Advantageous geographical location. §2

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Russia, the pros and cons of the location of our state. We will also designate the objects that are part of our endless country. Let's compare the location of France, England and the geographical position of Russia, the pros and cons of which are different.

Our country is wide and vast. The Russian Federation is geographically located in northern Asia and eastern Europe. As of 2017, about 147 million people live on its area (17 million square kilometers). The Russian Federation consists of eighty-five subjects:

  • 46 regions;
  • 22 republics;
  • 9 edges;
  • 3 federal cities;
  • 4 autonomous okrugs;
  • 1 autonomous region.

Another distinctive feature of the EGP is its borders with 18 states (this includes both land and sea). Russia ranks first in terms of the number of Orthodox population (70%), despite this, it is a multinational state with the greatest ethnocultural diversity.

Russia, the pros and cons of which we will identify, is unique. The country has huge reserves of natural resources (about 20% of the world's reserves).

Economic and geographical position of Russia

The economic and geographical position of the country allows us to judge the development of a given state, primarily about economic activity. We will briefly trace this relationship at three levels:

  • macro position;
  • micro position;
  • mesoposition.

The geographical position of Russia, the pros and cons of which we are considering, is quite favorable. One eighth of the entire landmass belongs to this particular state. The country is located on the Eurasian continent. Thanks to its military potential, it is considered a world power.

First of all, we will consider Russia’s position in relation to the whole world, that is, its macro position. The country's territory is more than 17 million square kilometers. As mentioned above, Russia covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.

Now a little about the location of regions (mesoposition). Let's start with the fact that 11 economic regions of Russia were previously identified:

  • Northwestern;
  • Northern;
  • Central;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky;
  • Povolzhsky;
  • North Caucasian;
  • Ural;
  • West Siberian;
  • East Siberian;
  • Far Eastern.

Russia recognizes the existence of borders with 18 states. (excluding Crimea) is 60933 km.

Now consider the position of our country in relation to its neighbors (micro-position). In this part, it is very important to mention the southeast. This territory may in the near future be called East Rotterdam - a free trade zone. Many investors became interested in this project.


We examined the geographical location and borders of Russia. Now we propose to highlight the advantages of the location of our state. These include:

  • Russia is incredibly rich in many resources, including mineral, fuel and energy and biological;
  • has access to the Arctic Ocean, which opens access to the energy reserves of the Eurasian shelf;
  • has large rivers, which helps in navigation and dam construction;
  • shipping and marine industries are developed due to the well-open access to the sea;
  • Another advantage is the large number of neighboring states; Russia acts as a transit country for European and Asian countries.


Despite the large number of advantages, we can also highlight the disadvantages of Russia’s geographical location. Let's present them in the form of a list. The disadvantages of Russia's geographical location are as follows:

  • although the territory is large, most of it is located in permafrost areas, these lands are very difficult to develop for comfortable living of people;
  • a harsh climate prevails, which leads to high economic and labor costs for energy and heat supply;
  • The last disadvantage is the large length of Russia, which leads to some difficulties with the transportation of various cargo.

Comparison of the geographical location of Russia and other countries

If we compare the geographical location of Russia with England and France, we can highlight some differences:

  • the natural conditions of Russia are more severe, since it is located further north;
  • the country has a disadvantageous position regarding access to the world ocean, or rather, far from trade routes.

Russia is the largest country in the world by area. Due to the vastness of the territory, all the necessary conditions for a rational geographical division of labor are provided.

§ 3. Why do some cities grow while others do not?

Prerequisites for urban growth. Advantages of geography and location played a key role in the formation of cities. At the initial stages of the development of society, agroclimatic resources and the division of labor were of primary importance, which led to the emergence of food surpluses, which provided the opportunity for the growth and development of cities.

The availability of mineral resources began to acquire decisive importance in the Middle Ages: the industrial revolution and industrialization introduced new types of mineral resources into economic circulation and required the concentration of production and population in cities. Metallurgy, which laid the foundation for the creation of mass production, originated where deposits of coal and iron ore were located compactly.

