Choosing the best type of lawn grass for a velvety and beautiful lawn. Moorish lawn at the dacha - a fragrant and blooming meadow of wildflowers Flowers for lawns

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One of the fairly simple and original solutions for registration of a summer cottage, garden or backyard is considered a Moorish lawn. Caring for it will not be difficult, and the main feature is the almost continuous flowering of plants from spring to late autumn. Moorish lawns are planted areas of land on which cereal narrow-leaved grasses and flowering herbaceous plants grow.

DIY Moorish lawn

It is not always possible to use the services of a landscape designer or gardener, and in this case, it makes sense to create a Moorish lawn with your own hands. Despite the many advantages of the Moorish lawn, the disadvantage is the randomness of plant growth. This is due to the lack of regular haircuts. That is why, when creating a Moorish lawn with your own hands, it is better to allocate only a small area for plant cover, located between fruit trees or near the walls of the house.

Also among the pros and cons of the Moorish lawn, it is worth noting the ability of the coating to renew itself and grow on any type of soil. On the one hand, this reduces the work of planting new plants, on the other hand, it reduces the ability to control the appearance of the coating. The obvious disadvantage of the Moorish lawn is the inability to trim already faded plants before their seeds fall. The advantage of the Moorish lawn is its natural appearance and small area for planting.

It's no secret that a beautiful, well-groomed lawn can give even the most modest area a luxurious look. The green cover will become not only a wonderful backdrop for fragrant flower beds, but also the true pride of its owner. After all, it is difficult to look away from a neat carpet, if you take care of it regularly.

But in addition to the aesthetic benefits, the lawn also has practical benefits. Grass is a valuable source of oxygen; it absorbs dust, soot and exhaust gases, filling the space with cleanliness and freshness. The velvety lawn in summer softens the heat of the dazzling sun, muffles extraneous noise and is ideally suited for organizing cheerful picnics and children's games in nature.

However, in order to enjoy the emerald splendor you need to work hard. You will have to figure out what types of lawns exist, find out about the types of lawn grass, planting and care features.

There are lawns for decorative and special purposes. The former will allow you to create an original landscape design, the latter - a convenient area for sports and children's fun.

Decorative lawns require close attention and care, as a result you receive not only moral satisfaction from contemplating a magnificent composition, but also a tempting opportunity to arrange a fabulous oasis where harmony reigns.

Sports lawns are characterized by high resistance to intense loads, which means they are optimal for incendiary parties and friendly competitions in football, badminton and even field hockey.

Of course, the prospect of becoming the owner of a tennis court looks quite tempting, but the aesthetic aspect worries modern people much more. This is why decorative lawns are in steady demand. Moreover, there are many varieties of them.

  • Ground lawn. Extraordinarily effective. A flat clearing looks best along long alleys, around flower beds and at the main entrance. It is worth noting that low-growing grass requires proper care. It is not recommended to walk on it, and therefore the parterre lawn can act solely as an impressive decorative element. Approximate composition: red fescue (30%), modified red fescue (20%), meadow bluegrass (20%);
  • Moorish lawn. Elegant and unconventional. It consists of a mixture (more than 10 species) of flowering annuals, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm. The lawn is easy to care for and can be renewed only once a year. One of the main conditions is timely watering. The composition includes meadow timothy, common bluegrass, red fescue, ryegrass;
  • Rolled lawn. A profitable solution for impatient summer residents who do not want to work and want to get results right now. Easy to transport, as it is sold rolled up. All that remains is to spread it, compact it, moisten it, and in the evening you can admire the picturesque lawn in front of the house. The lawn is easy to maintain and resistant to force loads;
  • Artificial lawn. Durable and interesting. It is not afraid of cold weather and delights with bright colors at any time of the year. It can be laid both in spring and autumn;
  • Meadow lawn. Ideal for all types of landscape design and large-scale planting. You can plant any garden flowers on it. Lighting will allow the grass to withstand the winter cold. Approximate composition: meadow bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, meadow timothy, white and red clover, flower mixture.

A good lawn: what is it like?

