During fertilization, she had the flu. Myths and real dangers of conception during a cold

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The desired pregnancy is an important and responsible period. But along with the natural emotions of joy and happy expectation, the expectant mother often experiences no less natural feelings of anxiety and excitement from the very beginning of pregnancy. One of the reasons may be the fact that conception occurred against the background of a cold.

In what cases is it common to conceive with a cold?

Due to the peculiarities of physiological processes, a woman learns about pregnancy 2-3 weeks after conception. And there are quite frequent cases when a pregnant woman, having made the necessary calculations, understands that during the period of the alleged conception she felt unwell due to a cold.

This happens especially often when the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned. Doctors give a completely logical explanation for this phenomenon and name two main reasons:

  • psychological:
    When a couple plans a pregnancy for a long time, prepares, monitors the cycle, calculates the days favorable for conception - it happens that such “obsession” prevents the onset of pregnancy. When a woman realizes that she has caught a cold and now is not the best time to conceive, she lets go of the situation, which often helps to get pregnant;
  • physiological:
    One of the many causes of infertility may be too strong immunity, which rejects "foreign" antibodies. With a cold, the immune system is weakened and does not prevent pregnancy.

How can a cold affect the development of a child and the course of pregnancy?

Much depends on the disease itself and on the drugs used. At conception, the state of health of both partners is important, but the disease of a woman has a greater influence than men.

If a man is ill:

Symptoms of SARS in a man without fever are likely to have a minimal impact on sperm quality.

But a cold or flu with an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above will affect sperm motility, their quantity and quality. But since the spermatozoa in a man mature for more than a month, those spermatozoa that survive and fertilize the egg will in no way affect the development of the child.

Thus, a man with a cold can significantly reduce the likelihood of fertilization, but if it happens, then there is nothing to fear.

If a woman is sick:
The female body can be called a kind of vessel in which the child will grow and develop, so here the cold should be taken more seriously.

Conception on the background of SARS and influenza in a woman

Conception against the background of ARVI symptoms without fever:

Symptoms of SARS (cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat) at normal body temperature in themselves will not affect either the course of pregnancy or the development of the child.

It is important to take immediate action and prevent further development of the disease. But you can only be treated with drugs that are approved for use in early pregnancy.

Conception against the background of symptoms of SARS with fever:
If conception has occurred and the fetal egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus, then the malaise did not entail any negative consequences for the unborn child.

The main task is to immediately begin treatment to prevent further development of the disease and its complications. Body temperature should be reduced only when the mark of 38.5 degrees is exceeded. Paracetamol-based antipyretics are allowed.

Conceiving a child on the background of the flu:

The abrupt onset of the disease, fever, headache and aching joints - the symptoms of the flu do not at all favor the process preceding conception. But fertilization can occur even 36 hours after intercourse, so we can assume a scenario when conception occurs against the backdrop of the flu.

The main task here is to recover as quickly as possible and prevent complications. It is necessary to remove intoxication, this is facilitated by abundant drinking, strict adherence to bed rest. Call a doctor and be sure to warn about a possible pregnancy so that the doctor can prescribe drugs that are compatible with it.

In any case, if fertilization and attachment of the egg occurred, then with a high degree of probability the transferred disease passed without consequences.

At this time, the principle of “all or nothing” applies, that is, if the unborn child was affected by viruses or drugs and something went wrong, then most likely a spontaneous miscarriage will occur. A woman may not even notice that there was a pregnancy and take the discharge for normal menstruation.

Thus, most likely, the disease during the conception period will not affect the course of the onset pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

But if you are planning a pregnancy and get sick during a period favorable for conception, then you can not abandon your plans only if one or both partners have mild cold symptoms.

If the temperature has risen or flu symptoms are present, pregnancy planning should be postponed until the next cycle.

The fact is that treatment during pregnancy limits the choice of drugs, and if the disease becomes complicated or protracted, then there is a high risk of damage to the fetus. The most responsible and most dangerous period is the first trimester, when the child's organ systems are laid down, the most important is from the fourth to the ninth obstetric weeks.

