World Exhibitions in Paris

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Name, year: World's Fair in Paris, 1900

Country city : France Paris

The scale of the event: 35 participating countries

Number of visitors : more than 50 million people

Duration: April 15 to November 12, 1900.

World's Fair 1900(fr. Exposition Universelle) was held in Paris (France). The symbol of the exhibition was the meeting of the new, 20th century. The dominant style at the exhibition was Art Nouveau. Over seven months, the exhibition was visited by more than 50 million people, which is a record figure to this day. 35 countries presented their expositions in 18 thematic sections. The participation of the Russian Empire, France’s closest ally at that time, was especially significant.

Cecilia is the patroness of the princess, on the frame there is an inscription: “I am dying, but Bulgaria will always be watched from heaven.” Among the topics of their conversation, of course, was the “Bulgarian connection”, which lies at the heart of the creation of the unique Israel Museum. The Israel Museum in Jerusalem is extremely rich, with the largest collection of biblical artifacts. Over the years, it has established itself as the largest and most prestigious cultural institution in the State of Israel and has become one of the leading museums in the world.

Boris Shaz is one of the most famous Bulgarian artists of Jewish origin, for whom participants can share impressions in their works. Publication for Boris Schatz in the magazine. There are exhibitions and events. This is the National Gallery “Ivan Murvichka and new Bulgarian painting”. It celebrates the 160th anniversary of the artist's birth, with deep traces of our native culture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And together with many Czech engineers, architects, doctors and artists, he built the foundations of post-liberation Bulgaria.

It was built especially for the exhibition a large number of objects: Gare de Lyon, Gare d'Orsay (now the Orsay museum), Pont Alexandre III, Grand and Petit palaces, Hive squat in Montparnasse (it was conceived as a wine rotunda for temporary use). The first line of the Paris metro began operating during the exhibition on July 19, 1900. Machine gallery (Salle des Machines) was later converted into the Winter Velodrome (Vélodrome d'hiver), which earned notoriety during the German occupation. In addition, the trolleybus network operated during the exhibition.

In addition to Bulgaria's participation in general or national pavilions at international or local exhibitions in Paris, San Francisco, Turin, London and others. Together with their friend, artist Anton Mitov, they create our first art magazine, and both, together with Konstantin Velichkov and Ivan Shishmanov, create the Bulgarian Society for the Support of Art - the first artistic association.

We have no other representative of the beautiful academy of the late 19th century like Our Lady. In Paris his work is entirely related to interior painting. This is what McKinley contributes to his paintings for the multi-volume Compendium of the Popular World, Science and Literature. He draws the famous portrait of Professor Shishmanov against the volumes of the collection. Then Andrey Protik says the famous phrase “A little art in the ethnographic department is better than a lot of ethnography in art.” Virginie is a master of portraiture and left us like some of the celebrities public life.

Part of the exhibition was the Second Olympic Games, which took place for five whole months - from May to October. These were the first games with women's participation. Competitions in thirteen out of 20 sports were held for the first time.

The main principle of the exhibition is to place raw products and methods of processing them sequentially, so that visitors see not just a collection of objects, but understand how this or that product is obtained. Machines and instruments operated right before the eyes of visitors. Each department had something like a small museum, from which samples could be used to judge successes in this area. Yes, history technical means included A. Lavoisier's chemical apparatus, L. Pasteur's microscope, Robert's first paper-making machine, and A. Moissan's apparatus for producing artificial diamonds.
Here the world learned about new scientific discoveries and technical achievements.

The exhibition has a room with works by Markvichka's contemporaries, with generations after Markvichka with some "forgotten" authors and some foreign artists who lived in Bulgaria, part of our artistic life at that time. We will also see paintings by artists from the front line. The Ministry of Defense mobilized during the First World War with artists and literature, but after the death of Dimcho Debelyanov there were no more soldiers and officers, but as artists, musicians and writers. The army headquarters then issued a decree obliging them to repel the victory of the Bulgarian army with tripod and brush.

Russia had been poorly represented at previous World's Fairs, but at the 1900 Exhibition the government decided to demonstrate Russia's technical power as fully as possible. Thanks to the special friendly relations between Russia and France, the largest exhibition area was allocated for the Russian department - 24,000 m².

