Language immersion is the key to mastering the national language. Let's dive into the English-speaking environment! Language learning through immersion

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“Language immersion as an effective language teaching technology”

Completed by course participants

Arlyapova E.Yu. Pavlodar State Municipal Committee for Commissariat No. 126

Filipenko T.I. Pavlodar T.I. GKKP i/s No. 19

Kryukova V.L. Pavlodar State Committee for Public Utilities, s/c No. 104

Makhankova N.V. Ekibastuz city GCCP sub-station No. 4

Vakilova R. S. Ekibastuz State Municipal Committee for Commissariat No. 4

Lishitskaya K. A. Ekibastuz State Committee for Public Utilities, station No. 10

Iskakova A.K. GCKP Krasnoarmeisky I/s


The diversity of the world, languages, and cultures currently determines the philosophy of intercultural interaction. At the same time, linguistic diversity is considered as one of the most valuable elements of cultural heritage. Knowledge of languages ​​is one of the basic skills, the proficiency of which should become the rule for every Kazakhstani. Language learning needs to be supported in early childhood. Thus, preschool educational organizations are faced with new tasks, one of which is the early acquisition of two or more languages.

Problem: In the updated educational system, methodological techniques for teaching children languages ​​require rethinking, with the goal of raising a multilingual personality capable of communicating with others in their language

Object of study: Language immersion technology

Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the formation of a language development environment at the initial stage of language teaching.

Hypothesis: If you constantly motivate and stimulate the child to be in a language environment, immersing the child in a speech atmosphere, this will lead to increased speech activity and effective development of not only his native language, but also other languages.

Target: practical development of a model of the language environment in educational institutions. Tasks: 1. Study scientific and pedagogical literature on the topic. 2. Systematize technologies for the speech development of preschool children that contribute to the development of their native and other languages. 3. Develop a model of a subject-development environment for language immersion of preschool children.

Target group : Teachers before Parents Children Implementation period: 1 year

EXPECTED RESULTS OF CREATION OF A LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT IN A PRESIDENTIAL INDUSTRY: 1.Development of children’s communicative functions, including the ability to communicate. Development of speech abilities (phonemic hearing, sense of language, ability to imitate, etc.), development of mental functions (speech thinking, including). 2. Development of the speech apparatus (mastery of sounds that are not in the native language system contributes to the development and preservation of the flexibility of the speech apparatus of children) and the development of speech of preschool children in general. 3. Development of thinking, since in the process of learning a language, children voluntarily or involuntarily analyze and compare it with their native language, that is, they continuously carry out the thought process. 4. Enrichment of vocabulary: expansion of vocabulary through the assimilation of foreign language vocabulary, as well as linguistic and cultural material. 5. Development of such mental processes as attention, memory, involved in learning languages.

  • Organized educational activities
  • Multilingual component
  • Theatrical activities
  • Play activity
  • Regime moments
  • Working with parents
  • Working with teachers

The problems of bilingualism within the framework of activity theory were studied by A.A. Leontyev, A.A. Zalevskaya, I.A. Winter L.S. Vygotsky wrote back in 1928: “The question of multilingualism in childhood is now being put forward as one of the most complex and confusing issues of modern psychology, on the one hand, and on the other, as a problem of exceptional theoretical and practical importance. The latter hardly needs explanation."

The KRAT experiment is currently being conducted in Kazakhstan (Kazakh-Russian-English trilingual) Multilingual education is becoming the norm in our society. Today, the teacher is faced with the task of forming a multicultural personality. Knowledge of the native and state languages, learning a foreign language broadens the horizons of an individual, contributes to its multifaceted development, and contributes to the formation of an attitude towards tolerance and a three-dimensional vision of the world. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a necessity in the modern world.

Technologies in language immersion









Age periodization

Younger age

Older age













Stages of language immersion work Analysis of language knowledge. Drawing up a work plan. Organization of PRS Using various technologies for language implementation Re-analysis of language knowledge. Drawing up a plan for individual work. Development of consultations for teachers and parents

Work on the second stage

With kids

With teachers

  • multilingual component - didactic games
  • event “Today we speak only Kazakh or English”
  • theatrical performances
  • Kazakh, Russian or English national games - regime moments in different languages.
  • finger gymnastics
  • physical minutes
  • identifying the level of development of language knowledge
  • “Tell mom and dad new words,” “What words did you learn at home?”

