Conspiracy against imprisonment. Correct use of spells and prayers from prison Ritual to get a person out of prison

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If trouble happens to a loved one, he is in a cell or under investigation, then you can protect him from arrest or trial with the help of a ritual. Conspiracy from prison has been known for a very long time, many confuse it with a protective amulet, a shield. In fact, this is a protective plot, but not a talisman. After all, a talisman involves the creation of some thing endowed with magical powers. And a conspiracy is the magical power of the word, which is protection.

Examples of conspiracies

  1. If a person faces prison. At midnight, boil an egg, take it under the bridge and bury it in a dry place. Take a small handful of earth from above, take it to the person’s house and pour it at his doorstep. Say: “The bridge stands strong and does not fall. I (the slave) shall not be in prison, shall not put my feet in forged chains, shall not place my hands against solid walls.”
  2. On the day of judgment. Find a young birch tree, pick off a pereper (a piece of white soft bark that looks like paper) from it. Come to court, holding the pereper in your left hand and say in a whisper: “Just as the pereper on the young birch tree shakes and bows in the wind, so my judges, my adversaries, trembled, they did not know the words.”
  3. Turn over an empty bucket on the threshold of the house, a ladle in front of the threshold and a basin behind the threshold. Say 3 times: “Rodin didn’t make it, the other is at his post, the third is behind the cage. Just as a third man is free beyond the threshold, so am I (a slave) from court to freedom, to air, to water. The first will close the eyes of the judges, the second will take away the tongue. They are silent, they don’t threaten me. They will say - they will let you go, in peace and bread.” Place the inverted containers outside the threshold until the end of the trial.

Rules for conducting conspiracies from court and prison

  • On the day of the ritual, the performer and the person being charmed must not treat anyone with bread.
  • You can only look in the mirror before noon.
  • If a person brings anything into the house on this day (shopping, gifts, letters, etc.), then they must first be baptized, and then only carried over the threshold.
  • It is advisable for a person facing trial to take 7 sips of water with honey or sugar in the morning.
  • After the ceremony, the performer should not eat anything until the evening, especially flour (rolls, bread, cookies).
  • If during the trial the person under the spell becomes ill, then you need to immediately splash clean water in his face and say: “From water there is strength for a smooth fate.” Otherwise the sentence will be very harsh.
  • In the courtroom, the perpetrator of the conspiracy must have something white on his clothes (scarf, belt) or be dressed in white.
Conspiracy from prison cannot be performed by widows and widowers. It is believed that they have the seal of death, so their performance of this ritual can aggravate the situation of the defendant and contribute to a tougher sentence. If the performer is the convicted person himself, then before the ceremony he must take off his shoes.

At all times, there have been cases when an innocent person could end up behind bars. Unfortunately, the justice system has never been perfect. No person is immune from undeserved punishment. Therefore, today, as before, rituals are popular that allow you to win a trial and protect yourself and your loved ones from prison.

Prayer words and conspiracies from prison are used when a person faces a prison sentence

Rules for reading prayers and conspiracies

Prayer words and conspiracies from prison are used when a person faces a prison sentence. Thanks to the words of the texts there is a connection with higher powers who can help turn the situation in their favor. The main rules when reading prayers and conspiracies:

  • it is very important to read them with the confidence that they are effective and will help;
  • the person they want to free must be innocent;
  • It is better to perform rituals completely alone;
  • before reading prayers, you need to repent for all your sins;
  • it is important to strictly fulfill all the requirements of the ritual;
  • one must turn to higher powers not only with a request, but also with gratitude;
  • words should be learned in advance and read by heart;
  • the one performing the ritual should not be a widow or widower.

What prayers to read

Even from a distance, the prisoner feels the moral support of loved ones. Prayer helps strengthen his morale and gives hope for a speedy release. Relatives can ask God for a fair trial by reading the following prayers:

  • Lord, Guardian Angel, Most Holy Theotokos;
  • In front of the Pochaev Icon;
  • Matrona Wonderworker;
  • Anastasia the Pattern Maker;
  • Thomaida of Egypt;
  • Peter of Athos.