Russia spent 5,226,895 rubles on participation in the exhibition (of which the government allocated 2,226,895, and institutions and exhibitors 3,000,000 rubles). The highest established commission was headed by the director of the Department of Trade and Manufactures V.I. Kovalevsky, in addition to him, Prince Tenishev was appointed general commissioner, and the St. Petersburg resident Meltzer was chosen as the chief architect. . D. I. Mendeleev, who was vice-president of the International Jury, took an active part in the exhibition.

The Academy of Arts was closed and almost everyone was at the front, but generations learned about the exploits of the Bulgarian soldier and officer first-hand, written and written. And scientists and curators at the National Museum have documented old times and excavations in Macedonian lands, all of which go to the museum.

In the Throne Hall of the Palace, three portraits from pre-war times, including one of the first ladies, Sultana Racho Petrov, highlight the artistic character of this exhibition, which is so rich and valuable for our national memory. Photo: Ministry of Culture.

The Russian department began its work only on April 17, two days after the opening of the exhibition. Of the 18 thematic departments (palaces) presented at the exhibition, Russia did not participate in only one - the colonization department. Separate buildings were built for some parts of the Russian exposition because there was not enough allocated space. The central pavilion turned out to be built according to Meltzer's design. Pavilion of Russian outskirts, repeating the architecture of the Moscow and Kazan Kremlins. Nearby, Kustarnaya Street was built with typical Russian mansions, huts and a rural wooden church. Near Eiffel Tower The Alcohol Pavilion was located, where there was an alcohol rectification unit and souvenir bottles of Russian vodka were sold. The pavilion of M. S. Kuznetsov and the showcases of P. I. Kharitonenko were built according to the design of the architect F. O. Shekhtel.

Mr. Philippe Auty, French Ambassador in Sofia, said that this is the largest and most important foreign exhibition in Bulgaria. After Rodin two years ago at the National Gallery, Degas last year, now pride is not only a reason, but it is proof that we are living in a period of unity and cultural cooperation as members of the same union as the EU. The art of living streams from any image placed in the exhibition and the pleasure of the creative achievements of the authors who praised woman, love, street, suffering, mother, prayer and everything that is life and that in anticipation of the coming war seems so tender and beautiful.

During the exhibition, the Russian exposition received 1,589 awards: 212 highest, 370 gold medals, 436 silver, 347 bronze and 224 honorable mentions.

Golden medal exhibition, a special committee headed by Gustav Eiffel was awarded to the Russian engineer Lavr Proskuryakov for the Krasnoyarsk railway bridge. Great impression An exhibition of the Ministry of Railways, designed by the artist Pyasetsky, dedicated to the Trans-Siberian Railway - the Trans-Siberian Railway Panorama - was produced. The public entered carriages simulating the movement of a train, from which they could enjoy Russian landscapes that changed with the help of a special mechanism. At the end of the "path" visitors walked out the door with reverse side and ended up in the Chinese department. This attraction was awarded the highest award, the Grand Prix. Mertsalov's palm forged from rail was also awarded the Grand Prix. The Minusinsk Museum of Local Lore was awarded a silver medal.
The Crystal Grand Prix of the exhibition and a large gold medal went to the cast iron pavilion of the Kyshtym Mining District made by the Kasli plant, created according to the design of the architect-artist E. E. Baumgarten.

Only 20 years after the Liberation they showed not only development, but also an enviable level, as evidenced by the numerous awards received at the World Exhibition. This is strange for us because we have not exhibited in such a volume and together with the works of great artists who have proven to the world that we have an artistic horizon and that we can measure growth with the greatest.

George Claren's portrait of actress Sarah Bernard is expected to attract particular interest. Due to its size of 2.5 by 2 meters, 11 people were needed to bring it into the halls. It has been the same for individual countries since the middle of the century, when they exaggerated in industry, art and science at world's fairs. How this success was born and where the world exhibitions take place, the magazine "Historical Journal of July" asked František Novotny about his guests.

