I remember a wonderful moment of means of artistic expression. Analysis of the poem by Pushkin A.S.

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"I remember wonderful moment"one of the most important works in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin. Today they learn about this poem from school desks, because it has not lost its popularity. The poem is a frank confession of the poet's unbridled feelings for Anna Kern, who was famous person Petersburg and was known as an extraordinary beauty. The poet wrote this masterpiece in July 1825, and it was published by a friend of Pushkin A.A. Delvig only in 1827 in the collection "Northern Flowers".

Love and passion are the main themes that the author deals with in his works. Many works of the poet have been devoted to this subject. In this poem, Pushkin describes his attitude towards the young beauty, whom he saw at a secular reception in 1819 at the Olenins. Since then, there was no peace in Pushkin's heart, it burned with passion for years. The southern exile violated the opportunity to see his beloved, which the poet recalls in the work. But returning to the village of Mikhailovskoye, he again sees Anna Kern in the nearby Trigorskoye estate at a reception. Feelings flared up with new force. Unfortunately, relations between young people did not work out, because Anna considered Pushkin only as a promising poet. Pushkin even proposed to her after she divorced her first husband, but was refused.

The main theme of the poem

From the first lines of the poem, it becomes clear that it is overflowing with bright, pure, sincere feelings of love for a woman. it main topic works. There are no portrait characteristics of Pushkin's object of adoration here. He gives short description to his beloved: "genius pure beauty". The poem is composed of three parts, each of which describes different period time with a certain mood.

In the first part, the poet mentions the feelings that he experienced when he met his beloved: “a wonderful moment”, “a fleeting vision”. The use of gentle epithets allows the reader to feel the feelings of the author. The second part of the verse speaks of the dull period of exile and imprisonment of the poet, in which he could not feel anything, forgetting about the sweet features of his beloved woman. But in the third part, feelings are resurrected with renewed vigor, the poet's soul comes to life again. He can experience the same sensations as before: "both life, and tears, and love." Back to the author mental strength because love is the most important thing in his life.

“I remember a wonderful moment” can rightfully be called an ode to love for a woman whose beauty is comparable to a genius, that is, a spirit, a model, a standard. Love is described here, which neither years of separation, nor bondage, nor mental torment could appease.

Structural analysis of the poem

The artistic means used by the author are the use of epithets. The poem contains a single metaphor, which confuses critics, because this did not affect the emotional richness of the poem and its lyricism. The poet uses some more comparisons: "the genius of pure beauty", "a fleeting vision".

The composition of the poem divides it into three parts. They differ in emotional richness. The mention of the first line at the beginning and at the end of the poem is called a ring composition. The chosen genre of the work is a form of a message, a confession of feelings. The poem can be called autobiographical, it clearly highlights the periods of Pushkin's life: his stay in St. Petersburg, the Southern exile, his stay in the Mikhailovskoye family estate. In the text, the author intertwines tender feelings with philosophical thoughts.

The verse is written in iambic pentameter. Cross rhyming was used - with alternating male and feminine rhymes. Each stanza has a clear meaning and completeness of thought. Due to the melody and ease of perception, the poem has been reproduced more than once as a romance. The most famous romance is a piece of music by M.I. Glinka.

This poem is considered a masterpiece in poetry. It reveals the sincere feelings of the poet, which makes it possible for future generations to learn about sensuality, tenderness, the meaning of life, which lies in love. On the example of a poem, you can understand what it means to truly love.

According to the well-known critic N. Skatov, “no one, before or after Pushkin, has created in Russian poetry anything like Pushkin’s image of love... Love is in its infancy, in development, in its formation, in obsolescence, love in the most diverse states.. .". One of these fleeting states, unique particles of being, the poet captured in the poem "I remember a wonderful moment."

This message was written under the influence of the poet's passion for the young beauty, Anna Petrovna Kern. He first saw her in St. Petersburg in 1819. Then, a few years later, they were destined to meet again. It was then that these lines were born: “I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me ...”

However, of course, we cannot consider this message in a purely biographical terms - this would simplify the meaning and content of it. As Ya. Skatov notes, "K ***" in this case“delicate concealment of a certain person. Here there is an appeal to ... high, heavenly and immense ... ". Yes, and the very image of the heroine in Pushkin is described in fragments, devoid of any characteristic, recognizable features. “A fleeting vision”, “a genius of pure beauty”, “gentle voice”, “cute features”, “heavenly features”, “deity” - we are presented with a certain ideal, perfection.

