A magical name for a girl. Names for girls are rare and beautiful - which one to choose? Unusual name for a girl - Taisiya

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When naming their daughter, parents must understand: the name is the most important decoration of the girl, which she will wear throughout her life. Stella or Milada? Bazhena or Carolina? Clara or Zoryana? Or maybe just Love? Rare and beautiful names for girls are presented in such abundance that it is difficult not to get confused. But which one is right for your baby, and what is the correct name for your daughter? About this - in our material.

Today, the influence of a woman’s name on her character, quality and life expectancy is studied quite widely. Moreover, the topic is considered by both official science, predictive practices, and magic. It's understandable that many parents want to know how it all works. After all, it is so important to write down on the birth certificate not only a beautiful name, but a happy destiny for your daughter.

The name is determined by the calendar, season, numbers and science

Thus, astrologers draw up special horoscopes for newborns, allowing them to determine good option naming. Numerologists select the “correct” names by calculating the number of the child’s date of birth. Healers ask nature what unusual name to name a girl: they recommend choosing options based on the time of year and month of birth.

There is also anthroponymy. This is a separate scientific area for studying the history of the emergence and evolution of the full name, the patterns of functioning of its components. In their works, anthroponymic scientists analyze various proper names, highlight the most successful combinations FULL NAME.

For believing Orthodox Christians, the most recommended option for naming a girl is according to the calendar. So, the name is given in honor of a saint whose day coincides with the baby’s birthday or falls on the eighth or fortieth day from birth.

How children were named in the old days

Our ancestors took a simpler approach to naming girls. And at the same time, the names of the beauties of that time could have been the most unusual. In Rus', they were selected so that the baby could be distinguished from other family members. For example, Pervusha was the first child. The name reflected her external characteristics: the girl Chernava grew up dark-skinned and had dark hair. And Nekrasa was not born too pretty.

Characteristics or behavior were taken as a basis: Crybaby, Smart girl. The baby was named taking into account the circumstances of her birth. For example, Istoma grew up in families where the mother suffered during childbirth. And Snezhana was born in the cold. It could also indicate the attitude of adults towards the girl: Zhdana, Nezhdana, Lyubava, Darena.

Anna, Maria and Sofia are the three most popular female naming options on the planet. Although sound in different countries they may not be the same because they have many synonyms. For example, Annette, Marie and Sophie live in France. And Hanna, Marichen and Zofa are in Germany.

Many modern female names They literally fascinate those around them and make their owner even more attractive. But finding a naming option that you think is interesting is only half the battle. To make a name “play”, you need to consider several points.

  1. Nationality. Nowadays in Russia, children are often given “names” that are unusual for the local culture and traditions. They are borrowed from other countries, religions, mentalities. In some cases this is justified. But in combination with ordinary Slavic patronymics and surnames, it looks strange, to put it mildly. For example, the combination “Gayane Vasilievna Kozlova” is inferior to the combination “Gayane Gasparovna Oganesyan”. This name is suitable for an Armenian girl, but not quite for a newborn Slavic girl. It is also worth considering that in interethnic marriages girls are born whose external features differ from typical Slavic features. Therefore, for mixed-race children, it is also necessary to carefully select the naming option. In Russia, the dark-skinned Masha, whose father is Arab, will always receive increased attention. But Regina or Sabira in this case will be neutral and suitable options.
  2. Surname . Not all families can boast of a rich and strong surname. In such cases, the girl should not choose a name that is too unusual. Judge for yourself: the combination “Malvina Vyrvihvost” will become a double reason for ridicule from peers. Option “Natalia Vyrvikhvost” in in this case looks neater. Of course, one can hope that Michelle Goose or Chernava Tuchka will grow up, get married and take the surnames of their other halves. But what if they decide differently? Nowadays, many people believe that changing your name negatively affects your destiny. So, women are afraid to make changes to documents. But even there is a girl who is not superstitious... What if she falls in love with a guy with the last name Flea, Devil, Grave, Slyunin or Pindyur?
  3. Surname . In addition to the national factor, the principle of consonance must also be taken into account. For bulky, long middle names it is worth choosing short names. Otherwise, those around you will break their tongues when addressing the girl. For example, the combination “Sada Ramzullovna” wins over the combination “Vuzhdeniya Ramzullovna”. The same principle applies when comparing the combinations “Vladislava Veniaminovna” and “Nina Veniaminovna”. By the way, a tandem is good, where consonance is read in the name and patronymic. And also win options where the “names” of the daughter and father begin with the same letter: “Angelina Andreevna”, “Irina Igorevna”, “Nora Nikolaevna”.
  4. Forms. What will you lovingly call your daughter? Zoechka, Mashunya, Katrusya, Lelya, Lyubasya... Any feminine address takes official and diminutive forms. But many of them can also be transformed into nicknames. Here you need to understand that children, especially schoolchildren, are cruel. They love to tease each other. So, Anfisa can turn into a Rat, Yulia - into Dulya, and Rose - into Dung.
  5. Fashion. Especially young parents want to be in trend and find a fashionable name for their baby. There are even extreme excesses like the Keyboard, Sarah-Paprika, Simka or Viagra. But in pursuit of originality, think about your daughter’s future. Do you have a neighbor's old lady Dazdraperma? Hardly. Because as they grew up, the girls, fashionably named after the Soviet May Day, were in a hurry to change it rare name. There are also only a few grandmothers of the Olympics. Yes, and few people know old women with the name Trolebuzin, named according to the principle “Trotsky-Lenin-Bukharin-Zinoviev”.

