Growing marigolds from seeds: timing, rules for planting seedlings, care, picking, planting. Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in open ground can be done by everyone. Marigolds from seeds at home

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Well, who hasn’t heard about Chernobryvtsy, beloved by our mothers and grandmothers - marigold flowers? They decorate flower beds, delight the eye in squares and parks, and are frequent guests in vegetable gardens, palisades, and areas adjacent to shops. Marigolds are very famous for their varied bright colors and have a pleasant, specific smell that many garden insect pests do not like.

The scope of application of this plant is very wide: they are used to decorate decorative panels on the walls of house facades, loggias, balconies, and also grow well in flower beds and flower beds. They look good when decorating a decorative landscape in the architectural design of plots.

How to grow marigolds?

Marigolds are very unpretentious in care; it is not for nothing that they have gained the reputation of being one of the most unpretentious flowers that are grown artificially. They can grow on any soil. But they like bright places; waterlogging of the soil is undesirable. not frequent, which can be combined with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, diluting fertilizers in water.

Gardeners often practice planting marigolds between beds or near a greenhouse

  • Having a specific smell, this plant repels harmful insects. Marigolds can grow in flower beds, special containers, flowerpots and even shallow pots, decorating walls or loggias.

All varieties of flowers can be sown in open ground with seeds. To do this, it is best to purchase seeds at specialized retail outlets. With further breeding, those seeds that are produced after the seeds ripen will be sufficient. But you must take into account: if you use the seeds of the same plants for several years, they may lose the properties of the original variety and will not be similar to the variety that you purchased.

There are two ways to sow and grow:

  • pre-grown seedlings;
  • sowing seeds directly into the ground;

The choice of growing method may depend on growing factors: at what time flowers are needed, duration of flowering, quantity required, weather conditions and growing conditions.

When to plant marigolds in open ground? Remember: night temperatures should not fall below 5 degrees. This is usually the end of April in regions with mild climates. You can plant seedlings in open ground until the end of May-beginning of June.

How to plant marigolds with seeds in open ground

When to plant marigolds in the ground with seeds? It all depends on the climate, the main thing is that there is no frost at night and the soil is ripe. Keep in mind that the seeds of Chernobyvtsy are not afraid of frost, and can even survive the winter or survive sowing before winter. They just won’t sprout before the earth warms up. Many people are also often concerned about how long marigolds sprout. If the weather is warm, you have to wait two to three weeks before the first shoots appear.

We sow like this:

  1. The depth of embedding is small; you can make grooves with a hoe or small holes up to 5 cm deep.
  2. They strive to make the distance no closer than 10-15 cm between plants. But you can also sow with a continuous ribbon, and then replant the excess plants.
  3. Cover the seeds with soil using a rake.
  4. We water it.

This is where all the wisdom ends. However, you can speed up flowering a little and improve the living conditions, more on that below.

When growing marigolds in open ground, consider the conditions that are necessary for the growth of young plants. Namely: the area should be well lit, they certainly tolerate shade, but still do not like it, reacting by reducing the abundance of flowering and stretching the bushes, which is why their decorative effect suffers.

To get marigolds without seedlings...

  • In the garden, they often try to prepare a fertile soil mixture well fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers, but this is not urgently necessary: ​​the flowers are so unpretentious that they can grow on the poorest soils; it is enough to simply provide them with the necessary amount of moisture.
  • They respond very well to watering, but drying out the soil is fraught with troubles: the lower leaves dry out, and the bushes themselves stop growing, the flowering is scanty and inconspicuous.
  • Flowers will bloom only one and a half to two months after sowing, this should be taken into account. Early sowing (mid-April) and germinating seeds before planting will help to slightly reduce the time before the buds begin to open and increase the flowering time. This is the method that experienced flower growers use.

To do this, just place the seeds in a shallow plate, cover with damp gauze, folded in several layers, place in a plastic bag or wrap in transparent film. After completing these procedures, place the plate in a warm, sunny place: one suitable place is a windowsill.

After two or three days, the seeds can be sown, having previously examined them for germination; healthy seeds should be swollen and with a slightly cracked skin. You can lightly dry the seeds in the sun for two to three hours until they flow, or you can not wait, but mix them with dry sand and sow them together.

Before planting, it is necessary to moisten the soil, make holes or grooves 4-5 cm deep. It is best to sow the seeds using the square-cluster method, that is, the distance between the seeds should be 15-20 cm square. After the seeds have sprouted, it is necessary to thin out, leaving the healthiest seedlings.

For those who don’t like unnecessary actions...

  • It is quite possible to limit yourself to simply sowing seeds in rows without any preparation or soaking. Chernobryvtsy will still sprout and develop beautifully. Just a week or two later. But don’t be lazy about watering, no flowers grow without moisture!

How to grow marigold seedlings from seeds at home

When to plant marigold seedlings? To get flowering plants as early as June, you need to prepare seedlings in advance, which will be planted immediately after the end of the night frosts. Sowing dates begin at the end of February and shift until the end of March-mid-April.

You can prepare a nutritious soil mixture in the fall. Peat, turf soil, humus and sand are mixed. River sand can be used, but before adding it to the soil mixture, it is advisable to calcine it in the oven or treat it with potassium permanganate.

However, you don’t have to bother yourself and just buy a ready-made flower substrate in which you can grow beautiful seedlings with strong trunks and spreading leaves.

How to grow Chernobyvtsy seedlings on a windowsill:

  • Needle seeds are easy to distribute evenly in the planting container; it is better to leave a distance of 3-4 cm to ensure powerful plants. The depth of embedding is 1 cm, two are possible.
  • You can immediately plant the seeds in separate cups, which will later simplify the task of transplanting to a permanent place. Marigolds get sick longer if their roots are damaged than asters, so it’s better not to disturb them again. However, even withered bushes are accepted over time and take root perfectly.
  • For quick germination, you can cover it with film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect. Marigolds take a long time to sprout, so you should be patient.
  • When we see the first shoots, we open the greenhouse.
  • You need to water regularly, but not overdo it, so that rot does not develop and the seedlings do not die. Simply keeping the soil moist is enough.
  • Do not overheat the air in the room where the seedlings are growing. The temperature should be less than 25 °C.
  • If you notice that the seedlings are stretched out and have a pale color, it means that they do not have enough light. You need to choose the sunny side of the apartment or organize additional lighting.
  • If you really want to try, water the seedlings 1-2 times with a solution of complex fertilizer for flowers, with an interval of 10 days.
  • Before planting, a couple of weeks before planting, we begin to harden the seedlings, accustoming them to the sun, wind and coolness. Take it out onto the balcony, loggia, or threshold of the house. We gradually increase the time spent outside so that by the time of planting the plants are completely accustomed to the street.

At a height of 10-15 cm, marigold seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground.

How to sow marigolds for seedlings video:

As you can see, everything is simple: the seeds are large enough, which allows you to plant them one at a time in cups without any hassle and simply water them until the time comes to transplant the seedlings to a permanent place.

Here’s another interesting way: sowing marigolds into a snail on paper, the video will tell you about this:

Well, probably even the laziest gardener will find an acceptable way and grow blackbrews for his flowerbed!

