Close the battery with a screen with your own hands. Finishing radiators: for every taste and for various possibilities

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You also need to close the radiators correctly. Aesthetics is, of course, important, but in a cold room you will not be up to beauty. Therefore, it is also necessary to consider all options from a technical point of view. This will be discussed below: how to close the heating radiator and not greatly reduce its efficiency. The task is not easy, but doable.

How to properly close the battery in terms of maintenance

Radiators, like heating pipes, need periodic maintenance. They sometimes start to flow, get clogged, it is sometimes necessary to bleed air, etc. And all because far from an ideal coolant flows in our networks. In addition, the quality of some modern heating devices is far from being a standard. All this leads to the fact that sooner or later leaks appear.

More often they appear in places where sections of radiators are joined, or where pipes are connected. To ensure the tightness of the joints, there are gaskets; over time, they lose their elasticity or collapse. All these places should be freely accessible.

From all that has been said, it follows that you need to close the battery so that you can quickly access it. The best option is an attached structure that is not “tightly” fixed to the wall. If you are concerned about safety, make a lock: you can install a bracket on the wall, on which the heating screen will be hung. Any other fastener that will ensure quick dismantling will do.

How to slightly reduce heat transfer when installing a screen

The task of batteries is to give off heat to the air. And this happens in two ways:

Heat transfer by convection occurs when the air, passing by the heated section, heats up itself. To improve the movement of air on modern heating devices, special air ducts are made. But their presence is not a guarantee of good heat transfer. You still need free access and outflow of air. Only in this way will air pass through normally, and carry heat around the room. This means that you need to close the battery in the room so that nothing interferes with the outflow of air from above. Ideally, there should be no barrier from above. There is already a window sill. The second obstacle will immediately reduce heat transfer. But if there is still some kind of horizontal cover, it should be with a large number of holes. And the holes should occupy at least 40% of the surface, and preferably 50-60%.

But that's not all. From the bottom, there should also be a sufficiently large distance from the floor to the screen. Cold air must pass through this slot and rise up along the battery section, heating up along the way. The size from the floor to the top edge of the screen is 8-12 cm. The best option is the presence of legs. The worst, but acceptable, are large holes or significant perforation (many small holes).

Thermal radiation occurs in the infrared range. For him, any obstacle is already a loss: the rays are reflected and scattered, never reaching the middle of the room. Therefore, it is desirable to put the screen in front of the radiator again with a large number of holes.

Even if all these requirements are met, the heat transfer of the batteries will decrease. And you need to be ready for this. If you're just planning a system, take note of this and take a couple of extra sections. They will make up for the losses.

Using all the same properties of thermal radiation, heat transfer can be increased. The first remedy is to attach a layer of foil behind the radiator, or better, a foil-foamed heat insulator. If only foil is hung on the wall, the amount of heat going into the wall will decrease by a factor of 5. It will be reflected towards the room, where it will really become warmer. But if a thin heat insulator is attached to the wall, on which foil is applied (the surface should be smooth and shiny), then heat loss will decrease by 20 times. And this is only from a piece of heat insulator. But only one nuance: just putting it on will not make any sense. Needs to be attached to the wall. And at the same time, there should be a distance of at least 2-3 cm between the wall and the rear wall of the radiator. Then the reflection of thermal radiation will be effective.

The second remedy is also simple, but effective. We know that dark matte surfaces absorb heat well. And it can be used. Paint the back of the battery screen dark. Part of the heat radiation will be absorbed by it, and then transferred to the air in the room. If you still cover the battery with a screen, then you need to do it correctly with the least heat loss.

And there are also design features that will help increase heat transfer during installation, and not reduce it. To do this, you need to properly position it. How, see the diagram.

How to close and how

From all of the above, it follows that a plastic material with a good heat transfer coefficient is needed. Metal immediately comes to mind. And indeed it is. Properly done, it may not lower the temperature in the room, but increase it: the heat transfer area increases. But copper has the best heat transfer (silver does not count) and aluminum. If you close the radiators with perforated screens made of these materials, you will definitely not freeze. Metal screens fit best into kitchen interiors, they can also be suitable for rooms, but decorated in high-tech style.

Metal screen - not the most attractive, maybe, but with the best heat dissipation

If forging fits into the room in style, then you can make a forged lattice, and use the battery itself as a contrasting background. Cast iron standard sections are not an option, but modern ones that are almost flat are a great backdrop. In this design, the heater will become an element of decor. This option is suitable for rooms or hallways. Such a decor will look much more harmonious if there is at least one more item, also decorated with forging.

Very attractive and. But not from the point of view of heat transfer - it is very bad for her, but from the point of view of plasticity. You can make beautiful patterns out of wood. Even a completely ordinary grille or slats look good already. In this case, it is not necessary to hope for an increase in heat transfer - it will certainly decrease, but if the holes are large enough, then a little.

Wood grille - a timeless classic

Screens for radiators made of MDF, fiberboard, OSB are also attractive. But already because of the relatively low price. You can beautifully close the battery with their help. There are good ready-made options, but if you are friends with a jigsaw and know how to use it well, you can get a spectacular screen. If you make sufficiently large holes, then the heat transfer will be normal. It is only necessary to use materials with an emission class of at least E1, and preferably E0. They are more expensive, but when heated, they will not emit harmful substances (and they will warm up throughout the heating season).

A combination of two materials can be a very good option. For example, a decorative panel made of wood or the same MDF is fixed on a perforated sheet of metal (at best, aluminum). The option is very good. Both from the point of view of thermal engineering and from the point of view of design. The metal transfers heat well, and the decorative panel draws attention away from the battery.

