Inserting plastic windows in a wooden house. We install plastic windows in a wooden house with our own hands

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Nowadays, with the ever-increasing prices of “life,” all sorts of thoughts about maintaining heat in our home enter our heads. Everyone knows that metal-plastic windows retain about 25% of heat, which means they will help save us a lot of money when cold weather sets in.

Installing a plastic window in a wooden house is not a tricky matter. Almost everyone can do this, having in their assortment the usual tools found in every garage. Do-it-yourself installation will help save money and nerves, since having workers in the house is not always a good thing. Let's look at the process in more detail.

Choosing a plastic window for a wooden house

First of all, you will need to take accurate measurements of the window niche. Moreover, the accuracy should be down to a centimeter, without “approximately”. If the measurements are smaller, you will have to knock off the wall; if it is larger, you will have to seal the space between the window frame and the wall. When installing PVC windows in a wooden house, the gap should be as small as possible. But it is worth considering that wood tends to expand, absorbing moisture. Subsequently, the window opening may be deformed. After all the measurements have been taken and written down on your sheet of paper, we head to a specialized company for the production of plastic windows.

When choosing a new window, you should focus your attention on 4 components of the window:

Double-glazed window. Glass is the most important component of a modern window. About 65% of heat loss passes through it. The most popular double-glazed windows are double-chamber ones, the chambers of which contain gas that has minimal thermal conductivity. Windows with additional film are now popular. The assortment includes transparent and darkened films. It further reduces heat transfer through the glass unit. It is better to install windows with darkened film on the sunny side.

Profile. An important role in the structure of a plastic window is played by the profile. The characteristics of the profile are determined by the number of air chambers, which serve to reduce thermal conductivity. Their quantity significantly affects the thermal conductivity of the window. If your wooden house is located in a place with a high noise level (for example, near a highway), then a six-chamber profile with double glazing will provide excellent sound insulation in the house.

Accessories. It must be made of high quality metal. The fittings can withstand considerable overloads, especially when a rotating window mechanism with ventilation is used. The fittings are made of low-quality metal and will last you a short amount of time. With further long-term use, troubles such as sash misalignment, poor closure and leaks are possible.

Seals. Also, you should pay attention to the seals. They must be made of a special material that remains elastic under any conditions, be it frost or heat. Ordinary rubber loses its elastic properties when the temperature drops, and with prolonged exposure it cracks and crumbles.

All this needs to be considered before installing a plastic window in a wooden house. If you choose all these elements correctly, then your euro-window will not let you down and will keep your home warm. And remember that expensive is not always good. We must always choose the golden mean.

Removing the old window and preparatory work

It's better to do it slowly, but first-class. Specialized workers do everything quickly, but they do not bother with the quality of the dismantling. Very often, they leave broken walls, broken old frames and glass.

When performing all the work on installing windows in a wooden house, there is no need to rush. You can do everything much more carefully, leaving all the elements intact and suitable for recycling. They will also be useful for a summer house or garage.

We remove the old window in the following sequence:

1) Remove the doors.
2) Take out the frame.
3) Remove the window sill and ebb.

Making window casing in a wooden frame

You can skip this step, but serious problems may arise later. The casing will prevent the window opening from skewing. The material must be dry and durable, the thickness of the boards must be more than 4 cm. Otherwise, they will be deformed along with the opening. The width of the casing must correspond to the thickness of the wall.
Methods for casing:

  • Spike monolith.
  • Backing beam.
  • Into the deck.

The most complex and reliable is the first type of casing. But beginners who do not have special skills in installing windows prefer to do the casing with a backing block. To do this, you need to make grooves in the middle of the window opening.

You will need a circular saw, an axe, a chainsaw or a chisel. The optimal furrow size is 5x5 cm. An edged board is laid on a block of the same dimensions and secured with self-tapping screws or bolts. If a tongue-and-groove casing is used, then the T-shaped beam is cut out in advance and inserted into the furrow. The final stage is to lay the gap between the casing and the wall with polyurethane foam. Since the foam tends to collapse under the influence of sunlight, it is necessary to cover the foam with a windproof membrane on the outside and a vapor barrier on the inside.

Installing a window frame in the house

Before final fastening of the frame, it is first necessary to try on the base in the window opening. If it is inconvenient to use a building level, you can use a plumb line. Then, using wedge-shaped blocks, we fix the frame in the window frame. This will help prevent the frame from moving horizontally and will make final fastening easier.

To properly install windows in a wooden house with your own hands, you should install fasteners. The gaps between the frame and the opening should be within 1 cm. Most often, anchor plates are used. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, about 3–5 cm long. Upon completion of all installation work, the gap between the frame and the window frame should be filled with polyurethane foam. If the gap is more than 2 cm, then foaming should be divided into several stages. Foam drying time is 10 – 12 hours.

Installation of window sashes in the house

After installing the frame, we install the sashes. The sash is a movable component of a Euro window, which allows it to be opened or closed. It is fixed on special articulated and movable elements (hinges) of the frame.

If the frame is set correctly and level, the sashes will fit perfectly. However, there may be some issues with gaps and locks. They can be adjusted with a Phillips screwdriver. The basic rule for installing sashes is to do everything evenly. If the side needs to be raised/lowered, then turn the bolts an equal number of turns. After each manipulation, you need to open/close the doors and try on the changes.

Installation of fittings, slopes, window sills in a wooden house

The frame was installed, the sashes were screwed on and the mounting materials were allowed to harden a little. Now we have reached the final stages of instructions for installing windows in a wooden house with our own hands. It remains to complete some finishing touches and you can celebrate the victory.
First, you need to select and install the right window sill. There are several common types of window sills

  • Plastic. A very light and relatively durable multi-chamber type of window sills, which are covered with PVC film on top. There are many colors and imitations of various materials. But consumers prefer the standard white or wood-look color.
  • Wooden. Wooden window sills react to changes in moisture and as a result can become deformed. The advantage of wooden window sills is their naturalness and appearance. At the same time, covering with a special protective layer is mandatory!

Let's look at how to properly install a wooden window sill in a log house.

Step 1: Material Processing. To begin with, it is necessary to thoroughly treat our window sill with a moisture-proofing compound, which will protect it from the premature appearance of rot and damage to the window sill. The window opening must be cleaned of dust and dirt deposits, and, if possible, treated with the same composition as the window sill.

Step 2. Installation of the window sill. The wooden window sill is attached to nails, which must first be driven into the bottom beam of the box. After leveling the window sill, using wedge blocks, tighten the screws on the front side of the window sill until they stop. Any voids that remain should be filled with foam. After drying, cut off the excess.

