B vitamins, which regulate the functioning of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the hormone adrenaline, the deficiency of which can cause chronic fatigue and worsening mood.

If you need to add some adrenaline to your life, eat seaweed more often.

One of the most famous antidepressant products. In addition to serotonin, they contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary to lift your mood. Moreover, bananas contain the alkaloid harman, which can even cause a feeling of euphoria. These fruits are also useful for chronic fatigue and blues.

Bananas are one of the most famous antidepressant foods.

It turns out that the more pepper you eat, the calmer you feel. And all thanks to the natural ingredient capsaicin, which gives dishes a spicy taste, stimulates the nerve endings in the mouth and causes a burning sensation. In response to such an influence, the brain carefully releases endorphins, which relieve pain and improve mood.

The more hot peppers you eat, the calmer you will feel.

Nuts, like fatty fish, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can ensure the proper functioning of brain cells and help eliminate symptoms of depression. Nuts also contain tryptophan, vitamin B6 and the mineral selenium, which helps improve mood.

Nuts help relieve symptoms of depression

Women and children are the first to know about the remarkable mood-improving abilities of this product. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain the substance phenylethylamine, thanks to which the body produces well-known hormones of happiness - endorphins. But that's not all: cocoa beans are rich in magnesium, which relieves stress. Please note that only dark chocolate has the listed beneficial qualities; milk chocolate is less healthy.

Chocolate is rich in endorphins and contains magnesium, which reduces stress levels

Oatmeal and buckwheat contain tryptophan, which, when processed in the body, contributes to the formation of one of the hormones of happiness - serotonin.
A very important property of these cereals is the normalization of blood sugar levels. Leveling its indicators is possible thanks to slow carbohydrates contained in buckwheat and oatmeal. Why is it important? Sugar levels affect your mood, because the level of insulin in the blood depends on it, which delivers tryptophan to the brain, where it is already processed into serotonin.

Tryptophan, contained in buckwheat and oatmeal, promotes the production of serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone

Eggs contain important fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D, tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, which we have already discussed. So even it can improve your mood. However, you need to know moderation in everything: the yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol.

Simple scrambled eggs are the key to vivacity and good mood

Any type of cheese can lift your mood, thanks to the anti-stress amino acids they contain - tyramine, trictamine and phenylethylamine. Cheese also contains a huge amount of protein (in various varieties it reaches 22%), which improves metabolism and helps restore strength.

A piece of any cheese will lift your spirits and restore your strength

Research shows that certain foods have an effect on your mood, making it better or worse. Changes in diet can trigger changes within the brain that change our behavior and emotional state.

Here are examples of how nutrition can affect mood:

1. Irregular eating, treating food as fuel

"Skip one meal and you'll feel tired and irritable. "It's like trying to start a car without gas," says Keri Gans, a nutritionist. If you go too long without eating, your blood sugar levels drop and your mood changes. You should eat every four hours. Breakfast is especially important, and especially for children.

Research shows that eating regularly helps children be more active and have fewer problems at school. Eating breakfast can also help you avoid overeating throughout the day and maintain a healthy weight. But remember, not all morning meals are equal. "This doesn't mean a donut and a cup of coffee," Somer says.

2. Lack of carbohydrates

Carbohydrate-rich foods are irreplaceable suppliers of vitamins, minerals and ballast substances. It is the most suitable source of energy for muscle, nerve and brain cells. In short: carbohydrates are super gasoline for our body!

Carbohydrates are present in many foods: grains, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. And also, as we remember, in sugar, wheat flour and all products made from them. That means in marmalade, white bread, muffins and chocolate.

The body needs carbohydrates to produce serotonin, a chemical that is responsible for elevating mood, suppressing appetite, and having a calming effect. Research shows that a low-carb diet causes fatigue, anger, depression and tension compared to those who get their daily carbohydrate intake.

Approximately 45-65% of your daily caloric intake comes from carbohydrates. For the 2,000 calorie per day diet, that's 900 to 1,300 calories. However, not all carbohydrates are good. Only complex carbohydrates, high in fiber, such as whole grains, have a positive effect on mood.

Unlike this, simple carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, cookies and other sweets) on the contrary, lower your mood.

3. Lack of Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega 3 is found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Omega 3 improves memory and improves mood. Research shows that low Omega-3 levels may be associated with depression, pessimism and impulsiveness.

Indeed, in countries like Japan, where oily fish is a staple food, depression rates are generally low. Most experts recommend eating at least two servings of oily fish per week; others recommend flaxseeds, walnuts, canola oil and eggs, which are high in Omega-3s.

There are also margarines and peanut butters with higher Omega-3 content.

4. You may be missing important nutrients.

Research shows that low iron levels can mean depression, fatigue and inattention. Iron-rich foods include red meat, egg yolks, dried fruits, beans, liver and artichokes.