Anastasia the Patternmaker herself was imprisoned in slavery by her husband, who abused her. She turned to God with prayers, which he heard. Petition for prisoners:

“O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy: pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that we may be worthy with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

You can pray to Matrona of Moscow

“Blessed Matryonushka, you, through prayer, rescued the captive doctor Sergius from prison. He became Bishop Stephen, and remembering You all his life, before his father and mother, he accepted a blessed death in the altar, on the week of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.

Look now at the captive, suffering servant of God (name), in his difficult situation.

Beg the Lord of Power to deliver him from bondage, through the prayers of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, for the glory of our Lady, Ever-Virgin Mary, and the bloodless Sacrifice of Her Son, offered daily for peace.

May all his sins be washed away by the blood of the Lamb (3 times) You commanded the Myrrh-bearers to rejoice, You quenched the weeping of the foremother Eve by Your resurrection, O Christ our God. You commanded your apostles to preach, the Savior is risen from the grave. Amen".

Prayer to my husband from prison

In order for the husband to be released quickly, it is advised to read prayer texts to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You need to place the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant next to the lit candle and ask God to free your husband. You need to read the “Our Father” several times and cross yourself. Then slowly say special prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

  • “The Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Forgive the sins of the husband who is sitting in prison, who is sick from imprisonment. If he is destined to be released early, let him be firmly attached to faith. Thy will be done. Amen".

  • “Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Pleasant. I beg you, help your husband, save him from evil times. May prison correct him correctly, and may he be driven away from this filth forever. Once free again, the Lord’s love will protect him. Let it be so. Amen".

  • “The Wonderworker Nicholas, Savior and Defender. I suffer for my husband’s sinfulness; I expect him to leave prison. Help his grieving soul, autumn according to true faith. You bring liberation closer by prayer, I will pray next to you. Amen".

In order for the husband to be released quickly, it is advised to read prayer texts to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Effective prayers and spells

If a loved one, relative or friend was put in custody and accused of a crime that he did not commit, a special ritual must be used. It is necessary to give him a paper with a prayer from the prison to the pre-trial detention center. It should contain the words:

“The servant of God (name) is saved by a guardian angel from prison, and unlocks all the locks in front of him. Protect, Lord, the servant of God (name) from human lies, from criminal slander. Give him freedom, even if he is innocent in honor, he is entangled in slander. Help him, God, and protect him. Protect from human judgment. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Let him read for 12 days at noon and midnight. This prayer will definitely help.

For those who are on the verge of prison, the following text is an effective conspiracy:

“A bird in the sky soars freely and its flight knows no boundaries. Fish swim freely in the sea and the whole ocean is not the limit for it. So may you (name) be free from walls and bars, from rumors and from the government house. May your path know no boundaries, and may you be free to choose where to go. Let only God be your judge, and not a person whose thoughts are unclean! Amen!".

This famous ritual is called the “Shield from Prison.” It can be used both for yourself and for another person. The hard-boiled egg is wrapped in a new handkerchief. It is necessary that the person brought to justice hold this scarf in his hands before the ritual.

On a full moon, you need to go to the nearest bridge over the river and bury the egg where there is not enough water to reach it. The soil left over from the hole should be put into a bag and taken home. It is spread in front of the entrance of the accused's house. No one should see this ritual. When a person goes to court, you need to say:

“As long as that bridge remains standing, I (he) will not sit in prison. Holy thresholds and bridges. All the holy martyrs help me. Amen".

Then you need to collect the earth in your hand and throw it away at the first intersection, and whisper:

“People walk across the crossroads, take my misfortune with you and spread it throughout the world. And let her never return to me again, but let her not get to you either. Let the trouble disappear and dissolve without a trace. Amen".

This rite will allow the court to make a decision in favor of the performer or a person close to him who was affected.

