The increasing role of philosophy in the modern world. The role of philosophy in the modern world

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At the end of XX and beginning of XXI centuries humanity is on the verge of great changes. Already today we can trace some contours of the development of world civilization in the future: unprecedented opportunities information technologies, new ways of communication, accelerated integration of the world, its diversity and multipolarity. Each country was faced with the problem of choice: how to enter the future civilization and take its rightful place in it, to ensure high quality life and personality development? Choosing a development path always involves identifying certain ideological guidelines, in the formation of which important role plays philosophical thinking. Philosophy is directly and closely related to social practice, is woven into it, responds to its needs, and therefore plays a huge role in society, social clashes, and the formation of the human personality.

Philosophy plays a significant role in solving global problems. Its main function is to shape the worldview and thereby have an indirect influence on the process of developing practical solutions.

1. Philosophy shapes the worldview, sets value systems that determine the direction of human activity.

2. Its generalizing theories are fundamentally necessary, because they contribute to the integration of scientific knowledge.

3. It forms the most general laws of development of natural society.

4. It is possible to see the general trend in the development of global problems, the dynamics of their interaction and interdependence.

5. Philosophy makes it possible to develop culture theoretical thinking.

6. The result of vision and interpretation of the historical process is the possibility of a clearer orientation in the flow of scientific information on global issues.

7. Philosophy raises questions of the meaning of human life, death and immortality.

Finally, all human life in general, it is becoming more and more rich in philosophical terms. The more innovations and creativity there are in the world, the more philosophy is needed by a person. True philosophy is intense; it is embedded in the needs and demands of human existence. Hence its vital significance and relevance.

Philosophy should be considered as socio-historical knowledge, closely related to life, constantly developing with it.

5. Compare the way of thinking of people who stand on three different ideological positions (mythological, religious, philosophical) in the same problem situation: they need to choose one of the alternatives - get rich by deceiving other people to work for them, or not get rich, but work equally with everyone. How might they reason? What would you think about the consequences of your choice?

Worldview is a system of beliefs, convictions, life values, knowledge, which is formed throughout life.

If we talk about the mythological worldview, then we should take into account the era in which it was created. Myth acted as a universal, undivided form of consciousness, combining the rudiments of knowledge, religious beliefs, political views, various types of arts, and philosophy. All of nature is presented in mythology as a huge tribal community inhabited by creatures of the human type who are in one or another related relationship. Natural forces, as an element of the religious-mythological worldview, interest a person to the extent that they invade his life and determine this life and human existence itself, his objective-practical relationship to nature. The man of this time was distinguished by integrity and primitive comprehensiveness. He was not aware of his spiritual individuality, and it practically did not exist. Mythology was in close interaction with religion, so a person with a mythological worldview would become rich, citing the fact that this fact was the providence of fate. The forces of nature were personified, man was a toy in the hands of divine forces, so everything that happened to him was perceived as an inevitable fate, fate.

The main defining feature of a religious worldview is its connection with belief in the supernatural - something that stands above the laws of the world order. Religious worldview spreads primarily through such basic institutions as the church and morality. I believe that a person who truly adheres to religious ideals, norms and guidelines would not choose the path of enrichment through unrighteous means, because the goal of a person is to serve God, keep the commandments and achieve insight. And the main values ​​are honesty, justice, duty, compassion, kindness, tolerance, love for one's neighbor, mercy. Since a religious person believes in the special ability of supernatural forces to positively or negatively influence his life, fear of punishment is another fact confirming the unlikelihood of selfish choices. After all, deception will not go unnoticed, punishment is inevitable, it will attract God's punishment.

The philosophical worldview is characterized by a theoretical attitude to reality. It is, as it were, bipolar: its semantic “nodes”, “points of tension” are the world and man. Philosophy always directs a person to independently analyze certain problems; it is the mind that makes the final verdict. The social self-awareness of people, their common values ​​and ideals received theoretical expression in it. Therefore, the philosopher can choose any of the proposed alternatives. It all depends on a person’s own interests, his needs, needs. After all, a philosophical worldview presupposes that a person himself builds his life in accordance with personal life attitudes, ideals, guidelines, and values. And if a person’s main preference is wealth, then he will, without hesitation, make a choice in favor of deception.


Every person has ever wondered: “What is philosophy? And why is it needed? Philosophy, as a science, is based on knowledge of the essence of the entire universe. In its reflection, it is tightly intertwined with all areas of science, art, religion, helping a person to know himself and the world around him. The modern form of philosophy differs significantly from earlier forms.

There is an opinion that philosophy is not a school science. It can only be comprehended by a person with extensive life experience and long reflection. Of course, neither one nor the other will hurt. But maybe childhood and adolescence are the best time to start. Philosophy loves to ask; for it, questions are often more important than answers. But childhood and youth are asked more often than other eras of life, and their questions are sharper, more fundamental, and than the questions of mature people.

The teenager has not yet joined the “system”; he is often critical of the adult world, wants to understand and appreciate it. But here, too, his ally is philosophy. He is naive, and philosophy is essentially naive; it is impractical, but philosophy is also distracted from immediate benefit. He is idealistic, and philosophy also seeks ideals. Philosophy fights prejudices, but young people don’t have them yet.

The role of philosophy in society. Functions of philosophy

All functions of philosophy can be divided into two groups: ideological and methodological.

In turn, the following ideological functions can be distinguished:

Humanistic function. Philosophy helps us comprehend life and strengthen our spirit. The loss of higher ideological guidelines in life can lead to suicide, drug addiction, alcoholism, and crime. For many centuries, a significant part of humanity has been alienated from property, power, and the products of their activities. A person becomes enslaved physically and spiritually.

The politicization of public life and especially the ever-growing tendency towards totalitarianism suppresses a person, leads to a conformist personality, and has a negative effect on philosophy. More and more thinkers are paying attention to the impoverishment of the individual, which is caused by many factors, for example, the growth of specialization in all spheres of human activity, the increasing technicalization of society, the rapid growth of faceless natural science knowledge;

The social-axiological function is divided into a number of subfunctions, among which the most important are the constructive-value, interpretive and critical subfunctions. The content of the first of them is to develop ideas about values, such as Goodness, Justice, Truth, Beauty; This also includes the formation of ideas about the social (public) ideal. Intertwined with the constructive-value tasks of philosophy are the tasks of interpreting social reality and criticizing its structures, states, and certain social actions.

Interpretation and criticism are associated with an orientation towards values, social ideals, and an assessment of social reality from an appropriate angle. The philosopher is constantly faced with the discrepancy between social reality and ideals. Reflections on social reality, its comparison with the social ideal lead to criticism of this reality. Philosophy is critical in its essence;

Cultural and educational function. Knowledge of philosophy, including the requirements for knowledge, contributes to the formation in a person of the qualities of a cultural personality: orientation towards truth, truth, kindness. Philosophy is able to protect a person from the superficial and narrow framework of the everyday type of thinking; it dynamizes the theoretical and empirical concepts of special sciences in order to most adequately reflect contradictions and the changing essence of phenomena;

Reflective information function. One of the main tasks of philosophy is to develop a worldview that corresponds to the modern level of science, historical practice and the intellectual requirements of man. In this function, the main purpose of specialized knowledge is modified: to adequately reflect its object, to identify its essential elements, structural connections, patterns; accumulate and deepen knowledge, serve as a source of reliable information.

Like science, philosophy is a complex dynamic information system created to collect, analyze and process information in order to obtain new information. Such information is concretized in philosophical concepts (categories), general principles and laws that form an integral system.

Within this system there are sections philosophical knowledge:

Ontology is the doctrine of being;

Epistemology is the study of knowledge;

Social philosophy - the doctrine of society;

- ethics - the doctrine of morality;

- aesthetics - the doctrine of beauty;

- logic - the study of the laws of thinking;

Philosophical anthropology - the study of man;

Axiology is the doctrine of the nature of values;

Methodology - the study of method;

The history of philosophy is the study of the development of philosophical knowledge.

