Where is the monument to my mother? The most beautiful and unusual monuments to motherhood

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Ancient city Pskov is rich in its architectural monuments: statues, temples, cathedrals. Every day on the central streets we see leaders, outstanding people, heroes of Pskov, but truly main monument located in the depths of the park, away from the eyes of most people.

A very gentle image of a mother and child is conveyed in the sculpture, which is located in the Botanical Garden in Pskov. Unfortunately, the exact name of the sculpture, as well as its author, remain unknown.

The Dutch capital is an iconic city full of culture and history. A day's walk through the center is sure to amaze you with interesting sights, memories of past events and memorials interesting people. Several monuments, in the form of statues and other works of art, can be found along the most famous streets in the city center. If you're heading downtown, chances are you'll walk right past them!

Here's a short list of monuments that you may well see, with some information about them so you know what you're looking at! One of the most iconic landmarks you will come across in Amsterdam is the National Monument at Dam Square.

A new life begins thanks to a woman, a mother. Mother's love, which envelops a child from birth, is the most powerful medicine and protection from all troubles. Of course, the topic of maternal love will always touch the hearts of people, and this issue will be relevant in all centuries.

Garden sculpture depicts scene of a child playing on his mother's lap. The image of a loving mother instills warm and bright emotions in people.

Representative offices in the National Monument

Every year on Remembrance Day, this monument is the focus of a ceremony dedicated to the victims of war. The 22-meter white conical post has a relief called De Vrede. It consists of four chained male figures representing the suffering experienced during the war.

The sculptures surrounding the pillar include two men representing the Dutch resistance, a woman holding a child and doves flying around her representing victory, peace and new life, and two lions representing the Netherlands.

The sculpture is made of granite. Over time, it lost its clear outlines, but this made the image even softer. Due to its unclear forms, the sculpture acquired symbolism.

The roundness of the outlines of the woman and child gives the image softness, and the wear and tear of some elements of the sculpture involuntarily suggests the idea of eternal theme motherhood captured in this architectural monument. One generation will be replaced by another, power and worldview will change, but the theme of motherhood will remain unchanged.

The back of the monument contains a wall with 12 urns inside, filled with soil from various military sites. On the monument you will find the Latin sentence: “Here, in the heart of the fatherland, may be this monument that citizens carry in their hearts, look at the stars of God.”

Rembrandt represented by his painting tools

There you will find a statue of the famous artist Rembrandt Harmensch. van Rijn. It shows him standing and holding his artist's tools: a stylus and an artist's palette. At the feet of the statue are a whopping 22 familiar figures! Rembrandt's famous Night's Watch can be seen in full-size bronze sculptures; a real spectacle.

Of course, similar architectural monuments will be installed in the future. After all, maternal love and her feelings will always be clear to everyone.

Mothers have a sacred position in the world -
Pray for gifted children.
And day and night in the invisible ether
The prayers of our mothers are heard.

Homomonument Design

It is located near the historic Westerkerk church. One of the triangles borders the banks of the Keizersgracht and is partially suspended above the water. Another notable monument you will find in Westermarkt is the name of Anne Frank, whose home is nearby. It can be found next to the famous Vestertorin.

The Auschwitz monument can be found in Wertheimpark, the oldest park in Amsterdam. This monument commemorates those who died in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Jan Wolkers, designer of the Auschwitz monument, is a famous Dutch writer and designer. The sky is reflected in broken mirrors, symbolizing the idea that the heavens would never be destroyed again after the atrocities of the camp.

One will fall silent, the other will echo her.
Night will replace day, and night will come again.
But mothers' prayers never cease
For your dear son or daughter.

The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers,
He loves them more than we love them.
Mother never tires of praying
About children who have not yet been saved.

There is time for everything, as long as we are alive,
We must pray and cry out to God.
There is an unearthly power hidden in prayer,
When their mother whispers them with tears.

Symbol of cultural diversity and freedom

Baruch Spinoza's thoughts focused on individual freedom, tolerance, and freedom of belief and can function even today as the basis for the survival of our ever-changing society. Spinoza's image is mounted on a pedestal on an elliptical podium, giving a grand yet modest atmosphere. It is decorated with flowers and birds, symbolizing the cultural diversity of Amsterdam.