Choose the wood for your window sill carefully. It should not be overdried or have chips or cracks. Wooden window sills are well suited for any log house. They will also serve as a good shelf for various plants or small things.

After complete installation of the window sill, we proceed to installing wooden slopes. The process of installing window slopes from the inside is completely identical to installing slopes from the outside, and will not pose any problems during the work.

This is the final chord in installing windows in an old wooden house. Let's consider all the processes step by step.

Step 1: Sidebars. To begin, we attach the side panels using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to place the panel fastening points where the decorative corner will be installed, which will cover all the screws. This way we will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the panels as much as possible. Then, using the same analogy, we finish the upper window opening.

Step 2. Sealing the seams. We coat all seams and joints of panels with sealant to prevent moisture penetration. Additionally, it can be treated with a moisture protective agent.

Step 3. Installation of corners. After all the seams and joints have dried, we install the decorative corners. They can be attached using liquid nails, a construction stapler or foam. All work on the installation of the window sill and slopes should be carried out after the structure has completely dried. This means that you need to wait at least 12 hours after installing the window.

If this is your first time installing, the process may seem quite complicated. It’s better to immediately watch a video on how to install plastic windows in a wooden house. The main feature of wooden structures is their environmental friendliness. Wooden beams tend to “breathe”, age and shrink. This is the main reason that makes it difficult to install windows and doors in a wooden frame.

Shrinkage occurs due to loss of moisture from the wood. This is especially noticeable in the first 4 years. We need polyurethane foam to compensate for minimal shrinkage. By casing, we make the window opening independent of the walls. The socket limits the movement of the log vertically, thereby ensuring normal, uniform shrinkage and does not interfere with the breathing of the log.

So we figured out how to properly install a window in a wooden house. There is nothing complicated about it. Everything is elementary simple and clear if you carry out all installation work using proven technologies and simple step-by-step instructions.

Plastic windows can be installed in any kind of structure: stone, concrete, wood. But installation in a wooden structure requires more attention, since wood is prone to shrinkage due to drying out. Wood that dries turns into a strong press that can deform the window block. As a result, the window structure ceases to function correctly and may become askew. Let's look at how to avoid this situation and install windows without errors. Let us dwell on the specifics of window construction made of polyvinyl chloride, its strengths and weaknesses.

Advantages of PVC windows

PVC windows are window structures made of polyvinyl chloride. This material is a chemical synthetic based on petroleum ethylene and chlorine. This polymer is resistant to various influences and lasts a long time. Window structures made from the specified material are resistant to:

  • sun rays;
  • high humidity;
  • exposure to insects;
  • exposure to organisms invisible to the eye.

PVC for window structures is a rigid and durable material. The strength of the polymer is several times greater than the strength of wooden structures and can withstand changes of one hundred degrees - from fifty degrees below zero to fifty degrees above zero.

Polyvinyl chloride consists of the following components:

  • stabilizers;
  • modifiers;
  • dyes;
  • fillers;
  • lubricants

The material lasts a very long time, manufacturers give a twenty-year guarantee, but it is still impossible to verify whether this is true. The service life of the first installed windows has not yet passed. Statements that even after fifty years windows will not lose their properties are possibly real. But window seals fail much faster. As practice shows, they need to be changed every eight to ten years. In general, the service life of the seal depends on the temperature of each specific area.

Among the advantages of plastic structures are the following:

  • high quality material and resistance to various types of influences;
  • tightness of the structure - while staying in the room, a person is reliably protected from noise, dust, gases and harmful substances;
  • high sound insulation ability - windows can significantly dampen extraneous sounds;
  • reliable thermal protection - complete protection from drafts and reliable heat retention;
  • efficiency - saving heat resources;
  • attractiveness of designs - you can use not only standard windows, but also bring design ideas to life.

Basic properties of window structures made of polyvinyl chloride

Supporters and opponents of plastic windows argue about the safety of these structures for health. Those who claim that structures are unsafe for human health argue that this is due to the presence of lead in the base of the raw materials. But lead in windows is completely safe, and most manufacturers have replaced this material with others. The fact that PVC window structures are quite economical and environmentally friendly is confirmed by certificates:

  • thanks to PVC windows, heat is retained in the room and this allows you to save resources and money;
  • Plastic structures save wood resources and thereby prevent deforestation.

In some countries, the government pays money to residents who install plastic structures for their personal contribution and concern for saving natural resources.

Opponents of plastic structures argue that over time, plastic becomes unsightly, as it turns yellow and fades. But nowadays the technologies for the production of plastic windows have improved and the color is not lost under the influence of natural forces.

In the event of a fire indoors, window structures of this type will “hold” the fire, since the plastic structure has high thermal insulation abilities.

Types of plastic windows

The construction segment offers a huge variety of plastic windows. They differ in many ways: shape, size, number of sashes, options for opening them, types of double-glazed windows, types of profiles. Currently, manufacturers offer windows with various types of decoration and varying degrees of transparency.

Based on the number of sashes, windows are divided into one, two and three-leaf windows. The chosen option depends on the location, the size of the structures and the individual characteristics of the home. For a small window it will be convenient to have one sash. For typical apartments, it is recommended to install windows with a pair of sashes.

Regarding opening windows, the following options are distinguished:

  • a blind design is the most ill-conceived window regarding its functional tasks;
  • rotating elements;
  • folding elements;
  • combined elements.

Its operational capabilities depend on the characteristics of the profile. PVC itself has low thermal conductivity, but chambers with air inside the structure help retain heat several times better. The thermal conductivity of the window and the air temperature in the home depend on the number of chambers. There are from three to seven cameras.

Three-chamber windows are installed in rooms that do not require heating: outbuildings, sheds.

As for six and seven chamber windows, they do not perform their functions better than four or five chamber windows, so there is no point in overpaying for the design.

As for marking profiles with letters, there are types: A, B and C. Type “A” is used in homes. “B” and “C” are recommended for use in factory or warehouse premises.

The glazing of the structure itself can be done using two, three or four sheets of glass. They are fixed at the required distance from one another and form chambers.

Double-glazed windows can be one, two or three-chamber. This point can be confusing when buying a window. It is necessary to clarify which cameras are meant in the frames or double-glazed windows themselves.

Plastic structures for wooden houses

When installing plastic windows in wooden walls, you will have to study the theory of the issue in order to do everything correctly. Some people think that it is impossible to install plastic windows in old wooden buildings. But in fact, no, this can be done in any type of premises. You can install windows yourself, provided that you have minimal knowledge of construction basics. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of wood as a material and take into account the fact that the wooden frame of a house can also sag.

After you have selected windows for a wooden house, you need to familiarize yourself with the “jam” technology. This technique is aimed at preventing deformation of window structures, regardless of the selected material.