Psychologists recommend avoiding options with unexpressed gender when naming girls. “Genderless” names Evgenia, Valeria, Alexandra, Alexia can “steal” your baby’s tenderness and girlish charm, hinder her development and female self-identification. Also, you should not name your child after relatives who lived a difficult life and died in agony. And by giving a girl her mother’s name, you increase the risk of competition and misunderstanding in the family.

TOP 30 best female names

According to the Moscow Civil Registry Office, in 2015 the most fashionable female name in Russian capital became Sofia. Moreover, it is this option of naming girls that has invariably taken the lead since 2010, knocking the previously leading Anastasia off the pedestal. Also in the top three fashionable girl names in Moscow in 2015: Maria and Anna.

Today, parents have many resources at their disposal where they can find unusually beautiful names for girls. This and e-books, and virtual directories, and specialized sites. These sources accumulate and analyze parental requests and, based on them, compile ratings of the most popular female names. Below is a rating list of the thirty most beautiful and unusual names popular in 2017.

  1. Milana. Slavic, means “sweetheart”.
  2. Sofia. From ancient Greek - “wise”.
  3. Yesenia. Slavic form of the name. Given to children born in the fall.
  4. Arina . An obsolete form of the name Irina. From Greek - “peace”, “peace”.
  5. Kira. Female form Greek name Kiros, which means “lord”, “lord”.
  6. Anastasia . From Greek - “resurrected”, “immortal”.
  7. Veronica. It is of Latin origin. Translated as “victorious”.
  8. Alice. From English - “noble birth”.
  9. Pauline . A lighter form of the Russian version of the name Apollinaria, which means “liberated.”
  10. Victoria . From Latin - “victory”.
  11. Stasya. Short form from Stanislava, which means “to become glorious.”
  12. Maryana. Hebrew, interpreted as “tart, bitter.”
  13. Daria . Closely related to the male Persian name Darayavausha, which means “owner of good.”
  14. Ksenia . From Greek - “hospitable”, “guest”, “stranger”.
  15. Eva. From Hebrew - “life-giving”
  16. Alina. From Latin - “foreign”, “other”, “majestic”.
  17. Catherine . From Greek - “immaculate”, “pure”.
  18. Valeria . The female version of the male name Valery, which is translated from Latin as “to be healthy”, “to be strong”, “to be powerful”.
  19. Maria. From Hebrew - “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”.
  20. Anna . From Hebrew - “grace”, “bravery”, “strength”.
  21. Elizabeth. From Hebrew - “honoring God”, “my God is an oath”, “conjuring by God”.
  22. Darina. Slavic, means “gifted”, “gift”.
  23. Julia . From Greek - “curly”. The Latin version is “from the Yuli family”, “July”.
  24. Christina . From Latin - “Christian”.
  25. Alyona . From ancient Greek - “sunny”, “bewitching”, “shining”, “attracting”.
  26. Ulyana. One of the forms of the name Yulia, which translates as “curly”, “July”, “from the Yuli family”.
  27. Milena. Slavic, means “sweetheart”.
  28. Camilla. IN Ancient Rome This is what the servants were called in temples. Hence the interpretation - “temple servant”, “impeccable origin”.
  29. Amelia. From German - “hardworking”.
  30. Diana. From Latin - “divine”.

When choosing a name for a girl, family disputes and even some disagreements most often occur, because the most important criterion for such a choice, as a rule, is beauty, and, as you know, everyone’s ideas about beauty are different. Beautiful, euphonious female names, as a rule, are the names of beloved women or names that are associated with some extraordinary, beautiful women who have somehow amazed us! It is precisely such names, due to the waywardness of our consciousness, that can seem unusually attractive and harmonious to us.

It happens that foreign-language female names, the global meaning of names we do not always know and understand, can charm us simply with their sound and melody. Don't be afraid or restrain yourself, call it boldly! But, of course, only in those cases when the name you choose for the girl can be perfectly combined with your last name and patronymic. Even if your daughter grows up and marries a man with a not-so-euphonious surname, she will always have the opportunity to remain under her surname. And of course, be sure to try to find out in advance the meaning of such a beautiful-sounding but unfamiliar name. Otherwise, your girl may later find herself in a funny situation, say, if her name is translated from native language will mean something not entirely poetic.