On Rokin, part of Amsterdam's shopping district, a five-minute walk from Dam Square, you'll find an equestrian statue of Queen Wilhelmina. Wilhelmina was the longest reigning Dutch ruler. Funding for the statue was raised by the population of Amsterdam.

How quiet. The birds have fallen silent in the yard,
Everyone had already gone to bed a long time ago.
I bowed down to pray in front of the window
My dear loving mother!

Monument to a pregnant woman in the city of Yuzhny, near Odessa: A monument to a pregnant woman was unveiled on the territory of the Yuzhnenskaya City Hospital. The sculptural composition is called “Three” and consists of two figures - a pregnant woman and a man kneeling in front of her. The height of the statue is 2.12 meters and consists of two parts: a pedestal made of artificial white stone and the sculpture itself. The author of the project was the architect Yuri Kosilov. The sculpture is made from polymer materials, which are painted bronze, so stroking the metal belly of a woman in labor for luck is not recommended. The monument was erected in honor of the anniversary of the maternity ward, which celebrates its fifth anniversary in 2013.
Memorable and to a pregnant woman not in Monaco:

The bronze statue is mounted on a similar bronze pedestal. Wilhelmina was a young queen when she started, and that is how she is portrayed. The designer, known primarily as an animal sculptor, decided to depict her riding a horse because there was already a more static depiction of an older Wilhelmina.

What are your favorite monuments in Amsterdam city center? There are certainly hundreds of works by Bert Gerresheim, both sacred and secular, including reliquaries, stamps, statues and monuments in public places. The 81-year-old artist, however, did not make a self-portrait to this day on his own. He cannot find his special face either in paintings or sculptures. But now it's a fascinating self-assessment in a book on the market that reports in text, quotes and photographs the life of a moving artist, which began at a time when she was unloved, if the son prefers to draw as math problems to solve.

An anatomical monument of a huge pregnant woman meets and sees off ships on the Monaco waterfront.
It is interesting that on one side the monument looks like a normal woman.

Journalist Michael Kerst developed and authored the book along with Gerresheim. Over 200 pages long, it stems from an edifying dialogue between artist and interviewer. The journalist asked his final question, which set everything in motion. "Gerschheim" intends to hit another monument that Kerst wanted to recognize. “And if,” comes the answer. Mother Hey, the legendary artistic figure of Düsseldorf, he wanted to recognize as bronze. He has already made sketches. According to him, it was his wish. As a child, he met Johanna Ey, she advised him to study with Otto Pankok at the Academy of Arts.

On the other hand, you can consider all the anatomical details of a woman - muscles, body structure and how comfortably the baby is nestled in the mother’s tummy.

Memorable and to a pregnant woman not in London, England:

In 2006, a giant statue of a pregnant woman was installed in London, on the famous Piccadilly Street, in the courtyard of the Royal Academy of Arts: it is ten and a half meters long!

It was good advice who has decided on the journey of his life. It was just a detail of life that promised exciting things. The journalist convinced the artist to provide Additional information. At first, Gerreshheim shyly placed himself in the spotlight. He is also concerned that such a biography could be misunderstood as a kind of obituary. "I don't want to know how squeaky the squeaky coffin is," joked the vital artist at the book launch yesterday in Rocketman Thor. For several weeks they were together in the studio, he was asked a lot and told more.

The author is English sculptor Damien Hirst. The giant bronze creation, called the "Virgin", is one of the largest bronze statues in the world. It is assembled from 18 parts and weighs about 13.5 tons. To prevent the massive sculpture from collapsing under its own weight, there is a frame made of of stainless steel. The London "Maiden" is the second "edition" of Hirst's work. The first was installed in the spring of 2005 in the atrium of the New York skyscraper Lever House. But, unlike its American “sister,” the English statue is installed not indoors, but outdoors.

From countless entries, the author created a structure with four sections. To read how "Dusseldorfer Chong" made his way, how life brought him happy moments and breaks, is fascinating and at the same time a journey through time. At the academy, where he worked briefly with Günther Wäcker in the Pankock class, Gerresheim designated himself a "young realist", called his style "visionary realism" and felt connected to the surrealists. These details of his journey are interesting, as well as the memory of his meetings with famous people, including popes, writers or political warriors such as Herbert Wehner.

