It's all about how to become modest. How to be modest? Two types of influential forces

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There are times when we want to act calm and modest. Perhaps you just don’t want to attract attention to yourself because you haven’t finished your work, perhaps you don’t really want to communicate with others. By dressing more conservatively and working on your behavior, you can create the impression of a modest person who should not be given too much attention right now.


Part 1

Dress conservatively

    Wear discreet clothes. One of the first things that catches your eye when you meet someone is clothing. Try to wear simple, one-color, non-tight clothes. This way, you will create the impression of yourself as a modest, simple person who does not want to reveal too much about himself.

    Don't get carried away with accessories. Just as wearing simple clothes will create the impression of a humble common man, minimal accessories will complete the look. From shoes to jewelry, choose not very flashy, modest accessories to complement your outfit.

    Wear natural, light makeup and a natural hairstyle. Overly complicated hairstyles and flashy bright makeup will automatically become a signal that you want to attract attention. Stick to simple hairstyles and try not to wear too much makeup, so that the makeup is not flashy, but emphasizes your natural beauty.

    Part 2

    Watch your behavior
    1. Talk less, talk slowly and quietly. It is believed that a quiet voice and isolation indicate that a person is modest and shy. If you speak slowly and little, and your voice is soft and calm, you will effortlessly come across as a modest person.

      Avoid eye contact. When talking to a person, often look at the floor or to the sides and blink a lot. This will show the other person that you are shy and uncomfortable.

      Use body language that is typical of shy people. Certain postures and gestures can hint to others that you are shy. As mentioned, try to avoid eye contact. In addition, use the following tricks that create the impression of a modest, shy person. So here are some examples of gestures and postures to use:

      Try to always be in the background. If you are in class, at work, or at an event, try to be in the background or in the corner. This way, all attention will be switched to others, and it will be more difficult to start communicating with you.

      • Sit in the back rows during work meetings and classes. If desks or tables are arranged in a circle in a room, try to sit as far as possible from the teacher or person conducting the event. You can arrive a little earlier and take a place in the corner.
      • Stand or sit as far away from the event organizer as possible. Most people want to chat with him, so if you sit further away, the likelihood of people chatting with you drops dramatically.
    2. Stay away if people are working in a group or starting a new business. Shy people tend to avoid social events and situations where new things are happening. Try to participate in general entertainment as little as possible and avoid activities that are new to you.

      Let others take the lead. It is usually easier for more open people to organize events and activities. So give others the opportunity to become project and party organizers. Plus, it will help you stay in the background and appear more shy.

      • Don't become a volunteer. Let others give you something to do. You can blush or look embarrassed if you want to appear even more shy.
      • In a casual conversation, mention your idea and have someone else implement it. Offer your help if you want.

    Part 3

    Be modest in conversation
    1. Let the other person start the conversation. When communicating with someone, let him lead the conversation. This will give the impression that you are shy and will help you appear mysterious and unattainable.

      Answer with gestures. Answer your interlocutor with your eyes, smile, and turn your head. This will make you seem more mysterious and sweet.

    2. Protect your personal space. There should be a small distance between you and your interlocutor, so you will seem more shy. Do not stand too far from the interlocutor, the distance should be sufficient so that you can carry on the conversation and show interest.

      • Sit next to the interlocutor, place your hand on the table as close to the interlocutor’s hand as possible. This is a sign that you would like to touch him during a conversation, but are too shy to make the first move.
      • Instead of answering a question, touch the other person. The touch should be quick and superficial. If you want, accompany the touch with a glance or a short phrase.
    • Change shouldn't be too fast. If you act loud and provocative today and suddenly become shy and modest tomorrow, people will think that you are faking it.
    • Don't talk too much about yourself, but don't shut yourself off completely.
    • Don't try to pretend around your friends. If they know who you really are, they will think that something is wrong and will definitely ask you about it.
    • Don't force yourself to change and become shy if you're not actually that kind of person. Work on this image gradually to make it easier to get used to.


    • Remember to be friendly and not hurt anyone's feelings when you act modest and shy.
    • If you pretend and try to appear to be someone else, people will think you are lying to them. This may result in you having no friends left.

How to become modest?

    Most of all, modesty accompanies tact!) Well, then - try to maintain distance, and in this process a semblance of contact will certainly arise!) And how to become modest? It’s as simple as shelling pears - try to respect the person whose favor you need to gain!!!)))