The action in the poem begins from a small moment, from one page in the life of the lyrical hero:

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

Then, through feelings and emotions, we are more and more immersed in this life, in its atmosphere, clarifying for ourselves at the same time the inner appearance of the hero:

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the anxieties of noisy bustle

And dreamed of cute features.
At the same time, the difficult fate of the hero is also clarified: “A storm of rebellious impulse Dispelled former dreams”, “In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment, my days dragged on quietly.” It is worth noting that researchers often look for hints of Pushkin's biography in these lines. However, I think that to a greater extent we are talking about the very attitude of the poet. Life, devoid of love and beauty, for him can be compared with the "darkness of imprisonment", with spiritual captivity.

It is characteristic that in the hero's confession about "the languor of hopeless sadness", about the noisy vanity of life, about the blows of fate, the same, even, measured intonations are everywhere preserved. And suddenly fate sends an unexpected meeting And the intonations of the hero gradually begin to change: the quiet, calm joy of the meeting, compared with the awakening of the soul, suddenly turns into a sharp emotional outburst - all the feelings of the hero are alive in his soul, they break out and again embrace him with great force. And the triumphant voice of the lover no longer subsides, but rushes forward and upward, into heaven:

And the heart beats in rapture

And for him they rose again

And deity, and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love.

Here arises the motive of newfound inspiration, delight, the newfound ability to enjoy life, of course, love here dominates all human feelings, determining all the states of the lyrical hero.

The message is written in iambic tetrameter; compositionally, two parts stand out in the poem. The first part is the difficult fate of the hero, his life "in the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment", "languor of hopeless sadness", imbued with the memory of a "wonderful moment", of his past impression. The second part is the real embodiment of the "wonderful moment" stored in memory.

As N. L. Stepanov notes, the semantic and melodic unity, the integrity of the poem is given by "intonational-syntactic catches and repetitions, creating ... the romance melodiousness of the verse." So, the same lines (“Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty”) are repeated in the first and fifth stanzas. The repetition of the epithet (“vociferous gentle”) is present in the second and third stanzas. We notice the similarity of epithets in the second and third stanzas: “cute features” - “heavenly features”.

In addition, we note the repetition of words in the fourth and sixth stanzas. In the past, the hero's life was gloomy and dull, "Without a deity, without inspiration, Without tears, without life, without love," - in the present, all feelings come to life, in the heart resurrects "And the deity, and inspiration, And life, and tears, and love". This repetition already emphasizes the contrast of the two parts, the contrast of the past and the present hero. However, in the finale, this opposition is removed, thanks to the repetition of the plot situation of the beginning. In this sense, we can speak of a ring composition.

The message uses inversion (“you appeared before me”), comparisons and emotional epithets (“Like a fleeting vision”, “like a genius of pure beauty”, “heavenly features”, “gentle voice”, “noisy vanity”), non-union (“ Without a deity, without inspiration, Without tears, without life, without love”), polyunion (“And a deity, and inspiration, And life, and tears, and love”), non-union complex and compound sentences.

"I remember a wonderful moment" is a masterpiece of Pushkin's love lyrics. This poem is about the eternal mystery of the Woman, about beauty, about the secrets of the human heart. But it is also a reflection on the vain and eternal, the thought of the capriciousness of fate, the vagaries of happiness. "Anxiety of noisy bustle" is a routine of everyday life, absorbing the feelings and impressions of the lyrical hero, layering in his mind new and new emotions. Love, beauty and inspiration - this is what is eternal and unchanging.