Not the best idea is to hide the radiators under drywall. This material is an excellent thermal insulator. Good property, but not for this case. In addition, when it dries out, it begins to crumble and dust. The situation can be slightly improved. To do this, it will be necessary to pre-treat the drywall with an aqueous solution of PVA glue. First, walk on the surface with a special roller with spikes, make holes. Then coat the sheet several times with an aqueous polymer solution. After drying, it will increase thermal conductivity, it will not dust even when it dries.

But even from such drywall, it is not worth completely covering the battery with drywall. If you really need a niche, make it from a processed sheet, and a grate, for example, from wood or steel. But it must be removable. This will provide at least some access to the radiator. In general, it is better to make such a design that will be disassembled and assembled. For example, do not putty the corners, but close them with corners that are fixed on self-tapping screws. You can disassemble, although not very quickly, but not a monolith, which in which case you just have to break it.

Even less successful ideas are to close the battery in the room with PVC or other plastics. Their thermal conductivity is no better than that of drywall, but there is nothing you can do to help here. This option is most acceptable in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Here, both wood and metal will not feel the best way. Therefore, if you close the battery with plastic, then only there. The requirements are the same: there are as few obstacles as possible above and below, the plane is heavily perforated, the maximum free access for repair and maintenance.

There is another very modern and non-standard approach - a glass screen with printed photo printing. In terms of heat transfer, the option is very poor. Unless you make it from glass slats.


When wondering how and how to close the heating battery, do not forget about the technical requirements and heat transfer. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure free convection, and secondly, good heat transfer. And you need to have access to maintain the battery in case of leakage or emergencies. To do this, all surfaces must be perforated to the maximum, and the screen itself must not be tightly attached to the wall.

Greetings, comrades! Today we will talk about how to decorate a heating battery in a living room. Since your humble servant was a plumber in the recent past, any decor will be discussed from the standpoint of practicality - the heat transfer of the heater and its maintainability.

How does the battery heat up

Any heater gives off heat to the heated room in two ways at the same time:

  • convection. The air is heated by direct contact with the surface of the radiator and, due to the decrease in density during heating, is displaced upwards by colder air masses. Cooling down, it again falls down, reheats upon contact with the radiator - and so on ad infinitum;
  • Thermal radiation. IR rays propagate within the line of sight and cause heating of all objects near the heater.

The predominance of one or another method of heat transfer is determined by the configuration of the heater and its temperature. For an aluminum battery with developed fins, convection prevails, for a radiator plate - radiation.

In order for no obstacles to interfere with convection, the radiator is placed under the window in a strictly defined way:

  1. Distance to window sill should be equal to at least 6-12 cm. The flow of heated air should rise freely, ensuring efficient and uniform heating of the entire volume of the room;
  2. Between radiator and wall there is a gap of 2-3 centimeters. It provides the movement of air heated in contact with the back of the sections;
  3. Between battery and floor clearance is also needed (at least 8 cm): it provides a free flow of cold air, replacing the heated one.

In order not to interfere with heat transfer due to radiation, the battery must not be closed from the main volume of the room with furniture and thick curtains.

Malfunctions of heating devices

The idea to close the battery with a screen arises, as a rule, among the owners of Soviet-style cast-iron radiators. Indeed, outwardly they are quite unsightly. Initially unattractive appearance is often exacerbated by years of influx of layers - unevenly applied and partially burnt out.

And now - the bad news. Cast iron radiators have a number of typical problems that require free access to them.

Intersection leaks

The essence of the problem: paronite gaskets between cast iron sections are not flexible. Over time, they become more and more rigid.

When the sections are heated during the heating season, the gasket is compressed due to the thermal expansion of the sections, and after cooling it does not return to its previous dimensions. Nipple connection leaks.

elimination: The end sections are detached and both gaskets are changed on the current pin connection. Work requires access to blind radiator plugs at the end of the radiator. If you close the battery with a blank screen, and even more so hide it in a box, it will be simply impossible to unscrew the plugs and remove the sections.

Locknut leak

The essence of the problem: burnt or rotten organic winding under the locknut on one of the eyeliners no longer seals the threaded connection.

elimination: when the heating riser is dropped, the lock nut is unscrewed a few turns and rewound with sanitary flax or other winding. If you close the heating radiators with a screen or box, access to the connections will be extremely difficult. You cannot turn a pipe wrench or adjustable wrench in a confined space.

Fistula on thread

The essence of the problem: a cast-iron radiator is connected to an eyeliner with a long thread cut into it. Steel is subject to corrosion. Through fistulas appear primarily in areas with the smallest wall thickness, that is, in the hollows of the threads.

elimination: when the heating riser is dropped, the liner is cut off at the beginning of the thread, and a new run is welded to it by electric arc or gas welding. If you close the radiators with a non-removable screen or put them in boxes, the welder will not be able to get to the problem area of ​​the liner.

A box or screen for a radiator often hides the problem from the homeowner: there is a leak, but you can't see it. You will learn about the presence of a defect in the radiator or piping from flooded neighbors or when your own apartment is flooded, when a small fistula on the pipe turns into a source of a serious leak.


The essence of the problem: After the heating circuit has been reset, air remains in the circuit when it is restarted. Air locks impede circulation in risers.

elimination: air is vented through the so-called Mayevsky taps installed on the top floor for each riser. Cranes are most often mounted in the upper deaf radiator plug. And in this case, to start the riser, you need free access to the battery.