The grass, regardless of what kind of lawn you decide to create, must meet certain requirements. The defining characteristics are the following:

  • immunity to diseases and freezing;
  • ability to effectively control weeds;
  • good “responsiveness” to mineral fertilizers;
  • slow growth after mowing;
  • fastest possible rooting;
  • powerful branched roots;
  • ability to grow on poor soils;
  • vegetative propagation;
  • maintaining rich color after mowing.

Lawn grasses: classification

If you are seriously thinking about how to decorate your local area, then it won’t hurt to remember some facts from your school botany course. So, herbs are annual, biennial and perennial.

  • Annuals(bluegrass, ryegrass). They live only one year. After which the underground and above-ground organs cease to function and the plant dies;
  • Two-year-olds(hop-like alfalfa, multi-flowered ryegrass). At the first stage of life, only vegetative organs are formed, while shoots producing seeds, flowers and fruits are formed in the second phase of development
  • Perennial. They do not die after the seeds ripen, but form buds that produce new fruit-bearing shoots.

According to the height of shoot growth, lawn grasses are presented in several tiers.

First tier (upper) form light-loving plants. Thick stems reach a height of 100 cm or more. Colorful representatives of this class are creeping wheatgrass, vicoleaf sainfoin, narrow wheatgrass, and awnless brome.

Second tier (lower) represent grasses with thin stems reaching a height of 55-70 cm. After mowing, they bush strongly, forming a dense, squat carpet. This category includes red fescue, meadow bluegrass, bentgrass, horned grass, and white clover.

The middle link (third tier) is given semi-supreme grasses reaching a height of 50-100 cm. Pasture ryegrass, hybrid clover, meadow fescue, yellow alfalfa, meadow timothy and other semi-mountain. They are attractive because they bush well after shearing.

An important characteristic of perennial grasses is their lifespan. The most tenacious are those that develop slowly from the first shoots to full flowering (red fescue, bentgrass, meadow grass). Comb grass, rhizomeless wheatgrass, perennial wheatgrass and multicolored ryegrass develop faster.

An equally important feature is the development of the root system. This criterion divides lawn grasses into:

  • Rhizomatous(bluegrass, some types of red fescue, meadow foxtail, white bentgrass). The root shoot is located close to the surface of the earth. Shoots located underground form several nodes at once. The rapid growth of rhizomes contributes to the rapid formation of new stems and the preservation of grass for many years;
  • Loose bushes(many types of ryegrass, meadow fescue, rhizomeless wheatgrass, comb grass). The root also lies near the surface of the earth. They form only one tillering node, but the spreading above-ground bush produces many shoots;
  • Rhizome-loose bushes(bentgrass, meadow bluegrass, red fescue). They form not only long, but also short roots. This ensures uniform and dense settlement of the soil. These grasses fully meet the requirements for a high-quality lawn;
  • Dense bush(white fescue, sheep's and furrowed fescue, red fescue). The tillering unit is located above the ground. Sprouted new shoots grow tightly to the old ones. As these grasses grow, they form hard tussocks, so they are used with caution when sowing lawns;
  • Taproot(horned frog, blue alfalfa, white and red clover, sainfoin). The dominant shoot is located close to the earth's surface. Young shoots develop on the tap root, which becomes stronger and thicker over time, penetrating deeper into the soil. The plants form a lush bush that looks attractive and does not require special care.

If you want to sow ground lawn, then give preference to perennial, grassroots, rhizomatous and rhizomatous-loose-bush cereals. Grassroots, some types of riding, loose bush and rhizomatous grasses are more suitable for arranging sports and play paths.

More detailed information can be found in our article:

Monoculture or seed mixture: which is better?

What types of lawn grass will help create an even and beautiful lawn - this is the question that worries those who dream of a green carpet in front of their house. For a high-quality ground lawn, monoculture crops are most often used. If you bought a mixture, it should include varieties of the same color and texture.

By and large, pure seedings are quite suitable for forming other types of lawns. It is only important to create conditions suitable for a particular grain. However, many landowners trust mixtures for landscaping. This is explained by several reasons. Some are concerned about the lack of favorable conditions for planting (lots of shade, heavy soil, acidic soil), others doubt whether the chosen monoculture will suit the climate of the region. There are often cases when the death of the entire lawn is caused by some weather or soil factor.