With parents

-consultations “Language immersion”, “How language immersion occurs in my group”

— For teachers of the Kazakh and English languages: development of leaflets for the corner “We study languages” — creation of PRS — development of mnemonic tables on lexical topics — creation of theaters — master classes — production of handouts about language immersion (brochures, leaflets) — development of a language plan implementation - the campaign “I also want to learn Kazakh and English”

assistance in creating the PRS (actions “My Native Land”, “Corner of the Kazakh and English Languages”) - consultations for parents - master classes - parent meetings - conversations. For example: “Let’s help children learn languages” or “How can I help my child during language immersion”, “Share your experience during language immersion” - competition “We know words in different languages” - participation in theatrical productions - creation of books – kids “My first books in Kazakh, Russian and English”

5 reasons why children should learn languages ​​in kindergarten. 1. Learning a foreign language contributes to the development of memory, thinking, imagination and all mental processes. Memorizing words and phrases, the child creates visual images in his head, preparing for educational activity 2. When faced with a foreign language at school, many children reject it as something alien and incomprehensible. If you start getting acquainted in kindergarten, then while studying at school a language barrier will not appear, and your knowledge will be much better based on the existing base. 3. In preschool age, the speech apparatus is still developing. Children pronounce some sounds from their native language incorrectly. Everything comes with time. While learning other languages, children develop their speech apparatus, paying attention to the position of the tongue, the movement of the lips and the entire jaw. This is a kind of speech therapy gymnastics that develops the apparatus. 4. Don’t forget about having fun. After all, in class children play, learn to listen, cooperate, and work in a team. This is an important part of preparing for school and life. 5.Children learn a foreign language through imitation. That is why in preschool age pronunciation is established with virtually no accent. During school years, achieving this result takes much longer.

Regulatory framework language policy in preschool educational institutions

  • Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Law “On Languages”
  • State education standard
  • Model program
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child

The success of language technology depends on a correctly set goal, a drawn up work plan, and a system for using various technologies. And one of the main rules should be MOTIVATION (interesting, accessible, rich, memorable).


· Kolker Ya.M., Ustinova E.S., Enalieva T.M. – Practical methods of teaching a foreign language, M: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001

· Malkina N.A. Foreign language development environment and its characteristics. //Early teaching of English: theory and practice. Collection of scientific and methodological articles. SPb.: “Childhood-PRESS”, 2004, p. 22-32.

· Malkina N.A. Communicative difficulties in English classes and ways to overcome them - Ibid., p. 49-63.

· Yakushina L.Z. The connection between the lesson and extracurricular work in a foreign language, M: “Higher School”, 1990

· Materials from Internet sites:

http :// www . Englishclub . narid . ru

http :// www . websib . ru / noos / english /

http :// www . teach learn . people . ru

Hello to all English learners! How are you doing? Are you satisfied with your progress in English, or do you want to somehow speed up the process of learning the language? I'm sure you want to. By the way, how often do you exercise? Two or three times a week? 45 minutes each? By the hour? Two? Very good! Regular lessons are the basis on which we need to rely, because no one can guide and correct speech and writing as well as a favorite teacher.

But now the lesson is over, we return to our office, home, to our friends. How do we spend this time? If we subtract the time for sleep, then we are left with 7 × 16 = 112 hours a week, during which we communicate, read, watch TV shows, listen to the radio in our native language. And now simple math: 2-3 hours of lessons (on average) + 2 hours (I’m an optimist) for homework out of 112 hours of wakefulness. That is, 3-5 hours of communication in English per week out of 112 hours of stay in a comfortable environment of your native language! Not much for a student with an ambitious goal of learning a language!

To change this ratio, immersion in the language environment is necessary. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Live six months in England. This is the shortest path to perfection, although, of course, not the cheapest. There are many intensive language programs in the UK, Ireland, USA, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Malta. If possible, be sure to go there to practice.
    • About the experience of traveling to a language school, read the article by our teacher Irina “”.
  2. Invite England to your home. If you cannot currently get into an English-speaking environment for a long period of time, you need to artificially create this environment around yourself. How to do it? In this article you will find several techniques for creating a language environment that I myself use to keep my English in shape.