Statistics show that a wooden house shrinks up to thirty-five centimeters. Depending on the foundation of the structure, twelve months after the construction of the house it settles in any case; this is a natural process. The maximum error will be provided that the house is built from rounded timber, the minimum - from laminated veneer lumber. An ordinary beam can sag by thirty to forty centimeters. This is taken into account as a factor that can deform window structures. Deformation may manifest itself in the impossibility or difficulty in opening and closing the window.

Builders advise not to install plastic structures in new houses until they shrink. But as experience shows, old buildings can also cause windows to become deformed. But what to do, is it impossible to install plastic metal structures in wooden houses? In fact, experienced builders have developed installation technology that will allow you to use PVC windows to their full potential.

Installation instructions for plastic windows

For successful installation work, it is important to plan and carry out competent preparatory work; they consist of the following actions:

  • it is necessary to dismantle the old window structure;
  • clean the recesses from construction waste and dust;
  • correctly measure the window opening, write down the calculations;
  • If the window opening does not match the dimensions of the new window frame, it should be adjusted to the dimensions using special solutions for working with wooden surfaces.

At the preparatory stage, a decision is made on the shape of the window, the number of sashes, what color scheme it will be in and how many packages it will come in.

When all decisions have been made, double-glazed windows are ordered according to the requirements.

The pigtail is the next stage in installing a metal-plastic structure.

The window structure can be finally installed in a wooden structure after preparing the frame. This is a structure made of wooden beams, aimed at supporting the weight of load-bearing walls and preventing the window from deforming. The required timber size is ten by fifteen centimeters. Using a chisel, connecting grooves are made on these bars, about five centimeters wide. Cuts are made longitudinally using a chainsaw. All manipulations are controlled by the building level.

Plastic structures are inserted into the prepared pigtail system and secured with fasteners. The installation procedure is as follows:

  • with the help of fasteners the pigtail system is fastened into a single frame;
  • a small distance is left below using a wooden wedge;
  • a window frame is inserted into the system of the manufactured frame and secured with fastening structures;
  • pre-removed window sashes are installed;
  • all gaps must be filled with foam;
  • the wooden wedge placed previously is removed.

A window frame specially installed in a wall made of wooden material performs several important tasks:

  • does not allow the wooden structure to move vertically;
  • does not prevent the log from shrinking vertically;
  • strengthens the wall at the window opening.

Experienced builders insist on installing a frame even when installing plastic windows in an old wooden house. They argue that this measure is simply necessary. A structure made of wood constantly changes its size to one degree or another - it swells during rain, and dries out during heat.

Tool for installation of plastic structures

The most important process is the process of installing plastic structures in their intended place. To do this, it is advisable to prepare in advance all the tools that will be needed during the installation of the structure:

  • drill for woodworking;
  • screwdriver;
  • fastenings: anchor bolts and plates;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • spray bottle with water.

Naturally, during work you will need other tools. Ideally, such work should be carried out with a partner who can supply the tool and hold the structure when necessary.

Installing plastic elements is a difficult type of construction activity. If you are installing plastic windows yourself, take into account all the recommendations of specialists.

Calculation of plastic windows

Correctly calculating the dimensions is not easy; it is a very difficult process that is best entrusted to a professional from a window workshop. Recently, an online calculator for plastic structures has appeared, allowing you to find out the exact cost. It is very comfortable. The sites offer various filters:

  • you can choose the layout of the future window structure;
  • decide on the configuration;
  • in the configuration, a choice is made by type, profiles, types of double-glazed windows;
  • after that, just click on the button and the plastic structures will be calculated.

The cost of window structures is affected by the number of sashes, the choice of additional fittings, additional functions of the double-glazed window, and profile color.

To imagine how plastic metal structures are installed in wooden houses in practice, watch the video. In fact, you can install windows yourself; to do this, you need to take into account the specifics and features of this method and follow the recommendations of specialists.

(Last Updated On: 02/03/2018)

Installation of PVC window in a wooden house

Plastic windows are used today almost everywhere - in residential buildings, in administrative premises, in city apartments, and in country houses. At the same time, it’s one thing to glaze a rigid opening in a reinforced concrete panel with “plastic”; no special problems arise here; however, the installation and installation of PVC windows in a wooden house is much more complicated - the openings in its walls need to be properly prepared and strengthened so that the heavy window holds firmly on in its place.

The correct technology for glazing a wooden house with plastic windows first of all requires complete shrinkage of the house. Until the structure of the house and its foundation have taken on their final shape and position, it is not recommended to install windows - if certain elements move, damage to the window unit and double-glazed windows may occur. Therefore, we built a house, let it settle and settle into a permanent place, and after that we began glazing with PVC windows. This requirement is equivalent to all other wooden buildings, be it a bathhouse, barn, gazebo, etc.

To prevent damage to the window unit due to unexpected movement or shrinkage of the walls, you need to make a frame in the opening. This is a structure made of molded timber that is mounted in the opening.

In order for the window frame to take its rightful place, you need to cut out the central tenon on the sides of the window opening in the opening. To do this, we divide the surface of the opening into 3 segments, leave the central one in place, and remove the side ones by about 5 cm. Before installing the elements of the frame, you need to cover these resulting protrusions with tow - it will prevent squeaking and increase thermal insulation.

Naturally, you need to prepare a recess in the elements of the pigtail. To do this, you need to take a beam of the required size and a cross-section of about 10-15 cm and hollow out a recess for the tenon along the center line. You also need to remember that the length of the beam should be approximately 5 cm less than the opening and at the same time larger than the window by 5 cm.

Window sill installation

When the pigtail is ready, you can begin installing the window sill. We must not forget about this - first the window sill, and then the window! The process of working with a window sill is described by the following instructions:

  • you need to cut grooves of small depth in the sides of the box for the window sill, without them the window sill will not hold well;
  • then, using thin spacers made of wood or plastic, we level the surface;
  • We insert the window sill into the grooves and fasten it with self-tapping screws. The fastening must be done so that the screw heads are hidden by the window lining, and rubber washers must also be placed under the head.

Window installation

When the window sill is installed, the installation and installation of PVC windows begins - in a wooden house with a small number of storeys, you can do it yourself, especially since the cost of specialist services when calling them outside the city will be rather high.

  • first we prepare the window block, dismantle all the sashes and removable double-glazed windows;
  • then we insert the box into the opening and level it with the help of bars;
  • We fix the window with anchors, they should be installed from the sides and top;
  • the space between the window and the opening is filled with polyurethane foam.

