Adjustment of CNC guides. Installing rail guides on the machine

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I had to transport the machine from home to the workshop, all the alignment was lost, and I didn’t like the early result of alignment and installation of guides.
The essence of the method is simple, we stretch the strings along the surface of the rail installation, and fill it with some kind of flowing polymer, wait for it to harden and install the rail. As a placeholder, the choice fell on epoxy resin, the advantages are low shrinkage and accessibility, hardness can be adjusted by the amount of hardener. Some equipment was needed to tension and align the strings. I used 0.8 mm electric welded wire as strings. The number of strings for the 20th profile is about 14-16. The rail was glued to a leveled surface, thereby removing the voids between the surface and the rail. The horizontal alignment of the rails was controlled using a fishing line, although when tensioning the strings, a leveling edge made of thicker wire could be provided.
The result is satisfactory, subjectively 3+, in any case simpler and more accurate than various kinds pouring on formwork, placing foil. The carriages move smoothly, installation accuracy in all directions is at least 0.1 mm. by 2500 mm., but most importantly, we managed to get rid of wandering clockwise and counterclockwise along the axis of motion of the carriage, the deviation was within 0.3-0.4 mm. with a sidewall height of 400 mm. from the rails along the entire length of the guide i.e. 2500 mm, respectively, the diagonals between the sidewalls of the X axis did not differ at the beginning and end of the table.
For those who want to repeat this idea, the following recommendations:
The bed must be quite rigid, because We tension each string under 30 kg, the yield strength of the electric welded wire will lie between 600-1000 MPa, i.e. 30-50 kg. mm. square. Accordingly, 14 stones of 30 kg each. we get about 420 kg. stretches. A flimsy structure can fail.
We try to pretension the wire more evenly.
It was absolutely impossible to get rid of the vertical difference between the strings, no big deal, the most important thing is that the rail lies strictly along the strings.
You should not tighten the rail as much as possible on a leveled surface, to avoid pushing through the polymer with the wire.
Observe the safety rules; when retensioned, the string shoots very well; it would not be a bad idea to place something at the beginning, in the middle and at the end.
We maintain a gap between the string and the surface, the smaller the better, the string should not touch the surface.
In general, there are already too many beeches, there are still many nuances.
The rest is in the photo.

Fixing the wire

Wire tension

Level installation

Pouring wire

Many industries today use machine tools of the milling and engraving group. Almost every woodworking enterprise, large furniture factory or a small private workshop for making furniture, must be equipped with CNC milling centers.

When choosing equipment, production owners understand that choosing and purchasing a unit is quite difficult. Here it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances that will help to avoid misunderstandings and problems when operating the equipment.

If you decide to buy a milling machine of a certain model, you should set further tasks for it, since with the equipment installed, most options will be difficult and sometimes impossible to configure.

If you already know what design you need, you also need to select the appropriate components, in particular the support and guide group of the equipment. The quality of the manufactured product directly depends on the accuracy of this device and its geometric integrity.

The type of guides is determined at the design stage of the machine and is displayed in technical documentation supplied with the equipment. All types of this equipment are mounted on a fixed unit of the machine, and moving parts move along them.

If the machine has, as guides, profile rails, the convenience of their use lies in the fact that the seals, bearings, boots, and nipples located in the structure can be lubricated using a connected lubrication system.

Besides, profile rails, mounted on the frame, they have special tracks in which the rolling elements are located. The load on the carriage moving on the rails with the moving elements of the machine is evenly distributed along the raceways, establishing the contact profile of the ball and the rails in the form of an arc.

Choosing a milling and engraving machine with guides profile rails, you will receive equipment with no or low backlash. This guarantees high processing accuracy, increased load capacity, and high wear resistance of the machine unit.

Some users note quite high cost such a machine. This is due to the increased quality of this type of product, which, accordingly, has a positive effect on the quality of the final product.

It is this type of guides that is used to produce machines that provide high-quality milling, working in extreme conditions.

Manufacturers of milling and engraving machines also produce designs in which guides serve as polished shafts. This type components are relatively inexpensive, so models of such machines have become more accessible due to their low cost. The main condition for the durability and strength of the shaft is the material used for manufacturing. High alloy steel is preferable. The product must undergo a surface induction hardening process and special grinding.

Subject to these conditions polished shafts have perfect smooth surface, which ensures their movement with the least degree of friction. Properly carried out hardening ensures the durability of the structure in operation and strong wear resistance.