Sometimes, parents simply reduce choosing a name for a girl to studying the most famous, popular or fashionable names at this stage. However, think about it, does it make sense to follow fashion if someday in a kindergarten or school group it turns out that most of the girls will have exactly the same names? But of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and choose a name for your daughter from extremely rare or even exotic names. Do not forget that your girl will have to live a wonderful, but still very difficult period of childhood, in which any unusualness or non-standard may well give another reason for sometimes evil ridicule.

One of the most successful ways out of the difficult situation of choosing a name for your girl can be a beautiful, unusual, and independently invented female name. Agree, absolutely all modern parents have such an opportunity according to the legislation existing at this stage Russian Federation! However, to begin with, do not be too lazy to familiarize yourself with those beautiful female names, which will be presented on our page. Rest assured, you will definitely be able to find exactly what will suit absolutely all members of your family and will be wonderful both in its sound and, of course, in meaning and meaning!

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Popularity rating of male names

The rating we bring to your attention is compiled on the basis of official statistical reports from civil registry offices of several regions of the Russian Federation with a predominant Russian population and the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk for 2010-2016 (data for 2017 are currently available only for individual regions, ).

All names are divided into five conditional groups: the most popular (1-30th place), popular (31-60th place), less popular (61-85th place), rare and very rare names. This classification is practically convenient and visual. Quantitative data are brought to a single denominator - per 10,000 newborns. To better “feel” the numbers, let us point out that approximately 65,000 girls are born in Moscow every year, and almost 12,000 of them are born in the entire Voronezh region per year.

(most popular names)

frequency 100 - 700

per 10,000 newborns

(popular names)

frequency 20 - 100

per 10,000 newborns

(less popular)

frequency 7 - 20

per 10,000 newborns

1. Sofia + Sophia

2. Anastasia

3. Daria + Darina

4. Maria

5. Anna

6. Victoria

7. Polina

8. Elizabeth

9. Ekaterina

10. Ksenia

11. Valeria

12. Varvara

13. Alexandra

14. Veronica

15. Arina

16. Alice

17. Alina

18. Milana + Milena*

19. Margarita

20. Diana*

21. Ulyana

22. Alena

23. Angelina + Angelica

24. Christina

25. Julia

26. Kira

27. Eva

28. Karina*

29. Vasilisa + Vasilina

30. Olga

31. Tatiana

32. Irina

33. Taisiya

34. Evgeniya

35. Yana + Yanina

36. Faith

37. Marina

38. Elena

39. Hope

40. Svetlana

41. Zlata

42. Olesya + Alesya

43. Natalia + Natalia

44. Evelina

45. Lily

46. ​​Elina

47. Violetta + Viola

48. Nellie

49. Miroslava*

50. Love

51. Albina*

52. Vladislava*

53. Camilla*

54. Marianna + Maryana

55. Nika

56. Yaroslava*

57. Valentina

58. Emilia

60. Elvira*

61. Snezhana

62. Vlada*

63. Caroline*

64. Lydia

65. Vitalina + Vitalia*

66. Nina

67. Yesenia*

68. Oksana

69. Adeline + Ada*

70. Lada*

71. Amelia + Amalia*

72. Eleanor*

73. Antonina

74. Lyudmila

75. Galina

76. Tamara

77. Alla

78. Zhanna

79. Inna

80. Leah

81. Seraphim

82. Anfisa

83. Evangelina

84. Agata + Agafya + Agafia

85. Larisa

These 30 names account for

75% of all newborn girls

These 30 names account for

14-15% of all newborn girls

These 25 names account for

3% of all newborn girls

85 most popular Russian female names

In alphabet order:

Agata + Agafya + Agafia (84). Agata and Agafya together occupy 84th place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 7 out of 10,000), with only 1-2 Agafyas accounting for 5-6 Agafyas; Agathia is an even rarer name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Adelina + Ada + Adelia + Adele + Adelaide (69)*. The name Adeline is in 69th place in the popularity ranking (about 13 per 10,0000 newborn girls); the names Ada, Adelia, Adele and Adelaide are much less common - each no more than 1-4 per 10,000

Alexandra, Alexandrina, Alexa (13). Alexandra is one of the most popular names in Russia, she ranks 13th in the popularity ranking (approximately 245 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Alexandrina is rare, no more than 2-4 girls per 10,000 births receive it; Alexa is even rarer - 1-2 per 10,000

Alena (22) . Alena ranks 22nd in the ranking of popular names (approximately 132 out of 10,000). Just in case, we note that Alena’s godname is Elena

Alina (17). Alina is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 17th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 190 per 10,000 newborn girls). Initially, the name Alina appeared in Russian as a diminutive (shortened) form of the church names Akilina and Angelina, but later it became a completely independent personal name.

