Speech development classes on the topic “Spring. Signs of spring." in the middle group

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I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities of children 4-5 years old (secondary group students) on the topic “What do we know about spring?!” This work will be useful for teachers of the middle group. We present to your attention a synopsis of the joint educational activities, where the formation of a conscious cognitive interest in nature takes place through semantic perception and understanding of the masterpieces of world classics (verbal, musical, visual arts).

For children of the middle group on the topic “What do we know about spring?!”
Integration of educational areas “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.
Goal: the formation of a conscious cognitive interest in nature through semantic perception and understanding of the masterpieces of world classics (verbal, musical, visual arts)


Teach children to select required characteristics musical and visual images;
-to form the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual)
- learn to memorize and expressively recite a poem, performing movements corresponding to the text;
-develop readiness for joint activities with peers;

Stimulate the development of emotional responsiveness and empathy;
- generalize knowledge about spring, about the signs of the onset of spring in nature.
- develop improvisational abilities;

- develop auditory attention, memory, thinking, understanding of the semantic side of the text (perception), imagination;
- develop coherent speech when analyzing musical impressions;
-develop imagination and creative activity.
- to cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards musical, improvisational and productive artistic activities;
- to develop the sound culture of speech, the ability to use sufficient voice volume, the required rate of speech and various intonation means of expressiveness;
-develop the ability to follow the rules of the game, friendliness, and the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a group;
- cultivate a positive attitude towards learning about the characteristics of the surrounding nature.
Methodical techniques:
- Creation positive motivation to activity;
- reliance on familiar material;
- maintaining continuity with previous and subsequent material;
- use of ICT;
- artistic word;
- stimulation of cognitive speech activity;
- reflection (“look back” and elementary analysis of one’s achievements)
Forms of organization:
- sedentary game with speech accompaniment;
- conversation, reading poems
looking at paintings;
- listening to highly artistic classical music;
- musical and creative improvisational activities
- joint-individual team work;
- artistic and aesthetic activities in the family.
PPRS: phonograms “Spring” by G. V. Sviridov, “Voices of Birds. Rooks", "April. Snowdrop" P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Song of the Lark” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, multimedia presentation, ribbons, flowers, twigs for improvisation hidden in a “spring meadow” (decorated trampoline) under a “snow blanket” (white fabric), laptop, multimedia projector, screen, visual materials: gouache, brushes, plasticine, modeling boards, unfinished panel of spring landscape.

Preliminary work: observations in nature; reading works fiction with a description of the spring landscape; learning poems about spring; viewing reproductions of paintings and illustrations about spring; modeling and applique of spring flowers.

GCD move
Stage 1. Motivational.
- Children, not so long ago we talked about Cosmonautics Day. Remember? What we were talking about?

We talked about astronauts, stars, rockets... Once upon a time an unusual baby was born on the Moon. What's this guy's name fairy tale hero? That's right, Luntik! We watched a cartoon about him! And it so happened that he came to Earth and today he is our guest! Look at the screen, there it is!

Say hello to him! Guys, Luntik told me that he heard it was spring on Earth and he felt sad because he doesn’t know what spring is and what it is like... Do you know what happens to nature in spring on Earth? Would you like to help Luntik talk about spring?
Stage 2. Approximate.
-Let's sit in a circle and think about how we can tell Luntik about spring? What should be done? Suggest, and I will write down all your suggestions.
- Take him for a walk, look at pictures about spring, listen to spring music, dance a spring dance, draw spring, read poems about spring!.....
Educator: - Well done! So many offers! I wrote it all down so I don't forget!
- First of all, let's play with him and have fun! One, two, three, make a circle!
The round dance game “Spring Sun” is held.
Sun, sun, come out. (Children, holding hands, move away from the center of the circle)
And illuminate the whole earth! (Walk in a circle)
So that spring comes soon, (Stop and give up)
To make us warmer, (Cross their arms over their chests and rub their shoulders)
So that the drops sing loudly, (Imitate the movement of the drops)
So that the streams ring in the spring, (Move their hands in waves)
So that the flowers bloom, (Raise your arms above your head, lower them across your sides to shoulder level, palms up)
The birds were returning from the south. (Waving hands)
Sun, sun, warm the earth! (Clap for every word)
May spring come soon!