Radiator silting

The essence of the problem: silt and sand carried by the coolant gradually accumulate in the lower collector of the sections farthest from the supply - in the area where the water velocity is minimal. The end sections stop heating.

elimination: sludge is flushed out of the battery through the flush valve. A hose is attached to the tap, installed instead of one of the blind radiator plugs, through which water is discharged into the sewer. Both the installation of the flusher and the flush itself require access to the end sections.

decor requirements.

So, how to hide batteries in an apartment without compromising their functionality and maintainability?

  1. Plasterboard boxes around batteries are strictly prohibited. Such a box will drastically reduce the heat transfer of the batteries, limiting air convection. At the same time, in the absence of a heat meter, you will pay in full for the heat you have not received;

  1. The more gaps in the screen - the better. Warm air and thermal radiation will pass through these gaps;
  2. A solid horizontal shelf on top is a bad idea. It will limit the movement of the upward air flow;
  3. The material of the decorative screen should have maximum thermal conductivity. Having warmed up, he himself will become a source of heat, heating the room due to infrared radiation;

The exception is screens that are installed to protect children from burns. For obvious reasons, their front surface should not heat up.

  1. The ideal option is a screen that is transparent in the infrared spectrum. Permeability to infrared rays has, in particular, ordinary glass;
  2. The back surface of an IR-opaque screen should be as dark as possible, ideally jet black. The black surface absorbs the maximum amount of heat. White and, conversely, reflects radiation over the entire spectrum;
  3. Any decor should be easily dismantled. Sooner or later, the battery will need service or repair.


What can be used to make a decorative screen? I will evaluate popular materials in terms of the above requirements.

Image Material and its properties

Metals A: Metal screens (aluminum and, to a lesser extent, steel) have excellent thermal conductivity.

They are impenetrable to thermal radiation, but when heated, they themselves are able to become a source of infrared rays.

The most advantageous design is a metal mesh on a light frame.

Glass: Glass screens are transparent to heat radiation. The front surface heats up to a much lower temperature compared to the radiator, which makes glass a safe material for a family with small children.

When mounting the screen, gaps must be left above and below it for air convection. The distance from the radiator is not less than 2-3 cm.

How to close radiators so that they fit perfectly into the overall design of the rooms and do not spoil their design? But with such a calculation, of course, in order to avoid significant losses in the efficiency of the radiators? This question arises quite often at the completion of the repair of an apartment or house. If cast-iron batteries of the old model are installed in the heating system, but there is no desire to change them, since they function perfectly, then they can be masked with decorative screens or gratings.

These devices, we repeat, must be made in such a way that they do not interfere with the flow of heat into the room. Therefore, if you plan to make them yourself, you need to carefully consider the design. In addition, such products can be ordered in a furniture workshop, taking measurements from the place of their installation, or immediately purchased ready-made in specialized stores.

It should be noted that you can choose a model of a protective and decorative screen that will not only mask the unsightly appearance of cast iron products, but even increase the circulation of warm air from the radiators towards the room.

To choose the right screen model, you need to understand the principle of operation of heating radiators and some patterns of transferring heat energy to the room.

The principles of operation of heating radiators

The heating radiator, heating up from the coolant passing through it, gives off heat to the room in two ways. The first is the natural convection of heated air. The second is thermal infrared radiation, which comes from the surfaces of the heating device.

So, the well-known cast-iron radiators MS-140 heat the room with convection currents at low coolant temperatures, that is, when there are still mild colds outside. When the system is brought to a maximum heating temperature of 70 degrees and above, then the heat entering the room is to a greater extent due to direct thermal radiation from the surfaces of the batteries.

Efficient decorative screen

In order to choose or make a screen that minimizes infrared radiation and does not slow down (and sometimes even improve, activate) the circulation of heated air, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • Although the design shown in the first illustration looks aesthetically pleasing and is generally functional, it will not allow heated air to freely enter the room. The wooden grate almost completely closes the access to the heat emanating from the batteries. The upper part of the radiator is also closed, and if it does not have special aerodynamic guides, then the convection of warm air will be extremely complicated.

  • This version of the structure covering the radiator is more acceptable, since sufficiently large gaps are provided between the planks of the skin - this will allow direct thermal radiation to freely enter the room. However, it is unfortunate that the top and bottom of the grate are closed, which will impede the circulation of air masses. A wide window sill may be convenient for use as a shelf, but it eliminates the creation of a warm air curtain that should block cold air flows from the window.

  • This model of the screen-lattice can be called a very good option, since the front panel has many gaps through which heat emanating from the surfaces of the radiator sections can pass (it would not be desirable to have a more sparse weave). The horizontal upper part of the structure is a frame that will not become an obstacle to circulating air flows. From below, there are no barriers to the flow of cooled air at all. In addition, the bottom of the front panel can be raised when cleaning.

  • Another model of a decorative screen, which is well suited for masking any battery. The product is made in the form of an openwork mesh, so it looks light, almost weightless, but at the same time, the panel reliably hides the radiator located behind it. Thanks to the mesh structure of the front and top panels, the heated air will not encounter any obstacles for both direct heat supply and the circulation process.

An effective device that can be added to the screen design is an aerodynamic visor. This element, installed under the window sill at an angle, will direct the rising hot air towards the room, preventing it from accumulating under the window sill plane. Such a visor should run along the entire length of the radiator.

But that's not all. The design is recommended to be supplemented with another device - a heat injector. These are two more guide plates bent towards the room along the entire length of the radiator, installed on top along the boundaries of the space between the battery and the decorative screen. This does not interfere with the operation of a conventional convection flow when the temperatures of the coolant in the heating system are low. But with a lot of heat, it collects all the heat that accumulates between the radiator and the screen, and redirects it into the room with a powerful air flow, creating a kind of thermal curtain. The efficiency of the heat exchange device increases significantly, and thereby the losses arising from the existing obstacles to direct thermal radiation are largely compensated.