    I have always liked modesty in people. Not false - real. I am very impressed by them.)) A modest person, in my opinion, is very intelligent, he will never be rude in response to a boor, he will not impose his society, and he is unlikely to engage in idle talk. How to become modest? You just need to turn on your brain, think before saying something, don’t quarrel with anyone, speak little, but say well.))) In general, we need to take an example from Cinderella. She was a real prude.))

    It depends what you mean by modesty?

    How does it actually mean to you to be modest?

    I hope that there is no such concept as shyness and other feelings of inconvenience when communicating with people; for me, modesty is at least a manifestation of respect, etiquette in the behavior of a certain individual in society, i.e. not to be arrogant, not to stand out from the crowd with your indecent antics, not to show interest in fetishism, to pacify your desires and demands, to eat, to dress, and in general to live not on a grand scale, but to be content with what you have, not to look for any ideals and especially not to be equal to them, to be yourself...

    This is basically how I imagine modesty...

    Remember the good old saying about the clothes used to meet people. So this comes first and then habits and manners. Of course, your vocabulary and manners of speaking with people play a big role. Respect your interlocutor (no matter how asshole he is)

    The wiser a person is, the more modest he is. Just stop proving and showing people how beautiful, good, generous you are, and so on. How to say... to be self-sufficient, but at the same time quiet. Answer when asked. Cultivate a sense of tact in yourself.

    Weigh your pride.

    Modesty in my concept is education and tact, watch etiquette lessons, try to improve your gait and posture. Try to keep yourself at a certain level, at first of course you will play, but over time you will get used to it. Behavior corrects consciousness.

    Firstly, what is modesty? Modesty is understanding your limits. This quality is especially appreciated in girls. A modest girl does not disrespect the point of view of others, and takes into account their opinions; She does not humiliate others with her behavior, as if she were the navel of the universe and everyone should bow before her. A modest girl understands that there are things that others do better than her and respects others for this. Men themselves have a protective instinct, which is why guys like modest girls (of course, there are different preferences). Modesty has nothing to do with impersonality. People who do not have their own opinions are not true modesty. A humble person is gentle with others, but has strong principles within himself. He will never compromise his true values. So, having understood what modesty is, you can begin to make changes.

    1. You need to change from within. It is impossible to learn modesty, as if it were some kind of technique. Because it will look fake.
    2. Respect the opinions of others. Instead of giving a guy advice in front of everyone or telling him off, do it in private.
    3. Dress modestly. Of course, this doesn't mean dressing in a '60s style, but be respectful of others in what and where you wear. Respect yourself and others will respect you!

    Learn manners. Don't interrupt without listening. Ask questions - show that you are interested in the person.

    Reflect on where you personally can improve.

    Eventually you will achieve your goal of becoming truly humble!

Modesty is a feeling of awkwardness in the presence of strangers, a feeling of self-doubt. This is a problem for many people. Each person expresses modesty differently. Some people's pulse quickens, some are speechless, some lose their composure. Today we will give you 10 tips on how to get rid of excessive modesty.

Often, mothers and grandmothers instill in their daughters from early childhood that a girl should be modest. Then, growing up, these girls do not know how to get rid of this modesty. They don’t know what to do so as not to interfere with their lives.

On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with modesty, especially for a woman. It is associated with good manners and politeness. Nature itself puts courage and activity in a man, and passivity, modesty and poise in a woman. On the other hand, excessive modesty and uncertainty are incredibly annoying. And what is it like for such a person in real life?

55% of teenagers suffer from modesty, how much suffering they experience because of it. As people age, they become less timid, but some people experience communication difficulties even at older ages.

Modest people are unlucky either in their personal lives or in their careers. Because they can't stand up for themselves. Such people cannot present themselves, even if they are good workers and professionals receive a small salary and no career growth is expected for them. The management loves such workers because they are silent and do not demand a salary increase. But there is no respect for such people.

Modesty can take pathological forms. Such people cannot fight back if they are rude; they will remain silent when they cheat them in the store. At the moment when you need to stand up for your rights, you will only stand there blushing, turning pale, and will not be able to say a word in defense of yourself.

So modesty is of course a good quality when it is present in moderation, but it should not interfere with living, enjoying and having fun. And to do this, first of all, you need to have some desires of your own, albeit very modest ones.

To overcome modesty, you need to know the reason for your timidity. Most often, the feeling of timidity appears because you think about how others will judge you if you do something wrong. It seems to you that people don’t like you, that for some reason you are worse than them. You expect things to go wrong. You are stressed and worried, so things really don't go as you would like.