The position at the intersection of the main national or international trade routes of its time provided an incentive for the economic development and prosperity of cities such as Genoa, Venice, Paris, Amsterdam, Veliky Novgorod, Danzig (now Gdansk). The convenience of their geographical location, complemented by relative political calm and a tax policy favorable to the population, contributed to the economic takeoff of the surrounding territories.

Today's analogues of medieval free cities - offshore territories ("tax paradise" zones) have turned into large financial centers attracting investment.

Geographical location as a factor in the development of Moscow

Located in a strategically advantageous area, having connections with both the north and the south and possessing neither significant agroclimatic nor mineral resources, Moscow began to “pull” Russian lands around itself, becoming the center of the fight against external enemies, the center of political and economic power, turning into the largest city in the country (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Map of Moscow 1630

The lack of political stability in the border areas did not allow the cities located there to develop progressively. Some of them were never able to be revived to their former degree of power after the destruction. For example, Ryazan - the capital of the Ryazan principality, a city that was in no way inferior, and even competed with Moscow, was plundered and burned several times. In the 20th century Ryazan is a regional center, the population of which is 16 times less than in Moscow.

The role of cities in the formation of states. The advantageous geographical location of cities also influenced their role in the formation of states. Thus, the uniqueness and advantageous geographical location was the main factor in the growth of the political and economic importance of Moscow.

Those living at a specific address also occupy a specific place on the planet. And every person has his own neighbors - rich and poor, friendly or envious; and from each window there is a different view, picturesque or not so picturesque. The same analogies can be used to characterize any country in the world.

The current geographical position of Russia - what is it like? And how profitable is it? We will try to assess the economic and geographical position of Russia in this article.

GP - what is it?

One of the most important concepts of geographical science is the concept of the geographical location of a country or territory. Geographic location (abbreviated as GP) is the position of a geographic area (or object) relative to other objects and territories. Moreover, in physical geography it is defined on the one hand (the emphasis is on the natural features of the country), but economic geographers characterize it on their part, taking into account socio-economic aspects.

By and large, geography is precisely the science that determines and evaluates the location of certain objects in space. This distinguishes it from all other scientific disciplines. After all, determining the geographical location, as it turned out, not only provides information about the specific location of an object, but also explains its individual features. In addition, the assessment of GP even makes it possible to predict the development of the territory in the future.

Historians of geography believe that the very concept of “geographical location” appeared around the end of the 18th century. But the first serious work that reveals this concept can be considered the book by L. Guicciardini entitled “Description of the Netherlands” (1567). In it, the Italian author evaluates the role of the sea in the development of the country, which can be considered the first attempt to analyze the geographical location of the territory.

What is the economic-geographical position of a country (EGP)?

One of the types of GP is the economic-geographical position of the country (abbreviated as EGP).

Economic-geographical position is understood as the position of a country or territory in relation to those external objects that have an impact on the development of the economy of a particular state. These objects can be of both natural and anthropogenic origin. These can also be other countries or their unions.

Geographers identify the following components (aspects) of the territory’s EGP:

  • transport and geographical location;
  • geopolitical;
  • agricultural;
  • market;
  • demographic;
  • recreational and tourist, etc.

There are also several types of economic and geographical location. Thus, the EGP of a country or territory can be:

  • central;
  • peripheral;
  • isolated;
  • borderline;
  • seaside;
  • or transit.

Geographical position of Russia - what is it? And what are its strengths and weaknesses? This will be discussed further.

Economic and geographical position of Russia, its brief characteristics

The Russian Federation is the largest state in the world today in terms of area (the country occupies about 17 million square kilometers of land). Therefore, the geographical position of Russia is very advantageous and is distinguished by its versatility.

Russia is located on the Eurasian continent. Moreover, a third of it is located in Europe, and most of it is in Asia. The westernmost point of the country is located on the Baltic Sea coast, but the easternmost point is on the Bering Sea, near the border with the United States. Thus, the territory of the state is very elongated from west to east and is divided into ten time zones.

