Tasks for intellectual games ten and pentagon. Presentation on the topic "Intellectual game Pentagon"

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Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

If you have completed the first two or three levels of the puzzle Pentanium, then you have mastered the principle of disassembling it. But don't rush to rejoice. The principle is the principle, but the implementation, methodology and tactics change quite seriously from level to level. Will you be able to catch such changes? Everything seems clear.

Pentagons (pentagons) in their primitive design (those that are white and plain) do not cause problems, because they are removed from each other provided they are adjacent. But with the advent of colored people, the required logic begins to grow in waves and understanding the calculation of moves and their sequence becomes more and more difficult... Yes, by the way, the puzzle is considered solved if there is not a single pentagon left on the table.

Can download game PUZZLE PENTAGON on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because it is always available here, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games, which develop logic and imagination, allow you to relax pleasantly. Relax and take your mind off things!

The game host announces the topic of the question and begins to read out the clues. For one question, the presenter reads out 5 clues. The time to think about the answer from each clue is 15 seconds.
Each team has the right to give an answer for each clue. The team that gives the correct answer from the first clue receives +5 points, from the second - +4 points, from the third - +3 points, from the fourth - +2 points, from the fifth - +1 point.
For any incorrect answer from any clue, the team receives -1 point.
The team does not receive additional points for duplicate correct answers.
15 seconds after the announcement of the fifth clue, the correct answer is announced.
For one question, a team can earn a maximum of 5 points (if they answer correctly from the first clue and do not give a single wrong answer) and a minimum of -5 points (if they give one wrong answer to all 5 clues).
The game continues until 15 questions are drawn.

Test yourself. Here the clue number corresponds to the number of points you get if you answer correctly.

P.S. Hints 4-1 and the answer appear when you select the text.

1. Number

5. This is the 4th number of Sophie Germain.

4. The English writer Jeffrey Archer wrote a novel about this commandment.

3. The musical interval of undecim is the same.

2. This number is associated with the well-known penalty.

1. Danny Ocean had so many friends in the very first film, according to the Russian translation.

Answer:11 Sophie Germaine Proved Fermat's Last Theorem

2. Something

5. The earliest of them were found in Mohenjo-Daro, in the Indus Valley, have a curved shape and are made from shells about 5000 years ago.

4. Vladimir Dahl's dictionary reports that they were a type of amulet that was supposed to ward off hostile forces.

3. The website maminklub.lv has advice for schoolchildren on how to deal with them.

2. In 15th century Florence, women were prohibited from wearing them on their clothes.

1.They can be replaced with a zipper or Velcro.

Answer: buttons

3. Dish

5. Due to the lack of kitchen utensils, FedOra from Chukovsky’s fairy tale could not cook it.

4. They can be fishy, ​​royal, full or empty.

3. They appeared in Rus' in the 9th century, when cabbage was first imported from Byzantium.

2.Its name is transliterated into English with 5 letters, and in German – 8.

1.According to the Russian proverb They and porridge are our food.

Answer:cabbage soup (a woman would cook cabbage soup, but go look for a saucepan)

4. City

5. According to one version, its name translated from Arabic means “source of full waters.”

4. After the terrorist attack on March 11, 2004, the Forest of the Dead memorial was erected in memory of the victims in the city center.

3. Every Sunday from March to October, events are held there, attracting tauromachy lovers and tourists.

2. Together with the Prado Museum, the other two main museums form a “golden triangle” in it.

1. Real Madrid plays their home matches there.

Answer: Madrid

5. Someone

5. Its Japanese counterpart is called Yamauba.

4. The ninth piece of Modest Mussorgsky’s famous suite “Pictures at an Exhibition” is dedicated to her image.

3. In 2004, the village of Kukoboy, Pervomaisky district, Yaroslavl region, was declared her “homeland”, and her museum was created there.

2.She became one of the main sources for the image of Naina Kievna Gorynych, a character in the Strugatsky brothers’ story “Monday Begins on Saturday.”

1. She is believed to have a bone leg.

Answer: Baba Yaga

The game host announces the topic of the question and begins to read out the clues. For one question, the presenter reads out 5 clues. The time to think about the answer from each clue is 15 seconds.
Each team has the right to give an answer for each clue. The team that gives the correct answer from the first clue receives +5 points, from the second - +4 points, from the third - +3 points, from the fourth - +2 points, from the fifth - +1 point.
For any incorrect answer from any clue, the team receives -1 point.
The team does not receive additional points for duplicate correct answers.
15 seconds after the announcement of the fifth clue, the correct answer is announced.
For one question, a team can earn a maximum of 5 points (if they answer correctly from the first clue and do not give a single wrong answer) and a minimum of -5 points (if they give one wrong answer to all 5 clues).
The game continues until 15 questions are drawn.

P.S. Hints 4-1 and the answer appear when you select the text.


