Why know English? Who needs to learn English

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Most people in the Western world study at some point in their lives English language, but if yours school years Only recently left behind or have never had to learn English, you may be wondering why English is such an important language. If you are asking yourself the question “Why learn English?”, below you will find some of the reasons why learning English is important.

1. English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world

Why is English so important? Every fifth person in the world speaks or at least understands English. There are 400 million native speakers of this language on the planet, and English is the official or primary language of communication in more than 50 countries. While Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian and German languages also boast a large number of speakers, and the importance of these languages ​​in last decades has increased, exists good reason Learn Engish. It remains the least common multiple for people who meet and work together in different parts of the planet.

2. English opens up new opportunities for you

Another important reason to learn English is that it increases your chances of getting Good work in a multinational company or start working abroad. English is the language of business, which is why it is so important that employees can speak English when communicating with colleagues from other countries and foreign clients. In short, learning English will help you advance your career, so start learning now!

3. English makes you more attractive to employers

Just imagine: the next time you need to call an English client, you will volunteer to do it and impress those around you. As mentioned above, a career is a great reason to learn English. You will feel more confident speaking English even with native speakers, and will earn the respect of your superiors.

Do you want to get a promotion or find new job? We can help you with this, because teaching English is our strong point!

  • Learn English online
  • Take the end-of-level test on busuu
  • Get an Official McGraw-Hill Education Certification
  • Add this certificate to your LinkedIn profile and to the language section of your resume

    This way your boss and potential employers will know about your outstanding English skills.

    4. English opens your way to the best universities in the world

    Where do you want to study? Have you ever thought about going to Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Stanford? What about the prestigious English universities, Cambridge and Oxford? Even if enrolling in one of these universities is not in your plans, English is spoken in many countries, so there are thousands educational institutions offering training programs in English. If you speak English, there are many opportunities open to you.

    5. Some of the greatest works of world literature are written in English.

    Maybe you've always wanted to read books by great English writers in the original? Learn English online and use your language skills to read modern classics: JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, Stephen King's novels or Lee Child's latest thriller. With each new book you read, you will develop your English skills and be able to go to the old masters of words: Charles Dickens, Jane Austen or Henry James, and read their works in the original language. Start learning now, and very soon you will be able to read!

    6. English helps you better understand pop culture

    Has it ever happened to you that you have a melody on your tongue, but you just can’t sing it because you don’t know the words? Or, even worse, for someone to catch you humming some of your own lyrics instead of the words of a famous song?

    Has it ever happened to you that you look at the lyrics of a song and realize that for many months, if not years, you have been singing something that is not at all what should be there? Have you ever had to wait for the translation of a new book by your favorite author or suffer because of the terrible voice acting of your favorite television series?

    This is a great reason to learn English! You can read the works of your favorite authors in the original, watch movies and TV shows in English without subtitles, and sing along when you hear your favorite song.

    7. English grammar is pretty simple, honestly.

    Although vocabulary and pronunciation can sometimes be difficult to master, English grammar is much simpler than that of other European languages. There are only two grammatical genders, one specific and indefinite article, and cases don’t play a role at all... mastering the basics of English is incredibly easy, and then it’s only a matter of time before you expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.

    8. English is your passport to the world of knowledge

    Everything here is generally simple: most of the content available on the Internet is written in English. Many websites are created in English and then translated into other languages, but some companies don't bother with translation at all because so many people speak English. If you know English, you can take advantage of information that would otherwise be inaccessible to you!

    9. English improves memory and helps keep your brain in good shape

    Another, perhaps somewhat unexpected, reason to learn English is good memory! According to research, fluency in two languages ​​(and just the process of learning foreign language) may protect the brain from negative age-related changes. Some types of dementia in people who speak at least two languages ​​are diagnosed up to five years later than in those who speak only one language.

    10. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to learn English

    This is a great reason to learn English. Many studies show that instead of sitting through language lessons twice a week, it is much better to study little by little but regularly. Download the busuu app and you can learn English online anytime, anywhere, all you need is a couple of free minutes. What other reasons do you need to learn English? Practice the language for ten minutes every day and soon you will master it fluently.

    As you can see, there are many reasons why you should really learn English. Sign up today, download our Android or iOS apps, and you can study on the go.

Why you need to learn English for tourism and travel. How to teach. Online school English language Skyeng: promo code for 2 free lessons.

Why do you need to learn English for travel?

Skyeng School

Why does a traveler need English?

English most popular language in the world

Of course, after Chinese. But this is because there are many Chinese. But English is spoken everywhere. It is the most widely spoken language in the world. He is official language in 60 countries out of 196. In total, 1.5 billion people in the world speak English, and another billion are learning it.

All this means that for travel, in most cases, it is enough to know only English.

New opportunities

I can talk about the opportunities that knowing English gives for a very long time. If you want to see the world, this language is vital for you.