The total length of the Russian border is 60 thousand kilometers, of which 2/3 are maritime borders. This aspect turns our country into one of the most powerful maritime powers on the planet. The territory of Russia is washed by the waters of three oceans of the Earth. Sea corridors connect the Russian Federation with such important countries in the world as China, Japan, the USA and Germany.

On land, Russia borders on 14 independent states of the world. These are Norway, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, North Korea and Mongolia.

Assessment of Russian EGP

In order to assess the EGP of our country, it is necessary to determine its position in relation to external economic centers, raw material bases and transport corridors. This is precisely what the science of geography does.

The geographic location of Russia largely determines the economic level of its development. It is assessed, as a rule, at three different levels. This:

  • macro level (global level of assessment) - assesses the position of the state relative to the continents and oceans, the main transport corridors, as well as the leading centers of the world economy;
  • meso level - determines the position of the state in relation to historical and geographical regions;
  • micro level - assesses the position of the country relative to its immediate neighbors (in this case, these are the 14 states that border the Russian Federation).

An assessment of a country's EGP is usually expressed in the form of a list of its strengths and weaknesses. It is worth noting that the geographical position of European Russia will be somewhat different than the position of its Asian part. This is due to the vast territory of the state and its elongation in the sublatitudinal direction.

EGP of Russia: strengths and weaknesses

The peculiarities of Russia's geographical location are best characterized in terms of its strengths and weaknesses.

So, the positive aspects of Russian EGP include:

  • huge area of ​​territory;
  • diversity of natural conditions and resources;
  • variety of relief forms;
  • free access to the World Ocean;
  • rich forest resources;
  • a large number of neighboring countries;
  • the presence of large navigable rivers.

The most important negative aspects of Russian EGP include the following facts:

  • huge area;
  • about 25% of the territory lies beyond the Polar climate, where a very harsh climate is observed;
  • a large number of Russian seas and rivers freeze for long periods of the year, which makes navigation very difficult;
  • The territory is too elongated from west to east.

It should be noted that the large territory of the country is included in the list of both strengths and weaknesses of the EGP. Indeed, on the one hand, the vast territory offers a wide range of natural conditions and resources, which opens up great prospects for industrial development. On the other hand, too large spaces are very difficult to manage. In addition, it is almost impossible to create a comprehensive and high-quality transport infrastructure system in such a territory.

Natural resource potential

The relief of the territory of Russia is very diverse. About 70% of its expanses are occupied by plains, but there are also high mountain ranges - the Caucasus, Altai, Sayan Mountains, Sikhote-Alin, Byrranga Mountains and others. Kamchatka is famous for its numerous volcanoes, among which Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the highest volcano on the mainland. There are even deserts in Russia. In particular, the Tsimlyansk Sands, with an area of ​​1000 square kilometers, is the largest desert in Russia.

The geographical location of the country is largely determined by its climate. The climatic features of Russia are very diverse; the country's territory lies in four climatic zones. However, most of it is located in the temperate zone, which is characterized by the most favorable conditions for human life and economic activity.

Russia is extremely rich in water, mineral and forest resources. The country has the world's largest freshwater reserves. Mineral resources of world importance include oil, natural gas, coal and non-ferrous metal ores.

The country has enormous forest reserves. However, the geographical location of Russian forests is distinguished by such features that hinder the development of the country's forestry sector. The fact is that most of Russia’s forest resources are located in regions that are difficult to access (in terms of transport), which greatly complicates the process of their development.

Transport and geographical position of Russia

The economic development of any territory largely depends on its transport and geographical location. It is very beneficial for Russia, although after the collapse of the USSR, the country’s external transport links have become much narrower. At the moment, the northern basin is the most promising for the development of maritime transport links in Russia. Although this has its own problems and difficulties, primarily related to the fact that most of the waters of the northern seas freeze for a long period of the year.

The possibility of fully using the railways remains limited. Today, the country's railway network requires complete reorganization and modernization.