Conspiracies before trial are popular

The following strong conspiracy will help you win the trial. When the accused enters the courtroom, he must mentally say:

“The Orthodox world has always been on trial. There were both princes and boyars in court. And I, the Servant of God (name), came here to sue. Unjustly spoken of, I hold the holy truth in my hand. What I tell fair judges, they will believe. My thoughts and deeds are right. No one will be able to put me in jail. Amen".

But you have to walk confidently and slowly. After pronouncing the words, you need to strongly clench the fist of your right hand and stomp your right foot.

On the date of going to court, stand in the middle of the room, turning to the east, and say three times:

"There is under the eastern side,

There is a table, the throne of the Lord.

His Lord God is the throne of the powers of heaven,

And they cannot see the worst and look with their own eyes.

Kings and queens, princes and princesses,

boyars and noblewomen

And all the laity, Orthodox peasants

And so are the judges against me, the servant of God (name),

I wouldn’t dare to see evil,

Raise your eyes and eyebrows,

And speak and say in dashing words,

And raising your hands,

The hardness of the heart will flare up

And all the guests can’t do anything.

Heaven and earth, in the Name of the Lord, forever.

If possible, you need to tear off the sleeve from the shirt in which someone died. They put the sleeve in their bosom, closer to their heart, and go to court with it. When entering, say:

“Just as now this dead man will not be condemned, he will not be put in prison for the iron bars, so the judges will not overwhelm me, the servant of God (name), and will free me from prison shackles and shackles. My word is stone. My case is correct. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It will be useful, along with reading prayers and conspiracies, to follow the following rules:

  • On the Day of Judgment, there is no need to take anything away from home, or give alms to those asking.
  • You cannot lend money on this day.
  • After lunch, you should not look at mirror reflections.
  • Before sunrise, you should drink holy water with sugar or honey. Take seven sips, the same number of spoons of sweets should be added to the water.
  • If any things are brought into the house, they must be crossed over the threshold. This also applies to food.
  • The performer of the ritual must be present at the trial and hear the verdict. His clothes should be predominantly white.
  • After the rial, the performer must fast until the evening.
  • If the defendant becomes ill in the courtroom, you need to give him clean water to drink and say:

    “Water gives strength to a smooth destiny.”

Result and consequences

Prayers involve a close relationship with heavenly forces. If a person does not know how to pray correctly, he should find out more information and go to church more often. If for some reason the ritual was violated and even a minor action was missed, the ritual will not work or everything will not happen as desired.

Every convicted person will be released within the time limit set by the Lord God. We must try not to sin, help others, thank Jesus Christ. There is no need to be surprised that prayer did not help if a person never believed in God before this conversion.

There are powerful prison escape conspiracies. But this is a radical decision that is unlikely to lead to anything good.

Among the prisoners of Russian prisons, correctional colonies and pre-trial detention centers there are many different people, including businessmen. Journalist and executive director of the Sitting Rus' movement for convicts and their families, Olga Romanova, told their stories in a book of the same name. Illustrations for it were drawn by Oleg Navalny, who is serving a sentence in a Russian prison. We are publishing one of the most touching stories - about Magida and businessman Vasya, who found himself behind bars for debt.

I saw her somewhere, in some other situation. Perhaps if she smiles, I will remember. But it’s clear that she won’t smile, she came to us for the first time. I have regular pills in my nightstand, strong pills, sometimes needed when suddenly a new girl bursts into tears like a cascading fountain, but it seems not in this case. The girl came strong and smart.

Her name is Mia. Well, Mia is Mia, beautiful, unusual. And she herself is beautiful the way I like: discreet, stylish, well-groomed, skinny. 30–35 years old. I probably won’t be able to tell right away who she is. The diamonds are deliberately, prudently modest, the precise selection is almost unnoticeable. For the wife of a previously successful guy, she is too smart. For a daughter - the age is not suitable, and the pre-Chinese independence, and some dryness, almost callousness. Having a problem yourself? It’s also unlikely, she has good fighting habits and confidence, I would have learned about her own problems only when she ended up in a women’s detention center, which almost never happens with such young ladies. It would have been the case - it would have been the case, blancmange with jelly, I would have known.

