Inner world example from life 15.3. What is inner peace

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Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of modern linguist N.S. Valgina: “Punctuation has reached such a level of development when it has become an exponent of the subtlest shades of meaning and intonation, rhythm and style.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of N. S. Valgina.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “Of course, it was a dream. But it's good that children believe in good dreams

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the expression THE INNER WORLD OF A PERSON?

Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is inner world person,” taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) In the suburbs of one very ordinary city lived the most ordinary family: father Vitya, mother Vika, son Mitya and daughter Nika. (2) The children were obedient, but they really did not like to go to bed. (3) Every evening there was a scandal:

– (4) Children, go to bed! (5) It’s too late... - Dad Vitya was angry.

- (6) Well, dad, can we play for another half hour? (7) Daddy, please, the children asked.

(8) And today the children just didn’t want to go to bed.

“(9) I give you ten minutes,” dad said angrily and left the room.

“(10) Let’s collect the toys and go to bed,” said mother.

(11) In the end, the children lay down in their beds and closed their eyes.

(12) Midnight struck. (13) And suddenly Mitya saw that something unusual began to happen in the room. (14) Children's toys began to come to life: dolls straightened their dresses and hairstyles, soldiers cleaned their guns, cars checked their wheels, soft toys stretched sweetly. (15) Mitya pretended to be asleep, and they did not notice that the boy was watching them. (16) On the next bed, my sister was also awake and looking at the toys with all her eyes.

- (17) Nika, - the brother whispered to the girl, - our toys have come to life...

- (18) I see.

- (19) Toys, have you come to life? (20) How can this be? - the girl could not stand it.

- (21) Oh-oh-oh, they see us, - the dolls squeaked, - now everyone will know our secret.

- (22) No, no, no, we won’t reveal your secret to anyone. (23) Really, Mitya?

“(24) It’s true,” the boy agreed, “why do you only come to life at night?” (25) It would be great if you were always alive! (26) The children crawled out of their beds and sat on the floor, surrounded by toys.

“(27) This is how we are built,” said the soldiers. - (28) If they play with us carefully, if they don’t scatter us, don’t break us, then we come to life and protect the sleep and peace of our owners, and if on the contrary, then we leave forever.

(29) Nika took her favorite doll in her arms.

- (30) Let's play? - the girl suggested.

- (31) Hurray! (32) Let's go! - the toys started fussing.

“(33) You need to sleep, you won’t get up well for kindergarten tomorrow,” said the bear. “It was an old toy that my mother probably played with.”

- (34) Okay,” Mitya was afraid to offend the old bear, “and tomorrow we’ll go to bed early to play with you all alive.”

(35) The boy shook hands with the soldiers, stroked the dog Tishka on the head, and put the cars in the garage. - (36) Nika, let's go to bed, and tomorrow we'll play with toys again!

“(37) Okay,” the girl said, yawning, and fell asleep.

(38) In the morning, dad woke up the children:

- (39) Dad, dad, do you know what happened tonight... - Mitya began, but then he remembered his promise to keep the secret. - (40) I had a dream.

“(41) Well, sleep is great,” dad laughed.

(42) Mitya didn’t tell anyone about his secret. (43) Now he went to bed early, and every night the toys came to life and played with the children until the old bear told them that they needed to go to bed.

(44) Of course, it was a dream. (45) But it’s good that children believe in good dreams!

(According to L. Volkova) *

* Volkova Lyubov is a young contemporary author.


15.1 The main purpose of punctuation is to convey the logic of a sentence, the connection between its parts. Punctuation marks alone, like words, divide the flow writing into statements, others help to distinguish between “their own” and “other people’s” words, others divide statements into simple sentences, the fourth single out specific constructions in the composition of the statement. The role of punctuation marks in written speech is very important. It is no coincidence that modern linguist N.S. Valgina wrote: “Punctuation has reached such a level of development when it has become an exponent of the subtlest shades of meaning and intonation, rhythm and style.”

Let us turn to the text by L. Volkova. In sentence No. 1 (In the suburbs of one very ordinary city lived the most an ordinary family: dad Vitya, mom Vika, son Mitya and daughter Nika.) commas, colons, periods are used. A period at the end of a sentence indicates the completeness of the statement from the point of view of the writer. Commas indicate the following of objects and each other: in the description of a family, family members are probably arranged in order of their importance. The author put the colon in order to show that what follows is an explanation of the message made (before a number of related members), to indicate an explanation of the previous part of the statement. The last sentence text exclamation point (But it’s good that children believe in good dreams!): Exclamation point is an indicator of how much the author cares about the content of his own statement, indicates the author’s emotional attitude to the thought expressed.

Thus, we were able to prove important role punctuation in written speech and confirm the validity of N. Valgina’s statement.

15.2 L. Volkova ends her text with the words: “Of course, it was a dream. But it’s good that children believe in good dreams!” The author is convinced that children are the purest and most trusting creatures; they are not capable of bad deeds, which is why their bright thoughts are reflected in their dreams. We find confirmation of this in the text.