Herbal mixtures will help avoid this. The composition can be varied, but usually the “herbal cocktail” includes meadow bluegrass, red and sheep fescue, bentgrass, creeping clover, and perennial ryegrass. They have a low growth rate, are unpretentious, have excellent resistance to weeds and pathogens of various diseases, are winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Let's get to know them better.

Characteristics of cereals

Red fescue (Festuca rubra)

A perennial rhizome-loose bush plant with narrow dark leaves. The first shoots appear a week after sowing. The tillering phase begins after 2-3 weeks. Capable of displacing weeds from the grass stand. One of the main advantages is the preservation of bright greenery even during periods of prolonged drought. Smoke and gas resistant. Fescue grows quickly and in the first year of its life forms a cover of excellent quality. Adapted for growing in the shade.

Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina)

A lawn grass characterized by thin, hard leaves of a green-gray hue. Insensitive to trampling and dry periods. Long regrowth period eliminates the need for frequent mowing. However, the bush structure rarely forms good coverage in the first year. The plant does not fight weeds well - when sowing, special attention should be paid to checking the soil. At low seeding rates, the territory becomes overcrowded. Good in tandem with red fescue.

Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera)

A perennial short-rhizome herb that develops long shoots above the ground. The first shoots can be noticed already on the 5th day after sowing, active growth begins on the 8th day. The foliage color is light green. It is characterized by high tillering intensity and forms a dense lawn in the first phase of life. Requires plenty of moisture. Tolerates shade well. The disadvantages include the inability to grow on heavy soils - the shoots take root and form furrows, which quickly turn yellow and are easily damaged when trimmed.

White bentgrass (Agrostis alba)

Perennial loose bush plant. A powerful root system densely fills the soil. The stems reach a length of 110 cm. The leaves are gray-green, with a rough surface, flat. Loves moisture, grows quickly on sandy and loamy soils. It is frost-resistant, but does not tolerate drought well. Tolerant of trampling and low mowing. In the first year of life it is not suppressed by weeds and actively develops. From the second or third year it grows even more. Remains in grass for up to 10 years.

Meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis)

Perennial rhizomatous loose bush plant with bright leaves. The germination stage is slightly delayed - the first shoots appear 2 weeks after sowing. Tillering occurs within a month. Does not tolerate dry weather well. This manifests itself in the yellowing of some of the shoots. The grass forms a smooth, elastic and strong coating of intense color. Grows well in saline and acidic soils.

Perennial ryegrass (Loliun perenne)

Perennial loose bush lawn grass. Attracts with the dark green color and shine of the leaves. The first shoots appear on the 5th day, large-scale greening - on the 7th. The most intensive development occurs in the first year of life. Easily fights weeds. A dense, aesthetically pleasing surface requires frequent bevels. It is not suitable for arranging a perennial lawn, but is optimal for temporary parterres.

Creeping clover (Trifolium repens)

Densely bushy grass plant with multiple leaves. Drought-resistant, in the spring it begins to grow earlier than its fellows. The length of the stems is 45-50 cm. Clover is durable, tolerates low mowing and trampling, and is undemanding to the soil. In arid areas it is considered a valuable component in mixtures for meadow and turf.

Which seeds to choose?

As you can see, the types of lawn grass are varied, so when choosing, doubts quite naturally arise - what to prefer? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the terrain. For example, giant bentgrass takes root well in damp areas, sandy wheatgrass in coastal areas, sheep's fescue in poor soils, and woodland bluegrass in the shade.

Before you go to the store, think about what you want to get in the end?

  • A bright, thick carpet for lawns and sports training can be created using mixtures that include thin bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, and red fescue;
  • The “assortment” for heavily shaded areas should include bluegrass and bentgrass;
  • Meadow bluegrass and fescue will help in arranging a playground and sports area (lawn height no more than 4 cm);
  • Red fescue seeds are good for creating decorative clearings with grass heights of up to 3 cm;
  • To sow walking paths, you can use a mixture of meadow timothy, awnless brome, tall fescue, and meadow bluegrass;
  • To restore a slightly bald lawn, ryegrass is good, forming an excellent turf;

Carefully read the information on the label, which should indicate the composition of the mixture, seeding rate, date of manufacture, and address of the manufacturer. The quality of the product must be confirmed by both an international certificate of conformity and a certificate from the country of origin.