Alla (77) . Alla is at the bottom of the ranking of popular names - in 77th place (this corresponds to approximately 10 girls out of 10,000 births)

Albina (51)* . Albina ranks 51st in the popularity ranking (approximately 30 per 10,000 newborn girls). The name is completely European, not Muslim, however, it is very popular in Tatar families and in the North Caucasus

Amelia + Amalia (71)*. The names Amelia and Amalia together occupy 71st place in the ranking (about 12 per 10,000, with the number of Amelia and Amalia almost the same). For baptism the church name Emilia (Emilia) is usually used.

Anastasia (2) . Anastasia is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 2nd place in the popularity ranking (about 550 per 10,000); a passport form of a name like Nastasya is much less common (1-2 per 10,000)

Angelina + Angelika (23). In total, the names Angelina, Angelica, Angela and Angela occupy a high 23rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 130 per 10,000 newborn girls). But it should be noted that of these four names the name Angelina is the most popular: for every 70-80 Angelinas there are only ten Angelicas, three Angelas and one Angela

Anna (5) . Anna is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 5th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 400 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Antonina (73) . Antonina ranks 73rd in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls). As for such name forms as Antonia and Antonida, they are very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Anfisa (82). The name Anfisa ranks 82nd in the ranking (approximately 8 girls out of 10,000 births)

Arina (15) . Arina is one of the most popular names in Russia, she ranks 15th in the popularity ranking (approximately 230 per 10,000 newborn girls). Godname is Irina

Valentina (57) . Valentina is a fairly popular name, 57th in the ranking of female names (about 22 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Valeria (11) . Valeria is a very popular name, 11th place in today's ranking of the popularity of female names (approximately 260 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Varvara (12) . Varvara is a very popular name, it ranks 12th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 256 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Vasilisa + Vasilina (29). Vasilisa and Vasilina together are in 29th place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 100 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which 70-80 Vasilis and 20-30 Vasilina)

Faith (36) . Vera is a fairly popular name, 36th in the ranking (about 67 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name)

Veronica (14) . Veronica is a very popular name, it ranks 14th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 233 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Victoria (6) . Victoria is one of the most popular names today, ranked 6th in the ranking (approximately 384 per 10,000). // Until 2011, Nika was used as a godname for Victoria (since both of these names have the same meaning - “victory”). But in 2011 Russian Orthodox Church included in her calendar the name of the very famous Catholic holy martyr of the 4th century Victoria of Corduvia (she lived in the city of Cordoba, Spain), after which it became possible to baptize all Victorias with the name Victoria without resorting to substitute names

Violetta + Viola (47). Violetta - 47th place in the popularity rating (approximately 35 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Viola is rare, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls

Vitalina + Vitalia (65)*. Vitalina and Vitalia together are in 65th place - 17 per 10,000 (of which Vitalin is approximately 14 per 10,000 newborn girls, and Vitaly is approximately 3 per 10,000) // The names Vitalina and Vitaly are obvious analogues of the male name Vitaly. The name Valentina is usually used as a godfather (based on general meaning names and sound similarities)

Vlada (62)* . Vlad's name ranks 62nd (19 out of 10,000). See also Vladislav.

Vladislava (52)*. Vladislava and Vlada are quite popular names. Vladislava ranks 52nd in the ranking of female names (29 per 10,000 newborn girls), Vlada ranks 62nd (19 per 10,000). As for Vlasta, this is a very rare name among us (less than 1 in 10,000)

Galina (75) . Galina ranks 75th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Daria + Darina + Daria (3). The name Daria, together with its other forms (Darina and Daria) are at the very top of the popularity rating of female names - in 3rd place (quantitatively this is about 520 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which Daria accounts for 85-90%, Darina 10- 12%, for Daria 1-2%)

Diana (20)*. Diana is a very popular name, and ranks 20th in the ranking (approximately 150 per 10,000 newborn girls). There is no name in the calendar; they are baptized in honor of the holy martyr Princess Artemia of Rome (the Greek goddess Diana corresponded to the Roman goddess Artemis)

Eva (27) . Quite a popular name. Ranks 27th in the ranking of female names (107 per 10,000)

Evangelina (83) . The name ranks 83rd (approximately 7 per 10,000 female births). For baptism, the name Angelina is used (based on general meaning names)

Evgenia (34) . The name ranks 34th in the popularity ranking (78 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Ekaterina, Katerina (9). Ekaterina is a very popular name, it ranks 9th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 340 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Katerina is not ranked, only 2-3 girls out of 10,000 receive it

Elena (38) . Elena is a fairly popular name, 38th in the ranking of female names (about 62 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name)

Elizabeth (8) . Elizabeth is one of the most popular names, 8th in the ranking of female names, approximately 350 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name; one form of the name Elizabeth is Isabella (no more than 5-6 girls out of 10,000)

Yesenia (67)* . Yesenia - 67th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 16 per 10,000 newborn girls) // apparently the name comes from the name of the palm tree (Jessenia); suitable godnames are Tamara - based on the meaning of the name, and Ksenia - based on consonance