5. This is the 4th number of Sophie Germain.

4. The English writer Jeffrey Archer wrote a novel about this commandment.

3. Musical interval undecima– such according to the account.

2.This number is associated with the well-known penalty.

1.Danny Ocean had so many friends in the very first film, according to the Russian translation.

Answer:11Sophie Germain proved Fermat's Last Theorem

2. Something

5. The earliest of them, found at Mohenjo-Daro, in the Indus Valley, are curved in shape and made from shells about 5,000 years ago.

4. Vladimir Dahl's dictionary reports that they were a type of amulet that was supposed to scare away hostile forces.

3. On the sitemaminklub.lv has advice for schoolchildren on how to deal with them.

2. In 15th century Florencewomen prohibitedhave them on your clothes .

1.They can be replaced with a zipper or Velcro.


3. Dish

5. Due to the lack of kitchen utensils, FedOra from Chukovsky’s fairy tale could not prepare it.

4. They can be fishy, ​​royal, full or empty.

3. They appeared in Rus' in the 9th century, when cabbage was first imported from Byzantium.

2.Its name is transliterated into English with 5 letters, and in German – 8.

1.According to the Russian proverb Onida, porridge is our food.

Answer: cabbage soup ( Grandma would cook cabbage soup, but go look for a saucepan”)

4. City

5. According to one version, its name translated from Arabic means “source of full waters.”

4. After the terrorist attack on March 11, 2004, the Forest of the Dead memorial was erected in memory of the victims in the city center.

3. Every Sunday from March to October, events are held there, attracting tauromachy lovers and tourists.

2.Together with the Prado Museum, the other two main museums form a “golden triangle” in it.

1.Real Madrid plays their home matches there.

Answer: Madrid

5. Someone

5. Its Japanese counterpart is called Yamauba.

4. The ninth piece of Modest Mussorgsky’s famous suite “Pictures at an Exhibition” is dedicated to her image.

3. In 2004, the village of Kukoboy, Pervomaisky district, Yaroslavl region, was declared her “homeland”, and her museum was created there.

2. She became one of the main sources for the image of Naina Kievna Gorynych, a character in the Strugatsky brothers’ story “Monday Begins on Saturday.”

1. She is believed to have a bone leg.

Answer: Baba Yaga

Slide 2

Topic of question No. 1: Name. 1. This name was borne by the tsar who occupied the Russian throne from 1676 to 1682. 2. This was the name of the writer Dostoevsky. 3. All the dishes ran away from this heroine of the poem. 4. A boy with that name lived in the village of Prostokvashino. 5. The son of the owner of this name should bear the patronymic Fedorovich.

Slide 3

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich

Slide 4

Topic of question No. 2: Toy 1. The birthplace of this toy is Japan. 2. It appeared in Russia in the 19th century. 3. This toy is related to the matryoshka doll and the roly-poly. 4.She usually has the image of a girl or a clown. 5.The toy is also called Somersault, and it itself is musical.

Slide 5


Slide 6

Topic of question No. 3: The hero of the work. 1. This character came from Africa. 2. Such animals do not exist. 3. This hero was invented by the writer Eduard Uspensky. 4. He was a toy in the store. 5. Crocodile's friend.

Slide 7


Slide 8

Topic of question No. 4: River. 1. In the 8th – 9th centuries, the banks of this river were inhabited by Eastern Slavs. 2. Prince Alexander received a nickname after the name of this river for his victory. 3. On the bank of this river there is a monument to Peter I. 4. On its banks there are 4 cities: Shlisselburg, Kirovsk, Otradnoe, St. Petersburg. 5. The river flows through the territory of the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg.

Slide 9

Neva River

Slide 10

Topic of question No. 5: Animal. 1. Lives everywhere except Africa and Australia. 2. In Russia there are 7 species of this animal. 3. In its name you can see a human vice. 4. In Christian culture it symbolizes hermitage, piety, purity. 5. Males and some female species have branched horns.

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Slide 12

Topic of question No. 6: Food product. 1. In 1999, the Sibirsky Bereg company began producing this food product. 2. According to the results of the 7th international exhibition “Products and Packaging - 2002”, the products of the Sibirsky Bereg company were recognized as the best in the category “Bakery, confectionery and pasta”. 3. They have “brothers” - the gang. 4. There are options with bacon, ham, mushrooms, salmon, chicken, pizza, herbs, salami, cheese, as well as savory and mixed. 5. According to one of the popular versions, they are named after Sergei Kiriyenko.

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Slide 14

Topic of question No. 7: Plant. 1. The ancient Greeks and Romans considered this vegetable a medicine that could cure almost all diseases. 2. If the princess of the fields is corn, then she is the princess of the vegetable gardens. 3. The name of this vegetable comes from the Latin word for “head”. 4. People leaven it. 5. It can be white, red, colored, Brussels, Beijing, Chinese.