Look for data on the adaptation of the grass mixture to your climate - otherwise disappointment will not be avoided.

The seeds must correspond to the purpose and type of lawn; you should also take into account the groundwater level, the degree of illumination and the quality of the soil in your suburban area.

How many seeds will be needed?

To determine the required number of seeds, you should know the seeding rate (the minimum amount of seed that can ensure grassing (overgrowing) of the territory). This indicator depends on a number of factors: weather, soil, target (type of lawn), as well as on the biological characteristics of the cereal.

In order not to confuse summer residents with additional calculations, scientists have derived an approximate seeding rate for all herbs - 5 kg per hundred square meters or 50 grams. per m2. This is subject to the use of a seeder. When sowing manually, the amount of raw materials is increased by 10%.

Now you know not only what types of lawn grass exist and which one to prefer in a given situation, but also how many seeds are needed for sowing. And finally, some more expert advice:

  • The best time for sowing is April-May;
  • Preliminary soil preparation involves chemical and mechanical treatment;
  • Poa grove, which grows well in the shade, will save you from the pale color of the lawn. If drainage is not organized on wet soils, then choose mixtures with swamp bluegrass, which forms a powerful root system and does not require frequent sowing;
  • Dog bentgrass will be a real boon for those who want to create a velvety lawn. It will look simply stunning, but the lifespan of such “fabric” is no more than 5 years;
  • Meadow fescue is a champion in growth, so if you don’t want to wait a long time for the first shoots, be sure to include this plant in the mixture;
  • Annual bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and turfgrass are not entirely suitable for the Russian climate;
  • To improve the quality of the soil, peat and river sand are added to it. Humus, rotted compost, and vermicompost are good for fertilizer;
  • It is necessary to sow in the direction from sown areas to unsown areas. Then carefully “comb” the soil with a rake and sprinkle the seeds with soil;
  • In the first few days, water the seeds intensively, otherwise they will dry out;
  • To prevent the young lawn from dying in the first winter, mulch it with vermicompost after the last mowing.

Valuable information has been obtained, which means you can safely go in search of seeds for the most beautiful lawn. A little patience and very soon you will be able to admire the spectacular decoration of the landscape - a lush carpet, “woven” with your own hands.

In most cases, the lawn at the dacha plays a major role in the landscape design of your site. The presence of only one bright emerald, soft, well-groomed and beautiful lawn gives the site a sophisticated, simple and, at the same time, rich style. Regardless of the size and function of the lawn, there is a certain sequence of its creation and care. By adhering to the correct sequence described in this article, you can significantly reduce the cost and time spent on maintenance when creating a lawn on your own, and most importantly, always achieve a smooth, intact and fresh lawn.

A well-groomed lawn at the dacha is already a reason to be proud of your site Source

About types of lawns

In the absence of a ready-made lawn, when planning, first of all it is worth deciding on its function: whether the lawn will serve only as a decorative element, or be a field for different types of activities. There are several types: ground floor, Moorish, natural, landscape gardening, sports and special.

Parterre lawn

This type, also called an English lawn, has a purely decorative function. Its height in summer is 3 - 3.5 cm, it consists of expensive and tender grasses that need sunlight, are afraid of shady places, moving along it, having picnics and any other physical activity.


The soil must be well prepared, free from weeds, professional and timely care.


Despite all the costs, this particular lawn is the most beautiful and rich, emphasizing the high economic and cultural status of its owner.



Moorish lawn

Mainly, this lawn on the site also performs a decorative function; the herbs used reach a height of more than 10 cm and are flowering (meadow chamomile, field cornflower, poppy, large-flowered flax). Afraid of kneading, a certain frequency of haircuts is necessary.

This type of lawn is also not suitable for playing football - it differs from others in the presence of different wildflowers Source


A well-chosen bouquet of flowers in a herbal mixture will give the owner a wonderful palette of colors, but it is worth keeping in mind that the larger the lawn, the less exclusive and premium it will look.

