Are foods from the refrigerator harmful? Electromagnetic field - impact on human health

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From a household point of view, a refrigerator is a very useful unit that adds a lot of comfort to our lives. However, British scientists have recognized it as one of the dirtiest kitchen items.

Initially, scientists set themselves the task of identifying the most contaminated kitchen appliances. During the experiment, they discovered that the most dangerous in terms of contamination with bacteria is the refrigerator, or more precisely, the drawer in it where vegetables are usually stored.

Information about the study was published in the Daily Mail. Bacteriological specialists counted about eight thousand pathogenic microorganisms per square centimeter in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator - and this is a very high threshold of infection that poses a danger to human health. The standard level of contamination, generally accepted in European countries, can be no more than 10 bacteria per square centimeter.

According to microbiologists, among the detected microorganisms there were both salmonella and E. coli, as well as others, including rare bacteria.

Taking into account the information received, experts made conclusions that they readily share with Daily Mail readers:

  • do not fill all the free spaces in the refrigerator to capacity - many pathogens (for example, listeria) love cramped and secluded places that are rarely ventilated;
  • Before placing vegetables in the refrigerator, rinse them under running water to remove most of the bacteria;
  • the box or tray for plant products must be thoroughly washed using detergents at least once a month;
  • periodically inspect vegetables and fruits, throw away rotten specimens;
  • do not put unripe vegetables in the refrigerator: first they must “reach” - for example, on a windowsill at room temperature;
  • Do not store potatoes, garlic, onions, bananas in the refrigerator - in the cold they quickly deteriorate and contaminate other foods with bacteria;
  • do not place vegetables or fruits and herbs on the same shelf: such a combination leads to increased release of ethylene, a gaseous substance that causes early rotting of fresh food;
  • Promptly dispose of vegetables on which strange spots, “ulcers”, plaques have appeared, or if they have begun to emit a suspicious odor - after removing such specimens, thoroughly wash the refrigerator or at least the compartment where such vegetables were stored.

Of course, if you have a refrigerator of the latest generation, with precise electronics that allow you to create optimal conditions for food preservation, then many points of the recommendations can be missed. However, even high-end refrigerators should be washed and ventilated regularly - this simple rule will prevent a large number of different diseases that threaten us.

Almost all household appliances create electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields are invisible, but surround us everywhere - at home, at work, in transport.

The technological boom of the last two decades has led to the fact that today we live in a continuous electromagnetic field.

What is the effect of the electromagnetic field on human health?

At a certain field intensity of an industrial frequency of 50 Hz (for example, it is generated by refrigerators with a “No frost” system or operating microwave ovens), the effect of the device on a person becomes similar to the effect of a weak carcinogen. “It has been reliably established that any field causes a response in our body,” says Oleg Grigoriev, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety. - The most sensitive are the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems. The first warning signs are fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, memory and attention. With prolonged exposure to an electromagnetic field, the body’s protective resources begin to deplete faster.”

The urgency of the problem has long been recognized abroad. Detailed research is carried out in scientific laboratories. Thus, Italian scientists discovered that electromagnetic fields can cause infertility. By the way, it is on the reproductive function of both women and men that the influence of electromagnetic fields is reflected most strongly.

In the USA it was found that electromagnetic fields negatively affect the brain: There is a direct relationship between the development of malignant tumors and certain professions. Among those who constantly work with video display terminals, cordless phones and radio transmitters, the number of people affected by brain cancer is higher. For example, American police officers who are forced to constantly use radio transmitters are at risk.

Swedish scientists have found that Pregnant women who work on a computer are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages and a 2.5 times higher risk of having children with congenital disorders of the central nervous system. In this country, a generally recommended hygienic standard for electromagnetic field intensity is 0.2 μT (microtesla). For comparison: in a cell phone battery, EMF can reach 6 μT (30 times higher), in trolleybuses and trams - 250 μT (1250 times higher), in a subway car - 450 μT (2250 times higher).

“Many parameters are important - field intensity, radiation duration, frequency combination, etc.,” continues O. Grigoriev. - Let's say, EMF affects metro passengers one-time, but drivers are constantly exposed to it. A particularly powerful impulse is emitted when the train accelerates and decelerates. Employees of small cafes who are forced to hover around the convection oven and microwave ovens are also at risk.”