The period during which conception falls - from the second to the fourth obstetric weeks - is not so dangerous for the unborn child in terms of effects on him, since during this period the fertilized egg develops and grows autonomously and the influence of viruses and medications is minimal. However, it can be very difficult to establish the dates when fertilization occurred, respectively, to calculate the exact period until which the unborn child is protected, so the influence of viruses cannot be completely ruled out.

More harm can be caused not by the disease itself, but by the medicines that the woman was treated with.

Disease prevention and medication in early pregnancy

If there is a possibility of conception, then it is better to use drugs that are allowed in the early stages of pregnancy:

With a runny nose:

  • washing the nose with preparations based on sea water (aqualor, aquamaris,);
  • nasal drops based on herbal preparations (pinosol, coniferous oil);
  • hot hand baths also help with nasal congestion (but hot foot baths are contraindicated).

When coughing:

  • inhalation using a nebulizer (saline, mineral water);
  • steam inhalation (chamomile, sage);

For sore throat:

  • rinsing with soda-salt solution;
  • rinsing with infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula).

Antiviral drugs:

  • oscillococcinum;
  • syrup and infusion of wild rose;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture.

You should also follow the general rules:

  • plentiful warm drink (cranberry and lingonberry juice, weak tea with lemon);
  • constant ventilation of the room;
  • bed rest;
  • light, lean food.

When planning pregnancy, much attention should be paid to the prevention of SARS and influenza:

  • if possible, avoid crowded places, especially during mass epidemics;
  • take preventive measures in public places (lubricate the nasal passages with oxolin ointment, wear a medical mask);
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Preparing for such an important event as pregnancy is one of the most important stages in the life of every woman. Many couples, especially those who are preparing to become parents for the first time, take this with special responsibility. They prepare the body in various ways: they play sports, eat right, eliminate concomitant pathologies and give up bad habits.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from all harmful influences. It may happen that conception occurs with a cold, because a woman learns about the onset of an interesting situation only after at least two weeks from the moment of fertilization. Let us consider in more detail what will happen if you become pregnant during a cold, what dangers can live during the period of fetal development and after the birth of the baby.

The problem of the inability to conceive a child for a long time is known to more than 15% of married couples who have regular unprotected sex. In medicine, there are cases when a child was conceived with a cold in one of the spouses. On this occasion, there are two points of view - psychological and physiological, on the basis of which physicians explain this fact.

As for situations when pregnancy does not occur due to psychological problems, the moment of distraction of a man and a woman from the true goal plays a big role here. Future parents stop trying to conceive, and start trying to get rid of a cold. The bottom line is that the obsession with becoming parents as soon as possible acts as a kind of barrier.

During sexual intercourse, spouses begin to think only about whether they will succeed in fertilization this time or not. As a result, the goal remains unachieved, because they cannot relax as much as possible.

Many people wonder if it is possible to get pregnant during a cold, and doctors give a positive answer to it, but already taking into account physiological processes. Sometimes conception can occur against the background of a decrease in the protective function of the body of the expectant mother. The fact is that some women by nature have overly stable immunoglobulins, which do not allow active spermatozoa to break through the barrier and reach the egg.

Since the protective ability decreases with SARS, cells that were previously considered foreign can penetrate their target without much interference. It is also worth noting that pregnancy itself can also be the reason that a cold has come after conception, because after fertilization of the egg during the first few days, immunity is weakened so that spontaneous rejection of the fetus does not occur.

To unambiguously understand the relationship between conception and ARVI, it is worth considering the varieties of these diseases. In most cases, a cold is usually understood as infection of the body with viruses.

Based on this, doctors distinguish several varieties:

  1. Typical acute respiratory viral infection, which occurs in a mild form, without an increase in body temperature;
  2. A severe form of SARS, the main symptoms of which are high body temperature, as well as a state of fever;
  3. Flu;
  4. Complications after a mild respiratory viral illness in which patients develop long-term bronchitis or sinusitis;
  5. Angina.