Stage 3. Performing

A) Block “Painting”.
The phonogram “Voices of birds. Rooks."
Do you hear, guys? Who is it that greets us?
- These are rooks.
- Right. Yes, here they are in the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived.”
The teacher draws the children's attention to the screen.

The picture “The Rooks Have Arrived” by A.K. appears on the screen. Savrasova


- The rooks have arrived, the snow is melting.
- Yes, children, the artist depicted how a flock of rooks landed on the birch trees, they make noise and rejoice, having returned to their nests.
- Notice how the snow turned out?
- It darkened, became gray, dirty, melted in places, and a large puddle spilled over.
The phonogram “Spring” by G.V. Sviridov is playing.
- Oh, listen, what gentle spring music. Probably something wonderful, spring-like, will happen now. What do you think happens after the snow melts?
- Flowers are blooming.
- Which flowers bloom first?
- Snowdrops.
- Why are these flowers called that?
- Because they are the first to emerge from under the snow.

The picture “Snowdrops” by A.M. appears on the screen. Gritsaya.

- And this picture is called “Snowdrops”.
- It’s true! Among the thin aspen trees, tender, fragile, blue snowdrops appeared from under last year's grass. And in the dark, bare forest there was immediately a whiff of spring.
-Guys, what happens to the trees in the spring?
-The buds swell and leaves appear.
- What color did the artist depict the sky?
- Yes, it is soft blue.

- Guys, in the spring nature comes to life, the sun warms up, the snow melts, birds fly in, they chirp and sing, rejoicing in the spring warmth, the grass begins to emerge, the first flowers appear.
- You and I saw all this in the pictures. Let's remember what are the names of the paintings that we showed to our friend Luntik?
Children list the paintings ("The Rooks Have Arrived", "Snowdrops").

B) Block “Music”
Musical director:
- Guys, I really liked this picture of snowdrops! Now let us listen to the music, which is called “Snowdrop”. Sit down on the carpet.

An excerpt from the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "April. Snowdrop". The music director comments on the music with poems by S. Marshak:
Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.

Musical director:
-Did you like this music? What is she like?
- Delicate, dancing, spinning.
Musical director:
-What mood does this melody convey?
- Joyful!
Musical director:
- The composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote it for us. When we hear this melody, we feel a joyful, bright, spring mood. How many of you would like to dance to show how spring is coming?
- Look what’s in our spring meadow? (Ribbons, flowers, twigs are laid out). Choose what you like and dance the spring dance for our guest!
Children choose attributes for the dance (twigs, ribbons, flowers) and perform the dance improvisation “The Coming of Spring.”
Musical director:
- I think that Luntik enjoyed watching your dance! What other music about spring do you know?

- “Song of the Lark”!

Musical director:
- Let's listen to it together with our guest.
A short excerpt of “The Lark's Song” by P. I. Tchaikovsky is played with commentary from the music director, stimulating the children's imagination.
Musical director:
- Guys, who wants to show the dance of cheerful spring birds? Let's show our friend how the birds are having fun, enjoying spring.
Children perform the dance improvisation “Spring Birds”.
Musical director:
-Well done! Your birds were cheerful, they rejoiced in the spring warmth and sunshine! So we introduced our friend to spring music.

Draws children's attention to the screen.

Look, it seems to me that Luntik is smiling at us! He now knows that spring can be gentle and beautiful! That is why spring music conveys a gentle, bright, joyful mood!

c) Block “Poetry”
-Spring brings the joy of life and creativity to all people. Composers compose what?
Do artists write?
- Paintings.
- And poets compose.
- Poetry.
Let's remember poems about spring.
Children read I. Tokmakova’s poem “Spring”:
Spring is coming towards us with quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible in the fields.
You can see very warm feet in spring.
Children read A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Spring”:
The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window.
The nightingales will soon whistle
And the forest will be clothed with leaves.
Children read A. Pleshcheev’s poem “The grass is turning green..”
The grass is turning green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter...
Chirp out of the way
Greetings to us soon!
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song,
What from distant countries
I brought with me...
- Well done! You told Luntik about spring very beautifully and colorfully!

