All GTA 5 characters. Main and secondary characters in Grand Theft Auto V

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GTA 5 characters are one of the main advantages of this game over other competitors in the genre.

Rockstar Games studio has worked out every personality in its masterpiece down to the smallest detail. That is why the history and biography of all the heroes is so rich from a criminal point of view. They are no strangers to social problems, personal preferences and some oddities.

You can learn more about most of the characters from this article.

Central characters

The characters in GTA 5 almost all stand out for their personalities, but it is the main protagonists who are most memorable. Over the course of dozens of hours of playthrough, the player will become so close to them that he will not want to part with them. There are three of them in total and at different moments the user will control them in turn. Michael de Santa is a professional bank robber, but entered the FIB witness protection program during the latest raid (a parody of the FBI). For this he receives a luxurious mansion, where he moves with his family. Soon he begins to have big problems due to lack of funds. The wife is used to living large, but the debts are only increasing. That is why Michael decides to return to the criminal world again.

Michael De Santa, Trevor Phillips and Franklin Clinton

Franklin Clinton is an African American who decided to build his career in an illegal business. He worked as an ordinary props operator for the owner of a car dealership and was involved in thefts. In GTA 5, Franklin meets Michael, after which he quits his previous job. The guy always wanted to go on a big deal, and with a new acquaintance such an opportunity arose. In GTA 5, Trevor Phillips is the most unusual protagonist. He is a former military pilot and has mental health problems. For some time the man was engaged in bank robberies with Michael. At the start of the adventure, he lives in a trailer in the desert and is the founder of Trevor Philips Enterprises. The organization is involved in the illegal sale of drugs and weapons.

Plot component

To better understand how the central characters of GTA 5 met, you should know the plot component. In 2004, during a raid on a bank in Ludendorff, Michael, Trevor and another partner get into an accident.

FIB Agent Dave Norton

FIB agent Dave Norton uses a shot to fake the death of Michael, who entered the witness protection program. Other robbers flee the crime scene. In GTA 5, Michael changes his last name from Townley to de Santa and moves into a mansion.

He meets Franklin when he, on the order of his employer Simon Yetaryan, was supposed to steal Jimmy de Santa's car. Michael was in the back seat with a gun. The trip to Simon ended with the beating of the owner of the car dealership. Trevor soon joins the company and has a lot of problems because of the company he founded.

Owner of a car shop selling cars in installments

Three partners formulate a daring plan to rob the richest corporations in Los Santos. This case will allow you to accumulate so much money that you can forget about crime. This is where an incredible adventure begins.

In the spotlight

In addition to the main characters, there are characters in GTA 5 who are also often encountered in the plot. These central personalities are carefully worked out by the developers, which arouses the interest of players. The first of these is Lester Crest, who is friends with Michael and Franklin.

Close friend of Michael and Franklin

This man is well versed in planning robberies, doing reconnaissance and collecting information. He is an ally of the main characters, which he repeatedly proves throughout the plot. Dave Norton will appear only in the prologue, where he fakes Michael's death and also communicates with Trevor under an assumed name. A number of missions for the main characters will be associated with Steve Haynes. Getting to know this person will initially inspire respect. A principled cop with FIB is only there for show.

In reality, Steve is completely corrupt, and his only desire is to break the resistance to the SDG (a parody of the CIA). The characters of GTA 5 are interesting primarily for their diversity. For example, Lamar Davis has an explosive temper and often resembles a madman. This is especially evident against the background of his partner Franklin.

Big opponent of the SDG (parody of the CIA) and one of the minor characters

In the story, players will meet Devin Weston, who will become the employer of the main characters for some time. The billionaire gets to know them with the help of Haynes. He earns huge sums of money through dishonest means, but is distinguished by his greed.

Major minor personalities

In GTA 5, characters can evoke a wide variety of emotions, as seen in the example of Michael's children. A son named Jimmy constantly comes into confrontation with his father, and does not even have the slightest desire to work on his own. His only hobby is smoking. Tracy's daughter argues more with her mother because she doesn't love the girl's boyfriend.