In addition, we can highlight the applied aspects of philosophical knowledge:

Philosophy of science - a section of philosophy that includes studies of the structure of scientific knowledge, means and methods scientific knowledge, methods of substantiation and development of knowledge;

Philosophy of technology is a section of philosophy associated with the interpretation of the phenomenon of technology in the modern world;

Philosophy of history is a branch of philosophy associated with the interpretation of the historical process and historical knowledge;

Philosophy of politics is a branch of philosophy that studies general issues political sphere of social structure;

Philosophy of law is a section of philosophy that includes general issues of jurisprudence and state science;

Philosophy of culture is a branch of philosophy that studies the essence and meaning of culture;

Philosophy of religion is philosophy in its relationship with religion. In terms of its method, philosophy is capable of performing several functions in relation to science: heuristic, coordinating, integrating, logical-epistemological.

The essence of the heuristic function is to promote the growth of scientific knowledge, including the creation of prerequisites for scientific discoveries. Philosophy does not contain any prohibitions on attempts to make predictions of a theoretical, worldview or general methodological nature. Consideration of the heuristic function of the philosophical method shows that the role of philosophy in the development of special sciences is significant, especially in relation to the formation of hypotheses and theories.

The coordinating function of philosophy is to coordinate methods in the process of scientific research. The need to coordinate particular methods arises against the backdrop of significantly more complex relationships between subject and method due to the need to have a counterbalance to the negative factors associated with the deepening specialization of scientists. Such specialization leads to the fact that there is a division between scientists according to methods and techniques of work; individual researchers find themselves inevitably limited in realizing the methodological capabilities of science. As a result, there is a danger of forgetting the cognitive power of a number of methods, exaggerating some and underestimating others.

The integrating function is associated with the unifying role of philosophical knowledge in relation to any set of elements that make up the system or are capable of forming an integrity. The mutual demarcation of sciences was the leading trend in the field of science until the 19th century. Despite the great successes achieved by science, there is a growing mismatch between scientific disciplines. A crisis of scientific unity arose. The solution to the problem of knowledge integration is based, first of all, on the philosophical principle of the unity of the world. Since the world is one, its adequate reflection must represent unity. Philosophy acts as one of the necessary factors for the integration of scientific knowledge.

The logical-epistemological function consists in the development of the philosophical method itself, its normative principles, as well as in the logical-epistemological justification of certain conceptual and theoretical structures of scientific knowledge. Private sciences do not specifically study forms of thinking, its laws and logical categories. At the same time, they are constantly faced with the need to develop logical and methodological means that would allow them to enrich the truthful representation of the object. Special sciences need logic, epistemology, and a general methodology of knowledge.

Basic terms

education creativity in education

continuity responsibility in

education education

questions and assignments

1. It is often argued which is better: to have a very good specialized
training or universal education. How do you feel about me-

2. French writer G. Flaubert asserted: “Everything that is beautiful
but - morally.” Consider the legality (illegality) of this -
th judgments using examples.

3. What do you see as the meaning of creativity in education?

4. How do you realize the value of self-education?

5. What place does philosophy occupy in your education? Change
Has your idea of ​​the importance of philosophy in education changed?
last year?

6. Education is responsibility. Try to find a short one
a succinct definition of education that would be better

7. Compare the definition of “education is responsibility” with
the following two definitions: “education is the transfer of knowledge
niy", "education is preparation for the practice of life." What are the merits?
you see advantages and disadvantages in each of the three definitions of philosophy



Humanity, once realizing the role and significance of philosophy,
will always turn to her ideas, strive to identify, comprehend
to understand and develop the deeper meanings of one’s own existence.

Philosophy is creativity in man’s understanding of life and provision
cherishing her dignity. Philosophy is directed against collapse,
crisis, decline of civilization, culture and spirituality of man
ka. Philosophy is creativity in man's acquisition of freedom
and responsibility. In the modern world with its diversity
knowledge, humanistic values, life guidelines
the implementation of the desired synthesis is associated with certain
difficulties. But it is necessary to solve philosophical problems, because in pro-
Otherwise, a person is destined for weak-willed floundering in the ov-
ragas of technocracy and moral inferiority.

Many times they tried to find an equivalent replacement for philosophy,
but all these attempts ended in complete failure.
There is no need to look for a replacement for philosophy, it has glorified itself throughout the centuries,
it is much more expedient to direct efforts to assimilate its achievement
marriages and further development. All human life in general
is becoming more and more philosophically rich.

The more innovations and creativity there are in the world, the more philo-
Sophia is necessary for a person. This fully applies to
Lodym. Who is more daring than others? Young. Where is their audacity?
goes maximum support? In philosophy. In philosophy not
frivolous, not thoughtless, but filled with deep life
unfulfilled quests. Young Romeo, in love with Juliet,
called the philosophy “misfortune like sweet milk.” In a carefree
easy life, the wonderful voice of philosophy is drowned out by shouting
us of unbridled passions and rude actions. But as soon as
a person returns to the innermost parts of himself, so immediately
in the noise orchestra of life, philosophical melodies begin
sound both weighty and attractive.

Philosophy is not to blame for what some perceive
its golden towers, built of truth, beauty and goodness, for
replacement walls. The heights of philosophy do not attract everyone, this is true. But who
strives for them, he, like a brave climber, commits
to the ascent, reveals the previously unknown. Dare, who dares!

Annex 1

Table 1.Four eras in philosophy

Table 2.Ancient philosophy

Table 3.Medieval philosophy

Stage Main interest Key Ideas
Philo- Love God and then do what you want Monotheism
sofstvo- scratch Theocentrism
going into Will as the essence of personality Creationism
faith (Aw- Freedom as a feature of the will (and not a Faith in God
Gustin) zoom) Love for God
Harmony Faith guides reason, reason is supported Hope for salvation
tion ve- believes Good will
ry and ra- Philosophy is an introduction to re- Conscience
zoom leagues Human spirituality
(Thomas Human freedom as reasonable Symbolism
Aquin- the will to move towards perfection
skiy) God

Table 4.Philosophy of the New Age

Note. In the table according to the selected large-scale
the classification of philosophy of modern times does not specify the category
“Authors of basic philosophical concepts” in relation to the Renaissance era
birth. Of course, such Renaissance philosophers as Nikolay Ku-
Zansky, Marsilio Ficino, Giordano Bruno,
deserve the most flattering
ratings. At the same time, it should be recognized that even the best philosophers of epic
he Renaissance failed to create concepts comparable in scale
things with creations Descartes, Locke, Kant.

Table 6.Philosophy about man

Historical era of philosophy What is a person?
Antiquity Microcosm Soul Soul is a manifestation of an idea (Plato) + body Soul is the form of a person (Aristotle)
Middle Ages Spirituality + soul + body; spirituality is a person’s connection with God through faith, love, hope, conscience
New time A rational being and acting according to the laws of reason (Locke, Kant) Manifestation of social relations (Marx) A strong-willed and passionate being (Nietzsche)
XX century A being that masters the world in accordance with the phenomenological work of consciousness (Husserl and other phenomenologists) A being that exists in the world and strives to understand it through language and experiences (care, fear, hope for the future) (Heidegger and other hermeneuts) A being , the boundary of which, its true nature, is language (Wittgenstein, Austin and other analytical philosophers) A creature that always distinguishes itself from the norms accepted in society, rebelling against the monotonous (Derrida, Foucault, Lyotard and other postmodernists) A creature in which the unconscious dominates the conscious (Freud and his followers)

Table 7. Philosophy about society
What is society?
Antiquity A collection of people who more or less successfully live according to the laws of justice
Middle Ages “Earthly city” striving for “heavenly city”
New time People living in accordance with their own established social contract (Locke, Rousseau) Product of the interaction of people based on their joint labor activity(Marx)
XX century A system of social actions of people, the meaning of which is determined by the development of values ​​(Weber, Parsons, Sorokin, etc.) Communication, the interaction of people according to norms established in a well-organized discussion (Habermas, etc.)

Note. In the philosophy of the 20th century. society is most often characterized by
in accordance with his chosen value guidelines. But you have to have
in mind that the path to these values ​​can be different, namely: fe-
nomenological, hermeneutic, analytical, postmodern.