Geopolitical situation

Russia borders on 14 countries of the world. At the same time, the lack of proper border demarcation with many of the neighboring countries remains a very serious problem.

The geopolitical position of a state is determined by the nature of its relationships with its immediate neighbors. Unfortunately, Russia does not have good neighborly relations with all neighboring countries. Thus, a number of countries (officially or unofficially) have territorial claims against Russia. These are Japan, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. Russia's relations with countries such as Georgia and Ukraine have become no less tense.

In general, experts note that Russia’s geopolitical environment has noticeably worsened over the past five years.

Economic zoning

The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 12 economic regions (they should not be confused with federal districts):

  • Central.
  • Central Black Earth.
  • East Siberian.
  • Far Eastern.
  • Northern.
  • North Caucasian.
  • Northwestern.
  • Povolzhsky.
  • Ural.
  • Volgo-Vyatsky.
  • West Siberian.
  • Kaliningrad.

Geographical location of Central Russia

This area is the most densely populated in the country. About 30 million inhabitants live here. In addition, the most developed industry is characteristic of the Central region of Russia. The geographical position of this economic region is very favorable and has several features.

The central economic region is located at the intersection of the most important transport arteries (land and water). It is here that the Volga river system is located - a river that has always played an important role in the life of Russia. Even despite the absence of significant mineral deposits in the region, several sectors of the national economy are successfully developing here: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical industry, construction industry and agro-industrial complex. And it was the convenient and advantageous geographical location of Central Russia that became the basis for the rapid economic development of this region.


Thus, the geographical location of Russia is distinguished by both its strengths and weaknesses. The Russian Federation is a huge country with extensive access to the World Ocean. The presence of rich natural resource potential, as well as the possibility of cooperation with many countries of the world, opens up wide opportunities for Russia for its own successful economic development.

1. Determine how far your area is from the nearest sea; from an ice-free port. How long does it take to get there by different means of transport? Use maps, directories, Internet resources.

My settlement is located 2270 km from the Atlantic Ocean, 1447 km from the Arctic Ocean, 4444 km from the Pacific Ocean, 3300 km from the Indian Ocean. The nearest ice-free port is more than 2000 km away. The journey to the nearest ice-free port (Murmansk) is 2 days 12 hours by train, by car 47 hours (1 day 11 hours), by plane 5 hours 55 minutes.

2. Compare the geographical location of your area with the more northern and southern territories of our country (other countries). Draw conclusions.

The more northern region is the Sverdlovsk region, the more southern is the Orenburg region. In the Sverdlovsk region, the taiga natural zone is more developed, there are more forests; Temperatures are lower and precipitation is higher. In the Orenburg region, on the contrary, there is less precipitation, the temperature range is higher, and steppes are formed there.

3. What advantages of Russia’s geographical location can you particularly note, despite its northern location?

The advantages of Russia's geographical location include: the diversity of nature, which means there is the possibility of different types of farming; there is access to three oceans; Russia is located at the intersection of the largest economic regions, connecting Europe, Asia and America; Russia controls one of the most potential and economically significant sea routes – the Northern Sea Route.

4. Do you think the huge size of the territory is a benefit or a disadvantage for Russia? Give arguments to support your point of view.

Vast territories are both a blessing and a disadvantage of Russia. The disadvantages of a large territory include:

Problems in governing the country;

Extended borders and their protection;

Costs of funds for the development of the territory;

Transport costs;

Residents' disunity.

The advantages of the huge territory include:

Plenty of space for the population;

Lots of farming options;

Diversity of nature;

Lots of natural resources.

5. Do you think harsh natural conditions affected the character of Russians? If yes, then how?

The question of the influence of climate on human character is controversial, but we can agree that northern peoples are less temperamental and more severe, just like the territories in which they live. On the other hand, in extreme conditions it is difficult for one person to survive, so unification is required. One of the traits of Russians is the desire for a team.