Jimmy and Tracy De Santa

Her relationship with her father is also not ideal, but Tracy is tolerant of him. Amanda de Santa was once in love with Mike, but over time the feelings disappeared. Amidst many conflicts, she found solace in money and began spending in large quantities. GTA 5 characters are almost always associated with crime. Harold "Stretch" Joseph is an acquaintance of Lamar's, hates Franklin, and serves as an antagonist.

Michael De Santa's wife

Wei Chen will also confront the main characters, even going into open confrontation with Trevor. He leads the triad in Los Santos, and therefore has some power. Among all the secondary characters, Ronald Jackowski deserves close attention. This guy is always talking about worldwide conspiracy theories on his show on Blaine County Talk Radio. Martin Madrazo hides drug trafficking under the guise of a legal business.

Leader of the Triad in Los Santos

He himself will never admit it, but Madrazo Cartel is his gang. In the story, players will also meet Solomon Richards and Molly Schultz. The first is a producer and will ask Michael for help with the filming of a new film. Molly is Weston's chief lawyer, who has been overseeing the affairs of the main characters for some time.

Guys from the category “Strangers and Weirdos”

Interesting GTA 5 characters are also found in additional tasks. These missions are optional, but also varied thanks to unusual personalities and their stories. Not all of them are worthy of attention, but the most extravagant people should definitely be mentioned.

Fighter for the legalization of marijuana

The list opens with Barry, who is leading the fight for the legalization of marijuana. He calls all his opponents idiots, and he himself grows excellent goods. Beverly Felton is a paparazzi by profession who hunts celebrities. He hates them and loves them at the same time, which is evident in his manner of communication.

Beverly Felton

House Beasley is incredibly selfish by nature, and if he is defeated, he shows his true nature. The guy is only interested in extreme entertainment and working as a broker.

Epsilon Cult Leader

According to the tasks from the “Epsilon Program” cycle, players will meet Chris Formage, a leader who used his followers for the purpose of material enrichment.

These guys protect the borders from the penetration of citizens from other countries

The last interesting characters are the illegal immigrant hunters Joe and Joseph. These guys protect the borders from the penetration of citizens of other countries.

These characters play major roles in the storyline of GTA Online.

GTA Online Protagonist - Player Character

GTA Online Protagonist(eng. GTA Online Protagonist) - this character is created by the player himself when starting his career in Grand Theft Auto Online. The player will have to give the Protagonist a name, choose his age from 21 to 45 years, gender, parents who influence the character’s external characteristics, and also customize his characteristics - lifestyle.
You can learn more about the various character settings and parameters in the article "GTA Online Character Creation".

Trevor Phillips

Trevor Philips is the main character of GTA Online and one of the three protagonists of GTA 5.
Trevor lives with his "homies": hippie drug addict Wade and paranoid friend Ron in Sandy Shores. Since he squandered all his money, he was forced to return to the game in part 5. He also wages a fierce fight with the Lost biker gang, who are the central group of The Lost and Damned, who also returned in part 5 of the game.

Read more about the character Trevor Phillips, his biography, skills and relationships with other characters on the page "".

Leicester Crest

Lester Crest is also the main character of Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
Old friend of Michael De Santa. He leads the robberies, drawing up plans and scouting the situation, which are carried out by Michael, Franklin and Trevor. In addition, he orders people for Franklin to kill. Lester is also a career criminal.

Read a detailed description about Leicester Crest on the page "".

Claude is the main character of the 3rd part of GTA. Before the release of GTA San Andreas, he was not referred to by name in the game's story. In GTA SA he appeared in a cameo role. To this day, the character remains nameless.

Simon Yetaryan

Simon Yetarian (English: Simeon Yetarian, Armenian: Սիմյոն Եթարյան) is an auxiliary character in the game Grand Theft Auto 5 and GTA Online. In the story, he is a car dealer who sells cars to people who can't afford them, and then repossesses them through shady financing schemes and other dishonest methods.

Full description and biography of the character on the page "".

Nikki (eng. Nikki) - in the game she is a stripper at the Vanilla Unicorn nightclub in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. She is one of four strippers available for hire who will leave her phone number after the night.

Martin Madrazo

Martin Madrazo is a supporting character in GTA 5 and GTA Online. He is also the leader of the most ruthless Mexican drug cartel in Los Santos. He was subjected to trials, but was never punished due to the disappearance of witnesses.