Zhanna (78) . The name Zhanna is in 78th place in the popularity rating (about 8 per 10,000). The church name of John is used as a godfather

Zlata (41) . Zlata - 41st place in the popularity ranking (approximately 55 per 10,000 newborn girls) // The patron saint is the Great Martyr Zlata (Chris) Moglenskaya

Inna (79) . The name is at the bottom of the ranking, in 79th place (frequency is approximately 8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Irina (32) . Irina is in 32nd place (approximately 90 out of 10,000); the names Irena and Irene are rare in Russia (approximately 1 in 10,000)

Camilla (53)* . Camilla - 53rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 27 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name is “international”, it can be found not only in Russian families, but also among Muslims North Caucasus, Volga region, Central Asia (Kamila, Kamila, Camilla) // The church name of Evgenia is quite suitable as a godname, since the meaning of both names is almost the same: Camilla - “a girl of impeccable behavior, from a respectable family” (Latin)

Karina (28)*. The name Karina ranks 28th in the popularity ranking (approximately 106 out of 10,000) // For baptism, it is advisable to use the name Ekaterina. In Poland, Germany and Scandinavian countries, the name Karina (Karina, Karine, Karin and Karen) is considered an independent personal name, formed from the name Katarina (Katrina, Katherine)

Carolina (63)* . Carolina is a borrowed European name, not used very often in Russia: 63rd place in the popularity ranking (about 18 per 10,000 newborn girls) // good godnames are Vasilisa and Vassa(according to its meaning - “queen, royal, queen”)

Kira (26) . Kira is one of the top thirty names - 26th place in the ranking (approximately 114 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Christina (24). Christina is one of the top thirty names - 24th place in the ranking (approximately 122 per 10,000 newborn girls); a form of the name like Christina is more rare (no more than 3-6 per 10,000) // godname Christina

Ksenia (10) . Ksenia is one of the most popular names, it ranks 10th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 290 per 10,000 newborn girls) // Other forms of the name Ksenia are Oksana (frequency approximately 15 per 10,000), Aksinya and Aksiniya (frequency of which varies from 1 to 4 per 10,000)

Lada (70)*. Lada - 70th place in the popularity rating (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Larisa (85). Larisa - 85th place in the popularity rating (approximately 7 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lydia (64) . Lydia - 64th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 17 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lily (45) . Lily - 45th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 37 per 10,000 newborn girls) // For baptism, it is advisable to use the church name Susanna (based on the meaning, meaning of the name)

Leah (80) . Leah - 80th place in the popularity rating (approximately 7-8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Love (50) . Love - 50th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 31 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lyudmila (74) . Lyudmila - 74th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Maya (59)* . Maya - 59th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 21 per 10,000 newborn girls) // It is difficult to say which godname for Maya will be the best, we can only note that in the English-speaking world the name May (Maya) is considered to be derived from the names Maria and Margarita ( diminutive form that has become an independent personal name)

Margarita (19) . Margarita is one of the most popular names, it ranks 19th in the popularity ranking (approximately 160 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Marianna + Maryana (54). Marianna, together with Maryana, occupy 54th place in the popularity rating (approximately 24 per 10,000 newborn girls, with Maryan and Marianne approximately equally divided)

Marina (37) . Marina - 37th place in the popularity rating (approximately 63 per 10,000)

Maria (4) . Maria is a very popular name, ranked 4th in the popularity ranking (approximately 518 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Marya is significantly inferior in popularity (only 3-4 per 10,000)

Milana + Milena (18)*. Milana, together with Milena, occupy a high 18th place in the ranking of female names (almost 180 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which approximately 140 are Milana and 40 Milena) // Don’t be confused Slavic names Milana and Milena with church name Greek origin Melania (Melania)! // it is best to baptize Milana and Milena in honor of the Holy Princess Mi litsa of Serbia or the Holy Princess Lyudmila of Czech)

Miroslava (49)* . Miroslava - 49th place in the popularity rating (approximately 31 per 10,000 newborn girls); Miloslava is a rare name (3-4 per 10,000) // Mi litsa is best suited as a godname for Miloslava, and Maria (by sound) or Salomi I (by meaning) for Miroslava

Hope (39) . Nadezhda - 39th place in the popularity rating (approximately 57 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Natalia + Natalia (43). Natalya, together with Natalia, ranks 43rd in the popularity rating (approximately 49 per 10,000 newborn girls); according to statistics from the registry office, the name Natalya is given 7-10 times more often than Natalia

Nellie (48) . Nellie - in 48th place in the ranking (34 out of 10,000) // the name Nellie is one of the forms of the name Elena

Nika (55) . Nika ranks 55th in the popularity rating (approximately 23 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Nina (66) . Nina - 66th place in the popularity rating (approximately 16 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Oksana (68) . Oksana - 68th place in the ranking (approximately 15 per 10,000) // the name Oksana is one of the forms of the name Ksenia