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground

It's very simple:

  • We prepare shallow holes so that the lump of earth fits completely into them.
  • You can pre-water it and put a handful of humus on the bottom.
  • Carefully release the seedlings from the cups and place them vertically, covering them with soil.
  • We water so that the soil subsides, but the water does not stagnate.
  • You can immediately mulch the surface with what you have on hand. These could be last year's leaves, fresh grass, hay or pine needles from the forest.
  • The distance between the holes depends on the selected variety. For low-growing varieties, 10-15 cm is enough; for medium- and tall-growing varieties, leave more space, about 30-40 cm.

Chaotic ones look original, creating a simple naturalness. We have all long been accustomed to rows; they look boring and familiar. Create a composition, for example, by planting petunias in the foreground and blackbirds in the background.

Another video on how to grow marigold seedlings, plant them in the ground and care for flowers:

A luxurious flowerbed that does not require special care? Now you see that with marigolds it is easy!

Care when growing in open ground

Plants do not require special care and do not require special costs or effort. However, perhaps, like all cultivated plants, watering and weeding from weeds and soil cultivation in the form of loosening are required.

How to water

Watering is necessary in moderation, but you cannot do without it, otherwise your flowerbed will be covered with dried brooms, only the tops of which will be preserved. Especially if it's a hot summer. Don’t just rely on rain, water at least once every three days, remembering to loosen the soil after watering to conserve moisture. Simultaneously with watering, you can fertilize by diluting mineral and organic fertilizers in the water.

In summer, when the weather is hot, to prevent crust formation on the ground, watering is best done in the morning or evening after sunset. If watering is carried out during the day, then it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil.

Foliar and root feeding

If the soil is prepared correctly before planting, then marigolds do not need additional feeding. If it is clear from the plant that its development is rather weak, you can fertilize the leaves with complex fertilizers.

It must be remembered that an overdose of fertilizers has a harmful effect on plant growth. Mineral fertilizers are applied the first time during the period of intensive plant growth, the second time when the first buds appear, and the third time before flowering begins.

Formation of bushes

Very rarely does anyone bother with this. However, if you have time, you can give the marigolds a beautiful shape. Prune some additional branches from the main stem. This procedure will significantly improve the nutrition of the remaining buds. The optimal time for pruning is summer, when the buds are already blooming. Buds with signs of any diseases, small or wilted, are also cut off. After the bush is formed, the appearance of new additional branches of the stem stops.

Seed collection

For planting next year, it is enough to use seeds that can be collected from flowers grown on the site. To do this, just choose a bright and healthy bush, let it ripen completely, then cut off the buds and dry them. After which the seeds will easily separate and can be stored in a paper bag. When using this method, it is necessary to take into account that this will not affect the health of the plant itself, but you can get a different color of the baskets, different from the mother one.

Pests and their control

Thanks to its natural properties, the plant not only protects itself from various infectious diseases, but also covers the surrounding area with special essential oils (expressed by a specific smell), which has antiseptic properties. Using this property, gardeners and gardeners plant marigolds next to vegetable beds and greenhouses, or in combination with other flowers.

Slugs and snails

To combat them, you can use special preparations that are purchased in stores, or use an old recipe: sprinkle the edges of the bed, if possible, the entire bed, with dry ash. Having previously collected all the snails and slugs from the beds.

Spider mite

When a spider mite appears, it is best to immediately eliminate the plants to prevent the disease from spreading to other bushes. To prevent the disease, in addition to special medications, you can use folk recipes, for example, a mixture of yarrow with onion infusion.

Gray rot

This disease most often appears in humid weather, when morning fogs set in and the earth does not have time to dry out. If this disease is detected, plants must be removed and burned. the area must be treated with potassium permanganate, or spilled with boiling water, otherwise there will be a risk of infecting all plants and not only marigolds.

Marigolds in landscape design photo

Marigolds look very beautiful in compositions with ageratum

To decorate a personal plot or flower bed, these flowers can be used in a wide variety of combinations.

This is all the more pleasant, because: ease of care, various bright colors, differences in growth height, abundance of color, long flowering period can be used almost unlimitedly.

Marigolds are great in single and combined plantings; they are planted in parks, on the borders of walkways, and in flowerpots for various recreation areas. They decorate balconies and loggias or even billboards and facade walls of houses.

Some amateur gardeners recommend different times for planting seeds for seedlings. In their opinion, tall varieties are suitable for the earliest planting period (approximately March); in April it is necessary to sow seeds of low-growing crops. Another option worthy of attention is purchasing seedling material from specialized stores, which you can find out about in online sources.

When purchasing seedlings in specialized stores or special nurseries, the seedlings are sold already germinated in special peat cups. Before planting, you need to look at each leaf for damage or any extraneous brown spots. Be sure to ask the seller about the conditions for planting and growing these seedlings, as they may differ from those described above.

Varieties of marigolds with names, photos and descriptions

Erect marigold or African Tagetes erecta

Representatives of this species are annual plants that reach a height of up to 120 cm, some species grow up to only 30 cm. Gardeners use this seemingly drawback to create the illusion of an endless field of flowers.

Flowers of various heights in compositions are good in flower beds, flower beds or specially created areas with a sufficient amount of soil. Large baskets of flowers look good in bouquets. The stem on which the buds are held is hard and strong.

The pinnate leaves are arranged alternately and are light green or green in color. The flower buds are mostly double, spherical in shape, in solid shades from bright yellow to deep orange with dark edging. The species does not require care, has good resistance to low temperatures and various diseases.

Varieties of erect marigolds:

Antigua- baskets with a diameter of 8 to 10 cm, bright yellow or orange. Belongs to low-growing varieties: the average flower height is from 20 to 30 cm.

Kilimanjaro- a distinctive feature of this species is the light petals of the flowers, sometimes white with cream shades. They grow up to 70 cm.

White marigolds erect variety Eskimo photo

Eskimo- this type of “Marigold” has white buds. It differs from Kilimanjaro in its short stature. Grows up to 30 cm.

Aztec Lime Green— Marigolds with a shade of bud petals between white and brown. The variety is medium-sized.

Marigold rejected

Terry rejected marigolds Carmen planting and care photo

One of the distinctive features of this species is the presence on the stem of numerous shoots with small spherical baskets. It is this structure of the stem that makes it spreading.
The height of the bush of this variety reaches 20 or 40 cm, that is, flower baskets can vary in height and volume.
The color palette of the buds can be two-color, usually in the middle towards the edges there is a color change to yellow or red.

Varieties of rejected marigolds, popular in Russia:

Lemon jam- low, well-branched bushes with bright yellow, lemon flowers.

Carmen, low-growing variety up to 20 cm, bushes well. The flower buds are small, up to three to four centimeters, with a yellow core that smoothly transitions to a dark red color along the outer petals.

Queen Sofia. A distinctive feature is the dark red petals, the edges shimmer with a bronze color, the shape of the extract is slightly terry, they are distinguished by red petals, which have a faint shade of bronze at the edges. The shape is one row of petals, the inflorescences are slightly double.

Tagetes tenuifolia

This is a less common variety of marigold, but its difference from the others is so great that it seems that this flower is a completely different species. The difference is that the trunk is very branched, and the baskets can be of different colors. Additional attractiveness is created by the leaves, which are carved, long, narrow leaves in rosettes of which small multi-colored flowers are beautifully attached. The height of the trunk reaches 30 - 40 cm. The flower itself is small and shaped like a chamomile; there are many of them on the bushy trunk, which creates a bouquet of unique beauty. Petal colors can range from bright yellow to red or purple.

