All about honey. Useful properties of honey, determination of honey quality, myths about honey

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It is especially useful for men, as well as for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.


Respiratory diseases, used as a diuretic.


Contains a lot of iron and protein: cleanses blood vessels, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, increases hemoglobin levels. Recommended for pregnant women and people suffering from chronic gastritis with high acidity.

Helps with gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, strengthens blood vessels and immunity.


Gastrointestinal diseases. Dissolved in water (2-3 tbsp per glass) - for insomnia and headaches.


Gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids and asthenia. Has a diuretic and expectorant effect.


For colds and upper respiratory tract diseases. Helps in the treatment of liver, kidneys, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the heart muscle.


It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended for headaches, stomach pain, palpitations, insomnia, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


Heart disease, bronchial asthma, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, especially colds. Has a general strengthening effect.

Honey water...

Dilute one teaspoon of honey in a glass of raw water. We obtain a 30% honey solution, which is identical in composition to blood plasma. Honey in raw water forms cluster connections (structures it). This increases its healing properties. Honey water is absorbed by the body quickly and completely.

Honey water effect

If the label says: PURE, it is most likely pasteurized. It is best to only buy honey that says RAW or UNPASTEURIZED on the label. The difference is that pasteurizing honey neutralizes all the enzymes in it.

Weight loss:

Every morning, half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before bed, drink a mixture of honey and cinnamon (powder), previously brewed in a cup of boiling water. If taken regularly, the mixture will reduce the weight of even the fattest person. Also, regular intake of this mixture does not allow fat to accumulate.

Weight loss:


Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more beneficial than harmful to maintaining strength. Older people who take honey and cinnamon in equal proportions improve concentration and mobility.
Dr. Milton, who conducted the study, says that taking half a tablespoon of honey with cinnamon in a glass of water daily, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon, around 3 p.m., when the body's vital functions begin to decline, improves vital functions within several weeks.

Arthritis sufferers can take 1 cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 small tsp daily, morning and evening. cinnamon. Regular use even cures chronic arthritis.
Recent studies led by the University of Copenhagen found that when doctors prescribed a mixture of 1 tbsp. honey and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon before breakfast, after a week, 73 out of 200 patients were completely pain free, and within a month, most patients who were unable to walk or move around due to arthritis were able to walk without feeling pain.


2 table. spoons of honey and 3 tsp. cinnamon mixed with 2 glasses of warm water reduces blood cholesterol levels by 10% within 2 hours. As for those suffering from arthritis, taking the mixture 3 times a day normalizes cholesterol even in chronic patients. The same magazine mentions that people who take pure honey with food every day also complain less about cholesterol.


Daily intake of honey and cinnamon strengthens the body's defenses and protects against bacteria and viruses. Scientists have discovered that honey contains many different vitamins and iron. Consistent consumption of honey enhances the ability of white blood cells to fight bacterial and viral diseases.


Take 2 table. spoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey, stirred in a glass of slightly warm water. This kills germs in the bladder.

Hair loss:

In case of hair loss or baldness, you can lubricate the hair roots with a paste of a mixture of heated olive oil, 1 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon before washing your hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse your hair with slightly warm water. Even 5 min. enough for the effect to be noticeable.

Skin infections:

A mixture of honey and cinnamon (in equal quantities) applied to the affected parts of the skin cures eczema, fungus and all other types of skin infections.

Paste from 3 tbsp. spoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply to pimples before going to bed and wash off the next morning with warm water. In 2 weeks, acne will disappear completely.

Insect bites:

A mixture of 1 part honey to 2 parts warm water with the addition of a small tsp. rub cinnamon slowly onto the itchy part of the body. It is noticed that the pain decreases after 1-2 minutes.


Cinnamon powder sprinkled on 2 tbsp. Honey taken before meals reduces acidity and helps digest the heaviest foods.

Stomach upset:

Honey with cinnamon relieves stomach pain and also heals ulcers.

According to studies in India and Japan, honey and cinnamon have been found to reduce bloating.


Mixture 1 tsp. cinnamon and 5 tsp. Apply honey to the aching tooth. You can do it 3 times a day until the pain goes away.

Smell from the mouth:

Residents of South America first thing in the morning gargle with a hot solution of honey and cinnamon to maintain a pleasant smell in their mouth for the whole day.

Hearing loss:

Take honey and cinnamon in equal proportions every morning and evening.


Those suffering from colds should take 1 tbsp. warm honey with 1/4 tsp. cinnamon 3 times a day. Cures almost any chronic cough, cold and clears the nasal passages.

A Spanish scientist has proven that honey contains a natural element that kills influenza bacteria and saves a person from the disease.

Recent studies in Japan and Australia have found that stomach and bone cancer can be successfully treated. Patients with this type of tumor should take 1 tbsp daily. a spoonful of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon for a month 3 times a day.


Tea with honey and cinnamon, taken regularly, delays the onset of old age.
1 l. cinnamon, brewed in 3 glasses of water and chilled + 4 l. honey Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Keeps skin fresh and soft and delays aging.

A simple recipe for a sore throat...

A simple and very effective recipe for a sore throat:
you need to cut a few lemons, pour it all with honey and add a little ginger.
Close it in a jar, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 months and when the mixture becomes jelly-like, dilute it with a spoon with warm water - the medicine is ready!
Be healthy!

Useful and medicinal properties.

Treatment with honey

Honey is a beekeeping product that contains a lot of glucose, glucosides, and ozans.

Compound: levulose - 36%, glucose - 32%, sucrose - 2%, maltose - 8%, water - 20%, mineral salts - 2%.

This is a very healthy energy food product. It should be used by people of all ages, especially during heavy physical activity, athletes, children and the elderly. The medicinal properties of honey are explained by three components: the nature of sugars, the presence of pollen and royal jelly in honey, and the presence of bee antibiotics.

It is useful for acute diseases (typhoid fever, respiratory diseases, jaundice), for patients with heart failure. Doctors recommend honey treatment for stimulation of the myocardium and for people whose heart muscles age with age and are modified to strengthen the heart muscle.

Bee honey is one of the most ancient medicinal products, which has been used for several thousand years.

Nowadays, it is one of the most common remedies in folk recipes for the treatment of many different diseases.

It is used in the treatment of colds (as a diaphoretic) and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and has mild laxative properties. Consuming honey improves coronary circulation and reduces blood pressure in hypertension.

For gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, drink it with warm water - in the morning 2 hours before meals, or in the evening - 2-3 hours after dinner.

To treat patients with low acidity, honey is taken dissolved in cold water before meals, as it promotes the secretion of gastric juice.

It also calms the nervous system, improves sleep, increases hemoglobin concentration, improves immunity in case of exhaustion and weakening of the body, and has a beneficial effect on bedwetting in children.

Honey is also effective for treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases when good nutrition and vitamins are needed, it is often recommended in combination with milk, animal fat (butter, goose fat, etc.), vegetable juices and aloe juice, and is also used in the form of nutritional enemas.

Treatment with honey is indicated for sinusitis, stomatitis, flu and sore throat, rhinitis and laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey They are also used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases, colpitis and leucorrhoea, and cervical erosion. Honey solutions are used in the form of compresses, lotions, douching, and in pure form.

There are positive results Treatment of arthritis and various skin diseases with honey(abscesses, scaly skin rashes, etc.).

It is also widely used as a cosmetic product to cleanse the skin on the face and smooth out wrinkles. A variety of cosmetic masks are prepared together with egg white and yolk, glycerin, alcohols, and lemon juice.

It is known to be used in ophthalmology for the treatment of inflammation of the cornea (keratitis), corneal ulcers, damage to the eyeball, etc. It is also part of eye ointments.

Honey is also used to treat external wounds, burns, and ulcers.

Traditional medicine recipes, treatment with honey.

Recipe: 120 g honey per day, divide into portions and take 1.5 months for treatment of weakened heart function; add 200 ml of beetroot juice and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 1 hour before meals;

Recipe: 1 glass each of honey, juice horseradish and juice carrots, juice of one lemon mix with a wooden spoon in an enamel container, pour into a jar, close and store in a cool place; take 1 tsp. 3 times a day 2 hours after meals; treatment time – 2 months.