D) Block “Productive activity”
- How can we make sure that Luntik doesn’t forget our story about spring?
- Give him a keepsake!
- Right! Let's make a gift for our guest so that he can tell his friends about spring.
- Do you remember that we started painting a spring picture? Here she is. (Brings the children to the table on which lies an unfinished panel.)
- Let's imagine that we are great artists of spring. What did you and I want to depict in our clearing to make it warm and cheerful like spring?
- Sun, clouds, grass, leaves, flowers.
- We have already prepared everything you need, choose who will do what and take your seats.
(Music sounds, children do work).

Lesson topic: Spring trills

Program content: To form ideas about birds and chicks in preschoolers. Introduce characteristic features appearance, behavior, lifestyle of birds. Encourage children to recognize and name birds and their chicks by descriptions and riddles. Develop visual and auditory attention and memory. Foster a caring and caring attitude towards birds.

Material: model for weather recording. Cards with signs of spring for the didactic game “Draw Spring”; painting “Birds in Spring” Cards with images of animals: fox, wolf, bear and hare. Cards with images of birds: magpie, crow, sparrow; audio recording of birds singing: crow, sparrow, pigeon, starling. Models or cards of birds and chicks for the didactic game “What is the name of the chick”: crow - crow, sparrow - sparrow, starling - starling, titmouse - titmouse.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher suggests going to the window and looking at the weather outside.

Children, using a felt-tip pen and a model card, draw the weather of the current day: note the state of the sun, clouds, wind and precipitation.

Whoever completes the task first acts as a television announcer for the weather report.

Today the weather is cloudy. It's raining. There is a strong wind outside. The sun is not shining. There are many clouds in the sky. Etc.

Then the teacher offers to listen to the poem:

Thunder struck twelve times

Isomer aside.

Nature gave the order

Salute to spring.

The order is for the bird cherry to bloom,

Nettles should not be evil,

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious,

All the birds should sing louder,

And the sun - to come out from behind the clouds

And it's more fun to heat!

Z. Aleksandrova “Salute to Spring!”

What time of year did we learn about from this poem? (about spring)

Let us draw the kind of spring that the poet described to us.

Held didactic game “Draw Spring”.

Children take turns choosing signs of spring on the table that correspond to the poetic text.

Spring is when the sun shines brightly.

Spring is when the flowers bloom and the grass turns green.

Spring is when the birds chirp.

Spring is when warm rain pours and streams flow.

Let's look out the window. Why don't we see birds in the yard? (the children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that the birds have returned to their nests in the forest.)

Look at this picture, what is painted on it? (the bird is sitting on a branch. There is a nest nearby. There are eggs in the nest, and one chick has hatched)

What is a nest? (this is a bird house)

Who made it? (birds)

What did the birds make their nest from? (from twigs)

Why do birds need a nest? (they live there, hatch chicks)

In order for the chicks to feel comfortable and soft in the nest, what do you think should be at the bottom of the nest? (children’s answers are discussed and brought to the conclusion that there should be fluff and feathers at the bottom of the nest)

Where do birds make their nests? (on tree branches)

Where are the most trees: in the forest or in the city? (there are more trees in the forest)

When winter came, the birds moved closer to human habitation. But they didn’t have time to make a nest for themselves. Who do you think can help the birds make nests? (adults and children)

What do we call these nests? (feeders)

Why do we call them that? (because we put bird food in these feeders)

Let's look at birds and other animals.

Held didactic game “Compare and tell how they differ?”

There are animals on the teacher’s table: a fox, a wolf, a bear and a hare. And birds: crow, sparrow, magpie. Children must find the differences and name them.

How are birds and animals similar? (birds and animals have a body, eyes and a tail)

What do birds have that animals don't? (birds have wings and

animals do not. Birds have beaks, and animals have mouths. Birds have two legs, and animals have four. Birds' bodies are covered with feathers, and animals' bodies are covered with fur)

Draw the distinctive features of birds on our cards: birds are...

Birds came to visit us today.

Children must guess the song of a bird: sparrow, crow, dove, starling and name them.

The birds will come to us now if you guess the riddles. The didactic game “Guess the riddle about the bird!” Children guess the riddle and find the corresponding bird on the table.

Little gray bird

Small bird

Wants to take a step -

It turns out to be a jump. (Sparrow)

White cheeks and yellow breast.

There is a black tie on the chest... (Tit)

It is black, but the beak is yellow.

Walks through the fields, looks at the grain... (Starling)

Sitting on a tree

Looks in all directions.