Varieties of thin-leaved marigolds:

Red Devil- a profusely flowering variety with large blood-red flowers and rich green leaves. The stunning contrast is truly mesmerizing both in single plantings and in combination with flowers of white, yellow, and blue shades.

Red gem— Medium-sized (up to 30 cm) plant with reddish petals framing a bright yellow center. They bloom until autumn frosts. Bushes well, is not demanding in Care.

Dwarf. The name itself indicates the low growth of the plant (up to 20 cm), the main trunk has many branches, resulting in a highly branched bush with numerous bright yellow flowers and a red core.

In order for marigolds to grow well, it is necessary to follow certain agricultural practices when planting and caring for flowers.

Small-flowered marigold Tagetes patula

Small-flowered marigold Tagetes patula ‘Bonanza Harmony’ photo

The name speaks for itself; these are low plants up to 30 cm tall with a scattering of small basket-shaped flowers on long peduncles. They delight with beautiful flowers from July to the end of August.

Description of marigold flowers, their distinctive features

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae or Compositae family. These flowers are mainly grown in gardens, but due to their amazing unpretentiousness, flowers have also become very popular when decorating loggias; they are also grown on balconies.

Another name for the flower is Tagetes. This name dates back to distant legendary times. Once upon a time in Ancient Roman mythology, there were many gods. One day one of them, whose name was Jupiter, had a grandson, and they named him Tagetes.

The grandson had a divine gift of foresight, a romantic character and was very handsome. When the time came to show the world a beautiful plant rediscovered in South America, the Swedish scientist, famous naturalist and doctor Carl Linnaeus, named it by this name of the young god. Indeed, flowers called Tagetes still continue to amaze people with their romantic, unique beauty.

The plant received the popular name Marigold because of the inflorescences that bloom with bright buds, very delicate to the touch, somewhat similar to velvet scraps of fabric. The birthplace of the flower is considered to be the central part and south of America, where the largest number of different species are distributed. In the mid-16th century, the Tagetes came first to Europe and then to Russia. The scientific approach to the selection and cultivation of these flowers makes them popular all over the world. Already, seemingly their own, “Marigolds” can be found in all countries of the world.

Marigold itself is a herbaceous plant with flowering buds, a bit like small bushes with a large stem and branch-like shoots extending from it. The height of the stem and the size of the bud vary depending on the variety. There are very small specimens; in contrast, there are varieties that grow more than a meter. This plant looks very good in individual plantings in flower beds and flower beds.

The breeder also managed to develop low-growing varieties with small flower buds; such plants are best suited for decorating external walls, balconies and loggias in hanging flowerpots.

The stem is erect or branched, which allows you to form a bush of buds standing on one stem; the stems are rigid and very strong. The leaves of the plant are pinnate or porous - divided. The color of the leaves depends on the composition of the soil and can be bright green or ordinary. The root system is widely branched and fibrous. The inflorescences consist of baskets of various colors and shades. The traditional color for marigolds is yellow and burgundy-brown along the edges of the petals, with shades of orange; white and red varieties are less common.

The flower basket consists of two parts: the middle ones are tubular, and towards the edge the flower is represented by a petal inflorescence. In appearance, the baskets can be simple or terry. Several baskets of different sizes and colors can bloom simultaneously on one stem. Duration of flowering, from early summer until autumn frosts. After the basket fades, they produce a fruit in the form of an achene, reminiscent of hedgehog needles. The seeds retain high germination rate, so if they fall into the ground, they can germinate in any place where there is fertile soil.

Marigolds have a specific smell that insects do not like; gardeners use this property by planting them along the edges of flower beds or other plantings. Some types of marigolds are used in folk medicine.

Marigolds have earned recognition and distribution due to their unpretentiousness. The flower, in combination with other flower crops, can create decorative masterpieces. Experienced gardeners are sure that it will not be difficult for a beginner to get a flowering meadow in their summer cottage if they know how and when to sow marigold seedlings.

A more complex planting technique is directly into the ground. The plant variety helps not only to create a cozy environment, but will also help repel most pests from vegetable and fruit plantings.

Features of the plant and popular varieties

The flower is resistant to frosty weather. Orange balls, this is what marigold inflorescences look like, decorate the garden plot.

Reproduction occurs by seeds. It is necessary to have time to collect material in order to continue growing flowers from the beginning of autumn.

The only nuance that should be taken into account: most of the proposed plant species are hybrid forms. Therefore, the collected seeds will inherit the characteristics of the variety.

To create a cozy atmosphere in an apartment, tagetes (official name) are suitable only for decorating a balcony or loggia. In the room, the strong smell of a flower leads to a headache.

They belong to the aster family. Genus: annual and perennial (depending on the species). Bush height: minimum 20 cm, maximum 1 m 20 cm. Additional characteristics:

  • foliage: openwork, pinnate;
  • root system: fibrous;
  • inflorescences: in the form of simple or double baskets;
  • color: yellow or orange with brown accents.

Regardless of the variety, marigolds exude a spicy aroma. The fruits contain seeds for future sowing. There are 500-700 grains in one fruit.

Choosing a place to plant marigold seeds or seedlings: sunny side, without drafts. Any soil is suitable, but the flower gives preference to fertile soils. Humidification is average. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system.

There are more than two dozen types of marigolds, but only three are suitable for garden cultivation: deviated, thin-leaved and erect. In turn, they are divided into varieties.


This type of marigold is also called African. The flower is 90% of the time a single color. It grows up to a meter in height. The inflorescences are double, diameter is 10-15 cm. The erect appearance of marigolds is represented by several types:

  • The creamy white color of the inflorescence is the Vanilla variety. Height: 70 cm, diameter – 12 cm;
  • densely double marigolds that reach 70 cm in height - Kilimanjaro;
  • lemon yellow, orange inflorescences with large flowers (13-15 cm) – Antigua are small in height. They grow up to a maximum of 25 cm.


Special flowers that differ from the mass of marigold species. Cultivated at the end of the 18th century. Today there are 70 varieties. Height: 35-40 cm.

The roots are powerful and strong, which allows the plant to survive the winter safely. Features: openwork leaves, delicate and delicate aroma. Inflorescences: small but numerous.

In the evening, they create the appearance of a small fireworks display due to the varied colors:

  • red-orange;
  • golden orange;
  • golden yellow.

Of the 70 varieties, Paprika, Lulu and Golden Jam are popular. The Gnome variety is praised for its decorative qualities.

Dwarf varieties

Varieties are cultivated and brought from the USA. The second unspoken name is border, Turkish carnations. All varieties are popular:

  • bright orange color of marigolds, with a round volumetric size - Orange. The variety is hybrid, grows up to 25-30 cm;
  • if you notice light orange balls with double inflorescences with a diameter of 7 cm, then this is Tiger's Eye;
  • the Petite variety has several colors: from orange to light red;
  • lemon flowers - Gabi;
  • The most popular marigolds are Bolero.

Low-growing varieties or Rejected

Also called French or rejected. Plant height is 50-60 cm. Compact, but with many inflorescences, both double and non-double. Marigolds of this species called Bonanza and its varieties are popular. Low, as the height can only reach 30 cm.

The inflorescences are spreading, 8 cm in diameter. Long flowering period. They are more decorative.