Step 1. Create your own personal dictionary

This could be a simple notebook or notepad. I'm leaning towards the latter, since the notepad is more compact. Always carry it with you in your pocket or bag. Immediately write down new words and expressions that you come across during the day. Next to the new word in parentheses, write the source in which you came across the word (text such and such or TV program such and such). Experiment with new words - try to use them in your speech and writing. If you have time, for example, on the subway or minibus, flip through old entries and refresh your memory of the words you have learned.

Try to write down in the dictionary not only individual words, but also phrases or whole sentences - words are easier to remember in context. Some students prefer to keep an electronic file for new words or use mobile applications - also an option. Just don’t forget to look into it sometimes!

Step 2. Listen to the radio in English

Every morning at breakfast or while exercising and in the evening at dinner, instead of TV, turn on the English-language radio for 15-20 minutes. My choice - .

This station has news, interviews, talk shows, comedy shows, theater productions and much more. You can listen to programs both live and recorded. Both can be done absolutely free.

Don't worry if at first you only understand certain words or phrases. Over time, you will begin to pick up more expressions and understand entire sentences and monologues. Try to make it a habit. When you wake up, immediately turn on the radio and listen to the morning news. When you come home from work and start heating up dinner, turn on an evening talk show and let English be heard in the background in the kitchen. While you are cleaning on the weekend, you can simultaneously listen to an interview with a musician, actor or politician, so you can immerse yourself in the language environment at home.

If you liked a word or expression you heard, write it down in your dictionary.

Like radio, TV series and films in the original are a wonderful source of words and grammatical structures, a listening comprehension trainer and a model of correct pronunciation. Besides everything else, it is also entertainment. While watching our favorite TV series or a new film, we learn to understand the speech of native-speaking actors and their characters, and to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions. Here are a couple of popular resources: and, where you can watch films and TV series online with Russian or English subtitles. The first resource can be used for free for 1 hour a day, but there are restrictions on the translation of words in subtitles. You need to register on the second resource; there are also restrictions on the free use of subtitle translations and exercises.

Choose those shows, programs, films that you like. Watch the entire series first without stopping and try to grasp the general meaning of what is happening on the screen. During the second viewing, read the subtitles, pause and write down new phrases in your dictionary notebook.

A striking example of a resource where you will find hundreds of relatively short (from 5 to 20 minutes) very interesting monologue speeches is the portal. All videos in this format have subtitles available, as well as the full text of the speech.

If you prefer to listen to audio recordings, try short podcasts on different topics on websites and.

Don't forget to also record interesting vocabulary from these sources in your dictionary!

Step 5. Read in English

Again, everyone’s preferences are different, so it’s up to you to decide what to read. It can be fantasy, historical novel, detective story, modern prose - anything that captures and arouses interest. Decide on the level of difficulty: whether to immediately read the work in the original or an adapted version. If there are 5 completely unfamiliar words per paragraph of 100 words, this is the level for you. Ask your teacher to recommend a book to read. And if you don’t have a teacher, we’ve put together a table with recommended books for reading by level.

In addition to fiction, there are online publications, news portals, and online magazines. For example, articles from one of the most popular newspapers in the UK are available on the publication’s official website. On this resource you will find materials on various topics: society, politics, sports, business, culture, health, etc. This is an excellent technique for creating a language environment.

Step 6: Speak English

Take every opportunity to practice. If you have familiar native speakers - friends, colleagues, business partners - talk to them on various topics during a meeting, on the phone or on Skype. Maybe they are studying Russian? Then offer to exchange experiences: one day you communicate in English, the next in Russian. Do not hesitate to ask them the meaning of unfamiliar words that you heard during your conversation. They will only be happy to help a person interested in their native language. Write these words down in your notebook and actively use them in conversation.

If you don’t come across native speakers very often, find a conversation club in your city that brings together people who are interested in the language, and attend it regularly. In addition to the fact that in such communities there is an opportunity to practice your speech, it is also a great time, new friends, exchange of thoughts, joint holidays, picnics and other amenities. If there is no such club in your city, create one yourself! Now, with the help of social networks, you can gather like-minded people in one place in a matter of days. Any cafe will be happy to provide a cozy corner for regular English-speaking “get-togethers”.

When traveling abroad, do not miss the opportunity to exchange a word with a waiter in a cafe, a receptionist in a hotel, local residents, other tourists, etc. Such seemingly simple tasks as finding out the route to a museum, making an order in a restaurant, choosing shoes the right size also require practice and a certain amount of courage. So don't be shy!