Olesya + Alesya (42) . The names Olesya and Alesya are jointly in 42nd place in the ranking (about 53 per 10,000, but Alesya is significantly inferior to Olesya in popularity: for every 5-10 Olesya there is one Alesya) // It is believed that Olesya and Alesya are derivative forms of the name Alexander , which have become independent personal names. Olesya is more of a Ukrainian name, while the name Alesya has a more Russian (and Belarusian) character. The name Olga is sometimes used as a godname for Alesya and Olesya

Olga (30) . This name closes the top thirty most popular names, 30th in the ranking (approximately 94 per 10,000 newborn girls); variants Elga and Helga are rare, there are only isolated cases of their registration

Polina (7). Polina is one of the most popular names today, ranked 7th in the ranking (approximately 380 per 10,000)

Svetlana (40) . Svetlana - 40th place in the popularity rating (approximately 56 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Seraphim (81) . The name Seraphim is in 81st place in the popularity ranking of female names (frequency is approximately 8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Snezhana (61) . Snezhana - 61st place in the popularity ranking (approximately 20 per 10,000 newborn girls) // godname - Khionia

Sofia + Sophia (1) . Sophia, together with Sofia, are in first place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 630 per 10,000 newborn girls); According to statistics from the registry office, the name Sophia is given a little more often than the name Sofia (by 15-20%). Not only in Russia, but throughout the world this name is the most popular these days. So, for example, in 2013-2014 in the USA, the name Sophia was in 3rd place among newborn girls (as well as Sofia - in 12th place and Sophie - in 91st place); in Poland Zofia - in 1st place, in Austria Sophie - in 3rd place, in Germany Sofia / Sophia - in 4th place, in the Czech Republic Sofie - in 6th place, etc.

Taisiya (33) . Taisiya - 33rd place in the ranking of female names (approximately 81 per 10,000 newborn girls); name forms such as Taisya and Taisa are less popular (1-2 per 10,000)

Tamara (76) . Tamara - 76th place in the ranking of female names (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Tatiana (31) . Tatiana - 31st place in the ranking of female names (approximately 91 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized with the church name Tatiana

Ulyana (21) . Ulyana ranks 21st in the popularity ranking (approximately 147 per 10,000 newborn girls) // godname - Juliana

Evelina (44) . Evelina is in 44th place in the ranking (approximately 48 per 10,000 newborn girls) // Evelina is one of the forms of the name Eva

Eleanor (72)* . Eleanor ranks 72nd in the popularity ranking (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized Elena or Leonilla

Elina (46). Elina is in 46th place (about 36 out of 10,000 newborn girls // this is one of the forms of the name Elena

Elvira (60) . Elvira - 60th place in the ranking (about 20 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized Elena or Leonilla

Emilia (58) . Emilia ranks 58th in popularity rankings (approximately 21 per 10,000 female births); the second form of the name Emma is more rare (2-5 per 10,000) // baptized with the church name Emilia

Julia (25). Julia takes 25th place in the popularity rating (approximately 122 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized with the church name Julia

Yana + Yanina (35) . Yana, together with Yanina, occupy 35th place in the ranking (68 out of 10,000, of which Yana is 62-63, and Yanina 5-6) // baptized with the church name of John

Yaroslava (56)*. Yaroslava ranks 56th in the popularity rating (approximately 22 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Rare names.

These are quite “live” names (Russian and borrowed), which are registered by civil registry offices on a regular basis with a frequency of 1 to 6 per 10,000 newborn girls.

Here are some examples: Augusta + Augustina, Aurora*, Agapia, Aglaya, Agnia + Agnessa, Agrippina, Adriana*, Aksinia + Aksinya, Alevtina, Alexandrina, Alexa, Anisia + Anisya, Ariadne, Ariana + Arianna*, Arsenia*, Artemis, Artemia, Asya, Bella*, Bogdana, Bozena, Vanessa, Vladlena*, Glafira, Dana, Dominica + Domnika, Evdokia, Eusevia, Euphrosyne + Euphrosyne, Zhdana*, Zarina*, Zinaida, Zlatoslava*, Zoya, Ivanna, Ivetta, Isabella, Ilaria, Ilona , Inga*, Inessa, Joanna, Iolanta, Irma, Iya, Kaleria, Capitolina, Katerina, Claudia, Lina, Lolita*, Louise, Lukerya, Magdalena, Martha, Maryam + Mariam*, Matryona + Matrona, Melania + Melania, Melissa, Miloslava*, Ninel, Nonna, Olivia*, Pelageya, Praskovya, Rada*, Raisa, Regina*, Renata*, Rimma, Rosa + Rosalia, Ruslana*, Sabina*, Sabrina*, Simona*, Stella + Estella, Stanislava*, Stefania + Stepanida, Susanna*, Ustina + Ustinya, Faina, Christina, Elga, Elsa, Emma, ​​Juliana (Julianna), Yunia, Juno, Justina.