The 1900 World's Fair featured the first public appearances of sound films and escalators, and Campbell Soup was awarded a gold medal (which is still featured on the soup can to this day). Rudolf Diesel presented to the exhibition visitors diesel engine, running on rapeseed oil. Many panoramic paintings and new panoramic techniques were also presented, such as the sinorama, mareorama and the Trans-Siberian railway panorama.

The invitation was given by Milan Hlaváčka, director of the Institute of Czech History at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University, and Jaroslav Halada, who is dedicated to the history of world fairs. The London YEAR exhibition is expected to be the first world exhibition. However, it was preceded by several interesting exhibitions in France, Germany, but also in our country. Here, however, it was not about displaying products and maturity, but rather about a charity bazaar or showing products to the Sovereign.

At that time, an exhibition of “industrial goods” was held at the Clementinum. Men should only show off the strength of their arms or head, or a combination of both. Then there is an object to exhibit. Happy birthday large states, as well as exhibitions. Therefore, the great dignitaries of the great states began to organize elegant exhibitions for their sovereigns and rulers, so that they would be amazed everywhere.

The center of attention at the Palace of Illusions was a telescope with a lens diameter of 1.25 m. This telescope was the largest of all created at that time. The telescope tube was 60 m long and 1.5 m in diameter.

The Russian nesting doll was born in 1891, when turner V. Zvezdochkin turned it in a carpentry workshop in Abramtsevo, and artist S. Milyutin painted it. In 1900, an elegant nesting doll first appeared at the World Exhibition in Paris. The Russian toy won a gold medal for its original shape and unique painting.

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Was this the reason for organizing a big show in London? However, the concept of the exhibits presented by Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's husband, was much broader and more likely driven by the civilizational supremacy of the white race. So it wasn't just about presenting Britain as the industrial workshop of the world and a force for technical innovation, but something delved into the social question. This could mean how to improve the conditions of weaker social classes. Therefore, new materials must appear that could be used for cheap bandages or cheap raw materials used for lunches - this was the first time aluminum was used.

Main entrance

William Henry Goodyear (1846-1923), whose collection of photographs is featured here, was the first curator of the Brooklyn Museum of Art (1899-1923) and a renowned theorist and scholar of art history and architecture. In 1900, Goodyear attended the Paris Exhibition with photographer Joseph Hawkes. They took numerous photographs of the exhibition, including street life, vistas, pavilions, statues, and decorative details. The 1900 World's Fair featured the first public appearances of voice-over films and escalators, and Campbell Soup was awarded a gold medal (still featured on the soup can to this day). Rudolf Diesel presented to exhibition visitors a diesel engine running on rapeseed oil. Many panoramic paintings and new panoramic techniques were also presented, such as the sinorama, mareorama and the Trans-Siberian railway panorama.The center of attention at the Palace of Illusions was a telescope with a lens diameter of 1.25 m, allowing one to see the Moon from a distance of one meter. This telescope was the largest of all created at that time. The telescope's eyepiece was 60 m long and 1.5 m in diameter. A p The press spoke enthusiastically about the Russian department. The gold medal of the exhibition by a special committee headed by Gustav Eiffel was awarded to the Russian engineer Lavr Proskuryakov for the Krasnoyarsk railway bridge. The French press unanimously noted the “enormous growth of Russian industry” and the “incredible progress” of Russia in all branches of art and industry. Newspaper "Liberte" wrote: “Within a few years, Russian industry and trade have undergone such a development that amazes everyone.” During the exhibition, the Russian exposition received 1,589 awards: 212 highest, 370 gold medals, 436 silver, 347 bronze and 224 honorable mentions.

It was a huge greenhouse, 500 meters wide and 100 meters wide, in which there was some kind of world under the roof. The entire British civilization manifested itself in this mini-world. Although it was an exceptionally large building, its construction was unusually designed by nature. So when, for example, some trees reached the ground level of the building, they were not cut off, but they became part of the exhibition areas.