Geographical location is a complex category and is characterized by the relationship of an object with its external environment and always individualizes a geographical object. The geographical location displays its next attribute, such as positionality. This is to ensure that each geographical object is unique. There are no two objects in the world, for example, states, that have the same geographical location. It can be argued that geographic location is always a property of an object, which simultaneously displays its relationship to other objects and territorial systems. Thus, geographic location is always a property of an object that depends both on the object itself, the position of which is determined, and on the environment with which it interacts or interacts.

Geographical location is the result of the previous development of the state. It significantly influences the development of all its subsystems - economic, social, political and demographic. In geography, the position of a country is considered as an important factor in its long-term development and functioning. For example, the coastal position of France, its access to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean was a favorable factor for the development of industrial production using cheap overseas raw materials and stimulated colonization policies outside Europe.

Geographers include the following main characteristics of a geographical location: distance, determinism and potentiality. Distancing- this is the advantage (or disadvantage) of a geographic location depending on changes in the distance between objects that interact. In this case, the distance can be expressed not only in units of length, but also in virtual indicators that characterize the relationships between abstract concepts. The geographical location can be considered certain (without taking into account random factors), that is, deterministic. It is, to one degree or another, the main, determining factor in the development of human society. Potentiality geographical location lies in its inexhaustible possibilities that can be used to meet social needs.

N. Mironenko identifies three main properties (attributes) of the category of geographical location:

- Attitude- follows from the definition of geographical location. The main methodological difficulty in studying geographical location lies in identifying cause-and-effect relationships, that is, in determining to what extent the factor of geographical location determines the formation, functioning and development of an object;

- Potentiality - this is a factor, a prerequisite and at the same time a consequence of the development of connections, division of labor, as well as the development of the region itself. Often, an advantageous geographical location turns into a resource for the development of the territory. For example, the development of the country - the "microtope" of Singapore - is positively influenced by the skillful use of its advantageous economic and geographical position in the modern economic system. Location at the crossroads of world trade routes in the conditions of phenomenal economic growth of the Asian newly industrialized countries has become the main objective factor of socio-economic progress


- Distancing- when characterizing a geographical location, it is necessary to indicate the value of the distance between objects. At the same time, distance itself does not fully characterize the geographical location. It is determined by the set of properties of the environment in which the object is located, and distance is only one of these properties.

American geographers W. Bunge and R. Morill consider proximity to be one of the main categories of social geography.

The concept of “geographical location” is analyzed in two directions: 1) geographical location as a factor in the development of the territory and 2) geographical location as a condition for the development of the territory.

Analysis of geographic location as a factor involves identifying and assessing real and potential connections and determining their impact on the development of the territory, its specialization, organizational features and technology.

Analyzing the geographical location as a condition, it is necessary to reveal the main prerequisites for the development of the territory.

Some scientists define geographic location as belonging to a certain territory.

The totality of all information about the geographical location is formed by the geographical environment, the space in which the state and country operate. This space determines the characteristic features and properties of any territory.

Among them, the most scientifically substantiated is the concept of economic-geographical position, which is characterized by a combination of geographical, economic and historical factors. The economic and geographical location has quantitative and qualitative characteristics and can be advantageous or disadvantageous. The economic and geographical location is a strategic resource of the state.

For a state, its political geographic location is very important - the geospatial relationship to political objects located outside of it and directly affecting it. This influence may not only be of a political nature. For example, the position of Greece in the system of Mediterranean countries influences its economy, which determines the nature of political processes in this country. The frequently used term “geopolitical position” reflects the influence on political processes and state structures not only of the external political environment, but also of natural, environmental, economic, and social systems. For example, a country's position in continental conditions is very often a factor in its political desire to gain access to sea communications and often makes it aggressive.

Evaluating political-geographical location state, it is necessary to take into account both its resource (sectoral) and spatial-territorial components. The physical-geographical component is distinguished by the fact that the geographic environment continues to play a significant role in the life of society and affects the efficiency of functioning of a particular country. Even the most powerful states are powerless against such natural forces as tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and the like. High-quality lands or other natural resources, direct access to ice-free seas, climate and terrain, deep rivers and many other factors of the physical-geographical component of the political-geographical position were, are and will be important for the development and sometimes the very existence of a particular country .