Table 8.Three main values

Table 9. Philosophy about beauty
Historical era of philosophy What is beauty?
Antiquity Cosmically harmonious and proportionate
Middle Ages Symbol of the divine
New time Characteristics of a work of art created according to the laws of reason, gravitating towards the principles of symmetry, proportion, measure, harmony, simplicity of style, balance of compositions (classicism) Characteristics of a work of art that embodies the diverse abilities of a person, including humor, irony , game, satire(romanticism)
XX century A value developed on the basis of the phenomenological method and expressing the unity of man and a work of art (phenomenology) The essence of a work of art, its revelation to man as truth (hermeneutics) Emotion (analytical philosophy) Imagination of the really unimaginable, evoking a feeling of the sublime (postmodernism )

Note. Under beauty in this case the main price is understood
the essence of human sensory and aesthetic life. In other words, beauty is not
contrasted with the beautiful or sublime.

Note. Value is an interpretation in which a subject or group
pa people express their preferences. Every interpretation makes
through the use of certain philosophical methods.

Table 12.What is rational knowledge?

Historical era of philosophy Ideals of goodness Basic human virtues
Antiquity Good Wisdom, fairness
courage, courage
Middle Ages God Faith, love, hope,
New time Rational free man (Locke, Rousseau) Rationality, freedom (Locke, Rousseau)
Absolute moral law (Kant) Rationality, freedom (Kant)
Society without exploitation (Marx) Devotion to the cause of the proletariat (Marx)
Superman (Nietzsche) Will to Power (Nietzsche)
XX century Positive values ​​(phenomenologists) Ability to use phenomenological methods
Achieving unity with Respond adequately to the call
existing, with the essence of things (hermeneuts) things to match it
Skill through ana- Be consistent in
Lisa tongue take into account their actions
consequences of actions (analysts)
Deconstruction of logo and The ability to “dissipate” the
other centrisms (postmodernists) valuables

Table 11.Three Concepts of Sensory Cognition

Historical era of philosophy The nature of rational knowledge
Antiquity Ideas are general things that exist in themselves and are embodied in a thing (Plato) Essence is the form of a thing, its internal unity, the nature of which is expressed in the rules of logic (Aristotle)
Middle Ages Rational knowledge operates with universals that express the general; the general exists in God, in human thoughts, in the things themselves (medieval realists) The general does not exist, words designate individual things (nominalists) The general represents thoughts - generalizations, concepts (conceptualists)
New time Man is born with clear ideas that can be operated according to the rules of deduction (Descartes, Leibniz). This is rationalism. A person has pre-experimental (a priori) principles that determine the possibility of logic (Kant) Thoughts are a product of the processing of feelings (Locke’s sensationalism) Thinking is the highest stage of cognition, overcoming the threshold of scientificity, allowing one to operate with ideas (Hegel) Thinking and logic are a reflection, practical tics, its most widespread situations (Marx)
XX century Rational knowledge is a generalization achieved in the process of phenomenological work (phenomenologists). Logic is the rules of language, it primarily deals with the meanings and meanings of statements (analysts)

Table 13.Three modern concepts of truth

Table 16.Three theoretical methods

Table 14.What is truth?

Table 15.Levels of scientific research

Table 17.Philosophy of language

Philosophical concept of language The main content of philosophical concepts of language
Philosophy of the name A name is a unit of language, text. A name is a manifestation of ideas (Plato), essence (Aristotle, Losev), God (medieval philosophers). A name is a label, a designation of a single thing or its individual characteristics (nominalists)
Philosophy of proposal The main unit of language and text is the sentence, the utterance. A sentence, if constructed correctly, has meaning and meaning, a truth/false function
Philosophy of values The main unit of language is the text, which is characterized by the author’s value systems and the goals he seeks to achieve.

Historical era of philosophy Interpretations of the nature of technology
Antiquity Technology is the embodiment of the craftsman's skills. General knowledge is higher than technical knowledge
Middle Ages Technology is human creativity as a reflection of divine creativity
New time Technology is the objectification of human scientific knowledge, a factor in the liberation of man from nature. Technology is an independent force, which, as a means of labor, determines the development of society (Marx)
XX century Technology, with a lack of phenomenological work, acts as a continuation of science and at the same time a derogation of the human life world (Husserl and other phenomenologists) Technology is an obstacle, a danger that man himself has set for himself without thinking it through content and, most importantly, the extent to which technology corresponds to the essence of human existence in the world (Heidegger and the hermeneuts) Technology is the embodiment of human rationality (analytics) Technology is a manifestation of the technical approach that is most suitable for the realities of our era, more precisely, philosophy of technical approach (G. P. Shchedrovitsky)

Historical era of philosophy Interpretation of the specifics of nature
Antiquity Nature is an organic part of the cosmos. Nature was often considered animate
Middle Ages Nature was created by God according to his own design. In the hierarchy God - man - nature, the last link is nature
New time Nature is a force that opposes man. A person must completely subjugate it to himself
XX century Nature is an element that, thanks to the conscious activity of man, should become the kingdom of the domination of reason, the noosphere (V.I. Vernadsky, T. de Chardin) Nature is the world of human habitation. A person can understand nature thanks to the hermeneutic method (hermeneutics) Nature is our home, which must be landscaped according to the laws of rationality, taking into account all possible consequences of human activity (analytics) Nature is a complex system characterized by nonequilibrium condition. Man must strive in every possible way to ensure the joint evolution of nature and society (synergetic understanding)

Table 20.Second (non-natural) gender


Appendix 2

1. Take the study of philosophy as seriously as possible. Put-
Their goal is to understand the main ideas of great philosophers. When necessary
With a sense of purpose, these ideas are accessible to every student.

2. Get an idea of ​​the structure of the textbook, carefully
but check out its table of contents. Pay special attention to the names
chapters Briefly, they give an idea of ​​the contents of chickens.
sa philosophy. Learn to use apps.

3. When preparing for training sessions, first have a quick read
with the contents of the next chapter, and then proceed to carefully study
working of the material.

4. Read the textbook in paragraphs. Read the paragraph, think about it, you...
share his main position, develop your personal attitude
to it (do you agree with it, do you like it).

5. Strive to express the main point briefly, in one sentence.
marriage. Then make it more specific. The more you discover about
phenomena of the main idea, the better. This means that this idea acquires
In our opinion, proper weight.

6. Try to discern philosophical content everywhere - in art
given disciplines, in newspaper articles, novels and detective stories,
tions of politicians and your friends, in your own views.

7. When studying philosophy, strive for thoroughness, openness,
justice. The path to comprehending philosophy also requires a monologue (di-
thinking to oneself) and dialogue (communication with others). With myself each
He can talk at any time convenient for him. Much more complicated
It's all about establishing dialogue. There's no other way here but
look for interesting interlocutors. First of all, these are great fi-
losophists, philosophically no one can replace them. The same
Therefore, it is advisable not to miss every opportunity to get acquainted with the
views of outstanding philosophers. Reading the books of the great philosophies themselves
sofas or books and articles about them - for the reader this is also participation
in dialogue. Of course, correspondence dialogue with professional philosophers
It is advisable to supplement the famy with a lively conversation with friends, parent-
mi, teachers.

8. Follow the ancient admonition: “know thyself.” This requires attention
the most careful and critical attitude towards one’s own level
nude philosophizing. “What are my core values?” - here's the head-
This is a great question for a philosophically inclined person to ask himself.

9. Learn to philosophize, philosophize every day, don’t
indulge in the temptations of technical civilization. Noble fi-
losophization does not detract, but adorns a person.


mandatory minimum content

Subject of philosophy. Main milestones of world philosophical thought.
The nature of man and the meaning of his existence. Man and God. Human
and space. Man, society, civilization, culture. Freedom and response
personal property. Human cognition and activity. The science
and her role. Humanity in the face of global problems.

requirements for knowledge and skills

i-idea about philosophical, scientific and religious kar-
muds of the world, the meaning of human life, forms of human knowledge
and the peculiarities of its manifestation in modern society, about the ratio
spiritual and material values, their role in the life of people
man, society, civilization.