When to plant marigold seedlings

Depending on which method and variety was chosen, the seeds are sown from March to May. The day of planting according to the lunar calendar affects the germination of seedlings. They also take into account the climatic conditions for the growth of marigolds. Not everyone is able to grow in cold latitudes in open ground.

If you sow marigold seedlings in cassettes, pots or boxes, then it is better to do this in March. The seedlings will take root well on windowsills.

Greenhouse propagation involves sowing in the first week of May, and at the end of this month the seeds are sown without transplanting into open ground. But there should be no frost by this time.

Sowing according to the Lunar calendar

The lunar calendar has been used since time immemorial. Time to work with seeds according to the indicated principle, but make sure that the moon is waxing.

Such events are not planned during the waning or full moon. It is believed that the plant will take root poorly. It will grow and develop very slowly.

You can always buy a special gardener’s calendar in stores. It indicates favorable and unfavorable days for sowing all cultivated and flower plants with exact dates.

Depending on the region

The development of marigolds from the seed stage to a beautiful flowering plant takes 1.5 months. Since the northern regions have few warm days and summers are short, they recommend exclusively seedling cultivation of all varieties of marigolds.

In May it is quite cool in the North, so seeds are sown in May. The landing is planned for mid-June.

In the Central part, the seedling method is also convenient. Seeds are sown in containers in April-early May.

Need to know! Mexican marigolds love warmth. Therefore, they are completely unsuitable for growing in the northern and central regions. It develops and blooms exclusively in sunny areas.

Specifics of growing seedlings from seeds at home

The process of growing marigolds with seeds is not complicated or requires any special procedures. More problems are caused by the preparation of seed material and soil for the plant.

If instead of a standard container (plastic container, glasses, boxes) you chose the method of growing in a snail or peat tablet, then it is worth clarifying some of the nuances. Otherwise, the growing technique is similar to flower crops.

Preparing soil and seeds

Marigold grains require mandatory processing for disinfection. It doesn’t matter whether you bought the seed material in a store, from hand, or collected it yourself. Soaking in a weak manganese solution will be necessary.

This helps to minimize infection and the development of infectious, bacterial diseases of young and adult plants.

The substrate should also be neutralized from pathological contamination. If you bought a special soil mixture, you can skip this step. It is recommended to process self-prepared food in two ways:

  1. Steaming with boiling water. Then allow it to cool and dry.
  2. Send for roasting in the oven.

To prepare a homemade soil mixture you will need a combination (mixing) of 3 ingredients:

  • 1 part humus;
  • sand - half of the humus;
  • peat is placed twice as much as organic matter.

If you don’t want to waste time looking for manganese or don’t have time to fry it, use one of three drugs for neutralization: Vitaros, Maxim, or the most popular and effective -.

Need to know! After any of the proposed soil treatments, planting marigold seeds can be done after 14-21 days. During this time, the drugs actively work for the benefit of future handsome marigolds. The planting container is treated with the same preparations. Waiting time 14 days.

Selection of capacity

Marigolds are not particularly demanding. Therefore, any convenient container is suitable for seedlings. Budget options remain plastic cups, shelf-stable milk boxes or mayonnaise.

Several holes are made at the bottom (bottom of the glass) and a drainage layer is laid. Shards, polystyrene foam (crumbs), and small pebbles are used as drainage.

When grown in peat tablets or pots, drainage is not required. Follow planting instructions for all crops. The mixture is poured wet into such containers.

Seeding methods

Marigolds are planted not only with seedlings that were grown in the soil. There are other methods that are no less effective, but have nuances. You can start by sprouting without soil. To do this, remember the school botany course: generously moisten cotton swabs.

Place marigold seeds between them. Keep in a glass container. Periodically add water and ventilate the grains. Once the sprouts appear, they can be sent into the soil.

You can also plant the seeds directly in open ground. But this option provides for certain varieties of marigolds; sowing dates play a big role.

Difficulties: picking is mandatory, but excess sprouts have to be thrown away. There is also no guarantee that marigold seeds will not be damaged by pests.

Sow marigolds in a snail

Convenient dates for sowing marigolds in a snail: late March - April. Within a week, sprouts will appear that are quite suitable for transplanting. It is better to make a snail from standard toilet paper.

Three layers are superimposed on one another with a slight indentation. Moisten thoroughly. Seeds should be sown vertically (it is better to use tweezers). Roll the paper and wrap it in plastic. We send it to a dark place.

After the sprouts appear, unroll, water, and sprinkle with soil. We wrap it again in a bag and send it to the windowsill.

Rules for caring for seedlings

The method of germinating marigold seeds in a snail is not suitable for everyone, since in 65% of cases the option of obtaining seedlings is considered troublesome. It’s easier to do it the old fashioned way: plant it in the ground so that the flower can get used to the soil and receive the necessary microelements for better development. Care from the moment of sowing is as follows:

  • The grains are not deeply buried in the soil mixture. Be sure to water;
  • send to a dark place for germination. Approximately 5-7 days;
  • with the appearance of the first hooks, water it by drip method (use a syringe) and send it to the windowsill;
  • for better growth, marigolds should be located on the south, east side;
  • After 7-10 days, pick and plant in separate containers.

Pinching marigold seedlings is not required. The main condition: check the soil moisture. The soil should not be dry.

Picking and landing in open ground

The picking takes place not when the marigold sprouts sprout, but after three or four true leaves appear. After thinning, there should be at least 5-7 cm between plants so that the foliage does not touch.

Planting is carried out in open ground approximately 2-3 weeks after picking, while maintaining the correct row spacing:

  • 10 cm between plants;
  • between rows up to 30-40 cm.

Specifics of sowing marigolds in open ground

If you did not have time to prepare marigold seedlings in advance, you can always grow the flower using the seedless method. In other words, planting is carried out directly in open ground.

The timing of the work is different: in the winter, in the spring. In summer, the procedure will not bring results.

Sowing seeds before winter

After frost, you can safely begin the planting process:

  • form beds using a hoe;
  • the harvested soil is warmed, but not wetted;
  • planting is carried out in dry soil;
  • We mulch with one of the following substances: rotted sawdust, compost or leaf litter.

After all procedures, cover with warm earth. In the fall, remove the mulch to allow the sun to warm the soil.

Spring sowing in greenhouses

Successful results from the germination of marigolds are obtained in greenhouse conditions. You can start sowing after stable heat, without night frosts.

For greater safety, it is recommended to cover seedlings and planted marigold seeds with polyethylene and add additional water to increase humidity and heat.

Sprouts will be visible in 7-10 days. The covering material can be removed and the flowers can be watered. It is necessary to regularly loosen and weed.

If necessary, feed. Provided that the soil has been prepared in advance, the application stage is omitted.

Foliar spraying with urea is carried out when the plant develops poorly or the green part of the marigold turns yellow. The solution is made 3%.

Despite the strong immunity of marigolds and their low maintenance requirements, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the plant. They consist of regular watering, the presence of heat and light, and the application of fertilizer mixtures.

Watering and lighting

At the seedling stage, marigolds need to be well watered and provided with sufficient light. To do this, use special lamps for additional illumination. Otherwise, the flower will grow slowly and the inflorescences will become small.

Watering thoughtlessly means harming the root system. To avoid problems with root rotting, watering is carried out as needed: after the soil has dried.