Of particular concern is the proliferation of wireless communications (Wi-Fi), which generate pulsating electromagnetic radiation.

This wireless internet technology could harm a baby's developing central nervous system, experts say
Experts from the World Health Organization recommend refraining from using wireless Internet access via Wi-Fi in educational institutions for children.

According to doctors, it, like other broadband wireless network access systems, negatively affects the development of the central nervous system of children. The reason for this is electromagnetic radiation, which can create additional stress on the child’s body.

WHO notes that so far there is insufficient data to make clear conclusions about the dangers of Wi-Fi for children's bodies. Therefore, the organization classifies the use of this system, like mobile phones, as an unproven risk factor.

In 2010, scientists from the Netherlands found that Wi-Fi radiation causes trees to “sick” and shed some of their leaves.

One of the authors of the study, scientist-engineer Alistair Phillips, then announced the possible danger to people of Wi-Fi and radio waves. According to him, a pulsating Wi-Fi signal may be even more harmful to the human body than stable types of radio waves.

Phillips said radiation exposure could affect young people's ability to be fathers. This is especially true for those men who like to keep laptops on their laps, the scientist noted. Wi-Fi also has a detrimental effect on a person’s ability to think, that is, it has a direct effect on the brain and the ability to think, the specialist emphasized.

So, let's summarize.

The first symptoms of exposure to an electromagnetic field:

  • fatigue,
  • irritability,
  • sleep disorders,
  • memory and attention disorders.

Long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields can cause:

  • migraine,
  • infertility (in men and women),
  • problems during pregnancy - miscarriages,
  • lesions of the central nervous system in children,
  • brain cancer.

How to reduce the influence of electromagnetic fields?

  1. Maintain safe distances - do not stand near a working microwave oven, do not sleep near a wi-fi router.
  2. Turn off your router's wi-fi when you are not using the Internet.
  3. Properly arrange furniture and electrical appliances in the apartment. Do not place the bed against a wall if there is a refrigerator, computer or TV behind it.
  4. Even load-bearing walls do not serve as a barrier to low-frequency EMF, and therefore, when arranging furniture, it makes sense to look at your neighbors. What if there is someone else’s electric stove behind the back of your favorite chair, where you spend several hours every evening?
  5. Don't keep laptops on your lap.
  6. Reduce talk time on mobile phones. When at home, try to use a stationary device.

We so often hear that household appliances emit electromagnetic waves that are harmful to people, but we don’t always understand what this really means.

What is electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic waves is a disturbance (change of state) that propagates in the space of magnetic and electric fields interacting with each other.

The influence of household appliances on the human body

Research into the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is carried out by specialists from around the world. For example, Italian scientists have found that regular exposure of a person to an electromagnetic field can cause infertility. American scientists have established the negative impact of radiation from household appliances on the human brain. Experts from Sweden were able to establish a safe level of electromagnetic field strength, which is equal to 0.2 microtesla (µT).

But regardless of the country, all scientists recognize that electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the cardiovascular, central nervous system, human hormonal levels and reproductive function.

As a result of close and regular “communication” with household appliances, we can acquire many problems, including headaches, fatigue, loss of strength, insomnia, etc.

It is important to understand that even low-intensity electromagnetic radiation carries enormous danger. Often, the effects of radiation from household appliances can be more powerful than staying in a place where power lines are located for a long time. Thus, it turns out that we often, without even thinking about it, daily upset the bioenergetic balance of our own body.

How to measure radiation from household appliances

Of course, it will not be possible to determine exact numbers using a home test, but the presence and strength of electromagnetic radiation can still be determined.

To check whether a household appliance emits electromagnetic waves, we need a regular radio receiver, which we will need to turn on and find any medium or long wave on which there are no stations. That is, only uniform noise should be heard from the radio receiver.

Then turn on those appliances that you use most often, for example, a TV, microwave, computer, iron, electric kettle, etc. We haven’t forgotten the refrigerator, you just don’t need to turn it on, since it is always plugged in, it only works periodically.

Thus, you will need to approach each electrical appliance with the radio turned on. The receiver will begin to crackle, make noise and make different sounds. It is by the nature of these sounds that you can determine the electromagnetic field of the device under study. That is, the louder the noise and crackling, the stronger the radiation.

