High-yielding hybrid of excellent taste - tomato “Irina”: characteristics and description of the variety, photo. Tomato Irina F1: reviews, photos and description of the variety How to plant determinate tomatoes on video

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Irina tomatoes are a first generation F1 hybrid; the breeders managed to include all the quality traits in it. Tomato hybrids are more resistant to unfavorable conditions and have one drawback - the seeds cannot be used for planting. Plant (has a final growth point, no need to “pinch out”). Read about indeterminate varieties.

The type of bush is not standard. Stocky, persistent, about a meter high. The stem is strong, thick and well leafy with several simple type racemes. The leaf is medium-sized, dark green, typical “tomato” - wrinkled, without pubescence. The inflorescence has a simple structure, the intermediate type is the first inflorescence above the 6-7th leaf, the subsequent ones occur with an interval of 2 leaves, sometimes after 1 leaf. One inflorescence produces about 7 fruits. Pedicel with articulation.

Tomato Irina is an early ripening hybrid, the fruits begin to ripen 93 - 95 days after planting. It has excellent resistance to most tomato diseases - tobacco mosaic,. Cultivation is carried out, and.


The shape is flat-round (flattened at the top and bottom), not ribbed. Size - about 6 cm in diameter, weighing about 120 g. The skin is smooth, dense, thin. Inside the fruit is fleshy, tender, juicy. The color of the fruit when unripe is pale green, when ripe it is dark red. No stains are observed.

You can compare the weight of fruits with other varieties in the table below:

The taste is noted to be good, rich “tomato”, sweet (the amount of sugars is about 3%). There are a small number of seeds, placed in several chambers (more than 4). Dry matter content less than 6%. Stored in dry, dark places for quite a long time. It tolerates transportation without consequences for the condition of the skin and interior.

The Irina tomato variety was bred by breeders of the Russian Research Institute. Registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in garden plots in open ground and under film covers in 2001. Available for cultivation throughout the Russian Federation.

Universal in use, good both fresh (sliced, vegetable salads, sandwiches) and after heat treatment (stews, stews, soups). Suitable for use, does not lose shape due to high density. Suitable for the production of tomato paste and sauces, juice production is possible.

Productivity is high - up to 9 kg per plant (about 16 kg per m2), up to 5 kg per plant in the first weeks in greenhouses without additional heating. Larger fruits are possible; in open ground, accordingly, smaller fruits are possible. Fruit sets well in cold weather.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table below:

Variety name Productivity
Irina16 kg per square meter
8-10 kg per square meter
8 kg per square meter
8 kg per square meter
2.5-3 kg per bush
up to 15 kg per square meter
1.5-4.7 kg per square meter
12-15 kg per square meter
6-7.5 kg per bush
5 kg per bush


See below: tomatoes Irina photo

Advantages and disadvantages

The Irina tomato variety has the following advantages:

  • early ripeness;
  • bountiful harvest;
  • high taste qualities;
  • resistance to weather conditions - fruit sets at low temperatures;
  • good storage;
  • transportability.

No deficiencies identified. Among the specific features, one can note only the need for careful care.

Features of cultivation

Tomatoes Irina f1 can be grown. The process begins in the second half of March.

Seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, placed in heated soil at a depth of about 2 cm. The distance between plants is approximately 2 cm. The soil for seedlings must also be disinfected and steamed. You can use it, and plant the seedlings themselves in special ones. Picking is carried out when the plants have 2 full leaves.

When grown in open ground, plants can be threatened by a variety of:,. Microbiological preparations or will help in the fight against them.

Tomato Irina f1 is a high-yielding hybrid that will bring only the joy of growing to gardeners.

A good choice for growing on a personal plot would be the Irina F1 hybrid. Seeds are available for sale from the companies “Siberian Garden”, “Aelita”, “Sedek”, “Seeds for Siberia”, “Plasma Seeds”.

Description and characteristics

The plant is early ripening, intended for cultivation in open and protected ground. From the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of fruiting, it takes from 95 to 105 days. The bushes are determinate, growth is average. Their height, as a rule, does not exceed 1 m (in greenhouses up to 130 cm).

The fruits are flat-round in shape, leveled. The surface is smooth. Color red. The stalk does not have a characteristic green spot. The weight of ripe specimens is from 100 to 120 g. The pulp is dense and fleshy. There are from 4 to 5 seed chambers (there are very few seeds in them). The taste is good (moderately sweet taste, practically no sourness). The skin is thin but dense. The harvested crop does not lose its commercial qualities during transportation and is well stored fresh.