Ron Jackowski

Ronald "Ron" Jackowski(English: Ron Jakowski) - is one of the main characters in GTA V and GTAO. Trevor's best friend, lives with him in Sandy Shores. Paranoid. Just like Trevor, he hates the Lost gang.

Paige Harris

Paige Harris is a minor character in GTA Online and GTA 5. The player can hire Paige as a hacker to help with . When hiring her, the player agrees to give her 15% of the proceeds.

Chris Formage

Cris Formage is the founder and leader of the Epsilon cult. In GTA Online, after the very first death, the player goes to heaven and there he meets Chris, who talks about a passive mode that helps defend against aggressive players. After the conversation, the player “comes to life.” Thanks to this, you might think that it was the cult that resurrected the protagonist.

Gustavo Mota

Gustavo "Gus" Mota(eng. Gustavo Mota) - is a member of a gang of robbers in Grand Theft Auto V and a minor character in Grand Theft Auto Online. Gustavo Mota is a Latin American professional shooter who previously worked with the large Vagos gang. Gustavo is an expert in the use and selection of weapons, making him one of the best marksmen in the game, but has a share of 14%, the highest for marksmen.

Chastity is one of the many strippers in the game, working at the Vanilla Unicorn Club in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. Chastity has short black hair and stickers on her lips. During GTA V, the player can dance with Chastity, but once her crush meter is completely filled, it will no longer be possible to invite a stripper home. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she does not like to sleep with just anyone. However, in GTA Online, after filling the indicator, the stripper can be invited home by phone, after which she will come and dance a striptease for free.

Agent 14 is also one of the main characters of Grand Theft Auto Online, first added with the Heists add-on. The main activity of the hero is robbery and drug trafficking.

A mechanic is a character who acts as an assistant in the game GTA Online. The Mechanic repairs the Player Protagonist's vehicle and provides him with transportation if necessary. A mechanic is hired by the player after purchasing their first garage or apartment. The goal of the mechanic is to repair any vehicle that the online character brings. The player can call a mechanic and he will bring the selected car from his garage to the character's location, but as long as the player is near the road. The mechanic must receive $50 per day or else he will suspend his services.
After the update on February 13, 2014, the mechanic no longer delivers vehicles. Instead, the selected car will appear near the player.

Maxim Rashkovsky

Maxim Rashkovsky- Professor, is a minor character in the game Grand Theft Auto Online, who was added in the DLC "Heists". According to the plot of the game, in 2013, Rashkovsky was arrested and sent to Bolingbroke prison, being accused of espionage. Agent 14 claims that he committed a crime and is a traitor, but they still need him for future work.

All GTA 5 characters, their stories and features...

Main characters

Michael De Santa

In the past, he was a professional bank robber, now he is a wealthy family man living under the witness protection program. For Michael, the measured life of a typical white American is incomparable to the excitement of past adventures, despite gifts from the government in the form of a luxurious mansion, expensive cars and a fashionable wardrobe. And now we have to solve different problems - an unfaithful wife, a slacker son, a wandering daughter. But sooner or later his criminal past will make itself known, which will force Michael, according to the behests of the heroes of his favorite action films, to take up arms again, and at the same time return to his favorite business.

Franklin Clinton

Franklin, like any person from the ghetto, is obsessed with only one dream - to become a respected person in the criminal world. At the same time, Franklin will not hesitate to help his brothers who never left their shabby areas. All in gold chains and on a sports bike, the hero, although without much enthusiasm, will definitely rush to the dingy warehouse to shoot with the local gopniks, saving his ungrateful friend.

Trevor Phillips

Crazy, eccentric, daring and incredibly charismatic - this is Trevor Phillips, Michael's former accomplice and old best friend. Alien to any norms of human morality, the hero will delight throughout the entire game with his crazy antics, instilling horror in even the most seasoned thugs of Los Santos. Snatching a hot dog from a passerby, waking up in the middle of the desert in a pink dress, throwing a man off a busy bridge - these are quite ordinary stories from Trevor’s life. Considering such an impressive set of not the best qualities, the devotion of the crazy redneck to his friends is surprising. The hero took the “death” of his comrade so hard that in memory of him he got a tattoo, which cannot be removed in the game.