Moreover, it is important to know that electromagnetic waves have the ability to penetrate walls. This means that if your bed or favorite chair is near the wall, test this place too. The furniture may need to be rearranged.

Dangerous household appliances

Refrigerator with No Frost function

Old models of refrigerators are practically safe from the point of view of radiation, but modern self-defrosting models even at a distance of one meter from the door show exceeding the permissible standards for electromagnetic radiation.

Electric stove

The front panel of the electric stove has a magnetic field intensity of 1-3 µT, respectively, at the burners themselves it is even higher. The safe distance is 50 cm, where the radiation, as in the entire kitchen, is approximately 0.1-0.15 µT. It is worth remembering this when standing at a working stove and, if possible, not getting too close to it.

Electric kettle

It is best to turn on the electric kettle and immediately move away from it, since at a distance of 20 cm it becomes dangerous.

Washing machine and dishwasher

It is important for those who like to watch the washing process to know that the control panel of a modern washing machine emits more than 10 µT. It is safe to move at least a meter away from the car. The dishwasher will be safe at a distance of two feet.

Vacuum cleaner

The very high radiation of the vacuum cleaner (100 µT!) is compensated by the length of the hose. Therefore, after turning on the vacuum cleaner, immediately get down to business and do not stand close to the working device.


The iron is dangerous only at the moment of heating, and the safe distance is 25 cm from the iron handle, where electromagnetic radiation is about 0.2 µT. Of course, it is impossible to iron clothes without touching the iron, so you can practice putting the iron aside at the moment of heating (when the light turns on). Of course, this is very inconvenient, but there is no other way to avoid radiation.

The most dangerous household appliances


A very dangerous and frequently used household appliance is, of course, the TV. The safe distance depends on the TV model and its diagonal; usually it cannot be less than 1.5 m.

Air conditioner

This device is also one of the most dangerous, so you should not come closer than 1.5 m to the air conditioner.


The microwave takes the lead among the most dangerous household appliances, since at a distance of 30 cm it can create an electromagnetic field of up to 8 µT. Of course, manufacturers assure us that they provide their microwave ovens with appropriate shielding. But, despite the initial protection, radiation can still escape through microscopic cracks in the door seal, which appear over time due to mechanical damage and contamination. The most dangerous place is considered to be in the lower right corner of the door. Try to treat your device with care and take more care of it. And do not stand near a running microwave oven.

Mobile and radiotelephone

Of course, modern life is already unthinkable without cellular communications. Mobile phones are dangerous not because of their high radiation power, but because of their proximity to the human body. Therefore, holding a phone to our ear has a negative effect on the brain, carrying it in a shirt pocket affects the heart, in a trouser pocket affects the reproductive function, etc. You can minimize the harm of your mobile phone by not charging it next to you, turning it off at night, and also buying a modern model that meets safety standards in the store. The radiotelephone should be placed as far as possible from sofas, beds, armchairs and those places where you spend a lot of time.


A personal computer is a very dangerous device, as it spreads radiation around itself to a distance of at least 70 cm. The safest distance is considered to be 1.5-2 m from the monitor.

Desk lamp

Who would have thought that such a safe household appliance could be fraught with danger? It turns out that the radiation from a table lamp is comparable to the radiation from a TV. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how necessary it is on your desktop.

How to minimize the harm of electromagnetic radiation?

First, take the time to do a radio test so you know which of your household appliances are the most dangerous. And try to minimize contact with “harmful” equipment.

Remember also that walls are not an obstacle to electromagnetic waves; only distance can save you from it.

Second, try not to purchase powerful electrical appliances unless absolutely necessary, because the lower the power of household appliances, the weaker the radiation from it and the less dangerous it is.

Try not to turn on several powerful electrical appliances at the same time. Let the wash cycle finish before using the microwave or vacuum cleaner. Get rid of the habit of creating a background from a working TV, as both you and your children risk constantly being exposed to harmful radiation.

You should try to avoid using extension cords when connecting electrical appliances, as this increases the area of ​​electromagnetic radiation. Also make sure that cords from household appliances and extension cords are not folded into rings or loops.

Interestingly, properly installed electrical wiring does not pose a danger to the residents of the house.

Romanchukevich Tatyana
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The mobile phone is far from the first place in terms of radiation!

We are constantly afraid of harmful radiation from household appliances. It turns out that you can check the level of electromagnetic radiation yourself. The test is certainly not a laboratory test, but it will show the presence and approximate strength of radiation.