Mitya and Nika always had difficulty going to bed until they had a dream: the toys themselves began to teach the children. No one argued with them, did not call for order, they simply had to follow the established rules in order to be able to play with “live” toys. And these rules turned out to be simple: take care of toys, go to bed on time (sentences number 28, 33-34).

The toys taught the children to keep their word (sentence 39), because this word turned out to be significant for them.

Children are spontaneous, they believe in miracles, they are ready to pay for good with good, which means they will grow up good people. This is exactly what the author wants to tell us at the end of the text.

15.3 The inner world of each person is unique and inimitable. There are no two similar people. Everyone has their own character. When they talk about a person’s inner world, they most often mean the spiritual world, created by thoughts and experiences, reflected in our actions and attitude towards the world.

In L. Volkova’s text, we are presented with two, still very small, people: Mitya and Nika, but their inner world is very rich. Children imagine their toys as alive, talk to them, reflect on universal, not at all childish, values: how to keep your word, how to take care of those who are dear to you. There is no doubt that they will grow up to be people with a rich inner world.

Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev in his “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful,” addressing the younger generation, speaks of the need to be intelligent, to know the culture and history of one’s country, to read books, and to be merciful. His works on the history of Russian literature and selfless service to his work allow us to consider D. S. Likhachev a man with a rich inner world.

Every person is obliged to try to shape himself. Every person has potential - you need to reveal yourself. Each of us can make our inner world richer and more interesting; we just need to strive for this, realizing our destiny to be human.

The inner world of a person is something special that is hidden in human soul, this is something that can either decorate a person or harden him. To confirm my thoughts, I suggest turning to the text of Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov.

An excerpt from this work talks about how a little boy and his mother flew on one of the planes to Simferopol. After some time, the pilot came out to them and sat down next to the boy. The boy really wanted to talk to the pilot, and the man understood this. They began to talk, and the boy talked about what he saw in the sky: a herd of white elephants, among which there was a leader with tusks under his trunk, and he also saw a large cloud-whale. At first the pilot laughed, but then he thought that no matter how many times he flew, he didn’t even notice all this. For him, the sky was just work, and the earth was a place where he could rest before another flight.

The pilot realized that his inner world was not as rich as that of this boy. When they landed, the boy asked his mother to buy him paints, but she refused because there was heavy rain, and her son could have caught a cold. Then the pilot himself ran for the cattle and gave them to the boy so that he could only develop his imagination and enjoy such a simple life.

As a second argument confirming my thoughts, I would like to cite as an example the work of A.P. Platonov “Nikita”. When mom little boy went into the field to work, he went out into the yard and began to fantasize: first he saw evil and aggressive little men, then a waterman in a well, then an old “toothless bathhouse.” The boy threatened all his ill-wishers with his father, who was about to come from the front. And so it happened: with the arrival of his father, the whole world changed and, as if, began to smile at Nikita. This is not the end, continued below.

Useful material on the topic

When he and his father were making something in the yard, Nikita straightened the carnation, which wished him well and smiled radiantly.

Text for essay 15.3 “What is the INNER WORLD OF MAN?”

How do you understand the meaning of the expression HUMAN INNER WORLD? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic "What are precious books", taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second– from your life experience.The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) As a child, I had a favorite soft toy about the size of a small sofa cushion. (2) It was a bear. (3) I carried him everywhere and didn’t even leave him in the crib. (4) Of all the toddler toys, the bear was the last to be forgotten. (5) In general, I grew up, became a guy with a big beard and tattoos, and instead of teddy bears I fell in love with motorcycles.

(6) And then one day I dreamed of a bear cub from my childhood. (7) The dream was unpleasant: the bear cub stood in the center of an empty room, in the flickering light of a light bulb, and outside the window it seemed as if a hurricane was brewing. (8) The bear looked straight at me and pulled its paw towards me, as if it was pointing to something behind my back, as if it was warning me about something.

(9) I didn’t attach any importance to the dream. (10) However, the next day I was driving to a motorcycle club, and a “nine” cut me off so that I flew over the handlebars and landed on hedge planted along the road. (11) It was she who saved me. (12) I received bruises, a slight dislocation of my shoulder, and the motorcycle was seriously damaged and required expensive repairs.

(13) A week later everything happened again. (14) All in the same room with flickering light and an approaching hurricane. (15) Only the toy itself looked dirty and shabby, and in some places it was cut, and cotton wool was sticking out. (16) The little bear still persistently pointed at me with its paw.

(17) I decided to go to the dacha, which was practically abandoned, and find a bear cub among the junk in the attics and basements. (18) Break, everything is upside down, I found a toy in a dusty potato sack in the farthest corner.

(19) First, I took out the bear cub’s head, torn off “with meat,” then the body with half of the cotton wool coming out through the torn holes. (20) I spent another hour trying to find the missing eye ball in the small debris at the bottom of the bag, but I never found it.