Marigolds need to be fed several times a season. This helps the flowers gain strength, become brighter and bloom profusely. During the growing season, 3 times are enough:

  • when the sprout reaches 10 cm;
  • when the first buds appear;
  • after the inflorescences bloom.

Weed removal

Loosening is a mandatory item in the planned activities for caring for flowers of all varieties of marigolds.

This will help prevent the appearance of weeds, which take away vital moisture and beneficial microelements.

Protection from insects and pests

Marigolds repel a large number of pests with their smell, but they themselves can become infected with fungal diseases and be attacked by spider mites. If there is rot, diseased flowers are disposed of, and healthy ones are treated with anti-fungal substances.

If you notice a spider mite on the tagetes, it is recommended to use both folk recipes (garlic infusion, wormwood, red pepper or tobacco dust) and drugs (Anti-mite or).

In 85% of cases, marigolds that are planted incorrectly are susceptible to infection. The flower will actively develop on the sunny side, with plenty of light. Drafts and shading are prohibited.

How and when to collect your seeds?

Depending on the time of planting in open ground, marigolds form achenes in August-September. Some varieties are ready to produce seeds as early as the end of July.

To collect more seed material for future planting, experienced gardeners use the following tricks:

  • The collection of marigold seeds is carried out in the evening in calm and dry weather;
  • after the orange ball has faded until a dry seed sac appears, the achene is carefully wrapped in gauze. The fabric should hang freely, but completely encircle the testis;
  • Readiness is checked by dryness. For seedlings, it is recommended to take large specimens;
  • The material is dried indoors so that it can be easily removed from the husk.

Main problems when growing

Gardeners, gardeners and flower growers want to have a hassle-free season. But, alas. This is only possible in fairy tales. You can think through and predict only the main, frequently encountered ones:

  1. Water is necessary for the development of all living organisms, including plants. Marigolds that grow on the sunny side should receive more of it. At the same time, monitor how well the procedure was carried out. Stagnation of liquid leads to rotting of the root system.
  2. The flower loves an abundance of light and warmth. Will not refuse fertilizers for development and growth. But increasing doses reduces the ability of inflorescences to develop. The green part will be lush.
  3. During severe thunderstorms, do not forget about the appearance of stagnant water in the beds.
  4. Lack of moisture will lead to a decrease in flower diameter and a deterioration in the quality of seed material.
  5. Pruning is necessary in case of abundant green parts. If the marigolds begin to branch, it’s time to take out the scissors.
  6. Marigolds attract pests with phytoncides. To remove the threat, carry out prevention. To do this, the bushes are washed with a stream of water once a week. Then a systemic pesticide is applied.

Marigolds attract many gardeners and summer residents with their variety of colors. Some lovers of traditional medicine grow them to create potions and infusions.

The plant is used in the food industry as a dye. Medicinal properties help create excellent cosmetic skin care products.

Marigolds, marigolds, tagetes, Chernobrivtsy - all these are the names of one bright, unpretentious flower that grows beautifully in the garden and on the balcony. There are so many varieties that you can plant low-growing varieties as a border to frame a green lawn, and tall varieties perfectly complement the compositions of mixed flower beds of multi-colored annuals. The color of the flowers varies from delicate shades of vanilla to scarlet and bright yellow tones. They often have a heterogeneous variegated color; the original varieties of TagetesBicolor, Tiger Eyes and KurtJester bloom especially beautifully.

The main feature of marigolds is their unpretentiousness; the plants adapt to various growing conditions, giving unusually bright flowers from the beginning of summer to late autumn. Growing marigolds from seeds is not particularly difficult; even novice gardeners can handle it. Let's talk about ways to grow this crop from seeds in more detail.

Marigolds: growing from seeds by self-sowing

To begin with, it is worth noting that marigolds sprout well by self-sowing, especially when the flower beds are covered in winter with a thick layer of snow, which prevents the death of the seed. Already in April, in flower beds, paths, and in tree trunks, you can see strong seedlings with characteristic leaves that have a spicy aroma.

Ready-made marigold seedlings can be used to decorate flower beds, ridges, balcony boxes and other plantings; young plants are characterized by good health and can easily tolerate transplantation. Seedlings bloom in the first year. A profusely flowering bright plant has a useful property - marigolds planted near potato beds repel nematodes from the area. Seedlings that appear by self-sowing can be used to plant vegetable beds to protect them from pests. Decorative marigolds with charming bright flowers will help to expel malicious garden pests from the site: wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, nematodes, cutworms, mole crickets, cabbage whites, weevils, ants, onion flies, aphids.

When to plant marigolds for seedlings: timing of sowing seeds

In order to achieve ultra-early flowering of Tagetes in garden beds, it is necessary to correctly calculate the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. It should be borne in mind that the crop can be grown in two ways:

  1. Sowing seeds directly into open ground.
  2. Obtaining seedlings for transplanting into garden beds.

When sowing marigold seeds directly into open ground, it is worth considering that the plant is quite heat-loving, so seedlings appear only when it has passed.

Important! Seeds remain viable for up to 2 years; carefully check the collection date indicated on the packages.

In most regions, marigold seeds are sown in the ground in May, using dry or soaked seeds. From the moment of sowing to the appearance of buds, it takes about 2 months - when sowing is carried out on May 15, flowering occurs approximately in mid-July.

Seedlings are grown based on the need to obtain flowering flower beds. To ensure early flowering, Chernobrivtsev seeds. Around the end of April, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into open ground, with buds already present on most plants. You should not be afraid of replanting Tagetes seedlings with buds and open flowers - the plants quickly take root in a new place, the presence of buds does not in any way affect the deterioration of flowering in the future.

When to plant marigold seeds to obtain seedlings in the middle zone? Usually this operation is carried out from the second ten days of March to mid-April. The grown seedlings are planted at the stage of 2 true leaves into separate cups or seedling boxes. Plants usually tolerate picking well. Picked plants should be hardened, for which the temperature in the room is lowered, or the seedlings are kept for several hours a day with open windows or outside (they must be protected from the wind).

How to plant marigolds with seeds in open ground

To plant tagetes in open ground, choose a bright, quiet day, usually in May. The bed is first dug up and leveled, adding double superphosphate to the soil.

Seeds can be planted without preparation, but sometimes they are pre-soaked in epin or potassium permanganate to speed up the emergence of seedlings. To sow marigolds, longitudinal furrows are made in the garden bed; their depth should not exceed 1 cm. The seeds are placed at a distance from one another, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and watered well from a watering can. At this time, it is very important to carry out careful watering, because seed material is easily washed out of the soil.

Shoots usually appear within a week; to speed up seed germination, you can cover the bed with film. Seedlings are picked in open ground when 2 true carved leaves appear, planted in a permanent place according to the following scheme:

  1. Tall varieties - 40x40.
  2. Dwarf and low-growing species - 20x20.

Marigolds in open ground: crop care

Chernobrivtsi are completely unpretentious, the plants grow well in the shade and in the sun, but the plant achieves its full beauty when grown in sunny areas with fertile soil. Plants practically do not get sick, but to successfully grow a crop, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Watering - it is necessary to water the plants regularly; young plants especially need moisture.
  2. Weeding - as necessary, weeds are removed from flower beds planted with tagetes.
  3. Loosening the soil - frequent watering causes a crust to form on the ground, which should be loosened periodically to improve root aeration.
  4. Removing faded inflorescences - marigolds bloom constantly, they do not have a dormant period, so the plants quickly lose their decorative effect from the abundance of dried flowers. Removing seed pods from the bush stimulates the formation of new buds, so the bushes must be periodically inspected and dried parts removed.
  5. Thinning - when planting tagetes seeds directly into the garden bed, the plantings may become dense, which affects flowering and interferes with the development of neighboring plants. Excess bushes should be carefully transplanted to another place.