Step 7. Learn songs, poems, jokes in English by heart

By memorizing the lyrics of one song, we immediately replenish our vocabulary with several ready-made phrases and linguistic constructions of modern English. If you like to sing, then combine business with pleasure and learn the songs you like, sing them to friends and acquaintances - at karaoke, at a party or just in the shower. Nowadays the lyrics of any song can be easily found on the Internet. If you like listening and telling jokes, try to memorize a joke in English, for example, and tell it to your teacher in class, using phrases from the text.

And lastly: remember the motto “ Use it or lose it!”. This saying means that it is not enough to simply learn, read, hear and understand a word, phrase or sentence. Definitely necessary “ use it” - use it, pass it through yourself, reproduce this word in speech, oral or written. Otherwise it “ lose it” – is lost, forgotten, and then it is difficult to fish it out from the depths of our memory. Therefore, all the exercises listed above should be performed regularly! Practice makes perfect! I hope these simple tips for immersing yourself in a language environment will help you on the path to your cherished goal - confident language proficiency. Have fun learning and feel free to ask questions in the comments!

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One of the most effective ways to quickly master a foreign language is to immerse yourself in the language environment. It should be immediately noted here that immersion is not necessarily associated with a trip or move to another country. Let's look at possible immersion methods in more detail.

Diving while in an English-speaking country

Of course, moving or staying for a long time in another country can give phenomenal results in learning a language. In this case, rapid comprehensive learning occurs. You are forced to speak English to buy groceries, go to doctor appointments, and so on.

Learning this way is like learning to swim by being thrown off a boat. We have to swim, there is no other way out.

So it is with a foreign language. We hear English spoken everywhere, we have to communicate with native speakers, watch programs in the language, and at this moment the knowledge is absorbed by itself. After a few days of being in the environment, any student already communicates well in a foreign language, can order pizza or call a taxi.

Perception is greatly enhanced and the skill of understanding speech is acquired. This is a skill that is sorely lacking when you learn a language only from textbooks. You know the words and phrases, but when you hear them, the brain does not associate them with what is in memory.

You don't have to move to another country to study intensively. Often, to get the fastest results, it is enough to spend 2-3 weeks. During this time, you will be forced to quickly learn to speak English and understand speech.

A simple holiday with accommodation in a language environment is usually enough to take your English language skills to the next level. Unless, of course, you sit in a hotel all the time with fellow countrymen from Russia. With this approach, it doesn’t matter what country you are in. No foreign speech around - no changes in knowledge.

Many people now probably thought that it is good for those who have the opportunity to constantly travel to English-speaking countries in order to improve their language skills. But for example, one of the founders of Genius English, Vladimir, lives in Brussels, where most people speak French. However, in the city center, communication is mainly in English. Vladimir’s wife and daughter speak Dutch, and he uses Czech and Russian to communicate with business partners.

This suggests that while in one country you can be immersed in five language environments. Another example can be given - Giuseppe Mpezzofanti. This is a man who was fluent in 38 languages ​​and never left Italy. If you search the Internet, you will find many other similar examples.

In other words, you can master the English language without leaving home if you use the tips and immerse yourself in the environment even without going abroad.

Immersion in English without going abroad

When diving without leaving Russia (or any other country), it is important to adhere to the rule - you should be interested in the environment where you are diving. Surround yourself with a context in which you will enjoy being.

That is, if your goal is to learn a language for travel, then use sources and resources for travelers. If your goal is to read literature in the original language, start reading simple or simplified works of literature in English as quickly as possible.

Diving into an uninteresting topic can be a serious blow to your motivation. And loss of motivation to achieve your goal will lead to the fact that you will not be able to voluntarily devote time to learning the language. This means you won’t make any progress towards knowing the language.

The best immersion is using materials in the context of your purpose. Watch programs, films, and TV series that interest you. Read books and articles that interest you. If you are learning a language for travel, read descriptions of hotels, apartments, apartments and reviews on and in English.

Some students paste stickers with English symbols on all objects in the room in order to quickly remember the names of all household appliances and things in everyday life.

If you need English for professional growth, be sure to read professional literature, study publications on the topic of work, participate in discussions on forums and on social networks.

You can systematize the various methods of language immersion in the following list:

  • Films and TV series in a foreign language;
  • Broadcasts in English;
  • Articles and publications on various topics;
  • Audio podcasts and audio books;
  • Electronic and paper books and magazines;
  • Websites for travelers;
  • Websites for communicating with native speakers;
  • Platforms and services for comprehensive immersion.