Turn on the radio (transistor). Switch to long or medium waves so that you cannot hear any stations, only the noise of the receiver being turned on.

Turn on the appliances you use most often - computer, TV, microwave, toaster, iron, electric kettle, it's not a mistake iron and electric kettle. The refrigerator does not need to be turned on; it is always plugged in, but it works periodically.

Approach the switched on device with a radio receiver. You will hear crackling, squeaking and various noises. The stronger the noise, the stronger the electromagnetic field, and therefore the more harmful the device under test.

Walk along the walls with the radio on; electromagnetic waves from equipment operating behind the wall in other rooms penetrate through them. It is advisable to rearrange beds or chairs if they are located in an area of ​​strong electromagnetic waves.

Scientists have been trying for many years to determine how electromagnetic radiation affects humans? For example, Italian scientists have concluded that electromagnetic fields may cause infertility. Americans believe that radiation from household appliances negatively affects the brain.

And Swedish experts have established a safe limit for the intensity of the electromagnetic field, it is equal to 0.2 μT (microtesla). But all scientists in the world have long recognized that electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the central nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems.

Fatigue, headaches, insomnia and general discomfort - all this can be the result of our “communication” with home appliances. Even weak electromagnetic radiation, the power of which is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, is no less dangerous than radiation of higher power. For example, exposure to radiation from household appliances can be even stronger than long-term exposure to power lines. It turns out that you and I have been living long and stubbornly on a powder keg, daily disrupting the bioenergetic balance of the body.

  • Refrigerators NO FROST

You can even sleep on the Dnepr refrigerator. But it is better not to come closer than 10 cm to the compressor of a modern refrigerator. At such a distance, the field intensity exceeds the maximum permissible level. But it is better not to approach refrigerators equipped with a NO FROST system with a non-freezing freezer at all. He opened the door, quickly grabbed sour cream from the shelf and ran away. After all, exceeding the maximum permissible standards near such a miracle of technology was recorded at a distance of a whole meter from the door.

  • Electric stoves

It is better to cook dinner at a distance of more than 25 cm from the front panel. The intensity of the magnetic field in this place is 1-3 µT (directly near the burners it is even higher). But having moved away to a distance of 50 cm, where the intensity of the EMF is already indistinguishable from the general field of the kitchen and is about 0.1-0.15 µT, you can safely cook! Even if it’s at arm’s length, it’s safe!

Electric kettles

Even these tiny but irreplaceable devices become dangerous at a distance of 20 cm. The radiation intensity in this radius is about 0.6 µT.

  • Irons

For most irons, a magnetic field greater than 0.2 µT is detected at a distance of 25 cm from the handle, and only in heating mode. You can't help yourself here. You will have to endure the torment of electromagnetic radiation - how can you iron at a distance of 25 centimeters from the handle?

  • Washing machines

The washing machine field is much more intense. At the control panel it is more than 10 µT! Therefore, you should not observe the operation of an automatic washing machine up close.

  • Vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner has an even larger field – about 100 µT. But, fortunately, a vacuum cleaner is not an iron - a hose saves the situation.

  • microwaves

They deserve special attention. There are opinions that microwave ovens occupy first place in the ranking of dangerous household appliances and can pose a real threat to our health. At a distance of 30 cm they create a magnetic field of 0.3-8 µT. True, their design does indeed provide adequate shielding.

Of course, modern furnaces, according to manufacturers, are equipped with good protection that prevents the electromagnetic field from escaping beyond the working volume. But no one can guarantee that the field does not penetrate outside at all. For various reasons, part of the electromagnetic field intended, say, for a chicken, still leaks out. It is especially intense in the area of ​​the lower right corner of the door. And over time, micro-cracks in the door seal appear on the stove, and the degree of protection gradually decreases. This occurs both due to dirt and mechanical damage. Therefore, do not slam the door like in a minibus. Handle it carefully and take good care of it.

  • Computers

This is also a special article. Their electromagnetic radiation spreads on all fronts. Employees of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety conducted an independent study of a number of personal computers that are most common on our market. They found that the level of EMF in the user's area exceeded the biologically hazardous level. Therefore, it is better to stare at the monitor all day at least at a distance of at least 70 cm (1.5-2 m from a nearby monitor, for example, in an office).


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