In the Middle Ages these were markets and fairs. The center of each city was the market, where annual fairs were held mainly in Hanseatic cities. Then there were the major national exhibitions, which were the direct predecessor of the major world exhibitions. First of all, visitors were amazed by the enormous advances in transport and communications. This mainly applies to commissioned steam engines, and then electric motors built into some vehicles on rails. However, there were also inventions for Everyday life, such as winter cars, which are nothing more than a refrigerator, or the use of rubber and the creation of rubber products.

The World's Fair at the turn of the century aroused particular interest. It was called the international holiday of labor, progress and civilization. For the first time 35 states, and among them Russian empire, set up their own national pavilions. They concentrated everything that characterizes the country and distinguishes it from others, historical monuments, objects of art. Everything new that has arisen in the world, actual and imaginary progress in any field of activity, was presented at the exhibition of the century. Parade of art, science and technology!

However, over the centuries, advances in radio communications, the invention of the engine internal combustion and transfer electrical energy. This concerns not only technology, but also the new, enormous mobility of the Euro-Atlantic community, which must move not only for work, but also for long-distance entertainment. All this makes our life easier today.

Could you imagine other great exhibitions of the century? It was truly a beautiful departure of the century with great pomp. This was another one big step at world exhibitions, because a large exhibition space was released and more than 250 pavilions were built. The space was fragmented and decentralized, making it more accessible to visitors. Towards the end of the century, America has a very positive feature of trying to move the exhibition center out of the center of major cities. In a park outside the city there was an exhibition center covering an area of ​​515 hectares.

The most interesting sections of the exhibition in all respects were located on the Champ de Mars. There were expositions of mining and metallurgy, a general department of machinery, and an even more extensive and rich exhibition on electricity. Nearby is presented the art of construction with photographs, plans and descriptions of the most remarkable buildings in the world; transport, chemical industries, agriculture with all the industries that depend on it; yarn, fabrics and ready-made clothes, the department of public education with its classrooms and laboratories, experimental and observation stations; exemplary operating rooms with cabinets filled with the latest surgical instruments. There was an exhibition of “free” arts: photography, typography, music, performing arts, etc.

It's still an unbeatable record. It was a celebration of technical mastery and the birth of a new man, an engineer who proved that he could build great palaces and towers that would last forever. All this was in the exhibition program expanded to include visual arts, retrospective exhibitions, etc. for the first time, he also enters a moment of pleasure - to show not only a serious thing. So, various attractions begin to appear, including culinary affairs. They will eventually take the lead idea.

The monarchy had undergone enormous changes, divisions and wanted to present itself as a great, European, consolidated and liberal power. On the one hand, she managed to do this, although she could not demonstrate such advanced products as France and England. However, it could boast of excellent literacy of the population. Thus, the concept of the exhibition shifted to education and education. The negative side of this exhibition was caused by a coincidence of unfortunate circumstances. Firstly, there was bad weather, but also a cholera epidemic.

The main principle of the exhibition is to place raw products and methods of processing them sequentially, so that visitors see not just a collection of objects, but understand how this or that product is obtained. Machines and instruments operated right before the eyes of visitors. Each department had something like a small museum, from which samples could be used to judge successes in this area. Thus, the history of technical means included A. Lavoisier’s chemical apparatus, L. Pasteur’s microscope, Robert’s first paper-making machine, and A. Moissan’s apparatus for producing artificial diamonds.
Here the world learned about new scientific discoveries and technical achievements.

On the other hand, however, the hidden face of liberalism and free market capitalism has been found to be unregulated at all. The game around the golden calf, when everyone thought that he could play in reserve and make endless money, suddenly ended. All events associated with this collapse were, of course, signed by visitors to the exhibition in Vienna, Prater. Due to a coincidence of political circumstances, most German businessmen refused to take part in this exhibition. However, the Czechs have proven that they can implement, finance and even profit from this competition.