Who is running where -

Car-r-r - screams. (Crow)

How can you describe our guests in one word? Who is our guest? (birds)

What do they have in common? How are they similar? (they have wings, a beak, two legs, feathers)

The teacher displays a pair of birds in turn: a sparrow and a crow, a tit and a starling.

What is the difference? (the crow is big and the sparrow is small)

How are they similar? (they have two legs, two wings, a beak; feathers, a tail)

What is the difference? (the tit has a yellow breast, and the starling has a yellow beak. The starling is all black, and the tit has a black tie on its chest)

How are they similar? (they have two legs, two wings, a beak, feathers, a tail)

The teacher offers to listen to another audio recording, where you can hear loud singing and weak, quiet singing.

Who do you think sings loudly and who squeaks so quietly and weakly? (the children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that the mother bird sings loudly. And her chicks sing weakly.)

At the end of the lesson, the teacher conducts didactic game“What is the chick’s name?”

The teacher shows a figurine of a bird and its chick. The child must name the adult bird and its chick.

This is a sparrow, and the sparrow has a chick - a little sparrow.

This is a crow, and the crow's chick is a crow.

This is a starling, and a starling's chick is a starling.

This is a tit, and the tit's chick is a tit.


To identify the level of knowledge in children about spring changes in living and inanimate nature, to clarify the characteristic signs of spring, to identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, to develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, to activate high-quality vocabulary, to develop imagination, and to cultivate a love of nature.

V.: Guys, you and I are going to visit, and guess who:

If the snow is melting everywhere

Turns into a stream.

The grass timidly comes out

The day is getting longer

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds can't sleep

If the wind gets warmer

So (spring) has come to us.

D.: spring.

V.: That’s right guys, it’s spring. Today we will go on a trip to spring forest"). But before you go on a trip, let's get dressed for a walk around autumn forest. What should we wear for a walk?

D\i “The fourth odd one” (spring clothes).

V.: Well done guys, now we are ready to go on a trip, and for this let’s say magic words: spin around - spin around in the spring forest and find yourself.

V.: (on the easel is a painting depicting early spring). Guys, look carefully at the picture and tell me what kind of spring is depicted here.

D.: early spring.

V.: That's right guys, how did you guess?

D.: the snow darkens, melts, streams run, icicles appear on the roofs, ice drifts on the rivers, thawed patches appear.

Didactic game “When what happens.”

- Winter is gone, but spring has (come)

- In winter the bear sleeps, and in spring - (wakes up)

— Winter is cold, and spring (warm)

— In winter the sun shines, and in spring (it warms)

- Snow falls in winter, and melts in spring

- In winter the hare is white, and in spring (gray)

- In winter the days are short, and in the spring (long)

— In winter, trees sleep, and in spring (they wake up).

Educator: Well done guys, you answered correctly. Let's walk further along the forest path, look who flew into the spring forest. Name migratory birds and show them in pictures.

Children name migratory birds and show them in pictures.

V.: Guys, what do birds do in the spring?

D.: birds hatch chicks.

V.: Guys, how can you and I help the birds?

D.: make birdhouses and hang them in parks and forests.

V.: Guys, we are in a spring meadow. What are the names of the flowers that appear first?

D.: primroses.

V.: That’s right guys, but look if all the flowers in our meadow are spring.

D\i "The Fourth Wheel"

V.: Well done guys, let's move on. (On the easel there is a picture of the life of animals in winter). Tell us how the life of animals changes in the spring.

D.: wild animals change their fur coats to lighter ones, the animals have cubs.

V.: Well done guys, well, our journey through the forest is over and we ended up on the outskirts of the village, tell me what happens in people’s lives with the arrival of spring. (on the typesetting canvas the image of the village was in the spring).

D.: people plow the land, plant crops.

V.: That's right guys. And what tools do people use in the spring?

D.: shovels, rakes, watering cans, brushes for whitewashing tree trunks.

V.: Guys, you know a lot about spring, and it’s time for us to return to the group. Let's say the magic words spin around - spin around and find yourself in our group.

V.: Guys, you liked our trip.

D.: Yes.

V.: What did you like most?

Children's answers.

Target: Clarify children's knowledge of the seasons, the time of year outside the window, and the signs of spring.