If the window is level, you can return the double-glazed windows to their place; they must be fixed with a special bead. Then the sashes are hung and the window fittings are adjusted. When everything is in place, all remaining cracks are foamed; it is also a good idea to seal the joint between the window and the window sill with sealant. Don’t forget to foam the cavity under the window sill as well.

The final stage is the installation of the low tide. It is leveled, fixed with self-tapping screws, and foamed in several places.

Do-it-yourself installation (installation) of metal-plastic windows. Instructions for installing metal-plastic windows

At the height of the renovation season, the most common type of work is the installation of metal-plastic windows. To be more confident that the workers you hire fully comply with the technology for installing metal-plastic windows, it’s a good idea to know the main stages of this process yourself.

IMPORTANT! To make cuts, do not use a metal wheel due to the risk of it breaking.

It is better to take a regular saw or grinder with a circle on concrete (the latter, however, will create a lot of dust).

Photo 1 - Cuts in an old window frame for dismantling

  • The frame is removed piece by piece using a crowbar. We dismantle a wooden window sill in the same way as removing a frame; concrete window sills in good condition are not dismantled, but after completion of all installation work they are covered with tiles or any other covering with a layer of insulation.
  • We clean the window opening, prime it and after the primer has dried, apply markings: mark the places where the window is fastened.

    The fastening pitch should be no more than 70 cm on each side of the window. The extreme fasteners from the corners of the window frame should not be removed more than 5-15 cm.

  • The screws used to fix the frame must be fixed in the metal inside the PVC profile (by the way, the presence of a reinforcing component is what distinguishes a metal-plastic window from a simple PVC window).

    Installation of metal-plastic windows should be done only with special metal screws (4 mm in diameter).

    Installation and installation of PVC windows in a wooden house - there is nothing complicated

    Drills are placed at the ends of such self-tapping screws to ensure that the fastener enters the material.

When using another fastening screw, you will first need to make holes in the window frame and then insert the self-tapping screw into them.

If the window size exceeds a square of 2x2 m, you need screws 12 mm in diameter.

  • Another fastening element is the anchor plate. We place fasteners along the perimeter of the frame at the previously marked points. We insert the frame into the window opening and mark on the surface of the walls the places for drilling the second row of mounting holes. The recesses for placing anchor plates should extend into the walls by 2-4 cm - this will make it easier to carry out work on installing slopes and window sills later on.
  • We align the window strictly horizontally using the mounting level.

    To do this, we place wooden wedges under the window frame, where necessary.

Photo 2 - Leveling the window. Using wooden wedges

  • We fix the top anchors, and then the side ones.
  • Having strengthened the external waterproofing with the help of PSUL, we fasten the ebb going under the window with self-tapping screws 4 mm in diameter and 9 mm long.
  • We adjust window fittings and put double-glazed windows in place.
  • You only need to foam the gaps between the frame and the window opening when the windows are closed!

    It is prohibited to leave windows for ventilation during installation, otherwise the mounting foam will bend the profile in an arc, which will lead to cracking of the glass and damage to the window. Foaming of wide gaps (from 2 cm or more) should take place in stages with a break of 1-2 hours. After drying, the foam must be protected from ultraviolet radiation with a special sealed film, plaster or panels.

IMPORTANT! After foaming, the window must remain closed for at least another 12 hours.

  • We install a window sill.

    After taking measurements, the blank for a window sill of standard sizes is adjusted to the length and width of the window, taking into account that the window sill should go under the window and should also be slightly recessed into the walls on the sides.

If the measurements are correct and when trying on the window sill, the slab fits under the window a little tight, you can start fixing it. The window sill must also be leveled, placed on wooden wedges and secured with adhesive or polyurethane foam. In the latter case, spacers or a weight are placed on the window sill for at least 12 hours so that the foam, when expanding, does not knock down the exposed horizon.

Photo 3 - Leveling the window sill

  • We install fittings on windows.
  • We install slopes (technologies for installing plasterboard, plastic or plaster slopes vary).
  • We seal the joints of the window elements and clean the frame from the protective film.

Installing metal-plastic windows with your own hands is also possible, but to do this you must know about the technological details of the process or purchase metal-plastic windows, the installation of which you will be able to install, following the factory instructions.

$ Installation of metal-plastic windows.

The cost of installing metal-plastic windows will directly depend on the type of window (fixed, hinged or combined), the type of wall opening and its condition, the construction of the installation seam, the season of installation, as well as the total scope of work. On average it is $20-30 per m².

The estimate for the installation of metal-plastic windows must contain the entire list of works: delivery, lifting to the floor, dismantling old windows, removing garbage, installing windows, sills, window sills, slopes, etc.

  • Kyiv - from 350 UAH.

    for the installation package;

  • Moscow - from 4,100 rubles. for the installation package.

Shrinkage is a natural and inevitable process in all wooden buildings. In this regard, the installation of plastic windows in log houses differs from standard installation.

The highest percentage of wood drying was observed in the first two years after the completion of the log house. The height of the walls, as a rule, is reduced to 1.5 cm per meter of masonry. How to insert a plastic window in a wooden house?

What devices are needed to achieve this goal? The answers to these and many other questions are presented in this article.


The main stage of installing double-glazed windows in a wooden house is fixing the frame in the window opening. The casing ensures the independence of the windows from the load-bearing walls of the structure.

In other words, when the frame shrinks, the window structure remains “intact” and is not subject to deformation vibrations. The window frame takes on all shrinkage loads and strengthens the walls of the building in the area of ​​the opening.

The casing is a box made of thick boards. They install it in the opening, after which they install PVC structures.

The box is held in place by grooves located in the side posts. It is unacceptable to use any fastening elements, including polyurethane foam. A compensating gap is left above the structure itself, designed for the maximum amount of shrinkage of the logs.

There are several options for installing the pigtail:

  • cutting a groove in a log and placing a wooden block in it. Self-tapping screws (embedded block) are screwed into the last of these elements through the side posts;
  • sawing out a tenon at the end of the opening log and cutting a groove in the side posts of the box (the “into the deck” method);
  • the location of the tenon is on the side posts of the structure, the groove is at the end of the opening logs.

Preparing window openings

It is quite possible to install high-quality plastic windows in an old wooden house with your own hands.

How to install plastic windows in a wooden house

The main installation rules are to follow the sequence of actions and take into account the construction features.

First, measure the distance of the window from the base of the floor. The most optimal parameter is 80-90 cm. Ideally, the window sill is installed above the desk, the standard height of which is 80 cm. The upper and lower boundaries of the window opening are marked using a professional tool - a water level.

Its height should exceed the same parameter of the inserted plastic window by 13 cm, and its width by 12-14 cm. Plus, 1.5 cm is left on each side for sealing with polyurethane foam.