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1. author-A.S. Pushkin "K ***" "I remember a wonderful moment" 2. genre-Lyric poem. 3. History of creation - the poem "K ***" is dedicated to A.P. Kern, whom Pushkin met in St. Petersburg in 1819 at a ball. In the summer of 1825, Anna Kern stayed in Trigorskoye, located not far from Mikhailovsky, where the disgraced poet then lived (the period of northern exile). It is based on real facts biography of Pushkin. 4. theme - Love lyrics. Love message. 5. main idea, idea - Love helps a person survive life's hardships, revives to a full life after spiritual oppression. Composition: the poem can be conditionally divided into three parts, which differ both in content and in the mood of the hero. The first part - in the poet's heart there are impressions of a meeting with a sweet creature, how her voice sounds in him, how her features dream. The second part - he lives through the days "in the darkness of imprisonment", where his soul is in captivity, he lives "without a deity, without inspiration." The third part - the author is happy again, his soul woke up again, she loves and sings again. Artistic techniques: epithets - a wonderful moment, pure beauty, a fleeting vision, hopeless sadness, noisy bustle, a gentle voice, cute features, a rebellious impulse, heavenly features, stretched quietly, beats in rapture. Comparison: you appeared before the house, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty. Metaphors: languor sadness, anxiety of vanity, storm impulse, darkness of imprisonment, wilderness of imprisonment. Personifications: a voice sounded, features were dreamed, years passed, an impulse dissipated, days dragged on, an awakening came, the heart beats, the deity, and life, and tears, and love were resurrected. Conclusion: the poem ends with an enthusiastic affirmation of the joy of love and life pouring from the heart: And the heart beats in rapture, And for it they rose again, And the deity, And inspiration, And life, and tears. And love. Reception of versification: 1-cross rhyme, 2-size iambic pentameter.

This poem was written by the poet in Mikhailovsky in 1825. It is dedicated and addressed to A.P. Kern (P.A. Osipova’s niece), whom Pushkin met in St. Petersburg in 1819. The poet hands this message to the addressee on the day of Anna Kern's departure from the Trigorsky estate, neighboring Pushkin, on July 19, 1925.

Theme, genre and composition of the poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

Of course, the main theme of this masterpiece is love. However, there are also reflections young author about the philosophical meaning of every moment in human life about the intrinsic value of each such moment.

The genre of this work is a love letter.

Compositionally, the poem “I remember a wonderful moment” reflects the biography of the author in love. So,

  • in the first and second quatrain one can trace the Petersburg period of Pushkin. It must be remembered that the poet met this lady for the first time precisely in 1819.
  • And already in the third quatrain - the period of the southern exile of the author is displayed.
  • In the fourth - "imprisonment" in Mikhailovsky, where the days of the poet dragged on (without a deity, without inspiration ...)
  • Fifth and sixth - a new meeting and "awakening"

This phenomenon of the “genius of pure beauty” gives the poet anew admiration, rapture, enlightenment, and, of course, new lyrical revelations.

Pushkin expresses the omnipotence of love, which cannot be destroyed either by “hopeless sadness” or “anxious worldly fuss.” wonderful moment true love capable of both resurrecting and giving meaning to life, it is obviously stronger than any suffering and adversity.

Artistic means of the poem

Pushkin pays special attention to them, in the poem “I remember a wonderful moment” there are not very many, but they are carefully chosen, which gives this lyric both simplicity and sophistication.

Pushkin epithets

"genius of pure beauty", "wonderful moment", "favorite features"

and sublime, and surprisingly harmonious.

The simplicity of the author's image is achieved, at first glance, by familiar, in ordinary words, but the special swiftness and passion is conveyed through metaphors. The poet’s love is not destroyed, only “old dreams” can be dispelled by “rebellious impulse storms”.

And the very image of the beloved appears to the poet "like a fleeting vision." These epithets turn the heroine into an unearthly, slightly mysterious, special creature, but at the same time real and tangible.

Interestingly, Pushkin borrowed the image of “pure beauty” from the poet’s teacher, V. Zhukovsky, which turns him into a literary quotation in this poem.

Separately, it should be noted the melodiousness of the work, which is achieved by syntactic means -

In Pushkin's stanzas of this poem, there is an alternation of rhymes:

  • Women's - ecstasy-imprisonment
  • Men's - beauty-vanity

Rhyming is of a cross type, alliteration is represented by sonorant consonants "l", "m", "n".

All this contributes to the special melody of this work. It is well known that this poem especially attracted numerous musicians. Among the famous ones is a romance, moreover, dedicated by Mikhail Ivanovich to the daughter of that same A. Kern.

The poem "I remember a wonderful moment" is written in the author's favorite size - iambic tetrameter. Each quatrain is an independent rhythmic unit, the transition between them is soft, dimly expressed through rhymes, which unite the whole work into a single amazing lyrical and melodic composition of the verse.

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