How to grow marigolds of new colors? There is nothing simpler - plants of different varieties growing nearby are cross-pollinated, so it’s worth collecting the seeds, growing seedlings the next year and planting them on the site. New flowers will amaze with their splendor and variety of colors.

Varieties of marigolds differ in the size of the adult plant, the size of the flowers, and the color of the petals. The richness of shades (from red-brown to lemon yellow) allows you to choose the ideal option for the design of each area. The living flower decoration that delights passers-by is very easy to grow.

Features of marigold seeds

First, let's find out what marigold seeds look like. These are oblong dark “sticks” with a white tip that remain in the center of the inflorescence after the petals dry. The germination rate of marigold seeds is high and lasts up to 3-4 years. Thanks to this, flowers successfully reproduce by self-sowing.

African varieties germinate more slowly than French ones, but hybrids cannot be propagated by seeds. They either will not sprout at all or will not show parental properties in new plants.

Sowing dates for marigolds

Marigold seedlings can be purchased ready-made, but most people prefer to grow them themselves: firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, this way you will be confident in the quality of the planting material. Sowing and growing marigolds from seeds at home is not difficult and can be done by any summer resident.

When is the best time to sow marigolds?

  • Since March , marigolds are sown as seedlings in cassettes, pots or boxes. Further, seedlings of these flowers are usually grown on the windowsill.
  • In the beginning of May You can sow marigolds in a greenhouse protected with film.
  • If you want to do without future transplants, you can plant marigolds in the ground with seeds at the end of May. By this time, the risk of frost returning has already passed, and you can sow flowers directly into the garden bed or flowerbed.

ON THE PICTURE:The March seedlings of marigolds will have time to fully strengthen by the time they are planted in the flowerbed in May.

From the moment of sowing, only a month and a half will pass, and you will see marigolds blooming in all their glory.

In the northern regions, where the climate is continental and frosts are possible even in May, it is better to use the seedling method of growing marigolds.

Timing for planting marigold seedlings

Marigold seedlings of different varieties may exhibit their own specific requirements for planting time and care in the early growing season. So low-growing compact varieties marigold mimimix sow towards the end of spring, so as not to risk overcooling the young shoots.

ON THE PICTURE: Mimimix marigolds decorate the garden bed.

If you become the happy owner of seeds rejected marigolds (another low-growing variety), it is better to plan sowing in mid-spring or later. They are considered more resistant to cold weather and frost.

ON THE PICTURE: Rejected terry marigolds of the "Carmen" variety.

Many people like unusual Mexican marigolds , they are thin-leaved. The optimal time for planting them is end of April or beginning of May. The variety is heat-loving and develops well only with plenty of sunlight.

ON THE PICTURE:Thin-leaved marigolds "Lemon Jewel".

How to properly collect seed material

It often happens that suddenly beautifully blooming or some unusually colored marigolds are found somewhere. How to collect the seeds of these flowers in order to plant them next season?

Wait until the inflorescences fade and dry out, when the seeds begin to separate from the flower calyx easily, without effort. They should be dry and crumbly. Lay them out on a newspaper or napkin until completely dry, then put them in an airtight container and place them in a cool place.

ON THE PICTURE:This is what marigold seeds look like.

Pre-treatment of seed material

Before sowing, it is advisable to soak marigold seeds in a manganese solution for several hours.

Disinfection with potassium permanganate will greatly reduce the risk of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of flowers in the future.

You can germinate wet seeds on a saucer, covering it with glass or film, but this does not make much sense. Marigolds sprout well even without prior germination.

Technology for sowing marigolds for seedlings

Soil preparation

Growing marigold seedlings requires preparing the substrate before sowing. The soil should be loose and fertile. Make up the soil mixture according to the following recipe:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • part of the humus;
  • 0.5 parts sand.

The substrate is spilled with a solution of one of the drugs: Vitaros, potassium permanganate. If there is none of the above, you can replace the treatment with steaming for an hour. This is necessary for the prevention of dangerous fungal diseases, including.

Growing marigolds from seeds in individual cups is the most convenient and plant-friendly method for the gardener. You can arrange your own drainage in each cup using shards or small stones.

Agricultural technology for sowing marigolds in boxes

  1. The wet mixture is poured into a container, compacted and grooves half a centimeter deep are laid.
  2. Using tweezers or your fingers, place the marigold seeds into the grooves.
  3. The grooves are covered with the same substrate on top (layer thickness - approximately 1 cm).
  4. Cover the box with a lid and place it in a warm, bright place. After 5-7 days, the first shoots should appear.

It is important to prevent overheating and hypothermia of seedlings. Temperatures above 25°C and below 15°C are detrimental to seedlings.

Marigold seedlings in cassettes

The most convenient way for many gardeners to grow marigold seedlings is the cassette method.

The same mixture is used as a substrate as when sowing in boxes. But it is enriched with additional fertilizers: according to tablespoon of mineral fertilizer(with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the composition) and half a glass of ash for every 5 l. substrate.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigold seedlings in a special cassette.

Fertilizers must be mixed well with the soil so that they are evenly distributed in it. The soil in the cassettes is lightly compacted, then a hole is prepared for each seedling, and the plants are buried 1 cm into the soil. After planting, the shoots are carefully watered. The soil settles a little after watering and you can add fresh substrate.

To “harden”, young plants can be taken out into the fresh air in good weather and bright sun, which marigolds love so much. Growing flowers from seeds into seedlings will be more successful if you give them such “walks” regularly.

Picking marigolds

Marigolds peak after the sprouts have two true leaves. At this time, seedlings usually reach a height of 5 cm.

Planting is carried out at a depth that allows the entire lower part of the stem to be hidden in the soil, down to the oblong leaves. At the same time, they remain on the surface and do not sink underground (and do not even touch it).

Picking can be done both in open ground and in a seedling box. The transplant is tolerated very well by marigolds. They can be planted from cassettes into a flowerbed, even while blooming. The root system of these plants is unpretentious; it quickly recovers and adapts to new conditions.

ON THE PICTURE: Correct picking will improve the health of seedlings.

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground

Now you know how to plant marigold seedlings. A few words about transplanting seedlings outdoors. Planting marigold seeds in the ground eliminates unnecessary hassle, but exposes the plants to the risk of frost. The seedling method will allow you to preserve every sprout.

Choose a cloudy day for planting seedlings. Heat slows adaptation and exposes disturbed plants to transplant shock.

Strong marigolds, reaching a height of 15 cm, are planted in a flowerbed. Growing seedlings to these levels is done in boxes or cassettes.

ON THE PICTURE:Thanks to the strong root system, marigold seedlings easily take root in a new place.

Stages of planting flowers in a flower bed

  1. The soil is dug up to a depth of at least 15 cm.
  2. Debris, stones and sticks are removed from the soil so that they do not interfere with the normal growth of the root system.
  3. The holes are dug with a reserve so that the entire root system of the seedlings fits there freely.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with soil and tamp it down carefully. Watered. Add more soil if it has settled too much.
  5. Mulch the plantings.