I don't know how you could help. I'm probably looking for advice. My friend’s husband, an entrepreneur, was imprisoned. I have all the documents with me.

It's clear. So, it’s still a husband. And not your friend’s, but your own. Well, as you wish, let there be girlfriends.

We look at the documents, listen to the story. This is a common crisis story: once upon a time there was a husband, he had a business, quite a large one, which was heavily over-credited. Our husband was unable to deal with one loan in time, and it was a loan from a serious bank with state participation, where my husband’s best friends worked in the credit department; and suddenly the bank became incompetent. Friends stopped calling back. The bank began to slowly but surely squeeze out our husband's cable plant in the Far East, for which a loan was taken out. And the husband, instead of giving the factory to the bank and crossing himself, resisted, and had to be arrested to make him agree. Come on, Vasya, restructure the debt from prison, since you’re so smart. In general, the plant was taken away, Vasya could have been released, but then the security forces grabbed hold of him. Who will give him up now, when the investigation was working, the prosecutor's office was puffing, the prosecution was confirming, the court was extending the arrests, the jailers were getting paid by guarding Vasya, who is dangerous to society - who will let him go? And now the bank is completely monopenisual and even violet - what Vasya is sitting, what he is not sitting, but with someone sitting it’s still easier, there is a guarantee that Vasya will not try to return anything.

How can you help Vasya here? It’s a proven case, he’ll get seven years, well, five if he’s lucky. If there are any mitigating circumstances. Oh, by the way, does he have them?

“He has three children,” Mia says after thinking.

I would never have thought that Mia had three children. “These are not my children, these are his children from his first marriage,” Mia explained, seeing the question hanging slightly in the air. - Small ones? - Small ones.

Oh, you bitch, invisible virgin. Well, okay, sometimes it’s an everyday matter.

Sorry for the question, but this is important for the prison. Is your marriage finalized?

No, not issued. Yes, she understands that she needs to register, she needs to fly to Blagoveshchensk and get married in prison. Otherwise, she’s nobody in the business, she won’t be allowed on dates. Although you can become a defender along with a lawyer, the court allows such a defender, and Mia has quite enough knowledge and acumen, and here we will coach her a little more and tell her everything. Then you can go on dates almost like a lawyer, that is, without restrictions. And this will save money, and time, and who else, if not a loved one, will talk to the defense witnesses and convince them to appear in court and shine there.

Mia thinks. - Apparently, I won’t be able to become a defender. The whole business is on me. Three factories, a hotel chain, development projects, loans... The conference is still in Sydney, I can’t miss it, my partners won’t understand me.

The gentlemen businessmen's brides went crazy. I've seen it somewhere, that's for sure. I ask directly. Mia looks at her watch, apologizes, says goodbye and leaves.

Disappears. A month later, an SMS arrives: “Let's have coffee. Mia."

Let's. By that time I had already found out a lot about Mia’s boyfriend. And the case is quite high-profile, and the name is rare, and the business is noticeable. The gloss contains several photos from second-tier social parties, where he is present with a plump blonde, this is clearly his previous wife. There is not a word anywhere about the collapse of the marriage, only in my court files that Mia left me on a flash drive, in the marital status column it says “divorced.”

We drink coffee. Mia is still pretty and moderately fragrant, although it’s clear that she’s tired, and very, and for a long time.

Mia doesn’t flirt and asks directly if I know anyone who could solve the issue for money. For any money. Vasya should be free. I tell her why this shouldn't be done. I don’t involve my conscience and the law, Mia won’t understand all this. So, let’s weigh the risks, I say. If he is released from prison for a minute on his own recognizance, you will leave. By the way, with the risk of being caught at the border and returning to the same cell. There are also long sad prospects in the event of a successful exit from the country - no one there and here is worse than no one, and in the best case, 10 years on the Interpol wanted list. Without a guarantee that they won’t extradite, and without a guarantee that this will ever end. And it may end up for a lot of money, regularly paid to good lawyers there.