This type guides are more reliable and easier to use. However, the increased load on the equipment leads to heating of the surface during friction, which means losses and a decrease in the resources of the unit.

Grinding shafts are quite easy to install. To attach them, you need a flat surface on which they are attached in two places. Experts working on this equipment note this method of fastening as one of its disadvantages. The fragility of the equipment and a high degree of play in the bushings are also noted.

The fastening of portal machines must be rigid in relation to the table surface. When processing the material, errors may occur due to the fact that the guides will bend along with the table surface due to the increased load.

Round profile guides are used in areas with reduced movement activity. This is due to the lack of internal lubrication systems, so this operation is performed manually.

Polished shafts used in machine tools about 1 meter long. This is due to possible sagging of the structure, which will certainly negatively affect the final result of production. When modeling the load on the shaft, it is also necessary to observe the ratio of the length of the component element to its diameter. This correspondence ensures more accurate linear movements.

In some models, the moving carriages are mounted on cylindrical rails. This type of guides ensures that there is no deflection when the carriage moves. This function is associated with the use of a special fastener that fixes the guide on the frame. The ball bushings, housed in an aluminum cylinder, are held in place by spring rings. The weight of the guides is quite low due to the use of aluminum. During operation, low friction losses are observed, and high processing accuracy with smooth movement is noted.

Cylindrical rails rest on the frame along its entire length. Therefore, when using them, there is no sagging, and the load capacity increases. However, it should be noted that carriages installed on this type of guides perceive loads directed in different directions differently. This is due to the design of ball bushings, closed along the contour. Practice proves that sometimes equipment installed on cylindrical guides does not show high accuracy.

The design consists of movable machine components mounted on cylindrical rails, must position with high precision and ensure the required quality. This type of guides can fulfill these requirements only under light loads; accordingly, the load capacity will be low. Therefore, cylindrical guide equipment is used in the design of milling machines of a more simplified type, which are installed in workshops and industries with small volumes of products.

Now we have smoothly reached the third and final guide to creating a CNC machine. She will be saturated useful information about setting up electronics, machine control programs, and machine calibration.
Be patient - there will be a lot of letters!


Since we won’t be able to fully test the assembled controller without a computer with a configured machine control program, we’ll start with it. At this stage, no tools are needed, all you need is a computer with an LPT port, hands and a head.

There are several programs for controlling a CNC machine with the ability to load control code, for example, Kcam, Desk CNC, Mach, Turbo CNC (under DOS), and even operating system optimized for working with a CNC machine - Linux CNC.

My choice fell on Mach and in the article I will consider only this program. I will explain my choice and describe several advantages of this program.

Mach has been on the market for several years and has established itself as a very worthy solution for controlling a CNC machine.
- Most people use Mach 2/3 to control their home machine.
- Due to its popularity, there is quite a lot of information about this program on the Internet, possible problems and recommendations on how to fix them.
- Detailed manual in Russian
- Possibility of installation on weak. I have Mach 3 installed on a Celeron 733 with 256MB of RAM and everything works great.
- And most importantly - full compatibility with Windows XP, unlike, for example, Turbo CNC, which is designed for DOS, although TurboCNC is even less demanding on hardware.

I think this is more than enough for you to choose Mach_e, but no one forbids you to try other software. Perhaps it will suit you better. Another thing worth mentioning is the presence of a driver compatible with Windows 7. I tried this thing, but it didn’t work out very well. Perhaps due to the fatigue of the system - it is already two years old and overgrown with all sorts of unnecessary garbage, and Mach is recommended to be installed on a fresh system and to use this computer only for working with the machine. In general, everything seems to be working, but the motors regularly skip steps, while on a computer with XP the same version of Macha behaves great.

Let's consider only the X axis, and you can configure the rest yourself according to the same principle. Parameter Steps per indicates how many steps it takes your motor to complete a full revolution. The standard SD has a step of 1.8 degrees, i.e. we divide 360 ​​degrees (full revolution) by 1.8 and get 200. Thus, we found that the engine in STEP mode rotates 360 degrees in 200 steps. We write this number in the Steps per field. Accordingly, in the HALF-STEP mode there will be not 200, but 2 times more - 400 steps. What to write in the Steps per field, 200 or 400, depends on what mode your controller is in. Later, when we connect to the machine and calibrate, we will change this parameter, but for now set it to 200 or 400.

Velocity– sets the maximum speed of movement of the portal. For reliability, I set it to 1000, but when working, I decrease or increase it right on the fly in the main Macha window. In general, it is recommended to enter here a number 20-40% less than the maximum possible that your engine can produce without skipping steps.

