Water heated floor pros and cons. What are the reviews about warm water floors? Selecting and installing infrared film

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Modern trends in interior fashion inspire property owners to use smooth and cool coatings as floor materials - laminate, tile, travertine or parquet. Despite the aesthetic appearance and high wear resistance, these materials do not show their best in the cold season - they are cool to the touch, so walking on such a floor without slippers is uncomfortable.

To solve this problem, specialists in the field of heating engineering recommend paying attention to a water heated floor, which will appeal to consumers who crave comfort and warmth.

Underfloor heating is an efficient way to heat a home, commercial building, or office by concentrating heat generation at the bottom of the room. The main advantage of this technology is its versatility. The design of a warm water floor can be used in any room - bathroom, living room, bedroom or kitchen.

Among other advantages of the technology, it is worth mentioning the following factors:

The main disadvantages of this type of home heating are associated with the laboriousness of the work and the high cost of consumables necessary for the implementation of the heating scheme. Although the technology has some disadvantages, in general it justifies itself and is the best choice for homeowners who want a reliable source of comfortable heat, the operation of which is not associated with high monthly costs.

How does this technology work?

To assess the feasibility of installing a structure, it is not enough just to study the pros and cons of a water-heated floor, since a complete analysis requires in-depth knowledge that affects the principle of operation of the technology. through the use of a network of special pipes of small cross section, which are built into the floor, and then poured with concrete or dry screed.

The basic circuit diagram involves the use of the following elements:

In the process of heating the coolant using a boiler, solar collector or electric heater, the floors are heated and contribute to the creation of comfortable temperature conditions in the room. Compared to conventional heating systems, which involve the use of radiators, fireplaces or convectors, underfloor heating technology is the most justified - it concentrates heat below, warms the feet, and makes the climate in the house comfortable and healthy.

The important point is that the supply of the coolant directly is only possible from, which heats the water to an acceptable 40-45 degrees. When using boilers of a different type, the owner will need to equip a mixing unit involved in lowering the temperature of the coolant.

Over the past decades, the technology for creating warm water floor systems has stepped far forward and today the owners who connect the water floor heating are fully insured against problems such as leaks, water hammer, pipe damage from corrosion, etc. However, in order for the warm floor to meet all expectations , its installation must be carried out by responsible specialists in accordance with the recommendations of the heating scheme developed by heat engineers.

Is the high cost of water heated floors justified?

Underfloor heating systems cost much more than traditional types of heating. The average price per m2 of underfloor heating is about $30, including labor and the purchase of components, so the cost of a project for a 100-square-square house can be quite high. At the same time, low operating costs justify the investment made by property owners in the long term.

The average temperature of a water heated floor is 40-45 degrees. Therefore, in the process of operation, such a system requires much less energy resources than a traditional radiator circuit. In addition, you need to know that the average cost of 1 m2 of a water-heated floor is calculated taking into account the purchase of all the necessary system components, among them:

The larger the area of ​​the house, the lower the cost per square meter of underfloor heating, since the cost of the most expensive element of the system, the boiler, is evenly distributed over each square of the area.

Overview of popular manufacturers

The final cost of 1 square meter of warm water floors also depends on the choice of components produced by various brands. At the moment, on the domestic market, you can buy a Rehau warm water floor, produced in Germany. The German brand guarantees high product quality and excellent consumer performance of the system. Affordable price for a Rehau warm water floor allows you to save money already at the first stage of a house heating project.

Among other advantages that distinguish Rehau warm water floor, it is worth highlighting the following qualities:

There are also manufacturers from other countries on the market, these are:

The choice of manufacturers is quite large and the consumer may not be limited to foreign brands, because in addition to those listed, companies from the Russian Federation and neighboring countries sell their products on the market at more affordable prices.

How does electric water underfloor heating work?

The house can be installed electric water heated floor, which is a combined heating system. A special antifreeze is used as a coolant in this system, and the design itself is pipes with a small internal section (about 24 mm), inside which a cable is placed. Fluid electric floors are easy to install and low installation costs.

The most popular products on the market are products from the XL Pipe brand. Positive feedback on XL Pipe electric water heated floor is a confirmation of the high quality and reliability of products.