But, most likely, our fixers will cheat and deceive her from the very beginning, and nothing can be done about it: they will promise to close the case and will not close it. It would be good to start saving resources: this money will not be superfluous in the family, and this situation will last for a long time. Or, for example, they may advise you to give money for closing the case after a year and a half in prison - you have to give everything you have. Moreover, everyone, then take out a loan and pay it back too - and this is generally without guarantees that it will work out. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll go to the stage with the reputation of a sweet bun, and they’ll never get off Vasya, they’ll beat you to death and demand money that’s long gone. There is only one recipe: don’t give it from the very beginning. You should never give it to anyone. Show these bastards some money - you'll regret it later. They will ruin and trample. Don’t squander the available resource, the guy will still need it.

Yes,” Mia agrees, “I understand that.” But I just can’t explain to Natasha, my first wife, that my appetite needs to be moderated. She is not behaving very wisely, and the company cannot afford wasteful expenses now. I estimate the costs and efficiency of what would be more profitable for the company: keeping Natasha and our owner in prison or buying him out and keeping him abroad. I need to develop a position, convince the board of directors and minority shareholders. I need to calculate KPI, could you help me and advise me on the size of the bribe at the Blagoveshchensk prosecutor’s office?

We made it. Therefore, we calculate the effectiveness of bribes and evaluate the results using a comparison method, at a minimum.

I can’t stand it and ask Mia who she is and how she relates to the citizen who was arrested. Mia nods and takes a large, businesslike sip of coffee. And he begins to speak with the intonations of an excellent student’s report on the TV show “Schoolchildren at the Microphone.”

Actually, I'm a secretary. My workplace is in the reception room of the manager, who is now in prison. I prefer the word “secretary”, although I am more of an assistant, and since his divorce I am generally a partner without a legally registered share. When my manager was getting divorced, he temporarily wrote out powers of attorney for me to manage the company and registered several offshore companies in my name. I’m not his wife or girlfriend, but that takes a long time to explain. He taught me, I graduated from Columbia University. If it is necessary for the case, I will go to him in prison and we will formalize the marriage. I see my task as saving business and jobs, for which I really need to get my boss out of prison.

No person can know what awaits him in the future. And no one is immune from the fact that tomorrow they may lose their freedom of movement. Just yesterday, a rich and successful person today may find himself behind bars. In the event that one of your loved ones or friends is in trouble, they find themselves under the supervision of a prison guard, or in the near future it may be time to use unconventional methods to help a loved one. Spells and prayers from prison are effective if all conditions in the instructions are met.

For the prison conspiracy to work, it is important to adhere to some rules and recommendations of experts in the field of esotericism and occultism:

  1. When casting spells, you need to treat magic words with respect, and you also need to be confident in your actions.
  2. Before reading the conspiracy from prison, you need to memorize the words. As a last resort, it is permissible to read from a piece of paper.
  3. It is important that the person for whom magical actions are intended is innocent before God.
  4. All manipulations are performed only in private. No one should interfere with the performance of rituals, including pets.
  5. Before carrying out the chosen ritual, you need to clear your thoughts; for this, the Lord’s Prayer is used.
  6. Turn to higher powers for help, as the last resort, ask, but do not demand.
  7. Before and after the ritual, you cannot give or take anything to anyone for three days.

If you follow these rules, you can free an innocent person from prison and avoid unfair punishment.

Effective conspiracies

There are many powerful rituals with which you can give a person well-deserved freedom and prevent imprisonment. Such rituals will be effective even if the person is at a distance.