Have an idea of ​​the role of science and scientific knowledge, its structure
tour, forms and methods, social and ethical problems, related
with the development and use of achievements of science, technology and technology

Have an idea of ​​the biological and social, bodily and mental
divine principles in man, about the essence of consciousness, conscious and unconscious
conscious in his behavior.

Have an idea of ​​the conditions for the formation of personality, its
security and responsibility for preserving life, culture, the environment
natural environment.

Know the moral norms for regulating relations between people
mi in society.


Appendix 4

Topic 1. What is philosophy?

Topic 2. Ancient philosophy

Topic 3. Medieval philosophy

Topic 4. Modern philosophy

Topic 5. Philosophy of our days

Topic 6. Philosophy of man, society and history

Topic 7. Philosophy as axiology

Topic 8. Philosophy of knowledge and science

Topic 9. Philosophy of language

Topic 10. Philosophy of technology

Topic 11. Philosophy of nature

Topic 12. The second sex and philosophy

Topic 13. Philosophy of Education

Note. The content of the topics coincides with the content of the chapters of the same name

topic 1. What is Philosophy?

The meaning of the word "philosophy". Philosophy as searching and finding something
a seeker of answers to the main questions of his existence. Examples of philosophers
stabilization. Scientific, sensory-aesthetic and moral-practical
orientation of philosophy. Worldview, methodological, humane
nistic and practical functions of philosophy. Purpose of philosophy
fii: the rise of man, ensuring his improvement.

topic 2. ancient philosophy

Ancient natural philosophy. The emergence of philosophy as a re-
the result of the creativity of the ancient Greeks. The problem of the one and the many. Eat-
noe as: material substances (Milesians), numbers (Pythagoras), mono-
cast whole (Eleatics), atoms and emptiness (Leucippus And Democritus).

High intellectualism of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Co-
briefly about the human soul. Ethics of Socrates. Dialectics of Socrates. Death of Co-
krata: his adherence to the principle of non-violence.

Concepts of Plato's ideas. Understanding ideas as the limit of becoming
of things and as a generative model of a class of things. Interpretation
based on the concept of ideas of the nature of space, man and society.

Aristotle's doctrine of forms. Four types of reasons. Logic, these-
ka and the doctrine of society Aristotle.

Hellenistic philosophy. Cynics, Epicureans, Stoics and skeptics about meaning
le life. Neoplatonism. The principle of the One Good. Characteristic black
you are ancient philosophy.

topic 3. medieval philosophy

Philosophy and religion. The main biblical ideas of philosophical knowledge
values; monotheism, theocentrism, creationism, faith, good will, ethi-
ka moral duty, conscience, love, hope, human spirituality,
symbolism. Is it possible to prove the existence of God?

topic 4. modern philosophy

Philosophy of the Renaissance. Main ideas: shift towards an-
tropocentrism, understanding of man as a creative personality, aesthetic
logical attitude to reality, humanism.

Philosophy from Descartes to Kant(XVII-XVIII centuries). Philosophy De-
clarity of ideas is an innate quality of a person; deduction; compare
the relationship between knowledge and facts; a reasonable person. Sensual concept
knowledge Locke. Confrontation between sensualists and rationalists. Gali
And Newton - creators of theoretical mechanics. The nature of the ideal
tions. Development of a new legal worldview. Philosophy
Kanta: total abilities of the soul, cognitive abilities, ap-
rior principles, ethics.

Philosophy from Hegel to Nietzsche. Hegel: philosophy must become
universal science, logic of ideas. Philosophy Marx: public
labor as the basis of society, criticism of capitalism, practice as cri-
terium of truth. Superman concept Nietzsche like the last splash
and the decline of modern philosophy.

Characteristic features of modern philosophy: anthropocentrism,
epistemological attitude, development of methods of cognition, desire
arrange a person’s life on clear and reasonable principles.

topic 5. Philosophy of our days

Phenomenology. Philosophy Husserl. The interest of phenomenologists in “ra-
bot", the specifics of consciousness. Enrichment of the flow of phenomena due to water
images. Development of eidos, its designation by statements. Estimated
as an object of contemplation based on the developed eidos. Criticism of lunch-

understanding of the life world in the abstractions of science and superficial understanding
Research Institute of Technology.

Hermeneutics. The existence of man in the world of entities. His questioning.
Correlation between man and the world (things). Human abandonment
in the world, its concern, fear, temporaryness. Horizons of man and things. By-
attention as an interpretation based on a person’s involvement in traditional
tion, his education, taste, talent.

Analytical philosophy. Language analysis. "Logical-philosophical
treatise" by Wittgenstein and his main ideas: language as the boundary of the muscular
lenia, correspondence of sentences to facts, attribution of aesthetic,
ethical and religious to the sphere of mysticism. Logical positivism:
denial of philosophy, analytical and synthetic proposals,
testability principle, physicalism. Postpositivism: hypothetical
deductive construction of theory, its falsification, replacement of theories
and research programs, scientific revolutions. Philosophy
natural language of late Wittgenstein: meaning of the word like it
usage, “family resemblance” of words.

Postmodernism. Protest against logocentrism, uniformity, auto-
tories, established norms of power. Deconstruction method Derrida.
The rapprochement of philosophy with poetics. Aesthetics of the sublime Lyotara.

Philosophy in Russia. The main provisions of dialectical and
toric materialism (primacy of matter, knowability of the world,
practice as a criterion of truth, the laws of dialectics, the determining role
in a society with an economic basis, socialist ideals). Basic
main features of Russian philosophy: the ideal of integrity, positive unity
stva. Justification of absolute good, conciliarity, intuitionism, closer
the combination of truth with righteousness, cosmism. Philosophy B.C. Solovyova,
H.A. Berdyaeva, A.F. Loseva.

Eastern philosophy. Main features of Indian philosophy.
Formula: “Atman is Brahman.” The main features of Chinese philosophy
philosophy, its ethical orientation. The ratio of western and eastern

topic 6. Philosophy of man, society and history

Choosing the beginning of systematic philosophizing.

Philosophy of man. Man as a microcosm and the unity of the soul
and bodies. Medieval philosophy: tripartite human - spirit -
ness, soul, body. Homo sapiens (New time). Man as a co-
the center of social relations (Marx)."Superman" (Nit-
The unconscious is the basis of man (Freud). A person from the perspective of a german
meneutics, phenomenology, analytical philosophy and postmodern
nizma. Man, his uniqueness and universality, historicity and creativity

topic 13. Philosophy of education

The purpose of education is humanity. The ratio of preparation and
education The unity of truth, beauty and goodness in education. Future -
for creativity. Continuity of education, self-education. Place fi-
losophy in education. Education is a responsibility.

Topic No. Topic name Lectures or seminars, h Independent work of students, h
What is philosophy? 1/2/1 1/2/1
Ancient philosophy 5/8/5 5/10/5
Medieval philosophy 2/4/2 2/4/1
Modern philosophy 4/8/4 4/8/4
Philosophy of our days 6/12/8 6/12/4
Philosophy of man, society and history 4/8/4 4/8/3
Philosophy as axiology 4/8/4 4/8/3
Philosophy of knowledge and science 4/10/4 4/8/3
Philosophy of language 1/2/- 1/2/1
Philosophy of technology 1/2/- 1/2/1
AND Philosophy of nature 2/2/- 2/4/2
The second sex and philosophy 1/2/- 1/2/1
Philosophy of Education 1/2/- 1/2/1
Total 36/70/32 36/72/32

Philosophy of society. The relationship between the individual and society. Social
nal actions and their meaning. Understanding society in antiquity (the idea of ​​the
prudence), the Middle Ages (the idea of ​​an “earthly city”), modern times
(the concept of a social contract) and today (the idea of ​​value

Philosophy of history. Various concepts of the historicity of society
va: cyclicality (antiquity), break of cyclicality by biblical sources
ries (Middle Ages), linearity and progressiveness (Modern times), non-
linearity (modernity). Unity and diversity of history. Behind-
pad - Russia - East.

topic 7. Philosophy as axiology

Teaching about values. The term "axiology". Characteristics of
types of values. Value as an interpretation in which the subject expresses
presses his preferences. Measuring values. Feelings, emotions, will,
doubt, ideal and goal as values.