Recipe: Wounds, trophiculcers treated with honey in the form of an ointment, add and fish fat. Lubricate with ointment, which consists of 80 g of honey, 20 g fish oil, 3 g xeroform.

Recipe: 0.5 liters of boiling water, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, place in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain and add 2 tbsp. l. honey; used for rinsing stomatitis, gingivitis, sore throat, and in the form of microenemas (50 ml into the anus before bedtime) - for chronic colitis.

Recipe: For disinfection and softening of the skin make a honey mask: mix - 3 tbsp. l. glycerin, 1 tea – ammonia and honey, 110 ml of water. This mixture is used to soften the skin of the hands and moisturize it.

Recipes treatment of facial skin diseases, prevents wrinkles:
g honey mixed with lemon juice a, then apply a thin layer to the face (dry and normal skin) for 15 minutes, then rinse off; 2 tbsp. l. flour and 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with whipped egg white; apply to the face for 15 minutes, then wash off;

Recipe: treatment stomach ulcer and duodenum: take honey diluted in warm water 2 hours before breakfast and 3 hours after lunch. Honey - 30 g in the morning and evening, and 40 g in the afternoon. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Recipe: peptic ulcer treated with honey mixed with royal jelly in a ratio of 100:1; take 2 tsp. 3 times a day; 10 minutes before taking this mixture you need to drink 100 ml of alkaline water;

Recipe: colitis treatment: honey dissolved in apple juice or cold water take 100 g per day. Divide into 3 parts and take before meals.

Prescription treatment constipation: per glass of warm milk 15 grams of candied honey; children from 5 to 8 years old, 1 tsp. before bedtime.

Recipe: For treatment neuroses, insomnia take 150 g of honey per day (30 g in the morning and evening, 50 g in the afternoon). Before going to bed, dilute in 250 ml of water. In 2 weeks you will have healthy, sound sleep, vigor in the morning, and high performance.

Prescription treatment lung diseases: 100 g of honey, butter, lard or goose fat, 15 g – alo juice e and 100 g cocoa mix; reheat, do not bring to a boil, and consume 1 tbsp. l. for 250 ml hot milk 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Recipes treatment colds: pour a glass of boiling water into 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves coltsfoot; strain and add 1 tbsp. l. honey; take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day;

diaphoretic tea: 2 parts each - leaves stepmothers and , part 1 – oregano, 1 tbsp. l. honey and brew everything; drink like tea;

Recipe: per glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried black elderberry fruits or linden flowers, leave for 20 minutes, filter, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and take at night;
1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, brew in a glass of boiling water and add 1 teaspoon of honey; gargle for sore throat;

Prescription treatment flu with rhinitis: honey-garlic mixture 1:1, take 1 tbsp at night. l., per 100 ml of boiled water.

Contraindications to the use of honey.

Honey has no direct contraindications.

The main reason for contraindication is individual intolerance. Due to increased sensitivity to honey, such people experience skin allergies (itching, urticaria), runny nose, headache, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. Then you should not take pure honey or the various products that contain it.

Diabetics can, but in limited quantities and after consultation with doctors.

Bee honey is one of the best natural products given to man by nature. Tireless bees prepare it for us, partially processing nectar in their crops, which they take from various flowers. The work of insects is very difficult - to collect 100 g of sweetness they need to fly around up to a million flowers.

Honey is based on simple carbohydrates, which are absorbed by the human body without much energy expenditure. It contains a rich set of different elements, which, in general, determined the product’s fame as a universal medicine, which began in ancient history.

Composition of honey

Among the main components of honey: fructose (38%), glucose (31%), sucrose (1%), other sugars (melicitose, maltose, etc.) (9%), water (13%...20%), ash (0.17%).

100 g of honey contains many vitamins: riboflavin (B2-0.038 mg), niacin (B3-0.121 mg), pantothenic acid (B5-0.068 mg), pyridoxine (B6-0.024 mg), folacin (B9-2 mcg), ascorbic acid (C-0.5 mg). Of the micro- and macroelements it contains: calcium (6 mg), iron (0.52 mg), magnesium (2 mg), phosphorus (4 mg), potassium (52 ​​mg), sodium (4 mg), zinc (0 .22 mg). The product contains little protein (0.3 g) and is completely free of fat.

Properties of honey

This product is one of the most high-calorie (304 kcal) and sweeter than sugar. The presence of a large number of different substances in honey determines its unique properties:

  • honey is very easily absorbed by the human body;
  • it, being a mild laxative, helps intestinal function;
  • its entry into the stomach does not irritate the mucous membrane;
  • consumption of honey acts on the body, calming it and relaxing it;
  • the product, when processed, puts less strain on the kidneys than sugar;
  • honey has strong therapeutic properties and helps a person cope with various diseases and improve immunity.

The benefits of honey

Honey is useful to people due to the presence of various substances and vitamins in it. For example, the presence of potassium gives it antibacterial properties; iron - allows you to maintain normal hemoglobin in the blood and retain oxygen in it; manganese - being a “companion” of iron in the process of maintaining the level of hemoglobin in the blood, it is useful for human growth and his gonads.

From vitamins: riboflavin (B2) regulates the reproductive functions of the body, allows the thyroid gland, skin, and nails to be normal; nicotinic acid removes cholesterol and dilates blood vessels.

The whole complex of substances in honey helps us fight ailments: coughs, colds, runny nose, arthritis, headaches, etc.

Harm of honey

Honey has many good and beneficial properties for humans, but if the rules of use are not followed, it can cause trouble for the body.

Honey is dangerous for people who have allergic reactions to the product itself or its components. Moreover, only certain types of product can cause allergies in humans. In the latter case, you should not refuse to use it - you need to buy only honey that is safe for you.

All lovers of this wonderful product need to know:

  • honey heated to +40°C becomes practically useless, as it loses most of its properties; this is for those who have the habit of putting it in hot tea instead of sugar - it’s better to drink it “in a bite”;
  • Honey at temperatures above +60°C becomes a dangerous product, as it releases hydroxymethylfurfural, which can seriously harm the body;
  • Do not overload your body with honey - the daily norm of this sweetness is sufficient for you - 2...3 teaspoons;
  • consuming honey will be a good prevention of various diseases if taken for at least two months in a row;
  • For children under one year of age, honey is completely contraindicated.

Application of honey

Honey is used in cooking to prepare pastries, cakes, second and first courses, soft and alcoholic drinks. It is widely used in medicine - for the preparation of medicines, tinctures, infusions, decoctions. It is used directly, without any processing or preparation, for compresses, for oral administration, etc.

Thanks to the use of honey since ancient times in the treatment of various ailments, today there are hundreds of recipes used in folk medicine for the prevention of specific diseases, their relief and cure.

Unconventional ways of using honey include adding it to groundbait, bait for hooking and catching fish.

What diseases are treated with honey?

The list of diseases for which it is useful to consume honey or preparations containing it is huge. These are gastritis, sinusitis, cancer, thrush, stomach ulcers, colds, bronchitis, cataracts, runny nose, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, arthrosis, tonsillitis, osteochondrosis, burns, hernias, polyps, uterine erosion, diabetes, pancreatitis, alcoholism, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, cyst, heel spurs, pneumonia, fibroids, tuberculosis and fungal diseases; problems with the gums, with the thyroid gland, with the liver, with the throat, with the ovaries, with the skin, with the intestines, with the pancreas, with hair, with high acidity, with blood vessels, etc.

Honey is taken directly during the course of the disease, but the product and its preparations show the best results when preventing diseases.