The very first version of the rite is a ritual to ensure that the trial has a successful outcome. Such magical actions are carried out using photographs and lit candles. The following conspiracy is read when a person faces the prospect of spending the near future in places of detention:

“Just as birds soar freely in the sky, there are no boundaries or restrictions, so let the servant of God (name) be free. May there be protection from the official house, from the involuntary walls, from bad fame and slander. Just let God be his judge, the will of the Almighty will prevail. Amen".

Repeat such a conspiracy so as not to be imprisoned three times, five, seven or 9 times.

How to create a prison shield

The prison shield plot is one of the most effective options. To carry it out, you will need the following attributes:

  • boiled egg;
  • a handkerchief previously used by the accused person.

For the ritual to be effective, it is recommended to perform it during the full moon. The celestial body should illuminate the sky well. The egg is wrapped in a scarf and taken under the bridge. It is important that no one sees the ritual actions. Dig a shallow hole under the bridge and take the soil to the threshold of the accused person. While digging up the ground, you need to read the spell:

“If a person is convicted without guilt, then let the bridge not stand on the ground. Holy martyrs, I will bow and pray to you and ask for help.”

Let the earth lie near the threshold for a day; it is advisable for the accused to step over it. Next, you need to collect it and take it to the intersection. While pouring out the earth, say:

“As the words are spoken, there will be no sadness, others will not get it. Let it be so".

Go home silently, without talking to anyone or turning around.

Prison-proof rituals

It is important to remember that before reciting any spells or prayers for release from custody, the accused person must pray, read the Lord's Prayer. He must also be completely innocent to save himself. The accused charms the white skin of a birch tree. You only need a little bit of it. To free yourself from punishment, read these powerful words on birch bark 15 times:

“The birch bark does not shake in the wind, and the adversary’s tongue does not flutter. Let the dishonest shut up. Only the truth will prevail. Let it be so".

Take Cora with you to the meeting room.

Another effective option is a conspiracy for the fairness of the trial. His mother reads:

“I was able to raise my son. There were no mistakes when growing, he is innocent before people and before higher powers. To the west with a ridge, and to the ground with a finger. Mother of God, you are a saint, prohibit litigation for the servant of God (name). Grant your help, may my family be preserved, may my dear one be happy. Judges, be fair, do not make gross mistakes, do not believe untrue slander. Most Holy Theotokos, be merciful to the servant of God (name), as you are merciful to every person on earth. Amen".

Making life easier behind bars

You can use prayer or a spell from prison so that a convicted person in captivity is not offended. It is better to give such a prayer to the prisoner so that he can read it himself. Repeat daily, several times a day:

“Evil spirits instill anxiety in me, but the Lord God shows the way. Father heavenly light and goodness restores, he is strong in his words and thoughts. Amen".

Another powerful spell for a son or husband that will help get rid of enemies in prison. It should be read on the prisoner’s birthday or every third day of the month. It should be read by a close relative, for example, a father or mother:

“There are huge demons standing, the apostate is holding the government keys. The devils await an unjust execution for those who shed a tear for the son of the Father of God. The all-merciful Lord has forgiven and forgives all sins. So forgive the servant of God (name), grant forgiveness of his sins, send guardian angels from heaven to the protection. Let them become a strong protection for him, protect him from sin, and in difficult times pacify him. Amen (repeat three times).”

Rituals for speedy liberation

There are many rituals that help you get out of prison. You need to understand that magic does not help to escape, it can only help you get out of prison as quickly as possible. If an innocent person is in custody, there is an effective spell against prison that helps to save him, protect him from unfair punishment, and leave him in prison early. In order to be released from prison as quickly as possible, a spell is recited the day before the end of the fast. Speak on holy water, after which it will need to be handed over to the prisoner:

“God's servant (name) walks on the ground, comes out of the hut through the door. A sighted person walks, looks, but is silent. So his enemies will not be able to utter a word or raise their gaze. Let their mouths not open with unjust speeches and unfounded accusations. All-merciful God, grant your mercy. Give him a good fate and a speedy return. May he have the opportunity to be released. He will return to his home and never leave it again. Let it be so".