The diagram below shows a screen, supplemented by an aerodynamic visor, mounted on a radiator, as well as heated air flows emanating from it:

  • A - a heat-reflecting screen made of foil heat-insulating material, fixed to the wall.
  • B - an aerodynamic curved visor installed under the window sill from its edge to the wall at an angle.
  • B - two blades of a heat injector, fixed in the upper part inside the decorative screen, creating a tapering nozzle in the space between the radiator and the outer casing (screen).
  • G - elements of the lattice front part of the decorative screen.

Thermal direct radiation is shown in the diagram with red dotted lines (pos. 3) ending with arrows. It is clearly seen that those that were initially directed towards the wall are reflected from the foil screen and redirected towards the room. They also heat the decorative panel, which, in turn, also becomes a source of thermal radiation.

The blue arrows show the direction of the cooled air (pos. 1) entering the radiator from below, which then heats up and rises, again heading into the room (brown arrows, pos. 2), which is facilitated by the aerodynamic visor and heat injector.

Types of decorative screens by material and design

Decorative screens for heating radiators are divided according to two criteria - these are design features and material of manufacture. Before proceeding to their consideration, it is necessary to note two more important factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing these products:

  • In winter, when the radiators are heated to high temperatures, strong convection currents are created. That is, cold streams tend to the batteries along the floor, pushed by warm air, dragging dust with them. Dust particles will inevitably settle not only on the radiators themselves, but also on the surface of the screen or grille. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a product from a material that is easy to wet cleaning.
  • Other than decorative? a protective function is also superimposed on the screens, since it closes the radiator fins, reducing the risk of traumatic situations. This is especially important to take into account when choosing the material for the manufacture of panels, if small children live in the house, and cast-iron radiators with their characteristic angular shapes are installed in the system.

Design features of decorative screens

Decorative masking panels are divided according to the method of attaching them to radiators. To date, there are box-type screens and hinged products.

  • Box screens are made in the form of a lattice enclosed in a frame. This type of product is used when it is necessary to hide the non-aesthetic appearance of the radiator, and sometimes the pipes of the heating circuit. Boxes line up along the entire window sill or cover only the battery.

Quite often, a masking box is turned into a continuation of the window sill or even into a desk or cabinet. However, as mentioned above, such structures significantly reduce the flow of heat into the room.

  • Hinged screens-lattices can be equipped with an upper horizontal panel with a decorative grille installed in it, or they can consist only of a front part.

The former are used to mask batteries installed in a niche or areas not covered by a window sill. Such screen options are hung directly on the radiator sections.

Hinged models of screens are installed on radiators installed in any way, that is, both in a niche or under a window sill, and on appliances protruding from the wall.

  • Wall-mounted flat screens are most often installed on radiators that are not covered by a window sill, but can be used to cover radiators installed in a niche.

If this option is planned to be used to mask batteries recessed into the wall, then it is necessary to leave gaps in the upper and lower parts of the niche for the free circulation of heated air masses.

By the way, many people prefer solid facade screens for the reason that they are the best way to hide the "unflattering" appearance of the batteries. One can argue with this - a neat grille, especially one with a certain “pattern”, even with a sufficiently large rarefaction attracts the eye, and the sections translucent through it become almost invisible. But at the same time, the efficiency of direct thermal radiation is incomparably higher.

Types of screens according to the material of manufacture

Both screens and gratings are made from different materials. To determine the choice of products according to this criterion, it is necessary to consider their characteristic features. It is especially important to take into account the temperature regime in which the heating system operates in winter, as well as the resistance of the material to thermal stress and its environmental friendliness.

  • Metal screens-lattices - this is a perforated sheet of metal without a frame or fixed in a metal frame, and having a protective and decorative enamel coating. Such screens are made using stamping technology. They can simply have geometrically correctly located holes (slots), or perforation even creates one or another simple pattern.

Such grilles do not completely close the radiators, allowing air flows to circulate freely around the room. The screens look quite neat and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the product meets environmental standards, and the manufacturing material is resistant to high temperatures that may occur during operation, warms up well and itself becomes a source of thermal radiation.

Enamel coating is applied on the surface of metal gratings by powder spraying. Therefore, the metal is not exposed to corrosion, and the “fresh” color is retained for a long time without fading.

Metal versions of screens are produced both in hinged version and in the form of boxes.

In addition, this type of screen will well protect the child from serious injury if he accidentally falls near the cast-iron battery.

The screens are easy to install and are durable. According to the design design, the product can be matched to any style of interior. If desired, or when changing the color scheme of the interior, the metal grill can be easily repainted in the desired shade.

Metal screens have a relatively affordable cost, despite their excellent performance.

It should be noted that the panels can be manufactured according to individual orders according to the specific dimensions provided by the customer, as well as taking into account the specific configuration and location of the radiators.

Decorative metal screen prices

decorative metal screen for radiators

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) screens . This version of the panels is made entirely of plastic or in a combined version, in combination with natural or artificial rattan. In such PVC panels, a frame is made in which a rattan mesh is fixed. Plastic can have a coating that imitates various materials - it can be various types of wood, stone, metallic or fabric weaving.

PVC has a lower thermal conductivity than metal, which is why it is combined with natural rattan, which conducts heat well.