Recipes with honey to treat diseases:

  • liver treatment for jaundice: add ground cinnamon (2 tbsp) to a half-liter jar of honey and mix; take 3…4 times a day, 2 tbsp. mixtures before or after meals, after 2 hours; the pain goes away after 4…5 days;
  • eye treatment: for inflammation of the eyes, using a cotton swab and pulling back the eyelid, smear the eyeball with honey; treatment is carried out until the inflammation goes away;
  • cataract treatment: aloe leaf (three years old or older) is placed in the refrigerator for a week and a half; then crush and squeeze out the juice; add an equal amount of water and acacia honey, mix; Keep the solution in the refrigerator for 5 days; the resulting mixture is dropped into the eyes (2 drops) after and before bedtime;
  • treatment of joints with honey: joint pain will go away if you rub them with a mixture of honey (200 g), radish juice (300 g), vodka (100 g), salt (tbsp); the method is more effective when the procedure is performed after taking a bath and simultaneously drinking this mixture (100 ml);
  • treatment of hemorrhoids: a candle is made from at least one and a half years of candied honey; treatment - insert a suppository into the anus in the morning, evening, after each bowel movement; duration of treatment – ​​4…6 days;
  • treatment of gastritis: a tablespoon of honey is diluted in a glass of warm boiled water; drink in one gulp at high acidity within 30 minutes. before meals, if acidity is low - an hour before meals; treatment is long, up to two months;
  • treatment of sinusitis: juice is squeezed out of aloe and kalanchoe (three leaves each) and mixed with a teaspoon of honey; filter through cheesecloth; The resulting mixture is instilled into the nose - 3 drops in the evening and in the morning; treatment is continued until improvement occurs;
  • cyst treatment: put honey (tsp) on a wide bandage, fold it in half and tie it tightly with thread, leaving long ends; the resulting tampon is inserted deep into the vagina for a day; repeat the procedure for 10 days;
  • kidney treatment: to get rid of kidney stones, prepare a mixture of equal parts of black radish juice and honey; Take 70 ml first, bringing the daily dose to 200 g;
  • treatment of pneumonia: make a mixture of a glass of honey, a tablespoon of butter, two tablespoons of garlic pulp, grated horseradish, juice from a golden mustache (each); Take one tablespoon one hour before meals; treatment is continued for 1.5...2 months. – until recovery occurs;
  • treatment of stomach ulcers: the disease can be defeated if:
  • on the first day in the morning, on an empty stomach, first drink a raw egg, then: eat a teaspoon of honey after 5 minutes, after the next 5 minutes. a piece of aloe, peeled, and again after 5 minutes. a teaspoon of sea buckthorn or butter; after half an hour you can eat a regular breakfast;
  • on the second day, do everything as on the first, but instead of aloe, drink a teaspoon of propolis tincture (bought at the pharmacy);
  • then repeat everything, alternating the intake of aloe and propolis every other day;
  • treatment of ulcers in courses: first, drink everything for 30 days, then a break of the same length and again a month of eating according to the above recipe;
  • treatment of alcoholism: abroad the disease is treated with honey according to the following scheme:
  • First, the patient is given 6 tsp to eat. honey; then repeat twice more every 20 minutes;
  • in 2 hours everyone repeats;
  • then the patient goes to bed; in the morning, before breakfast, he should eat 6 tbsp three times. honey, at intervals of 20 minutes;
  • This is followed by breakfast, after which a dessert of 4 tsp is served. honey;
  • treatment of prostatitis: prepare a mixture of crushed pumpkin seeds and liquid (spring) honey of a very viscous consistency; then roll the mixture into balls the size of the cherries and put them in the refrigerator; the ball is dissolved in the mouth in the morning half an hour before meals; course of treatment - 10 days, after a week's break and again 10 days of taking the balls in the morning;
  • treatment of colds: at the initial stage, tea made from medicinal herbs and with the addition of honey and lemon can alleviate the condition; drinking warm milk with honey has the same effect; You can put compresses on your chest - cabbage leaves smeared with honey; you can prepare a mixture of honey and viburnum berries;
  • treatment of tuberculosis: prepare a mixture of equal proportions of honey, goose fat (you can use lard), cocoa powder and 15 ml of fresh aloe juice; heat it, mix it and put it in a jar; store the mixture in the refrigerator; taken before morning and evening meals, 40...60 minutes before, a tablespoon; the best effect is obtained when taking the mixture, previously diluted in a glass of warm milk;
  • hair treatment: honey (tbsp) diluted in a glass of warm water helps improve hair condition; You need to drink it on an empty stomach, every day, 30 minutes before. before breakfast;
  • treatment of diabetes mellitus: to improve the well-being of patients with this disease, it is recommended to consume honey in the evening, at lunchtime and in the morning while following a diet; the optimal treatment period is two months or more; honey should only be fresh, its volume – tsp. every time;
  • treatment of osteochondrosis: a compress helps relieve pain: the sore spot is smeared with honey, covered with a sheet of paper and mustard plaster is placed on top; the entire area of ​​the spine is covered with cellophane and covered with a blanket; daily treatment until pain goes away; session duration – hour;
  • cancer treatment: according to foreign experts, taking a mixture of honey (tbsp) and cinnamon (tsp) three times a day for three months is a good prevention against cancer and can even cure them at an early stage;
  • treatment of thrush: if you are not allergic to honey, lubricate a cotton swab with it and insert it into the vagina for half an hour;
  • throat treatment: tea that is brewed from burdock (a tablespoon of herb per glass) helps to cope with the disease; drink it three times a day, a third of a glass (the infusion should be fresh);
  • treatment of bronchitis: place a tablespoon of honey, butter and cognac in a small metal container; heat to a boil, remove and drink (a little at a time with a teaspoon) at night; duration of use - until the discomfort in the chest disappears;
  • treatment of a runny nose: honey is diluted in warm water (proportion 1:2); the resulting mixture is instilled into the nostrils three times a day - a dose of 7 drops;
  • treatment of ovaries: a mixture of honey and aloe juice in equal quantities helps relieve inflammation; a tampon is soaked in it and inserted into the vagina overnight;
  • treatment of uterine erosion: a mixture is placed on top of several layers of gauze, including crushed viburnum berries (tbsp), onion gruel (tsp), honey (tsp), vegetable oil (tsp) ; roll up the gauze to form a tampon, which is inserted into the vagina at night; A tampon is used five times every other day; on intermediate days, pieces of butter are inserted into the vagina instead;
  • skin treatment: skin eczema is treated by taking a glass of warm water orally, to which add the juice of half a lime and a teaspoon of honey; I drink only in the morning, until the symptoms disappear;
  • intestinal treatment: honey (300 g) is melted in a saucepan over a fire at a temperature of up to 40°C; add to it three leaves of aloe, freed from thorns and crushed; the resulting composition is left alone for a day; then take one tablespoon. on an empty stomach an hour before breakfast, preheating (but not higher than 40°C);
  • treatment of burns: half a kilogram of honey is heated (not higher than +40°C), 10 g of birch tar is added, mixed; the resulting ointment is stored in the refrigerator, spread on burns 2…3 times a day; course of treatment for up to 20 days, repeated after 14 days.

All his life the bee has been a friend to man. In ancient times, people deified bees for their ability to produce valuable products and therapeutic and prophylactic agents: honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, wax, etc. At all times, people have used honey as a remedy.

Natural honey is a delicious and healthy gift from nature; bees and flowers are involved in its creation. Ancient doctors considered honey a diet for longevity.

Modern scientific research has shown that ancient doctors and philosophers, not without reason, gave such a high rating to bee honey, considering it a diet for longevity.

The biological value of natural honey is characterized by its nutritional, bactericidal, preservative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and expectorant properties.

Based on laboratory studies, experimental data and clinical observations, it has been established that the composition of honey is very complex.

The chemical composition of honey is complex and directly depends on the type of plant, soil and climatic conditions of the area where the honey is collected. Honey contains about a hundred different components beneficial to the human body: glucose, levulose, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, trace elements, mineral, hormonal, antibacterial and other substances.

The taste of honey and its healing properties primarily depend on which flowering plants the bees take nectar from.

On warm, sunny days, bees circle over flowers, from which they collect droplets of sweet nectar. To get 100g of honey, a bee must visit about a million honey-bearing flowers. The bee collects nectar with its proboscis until the honey ventricle is completely filled and flies to its hive. A bee flies 65 km per hour i.e. flies at the speed of a train.

To collect a kilogram of honey, a bee needs to bring approximately 150 thousand loads of nectar. If the flowers from which bees take bribes are located at a distance of 1.5 km from the hive, then a bee flying 3 km back and forth with each load will have to travel about 450 thousand for a kilogram of honey. km. This distance is 11 times the circumference of the globe at the equator.