The list is advisory in nature and you can supplement it at your own discretion. It is important to remember that in addition to immersion, a constant increase in vocabulary is necessary. That is, even if you move permanently to the UK or the United States, sooner or later you will still be faced with the need to expand your vocabulary.

Without a serious increase in your vocabulary, you will not be able to gain a sense of language - that level when you understand the meaning of phrases without additional translation of individual words in your head.

It is ideal when immersion in a language environment is carried out using various resources. For example, in the mornings you read articles and books in the original language, in the afternoon you communicate with a native speaker via Skype or chat, in the evenings you watch movies and TV shows.

To communicate with native speakers, you can join special communities where students help each other learn the material. This practice is necessary to accelerate the acquisition of speaking skills.

An integrated approach allows you to diversify the language into all areas of your life. The ideal solution would be to use a platform for teaching English that contains various ways to learn and reinforce the material. In addition, the platforms allow you to systematize your approach to learning and allow you to build an effective schedule for repeating material.

For example, on the Genius English platform you will find:

  1. Video lessons for every day
  2. Online chat for communication
  3. Cards to increase vocabulary
  4. Conversation club for communication
  5. Skype tutors
  6. Effective materials, textbooks, workbooks.

A little more detail about each point.

1. Video lessons for every day

20-minute video lessons will allow you to master basic knowledge in a short time with maximum efficiency. Each lesson is structured in such a way as to assimilate the necessary material with optimal load and the required regularity.

2. Online chat for communication

Online chat allows you to quickly get involved in the use of written language in English. This is an indispensable element of communication in modern life, filled with communication through instant messengers.

Pay attention to how many messages you send to your loved ones, friends and colleagues via instant messengers or social networks during the day. This is already a separate direction of communication between people.

3. Cards to increase vocabulary

Increasing your vocabulary, as we said above, is the key to feeling the language. When you can understand humor in English, this will be a signal that you are beginning to feel the language like a native speaker.

4. Conversation club for communication

A conversation club is a way for students to communicate with each other. The teacher is present in communication as a coordinator. The topics for conversation are chosen by the students themselves. As a rule, in a conversation club, communication is about everyday topics: everyday life, recreation, vacation, weekends, travel, and so on. That is, everything we talk about in everyday life.

5. Skype tutors

English practice via Skype is used only as an additional tool for immersion and practice. Skype tutor is very helpful when you need to solve a specific problem with pronunciation or something else. It's like practicing in a conversation club, only individually with a teacher.

6. Effective materials, textbooks, workbooks

Of course, the availability of high-quality textbooks and workbooks is a real help in studying. Textbooks based on the method of accelerated learning of the English language allow you to quickly master and consolidate the material.

The success of the entire education often depends on the quality of textbooks. Bad materials are based on ineffective methods that force people to learn a language for years. Moreover, because of this mistake, you can easily lose motivation and refuse to continue moving towards your goal.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN DEFINED: Insufficient language development, observed in children at present, causes, in turn, a decrease in the level of cognitive activity and the emotional-volitional sphere.

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Object of study: Preschool children Subject of study: language immersion. Hypothesis: using different types of speech activity in a certain system, then language immersion will be most effective

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The goal of the project: the use of language immersion as an effective technology for the speech development of preschool children.

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To achieve the set GOAL, the following tasks were identified: 1. Study scientific and pedagogical literature. 2. Get acquainted with the experience of teachers - colleagues on this topic. 3. Systematize methodological and didactic materials on this topic for use in organizational educational activities. 4.Create a subject-based development environment for language immersion for preschool children. 5.Develop tools for identifying the language abilities of preschool children.

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For the Kazakh people there is nothing better and more precious than their native language, which is sharp like diamond, sensitive like a soaring eagle, soft like lead, and a weapon, and a shield, and ancient, and forever young, “fiery”. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev

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The benefits of early language learning. Parents whose children began learning a second language in preschool age noticed that their children: - are more free and open in communication; - study and assimilate the language in the game, which is very good for preparing for school; - feel at home in any culture; - acquire better opportunities in the labor market for themselves in the future; - get acquainted with each new culture with interest; - value their culture.

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Objectives of language immersion: - functional knowledge of a second language; - knowledge of the native language according to age; - understanding and value of second language culture; - knowledge of other languages ​​at a good level.