Among the tangible advantages of products from this brand are the following characteristics:

  • high maintainability;
  • overheat protection;
  • absence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • the possibility of laying pipes according to any scheme;
  • simplified floor screed.

What flooring is compatible with underfloor heating?

In addition to answering the question: how much does a warm water floor cost, owners are also faced with other dilemmas. Most often they touch upon the compatibility of the design with various types of floor coverings. Based on the principle of operation of a warm floor, it can be assumed that the most effective solution would be to choose a floor covering with maximum heat capacity.

The first type of coating is protected from deformation and has sufficient heat dissipation, so it is often used in rooms with a high level of load.

Tiled flooring for a warm water floor will be durable and practical.

Although laminate and parquet do not have the same wear resistance as tiles, they have a number of other positive qualities - this is good heat conductivity and an easy installation process. Thus, a water-heated floor under a wooden floor can also be implemented in the house. Linoleum can also be used in various rooms, while it is worth remembering that the maximum thickness of a warm water floor should not exceed ten centimeters.

The owner can consider each of the options and determine which flooring is best for underfloor heating after evaluating the layout of the house and the resources available.

Installation of a warm water floor

The main aspect of the proper functioning of the heating system is competent installation. You can do it yourself or use the services of companies that offer turnkey installation at an affordable cost. It should be understood that professional installation of a water heated floor - the price for which is about 30% of the cost of consumables, is more preferable to self-installing the system.

The rather high cost of a warm water floor per 1m2 should not confuse property owners who are thinking about implementing an energy-efficient and reliable heating circuit. The fact is that the solid initial investment required for the purchase of components and the wages of installers over time is justified by the reliable operation of the system and the low costs associated with the operation of underfloor heating.

Even in ancient times, a person, creating a living place for himself, tried to protect it as much as possible from enemies, predators and weather conditions, and make it cozy and comfortable. This is how it happens today: in countries where there are snowy and frosty winters, heating the home and work premises plays a very important role in terms of convenience and comfort.

Multi-storey buildings and buildings of the private sector, which were built during the Soviet Union, were equipped. Such a system was easy to install and repair, at any time the owners could increase the number of sections in the battery. The owners of private housing could regulate the heat by changing the parameters in the gas boiler. Residents of high-rise buildings depended on centralized heating, often freezing in the cold or opening windows on warmer days, suffocating in the apartments from the heat. Thermal comfort during construction was not in the foreground. Since winter in Russia is still a very cold season, modern construction methods suggest the installation of floors with a heating function. And the house is warmer, and the children can safely play on the floor without fear of a cold, and it’s nice to walk on a warm surface, like on a summer sand. A lot is written and said about warm floors. This is a whole system that allows you to heat a home, in which heat is evenly distributed throughout the room. The heat carrier is located in the floor. If the water base, then these are pipes, if the electric, then the cable. Water heated to forty-five degrees makes regular movement in the pipe, the cable connected to the network performs the same heating function. Electric heat is regulated by a thermostat, water heat is regulated by sensors on the boiler.

If you have not settled on any option yet, let's look at the positive and negative aspects of such coverage together.


  1. Save money on heating bills (up to 30 percent). The warmer the room, the less heat is spent on heating it. If the feet are warm, we perceive even a low temperature as comfortable. Heat, according to the laws of physics, rises. That is, without warm floors, the warmest place in the apartment is under the ceiling. With warm floors - the temperature is even everywhere.
  2. Installation does not require special equipment, faults are easily fixed.
  3. With proper installation, such a floor can last up to fifty years.
  4. The appearance of the warm floor does not differ from the usual one, it does not attract attention, like batteries.
  5. Warm air rising from the floor creates an obstacle to the formation of drafts.
  6. Ideal conditions for children's games. You can play wherever you want without the risk of catching a cold.