Marigolds in a flower greenhouse

A flower greenhouse is a good option for growing marigolds. Such a greenhouse is usually constructed from boards and plastic film. With this sowing technique, you can do without picking young plants, which slows down their growth during the adaptation period.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigolds in a flower greenhouse.

Marigolds transplanted from a greenhouse usually delight with flowering in the flower bed earlier than with the seedling method of cultivation.

How to sow marigolds in open ground

So, you have chosen a place to sow marigolds. Growing these flowers from seeds in open ground has its own characteristics. Proper sowing will provide good conditions for the development of plants in the future.

For this purpose, wide holes are prepared. The depth of the holes is usually 5 cm, the distance between them depends on the type of flowers you have chosen for sowing. So, for compact varieties, a distance of 20-25 cm is sufficient. These include:

  • "Spray Petite";
  • "Disco Orange";
  • "Dainty Marietta";
  • "Order of Honor".

Tall marigolds are usually separated by a distance of 30-40 cm. These are, for example, “Tall Yellow”, “Silver Light”, “Hawaii”.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigold variety "Hawaii".

Before sowing marigolds, the holes are well moistened, and the sown seed material is sprinkled with a centimeter layer of soil on top.

In the future, the sown seeds need careful care: moderate watering, moisture control: the soil should not dry out.

How long does it take for marigold seeds to germinate? The first pair of leaves appears quite quickly: already at the end of the first week after planting. If you see that the sprouts have sprouted too close to each other and are preventing neighbors from developing, transplant the extra ones to another place.

Caring for plantings is not difficult: just water them regularly and weed the rows. And the bright inflorescences will delight the eyes of the owners and guests of the site for a long time.

Ecology of farming: Is it worth “suffering” with seedlings or planting seeds directly into the ground? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods? Are there any special care requirements?

Marigolds, Chornobrivtsy, Tagetes are the most famous names of a flower brought to us from overseas in the 16th century and which became perhaps the most beloved and unpretentious inhabitant of the garden and vegetable garden. Its homeland is Central and South America. Today, according to various sources, there are from 30 to 50 species of marigolds. They belong to the Asteraceae, or Asteraceae, family. In addition to decorative bright flowers (single and double) and pinnately dissected leaves, Chornobrivtsy also have a specific smell, indicating a high content of phytoncides - substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body and are able to repel pests both from the flower itself and the plants surrounding it . Tagetes is widely used as a spice in Caucasian cuisine, where it is called Imeretian saffron, and also has a number of healing properties.

But how to grow this unique flower? So, marigolds: growing from seeds.

The timing of sowing marigold seedlings is determined based on two main factors:

climatic conditions of the region, namely the time when the temperature regime is favorable for growing these heat-loving flowers, and there is no threat of return frosts;

the desired time for the start of flowering, it should be taken into account that from sowing to the appearance of the first flowers, depending on the characteristics of the variety and growing conditions, 1.5-2.5 months pass.

The best time to sow marigolds for seedlings is the second half of March - the first ten days of April. If there is additional lighting and favorable temperatures, you can plant marigolds with seeds in January-February, but then flowering will begin in April-May, when it is too early to plant seedlings in open ground. This option is more suitable for those who are going to grow flowers in a container on a glazed balcony or loggia.

Since Tagetes does not require specific conditions for growing seedlings, it can also be successfully sown in open ground. This is often done in May, when the earth warms up sufficiently and a stable air temperature is established, which at night does not fall below +5 degrees. In the southern regions, it is possible to sow marigolds in the ground at an earlier date.

In addition, when planning when to plant marigold seedlings, you should also take into account the characteristics of the species. So, in order to get a friendly flowering already in June, upright marigolds are sown in mid-March, and small-leaved and low-growing ones - a little later, in early April.

Selection and preparation of seed material

Often, marigold seeds are purchased only once, choosing the variety that appeals to you the most. In subsequent years, gardeners prefer to collect seeds from the plant themselves.

If you are interested in how to collect marigold seeds, then it must be said that it is not difficult. They ripen in about 40 days. To collect the seeds, just let a few inflorescences dry on the bush. The main thing is that there is no rain during this period, so that the seeds do not succumb to excessive moisture and rot. After the flower dries, the ripened seeds are easily removed from the calyx. They need to be dried a little more in a dark and warm place, and then stored in paper bags until spring.

Both when choosing seeds in a store and when using ones collected with your own hands, it is important to remember that fresh seeds, which are no more than 2 years old, have a high degree of germination. Although there is an opinion that seeding material no older than 4 years can be used. Today, most varieties grown in cultivation are hybrids, therefore, when using seeds collected with one’s own hands, there is a possibility that each subsequent generation will retain the properties of the maternal one to a lesser extent.

For more widespread germination, marigold seeds are sometimes germinated before sowing. In this case, they are placed on a damp natural fabric laid out on a saucer. The saucer itself is placed in a bag and sent to a dark and warm place. After three days, the seeds will hatch and you can choose the most successful ones for planting.

Features of soil for growing marigolds

Despite the fact that marigolds are considered an undemanding plant, in order to get strong seedlings it is important to choose the optimal soil composition for planting them. The soil should be nutritious and loose, consisting of equal parts of peat, humus or compost, turf soil and half of sand. Also suitable for sowing are ordinary garden soil mixed with sand and peat, or a ready-made soil mixture for indoor and garden plants with a neutral acidity level. You should definitely lay a 3-centimeter drainage layer of expanded clay, sand or crushed stone at the bottom of the container. To prevent “black leg” when growing marigolds from seeds, the soil is first spilled with a fungicide solution or steamed.

When sowing Chernobrivtsev directly into a flowerbed, you should choose places with fertile, neutral or slightly acidic loamy soil.

Technology of sowing marigolds

When the time has come to sow marigold seedlings, all that remains is to fill plastic containers, cassettes or cups with the prepared soil and proceed directly to planting. So, how to plant marigolds with seeds.

The soil needs to be slightly compacted and moistened. At a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, grooves are made with a depth of 1-2 cm. Distribute the seeds evenly in them at a distance of about 1.5 cm from each other. The furrows are sprinkled with a centimeter layer of soil consisting of equal parts of garden soil and sand. It is important that the seeds are deep enough so that they are not washed out when watering. In addition, when planted shallowly, the sprouts are less likely to shed their seed coat, which remains on the cotyledon leaves and interferes with the active development of the plant. At the same time, if the seeds are buried too deeply, they take longer to germinate or may not germinate at all.

Crops of marigold seedlings are carefully watered and germinated in a bright place at a temperature of 22-25 degrees. Additional cover is not required to maintain humidity in the container, although it is sometimes used to shorten germination time. After 3-7 days, shoots appear. Next, the seedlings are kept at a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

When planting marigolds in open ground, the seeds are sown in grooves about 5 cm deep, which are pre-watered. The crops are covered with a layer of soil, and shoots appear after two weeks. If the seedlings turn out to be too dense, they will need to be replanted. The distance between rows and individual plants is determined based on the characteristics of the plant species.

