A conspiracy for good trading in the market. Magic for successful trading: doing it yourself

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It happens that the seller’s prices are low, the product is good, but the counter is empty. And next door to the neighbor with the same product there is no shortage of buyers. The unlucky entrepreneur is perplexed why, despite all the discounts, his trade is not going well. The fact is that not only the quality and price of the product is important, but also luck. A trading spell and prayer can restore your self-confidence and success in entrepreneurship.

For those who work honestly, conscientiously, there are special conspiracies, the help of which is very powerful . The ceremony is performed in yellow clothes. Pick up millet and, pouring it from handful to handful, read the plot:

Gold-gold, be friends with me like ice and water,
Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
I’m not a tradesman - a morgash, but a merchant - well done, I sell with honor,
I hang with excess, measure with powder, cut with extra, pour with the remainder.
Be in my barn a treasure and all will be well, and everything will be ergot, without holes, without ruin,
Without fuss and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.
Take care of the merchant's conscience, and fate will be favorable to your business.

Many saints and even St. Nicholas the Pleasant favor those who are involved in sales. Daily prayer to Saint John the New of Sochava will support the soul and strengthen faith in good trade.

Having nurtured life on earth with goodness, suffering, with alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, and having courageously rushed towards suffering, you denounced the Persian wickedness. In the same way, you were the affirmation of the Church and the praise of Christians, John of everlasting memory. You strove to buy the floating depths of the sea, from the east to the north, but I called you to God, like Matthew, the tollhouse, but you left the purchase, and you followed him with the blood of torment, having redeemed the impenetrable temporary, and You have received the crown, invincible.

How to revive your sales

The decline in trade sometimes drags on for a long time. For things to get going again, we need strong conspiracy for trade. Pour water into a cup. Splash water in a cup with a gilded spoon and read the spell:

The oak is strong, the spirit is strong, the faith is strong. Amulet - water, wash away the bad, give the dear. Now, forever and forever. Amen

Pour water on both hands with a spoon and do not wipe them, let them dry on their own.

Full moon spells are effective. Go out into the yard at midnight. Hold a handful of the smallest coins in your hand. Turning to the moon, say a conspiracy:

Moon, moon, as full as you are, so full will I be.
Come, money, to my hands every day, every hour, every minute.
I give away the bad, I take the dear. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Fan out the coins around you and go home. Place a bowl of water near the window looking at the moon and wash your face. Then read the plot:

“I washed away the failure and received God’s help. Evil in my life disappears, goodness arrives. Amen"

Pre-purchase rituals

When going shopping, every merchant hopes to find a product that will sell immediately. There is a conspiracy for trade and purchasing that will help you choose the best of the best and not go wrong with the price. Having brought new product to the store, fold it separately from the old one, read the plot for good luck in trading:

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale! So that you can see your product’s reflection like in a mirror, so that it becomes prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one to come buys, the second one buys, the last one buys too! And no one left me without buying something!”

During the ritual, hold a mirror in your right hand, aimed at the product. After this, place the mirror next to the cash register. A conspiracy for profit quickly gives results.

Attracting buyers

To prevent people from running past the store and leaving without purchasing, you need to use some spells to push the sales process a little. A spell for good trading, read in the morning before the work day, is common among sellers:

“I'm going to trade! Good fellow to meet!
A good fellow will come and take my goods!
Without loss, to profit, to the door!
God will help me with this!”

Few people remember spells and conspiracies that have been going on since ancient times, but they exist and are very effective. Here is one of them, very strong:

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag. So that I don’t experience poverty, my goods don’t linger, I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Strength, water, language. Amen!"

While reading the plot, wipe off the dust from the windows with an old rag. After three rituals, throw the rag into a dirty pond, or maybe into a deep puddle.

Lucky days

In trading there is no day to day. But it happens that on some day good earnings are necessary. And it is very important that customers buy more willingly and do not find fault with the price. A spell for good trading, carried out in the morning, will help with this:

  • For salt. Take a pinch of salt in your right hand and turn your back to the sales counter. You must be alone in the room to loudly pronounce the spell for profit: “Walkers and travelers, come here; Here you have a place, food and water. For me it’s money, for you it’s goods.” Then throw salt onto the product with your right hand through left shoulder.
  • For change, it's better if it's a nickel. Put some change in the money box and say: “Give me a treasure out of a penny. Just as my mother gave birth to me and swaddled me in my first diaper, so you too have given me a great treasure! Amen!"
  • If trading on this day is successful, do not spend the change, but leave it “ for divorce».
  • On a scarf. Wipe your face with a handkerchief, standing facing the product, reading the plot: “I give tribute to trade roads. Send me your sweat! So that trade would go uphill, customers would come in droves, they would buy everything, they would not spare money, they would not leave without purchases. Amen!". Carry a scarf with you all day.