Each of these diseases has a different effect on the body of a man and a woman. So, for example, if a cold occurs in a mild form, then the lesion extends only to the nasopharynx, and the reproductive organs at the same time function normally. In the second case, the pathology also affects the reproductive system, which leads to malfunctions in its work.

Man has a cold

A woman can find out about the onset of pregnancy 14-21 days after fertilization. Of course, initially the expectant mother feels euphoria and joy, which is gradually replaced by a feeling of anxiety. At this moment, the wife remembers that her husband had a cold at the time of conception, and she begins to worry about whether this will affect the development of the fetus.

It’s worth saying right away that if a man conceived during a cold, then you should not worry too much, and be afraid that this will somehow affect the child. If you understand the process of spermatogenesis, it becomes clear that germ cells mature long enough, and ARVI does not affect their quality.

As for complicated viral diseases, when a sore throat progressed in a spouse a few days before the alleged fertilization, then there are more reasons for worrying, since the infection could reduce sperm motility or change their morphology.

However, doctors also pay attention to the fact that although conception and a cold are closely related, during fertilization, the most active and high-quality sperm cell, which is many times stronger than others, will take part in this process. The female body also does not stand aside, and if it notices that the fetus does not meet any minimum quality requirements, spontaneous rejection will occur and a miscarriage will occur.

Since there is a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with a cold, it is worth knowing that if a man had no temperature at the time of fertilization and the disease proceeded without complications, then there is no reason to worry. Along with this, doctors advise postponing attempts to get pregnant if one of the spouses has recently suffered ARVI.

Woman having a cold

If you ask a specialist a question whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold, he will unequivocally answer that such a possibility exists. Based on this, it is worth considering how the disease affects the development of the fetus, if it happened at the time of conception in the mother. In the case of uncomplicated pathology, there is no cause for concern, but it is worth taking measures to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.

When carrying out prevention, it is worth paying special attention not only to the choice of medicines, but to traditional medicine, because there are herbs that can provoke a miscarriage. It is worth choosing medicines that will prevent the development of a severe cough.

The fact is that at the moment of contraction of the diaphragm, the uterus is strongly strained, which can also cause a miscarriage. It is also worth being puzzled by your condition with an increase in body temperature, since indicators of 38.5 degrees are extremely dangerous for the embryo. To stabilize the condition, you can take drugs that contain paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) during pregnancy is contraindicated.

There is a group of doctors who believe that if a child is conceived during a cold, then when the infection affects the embryo, it dies. In those situations where there was no unauthorized rejection of the fetus, it means that you should not worry about its development, the pregnancy should proceed normally in the future.

Cold after conception

As for whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold, it is relatively clear. It is also necessary to figure out if there is a danger if the expectant mother has the flu after conception. If you have such symptoms as fever, cough, runny nose, aching joints, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the right medications, and you need to drink plenty of warm water.

Answering the question whether a cold affects conception, we can safely say that there is a certain effect, but its strength directly depends on the degree of complexity of the disease. The specialist will definitely advise the expectant mother to adhere to the most strict bed rest, and subsequently the gynecologist will put the woman under special control.

Almost all women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold, and doctors tell them that ARVI is not a hindrance to this. In the case of conception, the most dangerous periods are considered to be 5-7 days, since at this time the process of implantation of the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus takes place.

During the first four obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the zygote has its own protection, so exposure to viruses is not dangerous for it. But after the growth process of the fetal egg accelerates, these resources become insufficient, and the embryo may be adversely affected.

Doctor's opinion (video)

For every woman, the happiest period in her life and in the life of her family is the time of expectation and the birth of a child. But in order for the desired baby to be born healthy, the expectant mother must protect her body from colds before and during pregnancy.

Often, future mothers do not think about whether it is possible to plan a pregnancy with a cold, because sometimes common colds seem to be such insignificant and familiar conditions for the majority of our population.