I must say that it is better for pregnant women not to look at the statue by Hirst at all, it is so scary... It resembles an anatomy manual: half is just a pregnant woman, half is a pregnant woman “in cross-section”, that is, a skeleton with taut muscles and open for viewing fruit. What the artist wanted to say by this is unclear. What the London authorities wanted to achieve is even more unclear. Is this really how they try to influence the birth rate? And if so, in what direction?

At the same time, the book contributed to the idea of ​​creating a monument to Mutter Hey and transferring it into urban space. Dusseldorf Chonges are useful here and can be tricky, as shown at the start of the book. The official method of transferring 2.70 meter bronze into the cityscape has been eliminated. “Not again Gerresheim,” it sounded from serious mouths. In May it will be shown good mother Hey. In addition, a cafe with a gallery will be created for the work of Academy graduates.

They have been in the same place for decades but often go unnoticed by passersby and are only remembered on Mother's Day as these monuments were erected in their honor. There are three in the capital, according to the city's chronicler, Miguel Alvarez. In Avenida de La Reforma, in zone 7 and in the general cemetery, zone. However, few people know who sculpted them.

Monument to a pregnant woman without skin"Angel of the West" in Ilfracombe, UK:

Monument to a pregnant woman with a sword "Angel of the West" in Ilfracombe, Devon, UK*
This unusual monument was erected in the city of Ilfracombe, UK.
The author of the 20-meter work of art is the controversial British artist Hirst. And you will be able to admire the work of art for the next 20 years. Damien Hirst- one of the most shocking contemporary British artists.
On the coast of a resort town, a statue of a naked pregnant woman amazes everyone, because the woman is depicted without skin, so all the insides and the child in the mother’s womb are clearly visible.
In the woman's left hand is a sword, in her right hand are scales. This statue symbolizes justice and is called Verity - Truth.

In the general cemetery, every May 10, the place is decorated with the flowers of those who come to visit their parents, says Fr Eli Pirir, the receptionist who oversees the pilgrimage, as his work is close to the part, at the entrance to the cemetery. Little is known about this statue, only what is read on the plaque that was placed on May 10th. The monument was designed by Carlos Diaz, the Virgin was donated by Isabel Cruz, and German Arbizu was the marble worker.

Historian Polo Sifontes says that in different parts countries have monuments dedicated to the mother. In general, these monuments are not requested by governments, but rather by neighbors. The data is also insufficient. Its base is cement and stone; concrete detail. This modern work, protected by decree.

A monument to a pregnant woman was erected in Novosibirsk:

A monument to a pregnant woman was erected in Novosibirsk on Family Alley along the street. Shchetinkina. Anastasia Akinshina, one of the organizers of the project, reported that an initiative group of Novosibirsk residents planted a Family Alley in the center of the city, and in the center of it, a sculpture of a pregnant woman was installed. According to legend, it is this sculpture that helps people conceive a child.

One of the most famous sculptures is Area 7, located between the areas of Landívar and Quinta Samayoa, but although many give it as a reference to the location, ironically there is no information about its author, year or other signs. On the sides we read a sign: “This is an inviolable place; Respect it in honor of the mother who gives us life and love.”

Today, these monuments will be seen differently by those who circulate near them; perhaps they will stop and pay their respects for a few minutes to “the one who loved us before we met,” as the Mexican sculpture says. Its acceptance in the country is unknown, sculptural traditions have absorbed the practice and today, although small, it is part of the cultural wealth.


A statue of a pregnant woman was installed in the center of Novosibirsk. According to the authors of the composition, touching it should help women suffering from infertility. Gynecologists confirm that psychological support significantly increases the chances of getting pregnant.


Sculpture Beloved Woman in New Orleans:

In one of the city parks of New Orleans (Louisiana) there is a woman sculpture, which cannot fail to attract attention, because its author is Fernando Botero, a famous sculptor whose works differ sharply from everything created before.