A worker bee enters the hive through an entrance guarded by a bee guard, who does not let other bees and other honey-loving insects through. A worker bee with her burden is met by other bees - nectar receivers. They free the forager from the nectar and store it for some time in their honey ventricle, where the nectar undergoes complex processing, which began in the stomach of the forager bee.

The receiving bees periodically spread their upper jaws and push their proboscis slightly forward and downward, on the surface of which a drop of nectar appears. Then the bee again swallows this drop into the honey ventricle, and folds the proboscis and hides it. This procedure is repeated by the bee from 120 to 240 times. After this, the receiving bee finds a free wax cell and releases a drop of nectar into it. But this is not honey yet.

In the future, other bees will continue the complex work of turning nectar into honey.

If forager bees are busy with work, they hang a drop of nectar on the upper wall of the wax cell. This is a very interesting and practically important technique, since hanging drops have a larger evaporation surface and moisture from the nectar evaporates more intensely. Nectar contains from 40 to 80% water, honey - 18-20%. To remove ¾ of this amount of moisture, the bees repeatedly transfer each drop from one wax cell to another until the unripe honey (semi-finished product) becomes thick.

In the honey ventricle of the worker bee, nectar thickens. A droplet of nectar decreases in volume due to the absorption of water by the cells of the honey ventricle. In the bee's body, nectar is enriched with enzymes, organic acids, antibacterial substances, etc.

Wax cells filled to the top with honey are sealed by bees with wax caps, and in this form the honey can be stored for many years.

Flower honey can be monofloral - processed from the nectar of one type of honey plants (sunflower, buckwheat, linden, fireweed, sweet clover, excrement, willow, etc.) and polyfloral, processed from the nectar of various honey plants. Absolutely monofloral honey varieties, i.e. collected from flowers of a certain plant species are rare. Minor admixtures of nectar from other honey plants do not greatly affect the specific aroma, color and taste of this type of honey. Polyfloral honeys include meadow, steppe, forest, fruit, mountain-taiga, etc.

There are varieties of honey collected in different regions of the country, for example, Far Eastern linden honey, Bashkir linden honey, etc.

According to the method of obtaining and processing honey, there are cellular and centrifugal (drain) honey. Cells filled with honey and sealed with wax caps represent comb honey. Honeycomb honey is supplied to the consumer in its natural container, in a perfectly pure form, in a completely mature and sterile state. Centrifugal honey is obtained by pumping it out of honeycombs using a honey extractor. Centrifugal honey is sold to the consumer in packaging - in glass jars, flasks, or by weight.

Some types of honey can be identified by color, aroma and taste. Different varieties of honey differ from each other not only in color, but also in many different shades. So, for example, honey from white acacia is completely colorless, i.e. light, transparent like water. If you look at the honeycombs filled with this honey, they seem empty, and the glass jar with honey is translucent.

It is believed that light honey belongs to the best, first-class varieties. At the same time, others believe that dark honey contains more mineral salts, mainly copper, iron, manganese, and therefore is considered more valuable for the body than light honey.

A brief description of the characteristic properties of the most common types of honey.

belongs to the best varieties. It is highly valued by consumers due to its exceptionally pleasant taste. Honey freshly extracted from a honey extractor is very fragrant, usually transparent, slightly yellow or greenish in color; contains 36.05% glucose and 39.27% ​​levulose. Linden honey has strong nutritional and medicinal properties. Has an antibacterial effect. Has an expectorant and slightly laxative effect. Used in the treatment of sore throat, runny nose, laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, to strengthen the heart muscle, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver diseases. Ufa (Bashkir) linden honey is colorless, upon crystallization it becomes white, with a golden hue, a coarse-grained mass. Amur (Far Eastern) linden honey has a cloudy yellowish color. All collected samples of linden honey have an excellent specific aroma and wonderful taste. However, Ufa linden honey is inferior to Far Eastern honey, as it causes a feeling of slight bitterness, which quickly disappears. Bees make linden honey from the nectar of greenish-yellow linden flowers, which people nicknamed the queen of melliferous plants for its high honey-bearing qualities. From one hectare of flowering linden trees, beekeepers receive 1000 kg or more of honey.

one of the best varieties of honey. In liquid form it is transparent, when crystallized it becomes white, fine-grained, resembling snow. Acacia honey contains 35.98% glucose and 40.35% levulose (fructose) - the sweetest sugar in nature (levulose is 1.7 times sweeter than sucrose - sugar extracted from sugar beets and sugar cane, and 2-2.5 times sweeter than glucose), however, the diastase number is low - 5-6 Gote units. From nectar collected from a hectare of fragrant white acacia flowers, bees are able to produce up to 1700 kg of honey. It is used as a general tonic, for insomnia, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Bees also make honey from yellow acacia flowers. This honey is very light, and upon crystallization it becomes like lard, white in color, medium grain. Yellow acacia honey is one of the best varieties. From a hectare of flowering acacia, bees collect 350 kg of first-class honey.

has a light amber or white color. Sweet clover honey is one of the first-class honeys, distinguished by high taste qualities and a very subtle pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla. Bees collect it from the bright yellow flowers of sweet clover or yellow clover. This honey contains 36.78% glucose and 39.59% fructose. In folk medicine, the flowers and leaves of sweet clover are used for medicinal purposes, and a melilot (green) plaster is also prepared. From nectar collected from one hectare of wild sweet clover, bees are able to produce 200 kg of honey, and from a cultivated hectare - 600 kg.

It can be dark yellow with a reddish tint and dark brown. Unlike other varieties of honey, it has a unique aroma and specific taste. Upon crystallization, it turns into a paste-like mass. Tasters note that when buckwheat honey is eaten, it “tickles the throat.” Buckwheat honey contains 36.75% glucose and 40.29% levulose, as well as significantly more proteins and iron than other types of honey. Buckwheat honey is recommended for the treatment of anemia. From one hectare of flowering buckwheat, bees produce 60 kg of honey.

transparent, with a greenish tint, upon crystallization it becomes white, in the form of snow grains, and sometimes resembles cream or lard. Turns yellow when heated; has a delicate aroma and is pleasant to the taste. Bees make fireweed honey from the nectar of the lilac-red flowers of fireweed (willowherb), which is found quite often in the wild in Russia. From nectar collected from a hectare of flowering fireweed, bees can produce 600 kg of honey.

It has a golden yellow color, upon crystallization it becomes fine-grained, acquires a creamy tint, and has high taste. Bees energetically collect it from the flowers of various tree and shrub species of willow, which has about 170 species. In Russia, willow is found in the wild everywhere. From the nectar of a flowering willow, bees are able to obtain up to 3-4 kg of honey per day, and 150 kg per hectare.

It is colorless, transparent, has high taste, and is considered one of the best light varieties of honey. When crystallized, it turns into a solid white mass. Clover honey contains 34.96% glucose and 40.24% levulose. Bees are capable of collecting 100 kg of honey from one hectare.

Bees collect nectar from purple or purple alfalfa flowers. Freshly pumped honey has various shades - from colorless to amber; quickly crystallizes, acquiring a white color and reminiscent of thick cream in its consistency. Alfalfa honey has a pleasant aroma and specific taste; it contains 36.85% glucose and 40.24% levulose. From a hectare of flowering irrigated alfalfa, bees produce 300 kg of honey.

Bees make nectar from the small pinkish flowers of the evergreen branched shrub heather. Heather honey is dark, dark yellow and red-brown in color with a weak aroma, pleasant or tart, bitter taste. Heather honey is very viscous and crystallizes slowly. From a hectare of flowering heather, bees collect 200 kg of honey.

It belongs to the light varieties and has excellent taste. Bees energetically collect it from the beautiful yellowish-green flowers of the ornamental shrub or Norway maple, which is found in almost all forests of Russia. From a hectare of flowering maple trees, bees collect 200 kg of honey, and from field maples – much more.

golden yellow in color, very thick and viscous, quickly crystallizes, with a strong odor and pungent taste. Bees obtain this honey from the nectar of a well-known and widespread weed - dandelion. Dandelion honey contains 35.64% glucose and 41.5% fructose.