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Language immersion is the key to mastering the national language. Language immersion is one of the most effective methods of bilingual education. This is a method of teaching a language when learning conditions are created that are closest to natural ones. Its advantage and strength are its consistency, methodological unity and scientific basis.

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Goals and objectives of language immersion: To give children age-appropriate knowledge of the Kazakh language; Introduce the Kazakh language into the daily life of children during their stay in kindergarten; To instill a strong interest and respect for Kazakh culture and traditions through games, in classes, walks, and during routine moments; Maintain children's interest in learning the Kazakh language, including in the family; To form a conscious desire of the child to continue to learn and improve the Kazakh language at school.

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Principles of training: Creation of a developmental environment in the group (visibility and accessibility); Create an emotional positive attitude in children; Daily active use of the Kazakh language in communication with children; Taking into account the individual capabilities and level of development of each child, as well as the characteristics of culture and traditions in the family; Do not overload children, dose the volume of material; Conduct training in a playful way using a variety of visual materials; Conduct training in different areas of the kindergarten and outside the territory; Conduct complex classes together with other kindergarten teachers; Intensifying the use of simple phrases and sentences in children’s communication with the teacher and among themselves during games and routine moments; Actively use outdoor learning to consolidate vocabulary and expand the ability to use speech;

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Stages of teaching a second language in kindergarten. The period of formation of the auditory-speech-motor analyzer. During this period, the physiological mechanisms of the speech apparatus are formed. And also a passive vocabulary is formed, which later turns into an active one (the child pronounces all the words in his own way, shortens them, throws out syllables and letters from them, replaces them with others, or, conversely, adds letters and syllables that are not in the word ).

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2. The period of analysis of language structure or the period of “word creation” It is known that a child, despite the unconsciousness of the process, does not master speech mechanically, but carries out complex “mental operations” - analyzes, derives rules, classifies and generalizes. And the proof of this is the “mistakes” and irregularities in children’s speech that amuse us so much.

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3. The period of separation of language systems (differentiation period) The child consciously makes efforts to find equivalents in another language, begins to clearly differentiate both languages ​​and respond in the language in which he is addressed. This means that the child has formed two linguistic systems, i.e. the child acquires the ability to think in both languages.

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Conditions for successful language implementation in teaching and educational work in kindergarten From the administration of the preschool educational institution: - provision of educational and methodological kit, literature; - equipping the classroom with modern equipment, which includes ICT, game and demonstration material, visual material that provides a higher level of cognitive development of children and provokes speech activity; - organizing seminars together with educational institutions on interaction and exchange of experience among teachers on the problem of language implementation; - providing psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process; - conducting corrective speech therapy classes on sound production.

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On the part of teachers - the creation and implementation of an educational program, if necessary, flexible and prompt introduction of appropriate changes in the organization of the educational microenvironment; - monitoring the implementation of thematic planning; - finding opportunities for communication in different situations, so that the reality reflected in speech gives rise to expanding vocabulary, grammar and improving communication skills; - transmission of speech and culture samples through various types of activities; - regular conversations with parents about the development of their child; - studying the experience of various preschool institutions in order to apply new methods and technologies in teaching children, as well as disseminating this experience.

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In their work with children during language immersion, pedagogical workers of preschool education carry out the following types of activities: - communicative (realization of the need for communication, the ability to listen and hear “the other”, involvement in various forms of verbal communication); - public (holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions, festivals); - gaming (development of cognitive and motor activity); - artistic and aesthetic.

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On the part of parents - involving parents of students in various cultural events; - holding open final classes, reporting events with the invitation of students’ parents; - conducting individual consultations for parents; - design and updating of an information stand for parents in the reception area.

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Stages of language immersion work Analysis of language knowledge. Drawing up a work plan. Using various technologies for language implementation Re-analysis of language knowledge. Drawing up a plan for individual work. Development of consultations for teachers and parents

This is an article about the original source of various offers on the Internet and not only about the possibility of learning a foreign language in “two days”, “three weeks”, “a month”... The immersion method consists of creating an artificial (the maximum possible number of classes in the target language every day for a given period of time) or natural (life among native speakers of the target language) environment for a foreign language learner. In short, the method definitely works: speak English every day for four hours, seven days a week, six weeks and you will speak.

A little more about the method and where it came from.