Key characters

Leicester Crest

Lester, like Trevor, is an old friend of Michael and his accomplice in robberies. The brain of all operations. For all his unprepossessing appearance, he is a very smart, cunning and very cruel person. In his free time from robberies, he prefers to engage in fraud on the stock exchange, eliminating the most dangerous competitors.

Lamar Davis

Franklin's old friend and his headache. Wanting to become a tough gangster, Lamar, with his characteristic indifference and stupidity, gets into trouble in every possible way. Ridiculous ostentation and vulgar humor often lead to funny and rather cute skirmishes between him and Franklin.

Dave Norton

An FBI agent (the game's analogue of the FBI), who managed to nab the elusive Michael Townley (the main character's last name before the program), subsequently becoming his curator and even his friend. Yet close ties to such notorious criminals and corruption among his superiors forced Norton to ultimately sell out.

Stephen Haynes

A corrupt FBI agent to the core, trying with all his might to break the TsUR (analogue of the CIA), actively involving the trio of heroes in this through agent Norton. Haynes is famous throughout Los Santos for his TV show The Underbelly of Paradise, where he talks about the crime-ridden areas of the city.

Devin Weston

An influential billionaire investor who naively believes that his fabulous wealth will make him almost immortal. By refusing to give our heroes the check they deserve, he will feel the consequences of his error with all his soul and body.

Martin Madrazo

The head of a criminal cartel, carefully posing as an honest businessman. It is Madrazo who forces Michael to take up robberies again. He is a very cruel and cynical person, but when meeting more formidable people, he sharply lowers the level of his heart rate.

Amanda De Santa

Michael's wife. Amanda's youth was not very rosy: her work as a stripper and a dirty trailer as a place to live are direct evidence of this. Therefore, it is not surprising that fat gifts from the Federal Reserve Bank greatly turned her head. Raising children gave way to endless shopping, and tennis and yoga instructors took over to satisfy women's needs.

Tracy De Santa

Michael's daughter, Tracy, like any young girl, dreams of becoming famous. Not wanting to put much effort into this, she decides to choose the easiest way to get on the screens - to flaunt her charms with all her might. This approach does not find understanding in the family. Tracy herself does not recognize her mother, she fights dirty with her brother, and for her her father appears to be a destroyer of dreams. It is especially surprising that the glamorous girl recognizes only one person as her real dad - the dirty collective farmer Trevor, who, as it turned out, nursed her from the cradle.

Jimmy De Santa

Michael's son. A notorious slacker and the main generator of problems in the family. His short-sightedness and connections with antisocial personalities often lead to fire hazards. In the intervals between selling his father's yachts, the guy prefers to relax at home with video games and marijuana, which irritates Michael even more.

Ron Jackowski

Ron, a paranoid conspiracy theorist, is the CEO of the defunct drug trafficking and smuggling company Trevor Philips Enterprises and host of the Blaine County Radio Community Hour.

Wade Ebert

"Errand boy" for Trevor.

Brad Snyder

Fourth member of Michael's old gang. After the raid in North Yankton, his further fate is one of the key intrigues of the entire game.

Other story characters

Simon Yetaryan

Simon, Franklin and Lamar's former employer of Armenian descent, works for a car dealership where he prefers to increase sales through scams. The scheme is simple: drive a car at huge interest rates, and then steal it. The plan was carried out quite successfully until such machinations affected Michael.

Isaiah Friedlander

Michael's therapist. His motto: “Minimum help with a geometrically growing check.” Subsequently, he decides to create his own television show, in which he plans to use Michael's story as an example. Michael didn't appreciate the idea.


Stretch was the first to achieve some success in the criminal world among his friends Franklin and Lamar, but he was also the first to go to jail. Returning after serving time, he again began to pretend to be the king of the streets, which caused obvious discontent in Franklin, which after a while grew into outright enmity.

Solomon Richards

A prominent film producer who appointed Michael (as it turned out, a big fan of his) to the position of executive producer of his new film "Catastrophe".