Because of your excessive modesty, people may think that you are unfriendly, unmannered, and generally arrogant. But in fact, you are simply hesitant to approach, start a conversation, afraid to express your opinion, show your feelings. By doing this you are depriving yourself of the joy of life. But everything can be fixed with effort and work on yourself.

Here are 10 tips on how to get rid of excessive modesty:

1. Make an effort not to worry about what other people think of you. People will judge you not by some external manifestations, but by what kind of person you really are.

2. Don't demand perfection from yourself, be yourself. Look at your shortcomings and strengths realistically.

3. Evaluate other people honestly, do not attribute to them undeservedly bad intentions towards you. Trust that people treat you as equals.

4. Learn to be more sociable, smile more often and greet other people. Learn to start a conversation yourself.

5. Try to treat yourself with a sense of humor if you say something wrong. Ignore it, continue the conversation.

6. Set realistic goals for yourself, learn to strike up conversations with others, talk to strangers with confidence and ease.

7. If you need to speak in front of a large audience, prepare in advance for this event. Dress smartly so you don't feel uncomfortable about it. People will enjoy looking at you. Communicate visually with the audience, convince them that you are telling them something very important to them.

8. Learn to develop a conversation with your interlocutor, give compliments, ask for the opinion of your interlocutor.

9. Look at yourself in the mirror and mentally describe yourself in the best way possible. See if you need to change something about yourself, maybe change your hairstyle. Consult a loved one you trust. The main task is to find good traits and qualities in yourself.

10. Talk to yourself as if you were talking about another person. List your shortcomings and consider that others have much worse shortcomings than you. But they feel much more confident in society than you do. Then list all your merits, and you will be convinced that you are much better than others and there is no need to be modest.

To some extent, modesty is present in every person. But you don’t need to give her power over you. Instead of locking yourself in solitude, it is better to free yourself from shyness and enjoy communication with other people. We hope that our 10 ways to get rid of excessive modesty will help you.

As a virtue, modesty is not very popular. People with this character trait do not often appear on the covers of glossy publications, scandals do not erupt around them, and in general they give very little reason for sensations, even if they are famous.

This leads to one misconception about modest people: that they lack confidence. But this is not so, because they have inner strength, although they do not boast about it, flaunting it. Thus, we can say that modesty is a quiet strength.

According to Wikipedia, modesty is the ability to keep oneself within limits, to be moderate, calm, and restrained. This can be either a character trait or a person’s way of life, or, interestingly, a skill.

Modesty is expressed in the following:

  • maintaining the limits of decency;
  • moderation of demands;
  • decency and sedateness in communicating with other people;
  • lack of lust for power, the desire to dominate, showing off;
  • indifference to luxury and excess.

To explore the power of humility, we'll look at this character trait from all angles, understand how it combines with its influence on other people, answer some questions, and also conduct a little self-analysis.

Two types of influential forces

In the context of modesty, there are two types of people. And they are, as a rule, on completely opposite sides of the social spectrum.

The first type has a fleeting influence on others. They seem quite powerful and confident, but their strength turns out to be insignificant. Maybe you succumbed to their influence today, but tomorrow it will completely disappear. People of the second type have very little influence at first, but over time it grows and becomes stronger.

Before we take a closer look at the two types of people, let's do a quick self-analysis to determine which side of the spectrum you fall on. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • I act out of fear or thanks?
  • As a rule, I tend to trust people more or Do they trust me more often?
  • Am I always trying to prove that I'm right? or I live calmly with the fact that people can have their own opinions?
  • Do I feel like I'm better than others? or Do I perceive them as equals?
  • People are in my shadow or Do I allow them to be in the spotlight?
  • I often brag about my achievements or prefer to talk about other people's achievements?

Pay attention to the conjunction “or”: it helps to talk about the behavior of two types of people in one sentence. Write down the answers to the questions, and then answer another one: how do you feel in those situations that you did not choose? For example, if you like to be the life of the party, how do you feel when others are the center of attention?

If you tend to choose both options, then you are somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. Perhaps this behavior is reasonable. In any case, this is better than being too modest (even shy) or overly self-confident.

Of course, the amount of influence depends on many factors. However, there is one that stands out from the rest and has great power: whether you act out of gratitude or fear. In other words, out of a sense of humility or arrogance (a form of dominance).

Yes, arrogance, like many unpleasant human traits, is a derivative of inner fear. We are afraid that we will not be appreciated enough, so we choose defiant behavior to boost our self-esteem and muffle the voice of fear.

The benefits of modesty

Modesty has several very solid advantages over arrogance and the ignorance that often follows.