Universal purpose - preparation of vegetable salads, juices, canning, various types of culinary processing.

Hybrid "Irina F1" has good innate resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium and alternaria. The fruits do not crack.

Growing and care

Seeds for seedlings should be planted in late March - early April in seedling containers to a depth of about 1.5-2 cm. If they are not granulated, then it is advisable to first soak them in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

At temperatures from +23 to +25 C, seedlings will appear on the surface within 4-8 days. Next, the temperature should be lowered to +17...+20 C. When watering seedlings, try to prevent moisture from getting on the delicate leaves. In the phase of 2 true leaves, plant (pick) the plants in individual containers.

At the age of 50-55 days, bushes with 5-6 leaves are ready for planting in a permanent place. Planting pattern - 50x40 cm (4 bushes per 1 m2). If you plant in the exhaust zone, then step back 25-30 cm between plants in a row, and place adjacent beds at a distance of 50-90 cm from each other. Bushes should be formed into 1-2 stems.

In care, special attention should be paid to regular watering at the root at intervals of 1-2 times a week (with warm, settled water, in the morning or evening), weeding, loosening (once every 10 days). As the bushes grow, point garters should be made to individual support pegs.

Timely fertilizing improves the overall yield quite well. The first time comes 12-14 days after transplantation. You can use diluted mullein or chicken manure. A urea solution is also suitable instead.

During fruit set, the application of potassium-phosphorus mineral fertilizers, including wood ash, can be of great benefit.

With the right approach, this high-yielding hybrid can produce up to 16-18 kg of fruit per 1 m2 per season.

Do you want to grow some new variety of tomatoes? It is very easy to get confused in the diversity that exists today. We decided to help you with practical advice - plant on the plot tomato Irina. Reviews, photos and descriptions of the variety will be available to your view on this page of our website for.

The Irina variety belongs to the group of indeterminates, that is, it does not stretch upward endlessly. At a certain point, the last brush is formed, which limits the growth of the plant. Determinate tomatoes are usually grown in open ground, since it is more rational to plant tall varieties in a greenhouse. Even in cool regions, almost all the fruits on the bushes have time to ripen. First, it’s worth understanding what “F1” means in the variety name.

Tomato Irina F1 - first generation hybrid

The prefix “F” in the name of the variety means one thing - it is a hybrid. A unit indicates that the seeds in the package belong to the first generation. What does this mean? In order to create a hybrid, breeders crossed two different varieties of tomatoes, and the proposed seeds are the “children” of this union.

Seeds of subsequent generations lose their original characteristics, usually germinate poorly and produce a poor harvest. That is why every year it is necessary to buy first-generation seeds produced by professional breeders.

Tomato variety Irina: description of the variety with photos

From this article you will learn everything about the Irina F1 tomato: reviews, photos and description of the variety. Let's start by discussing the characteristics that the manufacturer gives to the plant.

Description of the bush. The plant has a fairly strong structure, a thick trunk and an abundance of typical medium-sized leaves (see photo). Since the bush is not particularly low - about 1 m - it needs a garter. The manufacturer also recommends forming it into one or two stems.

Ripening time, yield. The Irina tomato is an early ripening plant - after 95 days you can pick the first ripe tomatoes from the bush. The yield is high - up to 9 kg per bush.

Description of the fruits. The tomatoes are flat-round, weighing just over 100 g. You can see them in the photo. They are quite fleshy and elastic, and also have a strong peel. Because of this, they can be transported over long distances without fear. The taste of tomatoes is sweet and rich.

The photo shows a tomato fruit Irina

Disease resistance. Almost never suffers from fusarium, late blight, alternaria and tobacco mosaic.

Growing conditions. For tomatoes, Irina most often use open-air beds, but a shelter made of film or glass is also suitable. The greenhouse usually produces larger fruits. This tomato tolerates cold well and can be grown in any region.

Features of cultivation. For Irina tomatoes, the seedling method of growing is most suitable. Seedlings should be planted at the age of 50 days. In this case, the distance between the rows should be 50-90 cm, and between the bushes in a row - 25-30 cm. All stepsons should be gradually removed, leaving only one or two trunks with fruits.
In the photo, a tomato bush dotted with fruits Irina

Tomato Irina - reviews from farmers

Of course, in order to understand the true value of a particular variety of tomatoes, it is necessary to find out the opinions about it of those who were directly involved in its cultivation. It is these reviews that are most valuable.