Philosophy of art. Civilization and culture. Beauty as es-
theoretical value. Characteristics of beauty in various philosophies
Chinese directions and systems (from antiquity to modernity).

Philosophy of practice. Practice as a human activity
achieving the goal. Structure of practice: subject, goal, purposeful
activity, means of practice, object of practical action, re-
the result of practice. Clarification of the value of practice in the process of philosophical
sky interpretation. Goodness as the main value of practice. Change-
understanding of ideas about goodness (from antiquity to the present day). Measurement
of good. Justice, freedom and responsibility as ideals of practice
ki. Ethics of responsibility: classical and non-classical concepts

topic 8. Philosophy of knowledge and science

Philosophy of knowledge. Sensory cognition by Locke, Kant
And Husserl. Sensation, perception, idea. Rational
knowledge: concept, judgment, inference. The nature of the concept. Pronya-
It is a generalization thought that allows one to explain facts. Unity of feelings
natural and rational knowledge. Memory and imagination, intuition.
Creation. Structure of the psyche: unconscious, conscious and superconscious
body wear The nature of truth. Three concepts of truth (the concept of correspondence
correspondence, coherence, pragmatism). Truth scale. Feeling,
explanation, understanding. Multidimensionality of truth.

Philosophy of Science. Science as a human activity to develop,
systematization and testing of knowledge. The empirical level of scientific knowledge

knowledge: experiment, observation, modeling, measurement. Theoretically
ical level of scientific knowledge. Empirical and theoretical concerns
horses. Methods of scientific knowledge: axiomatic, hypothetico-deductive
tive. The relationship between theory and practice. Ideals and ethics of a scientist. Fi-
philosophy, religion and science.

topic 9. Philosophy of language

Philosophy of the name. A name as an expression of the essence of a thing. Name as
sign. The name as a symbol of peace.

Philosophy of proposal. A sentence and its truth/false function
ness. The meaning and meaning of the sentence. Semantics and syntax.

Philosophy of value systems. Expression of values
new in the language. Pragmatics. Language as a symbol of our life. Metalanguage
and object language. Unity and diversity of languages. Formalized
and the communicative purpose of language.

topic 10. Philosophy of technology

The formation of the philosophy of technology. Technology as a symbol of activity
personality, his values. Technology as the development of matter, energy,
information. Criticism of technicalism Husserl And Heidegger. G.P. More
about the merits of the technical approach. Is it possible to replace
a person with a technical device? Technology and ethics. Moral co-

topic 11. Philosophy of nature

Characteristics of the term “nature”. Historical forms of
man's relationship to nature (from antiquity to the present day). Concept
noosphere IN AND. Vernadsky. Synergetics is the science of complexity. Hypothesis
for the Big Bang. Levels of organization of nature. Space and time
me. Nature and human responsibility. Ecological, biological
kaya, medical ethics.

topic 12. second sex and philosophy

Second, the social nature of men and women. Male dominance
rank over women. Feminism is the struggle of women for their rights. Ha-
characteristics of the values ​​on the basis of which ideas are formed
ideas about masculinity and femininity. Philosophy of love.


Dear colleagues! Allow me in absentia exchange
experience in teaching philosophy to formulate a number of judgments and

In our opinion, the often renewed debate about optionality and yes-
the same contraindications for studying philosophy in secondary specialized
educational institutions has no serious grounds. American M. Lip-
developed the course “Philosophy for Children.” According to his recommendation
tions, philosophy lessons are introduced from the first grades of school. Already accumulated
solid positive experience, which N.S. wrote well about. Yudi-
on (see: Yulina N.S. Philosophy for children // Questions of philosophy.
1993. No. 9. P. 151-158). In light of this, one cannot in any way welcome
receiving from the philosophy of boys and girls receiving secondary education
al education. I guess they can outdo the kids
in understanding everything that can be called the world of philosophy.

Opponents of teaching philosophy in secondary special education, or,
as they are now commonly called, vocational educational institutions
in our opinion, perhaps they are too complacent about that worldview
the chaotic chaos into which everyone who receives modern
education, higher or secondary specialized, with its ramified
disciplinary structure. The student is attacked almost daily
create a stream of diverse information that does not fit well with the value
national attitudes, opposite in meaning calls and slogans.
Teaching philosophy is unlikely to bring ideas into this flow.
nal order, but at least it will provide the student with an instrument -
ryem for his more or less conscious attitude to the world multi-
pressing details, uncertainties, ramifications. From this point
There is no alternative to teaching philosophy. Accordingly no
alternatives to the work of a philosophy teacher. This work can be done by you
only he, no one else from among the non-philosophical teachers, can complete
Russian disciplines.

Philosophy should be taught seriously and thoroughly. Other-
it's not a given. Unfortunately, attempts to offer
students some ridiculously simplified philosophy courses. This
leads to the fact that nothing remains of genuine philosophy. Next
It must be kept in mind that over the past two or three decades there has been a
public intensification of teaching academic disciplines in the middle
them special educational institutions. This also applies to natural
and to technical disciplines. Students study integral and differential

differential calculus, information theory. They are, as shown
practice, normal philosophy is quite feasible. Philosophy, adapt-
adjusted to medium conditions educational institution, but I don’t stop-
destined to be a full-fledged philosophy course.

Authors of textbooks and teaching aids on philosophy, teaching
Philosophers should, in our opinion, be extremely careful
in adapting a philosophy course. There are especially many negative consequences
carries with it the desire to invent some synthetic philosophy
philosophy, which allegedly contains at once the virtues of all philosophies
ski systems. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear in such cases
teas that world philosophy is presented as insufficiently reflective
roved point of view. Modern philosophy has a pluralistic
Chinese character. This is fundamental to teaching philosophy
fact, regardless of the type of educational institution where it is taught
implementation is carried out. That is why in our textbook on pluralism
modern philosophy is given primary attention.

The teaching of philosophy in various countries of the world is now carried out by
according to two options, which were given the name “German” and “American”
Kansky". The “German” version of teaching philosophy concludes:
in the historical and philosophical problematization of the course of philosophy. "Ame-
The Rican version consists of a course presentation analytical philo-
sophia, from the standpoint of which not so frequent interspersed
of historical and philosophical material.

Our textbook quite deliberately uses “German” language.
option, which is typical for the vast majority of European
sko-continental countries. At the same time, the textbook pays due attention to
Much attention is paid to analytical philosophy. Her achievements are certainly
it’s time to include philosophy in Russian textbooks. At the same time it is unlikely
is it advisable in Russia, which is the largest European
power, blindly follow the path of American philosophical art

At the risk of inviting the fire of merciless criticism, we nevertheless
we consider it less necessary to express our opinion on the use
in teaching philosophy orientation towards dialectical materialism
(for the sake of brevity, we do not mention historical materialism)
and Russian philosophy.

Dialectical materialism is now in crisis. Teaching
For the giver of philosophy, the origins of this state of affairs are obviously good
known. It's harder to understand that redecorating using
courses of dialectical materialism that were developed in Soviet times,
full of dogmatic references to the works of the classics of the
Sism-Leninism, gives little. Russian professional philosophers
Lamas have a lot of work to do to comprehend the achievements
and the shortcomings of dialectical materialism of the Soviet period. On the-
as far as we know, such work is far from being completed,

in the current conditions, the philosophy teacher has nothing left
how to develop your own attitude towards diabetes at your own risk
lectical materialism. In our opinion, the dialectical mother
ism in its modern form is not a worthy alternative before-
reached a high level of development of Western philosophy.

Many methodological difficulties are associated with understanding pedagogical
gical value of Russian philosophy. Two extremes are especially inappropriate -
ness. Firstly, contrasting Russia from a philosophical point of view
knowledge to the rest, especially the Western, intellectual world. In-
secondly, the denial of Russian philosophy of its meaning-forming function
tions in the Russian mentality. Inappropriate as blind worship
before the philosophy of the West, and the Russian philosophical jingoism
tism. In this regard, it seems reasonable to us to consider Russian
Russian philosophy in the context of world philosophical thought.