Wei Cheng

Wei Chen is Trevor's potential partner in criminal matters, who ultimately chose another organization. Such a decision was not understood by the reckless redneck, which led to a significant erosion of the power of the triads in the district.

Tao Chen

Tao is Wei's son, taking an active part in his father's affairs. It was he who conducted the key negotiations with Trevor, which, due to the insanity of both, failed miserably.

Molly Schultz

Molly Schultz is the senior vice president of Devin Weston's company, for whom she has completely non-business feelings. It becomes the main source of threat to the film with Michael’s debut film, which he simply could not leave behind.

Ferdinand Kerimov

Ferdinand unwittingly found himself drawn into the showdown between the Federal Reserve Bank and the SDGs. Accused of collaborating with terrorists, the hero survived the most terrible torture inflicted by Trevor.

Patricia Madrazo

Martin Madrazo unleashed the wrath caused by his harsh temper not only on his enemies, but also on close people, like his wife Patricia. Not wanting to tolerate such an attitude with the ladies, Trevor clearly showed how to behave in the future. All this looks especially funny considering that at first he brazenly kidnapped Martin's wife. Stockholm syndrome at its finest.

Kyle Chavis

Tennis instructor and lover of Michael's wife.

Denise Clinton

Franklin's aunt. Active feminist and subject of Lamar's twisted thoughts.

Tanisha Jackson

Franklin's ex-girlfriend, who raises only one question in my head: “How did he even get along with her?”

Fabien Larouche

A famous yoga instructor in Los Santos, who managed to beat off Michael’s wife, greatly disgracing him. Serious mistake.

Floyd Gebert

Wade's cousin, who "kindly" gave Trevor his bossy girlfriend's apartment as a temporary place to live. This division of space did not end in the best way.

Franklin's dog. Very indiscriminate in choosing sexual partners.

Elwood O'Neal

The leader of the group, the O'Neill Brothers, with whom Wei Chen entered into an agreement after failed negotiations with Trevor. The guys were the first to feel all of Phillips's indignation.



Eddie Thaw- the driver with the highest performance.

Taliana Martinez- the best choice in the price/quality category.

Karim Denz- an average driver with bad taste in choosing transport


Gustavo Mota- one of the best shooters.

Chief- Trevor’s partner and a true virtuoso of his craft.

Hugh Welsh- a shooter with fairly average skills.

Carl Abolaji- another average specialist.

Norm Richards- a blockhead, the benefits of which are extremely doubtful.

Daryl Jones- the worst of the worst.


Paige Harris- the best in its field.

Christian Feltz- a very tolerable burglar.

Ricky Lukens- the most incompetent hacker and annoying charlatan.

Freaks and Strangers

Tonya Wiggins

Franklin's childhood friend who never escaped the ghetto. As a result, she turned into a neglected drug addict. Together with her boyfriend, Tonya is engaged in the towing of fined cars, in which Franklin, in fact, will actively help her.

Maude Eccles

Despite his size and advanced age, Maud is a seasoned bounty hunter. And yet, sooner or later, the moment comes when it’s time to drop everything and start quietly and peacefully drinking tea, sitting on the porch. Therefore, the capture of four escaped prisoners, in which Trevor will be directly involved, becomes her last dusty job.

Mrs Phillips

Trevor's mother is the only person who can cause genuine fear and panic in him. Her mysterious appearance and equally mysterious disappearance makes one wonder if she really exists.

Nigel and Mrs Thornhill

A funny couple of elderly English tourists eager to bring home souvenirs from sunny Los Santos. In their opinion, personal belongings of local celebrities are best suited, and even better - the celebrity herself.


An agitator fighting for the legalization of weed. Each of the main characters will take part in his campaign and each will receive a personal visit (well, almost).

Mary Anne Quinn

Although the rude young lady is at a fairly mature age, she can give any man a head start in sports disciplines. The three heroes just have to figure out which of them urgently needs to sign up for classes at the fitness center.

Beverly Felton

Professional photographer photographing Los Santos celebrities. Having broken all conceivable and inconceivable rules, he and Franklin become a witness to a truly hot sensation.

Dominic Beasley

Dom is an avid skydiver and thrill-seeker who, over time, has lost all ability to distinguish between courage and recklessness.