So that competitors do not interfere

Nowhere is rivalry more evident than in trading. In the world of money, many cannot contain the worst aspects of their character. They secretly plot, slander a competitor, slander, and cause damage. How to protect yourself from negative influence ill-wishers? A conspiracy is needed for successful trading and to get rid of the machinations of competitors:

“I go out into a wide courtyard, I look along all the roads and crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You, confused paths, will delay my competitors. You, clear stars, will darken your heavenly bright light. So that without your light my competitors would have no way, no way. So that they are deaf and dumb"

Wards against inspections and fines

Audits and trade audits do not evoke pleasant emotions. Firstly, the arrival of the commission means the closure of the outlet and downtime in work. Secondly, even a law-abiding entrepreneur can always find a defect punishable by a fine. On the day when the inspector may come, read the plot on successful trading:

“In the name of God Jesus Christ. The stars in the sky are dressed up and reflected in the Jordan River. Just as no one has ever counted the stars, I have never removed God from heaven, so that my luck would not be taken away, taken away, or cursed with any word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Luck will come to the worthy

In order for all prayers and conspiracies for trade to be effective, you must live according to your conscience. Do not consume yourself with envy, anger and hatred of people. God will give those who do not profit from people, but help them, joy in work and in life.

Broom spell to attract buyers.

In the old days, this spell was often used by shopkeepers or taverns to attract clients.

My grandfather used it when he was lucky in fishing, in order to sell the caught fish more profitably.

On the waxing moon, go to church and take some holy water. On the way back, buy a new broom. At three o'clock in the morning, put it down with its handle down and say:

“I will go out from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field onto a winding path. I'll go along the winding path into the dense forest. Into the dense forest to the hundred-year-old oak. A squirrel lives in a century-old oak tree and gnaws nuts. Sweeps the hollow with its tail and collects acorns. The more harvested, the more acorns are added. Whoever comes to visit her will leave with acorns. So I sweep with a broom and invite buyers. Come, hurry up and pick up the goods. Amen!"

As soon as it begins to get light, sweep the house and, if possible, the area where the goods are stored. Then sprinkle holy water everywhere.

Cabbage plot to increase profits.

Buy the most beautiful head of cabbage. On the waxing moon at sunset, remove the top seven sheets. Wrap a yellow metal coin in each cabbage leaf. Place all the resulting envelopes in one dish and say over them:

“How I plant a seed in the ground and water the spring field. Like a sprout I will protect you from enemies, I will ask the sun to shine. And how the cabbage grows is beautiful. The sides are wide and rounded. So my child grew up so that I could barely carry it away. So that the thief does not steal my profit, so that the fire does not catch up with her dear one. And just as cabbage pleases my eyes, I was also pleased with the thickness of my wallet. So that I won’t know the age of need, but the money will come. Amen".

After this, bury the cabbage envelopes in a secluded place: in the yard or park. Before you know it, your trade will begin to bring you significant income.

A conspiracy for a nickel if someone ruins a trade.

If your previously successful trading suddenly went into sharp decline, try using the following plot. Find a nickel in advance (five rubles or Soviet five kopecks). Arriving in the morning workplace, hold the coin in your right hand and cross your counter with the words:

“A fine merchant was walking, carrying five rings in his hand. A turkey stands on the way, gets angry, orders to turn. Whoever counts the feathers of a turkey will interfere with trade. Feather to feather - go away you evil wretch. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

After that, put the nickel in your pocket. Even if it's modern day, you can't spend a coin. The conspiracy must be carried out for three days. Then give the nickel to the poor or throw it into a river or pond.

Spell for good luck in trading .(M. Feodorovskaya "Conspiracies of the Pechersk healer Maria Feodorovskaya")

« There are various conspiracies for good trading. I’ll tell you one that is most often used; I always teach it when someone contacts me.”