Paragraph Acceleration– acceleration. The value entered in this line, as well as the speed, depends on your engine and power supply. Too little acceleration will significantly increase the processing time of the figure complex shape and terrain, too high increases the risk of skipping steps at the start because the engine will start to stall. In general, this parameter is set experimentally. From my experience, 200-250 is the optimal value.

Step pulse and Dir pulse. From 1 to 5, but maybe more. In case your controller is not very well assembled and then stable work possible with a larger time interval.

I forgot to say that most likely every time you start Mac, the Reset button will blink. Click on it, otherwise it won't allow you to do anything.

Ugh. Well, now let's try to download the control program, an example of which you can download at the end of the article. Press the button Load G-Code or go to the menu File/Load G-Code it is more convenient for anyone and the window for opening the control program appears.

The UE is a regular text file in which coordinates are written in a column. As you can see in the list of supported file types, there is a txt format, therefore it can be opened and edited with a regular notepad, like files with the extension nc, ncc, tap. You can correct the G-code in the program itself by pressing the button Edit G-Code.

We load the UE and see that a code has appeared in the left window, and in the right window the outline of the figure that we will cut out.

To start processing, all you have to do is press the green button Cycle Start, which is what we do. Numbers began to appear in the coordinate window, and a virtual spindle moved across the picture, which means the processing process has successfully begun and our virtual (for now) machine has begun to process the part.

If for some reason you need to pause the operation of the machine, click Stop. To continue, press Cycle Start again and processing will continue from the same place. I was interrupted several times during the rain when I needed to turn off and cover the machine.

The speed is changed using the “+” “-” buttons in the column Feed Rate, and is initially equal to 100% of the speed set in Motor Tuning. Here you can adjust the speed of movement of the portal to certain processing conditions. The speed is adjustable in a very large range from 10 to 300%.

That's basically all about setting up Mach3, I hope I haven't forgotten anything. A little later, when we calibrate and launch the machine, I will tell you about some more the necessary settings. Now grab some tea, coffee, a cigarette (whatever you like) and give yourself a moment of rest so that with new strength and a fresh mind you can begin setting up the electronics of the machine.

It is advisable to do this with the spindle installed because... It is unlikely that you will be able to make an absolutely even spindle mount at home and also screw it evenly to the Z axis.

Let's say you now align the Z axis, and when you make the mount and install the spindle, you will be surprised at how crooked it will be located there. The first thing to do is to secure a drill or cutter in the chuck. Now we move the portal to any place on our working (coordinate) table and use a square to see if we have 90 degrees between the table and the cutter. Depending on the design of the spindle mounting and the Z axis itself, adjust the position of the cutter, and having achieved the desired result, fix the spindle in this position.

Well, one more adjustment is to check whether your machine can draw a right angle when you tell it to do so. Otherwise, this is what you might end up with.

For myself, I have come up with two ways to check and adjust this; I will describe both of them.
1 - This is the most universal cutter - a broken off and re-sharpened 3 mm drill. In the absence of other cutters, it is used for both roughing and finishing. A huge plus of this cutter is its cheapness, but the disadvantages are: it cannot be sharpened correctly, and it has a very limited resource. Literally a couple of small pictures, after which she begins to burn the tree. Not much follows from all this good quality completed work, followed by mandatory finishing with sandpaper, and you will have to sand quite a lot.
2 - Straight two-flute cutter 3.175 and 2 mm. It is generally used for removing the rough layer of small workpieces, but if necessary, it can also be used as a finishing layer.
3 - Conical cutters 3, 2, and 1.5 mm. Application: finishing. The diameter determines the quality and detail of the final result. With a 1.5 mm cutter, the quality will be better than with a 3 mm one, but the processing time will also increase significantly. The use of conical cutters during finishing requires virtually no after-work additional processing sandpaper
4 - Conical engraver. It is used for engraving, and the alloy from which it is made allows engraving also on metal. Another application is the processing of very small parts that cannot be processed with a conical cutter.
5 - Direct engraver. Used for cutting or cutting. For example, you need to cut...the letter “A” from a sheet of 5 mm plywood. Install a straight engraver into the spindle and here you have a CNC jigsaw . I used it instead of a straight cutter when it broke. The quality of processing is quite normal, but periodically it wraps around long chips. You need to be alert.
All of the above cutters had a 3.175 mm shank, and now they are heavy artillery.
6 - Straight and conical cutters 8 mm. The application is the same as for 3 mm cutters, but for larger-scale work. Processing time is significantly reduced, but unfortunately they are not suitable for small workpieces.