A special place was occupied by the pavilion of illusions, where electricity, cinema and the automobile were demonstrated. All these “illusions” developed into real areas of technology. It is interesting to get acquainted with the formulation of the problems that worried people at the turn of the 20th century. The magazine "Technologist" wrote in 1900: “This exhibition highlights a number of problems that we inherited from the 20th century, which we need to solve urgently.
Cars are trying to replace horses; this is a whole revolution in the life of cities and villages.
Steam engine - giving only 15-20% useful work, will be replaced by heat engines (diesel engines, kerosene engines, etc.).
Electric lighting requires improvement and, perhaps, even replacement with new kerosene lighting with glowing bodies.
The transmission of electrical forces over a distance also promises to bring about a whole economic revolution; our dormant waterfalls will give their energy of strength.
Telephone and telegraph without wire, X-rays of X-ray - new data, new conquests are predicted ahead.
The successes of chemistry in obtaining synthetic, nutritional, coloring, odorous and other substances in the future promise the greatest gifts to man."

..An hour before midnight on October 30, 1900, the Eiffel Tower was illuminated with a crimson-red light and a cannon was heard, signaling the closing of the exhibition. This is how the 19th century ended. at world exhibitions. from an article by Mezenin N.A.
"1900, Paris. The Great Siberian Route" / Kaggy-Karr / ()

The main profit then was in the area of ​​symbolic capital. The Czech nation realized that such an action was capable, everyone saw what they could already produce. No less important was the moment of integration, because people from Moravia, Slovakia, Vienna and abroad came to the show, and they were all proud of what they did. Moreover, Prague showed that it was the center of the Czech element, which was not so obvious for the Moravian population. Before the First World War, world exhibitions were disrupted. This was not possible until a year later, when in Paris the representatives of 43 states signed the international convention, which began to apply in November.

Russia had been poorly represented at previous World's Fairs, but at the 1900 Exhibition the government decided to demonstrate Russia's technical power as fully as possible. Thanks to the special friendly relations between Russia and France, the largest exhibition area was allocated for the Russian department - 24,000 m². Russia spent 5,226,895 rubles on participation in the exhibition (of which the government allocated 2,226,895, and institutions and exhibitors 3,000,000 rubles). The highest established commission was headed by the director of the Department of Trade and Manufactures V.I. Kovalevsky, in addition to him, Prince Tenishev was appointed general commissioner, and the St. Petersburg resident Meltzer was chosen as the chief architect. D. I. Mendeleev, who was vice-president of the International Jury, took an active part in the exhibitionThe Russian department began its work only on April 17, two days after the opening of the exhibition. Of the 18 thematic departments (palaces) presented at the exhibition, Russia did not participate in only one - the colonization department. Separate buildings were built for some parts of the Russian exposition because there was not enough allocated space. The central pavilion turned out to be the Pavilion of Russian Outskirts, built according to Meltzer’s design, repeating the architecture of the Moscow and Kazan Kremlins. Nearby, Kustarnaya Street was built with typical Russian mansions, huts and a rural wooden church. Near the Eiffel Tower there was an Alcohol Pavilion, where there was an alcohol rectification plant and souvenir bottles of Russian vodka were sold. The pavilion of M. S. Kuznetsov and the showcases of P. I. Kharitonenko were built according to the design of the architect F. O. Shekhtel..


The gold medal of the exhibition was awarded to the Russian engineer Lavr Proskuryakov by a special committee headed by Gustav Eiffel for the Krasnoyarsk railway bridge. The exhibition of the Ministry of Railways, designed by the artist Pyasetsky, dedicated to the Trans-Siberian Railway - the Trans-Siberian Railway Panorama - made a great impression.

The public entered carriages simulating the movement of a train, from which they could enjoy Russian landscapes that changed with the help of a special mechanism. At the end of the “path,” visitors exited through the door on the back side and found themselves in the Chinese department. This attraction was awarded the highest award, the Grand Prix. Mertsalov's palm forged from a rail also received the Grand Prix award.

The Minusinsk Museum of Local Lore was awarded a silver medal.

The press spoke enthusiastically about the Russian department. Following the exhibition, the French newspaper Liberte wrote:

“We are still under the influence of the feeling of surprise and admiration that we experienced when visiting the Russian department. Within a few years, Russian industry and trade have taken such a development that amazes all those who have the opportunity to form an idea of ​​​​the path traveled in such a short time. This development is so large that it gives rise to a lot of thoughts."

Read more about Russia at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris read here:


Exhibition plan



Alexander III Bridge

Cambodian pavilion



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