Just keep in mind that it is not enough just to say the words of the conspiracy. You need to trade for a week first, keeping this in mind:

  1. We must treat all customers humanely. Don’t be stingy, don’t argue with them, discount them from your price, they’ll still come back to you.
  2. Don't deceive, don't overweight, don't be greedy.
  3. Hand over the money correctly.
  4. Meet and see people off with kindness and gratitude.
  5. You need to fast for the whole week and under no circumstances drink alcohol.

You need to take a small black rag, crumple it, then roll it in salt and say over it:

"My black melancholy,

My black sadness

My blackness is black,

Go away forever.

Fly to me kindly,

Gold and silver!

Money to money,

A ruble to a penny!

I have forever

The chamber is full of goodness.

Everyone who comes

He won't leave with anything.

It's profitable for me

To your own delight.

I'm lucky to sell

Yes, you don’t know grief! Amen".

After this, the black rag must be thrown out the window, and it must be thrown with force so that it flies far, far away. At night, leave the front door ajar and open the vents on the windows. On kitchen table Lay a rag napkin and leave some goodies on it: gingerbread cookies, sweets, jam. And say: “Come to me, good luck, help yourself!”

When going to bed, cross yourself three times and read “Our Father” 9 times. When you are fast asleep, luck will sneak into your home, try what you have prepared for it, and go to sleep next to you. As soon as you wake up, immediately close all the doors and windows so that your luck does not fly away.

Lure good luck with a piece of sugar, imagine that luck is a small lump. Take it in one hand, and with the other take your shirt, in which you go to trade, apply good luck to the edge of the shirt, and make several stitches in this place (count: there should be an odd number of them) with a red thread. You need to say the following words:

“I sew, I sew, I sew good luck! Good luck will always be sewn with me, summer and winter, let it not dry out, let it not break out, it will be useful to me everywhere! Amen".

Tie both ends of the thread well (three knots each). Now that you are wearing this shirt, you will always have luck in trading!”

Conspiracy for the keys to work (for a big income). (A. Krasnova)

In the old days, merchants read this conspiracy over the keys with which they locked their shops. Nowadays, you can read over the keys to any room where you work and earn money. Then your income will increase many times over.

“Angels-Archangels, with the blessing of the Lord, go, Holy Angels, to the blue sea with golden keys, unlock and shake the blue sea, reveal undersea-underground treasures and gold mines, stir up, roll to me in the net gold, silver and copper money; gold for God, silver for children, copper for poor orphans. To you, Holy Angels, as we resort to our warm intercessors and representatives with love and humbly pray: beg the Lord God, with your favorable prayers, may He grant us (names) a quiet and pious life in this time of life, and deliver us from the temptations and temptations of the evil devil and from troubles and misfortunes, and from all evil; at His Last Judgment may He grant us the right to stand and be the heir of His Heavenly Kingdom, so that the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit will be blessed, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

So that trading goes well.

(A. Makova. Conspiracies of the Bulgarian healer).

Place it where you trade beautiful flowers(can be cut in a vase, or blooming in a pot of soil). Early in the morning, at dawn, before trade has begun and there are no buyers, speak to these flowers in a whisper:

“It’s beautiful for you to bloom, but it’s hard for me to conduct trade. Invite all the good people here - Write, people, here, here is beauty, here they are waiting for you, what you need, they will sell you, they will treat you kindly, they will reward you with kindness, for everyone’s joy, for everyone’s glory, for my profit and success. Amen".

When the flowers wither, do not forget to change them and speak again.

May you always have good luck in trading.

Early in the morning, pour water into a glass and whisper to it three times:

“Water, water, you are loved by everyone, everyone needs you. Everyone drinks you, water, and so everyone comes to me. I am a fine merchant, my angel has a golden crown, and I can trade without knowing grief, rejoice in profits, rustle with money, bloom and flourish. Come, good people, you have goods - money for me. Amen".

Drink water on an empty stomach.

So that buyers come in a continuous stream.

Early in the morning, scatter coins of any denomination where you trade. Let them lie there for a day. The next morning, sweep all the coins into a pile with a broom, and sweep in the direction away from front door(or from where customers usually are).

When you sweep, say in a whisper or quietly out loud:

“I take money to my place and invite buyers. One will come and bring money, another will come and bring money, a third will come and bring money, and the fourth will bring a thousand people with him, and those another half a thousand, and a quarter of a thousand, and a hundred times a thousand, and so many more, and half as much, and a quarter as much. , and so on endlessly, for you to get hold of goods, and for me to get rich. Amen".