All this is only a small part of the number of cutters that can be used in CNC to perform various tasks. I can’t help but warn beginners about the considerable cost of good cutters. For example, the above-described 8 mm cutters from high speed steel cost approximately 700 rubles. A carbide cutter is 2 times more expensive. So CNC toys cannot be ranked among the cheapest hobbies.


I’m posting for your consideration a few photos of what I managed to do over a couple of summer months.
First test pancake. Milling cutter No. 1. Scary right? And if the rest is of the same quality)))

The first serious check for the machine. Dimensions 17 by 25 cm. Relief height 10 mm, time spent - 4 hours.
Like next job, this one was made with the same cutter No. 1. As you can see, the result is quite tolerable.

And here the cutter became dull, and the wood began to burn.

I tried what a cone engraver can do.

My sister asked me to cut out a dog for her. Roughing – cutter No. 2 3 mm, finishing cutter No. 3 3 mm. Relief 6 mm, processing time about 1.5 hours.

Signs for the house. The relief is 10 mm, but already concave because this significantly reduces processing time. Not the entire area is processed, but only the inscription. Processing time is about 2 hours, using cutter No. 5 (direct engraver).

My attempt to make it three-dimensional wooden photograph. I made a mistake in pairing the man and the tree, but overall, I think it turned out well. Roughing - straight cutter 3 mm, finishing with a conical cutter 2 mm. The relief is 5 mm, but I don’t remember the processing time.

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In this article, the THK LM series rails are taken as a basis, however, the principles are the same for all types of profile guides and can be applied to any series of THK and Hiwin rails, so installing HIWIN rails is no different from the process below.

Main guide marking and combined use

All rails installed in the same plane are marked with the same serial number. Of these rails, the main rail is marked KV after the serial number. The base surface of the carriage on the main rail is machined to the required precision so that the surface can serve as a base mounting surface for the table. (see picture)

Main LM Guide:

Auxiliary LM Guide

Guides of normal accuracy class are not marked KV. Therefore, any of the rails with the same serial numbers can serve as the main rail.

In the guide, the base surface of the carriage is opposite to the surface marked with the THK logo, and the base surface of the rail is marked with a line (see the figure below).

If it is necessary to change the base surface of the rail and carriage or rotate it reverse side grease nipple, please specify.

Serial number marking and combined use of rail and carriages

To ensure that the installation of rail guides is possible and carried out correctly, pay attention to some important details. Rails and LM block(s) used together must have the same serial number. When removing the carriage from the rail and reinstalling the carriage, make sure that their serial numbers match and the numbers face the same direction.

Using connected rails

When ordering a long rail, the required length will be obtained by connecting two or more rails. When connecting rails, make sure that the connection markings shown in the figure are located correctly:

When two guides with connected rails are arranged in parallel, these guides are manufactured in such a way that they are aligned axisymmetrically.

Installation procedure

An example of installing a guide in the presence of an impact load on a machine, which places high demands on rigidity and accuracy

Installation of rails (Hiwin and other brands)

Installation of carriages

This method saves time and ensures the straightness of the rail, and also avoids machining of the locating pins, which significantly reduces the labor intensity of installation.

Modern processing of materials and production of complex parts involves the use of high-precision machines. High-precision equipment means that the parts from which it is made are also high-tech and precise. And each type of machine has its own requirements for these parts.

To achieve the required processing accuracy of an entire batch of products, it is necessary to ensure that all necessary operations are carried out accurately and that they are repeated many times without errors. This task is successfully performed by computer numerical control (CNC) machines.

The movement of the workpiece, processing tool and associated machine design elements is ensured by guides.


The most general description guide: it is a unit that ensures the movement of the workpiece, tool and associated elements along the desired path with a given accuracy.

Main parts guide durable shaft or profile guide and moving parts moving along them, carrying the working elements of the machine.

Constructive decisions guide, as well as ensuring movement along it is very varied and are subordinated to the implementation of specific metalworking tasks.

Hiwin type profile rail guide device

Work principles

The guides of a CNC machine are secured so reliably that even their minimal shifts during operation of the equipment are excluded - under the influence of weight, movement or vibration of working units.

In the process of processing workpieces along guides, under the control of a given program, the functional units of the machine are moved without difficulty and firmly fixed, ensuring the completion of the necessary work operations.