Very rare names.

In the old days, they were quite common in Russia, but today they have practically fallen out of use, and in the registry office there are only isolated cases of their registration over several years (the frequency of such names is less than 1 per 10,000 newborn girls).

Here are just a few of them: Avdotya, Agrafena, Anatolia, Antonida, Apollinaria, Athanasius, Vassa, Virinea, Glyceria, Dorothea, Eudoxia, Eupraxia, Euphemia, Zinovia, Iraida, Isidora, Lucia, Malania, Muse, Olympias, Salome, Sebastian, Thekla, Fedosya, Theodora, Theoktista, Feofaniya, Kharitina.

11.02.2018 Galina Parhomenko

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers. Are you preparing to become the parents of the most beautiful baby in the world? We hasten to congratulate you! Surely you are looking for the best name for your princess. We will tell you which names for girls, rare and beautiful, are the most unusual and amazing.

Let's start with a list of the most beautiful names for girls. Each of you will be able to add your favorite name to it. We will focus on less common options.


These are active girls with a strong will. They always have their own opinion on current events. This name is not in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, so it does not have a name day.


These are gentle and romantic natures, charming, able to see the good in people.


Impulsive personality with leadership qualities. Straightforward and decisive.


Stubborn, proud, but fair. Household and clean. Good friend.


A girl with this name has a complex character. She is independent and hardworking. Not afraid of difficulties, active, decisive.


Easy to communicate, cheerful, but at the same time purposeful person. Reacts sharply to criticism.


As a child she is not very sociable, but as she matures she becomes more friendly. Artistic, assiduous, obedient.


Delicate and tactful. It is distinguished by tenderness. Girls with this name have good logical thinking and developed intuition.


Caring, loves to please loved ones. Indecisive, needs support and praise from parents and friends.


Has excellent taste and good manners. Emotional, dreamy. Has a penchant for art.


Affectionate and responsive, emotional and impressionable. Values ​​parents' opinions.


The girl is a dreamer and often hovers in dreams. Sociable, capricious, selfish.

The following names are also sonorous and beautiful: Alice, Marianna, Veronica, Kira, Yasmina, Dinara, Valeria, Anfisa, Vlada, Zarina, Lilia, Zlata.

Beautiful Russian names for girls

Among Russian names there are many euphonious and beautiful. In addition to Old Russian names, modified names that came from other languages ​​are also popular.


A girl with this name has a lively mind and intelligence. Disciplined and obedient, but in some situations can be stubborn.


Active, friendly, simple-minded. She is attentive and has a lot to offer. original ideas. Likes to give advice.


Honest and fair, independent and decisive. He is distinguished by high moral and ethical principles.


A mischievous little girl, daring and stubborn. He does not like to live by rules and often breaks them. Possesses inner strength and resilience.


Balanced and hardworking personality. Friendly, gets along with people easily. Mine inner world prefers not to open up to strangers.


A kind and unforgiving child. Relies only on herself, is responsible, does not depend on the opinions of others.


An idealist, she knows how to sacrifice to her own detriment. Strives to change the world for the better.


Curious, brave and independent. The main character traits are determination, quick reaction, creative thinking.


Mobile, prefers to act quickly. She is characterized by internal conflicts hidden from prying eyes. He always finishes what he starts.


Adapts well to new conditions and has a rich imagination. Capricious and a little absent-minded.


Energetic, resourceful, with a good sense of humor. Able to show flexibility in order to avoid a conflict situation.


I would also like to note such beautiful Russian names for girls as: Sofia, Varvara, Yulia, Evangelina, Bazhena, Dana, Mira, Galina, Tayana, Olga, Yarina, Rada, Miroslava, Zarina, Ekaterina, Arina, Alina.

Beautiful Muslim names for girls

Women's Muslim names have their own flavor. It should be noted that they are also very beautiful and can make the baby stand out from the crowd.


A bright personality, strict but responsive. Always protects and defends the interests of loved ones.


Leadership qualities are combined with pride and arrogance. He sets ambitious goals for himself and does not like to deviate from his plans.


An agreeable character helps to gain the trust and favor of others. However, this is an ambiguous and bright personality.


A sociable child, honest and open. He loves outdoor games and often initiates them.


Nimble and cheerful, loves attention. Jealous, but with a sense of humor. Not distinguished by perseverance.


Fidgety, does not know how to appreciate stability. Loves loneliness, which he perceives as freedom.


The main character trait is reliability. You can always rely on her and entrust an important assignment.


Independent and self-willed, she loves to solve assigned problems. She rarely asks for help, and she herself tries to provide it as a last resort.


She makes friends easily, is cheerful, prefers to think positively. Values ​​friendship.


Frank, affectionate. Loves order, needs approval and care.


An optimist, she always comes to the rescue. She doesn't like being given advice and told what to do.