Polyvinyl chloride is resistant to fairly high temperatures, it is well cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner or wet cleaning. The material does not emit toxic fumes and will be a good protection against injury for a small child.

The screens have a rather aesthetic appearance and can be matched to any interior design.

The cost of PVC products is more affordable than metal panels, but they are significantly inferior to the latter in terms of service life.

  • Wooden screens for radiators . Wood has always been an ideal material for residential interiors, as it can bring an atmosphere of comfort and coziness to them. Processed and polished wood, covered with a tinted composition, will be a harmonious addition to interiors made in different styles, since the grille can have any relief patterns.

Wooden screens after tinting are covered with several layers of water-based varnish or painted with special heat-resistant paints. The coating not only gives the products a noble appearance, but also protects the wood from a combination of moisture and elevated temperatures, that is, it keeps it from deformation.

If wooden screens are to be installed on convection radiators, the top of the radiator must remain open. To do this, the panel installed horizontally from above must be latticed, just like the front one, since small slotted holes for a full-fledged process may not be enough to fully transfer heat from the radiator.

Wood is quite often combined with a mesh woven from thin rattan (rattan stems). This option transfers heat from the radiators to the room much more efficiently than just a wooden grate. In such models, a rigid frame is made of wood, on which rattan weaving is stretched. This combination of materials gives the product a particularly aesthetic appearance. Rattan and wood, as well as the compositions used for their decorative processing, are environmentally friendly materials that do not emit toxic fumes.

Sometimes for the manufacture of frames instead of wood, MDF is used, which is almost impossible at first glance to distinguish from natural material. However, you need to know that in the production of MDF, adhesives are used that may contain formaldehyde. When heated, fumes of this substance, which is toxic, will enter the premises. Therefore, this option is not recommended to be purchased for installation in residential premises, and even more so in bedrooms or children's rooms.

Wooden and rattan-combined screens are recommended to be periodically cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

The disadvantage (conditional) of wooden products can be considered their high cost, especially in cases where they are made to an exclusive order. In many ways, the price of such gratings will depend on the type of wood used and on the complexity of the planned project.

  • Glass decorative screens . Many are afraid to install products from this material as panels decorating radiators. But such fears are in vain, since the screens are made of special high-strength tempered glass, having a thickness of 6÷8 mm. And breaking it even intentionally is quite simple.

Glass screens for radiators are made in the form of flat panels with drilled holes for fastenings. They are fixed only on the wall or on the wall and on the floor with the help of racks, which in themselves are also an element of the screen decor.

Glass screens completely cover the front part of the batteries, but the top and bottom of the heater remain open, which allows free circulation of convection air flows. Therefore, this type of panel will be an ideal option for radiators operating on the principle of convection heating. But if they are used to cover conventional radiators, such panels will very significantly restrain direct thermal radiation.

Glass products have many advantages, which include the following points:

- affordable cost - they have a lower price than wooden options for screens and gratings;

- it is quite possible to install the panel yourself, since all the necessary fasteners for installation are included in the kit;

- decorativeness and variety of product design - they can be matte, plain in various colors, with thematic and floral drawings and photo collages;

- the ability to make an individual order for applying a specific pattern or photograph on a special film by thermal printing, which is then fixed on the panel;

- safety in operation and maintenance of products;

— ecological cleanliness of materials;

- heat resistance.

But all for security reasons, it is hardly worth installing such glass screens in the nursery, where the children can arrange very active active games. Glass is unlikely to break, but the end sides of such a screen still hide an increased risk of serious injury.

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So, when choosing screens, a lot depends on the type of radiators, the style solution of the interior, as well as the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

However, whichever option is chosen, decorative screens will perfectly mask the unsightly appearance of cast-iron batteries of old models, close them from dust and dirt, as well as grease deposits if the battery is installed in the kitchen. In addition, the panels will reduce the risk of injury to toddlers who can accidentally hit or get burned when the batteries are very hot.

The above information will be a good help when purchasing decorative screens or grilles, as it highlights all the main aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing a product from a particular material.

Video: options for screens for heating batteries from Premier Profile

APPENDIX: Calculation of radiators for a room, taking into account the features of their connection and location

It must be assumed that since a site visitor reads this article, it will be interesting for him to calculate the required power of a heating radiator (the number of sections is for collapsible models). Moreover, the final value also depends on the presence and type of decorative screen.

You may be interested in information on how

The required power of a heat exchange device installed in a room depends not only on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also on a number of other criteria. All this is taken into account in the calculator offered to the reader's attention.

Below are some explanations for the calculation.

Before you start masking, you need to know a few important nuances:

  • The first step is to understand that with any method, heat loss will occur.
  • Convection air flows should not be protected by anything, only in this way it will be possible to maintain uniform heating of the room, and the windows will not fog up.
  • For various emergency situations, it is worth considering in advance free access to threaded connections and a radiator - this can be a window or a removable structure, for example, a door with hinges.
  • For repairs, a faucet, a thermal head and other elements of the heating system should remain in good accessibility.

The best ways to beautifully hide radiators

There are several ways to hide batteries, in this section we will consider the most popular and effective ones.

It is by far the most practical and popular method, most often such a design is created from metal and has its advantages:

  • simple installation;
  • heat exchange remains the same;
  • can be made with rounded corners, which reduces the risk of injury.

Glass screens

A screen made of glass will be an interesting and stylish solution, especially for those who choose minimalism or a modern style in interior design. Photo printing or various patterns can be applied to the glass, but this method is not a budget option. Mounting is done on a screw holder, but holes will have to be drilled in the wall. However, the heating radiator will be stylishly protected. This option will fit into any interior.