Unfortunately, we were not able to find many reviews about the Irina tomato. What this is connected with is not known. But in the comments that we have, there is practically no description of the negative qualities of the variety. The only drawback noted by farmers is that in hot conditions, tomatoes often suffer from blossom end rot.

Basically, summer residents note the following advantages of the Irina tomato:

Excellent productivity;
early maturation;
long fruiting.

For inexperienced gardeners, the difficulty may be in forming a bush, which is necessary when growing tomatoes Irina. However, recommendations from experienced farmers on this matter will help even a beginner cope with the task.

Formation of a tomato bush Irina

Why are tomatoes planted? In their homeland - Mexico - tomatoes bear fruit well without any interference in the structure of the bush. However, in our climatic conditions, where there is not much light and heat, it is difficult for the plant to cope with the formation and ripening of a large number of fruits. In view of this, a practical solution would be to artificially reduce the potential yield of the bush.

In the photo there is an Irina tomato, formed into one trunk

With abundant foliage of the bush, the roots are not able to provide adequate nutrition to the entire plant. The dry matter that goes into the formation of three tomato leaves is enough to form one full-fledged fruit. In addition, dense tops shade the plant, slowing down the process of fruit ripening and promoting the development of diseases.

How does pinching of tomatoes occur? Stepchildren are shoots of the main stem that form in the axils of the leaves. When forming a tomato Irina into two stems, you should leave the main trunk and the most developed stepson. All the rest are gradually removed, performing the procedure every week. The easiest ones to break off are the stepsons on which the leaves have not yet had time to fully develop.

Reminders for growing tomatoes

In conclusion, we would like to remind you of the main features of caring for tomatoes, which, if neglected, can cause serious problems:

Tomatoes should only be watered at the roots, using water heated in the sun.
During the rainy season, loosen the soil so that the moisture evaporates faster.
When fruits form, the plant must be fed with phosphorus fertilizer.
It is advisable to remove all yellowed leaves and those below the first brush on each bush.
If possible, mulch the soil with sand or hay.

Rest assured, you will not regret planting the Irina F1 tomato. Reviews, photos and descriptions of the variety, we hope, have brought some clarity and will help you make a decision. Never forget that tomatoes love care. In the case of the Irina variety, you need a lot of it. However, all the effort spent on tying, shaping, weeding and other activities will be generously rewarded if done skillfully.

Tomato Irina f1 reviews, photos and descriptions of the variety you will find in our article, everything that interested you and even more will be interesting. Probably many of you are growing tomatoes and don’t really think about which variety to choose, which often becomes a big mistake. After all, the variety must be selected carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. Take into account climatic conditions, ripening time, soil quality, as well as the resistance of tomatoes to diseases and pests. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our section, because in it we describe the most popular varieties. Today we introduce you to the Irina f1 tomato and reviews about it.

Tomato Irina f1 reviews photo yield:

The Irina tomato variety is an early ripening variety, it takes about 3 months from the first shoots to the start of ripening, it has determinant features, this means that after 4-5 clusters appear, the plant stops growing, and therefore such bushes require pinching only occasionally. The bushes are high-yielding, cultivated both in greenhouses and in open ground. The plant can be called short-growing, its height rarely exceeds 1.2 meters, they need a garter. According to reviews from gardeners, it is best to form bushes into one stem. The first inflorescence is planted on about the 8th leaf, after which every two.


The tomatoes are marketable, round, shiny, have a dense structure, with a beautiful tail, the color is deep red. The weight of one fruit is about 110 grams. They are consumed both fresh and processed into juice or tomato paste, and canned.

To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown approximately one and a half to two months (50-60 days) before planting in open ground. Bushes are planted at a rate of four bushes per square meter.

At the same time, the yield of the tomato variety Irina f1 will be about 4-5 kilograms per bush. The variety is quite resistant to diseases and pests.


According to the description and reviews of gardeners, it is a fairly productive and productive variety. It is also recommended for industrial cultivation, since it has a marketable appearance, the fruits are large, and can easily be transported over long distances due to their solid structure. It has good taste, which makes it valuable for growing for your own pleasure in the garden. With this we say goodbye to you, all the best and see you on our website!

Currently, every amateur or agro-industrial gardener strives to obtain the highest possible tomato yield. To do this, different varieties of plants are used as an experiment, which ultimately ends with the selection of one variety that will bear the greatest number of fruits while requiring the least amount of labor. Very often, such preference is given to the tomato variety Irina, which, due to its characteristics, has high taste and productivity. We will consider its description and characteristics in this article.