Types of unwanted viruses

Meanwhile, SARS, influenza and acute respiratory infections are of a viral nature, adversely affecting our immunity. Let's list these viruses:

  • Rhinoviruses (cause almost half of colds)
  • Parainfluenza and influenza viruses
  • Coronaviruses, echoviruses and reoviruses
  • syncytial respiratory viruses
  • Enteroviruses and cytomegaloviruses

As a rule, three days after the onset of the disease, the virus “leaves” the body, but infections of bacterial origin or herpes viruses present in the body “attack” weakened immunity. And if we take into account that during the bearing of a child, the female body “works” with a double load, then the process of pregnancy with a cold can be complicated, and the normal development of the fetus can be disrupted. In some cases, viruses, penetrating the fetus through the placenta, can lead to a miscarriage.

Colds are terrible for their complications, so the immunity of a pregnant woman may not be able to cope with the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal system, kidneys, liver, with the risk of pneumonia, and the need to take antibiotics can also negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Conception during a cold with a high degree of probability can be difficult by the presence of the presented factors. For example, during illness, pregnant women are advised not to take certain types of tests, as well as visit certain specialists and carry out certain studies.

As a rule, during a cold, appetite decreases, so expectant mothers will not be able to provide their body and fetus with enough vitamins and nutrients. In addition, the healthy condition of both parents is very important, so the question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with a cold is relevant for both the woman and the father of her child.

Any catarrhal disease can adversely affect the maturation of the follicle and the development of the egg, whose early release may be due to the presence of a high body temperature of the expectant mother. By the way, this factor contributes to a significant decrease in the activity of spermatozoa located in the genital tract, and a reduction in the duration of their life cycle.

Possible consequences

It should be noted that in the case when a woman planning to become a mother has a disease caused by the influenza virus, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold cannot even be put on the agenda, since this disease can cause severe consequences and pathologies. Influenza causes a threat of miscarriage, the appearance of severe defects in the unborn baby, which are congenital in nature. Future pregnancy can lead to fetal fading.

Viruses in early pregnancy, and especially after conception, when the laying of future tissues and organs begins, can damage the embryo and cause pathological mutations in the fetus. Moreover, it is impossible to predict where, when, at what stage, in which organ dangerous defects in development may appear.

In a word, couples planning to give birth to a child should try not to get colds during the conception of the baby, and expectant mothers during pregnancy.

Reading 6 min.

At the planning stage of the baby, both parents must be completely healthy. In this article, we will look at the effect of a cold on ovulation. The expectant mother does not immediately guess about the possible course of pregnancy, but at least two weeks later. Sometimes it happens that at the time of conception one of the sexual partners was sick with SARS. This is especially true for those who are planning a baby in the winter.

How SARS affects the egg

Even during the growth of the female embryo, millions of eggs are laid. It is impossible to increase their number. However, reliable preservation of cells is ensured. They are virtually unaffected by any negative factors.

As a rule, the course of a cold does not affect the eggs in any way. Nothing prevents them from meeting with spermatozoa and being fertilized, as well as moving through pipes.

At the same time, female eggs are very sensitive to drug exposure. In other words, the drugs that the patient uses during the course can have an extremely negative effect on them.

If a cold is diagnosed immediately after ovulation, when the zygote is already moving towards the uterus, then there is a risk of death of the nascent embryo. Then the body tunes in to the next menstrual cycle, and all the excess is excreted with menstruation. The fixed fetus is very susceptible to negative influence, starting from the ninth day after birth.

Is a cold a sign of fertility?

A cold as a sign of ovulation, and the main one, should not be taken. Sometimes it happens that spouses are planning a baby for so long, and the release of the egg and its meeting with spermatozoa occurs against the backdrop of a viral disease. Here, the state is influenced by various factors.

Conception occurs against the background of a general decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother. Some ladies have antibodies so persistent that they prevent the advancement of spermatozoa. In ovulation with a cold, it is much more difficult to defend yourself.