Place the coins in an inconspicuous corner and let them lie there.

Ritual for selling a large item.

If you need to sell a house, apartment, car or something else, do this ritual. Buy or make yourself a toy with the image of what you need to sell: a house, furniture, a car... In the morning, without looking in the mirror, without washing, without combing your hair, without talking to anyone, leave the house and give the toy to the first child you come across. And then your first words will be:

“Baby, here’s a great toy for you. May she please you!” Or something else like that.

And then raise your head to the sky and ask Higher power for help in selling things. And everything will work out for you.

Tips for sellers.

Laying out goods on the counter, be sure to say:

“The product is my face and I’m doing great myself.”

To have more buyers , whisper the salt at home:

“Walkers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.

Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

Bring it with you to your workplace and throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder.

They fan the goods with money, when the first buyer is a man.

If she is a woman, then her money is supposed to be hidden and not even given as change. Then there will be good luck in trading.

On the way from the market Be sure to give alms home with the words:

“Let the hand of the giver never fail.”

Conspiracy to improve trade.

Read on the water under the waxing moon.

“Let the servant of God (name) prosper in trade, in buying, in selling and bartering, and in everything - prosperity. Be true to my word."

Drink some water, spray the product.

To successfully sell a product, on the way to the place of sale

repeat to yourself:

“Like flies to honey, so all the merchants would flock to my goods. Amen".

After each repetition, spit over your left shoulder and tap your right shoulder three times with your left hand.

How to tie knots of trading luck.

When washing your face before trading, you need to dry yourself with a new handkerchief, tie knots at its ends and say:

"Just as people admire the stars and the clear moon, so they would admire my goods; Just as a groom loves his bride, so they would love my goods, they would buy them all. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen".

Take a scarf with you and always keep it with you when you are going to trade. After washing, the ritual must be repeated.

Seller's conspiracy to attract money .

V. Nadezhdina. “Codes of money and wealth.”

To attract money when trading anything with the most exiled magical properties have the money that was received for the goods first. This “first” money attracts new ones and helps attract other buyers to make a purchase.

To attract “other buyers”, you need to take the first money received from the sale of the goods in your right hand and say “Our Father” three times, while baptizing the goods, and then say the spell:

“I am the seller, and you are the buyer,

I’m a great guy, and you’re a gold digger.

Try to come closer

Buy my product!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Buyer, not a joker!

A guide to my prosperity!

The product is bought and gone,

And another came for him!

It's sweet to my soul and heart,

May it always be like this for me!

Buyer to buyer,

And money for money!

May it always be so

Eternal and endless.

Buyer to buyer,

And money for money!

So that financial affairs go well.

(A. Makova. Conspiracies of the Bulgarian healer).

Early in the morning, pour water into a glass and speak to it in a whisper.

« Intercede, Mother Theotokos, help me deal with things well. You walked through the mountains and valleys, collected dew, poured it into a golden cup, and gave me a drink. I take a sip - I don’t know what I need. I take two drinks and drive away trouble. I drink three times - God blesses me. I drink the whole cup - I bring wealth. Lord, bless with gold, silver, and every good thing. Amen".

A conspiracy to lure buyers.

So that rich buyers come one after another and no one leaves without purchases, on the way to where the trade is going on, constantly repeat to yourself:

“Moths fly to the light, bees fly to honey, birds fly south, and merchants fly to my goods. Amen, amen, amen."

A spell for good trading. One of these conspiracies is recited in salt: “On foot, come here; here is your place, food and water. For me it’s money, for you it’s goods.” Then you need to stand in front of the counter with your back to your product and throw a small handful of salt back over your left shoulder with your right hand. Try not to be seen by anyone doing this activity.

Conspiracy for success in trading

It is better to pronounce it when the sun comes to earth signs– Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Better days for this plot - Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

Try to find clothes yellow color, take a handful of any grain in your hands and, slowly pouring it into the prepared saucer, say the following words: “Gold, gold, pour in to me like peas in a bin, like barley on a threshing floor, like rye on a threshing floor! Gold-gold, stick to my hands like flies to honey, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun! Gold-gold, be friends with me, like ice with water, like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass! I am not a tradesman - a morgash, but a fine merchant, I sell with honor, I hang with excess, I measure with powder, I cut with extra, I pour with the rest. Be in my barn treasure and harmony, and ergot in everything, without holes, without ruin, without waste and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.”