(21) I took the bear home and repaired it myself, although I, of course, did not have such a skill. (22) I washed it, stuffed it with new cotton wool, carefully sewed it up and even went over it lightly with an iron; in place of the lost eye I attached a black bandage, like a pirate’s. (23) And later, with the help of a friend from the studio, the bear dressed himself in a leather biker jacket with small studs.

(24) From now on, the bear sits in my garage in a very visible place, and sometimes I install it on the fork of a motorcycle, and we ride around the city or in motorcycle convoys. (25) My colleagues from the club laughed at first, but then they got used to it, and the toy even in some way became our talisman. (26) I have long had a dream - my own club for bikers, and I will open it. (27) I even came up with a name for it - “One-Eyed Bear”. (According to Ostromir)*

* Ostromir modern young blogger.

Finished essay 15.3 “THE INNER WORLD OF MAN”

Human inner world- spiritual world a person, including emotions, feelings, aspirations, experiences and ideas about the surrounding reality. Everyone has their own unique inner world. I will prove my point of view based on the text I have read and life experience.

Ostromir’s text tells us the story of one biker - a guy “with a big beard and tattoos” who loved motorcycles. But, despite such appearance and interests, he goes to an abandoned dacha, finds a childhood toy there - a teddy bear, fixes it, washes it and puts it in the garage in the most visible place. The bear cub became a mascot for the biker (sentences 24-25). All this speaks of the rich inner world of this person; he can show sentimental feelings for his favorite childhood toy.

In Russian classical literature, the owner of a rich inner world is Tatyana Larina, the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. She loved to read novels, loved Russian nature, she is a girl with a gentle soul. This distinguished her from the flighty and empty Olga. Tatyana sincerely falls in love with Onegin.

Thus, the inner world is a person’s emotions, feelings, and experiences. Everyone has their own individual inner world, based on their own experience.

What is the inner world of a person? In my opinion, the inner world is, roughly speaking, a person’s character; all his experiences, interests and hobbies, thoughts and feelings, moral values, principles and beliefs. It is in the inner world of a person that his attitude towards certain objects, people and the surrounding world as a whole is formed. To prove my own opinion, I will give examples from the text and literature.

In the proposed text by Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin, the main character, despite her young age, is already quite power-hungry, she loves to be the most important and wants everyone around her to obey her, like “wordless” dolls. And her similar games with dolls, her attitude towards defenseless toys and towards the people around her - all this is an indicator of her inner world, her character, which, due to age, can still change for the better.

Many writers and poets have wondered what it is life values. Thus, in the work of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s Dvor” the main character, Matryona, despite her lack of education and illiteracy, has a very rich inner world: kindness, mercy, responsiveness, generosity - all these beautiful, positive traits of a person are reflected in every action of a woman.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a poor inner world is a serious problem, which, unfortunately, has been relevant at all times.

Everyone on Earth needs to strive to develop intellectually and spiritually, to cultivate a real person, and only then the world will change for the better.

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OGE in Russian language preparation for essay 15.3 “What is the inner world of a person” Shcherbakova E.V. MAOU Secondary School No. 2, Dir. Essay 15.3

  • How do you understand the meaning of the expression THE INNER WORLD OF A PERSON? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is the inner world of a person”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.
  • The essay must be at least 70 words.
  • If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.
The inner world of a person is a world that consists of emotions, feelings, experiences, worldview and determines the essence of a person, his internal features, qualities. What is the inner world of a person? (definition) The spiritual (or inner) world of a person is the totality of his internal, mental processes (sensations, perceptions, emotions, feelings, will, memory, reason, level of knowledge, spiritual interests, life positions, value orientations). Materials for comment The inner world of each person is unique. The inner world of a person reflects his essence. In the inner world, the formation and preservation of human cultural values ​​takes place, and then their transformation. A person's inner world can be judged by his actions. A person's inner world does not always correspond to his appearance. It is quite possible that behind someone's harsh appearance a subtle nature is hidden, and inside a soft person there is a steel will. A person’s inner world begins to form in childhood. You can get to know the inner world of another person by his actions, hobbies, creations, preferences in fiction, music, cinema, etc. A comment
  • The inner world of a person is the spiritual life in which our ideas and images are formed. His view of a person depends on his inner world. real world. Our spiritual life is built on emotions, feelings and worldview.
Aphorisms about the inner world
  • Each person is a reflection of his inner world. As a person thinks, that is how he is (in life). Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • He who has contemplated the greatness of nature himself strives for perfection and harmony. Our inner world should be like this model. In a clean atmosphere everything is clean. Honore de Balzac
Aphorisms about the inner world
  • You need to give freedom to your inner world, open all the floodgates for it and suddenly see with amazement that your mind contains much more thoughts, feelings and poetic power than you imagined. K.G.Paustovsky
  • Neither our words, nor our thoughts, nor even our actions express ourselves and our attitude to the world as clearly and truly as our feelings. K. Ushinsky


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