Josh Bernstein

In order to improve the shaky real estate business, Josh, like other “businessmen” of Los Santos, decides to resort to dishonest methods. No matter who is who, Trevor will cope well with the task of harming his competitors. Even more.


A crazy hippie who believes in the existence of aliens. Using Fracklin's services, Omega rebuilds the alien ship from debris collected throughout the area.

Joe and Joseph

Two energetic border guards are busy day and night exclusively with one thing - catching illegal emigrants. And while the first one will explain to Trevor the subtleties and nuances of this difficult work, the other one will greatly amuse the Russian-speaking players at this time.

Abigail Mathers

Saddened by the loss of her husband, Abigail kindly asks Michael to collect submarine parts from the ocean floor to obtain insurance for the death of her husband. Soon the hero begins to suspect that the lady is clearly saying less than she actually knows.

Peter Dreyfus

A former film director who sincerely believes that in the name of art it is necessary to make various sacrifices. But he clearly did not intend to sacrifice himself.

Cletus Ewing

Cletus will explain as quickly and clearly as possible how to hunt wild animals.

The organizer of countless street races and an extremely dangerous opponent on the track.

Bigfoot Hunter

What else can I add?

Last of its kind

The same snowman who was so desperately pursued by a strange hunter. These guys clearly deserve each other.

Characters from past games

Johnny Klebitz

Johnny was the main character of the story addon The Lost and Damned for GTA 4. The leader of the most dangerous gang of bikers in Liberty City, he went through fire and water, pulverizing his competitors and cooling the unrest among his brothers. However, even such experience did not help Johnny withstand a head-on collision with Trevor. As, indeed, to all the other members of The Lost and Damned group (including the familiar Terry Thorpe), who decided to organize their business on the territory of Phillips.

Patrick McReary

Another key character of GTA 4, who appeared in the fifth part. You may not even guess about his existence in the game, because the hero appears after a random event, and even then as a mercenary. If for some reason you once felt outright hostility towards your best friend Niko, then there is an opportunity to deal with him by handing him over to be torn to pieces by the altruists.


And again the hero from the previous part of the series. This time, the first girl, Niko, dropped by the light, who, as we remember, turned out to be an agent of the government organization IAA. In GTA 5, you can see that the lady not only continued to master this profession, but also succeeded quite well in it. Karen is not the only IAA representative in the game familiar to players: we will also see her boss, a man from United Liberty Paper, again.

Lazlo Jones

Lazlo is one of the few characters who wandered from part to part. His debut took place in GTA 3 and since then he has been a regular in the series, but only in the fifth part was Lazlo given the opportunity to play, as they say, a face. Before this, the hero was just a voice sounding from the radio speakers. Here he is presented as the TV presenter of the popular TV show “Shame or Glory,” in which Tracy took part. Having greatly angered Michael with his wild antics, Lazlo not entirely voluntarily took a body modification course at a local tattoo parlor.

Rocco Pelosi

Having begun to terrorize Tony and Louis, the heroes of the addon The Ballad of Gay Tony, in Liberty City, Rocco continued to harass decent people in Los Santos. Solomon Richards fell under the distribution there. He's very lucky that Michael De Santa doesn't seem like the type of person who would tolerate bullying of his idol.

Marnie Allen

In GTA 5, Marnie plays the same role as in the fourth part - a random character. Apparently, Niko’s moral teachings helped the girl give up drugs, which, in fact, led her to the Epsilon cult.

Ashley Butler

Ashley is the reason Trevor and Johnny got together like stray dogs. A heroine with both a sad and funny fate.

There will definitely be a lot of interesting characters in GTA 5. It is known that the game will have three main characters. This is the first time this has happened in the GTA series. In addition to the protagonists, the game will have many different characters (and even animals) with which the player can interact. Let's look at them in order.

Main characters (Michael, Trevor, Franklin)

From left to right - Trevor, Franklin, Michael

This cheerful trio is what players will have to control in GTA 5. Each of them is interesting and unique in their own way. Can you now imagine what happens when they all get together?