Scientists also found that not getting enough thiamine in the body can cause "introversion, decreased activity, fatigue, decreased self-confidence and low mood," according to a recently published report in the scientific journal Dartmouth Undergraduate.

Thiamine is found in large quantities in grains, pork, yeast, cauliflower and eggs. If there is enough thiamine in the body, then well-being, communication skills and overall energy levels increase.

Equally important is folic acid, which helps prevent depression. Green vegetables, oranges, grapefruits, nuts,

Sprouted grains and whole grain bread are good sources of folic acid.

5. Too much fat intake

That bag of potato chips is bad for both your waistline and your mood!

Eating fatty foods, especially foods high in saturated fat, has been linked to depression and dementia. Moreover, eating a dense, high-fat diet almost instantly makes you feel sluggish.

6. You don't pay much attention to what you drink.

Drinks affect your mood no less than food. In moderation, caffeine can improve physical and mental performance, but too much can cause anxiety, nervousness, and mood swings.

Stick to one or two cups a day to avoid negative effects. "Coffee is a stimulant, and when it stops working, energy loss sets in," says nutritionist Constance Brown-Riggs, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

“To maintain alertness and energy, it is much better to drink water as your main drink.” Another good option: skim milk. Dairy products contain a lot of whey protein, which serves as an antidote to stress and improves mood and memory.

One cup a day is enough to ensure good health and relaxation. If you don't like milk, drink green tea - an antioxidant that is good for fighting depression. It contains theanine, an amino acid that helps combat stress.

Recently, the so-called good mood diet has been gaining popularity. What is this: another marketing ploy or a relationship between our mood and diet actually exists?

The theory that food can affect a person's mood is based on the fact that certain chemicals contained in food can activate certain processes in the brain. Scientists are still studying the relationship between food and human mood, but in recent years they have already made many interesting discoveries.

How to maintain a good mood with food

Eat often, but in small portions

Scientists from the University of Illinois have found that eating regularly can help maintain a good mood. The whole reason is the level in the blood. If the body regularly receives food, then the amount in the bloodstream is kept at a stable level, which in turn also affects a person’s well-being and mood. At the same time, experts advise paying attention to the portions of what you eat, since overeating or feeling hungry, on the contrary, have a bad effect on your mood.

Don't give up carbs

One of the main substances that our body needs to maintain a good mood is. The more tryptophan penetrates the brain, the more serotonin is synthesized from it - the hormone of happiness. A person can get tryptophan from almost any protein food. But what does this have to do with it, you ask. Here's the thing. In order for tryptophan to penetrate the brain, the body needs not only carbohydrates, but also carbohydrates. It is best to choose foods containing complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, legumes, fruits).

Eat protein foods

Protein foods are indispensable for creating a good mood. Thanks to a protein diet, the body's production of dopamine and norepinephrine increases. Scientists have found that eating poultry, seafood, eggs, and natural foods lifts your mood, increases your energy levels, and this state lasts for several hours after eating.

Include Omega-3 in your diet

In recent years, scientists have regularly found evidence that foods containing fatty acids from the group help overcome depression. Therefore, it is useful for people who want to keep their mood high to eat sea fish at least several times a week.

Don't skip breakfast

According to some researchers, eating breakfast every day leads to improved mood, memory and overall well-being throughout the day.

Follow a Mediterranean diet

Take your vitamins

There are several vitamins that can directly affect a person's mood. Take at least. Its deficiency in the body can cause seasonal affective disorder (atypical depression). However, vitamin D is one of the few that a person can get without any effort. The main thing is to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the sun. Food sources of this vitamin include eggs and dairy products.

Choose foods rich in selenium

Data from various scientific studies indicate that a deficiency in the body causes deterioration in mood and a tendency to depression. Experts advise consuming at least 55 mcg of this element every day to maintain your psycho-emotional state. Good sources of selenium: shellfish, saltwater and freshwater fish, nuts and seeds, lean meats, grains, low-fat dairy products.

Don't overuse coffee

Excessive indulgence in drinks containing alcohol may cause a bad mood. The fact is that caffeine causes excessive stimulation of the nervous system, and if you drink a caffeinated drink in the evening, it is likely that you will have a sleepless night, which also negatively affects your morning mood.

Excess weight and mood

It’s rare that a woman will be happy if the scales indicate she is overweight. But as it turns out, extra pounds, poor physical activity and regular overeating can quite realistically lead to the development of clinical depression. This was reported by experts from the Center for Health Research (Seattle), after studying data from more than 4,600 women aged 40 to 65 years. Changes in the psycho-emotional state are observed even in people with slightly excess body weight, not to mention in more advanced stages of obesity. The danger of such a relationship is that excess weight and depression “feed” each other and it can be very difficult to break this circle. Obese people are not recommended to suddenly lose weight. To improve not only your appearance, but also your mood, a not very strict diet, moderate exercise and slow but steady weight loss are more suitable.