Rules of conduct before and during trial

  1. On the day of the meeting, you cannot lend money to anyone, you cannot take valuables or jewelry out of the house, and you cannot give bread to anyone.
  2. Don't look at your reflection in the mirror.
  3. Get up at the first rays of the sun, drink spring water, taking seven sips.
  4. Don't eat until evening.
  5. When going to the courtroom, do not accept things from the hands of strangers. If you cannot avoid this, quietly cross the item.
  6. It is better to wear light clothes.

Prayers to help

An effective prayer is that read to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is better to read it in front of the icon of the saint:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, you grant your protection and help all those who ask you for help. You are merciful without limit. You are merciful beyond counting. You can grant salvation to all those who have stumbled, who are drowning in the ocean of injustice. You can save life on the road, shelter from winds, snow, frost. Intercede for those who have suffered from unjust slander, who have been unjustly judged. Intercede for the servant of God (name), help the one who turns to you and guide him on the path of correction. Amen".

It is important to remember that when turning to higher powers for help, a person must be innocent.

You can also ask for help from the Lord, the Guardian Angel, Anastasia the Pattern Maker, and Matrona the Wonderworker.

You never know what exactly life has in store for you. Today you are a rich and successful person, and tomorrow you are trying to free yourself or your beloved husband from prison. If you or your loved ones have suffered the fate of being captured by a prison guard, or such a problem is just approaching, then the time has come for decisive and unconventional methods. The prison conspiracy is one of them and is very popular. Those who were once helped by magic forever change their idea of ​​life and human capabilities, and begin to believe in prayers and the power of God.

Prison conspiracies can help a loving mother prevent her beloved son from being imprisoned and save her from making the mistake of her entire life. Agree, legislation is not always objective. There are cases when a person is sentenced to serve time for the sins of others or for actions committed to protect himself. As life proves, every person can fall into the shackles of prison. This can result from both a miscarriage of justice and someone else’s malicious influence. The “prison” conspiracy is designed to avoid the irreparable.

How to behave before and during a court hearing?

There are a number of tips for carrying out the ceremony that help to somewhat soften the judge’s sentence or avoid imprisonment altogether.

  1. Under no circumstances should you take valuables out of your home, don’t lend money, or give bread to strangers.
  2. To avoid serious consequences, try not to look at yourself in the mirror or other mirror-type surfaces.
  3. A person going to court, when receiving any things from the hands of strangers, must baptize what was brought on the threshold.
  4. When the day of judgment comes, get up at dawn and drink spring water, adding honey or sugar. There should be exactly 7 sips.
  5. After the ritual is completed and the plot is read, do not eat any food until the evening, especially for flour products.
  6. It is necessary to monitor the well-being of the defendant. If he suddenly becomes ill, a loved one should throw clean water on him and say: “Power of water, give an even fate.” If this is not done, then there is a high possibility of receiving a harsh sentence.
  7. The presence of the executor of the spell is mandatory during the trial.
  8. You should give preference to light-colored clothing with one white item of clothing.

A widower or widower cannot perform the ritual, as this will only bring harm to the person.

How to protect yourself with a “shield”?

There is a conspiracy called a shield that can protect a friend or close relative from the possibility of going to prison. To make such a “shield”, you need to wait for the full moon and hard boil an egg. After that, follow these steps:

  • you should wrap the egg in just a purchased handkerchief, which was previously held in the hands of the person whose fate you are deciding - this way, the thing can be saturated with energy;
  • then you need to go at night under any bridge, where it is important to hide from all passers-by;
  • hide the egg in a scarf in a place where water cannot reach, and take the removed earth under the defendant’s house;
  • there you should scatter earth near the threshold with the words: “The bridge will remain standing, you will not go to prison. Thresholds, bridges, holy martyrs. Amen";
  • when morning comes, you need to collect the earth and take it to any intersection of 4 roads;
  • pouring it out, start reading: “People spread all the troubles around the world. They don't come back here. You won’t get it.”