If we talk about the psychological impact, then the general weakening of the body helps both spouses switch their thoughts. Sometimes in the course of planning a baby, a couple is very concentrated on one topic, and this leads to a stressful state of a woman. During the period of illness, the husband and wife relax and stop thinking about the success of the process. All this contributes to the achievement of the final goal.

In some cases, at high temperatures during ovulation, fertilization does not occur. It also happens when the flu itself is the result of a successful conception, against which a decrease in immunity occurs.

"For" and "against" conception during illness

To make the right decision: to try to conceive or to postpone the process for the next menstrual cycle, you need to take into account several factors:

  • source of infection;
  • type of disease;
  • time of onset of symptoms.

One of the already sick partners is likely to infect the other. This is very difficult to avoid in the case of living under the same roof. The duration of the incubation period can be from 1 to 10 days.

When the woman first fell ill and she infected the man, then there is a possibility that by the time the egg is released, both will recover.

The situation becomes more complicated if the opposite happens. The woman feels a general malaise after a few days and may not recover by ovulation.

When ARVI is diagnosed long before the middle of the cycle, there should be no reason for panic. During menstruation and immediately after them, you can safely be treated. Partners are allowed to have an open sex life, but it is important to constantly monitor the condition of the expectant mother.

The very same cold suggests the presence of certain species. Often the body is affected by viruses, then it is better to postpone planning until complete recovery.


When planning a baby and a cold, it is important to consider the impact of the medicinal products used. You can try to conceive a child if the doctor has prescribed the following medications:

  1. homeopathy;
  2. means for lowering the temperature;
  3. antiallergic tablets;
  4. vitamins.

When a serious stage of the disease is diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed. Then it is better to temporarily postpone attempts at conception. These drugs are strictly contraindicated during the period of gestation. In addition, they are excreted from the female body within a few weeks. Even one tablet of this kind, taken before its birth, can harm an unborn baby.

If your throat hurts, then you need to gargle it as often as possible. To do this, use herbal decoctions of sage and chamomile. An excellent remedy is a solution of warm water, soda and salt. It is allowed to moisten the throat with various aerosols.

When the future father caught a cold

If at the time of unprotected intercourse the father was ill, then this will not affect the child in any way. The condition of the spouse does not affect the quality of spermatozoa, so they are able to perform their main function.
When a man is ill a few weeks before the expected fertile days, difficulties are not ruled out, especially if the ailment has caused a fever. The symptoms of a cold could have an extremely negative effect on the germ cells.

An increase in body temperature provokes a decrease in the quality and motility of spermatozoa. This complicates the process of fertilization. Under the influence of hyperthermia, weaker spermatozoa will die, while stronger ones will survive.

After open sexual contact, the female body will begin to conduct a so-called check. If he doesn’t like something, then the formed fetal egg simply will not be fixed in the uterus. The embryo can grow into the endometrium, but it is unlikely to be healthy. Then a miscarriage will occur at the earliest possible date.

Flu in early pregnancy

For all infections, an increase in temperature indicators is characteristic, in addition, there are headaches, aching joints and bones. These symptoms do not stimulate the onset of pregnancy. However, sperm cells live up to 3-5 days, so fertilization can occur in a few days.

To eliminate the symptoms of SARS, you need to drink a lot and observe mainly bed rest. It doesn't hurt to consult a doctor. He needs to be informed about a possible pregnancy.

If later it turned out that the fetus is developing, then there is every reason to believe that the flu did not affect this process in any way. However, when a cold is known before intercourse, it is better to wait a bit.

Influenza involves treatment with serious medications that are extremely dangerous for the unborn child. If you continue to take them, then complications are not excluded. The first 12 weeks play a decisive role in fetal development, because all systems and organs are laid down.

Opinions of physicians

Doctors believe that it is better for a woman who has a cold to postpone trying to get pregnant until the next cycle. When ARVI was detected in a spouse, and he took antibiotics, then you can start planning in 2-3 months. During this time, the seed material will have time to update.