Box screens

Box screens are a great option for decorating radiators.

  • Help to completely hide the battery.
  • The box can become an interior item.
  • Erans are easy to install and easy to care for.
  • Protect against burns or other injury.

The photo shows an original green wooden box in the interior of a nursery.

Do not forget about the most popular way to hide batteries - just hang them with opaque or translucent curtains. Using this method, over time, you yourself will even forget that there are pipes and a radiator behind the curtains. The main thing is to choose curtains that will look harmonious and not show with all their appearance that there is something behind them.

Wall color painting

How to hide a heating battery on the wall if other designs are "forbidden". The only way is to paint it the same color as the wall.

Wooden frame

The tree will create coziness and warmth in the apartment, and the disguise of the battery will be elegant and beautiful. This option is for those who equip their home in an eco-style using natural materials. Such ways to hide batteries can be used as a stand for home decor.

In the photo, ordinary wooden blocks stylishly hide the battery in the kitchen.

Built in furniture

Another common way to close the heating battery is custom-made furniture or built-in furniture (shelves, cabinets, folding tables, seating).

Hide the radiator with furniture

Arrange furniture, such as a chair or desk, so that it covers the radiator. A cast iron battery is not attractive to many, but furniture can hide it.

Replace with designer model

For those who do not want to invent anything, unique design ways have been developed to hide batteries, which already initially have a beautiful appearance and simply do not want to be hidden.

original ideas

There are many creative ideas that can turn batteries into a decorative element:

  • Forged products

  • Painting and decoupage of batteries

In the photo, with the help of a beautiful painting, the battery merged with the wall.

Hide with drywall

Separately, I would like to talk about how you can hide the batteries using drywall. It is immediately worth noting that the material has its drawbacks, however, the drywall construction is still very popular in repairs.

  • The material is environmentally friendly, while it is not subject to combustion.
  • There are several varieties of this material on the market.
  • This masking option is budgetary, and installation can be done in different ways, as it is convenient for you.
  • Also, it is drywall that will allow the landlord to come up with any design that will help not only close the pipes and the battery, but also make additional decorative elements.

The downside is that drywall is afraid of external influences, with inaccurate actions, it is easy enough to break through or pierce it. And if a breakdown or leakage occurs, then the entire finish will have to be changed again, but this material is cheap.

Do-it-yourself installation of a drywall box

In order to close the battery, you need to measure it, and then buy metal profiles and other additional products.

  • What materials are needed: plasterboard sheet 12 mm, metal profiles 27x28 and 60x27, self-tapping screws for drywall and metal, dowel-nails 6x40 in size, construction sickle, perforated corners.
  • Tools: screwdriver, puncher, metal scissors, clerical knife, construction stapler, pencil, tape measure, building level.

Attention, for the construction of a drywall box, there is an important requirement: the window sill must extend beyond the radiator by at least 3 centimeters.

Work order:

Masking of heating pipes

It doesn’t matter if it’s an apartment or a house, a bedroom or a kitchen, I would like to have a good repair everywhere. Questions immediately arise: how to hide heating pipes beautifully and how can this be done with minimal cost and maximum efficiency? At the same time, the method of disguise should be really invisible and inconspicuous, fitting into the room.

The pipe can be hidden inside the wall, and it can also be closed to the floor. Remember that the old heating system should not be hidden in this way, this option is possible after a complete renovation of all elements.

Box on frame

It is best to make it from wood, plastic or drywall. Do not place the heating pipes close, there must be at least three centimeters between the duct and the pipe.

hide behind decor

Decoration of pipes with various options, for example, wrap with jute rope. But remember that this reduces heat transfer. Many homeowners decorate their chimneys with flowers, this can be done with bamboo leaves. Only fantasy should work here, even an old pipe can look completely different.

Wall color painting

The easiest and most practical method is to paint the radiators or the riser in the color of the walls, while the heat generation will not decrease.

In the photo in the interior of the kitchen, the pipes are painted in the color of the blue walls.

Hide under floor skirting

A good invention was the floor plinth, in which you can easily hide batteries located horizontally and low to the floor.

Photo in the interior of the rooms


The kitchen is the perfect room where all the ways to hide batteries become practical and convenient. If the room is small, then you can hide the battery using a beautiful tabletop or make a folding table, which, if possible, will unfold.

Metal-plastic structures factories offer a large selection of beautiful large-sized window sills that imitate stone, wood and other materials. A modern window sill does not break under weight, is not afraid of external factors, it is easy to care for it, wipe it, it is not afraid of scratches and so on. Any kind of battery can be hidden in this way, including cast iron.

In the photo, wooden boxes are used to mask the radiators.

Living room

If the radiator is in a niche, then a wide window sill will help create a working area.

Souvenirs, vases or flowers in pots can be placed on the designed wooden box. You can also close unsightly batteries in the living room with blackout curtains.

Pictured is a modern living room. In order to hide the radiators, a wooden structure was mounted, which also serves as a place for rest, storage and decoration.

Bedroom and nursery

In the interior of the bedroom and nursery, batteries can be used as another place to relax, a tabletop for decorative elements or a workplace.

We hide heating batteries with the help of wooden, glass or plastic screens.

On the picture


For radiators in the hallways, glass screens or wooden boxes are suitable. In a small room, you need to close the battery only from the point of view of practicality. It can be a shoe storage cabinet, or the battery will become a small coffee table where keys and other necessary items will be stored.

Examples in different interior styles

Modern style

For a modern or hi-tech style and minimalism, any material made of wood, glass (glass panels) or metal will do.