  1. Pleasure is expensive. The cost and installation, of course, will pay off someday, but the money is needed now.
  2. This is not a simple current repair, you will have to raise the floors a few centimeters, this is not always realistic. Now, if your construction has just begun - this is your option!
  3. You will have to think about floor coverings, because, for example, laying a warm dense carpet on such a floor will bring all your efforts to nothing, there will be no benefit from the floor.
  4. Almost always there are difficulties with the repair. The floor heating system in the rooms is common, sometimes it is difficult to determine the place where the breakdown occurred. But if you do not spare money for installation and invite real professionals for this, you will follow the rules of operation - there should be no problems.
  5. All furniture should be raised above the floor for free circulation of heat, if it is not made of natural materials, there is the possibility of the release of small but constant concentrations of harmful substances from it when heated.
  6. Slow heating of the decking (three to five hours) can occur, first the concrete in which it is embedded will be heated, and then the coating and air. But when the system is off, cooling is just as slow.
  7. With a long stay in a room with warm floor heating, exacerbations of diseases of the lower extremities are possible (for example, varicose veins - a vascular disease of the veins).
  8. Installing water in city apartments has technical difficulties and requires special permits.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared underfloor heating

Half a dozen years ago, film warm floors were a unique phenomenon, today infrared film floors are used to create comfortable zones in residential buildings, apartments and offices. Popularity and demand have created competition and, consequently, advertising and product reviews, which may or may not be true.

In the system of electric infrared film underfloor heating, the main thing is the presence of a thin heating carbon film, which, when connected, begins to emit infrared rays and anions. The radiation comes from carbon paste deposited in parallel, even or curved stripes.

On expensive films, the paste is applied in the form of a uniform layer. In order for the heat to heat the floor covering, and not the neighboring ceiling, it is necessary to use a heat-reflecting substrate. If the laying of materials can still be done by you yourself, then we advise you to invite a qualified electrician to connect to the network. Most markets now offer Korean-made heating films. Such a film is of good quality and moderate prices, which, unfortunately, depend on the value of the currency.

Selecting and installing infrared film

The market can offer products made in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the USA, China and, of course, Russia. Increasing competition expands the choice, but at the same time, the company, presenting the quality of its product, often speaks impartially about the products of competitors. Film infrared floors are the floors of the future. Hydrocarbon fiber is much more thermally conductive than many alternatives used in heating systems. The most popular installation method is under the laminate. This material warms up literally in a matter of minutes, and can be quickly dismantled if necessary. But, covered with laminate, the film floor still cannot be the main heating system in the room, since the material that heats up quickly also cools down quickly if the system is turned off.

The film mesh, by the way, can be attached not only to the floor. It mounts perfectly on walls, ceilings, curved surfaces. What users do not come up with: they heat containers with honey, heat various equipment, the bottom in a home pond, build greenhouses and much more.

Myths about infrared underfloor heating

Many sellers of cable floors convey to buyers a horror story that the premises are ionized by negative particles from film floors. Some radiation does come from the film itself, but the laminate, tile or linoleum covering it from above does not let it through further. You can even make a mobile system when the heating film with the substrate is laid under the carpet, and the removal of the wires and the thermostat to a safe corner allows you to use it in the cold season, removing it for the summer.

Many consumers ask if the seams on the tile will crack if it is laid on a film floor. If the installation has been done correctly, the tile will hold exactly as it would on a conventional screed. When properly installed, a fiberglass reinforcing mesh is used and must be nailed to the floor underneath. from the tile is attached with special glue, the layer of which is at least one and a half centimeters.

For most modern people, the presence of a warm floor in a room is a necessary condition that guarantees a comfortable stay in the room. The most widespread at the moment are warm water and electric floors. Their use allows you to evenly heat the floor surface to the desired temperature, combined with the visual absence of heating devices. In addition, laminate or parquet can be safely laid on top of these systems.

The principle of operation of underfloor heating

The cable electric version heats the floor surface by converting electrical energy into heat. This happens as follows: a special high-resistance alloy, which is at the heart of the heating core, is capable of heating up strongly under the influence of an electric voltage passing through it in a short time period.

It is based on thermal energy obtained from hot central heating water, which, thanks to a special pump, is supplied to pipes laid under the floor surface.

Choosing a heating system

The choice of a warm floor of one or another type of heating depends on the conditions of its further operation. Electric types have proven themselves in small rooms of city apartments and country houses with central heating.

If it is supposed to heat the floor of a large area in a suburban building in which there is no central heating, then it is best to give preference to water heating, because. in this case, its purchase and installation will be cheaper than the purchase and installation of an electrical system.