1. Communication with people

Traveling is, first of all, a story not about meeting new countries, but about communicating with people. You will never know what it is to be a traveler while you are sitting in a hotel that was bought by a Russian tour operator. Because your neighbors are entirely compatriots.

Now I’m wondering how many times have you promised yourself to learn English upon returning from a trip? This desire arises because you yourself know how many opportunities you are missing.

I know English well, and communicating with foreigners is a special pleasure. When I travel with friends or family who don't speak English, I see in their eyes the desire to communicate too. As a result, I constantly act as a translator. And even in this situation, they lose a lot.

And you can also make new friends.

2. Navigation

Knowing English, you are much less likely to get lost in a foreign country. Although this point is now less relevant for many, thanks to maps in mobile phones.

Advice: Always download offline maps before your trip. I recommend the Maps Me app.

But communication with local residents will tell you better than any guidebook where to eat deliciously and inexpensively, what to see, and what transport to use. They will generously share with you lifehacks of staying in their country.

3. Saving money

There are many services that help you save money while traveling. For example, Couchsurfing, WWOOF or Home Exchange. These services allow you to live for free in a foreign country. You can go anywhere as a volunteer and only pay for your travel. Or you can live with foreigners. Agree, this incredibly expands your ability to see the world on a limited budget.

You've probably heard more than once about people who hitchhike to a foreign country without money. Knowledge of English will allow you to implement this bold idea. Many people love to communicate with travelers and are happy to help them. Often you just need to ask for help, and they will take you where you need to go, feed you and invite you to visit.

Russian-speaking tourism is not as developed as English-speaking tourism. That’s why the most interesting excursions are conducted in English. Firstly, such excursions are several times cheaper than Russian-speaking ones due to higher competition. Secondly, there are many audio guides in English, after downloading which you can safely go and explore the famous attraction for free.

5. Work and live in another country

With knowledge of English, it is much easier for you to go to live in another country. For example, spend the winter in Thailand. English teachers are in high demand in Thailand, as they are almost everywhere else in Asia. You don't need to be a guru, the Intermediate level is enough to earn $1000 a month.

You can easily obtain a residence permit in many European countries by going to study at their universities. And this is the first step on the path to permanent residence or even citizenship.

Direct acquaintance with culture and art

It just so happens that English-speaking culture is the most popular in modern world. This is easy to notice by the number of English-language literature in the ranks of bestsellers and the percentage of foreign films in cinemas. And then there is music.

If you knew English, you would understand how much translation ruins everything it touches. I'm serious. You can’t imagine what gorgeous voices foreign actors have. For you, all the characters in the films speak through the voices of a handful of people who voice the films. Please note that many main characters in completely different films have the same voice.

Books that pass through the mind of a translator lose a huge part of their charm. And this is not because the translator is bad, he simply cannot convey the entire gamut of the work in another language. This is impossible.

I am silent about the crooked translations of your favorite songs on the Internet. Poetry suffers the most.

Access to knowledge

Did you know that 55% of information on the Internet is in English? And the second most popular language is Russian, and only 6% of all pages on the Internet are written in it. Now imagine how much knowing English increases your ability to learn new things for free. 95% of all scientific articles published in English. Numbers speak most eloquently.

I think we have figured out why to study English, now let's move on to the question of how. Globally, any learning can be divided into 2 types: independent and with the help of a teacher.

How to learn a language?

You can learn English on your own if you are basically self-learning and don't need outside support.

To do this you need:

  1. Learn grammar;
  2. Learn foreign words. First, just memorize the basics (there are lists of the “1000 most frequently used words in English”), and then watch films and read books;
  3. Communicate with native speakers in real life, via Skype and by correspondence.

All. The most important thing is to immerse yourself in this environment as much as possible while learning a language, so the process will go faster. Watch already familiar films in English, even if you don’t understand anything. Communicate with foreigners, even using a translator at first. The message here is very simple, the language is quickly learned when it is needed for some purpose: to talk with another person, understand a movie, etc. By throwing yourself into an uncomfortable state of misunderstanding, you artificially create necessity.

But there are still a minority of people. Many people need outside support. And for this there are tutors, courses and English schools. I want to tell you about one of these schools today.

Skyeng English School: prices, promo code

I think you already know without me that the further, the more training moves to the Internet. You will also have convenient interactive platforms for completing tasks, and the opportunity to study via Skype without leaving your home. This means saving time on getting ready and traveling.