Bees make it not from the nectar of flowers, but mainly from the excrement of insects: grass lice, or aphids, mealybugs, psyllids, etc. The main excretors of honeydew are aphids - small insects (3-6 mm in length), located in large numbers on the underside of leaves . There are over 600 species of aphids. If bees find nectar, they do not collect honeydew. At the end of summer and autumn, honey flow stops, the number of aphids increases greatly, and the leaves of some trees are completely covered with drops of honeydew, which the bees willingly collect and carry to their hive. These insects feed on plant juices, and the excrement they emit in the form of liquid sweet drops falls down from the leaves of trees; that's why they got the name honeydew.

Chemical analysis shows that honeydew is very different from flower nectar. It has been established that while flower nectar consists almost exclusively of sugar, honeydew contains a lot of dextrins and minerals. Honeydew honey is usually dark green in color, viscous, often has an unpleasant taste, and has a weak aroma. Honeydew contains substances that are poisonous to bees, which, when concentrated in honey, have a detrimental effect on bees in winter.

Medicinal properties of honey.

The medicinal properties of honey are based on the presence in honey of a large number of easily digestible honey components such as glucose, levulose, enzymes, vitamins, organic acids, microelements, antibacterial hormones and other substances.

Honey taken by a person is very easily absorbed, restores strength, nourishes the heart muscle, as a result of which the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, calms the nervous system, normalizes calcium-potassium metabolism in the body, increases the body's resistance to infectious factors and poisoning.

Honey taken orally has a dual effect: it enhances weakened and inhibits increased appetite, increases or decreases the secretion of gastric juice, depending on the method and conditions of its use. It has a normalizing and laxative effect on the intestines with sluggish peristalsis and constipation.

It has a good effect on the intestines in cases of dysbacteriosis caused by past infectious diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.), as a result of long-term use of antibiotics. Particularly effective is the use of honey with such drugs as lactobacilli, colibacterin, bifidum - bacteria, bificol.

With regular intake of 100-150 grams of honey, there is an increase in metabolic processes, increased performance, and improved cardiac activity.

Honey is often used as an antidote for poisoning from plant, animal and mineral poisons.

Natural honey has strong antimicrobial properties, sometimes stronger than some antibiotics. The antibiotics present in honey, phytoncides, inhibit the development of streptococci and staphylococci and have a detrimental effect on protozoa (Trichomonas).

Methods of medicinal use of honey.

  • Most often, honey is taken undiluted, with warm water, tea, coffee, milk, or mixed with other foods.
  • Oral administration in the form of a solution in 10-20% concentration;
  • Rinsing the mouth and nasopharynx with a 10-20-30% solution;
  • Inhalation of a honey solution using an inhaler or other available means.
  • Instillation of a 30% honey solution into the eye and nose.
  • Douching the vagina with a 10-20-30% solution of honey.
  • Applying cotton and gauze swabs soaked in liquid honey or its 50% solution to the affected area.
  • Applying dressings with honey to the wound surface.
  • Lubrication of the mucous membrane of the lips and nose.
  • Taking honey simultaneously with medications to enhance their effect.


In order to prevent the adverse effects of large doses of easily digestible carbohydrates on the human body, the dose of honey consumed should be strictly individual for each person.

It must be borne in mind that depending on the time of administration and the temperature of the water in which honey is dissolved before administration and, of course, on the dose of honey, it can act on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines in two ways.

When using honey for medicinal purposes, it is used in dissolved form, which facilitates its better absorption by the cells of the body.

The daily dose of honey for an adult is on average 80-120g (for stomach and duodenal ulcers, use 200g). For children, the daily dose of honey is from 30 to 60 grams. Typically, the daily dose of honey is calculated based on a person’s weight - 1-2g per 1 kg of weight. When taking large doses of honey, it is necessary to exclude other sweets from the diet, this is especially true when a person has pancreatic disease, obesity, etc.

Methods for determining the quality of natural honey.

Natural honey must be mature, i.e. it should contain no more than 20% moisture. Mature honey occurs when, when pumping it out, 100% of the cells of the honeycomb are sealed with wax caps, or at least 2/3 of the honeycomb is sealed.

How to determine the good quality of honey when purchasing it from a beekeeper:

By viscosity . We carry out the determination at a temperature of about 20°C, take a spoon with honey and begin to rotate it, holding it in a horizontal position. Ripe honey, when rotated, does not drain from the spoon, but is wound onto the spoon, stopping the rotation and lowering the spoon down. Ripe honey begins to lazily flow down, forming a small hill on the surface. In the case when the honey is not ripe, when rotated it immediately begins to flow off the spoon, and the surface of the honey quickly begins to level out. When determining the maturity of honey by viscosity, it must be borne in mind that different types of honey have different viscosity.

Based on viscosity, all types of honey can be divided into 4 types:

  1. Very liquid honey (acacia, clover, etc.).
  2. Liquid honey (buckwheat, rapeseed, mustard, linden).
  3. Thick honey (sunflower, dandelion, extract).
  4. Gelatinous (heathery).

By weight . The specific gravity of honey depends on its water content. The more water there is in honey, the lower its specific gravity. The weight of one liter of mature honey is at least 1.4 kg. Honey varieties containing 20% ​​water with a specific gravity of less than 1.416 are classified as immature.

By bubbles . If bubbles slowly form on the surface of the honey, this indicates that the honey has fermented. Fermentation of honey is indicated by its sour smell and alcoholic taste.

By stratification crystallized (candied) honey into two layers of different density indicates the immaturity of the honey. During crystallization, honey particles, which are heavier than water, settle to the bottom of the jar.

Paper test . When applying a drop of honey to a sheet of paper, if the honey is mature, the drop remains elastic; if the honey is not mature, then the drop of honey begins to spread.

In addition to unripe honey, the consumer can purchase honey containing various additives and impurities that mask the true quality of honey and give it the appearance of a quality product.

Determination of impurities and additives in honey .

Impurities in honey. In order to determine the presence of impurities in honey, just dissolve a small amount of honey in a glass of distilled water. If there are foreign impurities in the honey, they will either precipitate or float to the surface of the solution. High-quality honey will dissolve evenly in water, giving the solution a cloudy yellow color.

Admixture of starch and flour in honey, which unscrupulous beekeepers add to honey to obtain a more viscous consistency, are determined by adding a few drops of iodine to a solution of honey and water. If these impurities are present in the samples, the solution will turn blue. In the case when iodine does not change its color, this indicates that there is no flour or starch in the honey.

Chalk admixture . Chalk is added to honey to obtain the imaginary effect of high-quality honey. Chalk in honey is detected by adding a small amount of concentrated acetic acid to a solution of honey and water. If there is a chalk additive in honey, we will get hissing and foaming due to the release of carbon dioxide.

Gelatin . Added to honey to obtain the required honey viscosity. This counterfeit can be detected by adding a small amount of a 5% tannin solution to an aqueous solution of honey. If the honey contains gelatin, white flakes will appear in the solution.

Presence of starch syrup . Such honey does not crystallize during storage and will be very viscous. The presence of starch syrup is determined by adding a few drops of ammonia to honey dissolved in water. Such honey in solution will turn brown or precipitate. If you add ethyl alcohol to a honey solution, then in the presence of starch syrup it will acquire a milky color and form a precipitate in the form of a transparent sticky mass.

Presence of sugar molasses . To determine molasses, add a solution of silver nitrate (lapis) to a 10% honey solution. If there is sugar molasses in the solution, a white precipitate will appear. Because molasses contains raffinose. You can add lead vinegar or methylene alcohol to the honey solution. If there is sugar molasses in honey, a yellow-white precipitate will form; natural honey will only become slightly cloudy.

Unlike natural honey, it does not have the aroma and pleasant taste that is characteristic of flower honey. The color of honeydew honey is usually darker than that of nectar honey, it has a viscous consistency and a malt flavor; when tasting, lumps are felt.

In addition to adulterating natural honey with various additives and impurities, the consumer can buy honey obtained by bees by feeding them sugar syrup.

Determination of honey from sugar syrup.

In appearance, sugar honey is white in color (to give such honey a characteristic smell and color, various flavorings and food colorings are used); in organoleptic terms, unlike flower honey, it does not have the characteristic astringency and slight sore throat. Such honey does not store well, becomes sticky and quickly sours. If such honey is added to hot milk, it will curdle. When applying such honey to paper, if you then set the paper on fire, you will smell a strong smell of burnt sugar.