Disadvantages of a water heating system

  • The disadvantage of water floors is that if it is necessary to obtain a relatively low heating temperature, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a mixing unit that works exclusively in tandem with a water pump that creates forced circulation of hot water through the pipes.
  • In addition, quite often the use of water heating systems leads to a decrease in the overall pressure in the central heating of the house.
  • You should also be aware that water, after passing through the pipe loops, enters the following rooms sufficiently cooled, leading to insufficient heating.

To date, the installation of floors of this type is permissible only with the consent of the responsible authorities. Unauthorized connection to heating is prohibited.

Disadvantages of underfloor heating

The choice of a warm floor is also not complete without a clear understanding of all the pros and cons of the system. The disadvantages of warm electric floors include:

  • costs associated with paying for the used electricity. The average consumption of 1 m 2 of such a floor ranges from 110 to 150 W, but more precisely, the value depends on many factors in the operation of these systems. This indicator is taken into account with a margin, because modern temperature controllers can save up to 40% of the energy consumed, so the real consumption figures can be from 70 to 100 watts.
  • The second negative factor is the presence of electromagnetic radiation, which invariably occurs during operation.

It should be taken into account the fact that a single-core electric field emits more radiation than a two-core one. However, in any case, the radiation is much lower than the established permissible norm, which completely excludes the possibility of a negative impact on the human body.

When choosing a floor heating system, price is not of paramount importance. The main thing is a full-fledged coverage service with minimal maintenance costs.

Under the concept of a water-heated floor, they mean a piping scheme laid in a layer of concrete screed. Heated from the boiler or boiler, the coolant circulates through the pipes and heats the floor.

In private houses and cottages, water-heated floor heating is increasingly being used, the opinions and reviews of customers about which are ambiguous. To make a decision on the rationality of using such a design, one should understand some of its features:

  • Underfloor heating is part of the water heating system, so it can be installed in country houses and cottages or new buildings with heat exchange risers or autonomous heating. In apartments of old buildings, this type of floor heating is prohibited.
  • The design is a "layer cake", quite difficult to implement. Installation requires a certain amount of experience and a high degree of qualification.
  • If the pipelines are damaged, a leak occurs, and the location of the breakdown is difficult to identify. To repair the site, it is necessary to disassemble the floor.
  • Not all types of finishes are suitable for underfloor heating.

What are the user reviews?

“The process of installing underfloor heating is truly an amazing thing to do in my home. I hired contractors for installation - the floors turned out like in a fairy tale. General heating works at a minimum mode, the rooms are warm and cozy. In the bathroom - in general, a class, there is no such dampness and the water dries quickly on the tile. Even with the heating turned off, the cold floor does not cause discomfort.”

Igor, Moscow.

“I installed a warm floor over the entire area of ​​​​the apartment to use it as the main option without radiators. In the corridor, bathrooms and kitchen, ceramic tiles were laid on top, and in the rest of the rooms - laminate. The room thermostat regulates the operation of the boiler, while the system does an excellent job of heating - an economical and convenient type of heating.

Anatoly, Nizhny Novgorod.

“In the house, I heat the entire first floor only with a system of water-heated floors - there are no radiators. Very warm even in severe frosts. The main disadvantage is the price. Laying technology and materials are much more expensive than batteries, plus special thermostatic mixing pump groups. It is better to hire specialists to carry out the work – this is also an additional cost.”

Konstantin, Volgograd.

“Heated floors have increased comfort compared to radiator heating - this is indisputable, but they also have a number of disadvantages. I have such floors in bathrooms, corridors and baths. At temperatures below 25 ° C, the floor in the bath is heated to 30-35 ° C - it is hot for the legs. I visit the house periodically, so I lower it to 15 ° C. Batteries are able to warm up the house in 4 hours to 22 ° C, and warm floors - in 8. In the summer, I ran into the problem of a cold tiled floor.

Alexander, St. Petersburg.

“I have a big house, I made warm floors in all rooms. The first year was not included, they launched only the next - the winter was severe. The batteries were turned off, the temperature in the rooms was 21-22 degrees - it's warm to walk on the floor even without slippers. The average monthly gas consumption turned out to be 1.7 times less than with radiator heating.”

Daniel, Samara.