The next stage is preparing the window opening (measurements, installation). Using a building level, markings are made for cutting it. Maximum accuracy in measurements and installation of the casing itself is especially important. The quality of the installation work will depend on this. After the opening is ready, a tenon is cut out at the ends of the logs on the sides of the structure.

The lower and side parts of the rough window are sheathed with jute.

A casing is made from well-dried wooden blocks, the installation of which is carried out starting from the window sill. The structural elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws, and the joining areas are treated with sealant. The small gap in the socket is filled with tow.

PVC window installation

The finished window is installed either perfectly aligned with the front edge or slightly recessed into the house.

Fix the frame to the previously fixed structure using self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes for them. You can install double-glazed windows into a wooden house (not made of timber), taking into account all the details. We are talking not only about the accuracy of markings and the choice of high-quality material for casing, but also about the correct selection of fasteners for fixing the window.

External waterproofing of the seam can be done in various ways: vapor-permeable or self-expanding sealing tape, one-component acrylic sealant.

They will protect the polyurethane foam from moisture and direct sunlight. On the inside, the seam is covered with vapor barrier tape. Glue it until foaming to the end part of the frame with a thin strip. After the seam is treated with polyurethane foam, the protective paper from the adhesive strip is removed and glued to the casing. The window sill is installed and the starting profile is screwed to the edge of the frame before the sealing mass hardens.

Instructions for installing wooden windows.

The main feature of installing window structures in a wooden house is that for the entire service life of the frame, unlike a concrete, brick or stone house, it behaves very unstable.

In other words, wooden structures have the property of “shrinking”. And if you don't take this instability into account during installation, serious problems can arise.

There is an opinion that the frame does not shrink until the first year after installation, and then the house does not change its parameters.

How to install PVC windows in a wooden house

But it is not so. In fact, a wooden house stands, this is especially noticeable in the first year, and then, for at least 5 years, this process does not stop (and in some regions, depending on weather conditions, the log continues to shrink throughout its life).

As the wood (timber or logs) has dried, the height of the house wall for each foot of wall can be reduced by 1.5 cm. If the wall height is 4 meters, the frame can be "compressed" by as much as 6 inches. And now I can imagine what will happen to the window if you leave only a standard gap for installing foam plastic 2-2.5 centimeters thick? It is correct that the frame is at least deformed and the wedge will be jammed.

However, installing metal glass windows in a hall is a very viable option.

However, only on condition that the opening is installed by an observer (or, as it is called, it is an okosyachka system), which will ensure independence from the window by building the envelopes (walls) of the house and taking care of all the loads. In this case the window:

  • Do not allow magazines to move out of the vertical opening of the window;
  • does not interfere with the vertical deviation of the walls;
  • Strengthens closed structures in the area of ​​window openings.

To have an idea of ​​how the window is installed in the corridor, we have prepared detailed instructions describing all stages of the installation work.

First, let's look at what a chassis is and what parameters the system currently uses.

Main housing options (end)

The simplest design is a 50x50cm piece of wood inserted into a vertical groove of the same size, with the end of the log in the window. This window version is only used when installing wooden windows. And since we are thinking about installing a metal-plastic window in a log cabin, there is no need to carefully consider this option.

In the second version of the window, a tip (the so-called ridge) is made at the ends of the magazine, on which a gun holder with grooves is installed.

Window hinges - vertical beam size from 150 to 100 centimeters, excluded at the ends of the grooves 50 50, which are inserted into a plate of size 150 to 50 with tenons at the ends (horizontal bridges).

Due to the log of the log, when the house's compression slips into the groove, do not press the window structure or deflect vertically.

Sometimes the tip is made on a dolly, but the groove is in the logs, while the basic operating principle of this version of the body is not changed.

Be careful!

When assembled, the window should be 7-8 centimeters higher than the window opening (this line remains to be shaken in the house).

Instructions for installing plastic windows in the hallway

The window is configured like this:

  • The hole houses the lower part of the housing
  • combs are packed in bagged bags (intermediate insulation)
  • the ridges on the window frames are filled
  • At the top holes, the top bridge is inserted and lowered into the gutters.

The entire structure is secured with screws.

In this case, you need to make sure that the screws do not "lock" the ridge, otherwise the case will not be useful. The cracks between the logs and the casing are jammed like hell. By the way, the curtain not only seals the holes, but also saves you from debris when the house shrinks.

Further installation of metal-plastic windows in a wooden house is practically no different from the usual installation of window structures in an apartment. In other words, the usual window installation is carried out in accordance with steam, noise and thermal insulation, a detailed description of which can be found in the article “Features of installing windows with your own hands.”

The range that remains between the walls of the frame and the windows is filled with small thicknesses, which are pre-wrapped with a stick.

Since the house sits, the slabs must be replaced with others that are more suitable. To make it easy to change panels, the panel on which the panels are installed is attached to the window only. So when replacement is necessary, simply remove the piston, change the boards and place the clipper in place.

An experienced specialist must know not only the technology for installing metal-plastic windows, but also the technology for building a house.

Only in this case, it will not be able to correctly determine whether the window structure can be installed in each individual case, but also, if necessary, install the classic frame into the hole.

If your obsady bunker role is wearing a box that was left over from old wooden windows (in other words, when you removed the lining to most accurately measure the hole, they discovered that okosyachki did not), then installing plastic windows has two options:

changing the window panes below the window;

2. Significantly reduce the transparent part of the window, because the thickness of the window + frame + foam gap is added to each side of the window structure.

And most importantly, never agree to install a metal plastic window in the hall without first installing the window in the hole.

Even if your house has been standing for decades, and you think that the frame is already completely “compressed”. Remember that wood is a “living” material that “breathes” throughout its life with all the ensuing consequences.

Plastic windows are firmly established in modern construction. They have many positive advantages, which allows them to be used in various types of buildings, including wooden construction. But the specialty of their placement in a wooden house differs from installation in classic brick buildings. So how to solve this problem? How to insert a plastic window into a wooden house?

Differences in installing metal-plastic windows in wooden houses

The main problem with installing plastic windows in wooden structures is that the structure of the wood is greatly reduced after construction due to drying of the material.

Yes, and with further use of various types of movements they are possible.

Depending on the building material, shrinkage per meter of building height is associated with such indicators.

But in general, the movement can be up to 300 millimeters.

Therefore, all builders advise not to carry out finishing work in the first year of building a wooden house. When inserted in accordance with generally accepted requirements, windows simply deform under such pressure. But what to do, do not leave the same house without windows, the more seasonal changes continue, depending on the humidity and ambient temperature.

At the first stage, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work.