The most objective indicator of the quality of natural honey is its diastase number (determining the most active enzyme of honey - diastase), which is determined in food laboratories or veterinary examination laboratories on the market. In recent years, unfortunately, there has been no proper control in places where honey is traded in markets. Therefore, it is recommended to buy honey from familiar beekeepers or in specialized stores.

The value of the diastase number depends on the species composition of the plants from which the nectar is prepared, soil and climatic conditions, weather conditions, the intensity of nectar secretion, the strength of the bee family, etc. Buckwheat and heather honey have the highest diastase number (from 8 to 44.4).

What are the requirements for bee honey?

According to physical and chemical indicators, natural honey must meet the following requirements:

  1. Water, no more than 21%.
  2. Invented sugar (glucose and fructose) -82%.
  3. Sucrose (cane, beet), no more than 6%.
  4. Diastase number (Gothe units), not less than 7 units
  5. Ash substances -0.1 -0.5%.
  6. Specific gravity, not less than 1.409 g/cm.
  7. Mechanical impurities are not allowed.
  8. Oxylmethylfurfural – not allowed.

Organoleptic characteristics:

  1. Color – from colorless to brown, light tones predominate, with the exception of buckwheat, heather and chestnut;
  2. The aroma is specific, clean, pleasant, from weakly delicate to strong.
  3. The taste is sweet, delicate, pleasant, without extraneous flavors (chestnut honey with a bitter aftertaste).
  4. The consistency is syrupy before crystallization, very viscous during setting, and dense after crystallization. Delamination is not allowed.
  5. Crystallization ranges from fine-grained to coarse-grained.

High-quality natural honey should not foam, should not contain pieces of wax, bee corpses and other foreign impurities.

All requirements for honey quality are set out in GOST 19792 - 87.

Rules for trading honey in markets. The sale of honey in markets is permitted in special pavilions from counters. Honey is delivered for sale in wooden barrels (linden, beech, cedar and aspen), wooden boxes, glass jars, enamel and glazed clay dishes. Cans made of aluminum or tinned sheet are allowed as containers for honey. Do not use galvanized or painted copper utensils.

The sale of heated honey, with a high content of water and acids, obtained by distilling sugar through the bee’s body, as well as adulterated honey with sugar, molasses and other impurities, is not allowed on markets.

Honey with indicators that do not meet the requirements for honey of the first or second grades, or which is falsified, is denatured.

The use of honey in folk medicine.

For the flu.

  • Rub the peeled garlic on a fine grater and mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio; Take before bed with warm boiled water.
  • Take one lemon, extract the juice from it, add 100g of honey; Take before bed with warm tea.
  • Take 5g of coltsfoot leaves (a tablespoon), place in an enamel bowl and pour a glass of boiling water, close the bowl with a lid and place in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, filter the infusion and squeeze out the remaining dense mass. Bring the strained infusion to 200 ml with boiled water and dissolve a tablespoon of honey in it; take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.
  • Take a tablespoon of linden flowers and raspberry fruits, place them in an enamel bowl and pour two glasses of boiled water and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, filter the infusion and dissolve two tablespoons of honey in it; Take ½ cup warm 3-4 times a day.
  • Brew one tablespoon of linden flowers with one glass of boiling water. After cooling to 20-25°C, filter the infusion and dissolve a tablespoon of honey in it; Take warm before bed.
  • Mix honey and cranberry juice in half; take ½ glass 3 times a day.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, place in an enamel bowl and pour a glass of boiling water, close and place in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, strain the infusion, add 1 tsp. honey Gargle with this solution.
  • At night, drink 1 glass of tea with 2 teaspoons of honey, wrap yourself up and sweat.

With inflammation of the pharynx, oropharynx, larynx and trachea.

  • We cut off the lower leaves of aloe vera (agave, sabur), rinse well with water, cut into small pieces in the form of plates 0.5 cm thick and use a juicer to obtain the juice. Dissolve 1 part honey into 5 parts of the resulting juice; Take the freshly obtained solution 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 1-2 months.
  • Dissolve one part honey in two parts distilled water; We use for inhalation in a volume of 15-20 cm³ per procedure, which lasts 20 minutes.
  • Brew one part of the herb with 10 parts of boiling water; dissolve 1 tsp in this volume. honey, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • We prepare a 30% aqueous solution of honey and rinse the oropharynx with this solution 3-4 times a day.

Keep a teaspoon of honey in your mouth until it completely dissolves; We carry out the procedure 5-6 times a day. It is better to chew honeycomb honey for 15-20 minutes, doing this 5-6 times during the day.

  • Take 5g of coltsfoot leaves (a tablespoon), place in an enamel bowl and brew a glass of boiling water, cover the bowl with a lid and place in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, filter the infusion and drain the dense mass. Bring the resulting volume of infusion to 200 ml with boiled water and dissolve a tablespoon of honey in it. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

100g aloe juice, 500g chopped walnut kernels, 300g honey, juice of 3-4 lemons, mix everything well. Take a teaspoon or dessert spoon 3 times a day.

When coughing.

  • In a black radish, cut out or hollow out the middle of the radish and fill it with natural honey. After 3-4 hours, the red juice with honey is ready. Adults are recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons of this juice, children – a teaspoon in the morning and evening. This juice can be successfully used not only for coughs, but also for hoarseness; it promotes the separation of sputum.
  • Boil onion juice with honey and give a teaspoon several times a day.
  • Pour a tablespoon of crushed elecampane (sold at the pharmacy) into a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of filtered and cooled broth. Take 3 times a day an hour before meals.
  • Mix 500g of honey with 500g of plantain juice and cook in an enamel bowl over low heat for 20 minutes. Take the cooled mixture before meals, a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • In an enamel bowl, add two tablespoons of anise seeds and a pinch of salt to one teaspoon of honey, add a glass of water and heat until boiling. After cooling, strain the resulting mixture. Take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours.
  • Place two tablespoons of marshmallow flowers in a porcelain teapot, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Add honey to the warm solution to taste and drink ½ glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Chop 500g of peeled onions and place in an enamel bowl. Add 400g granulated sugar and one liter of water and cook over low heat for 3 hours. After cooling, dissolve 50g of honey in the resulting mixture, pour into bottles and seal. Take 4-6 tablespoons per day.
  • For children. Honey and olive oil are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and given a teaspoon several times a day (especially for whooping cough).

Acute and chronic bronchitis.

  • Aerosol inhalation with a 30-50% aqueous solution of honey for 20 minutes twice a day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.
  • Prepare fragrant tea from violet leaves (1:10); drink 1/3 cup warm, after dissolving 2-3 teaspoons of honey in it 3 times a day. The course of treatment should be 20-30 days.
  • Mix 500g of plantain juice thoroughly with 500g of honey, cook the resulting mixture over low heat for 20 minutes; Subsequently, the cooled mixture is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  • Prepare tea from red clover flowers (1:20); use tea 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day, dissolving 2-3 teaspoons of honey in it.
  • Take 500g of peeled onions and chop well, place in an enamel bowl, add 400g of sugar and one liter of water, cook over low heat for 3 hours, after cooling to 20-25°C, add 50g of honey and dissolve well, pour into bottle and seal; take 4-6 tablespoons per day.
  • Mix 100g of aloe juice, 500g of crushed walnut kernels, 300g of honey and the juice of 3-4 lemons and take a dessert or teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. (Aloe is contraindicated in acute diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, long periods of pregnancy, acute inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation, exacerbation of tuberculosis, complicated by hemoptysis, and hemorrhoids).
  • 150g of aloe juice, 50g of honey and 350g of Cahors wine, mix well and leave in a warm place for a week; take a tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals (see the previous recipe for contraindications).
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, cognac (vodka) and sunflower oil. Heat this mixture while stirring over steam, but do not boil. Take in one gulp and immediately go to bed under the covers.

Gastritis is chronic.

Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of fresh milk or warm boiled milk (a decoction of rose hips, fruit or berry juice diluted with water, tea); take 3 times a day 1.5-2 hours before meals (for gastritis with increased secretion), immediately before meals (enteritis, colitis). You can add honey to cream, fresh non-acidic sour cream, one-day yogurt. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

Stomach diseases, including stomach ulcers.

  • Dissolve one tablespoon of honey in a glass of boiled water, cooled to room temperature; take 3 times a day, preferably 1.5-2 hours before meals.
  • Place a tablespoon of marsh cudweed in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes with the lid closed; Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in the resulting infusion and take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • Mix 500g of honey with 500g of plantain leaf juice and cook in an enamel bowl over low heat for 20 minutes; Take the cooled mixture one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • Take 100 honey, 100 g of goose (or pork) lard, 100 g of cocoa powder, 15 ml of aloe juice and mix everything well; Take the resulting mixture one tablespoon, dissolved in a glass of hot (steamed) milk, three times a day before meals.
  • In an enamel bowl, prepare a mixture of 100g honey, 100g cow butter, 100g cocoa powder and 115g well-mashed aloe leaves, heat it in a water bath and take a tablespoon at a time. Dissolved in a glass of hot (fresh) milk, twice a day. The course of treatment is one month.

In an enamel bowl, prepare a mixture consisting of a glass of beet juice, a glass of red carrot juice, a glass of horseradish juice, a glass of honey, 30 ml of vodka and the juice of 2 lemons; take 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals for one month (after 2 months the course of treatment can be repeated).

Hypertonic disease.

  • Pour one glass each of the juices of beets, red carrots, horseradish and honey into an enamel bowl, add the juice of 2 lemons and 30 ml of vodka and mix everything thoroughly for 30 minutes. Store the resulting mixture covered in a cool, dark place. Take a tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month (after 2 months the course of treatment can be repeated).
  • Mix one glass of liquid honey, a glass of beetroot juice and a glass of red carrot juice with one glass of horseradish juice. The resulting mixture is stored covered in a cool, dark place. Take a tablespoon before meals 3 times a day for 2-3 months.
  • Mix one glass of beetroot juice, a glass of horseradish juice, the juice of one lemon and a glass of honey and store in a closed container in a cool, dark place. Take a tablespoon before meals three times a day for 2 months.
  • Dissolve one tablespoon of honey and 30g of lard in a glass of hot milk. Take orally 2-3 times a day.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of hot milk or tea. Take orally before bedtime.
  • Brew (dissolve) 100g of fresh raspberries (2 tablespoons dry) or raspberry jam in a glass of boiled water, after 10-15 minutes add a tablespoon of honey. Take all contents before bedtime.
  • Mix horseradish juice and honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take a tablespoon in the morning and evening.
  • Mix 100g honey and the juice of one lemon well. Take a tablespoon with hot milk or tea before bed.


  • Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm boiled water (cooled to room temperature). Take before bedtime. It is good to dissolve honey in a glass of warm cow or goat milk.
  • Horseradish juice (grated horseradish is infused with water for 36 hours) and honey, taken in a 1:1 ratio, mix well. Take 2 times a day (preferably morning and evening) a tablespoon.
  • Mix a tablespoon of honey and 30g of lard well and dissolve in a glass of hot cow's milk (preferably goat's). Take a tablespoon with hot tea or milk before bed.
  • Prepare a mixture of lemon juice and honey (juice of one lemon per 100g of honey). Take a tablespoon with hot tea or milk before bed.
  • Brew (dissolve) 100g of fresh raspberries (two tablespoons of dry) in a glass of boiled water, after 10-15 minutes of infusion, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take all contents before bed.

Bronchial asthma.

  • Dissolve one part honey in 2 parts distilled water. We use it for inhalation in a volume of 15-20 cm³ per procedure lasting 20 minutes through an inhaler or using a rubber tube placed on the spout of a teapot or coffee pot. The course of treatment is 30 days, two procedures per day.

Prepare tea from fragrant violet leaves (1:10). Take 1/3 cup warm, dissolving 2-3 teaspoons of honey in it, 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

  • Prepare tea from red clover flowers (1:20). Take 1/3 cup warm with the addition of 2-3 teaspoons of honey 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.


  • Take 100g of fresh raspberries (2 tablespoons dry), brew with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and dissolve a tablespoon of honey into the infusion. Take orally warm.
  • To increase excitability in a depressed state, it is useful to take a mixture consisting of a tablespoon of honey, ½ part of finely chopped lemon and a tablespoon of Borjomi water.
  • Daily consumption of 50 g of honey for 1-2 months.
  • Prepare a mixture of a glass of rosehip juice and a glass of honey. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day. If there is no juice, you can prepare a rosehip decoction (brew 100g of fresh fruit with a glass of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes).
  • Mix 250 g of peeled and grated garlic with 350 g of liquid honey and leave for 7-10 days. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Honey cosmetics.

  • Peeling of the skin, presence of acne. Prepare a mixture of 100g honey, 100g almond oil and one gram of salicylic acid. Apply a thin layer to the surface of the skin of the face and hands.
  • Comprehensive acne treatment. Take 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh cucumbers, place them in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. After this, filter the infusion (strain), squeeze out the dense part and dissolve a teaspoon of honey in its liquid mass. After washing, wipe or moisten your face with a cotton swab dipped in the solution, and after drying (after 30-40 minutes), rinse your face with cool water.
  • Acne. Take a tablespoon of sage leaves and place it in an enamel bowl, pour 1-1.5 cups of boiling water and leave with the lid closed for 30-40 minutes; filter the resulting infusion and dissolve a teaspoon of honey in it. The resulting infusion is used as a warm lotion on the skin of the face.
  • Acne. Take a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of calendula (marigold) tincture dissolved in a glass of water. We use it as lotions.
  • For phlegmonous acne. Take raw potatoes, wash them thoroughly, peel them and grate them. To the resulting potato pulp, taken in a volume of ½ cup, add a teaspoon of honey and mix everything well. Apply the resulting mixture to a gauze napkin or a piece of bandage in a continuous layer at least one centimeter thick and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin, securing everything with a bandage and holding it in this position for at least 2 hours (such bandages can be done 3-4 times during the day) .
  • For dry skin and to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Take one raw egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey, mix everything thoroughly. Before the morning toilet, apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face for 10 minutes, then rinse everything off with water.

For the same purpose, mix 100g of honey with the juice of one lemon and apply to the skin of the face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.

It is good to prepare a mixture of vodka and honey (50 ml of vodka per 2 tablespoons of honey) and apply to the skin of the face for 10-12 minutes, then rinse with water.

  • For dry skin. Take 30g of wheat flour, 30g of honey and 30g of water. Mix everything well and apply to the skin of the face (after first washing it and lubricating it with vegetable oil), then cover with a thin layer of cotton wool; After 20 minutes, remove the mask and make 3 hot compresses and wash with warm water.
  • To give freshness to the skin. Prepare a mixture of honey, raw egg yolk and sour cream in a 1:1:1 ratio, apply to the face for 30 minutes, and then rinse with water.
  • To nourish the skin of the face and hands. Apply a mixture of 100g honey, 25g alcohol and 25g water to the washed skin surface for 15-20 minutes, then rinse everything off with warm water.

For the same purpose, it is useful to use a mixture prepared from 90 g of barley flour, 35 g of honey and one yolk of a fresh chicken egg. Apply the mixture to the washed skin surface for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

A mixture prepared from 3 tablespoons of glycerin, ½ glass of water, a teaspoon of ammonia, a teaspoon of honey and borax on the tip of a knife softens the skin of the hands well, eliminates dryness and flaking.

Caution: Before using honey for medicinal/cosmetic purposes, consult your healthcare professional.

The value of honey has been known since ancient times, and today it is only reinforced thanks to numerous studies. The beekeeping product acts as a natural immunostimulant and antidepressant. But honey also has other beneficial qualities. However, in order to fully strengthen the body and not cause harm, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Let's talk about everything in order.

Types of honey and their benefits

There are many varieties of beekeeping products, but we will present the most popular ones. After all, the positive and negative sides may differ slightly; it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the varieties in more detail.