Bruno Segalla in the City Council. The artist was also a political and trade union leader. Replication of Jesus of the Third Millennium. Made from an armed mortar, Jesus meditates from the top of its 27 meters, in front of almost the entire city. Despite the 1.5 tons and concrete rigidity, the Messiah's face conveys calm and hardly evokes the suffering that was presented to the cross, the figure most often found in altars and other religious spaces. From an agitated life of art and work, it is possible that the sculptor - paradoxically - projected into the work the anxious desire of those who devoted themselves to the relentless political struggle during the military dictatorship: the search for tranquility.

The sculpture of a woman is called “ Beloved woman" It's hard to disagree with this, because... first of all, she is nearby, secondly, she has a child in her arms, and thirdly, her plumpness indicates that she eats well, which means that she is supported and cared for. But the fact that she stands with such dimensions and weight on a man is symbolic of the fact that a man, having taken a woman as his wife, is obliged to support her, because She is already taking care of the child, and he must solve not only his own problems, but also all family ones. And because a woman becomes the keeper of the home, then a man is the only source of income, which is actually given sculptural composition and is shown, quite clearly.

The city's most prominent monument, the Third Millennium of Jesus, was created by an atheist considered a communist. Contemplative traits disagree with much of the author's work, which is based on a more rustic dash - less precise and easy. However, Segalla gave Christ characteristics of a man that are present in almost all of his works. It is impossible to condense Bruno Segalla's work into one line. In this chain, the artist's life experiences and experiences go hand in hand with the technique of artistic production.

Be the expression of your own or those who share moments, anguish or desires. There is life in the idea of ​​the pregnant woman, in the clash of the couples, in the mother who carries the children, in the woman who suckles, in the man who holds the metal. Human rights and women's representation are themes present in the sculptor's work. From a technical point of view, his work is not characterized by a search for beauty in features, says Sinara.

All of Fernando Botero's works are made in very smooth forms and with some parts of the body exaggerated. Thus, he seems to show that we are more ourselves than we think.

Sculptures by Fernando Botero are presented literally all over the world. But more often they can be found in Spain.

Sculpture of mother and child in Pskov:

In Pskov, in the botanical garden you can see a garden sculpture of a mother and child. The exact name of the sculpture is unknown.

The theme of maternal love is very often presented in monuments, but as we see, its relevance does not diminish from this. Yes, it’s understandable, maybe some particularly fixated people like to look at Stalin or Lenin every day as they pass by, but I think that everyone else, i.e. normal people prefer to pass by a woman who is playing on her lap Small child. After all garden sculpture, everyone should like her, men are always pleased to look at a woman’s body, and women are always pleased to see a manifestation of mother’s love. Therefore, such sculptures will always be installed. After all, leaders, laws, outstanding people different eras it gets boring and boring, but no matter how generations change, mother’s love will be close and understandable to everyone.

Sculpture mother and child, is obviously made of granite, which of course makes it versatile. But looking at the sloping outlines of the sculptures, it seems that they have already been worn out by time and one reflexively feels sorry for them. Now, if they had been covered with some special paint for monuments, then perhaps the appearance of the mother and child would have been different.

Vidnoye, monument to our mothers:

On November 26, 2006 in the city of Vidnoye it was inaugurated monument to our mothers. It was installed on the Walk of Fame, which was specially created on May 9, 2005.

Monuments are specially collected on the Walk of Fame different directions to honor the memory of all those who took part in the battles of the Great Patriotic War.

The monument to “Our Mothers” is a composition of three bronze sculptures of a woman with two children. The boy and girl rushed towards the Church of St. George the Victorious, and the mother could barely keep up with them. I think that the direction of the monument was not accidental; by doing so, the sculptor Alexander Rozhnikov wanted to show that during the war all women and children could do was worry about their relatives and pray. They had no choice but to believe and wait.

And if you consider that about 33 thousand people from the city of Vidnoye went to the front during the Great Patriotic War, and every third person did not return, i.e. about 11 thousand people. And if you also remember that in 2006 no more than 58 thousand people lived there, then you can realize what part of the city simply has not returned. A third and a quarter of the city, one might say, were killed, perished; for any city in the world such losses are fatal and never irreplaceable. But by 2010, the city of Vidnoye was recognized as the most comfortable. So we can understand with complete confidence that the people who live in this city did not give in to despondency, but believed in a better future, which they created with their own hands.



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