About the shortage of teaching time. The vast majority of teachers
Philosophers complain, quite rightly, about the shortage
school time. A rhetorical question is often heard: is it possible?
teach philosophy in 32 hours. Indeed, allotted for study
philosophy 32-40 academic hours of lectures and seminars
Philosophy teachers are put in the position of a kind of zugzwang: they don’t want to
seems to impoverish the course of philosophy (in order to “meet” the answer-
instructional time spent on classes), and teach a full-fledged course
philosophy, which will be studied only partially. Position
difficult, but not catastrophic.

Firstly, successful teaching of philosophy, growth of authority
teacher of philosophy, of course, opens the way to increasing the volume
The amount of educational time allocated to the study of philosophy. Secondly,
any shortage of teaching time does not close the path of pedagogical
creativity, finding the best ways to teach.

In our opinion, even in conditions of an undeniable shortage of educational
time, one should not abandon the orientation towards studying non-original
verkanny, but full-fledged educational material. In this regard, part
The material should be provided to the student for easy reading.
The student must familiarize himself with each chapter of the textbook, but by no means
It is not necessary to include in the questionnaires for tests and exams all co-
holding a textbook. Much can be used as ma-
material for messages, reports, abstracts, conferences. Due
with various hourly planning of the philosophy course we bring-
There are three options for this planning. Of course, everyone
applicant, guided by the federal component of the State
educational standard of secondary vocational education
vaniya, is free to carry out hourly course planning in his own way.
new philosophy.

About the relatively independent structural components of educational
Nika. The chapters and topics of the textbook are arranged in such a way that they

develop relatively independent structural components This
in particular, two parts of the textbook: “Main stages of philosophy” (topics
2-5) and “Systematic course of philosophy” (topics 6-13). Since the second
This part is in many respects a continuation of the first, then it
it is unwise to study as a stand-alone course in philosophy.
In case of an acute shortage of teaching time, we recommend that
The first part is the basis of the textbook.

When dividing the textbook material into three parts, three stand out:
large structural units: topics 1-5, topics 1-8, topics 1-13 (all
textbook). Topics 1-8 provide fairly comprehensive information about the state
knowledge of modern philosophy, its main “painful” points.

Against a nameless philosophy. Teaching many educational dis-
ciplinus is largely nameless. Name or
another scientist is mentioned only in the case when it is assigned for-
laws (for example, laws Newton, Mendel and so on.). Teaching practice
giving philosophy shows that nameless philosophy is boring and
shen of significant landmarks. The names of philosophers should be heard.
This is true of eminent philosophers, besides
the given names of philosophers are remembered, sometimes unconsciously, by the student.
dents and allow them, even years later, to have an idea of ​​the structure
tour of philosophy.

We bring to the attention of the reader quite a lot of names of issuers.
living philosophers. This means that for the student the textbook is
a small encyclopedia. It seems that the teacher should determine
Lit: the contribution of which particular philosophers to modern culture should
wives know student. Our minimal list of names of philosophers sees-
like this: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle(antiquity), Christ(beginning
lo new era), Descartes, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche(New time
me), Husserl, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Derrida(XX century), Soloviev, Berdyaev,
(Russian philosophy).

About the language of philosophy. The language of philosophy is quite specific,
it contains many words of Greek and Latin origin
and for this reason alone it seems difficult to many. Teaching practice
philosophy shows that it is completely unreasonable to strive
in all cases, Greek and Latin terms are reinterpreted into Russian
tongue-in-cheek manner. If we did this, we would excommunicate the students
tov from original philosophical literature. And this is instead of...
on the contrary, to provide them with the necessary tools for reading
publication of philosophical books and articles. The language of philosophy should be taught with
with all the care of philologists, without leaving any

Teaching philosophy should be interesting. This is an axiom.
But when exactly is teaching philosophy interesting? Hi-
once explained that philosophical interest takes place where
man encounters existence. This is not about emotions that are immediately

Note. Of course, the above list contains elements of production
ox, for there were and are much more outstanding philosophers than are indicated here-
zano. The six dozen names listed give the reader an easily visible chronological
nick. The student of philosophy should be guided by it.

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Philosophy, by its very purpose, tries to penetrate into the very essence of the universe and in its quests comes into contact with all areas of science and art, with religion, and helps a person in understanding the world and himself. Modern philosophy has received a new form by expanding all its main functions, giving them relevant creative and practical content. The most important achievements of modern philosophy are a civilized approach to the analysis of social phenomena and a worldview principle, the content of which is an understanding of the world in connection with the inclusion of man as a consciously active factor. In the development of philosophy, the problem of man in the surrounding world has always been the leading one, and currently it plays a decisive role in understanding the modern world.

The modern world is moving away from capitalism and socialism, but it is necessary to preserve everything positive that people created at previous stages of social development, enrich it with an analysis of the new realities of life.

Man, as thinking matter, becomes increasingly aware of himself actively active factor the social and natural environment surrounding it, all of existence on the scale of the universe. This defines the idea of ​​a person as a conscious participant in world evolution, makes him responsible for the results of his activities, places increased demands on the level of the subjective factor as a whole, and highlights the professional, moral and spiritual qualities of the individual. His self-knowledge and self-awareness, the determination of mechanisms of regulation and self-regulation of the spiritual sphere, mastering the knowledge of the functioning of the intellect, and establishing control over the results of one’s activities are becoming increasingly important.

The emerging modern scientific picture of the world also includes the achievements of technical sciences, which currently provide the greatest increase in new knowledge. Achievements of technical sciences in the field of information processes, microelectronics, artificial intelligence cybernetics, biotechnology and other modern scientific fields reflect a deep structural revolution not only in engineering and technology, but also in the entire system of material and spiritual culture. Scientific and technological progress, defining a qualitatively new state of science as a whole, simultaneously characterizes the formation of a new form of philosophical thinking - modern philosophy. Mastering modern philosophical culture increases the level of professional knowledge, provides guidance in scientific activity, and allows us to develop mechanisms for implementing the activities of society in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Conclusion: The transition of humanity to a qualitatively new stage of development in social, spiritual, cultural relations is today only a real possibility of its recovery from the global crisis, but it is still far from being a realized state. Difficulties and dangers in carrying out this task stem mainly from the person himself: a low level of consciousness, society’s lack of understanding of the causes and mechanisms of the functioning of natural, anthropological and social phenomena in their interaction as specifically special elements of a single world existence. Humanity must fully master the achievements of spiritual culture, the science of rational management and regulation of world processes. This task cannot be solved without modern philosophical knowledge about the world.

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1. Philosophy, its subject and purpose in modern society

2. The role of philosophy in modern society

3. Philosophy of technology

4. The main problems of the philosophy of technology. Technique and ethics


List of used literature


The ability to think, spirituality, the ability and desire to create objects of art distinguish a person from other living beings living on the planet. At the same time, the rhythm of the modern world and modern society forces a person to quickly and continuously act, make decisions, perform actions that affect both the life of the person himself and the lives of those around him. Often we do not take the time to thoughtfully evaluate the necessity and consequences of the actions we take.

At such moments, it is especially important to remember the philosophical approach to life. Determine what is really important for you, for those around you, for society as a whole. These problems of spiritual choice will never lose their relevance, which means that the topic of the role of philosophy in the modern world will not lose its relevance. This knowledge is especially important for a specialist in the field of natural and technical sciences, since it allows him not to be confined to a narrow specialization, but to develop into a harmonious, spiritually developed person.

The purpose of the study is to prove the relevance of philosophy in the modern world.

The objectives of the essay are to study the modern view of philosophy, its role in modern society and the relationship between philosophy and technology. The significance of the topic being studied lies in the fact that the philosophical approach to the study of the environment, society, social and political phenomena is the basis of sound and humanistic management.

This problem has been studied and continues to be studied by both philosophers and other scientists throughout the existence of philosophy. Moreover, each era gives its own answer to the question about the role of philosophy in the modern world.