If the house has just been built, it is necessary to remove construction dust and debris, take measurements and draw a drawing of the future installation of the window system. An old wooden house requires the following preparation:

  • Dismantling (destruction of old windows).
  • Removing residues and residues.
  • Measurements and calculations of the parameters of the next window.
  • Restoring the condition of load-bearing wooden structures, trimming window openings (there should be no rotting or mold.

    The cleaned areas are cleaned and the wood set is puttied).

  • Selection of manufacturer and order of window systems.

What you need to install windows

You need tools to replace or install windows.

  • Electric drill with drilling series.
  • Construction level and roulette.
  • Chisels.
  • Mallet.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Wedge wedges.
  • Fastening elements (plates, screws).
  • Collection of foam.

It is also advisable to have a partner involved because the windows are very difficult to install on their own due to the size and weight of the insulating glass.


What is it, its type and design features

To protect the window from the walls, it is necessary to plan and install a so-called floating base, in which the double-glazed window frame - the casing - is installed. In particular, its presence is important for the veranda, where the length of the window system can reach several meters.

You can place wooden slats with an important hole.

Structurally, it looks like there are plates on the periphery of the aperture. The housing is secured by grooves, at points such as spacers, patch or other natural fibers, these cannot be sealed with spray foam. During installation, the gap is always at the top.

By using this design, the built-in double glazing will be protected from the effects of shrinkage.

The housing mounting method is divided into the following types:

  • Fastening in the tip.

    Place thorns on the sides of the body, which are inserted into the grooves of the holes.

  • In a built-in beam. At the end of the window aperture, insert the rod to which the stand is attached.
  • On the rooftops. The ends of the window opening logs provide finials and grooves on the body.

The main thing when installing such a system is to ensure the accuracy of the installation; incorrect accounts will be overloaded with deformations and the inapplicability of such a system.

The design of the floating body reliably protects against mechanical stress when the wall moves due to shrinkage processes.

How to make a casing (window)

There are two production methods. It's just the exact groove system described above. The manufacturing technology of a complex window is different.

A ridge is inserted into the open window into which the gutter system is inserted.

This fixation is much safer, since the housing can slide and compensate for the pressure of the wall.

For this, a wooden beam is used, in which the intestine is cut with a chisel (depth about 5 mm).

On the window cut, use a saw to cut out the ridge cap to the dimensions that match the grooves. The end faces form the slot and the tip, which make up the entire system.

After preparation, the entire window system is installed in a window with longitudinal grooves. Wooden nails are used to connect frame elements.

Assemble the window, proceed directly to installing the plastic window.

Installing a window into a hole

I leave the windows open before installing.

To do this, twist and pull the top pin.

Gaps must be created at a height of 40 millimeters, at the bottom 30-40, on the sides up to 20 mm. Then fill them with precast foam. To do this, wooden frames are installed under the window frame.

You can set the frame in two ways.

Option 1.

Drill holes through the frame at the ends and attach them with screws. However, this method is burdened with a reduction in the tightness of the window system and, consequently, a decrease in thermal insulation. Use it only if it cannot be determined in any other way!

Another variant. Attach mounting plates (sold as a panel for attaching profile skeletons) to the outer edges of the frame.

The free edges of the plates are bent to contact the surface of the window and attach to the press.

DIY installation of plastic windows in a wooden house

In no case is it forced into the ridge on which the housing is attached.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly monitor the level of the frame in all planes. You cannot dock a window if one of the parameters is broken!

Once the frame is secured, the hinges are hinged and the wings hang.

Once the foam dries, you must take care to protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light and temperature.

Plastic window cladding in a wooden house is an excellent option, but it can be made of wood.

And don't forget the swelling that protects the window and walls from excessive humidity.

The process of installing PVC windows in a wooden house requires precision and compliance with technology, if violated, double glazed windows do not provide the required time. Taking into account the installation rules, the service life of plastic windows in old houses increases by several decades.

Instructions for installing a plastic window in a wooden house with photographs and

Many people believe that installing a plastic window in a wooden house is a very difficult job.

This is due to the fact that wooden houses eventually become subject to natural shrinkage. But if you know the characteristics of the property and follow certain rules, nothing is truly impossible.

What to consider during installation

The configuration of window openings in wooden structures, although imperceptibly, constantly changes throughout its life.

This is due not only to the shrinkage of wood, but also to its ability to absorb moisture when deformed with temperature changes. Therefore, instability is characterized by the parameters of holes in such structures.

The recommendation that the installation of plastic windows can be completed within 3 years after the construction of a wooden building is not entirely correct. Shrinkage occurs in stages. Most of the moisture evaporates in the first year, but the process of “shrinkage” continues for many years.

Experts note that this period averages 5 years, in some regions (taking into account the climate) it never ends. This sets special requirements for the construction of a structural element such as a window that is installed when installing window frames.

Order for installation


If the house is new, you need to check the window opening geometry.

Even if all dimensions were strictly maintained during construction, shrinkage distortion may occur.

PVC windows - no. The rectangle is strictly formed without any deviations. Therefore, the correct configuration of the window openings must be achieved (if movement is sensitive). The methods are numerous and simple.

The same applies to a house that is already in use. After removing the pre-installed window, the installation window of the plastic window is checked.

It is necessary not only to clean everything from dirt to the level, but also to carry out high-quality wood processing using antiseptic and non-flammable compounds.

Housing (casing) installation

This structural element is located in the window opening, regardless of the material from which the frame (window part) is formed.

It is in this context that it is attached. The task of the body is to eliminate the influence of the deformation of the walls of the house on the window, so that it is “independent” of various movements and arising mechanical loads in order to maintain its integrity.

How to install plastic windows in a wooden house

In other words, no matter how the aperture geometry changes (wall compression, mud base), it should not affect the structure itself.

There are several housing options.

The choice of the optimal dependence depends on the type of pillows (shaft, log), their characteristics and many other conditions. By the way, not all windows are suitable for PVC windows, which should be taken into account.

The "mounting" of the frame should be less than the opening of the window to prevent its destruction due to vertical displacements of the wall elements. Let's take as an example the simplest and therefore often used version of the window, which is suitable for “plastic”.

Each owner chooses the necessary tool himself. The main thing is to understand the principle of consent and action.

At the ends of the side walls of the hole, it is solved vertically, along the entire height of the recess (groove). He predicts it will be inserted into cars that are cut into (hole-sized) thick slabs along the center line, from which there is a “spike.”

For vertical wall movements, the projection will slide along the "groove" and the deformation body (and therefore the window) will not be exposed.

Alternatively, "tips" are made at the end of the beams (logs) and the grooves are sawn in a cart. But the operating principle is the same.