Repeat this ritual three times, do not throw away the grain - give it to street birds or animals.

Trade conspiracy

The plot is recited by heart eight times on Wednesday evening and each time before starting to trade.

“I conjure you, servants of the great God. God of knowledge of trade and secret sciences! Give me assistance, help, your help in defense in my trade craft! Save my goods from envious eyes, attract people and force them to buy everything that I have prepared for sale for them. I will be the luckiest in my business. O Great Mercury, your entourage will faithfully serve me for your glory.”

Spell for good luck in trading

When washing before trading, they read, wipe themselves with a handkerchief, and take the handkerchief with them to the market.

I am a merchant, my crown is with me. Just as bees fly to honey, so everyone goes to my product.

they look. They want to take it. Let it be so!"

Everyone has to deal with trade, and many act as a seller. It doesn’t matter whether a person is a seller by profession or a trader involuntarily, he always has the same goal - to sell his goods as quickly as possible and profitably for the wallet.

Trading is an area in which not only professionalism, experience and business qualities, but also good luck with luck. Successful trading spells can help make sales more successful and financially profitable. They have been used since ancient times, their power has been tested for centuries. Conspiracies have not lost their demand even now, and their relevance is increasing as competition in the market grows.

Any magical ritual has a number of features on which its impact and final result directly depend. In the case of such conspiracies, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • The ritual will be successful if you pronounce it before sunset, during daylight hours;
  • suitable lunar phase- the time when the night star wanes, since the goal is to sell something, get rid of the goods;
  • Wednesday and Saturday have good energy (money). Plain text can be read immediately after a successful transaction is concluded;
  • any magical ritual must be supported by faith in its effectiveness, faith in magical powers.

Directly in the process of trading itself, it is very important to create the right energy in the “seller-product-buyer” system. We must respect our clients, be friendly and polite with them, we must not deceive them or shortchange them. You should never complain about poor demand and lack of profit - this will affect trade negative program, which will definitely not lead to success. It is highly undesirable to regularly get into altercations with your competitors, swear and do dirty tricks - because of this, the aura of the trading place deteriorates.

If such rituals are used correctly, they can become an indispensable assistant any seller. They will attract new customers, increase sales, contribute to the growth of financial well-being and business prosperity.

Conspiracies and rituals for successful trading

There are many trading conspiracies that any seller can read without special training and outside help. Below are the most current methods. Let's get started!

On a rag

On the waning moon, during the day, the seller must take any rag and wipe the dust on his workplace with it, saying:

“Dashing beggar, unsaleable dashing, don’t touch my goods, don’t touch me. Get away from me, get away from here - through the water, through the swamp and through the forest. Don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag. So that I don’t experience poverty and my goods don’t stay stale. I send away poverty and poverty, I sweep away failures and misfortunes with a rag. Power, water, language! Amen!"

Per coin

The conspiracy is pronounced on Wednesday or Saturday (days with monetary energy). The seller needs to dip a medium denomination coin into eucalyptus oil and say the words:

“My tribute is on your trading roads. As soon as you accept this money, you will crown me with luck. I will be dearer to you than white light, clean water, and delicious food. Luck-forta, miss me God's servant(God's servant) (own name) ”.

The charmed money must be thrown into the center of the trading premises and said: “Paid” . It will be good if one of the buyers picks it up. The conspiracy is different.

Stepanova's conspiracy

The ritual is performed on the waning moon, at dawn, before the opening of the store. To carry it out, you need to purchase a small pocket mirror. Taking the mirror in his right hand, the seller must cross each counter 3 times, saying:

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale. So that when the product sees its reflection in the mirror, the buyer becomes prettier and likes it. So that the first one who comes buys, the second one buys, and the last one buys. And no one left me without a purchase.”

After all the manipulations, the mirror is placed in a visible place. The ritual can be updated, but not more often than once a week. Soon trade affairs will noticeably improve.

You need to take a small handful of salt with you to your workplace. The ritual is performed alone; no one can see the performer. Before starting trading, you need to turn your back to the counter, take the salt in your right hand and throw it backhand over your left shoulder towards the product, saying:

“Walkers and riders, come here. Here you have a place, water and food. I get money, you get goods. Amen!"