Depending on the method of moving the movable unit, guides are used sliding, rolling and combined, which combine both rolling and sliding motion.

Sliding guides, in which the surface of the shaft is in direct contact with the sleeve moving along it, are subject to significant frictional forces, which during operation change significantly in direction and strength. Friction load wears out the guides. In addition, the performance of sliding guides is greatly affected by the difference between the friction force at rest and the friction force during movement.

At low speeds, due to this difference, the movement of working units occurs spasmodically - this is unacceptable for CNC machines.

To reduce the influence of friction forces, anti-friction plastic linings are used, as well as a number of other ways to reduce these forces. Depending on how friction is reduced, sliding guides are divided into hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and aerostatic.

IN hydrostatic Liquid (oil) lubrication is present at any sliding speed; accordingly, uniformity of movement and high accuracy are ensured.

Such guides have two problematic aspects: it is difficult arranged system lubrication, as well as the need for special fixing devices to secure the moved unit in the desired position.

Hydrostatic guides are equipped with special oil pockets into which lubricant is supplied under pressure and flows out, creating an oil layer along the entire length of the contact surfaces. The layer thickness is adjustable.

Hydrodynamic effectively reduce friction due to the “floating” of the moving unit in the oil, which fills the gaps between the lubrication grooves on the working surfaces of the guides when the moving units move along them.

Hydrodynamic guides work well only at significant sliding speeds.

The problem areas are acceleration and braking of the moving part.

Aerodynamic operate on a cushion of air.

Structurally, they are similar to hydrostatic ones; they have pockets into which air is supplied under pressure.

Compared to oil air bag withstands less weight and dampens shocks and vibrations less well.

The air supply paths, as well as the gap between the separated surfaces, easily become clogged.

At the same time, unlike hydrostatic guides, aerostatic guides do not require additional fixation: immediately after the air supply is stopped, the moving part fits tightly onto the shaft.

Rolling guides, depending on the shape of the bearings, there are ball and roller bearings. With comparable dimensions, roller ones can withstand more significant loads. Structurally, they consist of a set of “rail-carriage”, “linear bearing-shaft”, “rail-rail with flat cage”.

Such guides have reduced friction, ensure precise movement and stopping in the desired position; at low speeds, movement along them does not lose smoothness. Lubricating the roller guides is also easy.

At the same time, they have a higher cost, dampen shocks less well, and are more sensitive to contamination than sliding guides.

Combined guides combine sliding along some faces with sliding along others. This type of guides is the most widespread and combines both the advantages and disadvantages of rolling and sliding guides.

Classification, areas of application, advantages and disadvantages

The shape of the guide shaft can be linear or circular; they are placed horizontally, vertically and obliquely. The guides are secured either along the entire length or only at the end sections.

Linear guides are divided according to the shaft profile

Cylindrical rails ( polished shaft). The cross-sectional shape is circle. Polished shaft is the most budget-friendly and widespread guide, easy to process and install: only the ends are fixed. The surface of such a shaft is hardened, its smoothness is almost perfect, and the movement of bearing couplings along this surface occurs with very little friction.

However, where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages: ease of fastening means, at the same time, the absence of a rigid connection with the work table and sagging in the case of significant length and/or load.

The “ball bearing-polished shaft” set is notable for its low price. At the same time, for movable bushings small load capacity. As a rule, there is backlash, which increases with use. The service life under normal temperature conditions is 10,000 hours, but when heated working area is significantly reduced.

It has profiled straight grooves and raceways along the entire length, designed for additional fastening of the bushings moving along the shaft with the working units of the machine. At the same time, the backlash, compared to a polished shaft, is significantly reduced and, due to the more complex manufacturing technology, the price of such guides increases.

Guides with flat rails rectangular section, as a rule, are profiled with splines for the used rolling elements.

So, ball profile guides provide precision movement, valid straightforwardness, lifting capacity. They have low backlash. They wear-resistant. They are used for completing robotic lines, in metal-cutting machines and precision metalworking

At the same time, installing such rails is quite difficult; high requirements for straightness and roughness. In terms of cost, due to the complexity of production, they are much less accessible than polished shafts.

Roller profile guides have flat raceways. Rollers are installed in the support modules. Even more load-bearing, tougher and more durable than ball spline ones. Used in milling machines with high load.

Prismatic dovetail guide

Prismatic triangular rail guides and guides "dovetail" with a trapezoidal cross-section are used where needed connections increased rigidity , for example, in metal-cutting machines.