Natural lawn

Having rid the planned area filled with grasses of weeds and tall plants, any area densely occupied by grasses can be covered with a natural lawn. Such a lawn does not require special soil or grass mixtures.

Natural “lawns” do not require special care, and there are no problems with them when planting Source

There are special meadow mixtures on sale that allow you to give any lawn a certain look. Maintenance of such a lawn is minimal, as are the economic costs, but in appearance, this type is inferior to all others.


Due to its greatest prevalence, it is often called a regular lawn. The garden lawn consists of hard, rough grasses, 5-6 cm high. Such a lawn can grow on poor soils, it is slightly susceptible to changes in shady areas and excess sunlight.



It is a compromise of aesthetics and functionality; you can safely arrange picnics and recreation areas on it, place inflatable pools, and temporary paraphernalia.


This lawn is used when there is intense exposure to the soil, near playgrounds, sports grounds, and walking areas. Growing cereals have good resistance to trampling and abrasion.

Lawn for families with children and animals - it is difficult to “scare” it with intense load Source


As a rule, mixtures for sports turf are more expensive and their creation requires additional costs.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of drawing up projects and performing landscape work of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


This type can be purchased ready-made in the form of rolls. Rolls are sold already with turf and are easily adapted to the supplied soil.


Grasses are tough and do not have any special aesthetic qualities, but in terms of their resistance to any influences they are no worse than gardening grasses.


About the herbs used

Cereal mixtures for a parterre lawn for a summer residence contain the seeds of meadow grass, red fescue and fine bentgrass. Moorish mixtures contain flax seeds, cornflowers, marigolds, chamomile, nemesia, bluegrass and fescue. Mixtures for arranging a lawn contain seeds of ryegrass, sheep fescue and bluegrass.


The sports turf consists of perennial ryegrass, red fescue and bentgrass.

Each individual species is differently resistant to weathering. Mixtures with 3 or more species make it possible to hide the weakest qualities of cereal crops, thanks to which the lawn can be evenly contrasting, whether in the sun or in the shade.

Video description

The types of lawns are clearly shown in the video:

About the necessary tools

Having decided on the type of lawn and purchased the necessary seeds, you need to prepare the area for sowing, for which you will need the following tools:

  • Tamping device

  • Irrigation hose

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

About soil preparation and features of choosing a location

Work related to preparing the soil and sowing seeds can be divided into several stages.


At the first stage, the soil type is determined. To do this, it is enough to dig on a clear day, take a handful of soil in the palm of your hand, examine the color, crush it, and use the following factors to determine the type of soil:

    sandy soil characterized by a large amount of sand, it is coarse and granular, water is quickly carried away from the surface of the sand, removing useful substances. Such soil must be regularly fed and watered.

    Clayey The soil retains too much water, it is fertile, but there may be drainage problems. The clay is sticky, gray in color, and forms a lump when compressed.

    Peat the soil is dark, loose and soft. It is poor in nutrients, it is very wet, as it is found in swampy places. It is worth providing an additional layer to drain excess water

    Limestone the soil does not form a compact; it feels crumbly and granular to the touch. This type is fertile and drains water well.

    Loam is a mixture of sand and clay, this soil is soft to the touch, the shade varies from gray to brownish brown. Average in fertility, water flows moderately.

Regardless of soil type, it is important to maintain the correct soil acidity. The most favorable acidity for most types of cereals is 6.0 – 7.0 pH units. To determine acidity, you can use litmus paper and use a scale to determine the acidity.


If the soil has an acidity of less than 6, you can sprinkle the soil with lime and chalk. If the soil has a slightly alkaline environment, you can use special solutions or crushed peat.

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Soil preparation

So that nothing prevents the grass from growing and it is uniform, the ground should be cleared of weeds, stones, sticks and possible debris. Places that have uneven areas should be leveled using a rake; pronounced hills will have to be demolished with a shovel. To thoroughly remove weeds, you can use herbicides. If the treated area has a large number of bushes, small trees, weeds and is also not level, it would be best to simply dig up this area completely, and then start sorting out the roots of unnecessary plants.