Michael - the guy from the first trailer

Michael is a former criminal. After watching the first trailer, everyone thought it was quite old. But he is only about forty years old. He lives in the prestigious Rockford Hills area of ​​Los Santos under the FBI witness protection program. He has a strained relationship with his wife Amanda. Has two children from her - Tracy and Jimi. He is damn tired of the fuss at home and the damned wife, who constantly squanders all his savings, so Michael decides to return to the “business”, because there are no ex-criminals, right? Trevor is his good friend.

It is very likely that Michael was voiced by little-known actor Ned Luke, and during casting the character's name was Albert De Silva.

Trevor Phillips

Trevor is an experienced criminal. He is about forty years old and lives in the desert region of Blaine County. Trevor hasn't always been a criminal - he's a former military pilot turned drug addict and slightly crazed burglar who lives in a trailer in the desert. Trevor is friends with Michael, because they used to rob banks together.

Trevor probably went to the casting under the code name Simon.

Franklin - the guy in the red car

Franklin is twenty-something years old and lives in the south of Los Santos. When someone can't pay for a loaned car, Franklin steps in. He extracts money from debtors and makes good money from it. Sometimes he meets with his black friends, but only after meeting Michael was he able to look at life from the other side.

Other characters


Amanda is Michael's runaway wife and mother of his two children, Tracy and Jimi. She loves to nag her hubby and throw away his money. Amanda is about forty and lives with Michael in the prestigious Rockford Hills area of ​​Los Santos.


Tracy is the daughter of Michael and Amanda. She is still a teenager and is studying. She loves everything that girls her age love. But her tattoo right above the soft spot on her back speaks of a wild lifestyle.


Jimmy is the son of Michael and Amanda, and brother of Tracy. Just an ordinary idiot. He smokes dope and does nothing else. Dreams of becoming a real gangster.

Jimmy may have gone by the code name Kevin De Silva during casting.


Ron is Trevor's paranoid neighbor. He is about fifty years old and a lover of conspiracy theories.

This character may have gone by the code name Nervous Jerry during the casting for GTA 5.

Franklin's Girl

A dark-skinned girl, she looks to be about twenty years old. Most likely, this is Franklin's girlfriend. Franklin loves cars, but she doesn't approve of this love.

Dog Chop

Chop is a Rottweiler and, at the same time, Franklin's best and most devoted friend. Perhaps players will even be given command of Chop during missions.


Lamar is about twenty years old and is a friend of Franklin. He's going a little crazy, but it's still fixable.


This woman could be seen in the Franklin trailer. Perhaps this is some relative of Lamar.

Amanda's Lover

This guy in leopard print jumps off the balcony after Michael and Franklin catch him alone with Amanda.

Juggalo fan

This Juggalo fan was seen in the Trevor trailer. We have already seen him from behind in the second GTA 5 trailer. It is not known who he is, but at the end of the trailer his hand reached for a kitchen knife.


This man gets hit in the head with Trevor's baseball bat. Wears a Lost MC jacket. Possibly a member of a Los Santos biker gang.

Chris Formage

Perhaps this is Epsilon Program cult leader Chris Formage.


Maybe this guy's name is Lloyd. He is about 30 years old, quite poor and lives in Blaine County near Trevor.


This stern-faced girl detains Tracy in one of the GTA 5 pieces of art. Her name can be read on her chest badge.

Girl in swimsuit

An unnamed girl in a bikini shows off her iFruit. Unfortunately, we still don't know her name.

Mysterious guy

This strange, serious guy appeared in the second GTA 5 trailer.


This driver appeared twice in the second GTA 5 trailer, each time in the same car. For some reason he wears a life jacket.

Man in a blue car

A couple of shots from the first trailer show this guy. In one shot, he and the others are robbing a jewelry store, in another, he is driving a blue car with an open top. He looks 40-50 years old. It is likely that this is an early version of Michael.

It is also possible that it is not Michael, but Jeffrey. The casting information says that Jeffrey is a tall and slightly crazy guy with an athletic build.

Characters from other GTA

The Game Informer article confirms that some heroes from GTA 4 will return to GTA 5, but it does not say which ones. It is known for sure that Niko and characters from the PS2 era will not be in the game.