Skyeng Features

  1. Free first lesson so you can get acquainted with the system as a whole and understand whether such training is right for you.
  2. Free determination of your English level, useful tips from the methodologist and drawing up a training program.
  3. Individual selection of a teacher. Skyeng employs 1,420 teachers. Teachers will be selected for you individually based on your temperament and interests. If you don’t like the teacher, you can always replace him for free.
  4. Own interactive platform Vimbox. There you will do your homework and visually track your progress.
  5. No need to buy additional textbooks and notebooks.
  6. Convenient mobile applications to remember words. Moreover, you will learn not just any words, but those that the teacher gives you in accordance with the material you have covered and your knowledge.
  7. At the end you will receive a certificate confirming your knowledge.
  8. After training, you will have access to all the materials you have completed.

Conditions of education

  • All classes are individual, the teacher's attention belongs only to you.
  • The cost of a lesson is the same as for a group - from 690 rubles, with a native speaker - from 1270 rubles. You can pay in installments. Money is returned upon request.
  • Lesson duration – 50 minutes.
  • You can reschedule your lesson for free. Frequency of lessons: 1-3 per week.
  • There is a loyalty program. The longer you study, the greater the discount. You can also invite your friends. For each friend you will receive 2 free lessons for yourself and your friend.

English courses for travel

Skyeng has a special course for travel. First of all, it is aimed at live communication, and therefore half of the classes are devoted to colloquial speech. All communication takes place in English. You will speak already in the first lesson in a safe environment. And that's great!

The choice of English schools via Skype is now very extensive. You can choose any other one. What captivates me about Skyeng is the technology of their platform, ease of learning and quality control. The choice is always yours.

And we, in turn, give you promo code for 2 free lessons at Skyeng- just enter TRAVELEST in the promo code field.

It would seem, what can knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​give, given the fact that work and communication between people in our country is conducted in Russian? Actually, a lot! Why is English needed? Why does everyone around me want to learn it as best as possible? The reason for the excitement lies in the fact that high-quality knowledge of English - learning the language at the proper level, of course - opens up many opportunities!

English everywhere and in everything

A foreign language is one of the 6 official working languages ​​of the UN, the 3rd most spoken language in the world after Chinese and Spanish. Moreover, he occupies a leading position international communication, trade, business, cultural heritage.

That is why university graduates, students, schoolchildren, preschool children, middle-aged people and even retirees around the world strive to learn a subject at one level or another. Each group's goals are different, but it is important that they understand the significance of the knowledge gained. Let's think about where English can be useful?

Here are some fairly simple examples:

Business meeting,
correspondence, communication on social platforms,
personal communication with the carrier,
business and transactions abroad,
knowledge in the profession: IT, tourism, philology,

Most seek to obtain a supply of information to simplify travel abroad or for professional reasons.

First category students are covered with basic speaking skills along with vocabulary that may be useful for long trips. Many people manage to achieve significant progress in learning, after which they want to move to the next level - above average, medium or high.

To those who wish gain skills for work , it is more difficult. Business communication, correspondence, negotiations, conferences, concluding transactions with foreigners - typical job middle managers. High knowledge is necessary for employees in the IT field, travel agents for foreign trips, teachers of foreign philology, and top managers.

What does knowing English give?

A standard question to ask yourself before studying is: “What will knowing English give me specifically?” Today you can get hundreds of answers on exactly how you can use your lexical baggage!

Firstly, communicate with anyone and about anything. Millions of people communicate on social networks and on thematic resources in English. It serves as a link between countries and continents.

Secondly, possibility of receiving prestigious job and professions. It’s not too late to think about this at any age! The work of specialists with knowledge of foreign languages ​​is rated much higher than ordinary employees.

Third, these are the vast horizons of travel. In any corner of the Earth there will be someone to whom you can ask a question in English.

Why is English needed? Another option to answer the question would be self-education. Knowing several languages ​​means increasing your intellectual abilities. High knowledge of English, studying the language for doing business or knowledge of colloquial vocabulary will allow you to feel free in any country and communicate with foreigners.

In Runet you will not find even a tenth of what is in English-language sources. For comparison: of the sites existing in 2017 Usage of content languages ​​for websites. only 6.7% in Russian, and in English - 51.3%.

Having studied English, you will no longer depend on the opinions of copywriters who decide what to translate and what not.

You will search for information not limited to the RuNet, read the opinions of foreign experts, study Scientific research, check foreign news.

A lot of information can be gleaned from English-language videos on YouTube: from analysis of exercises to culinary recipes and playing musical instruments.

If you've decided to learn English online and are looking for a suitable resource, try Puzzle English. This serious instrument, which develops all skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - and maintains a keen interest in classes. Currently, about four million users with different levels of experience learn English with its help.

To quickly improve your English language skills and open up a world of new information, try “Personal Plan” from Puzzle English. This is a flexible, customizable learning plan that is tailored to your language level, interests and needs. With this plan, you can focus on reading, listening comprehension, or vocabulary, which will be useful for you to master any information on the Internet.

2. Watch movies in the original

You will finally be able to find out how your favorite actors really talk and hear their unique intonations. Most likely, many films will open up to you in a new way and you will want to re-watch all your favorite films and TV series - now without translation.