Soils with poor drainage (clayey, peat) need to create a layer through which water can easily drain. To do this, you need to remove 20-25 cm from the soil and put a drainage layer in the form of geotextiles, broken bricks or gravel.

Schematically, the drainage area looks like this Source

It would not be a bad idea to use additional fertile soil and place it in an even layer 5-10 cm thick on the territory.

Sometimes a small layer of fertile soil is placed on the drainage Source

Regardless of the fertility of your soil, an additional layer will not have a negative impact on your green lawn, but will only improve its quality.

Video description

Preparing the site for planting lawn grass in this video:

About sowing and growing

Before sowing, the soil should be loosened with a rake with small teeth to make it easier for the seeds to enter the ground.

After raking, small grooves are formed into which the seeds fall Source

Knowing the size of the planned lawn, the number of seeds for sowing can be calculated according to the proportion, where at least 50 grams are required per 1 m2. seeds, or per 1 hundred square meters at least 5 kg. Spending more than 7 kg per 1 hectare of land is not rational for any soil fertility and type of grass. The sowing depth should not reach more than 1 cm.

Each meter of plot requires a certain number of seeds - there is no point in sowing more Source

For sowing, you can use a regular 2 liter plastic bottle, making holes in it for the seeds.

For a larger area, you can use a special device where the amount of seeds will be dosed.


Seeding devices can be different Source

The edges of the lawn are sown first and most intensively, then along the entire territory. The seeds can be mixed with dry fertilizer, which can speed up their germination.


After sowing, the soil must be compacted for additional compaction, to get rid of uneven surfaces and to protect it from birds.



It is necessary to water the ground with a wide spray of water to prevent the seeds from moving along the surface of the ground and the appearance of holes and hills. The soil must be moist; too much water deprives the roots of access to oxygen, which leads to the withering of the plant.

The first shoots appear after 7-10 days, and after 20 days most of the grass stand reaches 10 cm. When the grass reaches a height of more than 15 cm, the first mowing can be done. This usually happens 30-40 days after sowing.


About care

Lawn care and design consists of moisture control, periodic mowing and weed removal.

Naturally, when setting the goal of creating a natural lawn with a predominance of low-growing species on moist soil, all care can be reduced only to mowing. However, in this case, there is a high probability of obtaining an uneven lawn pattern. Somewhere the grass will be greener, somewhere, on the contrary, it will be withered and sparse. Depending on the type of lawn, the cutting height varies, but it is not recommended to cut any lawn shorter than 3 cm.

Lawn type Cut to, see:
In summer Autumn-spring
Parterre 3 4
Sports 3 4
Gardening 5 6

As a rule, no more than 1/3 of the height is cut when the grass growth is 1.5 - 2 cm more than normal. Overgrown grass is mowed in 2-3 stages. In summer the frequency is 10-15 days, in autumn and spring 7-10 days. Grass clippings should not be left on the lawn.


Watering is best done by sprinkling. To do this, you can use a spray device at the end of the hose. You can either buy it at any garden store or make it yourself from a plastic bottle. It is recommended to water in the early morning or in the evening, when the sun is far from the zenith. If the lawn grows in small paths, it can be watered with a watering can.

Video description

The irrigation system is often installed even before the lawn is sowed, about this in the video:

It is necessary to water the lawn periodically; during dry periods, the interval can be 3 days. Constant low-intensity watering is not recommended. The average amount of water for temperate latitudes per 1 m2 is 30 liters. Do not allow puddles to appear covering the grass.

Photo gallery of examples of lawn design









Children on the playground, parents in sun loungers - everyone has their own vacation Source



Decorative lawn design is a great place for walking Source


A tennis court also requires a strong lawn that will quickly recover after stress. Source


Children's knees will be most grateful for the arrangement of a soft lawn, as they will fall softer on the grass Source:

Video description

And see some more examples of beautiful lawns in the following video:


A beautiful and well-kept lawn not only makes your home more attractive, but it will also significantly increase its value if you are thinking about moving. This is an investment that will definitely pay off over time. The main thing is to do all the work correctly and follow all care recommendations.