On a scarf

When getting ready to trade, the performer must wash his face with water, adding a spoonful of bee honey, and then wipe his face with a handkerchief, reading:

“You can’t count the stars, you can’t knead the plowing with your hands, you can’t take my word from me. I am a merchant, with me is my crown. Just as bees fly to honey, everyone looks at my product and wants to take it away. Amen!"

You should take this scarf with you to work.

See additional strong ways in the following video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Spells, prayers, affirmations, mantras create special energy using the vibration of the sound of the voice. These vibrations are able to penetrate the energy-information field of the subtle world and activate the corresponding mental layers.

If your field of activity is related to sales, then this article will come in handy. Here you will find more than one effective conspiracy for successful trading.

How to attract cash flow into your life:

Basic Rules

  • unconditional belief in strength and effectiveness. If there is even the slightest doubt that the ritual may not work, first make sure: you believe in what you are doing;
  • love for your business and for your customers. If you don’t love your business, hate trading and curse customers, and do it only for profit, no magic will help you;
  • it is necessary to carry out an appropriate ritual or ceremony;
  • It is better to read any conspiracy for good trading in a calm whisper from memory, and not from paper or the screen of an electronic device (copy the text you like with your own hand and remember it);
  • after pronouncing the necessary words and performing the ritual, fill your internal state energy of gratitude
  • It is advisable to read conspiracies for successful trading on Wednesday or Saturday, preferably early in the morning on the waxing moon.

Seven proven conspiracies


So, a ritual and a strong conspiracy to trade. Necessary words It is recommended to read on the water. In order to sell the goods as quickly as possible, we need buyers who activate the energy of money. It will spin, spin and attract even more monetary energy. For this ritual, pour some water into a saucer and place your ring in the water: a wedding ring or any other ring, preferably gold. Place your finger in the ring and twist it around yourself and at the same time around the saucer clockwise, while saying:

After magical ritual, the ring should be returned to the finger on which you usually wear it and try not to remove it for at least a week, but the longer, the more effective. Flush the water down the toilet.


A proven conspiracy for good trading, which you can read with salt. Prepare a pinch of salt, preferably regular coarse, non-iodized salt. Say salt nine times to the waxing moon:

After you repeat the necessary words nine times, take the charmed salt with your right hand and throw it with a flourish over your left shoulder in the very place where you are selling the goods. This ritual can be performed once a month, especially when you notice that there are fewer buyers than usual.


Such a plot for successful trading is usually read using honey dissolved in water. It will help you sell your product quickly and profitably. Take honey - one teaspoon is enough, dissolve it in a glass of water, whisper the honey water:

Half a glass of water in which honey is dissolved should be drunk before breakfast, on an empty stomach, and the rest should be sprinkled discreetly at the point of sale.


Ritual with honey, grass and banknotes.

Pick a regular blade of grass, not dry, it should be green. It must be lightly greased with honey and glued to a banknote of any denomination, then whisper:

This money with a blade of grass should be bent in half so that the leaf of grass is hidden inside and put in a wallet or bag that you use all the time at a retail outlet.


  • buy a poppy;
  • spread a new scarf on the table, and sprinkle a handful of poppy seeds in the center;
  • cross the poppy with your finger, saying:

After performing this ritual from Vanga, the enchanted poppy in a handkerchief should be tied into a knot and kept away from prying eyes at home in a secret place. Money will begin to flow often and easily, business will go smoothly, cash receipts from buyers will literally flow like a river.


A strong conspiracy to trade from Vanga. Read on flowers. Buy or collect beautiful bouquet colors. Alternatively, you can use potted flowers. Only condition: you must really like them. Place them where you trade. Come early, while no one is there yet, and whisper the necessary words to the flowers:

When the bouquet withers, place a new one, not forgetting to say the spell from Vanga again.


This trading conspiracy must be read for sugar. If business is going poorly, and in addition, you suddenly discover grains of salt that you did not leave at the place where the goods were sold, a suspicion arises that competitors or enemies made the so-called “sprinkling”. To neutralize the negative effect of the “sprinkle”, it is recommended to read the sugar plot and carry out the appropriate ritual.

It is necessary to sweep everything thoroughly, and then wipe the floors with a dry cloth. After which, throw away all garbage and rags, including.

Take sugar in crystals; powder or cubes will not work.