Food for...

...relaxation and calmness

, leafy greens. Greens and pumpkin seeds can rightfully be called a treasure trove. And this mineral is known for its beneficial effects on the nervous system. It is magnesium preparations that doctors prescribe to patients in a state of stress and nervousness. Scientists say that if you consume 150 mg of magnesium per day, you can significantly improve your emotional state. In addition, almonds and pumpkin seeds increase the body's levels of tryptophan and gamma-aminobutyric acid, substances essential for calming.

Drinking a glass (but not more) of red or white wine can reduce the level of adrenaline in the body, which results in calmness and improved brain function.


Asparagus, sunflower seeds, fish, red meat, poultry. Researchers say if you want to feel happier, add more foods to your diet that contain folic acid (asparagus, peas, beans, egg yolks, spinach, sunflower seeds), (leafy greens, seeds) and vitamin B12 (meat, fish, bird). The reason is that they lead to a decrease in homocysteine ​​levels. Homocysteine ​​is produced by our body.

If its amount exceeds the norm, depression begins.

Leafy greens, nuts, legumes, eggs. These foods contain large amounts of B vitamins, which are necessary for the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for calming and reducing anxiety. By the way, scientists have discovered that serotonin is produced worse in female bodies than in males, so representatives of the fairer sex are more prone to depression and anxiety.

Onions, tomatoes. , contained in these foods, is necessary for the production of insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. Keeping your sugar in balance is the key to a stable mood. In addition, chromium activates the production of serotonin. By the way, in 2003, researchers discovered that in most cases, the cause of mood swings (atypical depression) is a deficiency of chromium in the body.

Fish, flax seeds, some oils. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in high quantities in marine fish, hemp oil and hemp oil, may protect against depression. In addition, to get rid of a bad mood, it is useful to eat foods rich in vitamin D (fatty sea fish:,). By the way, as it turned out, in countries where it is customary to eat a lot of fish and seafood, fewer people suffer from depression and other mental disorders. In addition, these countries have much lower suicide rates.

Poultry, red meat, whole grains, shellfish. The amino acid tryptophan, found in shellfish, red meat and poultry, also stimulates serotonin production. When tryptophan in the body decreases, a person becomes prone to depression and is rarely in a good mood. But in order for the body to properly absorb tryptophan from food, meat and seafood must be combined with carbohydrates (or other grains).

…increased energy

Spinach, shellfish and seafood. Flaw

...attention and concentration

Avocado, beans, poultry. These four foods contain tyrosine, which is necessary for the synthesis of dopamine and norepinephrine. The presence of these hormones in the body in sufficient quantities makes a person more attentive and vigilant.

Seeds, nuts, beans. It is very useful to consume these products containing omega-3 together with sea fish. The fact is that zinc reacts with fatty acids, as a result of which the body produces prostaglandin hormones, which are responsible for concentration. In addition, zinc is known to have antidepressant properties, and people who are in a state of mental balance tend to be more alert and focused than those who are depressed.

Dehydration can also cause problems with attention. Therefore, to maintain concentration, it is useful to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Food against anxiety and depression

Chamomile tea with a slice. Herbal teas are one of the best natural sedatives, and the vitamin C contained in lemon helps the adrenal glands and immune system cope with stress. In addition, during periods of nervous shock, the body’s reserves of ascorbic acid are quickly destroyed, so it is very important to restore the balance of nutrients in a timely manner.

Seafood, red meat, whole grains, legumes. These foods contain impressive amounts of selenium, which helps relieve anxiety and ease the effects of depression. Researchers from the University of Texas found that eating selenium-rich foods for 2 months can help relieve depression.

Foods that worsen your mood

While some foods promote a positive mood, others can have a depressive effect. According to scientists, the worst things for your mood are simple carbohydrates, or, more precisely, the abuse of foods containing simple sugars. This list includes candies, sweet soda, jams and other sweets. The reason is that fast carbohydrates cause sugar spikes in the bloodstream, which, in turn, affects your mood.

The second group of products that can cause a bad mood is alcohol. Scientists have long found evidence that alcohol, contrary to popular belief, does not improve the psycho-emotional state, but, on the contrary, leads to depression. Of course, one glass of wine or one glass of something stronger will not turn you into a depressed person, but in case of alcohol abuse, not only banal mood swings, but also serious mental illnesses are quite possible.

Many of us are accustomed to eating stress and bad mood. But very few people know that usually the products chosen for this mission not only do not improve their well-being, but can further aggravate the depressive state. Remember: we are what we eat, and even our mood depends on the contents of the plate.


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