The choice of plants for a suburban area depends on many factors. The main ones are where exactly the lawn will be located (south, east side, a place in the shade under trees or a sunny meadow), whether you have the opportunity to care for the lawn, and what kind of flower arrangement you want to see.

Unpretentious perennial plants

If you are arranging a lawn that will not require mowing and daily care, choose for sowing those seeds that will bloom throughout the summer season. This collection is unpretentious, resistant to pests and various diseases, can withstand large amounts of precipitation and does not require weeding or additional fertilizing with fertilizers. Specially selected collections of such flowers can grow on lawns for several years, without requiring seasonal formation of a flower bed or additional planting.

The advantage of perennial flowering plants is that they are resistant to frost and sudden temperature changes in the off-season. This means that in the fall they will not need to be planted in pots and hidden indoors until spring.

Lawn arrangement options

There are several options for forming a lawn with flowering plants:

  • Planting plants that alternate flowering periods. The collection consists of several types of flowers - primroses (blooming profusely in early spring), summer flowers and autumn flowers (astilbe and Chinese aster bloom until the first frost). It is necessary to plant irises and peonies, lilies, daisies and dahlias, etc. in the flowerbed. Different periods of flowering will form a landscape picture changing with bright colors.
  • Sowing wild plants that bloom all summer long are English roses, marigolds, pansies, Chinese carnations, field chamomile, rudbeckia, and gypsophila.
  • Creating mixed flower beds. These are compositions of plants of various heights, shrubs, herbs, cereals and climbing perennials. For complex planting of plants that bloom throughout the summer season, unpretentious perennials such as lupine, Carpathian bellflower, delphinium, and Chinese carnations are ideal.

A few rules for planting and care

When choosing flowers for lawns that bloom all summer, remember that when arranging a flower bed you will need to follow some rules:

  1. Plants are completed only in cases where they have the same planting and growing conditions;
  2. Calculate the number of seeds so that flowers and herbs fill the entire area of ​​the lawn;
  3. The distance between seedlings must strictly comply with planting recommendations;
  4. When choosing flowers, consider the level of illumination of the area under the lawn (violets, periwinkle, poppies, and sedum grow better in the shade)
  5. Ensure that all plants are equally demanding in terms of frequency and amount of watering.

In addition, be sure to pay attention to the height of the stem of an adult plant. Tall flowers should be planted on the lawn under a house wall or fence, small flowers should be planted closer to the paths.

In order for your chosen plants to bloom all summer, do not forget about regular planting. If the lawn is in full sun, aerate it early in the morning or at sunset.

With proper selection of plants and proper care for them, you will get a real floral masterpiece. Perennial plants grow very quickly, and after 2-3 years it will be possible to plant new plants, improving other corners of the suburban area.

Flowers for the lawn (video)

The Moorish lawn differs from other types in that its care does not require mowing. It is not like other evergreen and perfectly smooth lawns, but is a beautiful meadow of flowers and plants.

A colorful flowering lawn can decorate absolutely any area. A bright carpet of lawn flowers is usually an ideal element of garden decoration, and if desired, it can be supplemented by planting interesting trees or shrubs.

Moorish lawn photo and selection of plants

It is recommended to use plants for this that are extremely simple and do not require special care. Most of them are familiar to everyone; they can be found in forests and fields. To arrange a Moorish lawn on your site, you can choose the composition yourself or buy a ready-made mixture of herbs. The following selection criteria are used:

  • bright inflorescences;
  • long flowering period;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to physical impact;
  • weather conditions and soil suitable for the varieties.

Lawn flowers are very diverse and number more than a hundred species. Most often they are divided when selling according to color schemes.

Meadow chamomile

A wonderful perennial that looks so natural in natural landscapes. Chamomile is absolutely unpretentious, tolerates dry climates well, and remains decorative for a long time. The height of the flower reaches 90 cm, due to the long and large flower it stands out well and looks great on the lawn.


It is valued in the Moorish lawn for its decorative effect and bright, rich shade. It blooms for a long time and is capable of self-renewal through seeds.

Oriental poppy

The poppy flowering period is not very long, but within 2-3 weeks it will delight the eye with its stunning color. The flowers are quite large; after flowering ends, boxes are formed, due to which re-sowing occurs.