1. Philosophy, its subject andonsignificance in modern society

Philosophy is the oldest field of knowledge that arose in the middle of the first millennium BC in Greece, India and China. There are many definitions of philosophy, which is considered both as a science, and as spiritual knowledge, and as a worldview. But there are definitions given a long time ago that most accurately and succinctly reflect the essence of philosophy and its meaning, and which have not lost their relevance in the modern world.

So the word “philosophy” itself is of ancient Greek origin, it was introduced into circulation by Pythagoras and literally translated means “love of wisdom.” In this regard, it is characteristic that in Rus' philosophy was called philosophy.

One of the most concise definitions of philosophy given by Hegel defines it as the quintessence, that is, the most important thing, in the spiritual life of man.

Modern definitions decipher these concepts. So in modern dictionaries the following definition is given. Philosophy is a science that develops a system of knowledge about the most general characteristics, extremely general concepts and fundamental principles of reality (being) and knowledge, human existence, the relationship between man and the world.

However, the term itself says little about the content of science and requires some explanation. Philosophy is a set of key conclusions from the main content of the culture of a certain era. Philosophy acts as a special theoretical level of worldview, considers the world in its relationship to man and man’s relationship to the world. Thus, any changes in the world and in the world have an impact on philosophy as a whole.

The ability for rational thinking is not innate, it needs to be formed and developed, and one of the best ways to this is to assimilate the achievements of philosophical culture. Its main purpose is related to solving the fundamental issues of life itself. At the center of philosophy is the question of man and his place in the world, his place in society, and the meaning of his life. And here everyone is looking for answers that are acceptable to him, important for his perception of reality.

The tasks of philosophy throughout its history included both the study of the universal laws of development of the world and society, and the study of the very process of cognition and thinking, as well as the study of moral categories and values. Basic philosophical questions, for example, include the questions “Is the world knowable?”, “Does God exist?”, “What is truth?”, “What is good?”, “What is Man?”, “What is primary - matter or consciousness? and others.

Although philosophy is sometimes defined more narrowly, as a science with a specific subject of study, this approach faces objections from modern philosophers. They insist that philosophy is more of a worldview, a general critical approach to the knowledge of all things that is applicable to any object and to any concept. In this sense, every person at least occasionally engages in philosophy. If we develop this idea further, then such a home philosophy has an infinite number of manifestations, since each person is unique and, therefore, each has his own view of the world. In other words, every socialized normal person has a life-practical understanding of the world, a worldview. As a rule, it develops spontaneously, based on the experience of previous generations. However, it happens that a person faces problems that his worldview cannot cope with. To solve them, a higher, critical-reflective level of worldview may be necessary. It is at this level that philosophy, as a science, is located.

Philosophy actually exists in the form of many different philosophical teachings that oppose each other, but at the same time complement each other.

Philosophy includes many subject areas, from metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy and philosophy of science to philosophy of design and philosophy of film.

Those areas of knowledge for which it is possible to develop a clear and workable methodological paradigm (A paradigm is a fundamental concept adopted in a specific scientific community, in a certain field of knowledge.) are separated from philosophy into scientific disciplines, just as, for example, at one time they were separated from philosophy physics, biology and psychology.

Thus, the main purpose of philosophy is to help a person navigate life, to give him an idea of ​​the unshakable principles of the development of society and man. Based on the above, we can give the following definition of philosophy and its subject: philosophy is the science of the universal principles and laws of development of the world, material and spiritual existence.

philosophy society technology humanistic

2. The role of philosophy in modern society

The role of philosophy is determined, first of all, by the fact that it acts as a theoretical basis for a worldview, and also by the fact that it solves the problem of the cognizability of the world, the issues of human orientation in the world of culture, in the world of spiritual values.

However, when considering the role of philosophy in society, it should be remembered that this role itself is changing historically, and its “eternal problems” with the passage of time acquire a different, sometimes opposite, sound than before. For example, the relationship between man and nature has always existed, but it had one meaning in the pre-machine period, another in the era of machine production, and in the era of scientific and technological revolution this relationship acquired the character of a global environmental problem. This is the first important point characteristic of understanding the role of philosophical thought. This moment is historicism, which manifests itself in the approach to almost all problems of philosophy.

The second point is that philosophical problems are considered in philosophy, first of all, as problems of social existence that are resolved in human practice. Understanding history, as the most important acquisition of philosophy, has dramatically changed the approach to philosophical problems. This understanding revealed the intertwining of philosophical problems with social life, and showed that the search for ways and means of solving them should be carried out in real life.

Philosophy should be considered as socio-historical knowledge, closely related to life, constantly developing with it.

It is this approach that gives philosophy a significant role in solving global problems. Indeed, in this case, the main function of philosophy is to form a worldview and exert an indirect influence on the process of developing practical solutions.

In other words, philosophy forms a worldview, sets value systems that determine the direction of human activity. And since the basis of any human activity is an idea, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of philosophy in this aspect. This is especially important in the modern world, in which technologies and weapons that serve an inhumane worldview can not only reshape the world order, but also completely destroy it.

Generalizing theories of philosophy are fundamentally necessary, since they contribute to the integration of scientific knowledge. It forms the most general laws of development of society and nature. That is, philosophical approaches find their application everywhere and in all areas of modern society and society. This, in turn, makes it possible to see the general trend in the development of global problems, the dynamics of their interaction and interdependence.

Philosophy makes it possible to develop a culture of theoretical thinking. The result of vision and interpretation of the historical process is the possibility of a clearer orientation in the flow of scientific information on global issues. Philosophy, taking into account the cyclical nature of history, the interrelation of events, the importance of the individual and his responsibility to society, helps protect humanity from repeating mistakes.

Philosophy raises questions of the meaning of human life, death and immortality. And these questions will never lose their relevance, since not only every historical era, every social system, every religion, but also every person tries to find answers to these questions.

3. Philosophy of technology

The connection of philosophy with various areas of culture, religion and the humanities is obvious. It was philosophy that gave the basis to all humanitarian areas of human life. But as a future engineer, I am interested in the connection between philosophy and technology. Does she exist? How does philosophy influence the development of not science in general, but specifically the technical sciences? Is this influence useful?

The concept of technology is found already in Plato and Aristotle in connection with the analysis of artificial tools. The Greek "techne" is translated into Russian as art, skill, skill. Technology, unlike nature, is not a natural formation; it is created.

The history of the formation of modern man is connected with the development of technology, with the complication and development of various technologies. Initially, in pre-industrial society, technology acts as a skilled craft. Technical skills were transferred from master to apprentice within the framework of a craft-guild organization. These skills, abilities, knowledge, which are the property of a closed circle of people, were carefully protected from outsiders, passed on as the main inheritance, however, most often they did not receive high public appreciation.

The situation changes dramatically in modern times, when society largely begins to function on a machine basis. The place of the foreman is occupied by an engineer, the most technically competent specialist. Unlike a technician, whose activities are limited to ensuring the normal functioning of technical devices, an engineer invents, uses scientific methods, comprehensively develops the technical paradigm, that is, uses the entire set of fundamental scientific attitudes and ideas accepted and shared by the scientific community and uniting the majority of its members on a specific historical area of ​​time. This approach ensures the continuity of the development of science and scientific creativity

Engineering thinking is becoming not only a science, but also a kind of philosophy. It is formed on a machine basis; it is rational, expressed in a publicly accessible form, tends to formalize and standardize, is based not only on an experimental basis, but also on theory, is systematically formed by professional engineering disciplines, and is economically cost-effective. Finally, engineering thinking tends to universalize and spread into all spheres of human life.

The importance of technology has only begun to be properly studied in the last 100-120 years. The first fundamental works on the philosophy of technology appeared at the end of the 19th century. The philosophy of technology began to develop energetically from the 60s-70s of the last century.

The philosophy of technology seeks to combine narrow and broad understandings of technology. Technology is a set of artifacts (artificially created objects) created and used by engineering methods.

In a broader sense, technology acts as a special, technical approach to any area of ​​human activity. The technical approach is in a complementary relationship with the natural science approach. In the life of modern society, technology and the technical approach are of fundamental importance. This trivial circumstance explains the need for a philosophy of technology.