Great for leadership

Humble leaders are not only loved, they are also more productive and efficient in their responsibilities. A good leader is one who knows how to admit his mistakes and draw conclusions from them.

Increases self-control

Self-control is one of the key aspects of a successful life. Paradoxical or not, being obsessed with one's personality leads to decreased self-control.

Increases work capacity

A modest person rarely rests on his laurels, that is, after completing one task, he immediately takes on the second. He enjoys the process itself, and not the results, which sets him apart from others. In the end, modesty allows you to save mental energy, which is directed towards performing work duties.

Helps you learn and develop new skills

Humble people know that they “know nothing.” They are never satisfied with their current level of skills, so they strive to develop every day. When a person behaves humbly, it is easier for him to set himself up for a long journey. This is important, for example, when learning a foreign language or creating a startup.

Reduces prejudice

If a person is modest, he is less likely to look at the world with prejudice and show tolerance towards others.

Creates strong relationships between people

Humble people have stronger relationships. Why? They make the other person feel important because they don't focus on their ego.

Disadvantages of Modesty

We have already talked about a metaphorical scale on which excessive modesty is at the very extreme point of one end. This can already be called painful shyness, which is fraught with many disadvantages. Here are the main ones.

People will underestimate you

This is the biggest reason why you shouldn't be too modest.

If no one knows about what you've done, what important projects you've worked on, or what you've achieved, then don't be surprised that you're underappreciated. People simply don't have the right information.

Not everyone makes false assumptions, but most people will judge your abilities based on what they know. Excessive modesty leads to a lack of information. So don't be afraid to talk about your successes, just be careful not to sound like you're bragging. What to do? Communicate achievements at the right time, especially when asked directly.

Your skills may go unnoticed

How will people (especially a potential employer) know about your skills if you don't mention them? If you don't communicate your abilities, your talents will go unnoticed. And this has a very detrimental effect, for example, on income levels. But don’t just talk about it, but also show yourself in action.

You may end up becoming a follower rather than a leader.

While humility is the hallmark of a good leader, going to extremes can be costly. People need to know that you know how to lead, make strong-willed decisions, and have the ability to influence others.

What to do? Take advantage of every opportunity to lead people or take on complex projects that require strong team management.

How to get rid of shyness

Excessive modesty develops into shyness, so you need to know how to get rid of it.

Reflect on your personality

Shyness, in contrast to introversion, which is associated with silence and restraint, is characterized by indecisiveness, tension, timidity, and social awkwardness.

Such a person harbors a huge fear that others will evaluate him in a negative way. Instead of thinking about what needs to be done, he focuses too much on the problem itself, without trying to find a way out.

One way to reduce social anxiety is to spend more time thinking about what you can think of to make the situation successful. Ask yourself questions:

  • In what situations do I show excessive modesty?
  • How can I make these situations more comfortable for me?

Be interested in other people

As we have already mentioned, an overly modest and shy person focuses too much on his emotions and feelings, and therefore cannot feel “at ease.” The solution is simple: start thinking about other people. This is a simple and effective strategy that not only helps remove anxiety, but also engages others. After all, everyone likes it when people pay attention to them.

This will be difficult at first, so ask yourself questions that will stimulate your curiosity:

  • What are this person's interests and hobbies?
  • What message does he want to convey?
  • Why is this person behaving this way?

Soften your internal dialogue

Shy people are often very critical of themselves, and their self-talk can be very harsh.

The inner critic can cause a lot of emotional damage, robbing you of peace of mind and lowering your self-esteem. All this only aggravates the problem, making it impossible to find a solution.

How to develop humility while influencing others

There are many things you can do to become a more humble person without losing your personality or becoming shy.

The easiest way to do this is to list the actions, habits, behaviors, and beliefs that create the modesty cocktail. Mix these ingredients together and you will get all the benefits we talked about earlier.

Remember that a humble person:

  • Often redirects praise to other people, as Oscar winners do.
  • Openly admits his mistakes and failures.
  • Boosts other people's confidence without bringing yourself down.
  • He does not flaunt his achievements and talents, but does not hide them.
  • Recognizes that skills and abilities do not appear out of the blue, but are the result of long and focused work.
  • When talking, he tries to dig deeper and find out what is good about the interlocutor. He acknowledges his merits directly, but does not flatter him.
  • Believes there is always more to learn. He does not stop for a second in his self-development.
  • Admits his mistakes and corrects them.

So here are simple strategies to help you become a more humble person.