You may find it difficult to understand English at first because it will be fast, with accents, slang words, and abbreviations.

To quickly get used to it, Puzzle English offers a unique teaching method - “Video Puzzles”. You watch a short video in English, and then use individual words to put together sentences from the video. A fun way to learn that simultaneously expands your vocabulary and teaches you how to understand English.

3. Get more from traveling

English is the official language in 59 countries. In addition to Great Britain, it is spoken in the USA and Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, and many African countries. English speech understood almost throughout Europe, as well as in many popular tourist countries.

In English, you can explain yourself faster without fear of being misunderstood, order food in a restaurant without help, explain to a taxi driver where to take you, as well as make acquaintances with tourists from different countries and penetrate deeper into the culture of the country you are visiting.

If you want to learn English for travel, Puzzle English offers a travel course called Puzzle Academy - fun video lessons with native speakers on the topic of travel. From the lessons of an Irish teacher you will learn everything you need for a successful trip to an English-speaking country: about transport, food, shopping, accommodation, culture and much more.

4. Understand what is sung in your favorite compositions

When you learn to understand English by ear, the meaning of your favorite foreign songs will be revealed to you. It’s one thing to read a translation on a website, and quite another to understand it while listening.

However, the lyrics of the songs are filled with allegories and slang even more than films, and in order to correctly translate and understand them, you need some experience. In the Puzzle English “Songs” section you will find many famous compositions with translation and karaoke, as well as video analysis, from which you will learn a lot about set expressions and allegories.

5. Earn more

According to How to write a working resume in English: 5 main rules. HeadHunter, in Russia, in positions that require knowledge of English, workers’ salaries are 30–40% higher than in jobs where this is not required.

As a rule, programmers and testers, financiers, HR specialists, and top managers need a foreign language. If a company is already working with foreign partners or intends to do so in the future, all its employees may need English: from an engineer to a manager.

Knowledge of English along with other professional qualities can become a ticket to a company’s foreign representative office or help you get a job in foreign giants like Google.

If you need English for work or business, Puzzle Academy has a business English course. During the course, the Canadian teacher will tell you how to properly write a resume, make a presentation, conduct phone conversation and much more.

6. Expand your social circle

By communicating with foreigners, you will learn a lot about the culture and way of life in different countries, and if you ever get ready to travel, pen pals will show you the real country - away from the tourist routes.

You can meet foreigners on specialized websites or through social media, communicate by correspondence or via calls via the Internet. Talking via video calls is useful for mastering the language and is simply interesting, but at first it may be difficult for you to cope with embarrassment and fear.

Learning foreign languages ​​is important nowadays. I think that any educated person must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English to other foreign languages. Why? English is becoming a global language. A half of billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is the language which is known for the most part of our fine, magnificent and surprising world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.

A lot of problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, can not be solved without speaking the same language.

The English language is now the first language of about 350 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nations. It means that one of seven people in the world speaks English.

English is also the international language of businesspeople, pilots and air traffic controllers, sportsmen, scientists and students. If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or an air control officer you have to learn English, the language of international communication. Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work. They can’t go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker cannot work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to do that.

Some people learn English because they need it in their work; others to travel aboard and for lots of people learning English is just a hobby.

I have been learning English since the age of 11. I like learning English very much. But I like and know well my native language, Russian. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” I agree with him. The knowledge of English helps me to learn Russian.

The knowledge of English is a great power. I need to know English. I must appreciate and embrace this knowledge as the key to achievement of my dream. I hope my progress in English will be very good.


Learning foreign languages ​​is important these days. I think that cultural and modern man must study foreign languages. But I prefer English. Why? English is becoming a global language. Half a billion people in the world use English at home or at work. English is a language that is known throughout our beautiful, majestic and amazing world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all types of international communication.

Problems of the 21st century, such as problems of war and peace, ecology, cannot be solved unless we speak the same language.

English is spoken by more than 350 million people, is the mother tongue of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nationalities. This means that every seventh person in the world speaks English.

English is also international language businessmen, pilots and air traffic controllers, athletes, scientists and students. If you want to become a flight attendant, pilot or airline dispatcher, you must learn English, the language of international communication. Every year thousands of people from Russia go to various countries as tourists or to work. They cannot go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker cannot operate an imported tool or machine unless he is able to read the instructions on how to do it.

Some people learn English because they need it in their work, others travel abroad a lot, and for many, learning English is their favorite pastime.

I started learning the language at the age of 11. I really like him. But I also love my native Russian language. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He who does not know a foreign language does not know his own.” I agree with him, everything is learned by comparison. Knowing English helps me learn Russian.

Knowledge of English is great power. I need to know English. I must appreciate and accept this knowledge as the key to achieving my dreams. I hope that my progress in English will be good.

Tanskaya Galina


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