For further presentation, along with the phenomenon of technology, the phenomenon of technology requires explanation . It is not enough to define technology simply as a collection of artifacts. The latter are used regularly, systematically, as a result of a sequence of operations. Technology is a set of operations for the purposeful use of technology. It's clear that efficient use technology requires its inclusion in technological chains. Technology acts as the development of technology, its achievement of the systematic stage.

Initially, at the stage of manual labor, technology had a mainly instrumental meaning; technical tools continued, expanding the capabilities of human natural organs, increasing his physical strength.

At the stage of mechanization, technology becomes an independent force, labor is mechanized. The technology seems to be separated from the person, who, however, is forced to be near it. Now not only the machine is a continuation of man, but man himself becomes an appendage of the machine, he complements its capabilities.

At the third stage of technology development, as a result of the comprehensive development of automation and the transformation of technology into technology, a person acts as its (technology) organizer, creator and controller.

It is no longer the physical capabilities of a person that come to the fore, but the power of his intellect, realized through technology. There is a unification of science and technology, the consequence of which is scientific and technological progress, often called the scientific and technological revolution.

This refers to a decisive restructuring of the entire technical and technological basis of society. Moreover, the time gap between successive technical and technological changes is becoming smaller and smaller. Moreover, there is a parallel development various sides scientific and technological progress.

If the “steam revolution” was separated from the “electricity revolution” by hundreds of years, then modern microelectronics, robotics, computer science, energy, instrument making, and biotechnology complement each other in their development, and there is no longer any time gap between them.

4. Main problems of philosophy of technology. Technique and ethics

It is impossible to dispute the need for technological progress. It makes a person’s life easier in all areas of his life and even prolongs life itself. A highly qualified technician was valued several decades ago, and he is still valued today.

Not so long ago, the treasure of technology in civilization was welcomed unconditionally. It seemed that she positive value undeniable. However, recently there has been growing concern about the consequences of technological developments. Interest in its social aspects has increased sharply. Economists, sociologists, anthropologists, and philosophers joined in the study of the phenomenon of technology. As a result, technology problems were transferred from narrow technological ones to interdisciplinary ones. This is where philosophical tools were used. As a result, the main philosophical problems of technology were identified, among which we will highlight the main ones.

The main problem of the philosophy of technology is the relationship between the natural and the artificial in the life of society and man. Technology can be considered as a manifestation of the symbolic existence of man. As a kind of reflection of a person’s life. What assessment, positive or negative, does the phenomenon of technical-symbolic human existence deserve? As it turns out, the question posed does not have an unambiguous assessment. Thus, a number of scientists believe that through technology a person, as it were, renounces his true existence and that the development of technology leads a person to increasingly insoluble problems. On the other hand, technology “arms” a person, it makes him stronger, faster, taller. But there is negative consequences technology, and they weaken a person in one way or another, shorten his life expectancy. If we assume that modern man will never give up his technical achievements, then we will have to recognize the need for an optimal combination of the various consequences of human technical existence. From a philosophical point of view, the fact of the symbolic existence of man in his artifacts is perhaps the most fundamental. However, there is no reason to believe that it is being studied in a sufficiently intensive manner.

Along with the question of distinguishing between the natural and the artificial, the problem of the relationship between technology and science is often discussed in the philosophy of technology. , in this case, as a rule, science is placed in first place, and technology in second. The cliche “scientific and technical” is typical in this regard. Technology is often understood as applied science, primarily as applied natural science. However, in last years The influence of technology on science is increasingly emphasized. The independent significance of technology is increasingly being appreciated.

Philosophy is well aware of this pattern: as it develops, “something” moves from a subordinate position to a more independent stage of its functioning and is constituted as a special institution. This happened with technology, which has long ceased to be just something applied. The technical, engineering approach has not canceled or supplanted scientific approaches. Technicians and engineers use science as a means in their orientation to action. Act is the slogan of the artificial-technological approach.

Unlike the scientific approach, it does not hunt for knowledge, but strives to produce apparatus and implement technologies. A nation that has not mastered the artificial-technological approach, suffering from excessive scientific contemplation, looks in the current conditions not at all modern, but rather archaic.

Unfortunately, in a university environment it is always easier to implement a natural-scientific approach than an artificial-technical one. Future engineers carefully study natural science and engineering disciplines, with the latter often modeled after the former. As for the artificial-technological approach itself, its implementation requires a developed material and technical base, which is absent in many Russian universities. A university graduate, a young engineer, brought up primarily in the traditions of the natural-scientific approach, will not properly master the artificial-technological approach. Ineffective cultivation of the engineering and technical approach is one of the main circumstances preventing Russia from rising on par with developed industrial countries. The labor efficiency of a Russian engineer is several times lower than the labor efficiency of his colleagues from the USA, Japan, and Germany.

Another problem of the philosophy of technology is the assessment of technology and the development of certain norms in this regard. Evaluation of technology cannot be carried out otherwise than based on ideals. The philosophy of technology brings out these ideals. Technical projects must be reasonable, useful, harmless to humans, truly human, and their time horizons must be observable. An expert on technical issues, due to the need to use a variety of knowledge, gravitates toward philosophy and philosophical generalizations. He is a philosopher, but not just a philosopher interested exclusively in problems of maximum generality, but a philosopher of technology, a representative of a special philosophical discipline - the philosophy of technology. Modern philosophy is becoming increasingly technical in nature.

There are many approaches to assessing the phenomenon of technology. According to naturalistic approach, man, unlike animals, lacks specialized organs, so he is forced to compensate for his shortcomings by creating artifacts. According to the volitional interpretation of technology , man realizes his will to power through the creation of artifacts and technological chains. The natural science approach views technology as an applied science. In the rational approach, technology is considered as a consciously regulated human activity. Rationality is considered as the highest type of organization of technical activity and, if supplemented with humanistic components, it is identified with expediency and planning. This means that sociocultural adjustments are being made to the scientific understanding of rationality.

Their development leads to the ethical aspects of technical activity, which deserve special discussion, because a person can and is inclined to do more than he has the right to do. Technoethics is a barrier against technological disasters. The one who carelessly moves technology forward while actually falling behind in morality deserves reproach. The correct call to a technician or engineer is: not “Create!”, but “Do good!” Be brave and inventive, but also responsible for your actions.


Modern philosophy is not content with a conceptual comprehension of the world. It guides a person’s actions, thus realizing his worldview. This action realizes philosophical values, such as, for example, the desire for moral perfection, freedom, justice, and utility.

At first glance, philosophy operates with ideas that are far from pressing practical problems. But this impression is extremely misleading. The fact is that due to the universal nature of philosophical ideas, their implementation covers everything and everyone, the effect of multiplication and the imposition of philosophical ideas on various spheres of life makes itself felt. The philosophical idea, taking possession of the minds of rulers, finds its embodiment in all spheres of social life. In the modern world, filled with numerous contradictions and extremes, a humanistic philosophical approach in solving problems is especially important.

The study of philosophy by future engineers is extremely important. Since in the process of understanding the world, a person generalizes his knowledge, achievements, skills, and abilities. Gives them a compact form that would be accessible to his consciousness, which is limited in its capabilities. Philosophical ideas in this regard are the most meaningful, fundamental, and therefore necessary for study in the modern world, including in the technical field.

The purpose of philosophy is, ultimately, to elevate man above himself, above his instincts. Its purpose is to provide universal conditions for the improvement of each person individually and society as a whole. We need philosophy to ensure the best possible condition for humanity.

List of used literature

1. Electronic resource

2. Electronic resource

3. The newest philosophical dictionary: 3rd ed., corrected. -- Mn.: Book House. 2003.-- 1280 p. -- (World of Encyclopedias).

4. Spirkin A.G. Philosophy // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1977. - T. 27. - P. 412--417.

5. T. I. Oizerman. Philosophy as the history of philosophy. Publishing house "ALETEIA". St. Petersburg, 1999.

6. Electronic resource 4%D0% B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8% D1%8F

7. Electronic resource

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