Here are more beautiful Muslim names for girls: Amina, Tanzilya, Elsa, Yasina, Maysa, Nadiya, Liana, Ilnara, Dilia, Ayla, Almira, Aliya, Denmark, Rozilya.

Beautiful modern names for girls

This is a subtle diplomat, gently and unobtrusively moving towards his goal. She has unconventional thinking, is practical and hardworking.


Sweet, graceful. Strives to create beauty around himself. Curious, good at studying and drawn to creativity.


Reasonable, principled and reserved. Studying is easy. Always achieves set goals.


Does not like routine, is not afraid to take risks. Hospitable, emotional. She is characterized by cunning and ingenuity.


Fearless and impulsive, strives for fame and recognition. She is reasonable, power-hungry, but not devoid of feminine tenderness and sensitivity.

A girl with this name is peace-loving and loves harmony. At the same time, she is inclined to sort things out with loved ones and insists on her own.


Behind the brave and powerful personality lies a sensitive and vulnerable soul. The girl is quite contradictory, proud, and has an analytical mind.


She is characterized by reckless actions that she cannot explain. Hot-tempered, witty and sentimental.


This is a kind girl, ready to help others. Likes to dream, does not know how to insist on his own. Sociable, touchy, but not vindictive.


Groovy and active. Not distinguished by warmth, pragmatic. Despite all this, sensuality is not alien to her.


The following names are also popular: Alicia, Yana, Marianna, Polina, Dina, Vanessa, Alla, Monica, Yuna, Evelina, Agata, Vasilisa, Marina, Victoria.

Beautiful unusual names for girls

What about creativity? There are also plenty of unusual names. Parents, striving for originality, name their daughters: Luna, Vesna, Rossiyana, Joy, Oceana, Kupava. Of course, these are isolated cases, but there are also popular variants of unusual names.

  • Roksolana;
  • Bagheera;
  • Zemfira;
  • Esther;
  • Akulina;
  • Amalia;
  • Aster;
  • Vitalina;
  • Hera;
  • Clarice;
  • Hilda;
  • Edita;
  • Seraphim.

These original names, of course, emphasize the extraordinary thinking of the girl’s parents. Just don’t forget that the first name must be combined with the surname and patronymic.

If the parents have a Russian surname, then the child should choose an unusual name carefully. Agree, Petrova Zemfira Antonovna sounds, at least, ugly. Don't try to satisfy your vanity at the expense of your child. After all, a baby with this name will go through life, so treat his choice with full responsibility.

Double names

For various reasons, mothers and fathers give their children double names. On the birth certificate of such a child it appears double name, but in everyday life, relatives most often call it one thing. For example, Eva-Evgenia in kindergarten, school and at home will be called either Eva or Zhenya.

Among the double names, the following are popular: Anna-Maria, Alla-Victoria, Salma-Amira, Eva-Valeria. IN double options it is necessary to ensure that one name symbolizes softness and femininity, and the second carries stronger, masculine energy. This is necessary to maintain balance. Two strong names will give a girl’s character a harsh connotation; on the contrary, soft names will make the baby overly sentimental and dependent.

Orthodox names for girls

If you honor traditions and do not like shocking things, then pay attention to the list of Orthodox names. There are also many beautiful ones among them. The most popular names today are: Maria, Sofia, Anna, Lyubov, Ksenia.

You can also consider the following options: Daria, Elizaveta, Varvara, Angelina, Anastasia, Alexandra, Yaroslava, Evgenia, Valentina, Nadezhda, Valeria, Vera, Lyudmila.

You can go another way: choose a name by Orthodox calendar. The baby is named after the saint whose feast day fell on the child’s birthday. It is believed that the saint becomes the patron of the baby; they pray to him for the protection and admonition of the child.

Making a choice

Beautiful names for girls should not only be rare, but also be consonant with their patronymic and surname. How to do it right choice? We invite you to write down your favorite options on a piece of paper. Then match them with your last name and patronymic. Ugly combinations are crossed out. We analyze the remaining options to see how rare this name is. After this, you need to read its characteristics and make the final choice.

If you want your girl to be feminine and gentle, give her an appropriate name. It could be: Alisa, Elina, Snezhana or any other name with soft energy. Do you dream of an independent and active child? They will help you strong names, for example, Violetta, Esfira, Inga. But you should not rely only on the characteristics of names, because the character of a child largely depends on his upbringing.


When deciding what to name your daughter, remember that the name should not only be euphonious and beautiful. The determining factor in making a decision should be the combination with the surname and patronymic. No matter how beautiful the name may be in your opinion, discard it if it causes dissonance with the surname or is absolutely incompatible with the middle name.

Choosing a name for a child is an exciting and touching moment. After all, beautiful names for girls amaze with their diversity. Approach your choice responsibly and thoughtfully. Then your grown-up daughter will tell you: “Thank you for the most best name in the world!"

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