  1. Acacia. Perhaps the most common variety of beekeeping product. It is considered the best variety due to the abundance of beneficial properties and universal taste characteristics. The composition is dominated not by glucose, but by fructose.
  2. Chestnut. This variety is characterized by a slight bitterness, a pleasant aroma of chestnuts, and a darkish tint. People fell in love with it due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics. People with kidney and liver diseases should take this type of honey.
  3. Mint. It has sedative, analgesic, bactericidal, and regenerating properties. Recommended for consumption by categories of people who are faced with a violation of the psycho-emotional environment. If you have insomnia, frequent mood swings, or stress, you need to consume the product regularly. It contains a lot of B vitamins, which tone the nervous system.
  4. Lime. Refers to high quality beekeeping products. It has a pleasant aroma of linden inflorescences and a light yellow tint. It became famous among people of different genders and ages for its immunostimulating properties. Linden blossom honey promotes the removal of phlegm, prevents colds, and has a positive effect on the heart muscle.
  5. Buckwheat. Nectar is collected by working bees from buckwheat; it has a peculiar pleasant aroma and a darkish tint with a red tint. It accumulates a lot of iron, so it is recommended for consumption by girls during menstruation and people experiencing anemia.
  6. Clover. It has a characteristic difference, which lies in the aroma of meadow herbs. Almost colorless, useful for older people. It has an excellent effect on the circulatory system and prevents senile dementia, as well as atherosclerosis and stroke.
  7. Crimson. The most popular variety of beekeeping product, which is suitable for use during the spread of influenza and ARVI epidemics. Experts advise eating honey during frequent travel and business trips to boost immunity during sudden climate changes.
  8. Cell phone. As the name suggests, we are talking about a beekeeping product in honeycombs. They have a good effect on the oral cavity, disinfect, strengthen gums, relieve bleeding, and prevent caries. Suitable for use as chewing gum, removes bad breath.

Composition of honey

Despite all the variety of honey varieties, the chemical list of substances has virtually no differences. The difference lies only in the volume of one or another connection.

Experts have conducted a lot of research, so the composition of the beekeeping product has been studied thoroughly. More than three hundred biologically active substances have been identified in it, which are difficult to list. More than 80% of the volume is allocated to carbohydrates, which are not harmful to health. Saccharides are presented in the form of glucose, fructose, maltose.

The composition also contains many vitamins, among them the precious group B. Thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin and others - all of them are needed to normalize a person’s emotional background.

Honey is not deprived of vitamin H, PP, and ascorbic acid. In combination, these substances support the immune system, free blood channels from cholesterol, and have a positive effect on the brain.

The product contains alkaloid and nitrogenous substances, enzymes, protein compounds, amino acids, aromatic components, hormones, lipids.

Honey also boasts the presence of organic acids and phytoncides. All substances are calculated as a percentage, but the figures vary depending on the territorial location in which the raw materials are collected.

All valuable properties of beekeeping products must be considered from the point of view of what substances are included in the chemical composition. We’ve sorted out the list of compounds, now let’s talk about the beneficial properties of honey:

  • increases the body's protective functions during an epidemic of colds;
  • prevents serious pathological changes in the heart;
  • has a positive effect on the liver and gall bladder by increasing the outflow of bile;
  • has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • successfully replaces sugar and does not damage tooth enamel;
  • used in the treatment of rubella, herpes, and other pathogenic agents;
  • acts as an antioxidant, completely cleanses the body of toxins and salts;
  • forms the child’s nervous system;
  • fights stress and insomnia when combined with milk;
  • used for weight loss because it increases all metabolic processes;
  • stimulates brain neurons, enhancing memory and other important cognitive functions;
  • prevents gastrointestinal diseases;
  • regulates intestinal microflora, enhances its motility;
  • promotes the production of beneficial bacteria in the esophagus;
  • suitable for use by older people, restores strength, does not allow brain cells to be destroyed;
  • concentrates substances that improve thyroid function.

The benefits of honey for women

  1. Based on the above characteristics, it can be understood that honey has a positive effect on the body. For women, it is useful during menstruation because it replenishes iron deficiency, increases hemoglobin, relieves cramps in the lower abdomen, eliminates dizziness and apathy.
  2. Honey is considered an element of youth because it contains many antioxidant substances. With its regular and dosed intake, tissues are restored and facial skin is smoothed.
  3. Buckwheat or linden bee product copes well with nervous tension. Peppermint honey is indicated for use for insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue.
  4. The composition is useful during breastfeeding, because it increases lactation, saturates milk with all useful substances and increases its fat content.
  5. Ladies who are carrying a child need to introduce a beekeeping product into the menu to ensure the correct formation of the fetus in the womb in accordance with the gestational age.

Honey for children

  1. In the absence of contraindications, the bee product will be an excellent and healthy addition to the daily diet. Almost every person knows the beneficial qualities of honey. The composition takes pride of place among medicinal delicacies.
  2. Systematic eating of sweet medicine will protect the child from vitamin deficiency and protect his body from the attack of viral diseases. In addition, regular intake of bee product will have a positive effect on the baby’s mental activity.
  3. Honey is considered an effective preventative against influenza epidemics. The composition quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease. Soon the cough, colds and sore throats disappear. Honey also has a positive effect on the child’s nervous system.
  4. The bee product acts as a natural antidepressant. Such properties are especially important when the child is subjected to heavy mental stress. Also, raw materials eliminate sleep problems and fully strengthen the body.
  5. If the child does not have an allergic reaction to the product, honey will have a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The composition also has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, cartilage and ligaments. Valuable components improve hair structure and skin condition.

  1. The beekeeping product has a tremendous positive effect on the body of the stronger sex. Systematic consumption of the composition in moderate quantities will help charge a man with energy for the whole hard day of work.
  2. The raw material can be eaten on its own or as a snack with tea. Honey will have enormous benefits for the cardiovascular system. Also, raw materials are good at preventing the development of various pathologies. The beekeeping product eliminates hypertension by stabilizing blood pressure.
  3. Systematic intake of the composition will help avoid the formation of various pathologies. Honey also perfectly prevents seasonal vitamin deficiency and colds. The composition significantly increases vitality and improves mood, relieving depression and chronic fatigue.
  4. As a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, honey should be consumed to treat prostatitis, impotence and adenoma. The product contains all the necessary microelements and amino acids to restore the genitourinary function of the stronger sex.
  5. In addition, the composition has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitoxic, choleretic, antiviral and vascular strengthening effects. As for contraindications, only the daily intake of raw materials should be observed. It is also important to consider certain health concerns.

Honey contraindications

  1. It is important to understand that, despite all the benefits, bee products can significantly harm the human body. It is worth noting that honey has a fairly high calorie content. Therefore, raw materials are strictly contraindicated for obese people.
  2. There is no doubt that the product is quite valuable and beneficial for the body, but if you have an allergic reaction, consumption of the composition is strictly prohibited. In addition, raw materials should not be given to small children under 3 years of age. The growing body is simply unable to digest active enzymes.
  3. Don't try to consume more honey than you should. You should not think that such a move will help you recover faster and saturate your body with the necessary substances. Often such actions have the completely opposite effect.
  4. It is important to understand that overeating honey provokes the development of serious problems with the pancreas and kidneys. For a healthy person, the maximum daily intake should not exceed 45 grams. Do not neglect practical recommendations.

Rules for choosing honey

  1. If you are choosing a beekeeping product for the first time, you should pay attention to the shade of the composition, consistency and aroma. It is not recommended to purchase raw materials in a store. It is not always possible to find a completely natural product on supermarket shelves.
  2. Give preference to individuals. Closer to winter, lightly candied honey is often found on sale. This phenomenon is quite normal and indicates the naturalness of the composition. Always taste and smell the honey. Private entrepreneurs provide this opportunity.
  3. Fermented honey often tastes sour and a white foam forms on its surface. Such a product is no longer suitable for consumption and will bring little benefit to humans. Try to find trusted sellers through friends. This would be the most correct move.

Bee products are very popular due to their benefits for humans. In the absence of contraindications, honey can achieve impressive results. Systematic consumption of the product will significantly improve health, eliminate pathologies and have a positive effect on brain activity and the nervous system. Do not overuse the composition.

Video: what will happen to your body if you eat honey every day


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