In particular, dovetail guides are carried out with the frame as one whole. Manufacturing and repair " swallowtails» - complex procedures that require a lot of labor. At the same time, they provide high-precision movement of moving elements.


Due to their design, the guides provide only one degree of freedom when the moving unit moves along them.

Due to their “type of activity,” they must have high strength and wear resistance.

That's why basic materials for the manufacture of their supporting parts (shafts and rails) are:

gray cast iron. It is used in the manufacture of guides, which are integral with the frame.

Steel. It is used for the manufacture of removable and overhead guides. Hardened steels with high hardness (60-64HRC) are used, for example, grade 40X with high-frequency hardening.

The manufacture of guides provides for such a length that ensures full coverage bed or extension to the required dimensions.

Accuracy standards during production guides are standardized and constitute 0.02mm permissible deviation with a length of 1 meter.

The permissible surface roughness and dimensions according to workload.

In particular, on small machines with working field 30x40cm, the diameter of the guides should be 2.5 cm.

The area of ​​the working field and the hardness of the processed material also determine required class guides. So, with a working area of ​​more than 0.7 m 2 with the processing of steel blanks, only profile rails will be required. More a budget option a polished shaft is unsuitable in this case.

For each specific area of ​​work, using the developed algorithms, a calculation is carried out that determines best option machine guide parameters.

To reduce the coefficient of friction, metal-plastic sliding pairs are used, with plastic nozzles being fluoroplastic, Teflon, torsite and similar materials.

To ensure smooth movement of hydrostatic and combined guides, specialized “anti-jump” oils are used.


Correct and accurate installation of the guides of a CNC machine is the key to its trouble-free operation.

Therefore, before starting this operation, remove all contamination from the edges and the plane of the base installation surface, which must have a strictly horizontal location, verified by level.

Let's consider installation of a double-rail guide.

Select the main rail according to the markings on it.

If the main rail is attached to the side edge of the base surface, it is carefully placed on the supporting surface and temporarily secured with bolts in a position slightly pressed against the side edge.

In this case, the mark on the rail is aligned with the side base surface of the support. The rail mounting holes should not be offset from the base ones.

The screws securing the rail are then tightened in order so that the rail is pressed tightly against the side support surface.

This eliminates displacement in the horizontal plane.

After this, the installation bolts (vertical) are tightened in order, from the middle to the ends of the rail. In this case, the required tightening torque is determined by a torque wrench.

If the main rail does not have clamping screws which provide side fastening, it is installed using a vice.

The mounting bolts are tightened temporarily, and then, using a small vise, pressing the rail against the base side edge in the places where the mounting bolts are located, these bolts are fully tightened to the prescribed torque, moving from one end of the rail to the other.

In that case, if there is no base edge on the side of the main rail, its alignment in the horizontal plane is carried out using a sight level, digital indicator or straight edge.

After correct installation main rail, an auxiliary rail is installed parallel to it.

In this case they use straight edge. It is placed parallel to the main guide; parallelism is determined by a digital indicator. Once parallelism is achieved, the auxiliary rail bolts are finally secured.

In addition, special ruler guides, as well as alignment of the position of the auxiliary rail using carriages from the rail guide kit.

To install the carriages, place a table on them and temporarily secure it with working bolts. Then the carriages from the side of the main rail are pressed to the side base surface of the table with fixing bolts and the table is installed. The installation bolts on the main and auxiliary sides are then fully tightened.

If carriages are used for correct installation auxiliary rail along the main one, then the table is placed on the carriages of the main rail, and the auxiliary one is temporarily fixed.

The installation bolts of two carriages on the main rail and one of the two carriages on the auxiliary rail are fully tightened.

The bolts on the auxiliary rail are then fully tightened in order while temporarily securing the second carriage to the auxiliary rail.

In this case, the main rail serves as a guide, and the table with carriages serves as a parallelism indicator.

For processing large workpieces guides are extended to the required length by connecting several sections. Supplier companies specifically stipulate this possibility.

Sections for butt joints are marked in such a way as to ensure their sequential installation. In this case, the installation bolts are located closer to the ends of the sections being connected.

Sections along the entire length must be supported. Therefore, it may be necessary to extend the frame itself.

Extension sections go through the same installation procedures as the main ones.

Machining is one of the most detailed and diversified manufacturing industries. For computer controlled machines there is wide choose components.

Correct selection of the optimal constructive solution and adjusted installation of CNC machine guides is a reliable guarantee of the quality of metalworking on this machine.


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