Language immersion is a method of teaching a foreign language in which all instruction is conducted in that language, for example, mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences.

The purpose of such training is to develop communication and cognitive skills using a second language in addition to the first native one.

Language immersion programs vary widely depending on language affinity, historical background, language policy and public opinion. Immersion programs also differ in the duration of immersion, the presence or absence of native speakers of the target language, the age of the students, the subjects studied and the foreign language program itself.

The first modern language immersion programs appeared in the 1960s in Canada. English-speaking parents have convinced educational institutions to develop a pilot French immersion program so that children can understand the traditions and culture of both English-speaking and French-speaking families.

Early language immersion begins at the age of 5-6 years, middle - from 9-10 years, late immersion - from 11 to 14 years. Language immersion for adults begins at age 17.

Proportion of classes In full language immersion, almost 100% of classes are conducted in a foreign language with the goal of excellent command of a foreign language and learning subjects, as well as understanding other cultures. This type of program involves long-term and consistent accumulation of knowledge within the framework of a general school course. After a few years of full language immersion, the curriculum may revert to the native language.

In partial language immersion, approximately half of the classes are conducted in a foreign language. The goals of such training are mastery of a foreign language to a slightly lesser extent than with full immersion, mastery of subjects studied in a given foreign language, as well as familiarization with another culture.

The third option of language immersion is carried out in primary school, when 15-50% of the subjects studied are taught in a foreign language. The goal of such a program is to master the skills of reading, writing, speaking and understanding speech in a foreign language, when the content of the classes is used directly to improve language skills.

There is also a variant of the language immersion program, in which 5-15% of classes are conducted in a foreign language, for at least 75 minutes a week, every other day. The goals of the program are to develop the ability to speak and listen to foreign speech, also to get acquainted with another culture and, depending on the program, to develop reading and writing skills.

The final version of language immersion, where only one to five percent of classes are conducted in a foreign language, involves regular classes at regular intervals. The purpose of this method is to develop interest in the language for subsequent study, mastery of basic words and phrases, and development of listening comprehension skills. Such programs are usually short-lived.

Native speakers

In individual language immersion, one or two students learn a foreign language that is the native language of the rest of the class, so the process is similar to the way a person learns to swim by being thrown into the middle of a river.

In two-way immersion, a group of students speaks two or more languages. Ideally, half the class will be native speakers of the language in a given geographic region (e.g., English in the United States), and the other half will be native speakers of the target language from another country (e.g., Spain). Classes are conducted both in the native language and in the target language. Students support and teach each other, ultimately becoming bilingual speakers.

Place of language immersion A trip for the purpose of learning a foreign language is advisable to regions where the language being studied is dominant. For example, English-speaking Canadians travel to Quebec, often staying with families who speak only French. Results of language immersion Development of language and related abilities, including cognitive skills. Better understanding of your native language. Ability to understand other cultures and communicate with people from other countries. The possibility of mastering and further employment in a profession for which knowledge of a foreign language is an advantage.

Research has shown that the language immersion method is very effective in learning a foreign language. Many language immersion programs begin as early as elementary school, when 50 to 90 percent of classes are devoted to a foreign language. Learning a second or third language not only enhances mental development, but also future professional growth. Psychologists say that ideas that a child cannot understand act as a catalyst for thinking, and a foreign language, being a completely unfamiliar environment for a child, perfectly activates mental activity.

More than 1,000 studies have been conducted in Canada on language immersion programs, resulting in valuable observations of the effectiveness of these programs. Language immersion programs started at an early age lead to a lag behind peers in written language (reading, spelling, punctuation), but after a few years the situation levels out.

Language immersion programs do not have a negative impact on oral speech in the native language.

With language immersion at an early age, by the age of 11, the ability to read a foreign language and perceive oral speech develops almost at the level of native speakers. However, reading and writing skills develop much more slowly as children communicate with teachers orally. In addition, if communication occurs only with teachers, then children do not learn everyday speech.

Students who begin language immersion at an early age perform better in reading and listening comprehension than those who learn through partial or late language immersion. Language immersion programs do not have a negative impact on the development of a student's cognitive skills.

Peers who do not study a foreign language, as a rule, outperform students participating in language immersion in mastering school subjects. However, in the end, bilingual students catch up and sometimes even get ahead of their peers. Research has also shown that two-way immersion creates more positive attitudes toward other cultures, including bilingual ones.

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