“I have been installing the floor under the parquet board for a long time. I would like to note that the maximum temperature on the surface of the parquet should be no more than 27 ° C, while laying a warm water floor under the furniture should definitely be avoided. With good ventilation of the room and with insulation of external walls, the temperature in the room will be 24-25 degrees, taking into account floor heating up to 27 ° C without additional sources of heating.

Maxim, Moscow.

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Pros and cons of underfloor heating

Everything you need to know before choosing underfloor heating...

“With the advent of cold weather, we put on warm slippers at home, and forbid children to play on the floor. We wrap ourselves in blankets and sleep in flannelette pajamas. But the “weather” in the house can be corrected with the help of warm floors - they not only warm the feet of bare feet, but also warm air in the apartment.

What types of underfloor heating exist today? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


It consists of a heating cable that transfers heat to the floor covering, which, in turn, heats the air. The heating system is controlled by an electronic thermostat. You can install a warm floor in a screed or under any coating.

Advantages: electrical systems do not require maintenance during operation, it is very easy to control the heating process.

Disadvantages: Power consumption at constant maximum use can be very high. True, you can install the so-called accumulating warm floor, which, due to the large thickness of the screed, will gain heat at night. But is there enough stored heat for the whole day - the question is ...

Laying features: underfloor heating cables require careful handling during pouring to avoid air bubbles in the concrete - this can lead to overheating of the cable and its failure.

Application: most often used for heating tiled floors in the kitchen and bathroom. It is rarely used as an independent source of heat in Russia, as electricity prices are rising year by year.

Price: varies widely, as there are several types of electric underfloor heating: with a single-core and two-core cable, with thick and thin filling, for full heating and for slight heating.

By the way, it has been found that floors with a two-core cable emit less electromagnetic radiation.

It is heated by warm water flowing through the pipes.

Advantages: the cheapest to use - no extra costs (except for an increase in hot water consumption). As well as durability and the absence of electromagnetic radiation.

Disadvantages: a water pipe that burst or leaked in the thickness of a concrete screed is not only a leak down several floors, but also the need to crack the floor covering.

Laying features: there are two ways to install a water floor - either in a concrete screed or on aluminum guides, which ensure even distribution of heat. Tubes through which water flows are metal-plastic, copper or polypropylene. Copper - the most durable, but also the most expensive.

Metal-plastic is cheaper and combines durability with high flexibility and thermal conductivity. Polypropylene pipe is the cheapest and "short-lived". Not every polypropylene is suitable for underfloor heating, but manufacturers sometimes “forget” about it. Installation requires highly skilled workers.

Application: due to an abrupt increase in pressure in the pipes at the beginning of the heating season, pipes may burst. Therefore, it is allowed to arrange a water floor only in owned apartments. The blame for the bay of neighbors will be entirely on you.

Price: high, since it consists of the cost of a full-fledged floor screed or installation of guides and tubes through which water will flow.


Film interspersed with a carbon polymer that heats up using electricity and heats objects in the room. And they, in turn, give off heat to the environment. This type of heating uses the range of infrared radiation that is most suitable for a person, creating a literally comfortable environment.

Advantages: cost-effectiveness and mobility, the arrangement of the floor does not require repair interventions. The film can be cut into any number of individual strips and heated in those areas where it is needed. The thermal film is very thin, so the installation of the system will not take a single centimeter of height, which is especially important for rooms with low ceilings.

Installation features: installation is available even to a non-specialist. The film is simply placed under the floor covering, connected and covered from above with any material - from linoleum to tiles. If necessary, warm film-type floors can be easily dismantled and transferred to another room.

Application: in bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens, as well as children's rooms.

Price: low, because it is not necessary to make a screed and carry out time-consuming installation work.


It consists of carbon rods fixed on a fiberglass mesh.

Advantages: does not require any special preparation of the floor, does not “eat up” the height of the room.

Disadvantages: a warm floor of this type is able to provide additional heat, but it will not work to fully warm up due to it.

Laying features: according to the technology, mats can be poured with a cement-sand mortar 1.5-2 cm thick, after which the floor finish can be laid. But this can not be done - in this case, the tile or carpet is placed directly on the mat.

Application: suitable for any living space, especially with low ceilings.

Price: low, because it is not necessary to make a major screed.


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