According to doctors, the “all or nothing” rule is working. If the fetus is affected, then a miscarriage is likely to occur. When the infection has not harmed the unborn baby, the gestation will continue.


Thus, all cases are individual. To prevent possible negative changes, it is better to consult a doctor. He will prescribe pills that will not be harmful to the fetus. The effect of a cold on ovulation is different for everyone. If partners get sick before intercourse on fertile days, then it is better to postpone the planning of the baby until complete recovery.

The word "flu" is familiar to everyone - we are warned about the impending flu every autumn and winter. And, nevertheless, not everyone manages to avoid it, because there are many variants of the influenza virus. However, not every person imagines all the danger that he is fraught with. As they say, the flu itself is not so terrible as its complications.

Who gets the flu and when?

Since the flu is an infectious disease caused by a virus, anyone can get it, regardless of age. A person who has the flu becomes a source of infection from the very first hours of illness and remains so for about two more days.

And since the flu manifests itself, among other things, by lacrimation, sneezing, which is subsequently joined by coughing, during which the influenza virus is released into the air along with saliva and mucus, it spreads very quickly. Influenza outbreaks usually occur in the autumn-winter period, when people's immunity is most weakened.

Why is the flu dangerous?

The influenza virus is dangerous because it enters the blood of a person and has a toxic effect on his body, which is manifested by high fever, headache, muscle pain. The virus increases vascular permeability, weakens the body's defenses, and people with low immunity may develop various complications. The main danger of the flu lies in the fact that complications such as pneumonia, meningitis, inflammation of the heart muscle and other serious illnesses can become its consequences.

Who is at risk?

The high-risk group for influenza includes children, the elderly, people with chronic heart and lung disease, and pregnant women. Why are pregnant women included in this group? The fact is that nature is conceived this way, during pregnancy their immunity is somewhat reduced so that the female body does not reject an embryo that is half alien to it. Thus, if a couple is just planning to conceive, it is undoubtedly better to choose a period when the likelihood of getting sick with the flu is minimized (See "Tests and examinations before pregnancy").

Whether to get vaccinated against the flu

...when planning a pregnancy?

Competent doctors unequivocally believe that when planning a pregnancy, a flu shot is mandatory, not only for women, but also for men. If there is none, then during the flu epidemic, the only real preventive measure is to limit contact with other people, especially if the work of a pregnant woman is in a crowded place or she has to get to work in public transport.

...during pregnancy?

Should pregnant women be vaccinated against the flu? Doctors say no. After all, vaccination at this time poses a real threat to the fetus, and the flu is probable.

Flu and pregnancy

The flu is most dangerous for pregnant women at an early stage, and especially in the first three months of pregnancy, when the most important organs and systems are laid in the fetus. No one can predict how the virus will affect its further development.

The influenza virus is able to cross the placenta and, although it does not affect all tissues of the fetus, it can do a lot. True, the degree of its detrimental effect depends on the coincidence of many factors, for example, on the properties of the virus itself, on the immunity of the pregnant woman, and on the period of fetal development.

The shorter the gestation period, the more likely the virus can provoke its intrauterine death or miscarriage. The influenza virus can cause changes in the placental tissue and cause oxygen starvation of the fetus. It can affect his nervous tissues and cause malformations of the central nervous system or intrauterine growth retardation. The pregnancy itself can also be complicated. At later dates, the risk to the fetus is less, but it cannot be completely excluded.

Flu during conception

It is believed that the influenza virus also has a negative effect on conception (See "How a child is conceived"). And even regardless of who was sick at that time - a man, a woman, or both at the same time.

However, this applies more to those families where they often get sick, have chronic inflammatory diseases and poor immunity. Although it is unlikely that a couple who planned a conception will dare to do so during an illness. Moreover, in a sick man, sperm activity decreases, and in a woman’s body during an illness, conditions are likely to arise that are unfavorable for the embryo to attach to the wall of the uterus.

So, conception is not an easy and very responsible matter. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything. And yet, what is possible is better to foresee. Because the price of risk may be too high.


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