If the possibility of imprisonment concerns you, then you need to cast the following spell in a secluded place (do not forget to light a candle and wait until dark): “Just as a bird is free, without knowing boundaries, so I will always be free from bars and foreign walls. I choose my path myself, where I want, that’s where I go. Amen". You need to read the plot 15 or more times. Such a shield has helped more than one person. It is important to follow all the steps described and believe in the result.

Conspiracy to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker helped more than one person. Prayers to him are said in difficult times, when searching for answers to questions, to fulfill desires. In order to free an unjustly convicted person from prison, it is enough to stand in front of the icon of the Saint and say:

“Oh, the great miracle worker Nicholas. You are able to intercede and help everyone in need. Your mercy knows no bounds. Your mercies are innumerable. You are able to save all those who drowned in the ocean of life. You save life on the road, you protect from winds, snow, frost and rain. Thanks to you, my house is standing. Thanks to you, I am a happy person. You stand up for those who are slandered, for those who are unjustly condemned. So I ask you to intercede for God’s servant (name). Who, if not you, knows how difficult it is to live without freedom? I know that you have helped all those who pray and turn. I ask you to ease the suffering of God’s servant (name). Not for the sake of continuing sins, but for the sake of the path of true correction. Amen".

You must maintain an open soul, purity of heart and sincerity of requests. The person who turns to the Saint with evil intentions will be punished.

Other anti-prison conspiracies

A conspiracy against a prison is considered interesting and unusual; to carry it out, you need the white skin of a birch tree. It must be spoken and given to the person going to trial. Should be read 15 times:

“Pereper is shaking, while the adversary’s tongue is trembling. Amen".

The following powerful and easy-to-follow conspiracy can protect a person who has been unjustly imprisoned. Its peculiarity is that only a wife who wants to free her husband, or a mother who wants justice for her son can read the plot:

“To the west with a ridge, to the ground with a finger. Holy, dear, golden Mother of God, place a ban on the judgment of the servant of God (name). Help save the family and help your dear one find happiness. The justices of the peace, the city judges, made a grave mistake in the case. They want to take away the freedom of the dear one, take him away from his native land. Be merciful to the servant of God (name), as you are merciful to every person on earth. Amen".

If the court really made a mistake, then release will occur in any case.

There is only one opportunity a year to read a protective plot: the last day of fasting. You need to stand above any water and begin to read the following words:

“Lord strong, Lord merciful, today you are with me. Lord, I know that you are great. Just as you saved your servants from injustice, so save the one and only servant of God (name) from it. No one can defeat your word, no one can harm it. So direct him for the good of the son (husband) of God’s servant (name). Amen".

How to influence a speedy release from prison?

In addition to conspiracies, you can resort to the help of the Heavenly Forces in another way. So, prayers of a certain type, read in a certain place, are quite effective. Let's look at some examples that may apply here below.

  1. A request to the Lord, the Mother of God or the Guardian Angel against imprisonment.
  2. A request made near the Pochaev Icon for the release of a loved one who was imprisoned not on his merits.
  3. A powerful method for being released from prison is to read a prayer to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. This prayer strengthens the spirit of the prisoner and can give hope for an early release. Its text is as follows: “I appeal to the long-suffering and wise Anastasia of Christ! Your role for the Lord is great, so allow me to ask all of us to forgive our sins. Help heal the grieving and distressed, give Ambulance."
  4. Reading the prayer to Matrona the Wonderworker also contributes to the creation of a miracle, because the saint was confident that faith can save any person, despite his sins. In order for you or your loved one to be released from prison, you must read the following words before the face of Saint Matrona: “I pray to Blessed Matryonushka for help, for the release of the suffering servant of God (his name). His world is unbearable, deliver him from bondage. Forgive him for all his sins, we all deserve forgiveness. Amen".


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