The flowers of this medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family are not only very useful, but also decorative. The variety of colors and size of the inflorescence perfectly distinguishes it from the components of the Moorish lawn. In addition, the flower is well preserved when cut.


This plant can easily become the basis for a flowering lawn. It blooms almost the entire season - from early summer to late autumn. Pleases the eye with its variegation and variety of colors. Nemesia is resistant to disease, drought and temperature fluctuations.

Calendula officinalis

Another flower that can delight you with beautiful blooms in your lawn. Stems of different heights - from 25 to 70 cm, stand out beautifully due to dense, multi-layered yellow or orange flowers. Marigolds bloom until November, making the flowering lawn in the photo you see bright and catchy. In addition to decorative properties, it also has medicinal properties, which is why it is in special demand.

Bow-anzur (mountain bow)

It is one of the first to bloom in flower beds and lawns and tolerates frost well. Spherical inflorescences of delicate shades will look great cut and dried.

Large-flowered flax

A light-loving plant that tolerates drought and temperature fluctuations well, continuing to flower until the end of October. The lush, green stems of the plant are not very tall, but they perfectly complement the flowering lawn due to the abundance of bright flowers.

Blooming lawn photos and reviews: sowing features

Any area of ​​your garden is suitable for sowing Moorish lawn. You can use the site of former beds and plantings to resume crop rotation, or any unoccupied corner to create a beautiful field bed.

If the soil at the planting site has not been previously cultivated, you need to carefully remove the turf. The sowing area must be cleared of debris, weeds and thoroughly leveled. If necessary, update the soil layer with black soil and apply fertilizer. It is best to use organic ones - manure, humus.

It is necessary to dig up the area under the Moorish lawn to a depth of 15-20 cm, loosen the soil well so that it is easier for the seeds to germinate. If you have time before sowing, it is better to leave the soil after cultivation for several weeks to remove weeds.

After this, you can start planting seeds. Planting rates are usually indicated on the packaging of the grass mixture. If you selected the plants yourself, then stick to the proportion of 30 g per 5 sq.m.

The seeds need to be distributed evenly so that there are no bald spots in the future lawn. After sowing, be sure to water the soil generously and cover it with material (you can use fine mesh agrofibre) that will protect the seeds from birds.

How to care for a Moorish lawn

Due to the fact that the main components of the lawn grow well in natural conditions, virtually no maintenance is required. Since many plants are flowering and are accustomed to field, forest and marshy areas, almost all of them love moisture.

The lawn must be mowed several times: the first time after the greenery appears, but before the flowers have time to bloom. This is necessary so that the abundance of greenery does not drown out the inflorescences.

The second mowing of the lawn occurs after the end of the season - around the end of September. By this time, most of the flowers will have dried up, and the seeds for the next shoot will already be in the ground. The mowing height should be between 8 and 12 cm.

Many gardeners prefer the Moorish lawn, which has only positive reviews. It pleases not only with its beautiful view, but also with its unsurpassed aroma, especially on summer evenings.


  • simplicity in arrangement;
  • minimum care;
  • rich aroma;
  • magnificent decorative appearance;
  • long flowering period.

Disadvantages of Moorish lawn

Many people prefer a flowering lawn, but it has some disadvantages:

  • Impracticality. If you have a small area, you will have to abandon the Moorish lawn, as it is unsuitable for active games and walking. It can only be used for decorative purposes, and gardeners prefer small flower beds instead;
  • Despite the fact that many people adore the aroma of wildflowers, the pollen of some herbs can cause allergic reactions, so when choosing a herbal mixture it is better to exclude some of them from it, despite their beauty (daisies, marigolds, fragrant tobacco);
  • Among the plants of the Moorish lawn there are many honey-bearing plants, which can attract bees, wasps and other insects. If their appearance on the site is undesirable, it is better to choose a different type of lawn.

Bottom line

To bring lightness and naturalness to the site, you can embody the idea of ​​a natural, bright meadow, saturated with wildflowers and bright natural colors. Having familiarized yourself with the concept of Moorish lawn before starting work, photo reviews of which are quite popular, you will certainly achieve the desired result.


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