When breeding this tomato variety, breeders tried to endow it with as many qualities as possible. The main advantage of the Irina tomato is high yield, as well as in excellent resistance to all kinds of diseases and infections.

However, this hybrid also has a significant drawback - the seeds obtained from the fruits of the plant are unsuitable for subsequent planting.

Irina tomato bushes do not need pinching, as they are determinate, which greatly facilitates the care procedure. Tomato bushes are persistent and stocky, often their height can reach 80 cm or even higher.

The plant has a fairly strong stem, dense foliage and inflorescences, which is typical for many tomatoes. As a rule, up to 5 fruits can form from one inflorescence when ripe.

The weight of the fruits of the Irina F1 variety is on average 130 grams

The fruits of this variety have a rich taste and a flat-round shape without ribbing. The size of the fruit in diameter most often reaches 5 cm and weighs up to 130 grams. The fruits also lend themselves well to long-term storage, but only if the room is kept in a dry climate with good ventilation. In addition, the Irina variety tolerates transportation well; they are not damaged either inside or outside.

Regions of growth

Due to the fact that the Irina tomato is unpretentious, it can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

In this case, for the northern regions, as well as the middle zone, it is better to plant seedlings in a greenhouse to increase productivity. For the southern regions, you can get by with regular soil without canopies. Here the plant feels great in open sunlight.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety has a lot of advantages, namely:

  • enough early maturation;
  • high yields;
  • pleasant and unique taste;
  • resistance to cold, in this case the ovary is resistant to temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius;
  • resistance to most diseases;
  • long shelf life of fruits;
  • beautiful transport resistance.

There were no significant deficiencies that could be identified. The only exception is that the fruit damaged by the blow quickly begins to deteriorate, but all varieties of tomatoes have this drawback.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Preparation for growing this variety begins in the spring, namely from the second half of March when seeds are planted for seedlings.

To do this, they must first be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, but only if you are using non-granulated seeds. Absolutely any soil is suitable for seedlings, but it is recommended to take it from under a birch or acacia tree, having first carried out the procedure disinfection using hot boiling water.

Seedlings should be watered as needed, when the soil is already dry enough. In this case, it is extremely important to carry out the watering procedure carefully to avoid possible water getting on the leaves of the plant.

Transplanting tomatoes into open ground

Planting of seedlings in open ground occurs at the moment when the last May frosts end, namely in 1.5-2 months after the tomato has been sown as seedlings.

When planting, certain rules must be followed, ensuring that the distance between seedlings is less than half a meter. Bushing and pinching is done regularly 3 times a month. You can loosen the soil and feed the plant once every 2 weeks.

Watering the Irina tomato is carried out strictly under the rhizome, trying not to touch the leaves of the bush.

The bush also needs regular staking in order for a strong stem to form.

Plant care

Before planting the plant in the ground, it is recommended to treat the leaves with a solution from the Colorado potato beetle, since this pest loves to eat fresh tomato leaves. The treatment is carried out strictly before planting, otherwise it will not give the desired result.

It is worth noting that for more fruitful growth and formation of bushes, it is recommended to spray them with fungicides, this will ultimately allow you to harvest an impressive harvest.

To keep the fruits beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to use fungicides

If necessary, during the growth of seedlings, the soil can be fertilized using mineral and organic fertilizers. An excellent type of fertilizer is leaf humus, as well as repeated watering of the bushes with curdled milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. In this case, this will simultaneously feed and protect against aphids and late blight.

Plants for planting should be selected well lit place where fresh air constantly circulates. During the hot summer period, the plant is watered daily, but moderation must be observed, otherwise the rhizomes may begin to rot from excess moisture.

Features of fruiting

A tomato variety like Irina is quite distinguishable high yield. At the same time, up to several kilograms of fruit can be collected from one bush.

It is also worth noting that the fruits begin to ripen already 90 days after landing into open ground, which usually allows you to harvest by the end of summer. At the same time, the bush will continue to bear fruit until mid-September.

The Irina variety is not particularly different from its competitors, however, due to its unpretentiousness, many gardeners prefer this particular plant variety.

Diseases and their prevention

With proper care, tomato Irina resistant to various diseases. The breeders did a great job when breeding the variety, creating a variety that steadily tolerates any diseases, while this does not have any effect on the fruits. For a gardener, it is only important to provide timely care and watering, and in this case, even late blight will bypass the tomato bushes.

Domestic breeders have managed to develop a wonderful variety of tomato, which has high yield, unpretentiousness and good taste. It is because of these moments that domestic gardeners are increasingly giving their preference to the Irina tomato.


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