Classic style


In the loft style, old batteries and pipes are most often not closed, they are left for display or changed to interesting design options.

Photo gallery

Below are photo examples of masking batteries in rooms for various functional purposes.

When an unsightly radiator spoils the interior, there are several ways to solve the problem: replace it with a designer or underfloor model, or simply close it with a screen / box. The latter method has several advantages:

  • A screen or box not only hides a bulky structure, but often decorates a room.
  • The screen / box can be used to build an additional console, a shelf for decoration, a bench, a rack, a desktop.
  • A closed battery is safer for children - there is no risk of burns and accidental shock. However, one can argue with this argument, because it is in the children's room that heat loss is least needed.

In the children's room, the radiator should be closed with a nice grill with a lot of holes, for example, carved as in this photo

  • If the house is too hot and dry, then closing the battery will help create a comfortable microclimate for households, their pets and plants.
  • The screen prevents dust from settling in the inside of the radiator and thus simplifies cleaning.

There are also disadvantages:

  • The heat transfer of a closed battery decreases on average by 10-15% or more (depending on the degree of closeness);
  • Screens and boxes often make it difficult to maintain radiators, and sometimes completely block access to them.
  • Often, improperly closed batteries lead to fogging of windows, and then to the appearance of harmful mold on slopes and walls.
  • A screen or a box, at least a little, but “eats up” the space around the radiator. After all, any elements should be installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the battery.
  • Battery fencing requires additional expense and hassle.

How to close radiators - 11 ways from a drywall box to a fabric screen

1. Decorative screen/HDF box

This option is one of the most popular because of the average price and beautiful appearance.

What is the difference between a box and a screen? The screen is designed for a battery located in a niche or under the window sill (pictured above), therefore, it covers only its front part. The box completely closes the radiator on the wall from all sides.

The screen, like the box panel, is made of perforated HDF (3 mm high density fibreboard), while the box profiles are made of MDF. Both materials are quite strong, durable and non-toxic when heated.


  • Due to the original perforation, HDF screens/boxes look beautiful and fit into any interiors, especially into classic .
  • Heat resistance (the design does not dry out like natural wood, and does not turn yellow like plastic).
  • Easy to assemble and install without the help of specialists.
  • Finished HDF screens/boxes can be white or imitate wood (wenge, beech, oak), and custom-made ones can be painted in any color, laminated, veneered with natural wood. True, the complexity of the design always affects the price of the screen.


  • MDF and HDF do not tolerate prolonged contact with water. If the battery leaks or the pipe breaks, then the elements of the box / screen may swell. Therefore, any emergencies must be dealt with immediately.
  • Perforated panels, despite their thinness, are quite durable due to the high density of fiberboard. However, they must be protected from shock and sharp objects.
  • Perforation sections in factory screens are not painted, and therefore are visible.

Price: from 1500 rubles for a finished model and from 2300 rubles for an individual order.

Selection Tips:

  • The size of the radiator niche must match the size of the inner side of the screen.
  • Screens and boxes for the battery can be either ready-made (assembled as a designer), or made to individual sizes and designs (you can choose a perforation pattern).

Here is a small selection of photos of closed batteries.

Closed battery in the interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev

2. Drywall box

How to close the battery with drywall? With this material, you can sheathe the radiator with a box or create a niche for it in a false wall.


  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Can be used in wet areas;
  • material is available;
  • With a false wall, you can close the pipes, expand the window sill;
  • You can close the battery with a drywall box with your own hands without special skills in a few hours of work;
  • You can think over the configuration of the box and the false wall yourself, if you wish, equip it with shelves and niches, additionally close the pipes connected to the battery. Next, you can see a photo of a closed battery in a plasterboard false wall with an enlarged bench window sill and a built-in niche for books.


  • The main disadvantage of a drywall box is that this material is afraid of shocks and leaks. If something goes wrong, you will have to completely change the casing of the battery along with the finish.
  • A false plasterboard wall for the battery and pipes "eats up" the space, as it is moved forward 30-35 mm from the extreme point of the radiator.

  • As a rule, a GC box should be made at the repair stage, because its finish must match the wall finish.

In the following photos you can see the finished kitchen interior with a closed battery and a drywall box in the process of repair.

Design and manufacturing tips:

  • Before closing the radiator with a drywall box, be sure to put it in order: blow it, rinse it (this is done at the end of the heating season) and paint it. In the future, it will be difficult or even impossible to do this without dismantling the box.
  • The box can be installed on the floor or "hang" on the wall.
  • When designing the box, please note that the visor of the window sill must protrude above the front of the box by at least 30 mm. If necessary, the old window sill should be replaced with a wider one.

A visual instruction on how to close the battery and pipes with a false plasterboard wall is presented in the video below.

And here is a video tutorial on how to close the radiator with a box.

3. Furniture

In the kitchen, the battery, together with the window sill, can be built into a suite or bar counter, and in the living room, bedroom and hallway - into a bench, console or shelving.

This slider contains a selection of photos of closed radiators under the bench.

  • The main condition: enough holes must be provided in the window sill / lid above the battery for air circulation, and the facade (if any) covering the battery should be equipped with a grill (see photo below). Otherwise, there is a risk of fogging windows and cold indoors.

Sometimes, to hide the heating battery, it is enough to rearrange the furniture and close the device, say, with a sofa, armchair or console. In order not to disrupt air circulation, it is better to place a piece of furniture away from the battery (at least 10 cm), it is also desirable that it stand on legs - so convective flows will not be blocked.