The bottom part (support part) is designed in such a way that it has "tips" on both sides, which are inserted into grooves on the side walls of the hole.

By analogy, the upper part of the frame is also located. Its fastening in one design is made using screws and knives. The main thing is that the case is not attached to the wall, and then the feeling of its installation is lost.

Window settings

PVC frames have special fasteners with which they are attached to the window.

When purchasing window units, you will need to understand (at the point of sale) how this is done, as different manufacturers of fasteners may vary.

When defining a window in a field, you need to slightly raise and fix this position (break), create a small difference (for further “penny”).


All gaps between the block and the window are fixed using polyurethane foam.

And their processing is carried out on both sides (inside and outside the building). After final drying, the excess can be cut off.

  • “Plastic” is very sensitive to low temperatures - it becomes brittle.

    Therefore, installation of such products at -10°C or less is not possible.

  • There is no point in buying uPVC windows if there is no casing on all the openings. It is their geometry that determines the size of the plastic blocks. This article describes all the rules for choosing a quality window - reading.
  • The dimensions of the “spike” (“groove”) are usually chosen at a height of 5 cm.
  • It should be noted that it UV destroys the foam installation, so this “overflow” must be protected somehow.

Windows made of strong and durable plastic can be found today not only in stone, but also in wooden buildings.

However, their installation in a wooden wall differs significantly from installation in stone structures. The reason for this is the significant shrinkage of wood during the drying period.

For raw material it can reach 6-8% (1.2-1.6 cm per 1 meter of log height).

Drying wood turns into a powerful press that easily deforms the window block. The doors do not open after such an impact, and the frame is severely warped.

It turns out that high-quality installation of plastic windows in a wooden house is not possible - you ask? No, it is quite real, but only if special technology is followed. We will consider this in our article.

How to properly install a plastic window in a wooden wall?

In order to eliminate the pressure of the wall on the window block, the craftsmen came up with special “sleds”, popularly called frames or casings. The idea of ​​this technology is very simple: a vertical protrusion-ridge is made with a chainsaw on the end part of the window opening logs.

A window carriage is placed on it - a wooden beam with a vertical groove cut into it. There is no rigid connection with screws or nails between the opening and the carriage. As a result, due to the sliding tongue-and-groove connection, we get a frame that moves freely along with the drying wall.

Thanks to this original solution, the plastic window installed in the casing is not subject to the destructive forces of deformation of the log house.

The pigtail performs several important functions in a wooden wall:

  • prevents logs from moving from the vertical;
  • does not interfere with the vertical shrinkage of the log house;
  • strengthens the wall in the window opening area.

Now let's take a closer look at how to install plastic windows in a wooden house with your own hands using a casing box.

Features of installing plastic windows in wooden walls

You need to be very careful when cutting the ridge at the ends of the window opening, marking it using a level. Any deviation from the vertical and any inaccuracies in the tongue-groove joint will negatively affect the operation of the socket, disrupting its free movement along the wall.

Having made the ridge cutouts, you can begin making window carriages. These are planed wooden blocks with a cross section of 150x100 mm. At their ends it is necessary to make cutouts measuring 5x5 cm for inserting horizontal jumpers (150x50 mm board with two tenons at the ends).

When making a casing, keep in mind that its assembled height should be 7-8 cm less than the height of the window opening. If you make a casing without such a gap, then the upper crowns, when the wall shrinks, will put pressure on the box, deforming it.

In order to correctly insert a plastic window in a wooden house, you need to adhere to the sequence of operations established by experienced craftsmen.

First you need to cover the ridges of the window opening with tow and secure it with a stapler or small nails. This is necessary to insulate the joint and eliminate squeaks. After this, the lower lintel of the frame is placed in the window opening. Then carriages (side bars of the casing) are stuffed onto the ridges. The second jumper is inserted into the upper cutout of the carriage and lowered to a horizontal position. Having assembled the box, you need to carefully fasten it with self-tapping screws so that they do not go into the ridges of the log house. Otherwise, the casing will not “work” because the screws will not allow it to slide along the wall.

All cracks remaining in the window opening after installing the frame are tightly clogged with tow. Next, using standard technology, the installation of a plastic window is carried out with all the accompanying operations to ensure protection of the junction area with the casing from moisture, heat loss and noise penetration.

The gap between the frame and the wall of the log house is filled with thin boards wrapped in rolled tow. As the walls shrink, they are knocked out one by one. To do this, remove the top trim (it is attached only to the frame) and, removing the unnecessary “compensation” board, put it back in place.

The finishing of a plastic window in a wooden house is no different from the decorative cladding of a regular frame. It is highly advisable to order not standard white plastic windows, but those covered with a special film that imitates the color and texture of natural wood. They will look natural against the background of a chopped wall. Having completed the insulation and sealing of the joints, the window block with the frame is sheathed inside and outside with wooden casing.

Until now we have talked about the installation of plastic window blocks in new log buildings. But is such technology necessary if we are talking about an old wooden house?

Experienced craftsmen say that a socket is necessary here. The fact is that any log house, even after 5 years of shrinkage and shrinkage, does not stop changing its size. Wood is a living, porous material. Therefore, when it rains outside, the logs and beams swell. During the hot summer, the reverse process occurs and even an old hundred-year-old log house loses several centimeters from its previous “wet” height.

It should be noted that the old window frame is absolutely not suitable for the role of a frame, since it cannot slide along the surface of the wall, compensating for its shrinkage.

Therefore, the owner has two options:

  1. install plastic windows in a wooden house, reducing the size of existing openings by the width of the casing + gap for sealant;
  2. keep the same window area, but increase the openings for installing the frames by cutting through the walls.

Concluding our review, let's say that installing a plastic window in a wooden wall is not a very complicated process. With a careful and attentive attitude to the work, it can be done efficiently on your own, without involving “expensive” craftsmen.

Addition to the article

We sometimes receive additional questions that cannot always be answered in the comments. We will answer such questions further and give options for solving a specific problem.

Good afternoon
Installing a plastic window in a log house is clear, but how is a plastic window installed in a house on the pediment, in which an opening for the window is formed from an 80x100mm board?

This installation option is simple. Just before installation, it is advisable to attach an antiseptic 20x20 mm strip along the contour of your box (it will act as a quarter, protecting the polyurethane foam sealant from solar radiation). If you have already made a quarter in the board, then you will not need to install a batten.

We place the plastic window on spacers (to create a gap into which the foam will be blown). After this, we carefully go through the entire contour with sealant. You can additionally secure the window in the opening using metal mounting plates. However, foam alone will hold the window securely.

It hasn’t moved away from the outer edge of the window block, but the house is old, the window block is level and in some places there is a 50 mm board facing the outside of the street, and now it’s getting cold. What can be done?