Slide 15

Slide 16

1. This city was founded by order of Peter I for the construction of factories for smelting copper and silver. 2. The city is located in the east of the European part of Russia, in the foothills of the Urals. 3. From 1940 to 1957 it was called Molotov. 4. Rivers flow through the city - Kama, Sylva, Chusovaya. 5. The name of the city comes from the Veps word “perama” - “distant land”. Question topic No. 8: City

MBOU DOD "Children's Creativity Center"

With. Berezovka

Perm region

Topic: “Our toys”

(intellectual game "Pentagon"

for 1st year students

and teams of parents and grandparents)

Marenina Galina


teacher of additional education MBOU DOD "Center for Children's Creativity"

Tel. (8-908)-269-59-76


Intellectual game "PENTAGON"

(for a team of 2nd graders and a team of grandmothers)

promote the mental, moral, emotional development of children and parents.

Expanding the horizons of children;

Development of resourcefulness and ingenuity;

Awakening interest in intellectual games in children and parents;

Socialization of children through participation in play activities.

Good evening! Today there are 2 teams participating in the game: the boys and the people dear to them - their grandmothers. Therefore, let me call you - dear friends!

So, dear friends, according to the rules, each team consists of 6 players.

Please introduce yourself. What is the name of your team, who is the team captain and what are the names of the players.

Today, dear experts, you are participating in an intellectual game called “Pentagon”. Let me introduce you to the rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Pentagon":

    The game consists of 5 tasks (topics, questions - these are the same thing).

    The question indicates the area where the answer is being sought - it could be a city, an animal, a number, a sport, etc. Today all questions will be united by one topic - “Toys”.

    Each question is given 5 clues, arranged in order of decreasing difficulty. The first (most difficult) clue is also the most accurate and clearly points to the hidden object.

    After each clue, the teams have 15 seconds to discuss the answer and turn in the answer on the forms that you have on your tables if the answer is found. The form must include the name of the team, the number of the question in a circle and the number of the clue.

For example:

If a team deliberately indicated on the sheet the number of a clue earlier than the one after which the answer was given, the team is penalized.

    For the correct answer after the first clue the team receives 5 points, after the second - 4 points, after the third - 3 points, after the fourth - 2 points, after the fifth - 1 point. For an incorrect answer after any of the clues, the team receives “-” 1 point (minus 1 point).

    A team can submit an unlimited number of answers, including one answer to one clue.

In the latter case, the team will receive a sum of points for all their answers - determined by the clue number: the number of points for the correct answer, if any, and -1 for each incorrect one.

    If a team submits a correct answer multiple times, it receives points for only one correct answer. If a team gave the correct answer, for example, to the first clue - (5 points), then the wrong answer to the second - (minus 1 point), and after the third they realized that the first answer was correct, they do not need to repeat it. And in total the team will have 4 points (5 – 1 = 4) In case of delay in submitting the answer (submitting the answer while reading the next clue), it is considered that the team submitted the answer after the next clue.

    The captain decides which answer the team gives.

The winner is the team that scores the most points after playing all the topics; if the points are equal, the places are divided.

The IGC once had a tradition of running Pentagon "with a red round", meaning that the points awarded for questions were doubled in the second half of the game. However, recently preference has been given to the traditional counting scheme.

We select a player who will submit answers to the jury.

Presentation of the jury, which will calculate the number of points. The jury sums up the interim results in the middle of the game, in this case after question IV.

(The music from the game “What? Where? When?” plays)

Progress of the game:

    1) She comes from a family of designers.

2) She has a core.

3) She has relatives in Egypt.

4) Each color in it is on its own.

5) Its parts can be strung on a rod. (Pyramid.)

    1) She loves speed.

2) She always has bright colors.

3) When it stops moving, it falls.

4) She likes to be turned on.

5) This is what they call a fidget. (Yula.)

    1) People loved to play with him already in ancient times.

2) It can be small or very large.

3) Many athletes cannot do without it.

4) A long time ago it was made from rags, later from rubber.

5) Can be loud, cheerful and colorful. (Ball.)

    1) In Japan, a special holiday is held in their honor.

2) They love to perform in their own theaters.

3) They come from different materials: wood, plastic, porcelain, fabric.

4) Among them there are crybabies, and some are lively ones.

5) Girls love them more. (Dolls.)

(the music from the game “What? Where? When?” plays)

Summing up the interim results.

    1) Kids love to play with them.

2) They are always the same shape.

3) There should be a lot of them; one at a time they are not suitable for children to play with.

4) They can be “built”.

5) They can be with pictures, letters, or just colored. (Cubes.)

    1) Everyone always has at least one of them in their childhood.

2) Storytellers love him.

3) He has paws, ears and a button nose.

4) His ancestors were made of plush.

5) Sometimes he growls, “puffs” and grumbles. (Teddy bear.)

    1) They are small, but there are many of them.

2) Both children and adults love them.

3) They are always in shape.

4) Those who fight with them do not receive bruises or bumps.


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