Caring for marigold seedlings

When the seedlings have sprouted, the question arises of how to grow marigold seedlings. The main aspect of caring for it is timely watering, which is done as the soil dries. It is important to ensure that the water in the container and tray does not stagnate, as this can lead to the appearance of a “black leg”. At the slightest appearance of the disease, it is necessary to remove damaged sprouts and treat the seedlings with a fungicide.

Despite the undemanding nature of marigolds, at the seedling stage, additional fertilizing with seedling fertilizers once every two weeks will not harm them. In addition, it should be remembered that fertilizers can be applied only two weeks after sowing, picking or replanting plants, when the supply of nutrients in the soil has been exhausted.

When planning when to plant marigold seedlings, you should not forget about picking. It is produced when 2-3 true carved leaves appear on the seedlings. Individual plants are transplanted into cups, cassettes or planted in trays according to a 7x7 pattern. Seedlings can be buried down to the cotyledons, but so that the latter do not touch the soil. This contributes to the formation of a more powerful root system, since additional roots develop on the deeper stem. Picking activates the growth of seedlings, due to an increase in the volume of soil occupied by an individual plant, and after 2-3 weeks it has a developed fibrous root system and is ready for planting in a permanent place. Marigolds tolerate transplantation well even during the flowering period. The strongest seedlings are obtained when growing seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Marigolds, the cultivation of which from seeds is a simple procedure even for beginners, will be an excellent decoration for the garden. Their flowers will not only delight the eye with bright colors all summer long, but will also be an excellent addition to a home medicine cabinet.

Marigolds are bright sunny flowers that adorn many gardens in abundance. Unpretentious and diverse, with a whole arsenal of useful and even healing properties, they are traditionally perhaps the most popular garden flowers throughout our country. And at the same time, many novice gardeners are wondering: how to grow marigolds in order to get lush bushes with a lot of elegant inflorescences.

Planting marigolds in open ground

1. Planting dates.
As you know, marigolds can be grown by seedlings and from seeds in open ground. At the same time, the timing of planting marigolds in a permanent place is approximately the same in both cases. When is the best time to plant marigolds?

Planting of Chornobrivts seedlings, as well as sowing their seeds in open ground, is carried out in late May - early June, when a stable air temperature has established and there are no longer night frosts. In the southern regions, and also if it is possible to create a protective cover from film or agrofibre, marigolds can be planted in April.

2. Site selection and soil preparation.
Before planting marigolds, it is important to choose a suitable place for them and prepare it for planting. It is worth noting that despite their unpretentiousness, they grow best on loamy soils with a neutral acidity level. The main thing is that the soil is loose and breathable. The most abundant flowering occurs in areas with good lighting, although in partial shade the Chernobrivets also feel good, they just bloom less.

A week or two before the time comes to plant the marigolds in a permanent place in the garden, they need to be gradually accustomed to fresh air, daily increasing the period of time the containers with seedlings stay on the street or open balcony.

The area for planting should be dug up using a spade. For better development of marigolds, you can enrich the soil with mineral fertilizers (nitroammofoska, for example), evenly distributing them throughout the flower bed at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. and embedded in the ground by repeated digging. But it is undesirable to apply organic and nitrogen fertilizers, since they stimulate the growth of green mass at the expense of flowering.

3. How to plant marigolds.
Perennial marigolds, the planting and care of which, despite the characteristics of individual varieties, are not very difficult, are planted in prepared holes. The seedling planting scheme depends on the characteristics of the variety and is usually indicated on the seed packaging. For low-growing marigolds, the optimal pattern is 20x20 cm, for medium-sized ones (for example, some varieties of thin-leaved marigolds) - 30x30 cm, for tall ones - 40x40 cm. The depth of planting marigolds in the ground is 1-2 cm more than they were buried before replanting. The space around the roots is carefully filled with soil. The soil is lightly compacted and watered. It is worth recalling that marigolds are not afraid of watering from above over the leaves and rain.

Features of caring for Chernobrivtsy

Having figured out how to plant marigolds, you should not forget about further caring for them throughout the season. Although marigolds do not require special growing conditions, basic care for them will be more than rewarded in the form of bright and large flowers.

The main components of caring for Chernobrivts are watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds, fertilizing and pest control.

During the growth period, marigolds require regular watering. But with the beginning of flowering, the number of waterings is reduced to two per week in order to avoid stagnation of water and the appearance of rot. In hot, dry weather, evening watering will significantly prolong the flowering and growing season of marigolds. Although flowers are considered drought-resistant, under the influence of high temperatures and lack of moisture they are more susceptible to spider mites, and simply bloom and wither faster. In the case of growing Chernobrivtsev in containers, watering in hot weather is carried out twice a day.

The question is “how to grow marigolds and do they need mandatory regular feeding?” often worries novice gardeners. In fact, Tagetes develop and bloom well even without additional stimulation with fertilizers, especially if you fill the soil with minerals before planting. But nutrient deficiency in poor soils reduces the duration of flowering and the size of the inflorescences.

Feeding marigolds is usually carried out 2-3 times per season: when the plants reach a height of 10 cm, during the appearance of the first buds and at the very beginning of flowering. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are used for feeding. It is important to avoid excess nitrogen in the soil as this will encourage vigorous leaf and stem development but will reduce flowering. Marigolds, which are grown in conditions of limited soil, need to be fertilized once every 10-14 days.

In addition to watering and fertilizing, marigold flowers after planting require regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds, since oxygen access to the roots is necessary for the full development of the plant. It also doesn’t hurt to remove faded inflorescences. This will stimulate the plant to continue flowering.

Growing marigolds and, in particular, caring for them is usually not difficult, also because the plant practically does not suffer from pests and diseases. The reason for this is phytoncides contained in plants and manifested due to a specific odor. It is this smell, as well as substances released from the roots, that often repel pests not only from marigolds, but also protect neighboring plants.

However, under unfavorable conditions, Chernobrivtsy can be affected by gray rot, black leg and bacterial diseases. Often the factors accompanying the disease are excessive thickening and high soil moisture. If rot occurs, the affected parts of the plant, or even the entire bush, should be removed.

The most common pests for marigolds are snails and slugs, which live in damp places, and spider mites. It is recommended to fight slugs with bleach, placing jars of it between the bushes. The best prevention of spider mites is considered to be maintaining an optimal level of humidity, but if such a problem has arisen, it can be eliminated with the help of an infusion of yarrow, onion and red hot pepper. When growing marigolds, it is worth remembering that they do not like to be treated with chemicals.

At the end of flowering, when the seeds have already been collected and the bushes are dry, the plants are removed from the site. They are often sent to a compost pit to prevent pests from breeding there.

It is important to take into account the characteristics of a particular variety in the agricultural technology of marigolds. So, for example, Antigua marigolds are grown in nutritious soils to form borders and in containers, but they are not suitable for decorating ponds. At the same time, the Taishan marigold variety is less whimsical; it is used to fill gaps between other plants.

So, marigolds are perennial: planting and care is a question that worries many gardeners who are fans of these sunny flowers. Today, the most popular decorative varieties of marigolds are grown from seeds in an annual crop, but there are also perennial plant species used in medicine and cooking. Marigolds in the garden are not only decoration and protection of less resistant plants from fungi and pests, but also a real find from the point of view of traditional medicine, since they have a wide range of healing properties. That is why many people strive to collect and dry bright inflorescences, and after flowering they collect marigold seeds in order to fill the garden with them again next year. published


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