The best option is to remove the window unit and install it in the opening with a quarter space, as shown in the previous diagram.

An acceptable option is to make a thick board around the window block outside the wall so that you get quarters that cover the joint of the window block with the wall from blowing. Seal all leaks and gaps with foam or tow.

Due to their performance characteristics, double-glazed windows made of PVC material have gained particular popularity among the population. They are installed in buildings and structures made of concrete, brick, and wood. Installing plastic windows in a wooden house requires following certain rules.

Important installation details

When starting the installation, you need to prepare the equipment you will need: a building level and a plumb line, and also know how to insert a plastic window. It is necessary to install a PVC window strictly observing the placement in a level plane. This will ensure the correct operation of all elements, the doors will not open or close spontaneously.

The technology for installing a PVC window involves its correct placement in a level plane

When purchasing plastic structures, you need to buy additional special fasteners for installation. The frame is fixed in the frame of a wooden structure using self-tapping screws and special fasteners. By following the technological process and correctly installing plastic windows in a wooden house, you are guaranteed to receive window units that will last for a long time.

The window frame is secured using anchor plates

If you dismantle the sashes, the structure will become much lighter and it will be easier to move it, however, installing metal-plastic windows in a wooden house alone is still not recommended. To remove the doors, you need to remove the pins from the hinges.

How to install PVC double-glazed windows

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows in a wooden house is carried out in stages:

  • preparatory activities before installation;
  • installation of PVC windows;
  • control and verification of location in space;
  • blowing with foam.

To understand how to install plastic windows both in a wooden house and in a timber or log house, let’s look at each stage in more detail.

Carrying out preparatory work

First of all, you need to take exact dimensions by measuring the opening and order the window structure from a trusted manufacturer. To do this, most often they invite a representative of a company that produces plastic frames. You can take measurements yourself. After this, they determine the color of the structure and the completeness of the fittings necessary for the functioning of the window.

When the manufacturer delivers the product to the site, the following steps must be completed:

  • if a decision is made to replace the installed windows in the old opening, first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the structure;
  • after which they clean dust, dirt and remove debris that got into the opening from dismantling;
  • It is worth aligning the opening if its geometry is broken.

Having completed the preparation, they insert a plastic window into a wooden house with their own hands.

Fastening the window structure into the prepared opening

We install the window sill first; it will be the base for the double-glazed windows, so it needs to be placed strictly level (horizontally). For fastening strength, notches are made on the sides of the box approximately 8 mm deep. Adjustment is carried out using plastic plates or boards. Fastening occurs with self-tapping screws to the bottom of the box. When screwing in, you should place washers under the screw head; this will prevent damage to the surface.

The window sill is installed strictly horizontally

The next step is to properly install the handle. The film that protects the structures should not be removed; it protects them from damage when the windows are installed. When attaching, the handle must be placed horizontally. When all the fittings have been assembled, the installation of metal-plastic windows begins.

First you need to level the PVC frame. A frame is placed on two-centimeter bars and leveled horizontally, using a water level. After this, they move on to vertical alignment.

Having obtained ideal parameters at the water level, they fix the frame with self-tapping screws to the frame, using mounting fasteners that were specially purchased in the store. It is important not to get the self-tapping screw into the ridge of the log where the socket is installed.

Secure the frame with self-tapping screws

After attaching the window element, we get 2-centimeter gaps around it for the mounting foam.

Before using polyurethane foam, you need to hang the shutters so that after foaming the frame profile does not bend and damage the window. It is important to remember that foam can only be used when the sash is closed..

Control and foaming of the structure

After hanging the sashes, you need to check how the double-glazed window opens and closes. If a window that is half open does not close or move further, then the frame is considered to be installed correctly and the alignment is correct. After closing the sash, foam it with installation foam and leave it for complete fixation for a day.

Why is casing made for plastic windows in a timber house?

To get high-quality PVC windows in a wooden house, you need to strictly follow the installation specifications, that is, install them on a special frame (base). The need for such a design is due to the characteristics of wooden buildings. Unlike a building made of stone (concrete or brick), a wooden panel house is unstable over a long period.

The casing prevents frame deformation when the house shrinks

The building will be completed within the first five years after its construction. In this case, the walls dry out up to 6 cm. This important nuance must be taken into account when installing a plastic window in a frame house. It is clear that you cannot simply insert a plastic window into a wooden house; you need to create a structure for the opening, which is called a casing, or they also say a window frame. Its direct purpose is to prevent the frame from being affected by wall shrinkage, so the socket:

  • strengthens the opening;
  • bears the load;
  • prevents the effects of shrinkage.

The pigtail looks like a box made from thick boards. The structure is attached to the side rack on a groove, no fasteners are used. There is a gap left above the jamb to compensate for shrinkage for a wooden house. There are several options for installing it:

  • A groove is cut in the log into which the block is placed. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the last element of the embedded beam;
  • a groove is cut out in the racks on the sides of the structure, a tenon is cut out from the end of the log in the opening;
  • A groove is made at the end of the logs, and a tenon is placed on the side posts of the box.

Casing options

To get a high-quality design, you need to follow the technology for installing plastic windows in a wooden house. To begin with, cover the ridges of the logs with insulation and secure it with staples or small nails. This stage is necessary to insulate the house and eliminate creaks. Then the lower crossbar of the casing is mounted, and carriages (side posts of the frame) are stuffed onto the ridges, and the upper jumper is placed in the upper groove of the posts. After collecting the box, carefully connect it with self-tapping screws, it is important that they do not get into the logs.

The gaps that are visible in the opening after installing the casing must be filled with tow or insulation. Then the standard installation of plastic windows in a frame house or log house takes place.

The cracks are sealed with insulation or tow.

The compensation gap is filled with flat boards pre-wrapped with tow. As the walls shrink, they are gradually knocked out. To do this, remove the top casing and, having knocked out the board, put it back.

The final stage when glazing a wooden structure

The final finishing after installing PVC windows in a log house is done in the same way as wooden ones, that is, after installing the frame structure and insulation, wooden platbands are installed. When ordering PVC windows in a wooden structure, you should take a closer look at the option with a wood texture, this will allow them to look harmonious against the background of the felled structure.

Many manufacturers of PVC structures offer not only the classic white color option for frames. You can order any shade that the customer desires. Colored plastic frames will cost a little more, but will be a more suitable option for a home made of natural materials.

When ordering, it is important to take the correct measurements of the opening and not make a mistake in the width of the window sill. Self-installation of a PVC window in a wooden house if you know all the nuances is not such a difficult process. You can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of expensive installers.


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