Other GTA 5 characters

On the Internet you can find information about the casting of voice actors for GTA 5. The personalities of some heroes are described there, but their real names are replaced with code names. The exception is James Pedeaston, who hosted the show The Wild Traveler on WCTR radio in GTA San Andreas. It is possible that the casting characters will appear only as passersby, others we will be able to hear on the radio, and others will have to be dealt with during the course of the plot.

Most Likely Characters

Matthew is an 18-25 year old guy from the USA, a liberal, who believes that the Republicans are conspiring to destroy America.

Jose is a 30-40 year old man from the USA, a slightly shifted character who opposes technological progress.

James Pedeaston is a 40-45 year old boy lover who has just been released from an Indonesian prison.

Samantha is a 20-25 year old girl from the USA who is obsessed with sex parties and dreams of becoming a Hollywood star.

Anthony is a 10-15 year old teenager from the USA who speaks faster than he thinks and advocates for the rights of teenagers to drink and have sex.

Likely characters

Once upon a time, Take-Two held a casting for a certain game RUSH. This may have been a codename for GTA 5, and the characters mentioned will appear in the games.

Mitch Hayes is a 38-year-old witty, nerdy and successful FBI agent. Is in excellent shape. He does triathlons, drinks low-calorie beer, and still manages to maintain a sense of humor.

Miguel Gonzalez is a 25-year-old FBI agent with Mexican roots.

Clyde is a 23-year-old goofy country boy who is quite naive.

Brother Adam is a 50-year-old Welsh monk, yoga teacher and cult leader. Very compliant and loves to explore a person's personal qualities through a long massage. Speaks with a Welsh accent.

Mrs. Avery is a 48-year-old nervous American mom who takes care of her children and does her homework, smells of medicine, and is angry with her neighbor Mrs. Bell.

Mrs Bell is a 45 year old divorced swing lover from California. Scary, but nevertheless pleased with herself.

Eddie is a 47-year-old marijuana lover. He started smoking at the age of 30, and now actively defends the fantastic properties of marijuana.

Ira Bernstein is a 56-year-old publicist who writes about an actress who is known as an American sweetheart who loves drugs, sex and the homeless. She always tries to “hush up” her problems in life.

Kevin De Silva is Albert's 18 year old fat son. Shooter fan, smokes weed. The character is soft, but self-confident. Likes to shout racist phrases when playing on the Internet.

Harut Vartanyan is a 42-52 year old dealer who sells cars on credit. He has good connections in the criminal world, but avoids people, so no one likes him.

Nervous Jerry is a paranoid 48-year-old who constantly hangs around Simon and worries about his friend.

Kevin Noth (Calvin North) is a 55-year-old FBI agent who does nothing but dispense useful advice on TV. Poorly dressed. Divorced. Well-fed.

Jerry Cole is a 53-year-old IT expert, disabled criminal informant.

Rich Roberts is a 35-year-old would-be actor who simply cannot read his lines quietly.

Alex is a 52-year-old rich hipster who is going crazy, but he is trying in every possible way to put it in its place.

Scarlet is a 45-52 year old unshaven spiritualist and hippie who loves wildlife and travel.

Chad is a 29-year-old misogynist and party animal from Beverly Hills. He makes money, but he's not as cool as he thinks.

Tae Wong is a 39-year-old Chinese bandit who loves to eat ecstasy and talk nonsense.

Translator Taes Translator is a 45-year-old would-be translator who translates everything word for word and is afraid of his boss' dad.

A few more characters

These names also appeared on one of the lists. Two heroes already known to us and the very familiar surname McRery are mentioned here.

Jane Bell is a 45-50 year old woman from the USA. Not beautiful, lives alone. Carefree and talkative.

Jeffrey is a 38-45 year old man from the USA with Irish roots. Tall, athletic build. He loses his money in casinos and recently started working with his half-brother. Lunatic.

William is a 35-40 year old man from the USA, Jeffrey's half-brother. Talkative. Owns a restaurant in Beverly Hills.

Eddie McReary is a 35-40 year old US resident with Irish roots. Lives with a cousin. Smokes weed and loves to party.

Marco is a 25-28 year old US FBI agent with a strong sense of humor. Likes to hang out with friends.


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