4. Fabric curtain

This method of disguise is good for rented housing or when you need to solve the problem of ugly batteries at minimal cost. The advantages of the curtain are obvious: a piece of fabric is inexpensive, and the choice of colors is very large (you can change the “screens” according to your mood), while the battery is always available for repair and inspection.

5. Natural wood screen


  • Beautiful and expensive appearance even in the simplest design;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Good heat dissipation and heat storage capacity.


  • The tree is capricious - a poorly prepared tree can swell from a leak or warp from heat;
  • The wooden screen requires special care;
  • High price.

Prices: from 3000 rubles for the simplest models and from 10 thousand rubles for premium wooden screens.

Here are some photos of beautifully closed batteries.

6. Glass screen

A glass screen is an excellent decorating solution, but from a thermotechnical point of view it is very controversial.


  • Design for every taste - the glass panel can be transparent and colored, matte and shiny, with and without sandblasting, with facet or polished edges;
  • Glass can look neutral or very bright;
  • Glass visually looks light and adds airiness to the interior;
  • Ease of care;
  • Strength;
  • Durability;
  • Heat resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Absolute environmental friendliness.


  • More suitable for modern rather than classic interiors;
  • "Eats" up to 40-50% of heat (infrared radiation);
  • High price;
  • Fingerprints may remain on the glass;
  • The panel does not cover the ends of the battery;
  • Screen installation most often requires the help of a specialist.
  • The screen for the battery must be made of tempered glass only. Only in this way will it be absolutely safe and shockproof.
  • The glass screen is good for use in rooms with excess heat.

7. Metal box


  • Virtually do not interfere with heat transfer;
  • Low price;
  • Easy care;
  • Absolute moisture and heat resistance.


  • "Office" appearance, which will not fit into every interior.

Selection Tips:

  • A metal screen for a battery can look very nice if you have it made by a company that specializes in laser metal cutting or forging.

8. Rattan box or screen

Most often, rattan cloth means a mesh made of artificial rattan, woven from cellulose-based fibers with reinforcement with nylon thread. Artificial rattan is very similar to natural, but unlike it is more practical and can be dyed in any color. Natural rattan screens have natural beauty and durability, but they cost twice as much, and it is much more difficult to find them on sale.

Benefits of a rattan screen:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Beautiful view;
  • Strength;
  • Elasticity;
  • Good heat dissipation.


  • Weaving of artificial rattan is quite dense, which can affect heat transfer;
  • The screen must be protected from water.

Prices: from 1700 rubles (artificial rattan screen).

Rattan fabric (both artificial and natural) can be used to make a do-it-yourself battery screen. To do this, you need to assemble a box with a frame on the corners, attach a mesh to the inside of the frame, then install the box on the radiator using brackets.

9. Hinged metal screen

The metal structure consists of a cover and a screen and is hung on top of the battery without fixing.


  • Easy installation;
  • Simple dismantling, which facilitates the maintenance of the radiator;
  • Profitable price;
  • Durability;
  • Does not reduce battery efficiency.


  • The ends of the battery remain visible;
  • Almost always hanging screens are lattices without any decorative effect.
  • There must be high-quality enamel, not scratched;
  • Should be strong and easy to remove;
  • The shield metal must not corrode.

10. Curtains to the floor

Masking the radiator with curtains is a great idea, approved by both heating engineers and decorators. The only problem is that it will not work to hide the battery under the window behind the curtain without shading the room. Is it possible to hang a very light tulle as in this photo.

  • The ability to independently change the size of the panel;
  • Suitable for kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, that is, rooms with high humidity;
  • Affordable price.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Looks simple, no frills;
    • Over time, the plastic may turn yellow;
    • When heated, low-quality plastic can release toxic substances, such as formaldehyde.

    Prices: from 300 rubles.

    Selection Tips:

    • Plastic screens for the battery are available in basic colors: white, gray, brown, beige. If desired, the screen can be painted in the desired color with alkyd spray paint on plastic;
    • When choosing a plastic screen for a battery, make sure it is heat-resistant and non-toxic.

    How to close batteries correctly - technical rules and tips

    Before closing the heating battery, it is necessary to take into account several technical nuances:

    • Keep in mind that the heat transfer of a closed radiator is reduced in any case, whichever method of masking you choose. The main thing is that the change should not be significant. Ideally, the decrease in air temperature in the room should be about 1-1.5 degrees.
    • Before closing the battery, put it in order: blow, rinse (this is done at the end of the heating season) and paint.
    • Keep in mind that the denser the weave of the grille, the better it masks the radiator, but the worse it conducts heat. Therefore, when choosing a screen for a battery, try to look for a middle ground or rely on heat saving.
    • To minimize heat loss, the screen can be placed on legs, and a groove can be cut in the center.

    • When closing the radiator, it is very important not to block convective air currents, otherwise it will blow in the room, and the windows will start to fog up, which will eventually lead to mold on the walls. Ideally, the visor of the window sill should protrude above the battery by no more than 30 mm, the top and bottom of the battery should be as open as possible.
    • There should be a distance of at least 35-50 mm between the battery and the screen. There should be a gap of about 60-70 mm from the radiator to the floor and to the window sill.
    • To solve emergency situations, it is necessary to provide free access to the radiator. For example, the grate of the box can be removable, folding (see photo), opening on hinges or retractable on profiles.

    At a minimum, for trouble-free service, the following should remain in good accessibility: pipe connections, valves, thermal head and threaded connections.

    • You can increase heat transfer by 20-25% by placing a heat-reflecting screen on the wall behind the radiator, for example, fumisol. Often this is quite enough to fully compensate for the heat loss of a closed battery.


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