1 Thank other people

Gratitude can make you less self-centered and helps you focus on the people around you. It kills pride and high self-esteem.

Expressing gratitude makes a person humble. It could be something small, like a simple “Thank you!” the person who held the door. Or significant, when you, as a leader, distinguish the contribution of each team member to success.

2 Treat everyone the same

This is one of the hardest ways to become humble. And yet, it is the most effective.

We humans are often susceptible to various cognitive distortions. For example, the “Eva Braun Effect” suggests that we tend to sympathize with other people simply because we know them.

Humble people are kind, considerate, courteous, and respectful to everyone they meet. Treat every person with the respect and dignity they deserve. Don't judge people by their status or position.

3 Ask for feedback

Self-confident, ignorant people do not need feedback, because they already know everything and they do not need to learn anything more.

Ask a few close friends to be really honest about three things they value about you and three areas where you could use some growth.

4 Challenge preconceptions

Psychology Ph.D. Joshua Hook believes that to become humble and moderate, you need to start with the following exercise: identify an area in which you have little understanding.

One of his students, for example, had a lot of prejudices about older people and believed that they were much stupider and more primitive than young people. He visited a nursing home and completely changed his mind.

Hug says, “During this exercise you must listen and learn. Don’t prove your point of view and don’t make sudden conclusions.”

If you have negative preconceptions about, say, a particular religion, attend a service or talk to someone who practices it. Humility and modesty is the desire to keep the mind open to everything new.

5 Start with a question

Start a meeting with a person with a question, not a search for a solution. Why is this necessary?

If you ask a question, you are demonstrating that you don't know something. Thus, enter into a state of active learning. You are not trying to immediately say something, to start a topic that you know well. Instead, you show the other person that you are ready to accept new information.

6 Listen to people

Another tip that is very difficult to implement. And again we are talking about the ego. Why do people prefer to talk rather than listen? Because he raises self-esteem, asserts himself by uttering some words.

A modest person does not need all this. He knows that he is strong inside, so he listens with great pleasure. He understands that you can learn more with your ears, asks questions and does not interrupt.

If you're used to talking all the time, try challenging yourself to listen to people for a month. This amazing experience will open up another world. You will find that you can feel comfortable by occasionally saying a word or two and focusing entirely on what the other person is saying.

All this requires great awareness. As soon as you remember this advice, especially when you find yourself in the spotlight, give up that space to someone else and start asking him open advice. You will see that it can be real fun.

7 Accept failure

An immodest person will react very violently to failures, blaming others, because he does not want to lower his self-esteem (as he believes).

A humble person understands that there is nothing humiliating in accepting failure and defeat. After all, the main thing is how you react and what actions you take.

Humility and modesty will allow you to face difficult challenges without fear of failure. But if the worst happens, this is just another reason to roll up your sleeves and continue to work on yourself.

8 Always learn

Humility has another good side: humble people know they are imperfect and never stop learning. It’s not that they strive for incredible success, it’s just that this process gives them pleasure.

You can learn in absolutely any situation:

  • If something good happens, this is a reason to learn to rejoice from the heart.
  • If something bad happens, it means there is a chance to test the strength of your psyche or your ability to make decisions under pressure.
  • If nothing has happened and there is unbearable boredom around, then learn to entertain yourself through reflection, observation, and meditation.

“Oh purity, where have you gone?” These lines involuntarily come to mind when I watch modern girls.

Yes, morals have changed. Natasha Rostova, Tatyana Larina, Masha Mironova, Asya are forgotten. They were ruthlessly supplanted by socialites, glamorous beauties and shocking girls. Standing out from the crowd and attracting attention is the main need of modern girls. The only question is – with what?

There's a lot going on here! Everything is used: obscene behavior, demonstration of nudity, scandalous situations. All this is how cheap popularity is gained. Instead of modesty and good manners, sexuality, promiscuity, vulgarity and permissiveness are now cultivated in young people.

No one thinks about what kind of wives and mothers these girls will make, what kind of example they will set for their own children. In my opinion, children and family do not fit into their lifestyle at all. Living your own life beautifully is much more important than motherhood and family values.

Why do I care about this question? Because I see how some of my students become victims of the media, which actively promote and impose these disgusting stereotypes on teenagers with a still fragile psyche and an unformed worldview.

And, in fact, the girls are not to blame for this, because in the nature of any teenager there is a desire to imitate. So they take their cue from these immoral girls, mistakenly believing that this is exactly what an ideal woman should be like.