The importance of the economic-geographical component in assessing the political-geographical situation is growing all the time. More and more countries are in need of development resources that they are not able to provide on their own territory. And these are not only minerals or food, but also labor resources. Therefore, open access to regions that have surplus resources for socio-economic development becomes a decisive factor in the political and geographical position. No less important is the location relative to the main markets for goods produced in the country.

The importance of the transport-geographical component (in the broad sense of the term) of the political-geographical position is constantly increasing, the main indicators of which are throughput, speed of cargo delivery, transportation costs, information and migration flows, their variability in space and time.

No less, and sometimes more important are the geopolitical and geo-strategic components of the political-geographical position of the country. Political instability, armed conflicts, etc. they “close” certain countries and even regions of the world for a long time, change the direction and strength of transit trade flows, and destroy established systems of interstate relations.

Geographic location can be central or peripheral. The more neighbors a state has, the more central its position. Signs of centrality and peripherality of a geographic location are very often associated with categories of its advantage or disadvantage. Typically, a central position is more advantageous than a peripheral one. Many countries have a peripheral location, but they are located on a shipping coast. Consequently, their position is better than their neighboring continental states close to the “central”. Among the “outlying” states, those located on the coasts of ice-free seas have a particularly advantageous position. A state cannot be washed by the sea (for example, Great Britain, Sri Lanka, Iceland, Cyprus), be peninsular (Denmark, Italy, South Korea, Turkey), or have access to the sea in a larger or smaller part (Egypt, Algeria, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania), located on two seas of different basins (France, USA, Canada, Mexico).

The centrality of the geographical location is an important factor in social life, which affects the efficiency of management functions, the geographical development of the territory, and the location of the main enterprises and institutions. The centrality of a region also influences the way of life of its population.

So, when analyzing the economic and geographical position of the country, it is necessary to take into account:

The area of ​​the country and the length of its land borders;

Economic and social assessment of neighboring countries;

The country has access to the sea;

Features of the relief, climate regime and natural landscapes of the country;

The distance between the extreme points of the state’s territory;

The country's position on the map of world land, sea and air transport corridors.

Based on spatial scale, geographic location is divided into global, regional and neighborhood. Global position - This is the geospatial relationship of the state to the world economic and political systems and their subsystems, in particular groups of highly developed countries, countries of the “third world”, countries of the former “communist bloc”, world geopolitical axes, geostrategic interests and the like. Regional position is a geospatial relationship to the system of countries and political-state structures of the continent on which the state is located. Neighborhood status provides for mapping relations with states that border a particular country. First and second order neighbors are determined. Immediate neighbors are first-order neighbors, and neighbors of neighbors are second-order neighbors. For example, first-order neighbors for Hungary are Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Serbia, Slovakia, and second-order neighbors are Russia, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia , Bulgaria and Moldova, that is, there are almost twice as many. The more neighbors a certain country has, the more favorable its political and geographical position, other things being equal. This gives this country certain advantages in choosing close foreign policy and economic partners. In the military-political aspect, neighbors of neighbors are very often strategic partners (for example, when a direct neighbor is aggressive). A classic example is the Poland-France relationship, between which Germany is located: in two world wars, this pair acted in one anti-German bloc.

Thus, geographical location is extremely important in regional studies; to a certain extent it determines the way of life and even the character of the people.

Test questions and assignments

2. Define the concept of “geographical location of the country.”

4. Expand the content of the concept “geographical location”.

5. Highlight the components of a political-geographical location.

6. What is neighbor status?

7. What is the essence of the regional position of the state’s territory?

8. Describe the global geographical position of Ukraine.

9. Describe the features of the central and peripheral geographical location.

10. Explain the differences between the concepts of "geographical location" and "location".

11. Describe the three main properties of geographic location as a scientific concept.


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