Concentrate on the energy of abundance, mentally bless your product, customers and yourself, scatter sugar around, saying:

To ensure that the number of buyers arrives and does not change, early in the morning any coins (as many as you don’t mind using for the ritual) need to be scattered at the place of trade. Exactly one day later (in the morning next day) move them into one pile towards the middle of the room from the entrance or from the place where customers usually are. When you sweep, say in a whisper:

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Those who are well acquainted with the world of trading know: trading is not only a business, but also an art, where luck plays a special role. That is why many enterprising businessmen often use a trading plot to help them achieve the desired heights in this area.

It not only helps attract potential buyers, but also makes income stable.

Features of a successful conspiracy

There will always be those who do not believe in any trading conspiracies. And you shouldn't take them seriously. But the point is not at all about the power of magic and its absence. The main thing is a competent and adequate approach to choosing a suitable plot and correct execution. Exclusively in in this case realistically expect positive results.

When carrying out rituals and conspiracies regarding trade, it is necessary to take into account several important features:

  • optimal time for best ritual– at dawn, at noon, and also at sunset;
  • a conspiracy for successful and profitable trading should be carried out during the waxing phase of the moon;
  • you should read the cherished words in complete solitude and silence;
  • the best days of the ritual are Wednesday and Saturday;
  • conspiracies for good trading must be carried out for the waning month;
  • you need to believe in the ritual, otherwise it will not help;
  • The selected text must be memorized, the words must be read with great feeling and preferably in a whisper.

You should only use white magic. It will help make any business successful, attract consumers, and make the product in demand. Of no small importance is the desire to trade business and to buyers - an internal fire that will make the plot successful.

If there is no fire, the ritual is performed only for profit, and trade is disgusting, you should not expect any special help from magic. Listed rules They are quite simple, and even a novice magician can perform them. But only after a suitable plot has been selected.

It is also necessary to remember: no magic spells will help if you do not show goodwill to customers. Sometimes a simple smile that lifts your spirits is enough, and clients will come. And it’s also good when the product being sold is of high quality.

After all, if we gain through deception, we will certainly lose in another way. This is exactly how the law of white magic works; the law is based on the balance of good and evil. The favorable outcome of the whole idea will depend solely on balance.

Several effective spells to choose from

Today, conspiracies for successful trading are very diverse, and choosing the most suitable one can be very difficult. First you need to understand the types of rituals and choose something suitable.

Below are the most popular rituals and conspiracies that have proven their effectiveness more than once:

On the water

A fairly strong trading spell for a successful business, helping to increase the number of potential buyers, sell out a large number of goods and activate monetary and internal energy. You will need a saucer, a ring (preferably made of gold) and some water. You need to pour water into a saucer and slowly lower the ring into it.

Place it in a saucer forefinger and start turning clockwise. Read the following words (from memory):

“Like the mills that turn grain daily, let the goods with my money also turn! Let them not lie like a stone in my pocket, but circle all over the world, and attract a lot of other money to me! Like bees, let them flock to me in constant motion. Also, let buyers circle around my products and buy them! Let the buyers only come to me, but without buying, they don’t leave my goods. My word is strong, no one can take my word away, and no one can take away my luck. Let people come to me, bring money quickly, buying goods. Come here everyone, there is always water here. Take the water and leave me the money. And may it always be so, as I said, Amen!”

Afterwards, you should put the ring in its usual place and try not to remove the ring for several weeks. The water should be poured out, and the saucer should be rinsed and dried.

For salt

The conspiracy known to trade is quite strong and effective. It helps attract customers and helps sell goods faster. Execution requires the presence of coarse salt, charmed for the waxing moon:

“My dear customers, visitors, pedestrians and travelers, come quickly here, here comfortable spot, water and food. To you good product, money for me!”

The words are repeated exactly 9 times, then you need to carefully collect the charmed salt with your fingers right hand and rise sharply over the left shoulder. The ritual is performed in the place where the goods are directly sold. This ritual is very harmless, and if necessary, the ritual can be repeated once a month.

For money with grass and honey

You will need a banknote of any denomination, a green blade of grass and honey. You should smear a blade of grass with honey and carefully attach it to the bill, repeating the spell for successful and effective trading:

“Just as the grass reaches out to the sun, and the bees hover around the honey, so let the merchants reach out to me (say the name) and my business. Truly so!”


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