What do my students think about girlish modesty? Fortunately, among my students there are those who are convinced that such qualities as modesty, purity, and dignity are simply necessary for modern girls. Judge for yourself!

Opinion of 8th grader Sergei Markov:

“Previously, girls went to school in a dress with an apron, did not allow themselves anything extra in their clothes, did not expose their bodies, dressed modestly and tastefully, did not use makeup and did not even pierce their ears! And now modern girls are very promiscuous, which does not correspond to the rules of etiquette. When they meet, they kiss each other, use foul language, some even fight with the boys. I think that a girl should be modest, should be able to behave with dignity and should not smoke yet, because she is a future mother. “I believe that if girls don’t think about their own behavior now, then over time this will become normal for them, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences.”

Opinion of eighth-grader Boyko Tanya:

“Many teenagers do not know the true meaning of modesty. They do not distinguish a modest person from a timid and shy quiet person. But in reality, modesty is, first of all, good manners, restraint and the absence of boastfulness. Unfortunately, these qualities are almost forgotten today... Parties, smoking, alcohol, foul language, scandalous looseness and vulgarity are the advertised lifestyle for young ladies. And what girl wouldn’t strive to become so fashionable? So it turns out that shy women are inferior to those who hang themselves on guys’ necks, so beautiful girls remain in the background. I believe that the younger generation should be more restrained not only in their clothes, but also in their desires and actions. Every girl should try to maintain her femininity and purity. Young ladies should have such qualities as pride and honor, have their own opinions and be a mystery in the eyes of the opposite sex. After all, a girl is of interest only when she is inaccessible, and a vulgar and uninhibited girl is unlikely to seriously interest a young man.”

Opinion of eighth-grader Nastya Zaitseva:

“In my opinion, girlish modesty began to disappear since perestroika and the emergence of market relations in our country, when the media passed into private hands and the former censorship was lost. If previously there were no commercials on TV and there was a very high level of censorship, now daytime TV shows sex scenes, advertisements for alcohol, nicotine, and such humorous programs as “Women’s League”, “Our Russia”, “Comedy Club” , “Comedy Woman” and others, has become the norm. All these factors influence the consciousness of adolescents, the formation of their preferences and interests. Thus, teenage girls believe that being on an equal footing with boys (drinking, smoking), wearing rather open and revealing things, thereby attracting the attention of boys, is cool, because, in their opinion, this way the opposite sex likes them more. But I think they are mistaken! In my opinion, boys are attracted to more modest and feminine girls to start a family. And those girls I mentioned above are needed primarily to have fun.”


1. All prudes are “gray mice”, timid, shy and inconspicuous.

Not at all necessary! Modest is, first of all, well-mannered and restrained. At the same time, she can lead an active lifestyle and have her own opinion.

2. Being modest nowadays is unfashionable.

In fact, modesty, honor, dignity are uncontrollable categories; there is no fashion for them. They determine a woman's destiny, they stand at the beginning and completion.

3. Modern guys are not interested in modest girls.

But no! Many guys think that modest girls are some kind of fossil, like antiques buried in the ground. Whoever finds it first will get rich.

So, what is unacceptable in the behavior of a modest girl?


1. Wearing excessively revealing and short clothes, showing off your “charms”.

2. Use bright, provocative makeup.

3. Attracting the attention of guys with obscene behavior, running after boys, hanging on their necks, jumping on their laps, hugging and kissing everyone.

4. Post your own photographs on the Internet depicting your loved one in half-naked form and vulgar poses.

5. Be rude, be rude, insult, use foul language and miss a strong word, and also allow young men to do this in their presence.

6. Constantly boast and annoyingly demonstrate your merits.

7. Treat adults with disrespect: parents, teachers and simply older people.

8. Smoking and drinking alcohol.

9. Make a scene, start fights and brawls.

10. Ignore etiquette.

The question arises: who is to blame for the fact that girlish modesty is forgotten by many today?

  • 1. Parents who did not cultivate these qualities in their daughters.
  • 2. Media that creates negative images of women.

What to do?

1. Listen to the opinions and advice of adults.

2. You should not mindlessly copy the immoral style of behavior advertised by the media.

3. Learn good manners. Behave in a manner consistent with etiquette.

4. Remember that the advice of friends may not always be correct. The best advisor is conscience.

And finally, I would like to quote the words of the wife of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, who was an exemplary wife and mother: “Purity of thoughts and purity of soul is what truly ennobles. Without purity it is impossible to imagine true femininity. Even in the midst of this world, mired in sins and vices, it is possible to preserve this holy purity.”


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