Educational: Learn to use non-traditional forms of drawing on the croup with a finger to depict the sun - main sign spring. Expand children's understanding of birds, their life in spring period. Continue to introduce children to how birds make their nests. Involve children in making crafts from natural material. Learn to use plasticine to secure parts.

Educational: Develop the creative imagination of children with the help of the game “Cord-entertainer”; help children imagine a board with a cord in the form of a spring stream. Develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary. Using breathing exercises, develop speech breathing. Learn to understand the figurative meaning of riddles.

Educational: To instill in children the desire to help the stream break through the snow and get to the river. Cultivate a love for native nature and a caring attitude towards feathered friends. Cultivate curiosity.

Material and aids: landscape painting, pictures: icicles, sun, stream, bird nests; a box with pictures of birds, trays with cereals, an educational game “Cord-entertainer” for each child, a basin of water, material for constructing a boat, a metallophone, bird masks-caps, a soundtrack of sounds of nature.

Progress of the lesson

Emotional mood “Smile”.

Educator: Children, what time of year is it now?

Nature came to life around

Woke up from sleep

From the blue sky

Spring has come to us with the sun!

(I put a picture of the sun on the panel.)

Educator: Guys, what does the sun look like? What shape and color is it?

Can we say that it is radiant? Why? If you were drawing a sun, where would you start? After we draw a circle, what should we draw? How many rays will we draw?

Look, I have sunshine, but you don’t have it yet. Let each of you draw a sun for yourself and then ours will be even brighter.

Drawing "Sun" (an unconventional way of finger painting on a tray with cereal).

Educator: What wonderful suns we have!


In spring you really want to take a walk and expose your face to the sun. (movements are performed together with children), stretch your palms towards the sun, warm them, and then lean them against your face and feel their warmth. This is how the sun warms our earth.

Guys, what happens to the snow on the roofs of houses in the spring?

(I’m posting a picture of icicles.)

Listen to what music is playing now ? (Metallophone, drops.) What is this music like?

Children, what happens to the snow in the fields and meadows in the spring?

That's right, streams form from melting snow. (I post a picture of a stream.) I invite the children to sit down, take the boards with a cord and listen to the story about the stream. (Music sounds.)

Working with lacing.

Once upon a time there lived a small stream. He was very curious and decided to go on a journey. At first he began to move along a straight path. There was a bump on his way. Then the stream turned, went around it and again ran along a straight path. (I show.) At the end of its journey, our stream came across a large snow hill, through which it could not break through.

Guys, let's help the stream. (They put the boards aside.)

Physical education lesson “Let’s help the stream”

That's great guys

Let's drive winter away

Raking with a shovel

Sweep with a broom.

Everyone works with us

Where can you sit here?

We're hitting with snowballs

Icicles ringing from the roofs.

They told the sleepy fly:

Wake up, spring!

Stream behind the gate

I couldn't get through on my own

Work is in full swing

Good luck, little stream!

They march, pretending

working with a shovel.

Swing your arms left and right.

They make snowballs and throw them.

Squat with pronunciation

the words "bang"

(icicles fall)

Bend forward, arms out

Back, say "vzh"

Slow running

Walking with a stomping step

with a wave of the arms left and right.

We wave over our heads.

After we helped the stream, on its way it flowed into a large stream where children launched boats.

Guys, would you like to launch a boat yourself?

Construction from natural material “Boat”

Educator: How many boats we got. Let's come up and launch the boat.

Breathing exercise “Boat”

We're sailing

And we don’t know where.

Maybe we'll go out into the ocean,

Shall we see many countries?

Educator: - Guys, what are these sounds? (A musical recording of “bird voices” sounds.)

In spring everything comes to life, wakes up around. But the most important miracle that happens in nature in the spring is that it is in the spring that feathered friends fly to us from warm countries. The rooks are the first to arrive (picture). These are large black birds with a long beak. They walk importantly, pick the ground with their long beaks, and look for worms. They shout “Krack!” Crack! Spring! Spring!"

Children, I have a surprise for you. I have a box, but not a simple one, but a magical one. If you guess the riddle correctly, a bird will appear in the box. Want to check it out? Then listen carefully.

  1. Who sat down on a thick branch

And knocks “knock-knock, knock-knock.” (Woodpecker.)

  1. Palace on a pole

There is a singer in the palace,

What's his name... (Starling.)

  1. They come to us with warmth

Having come a long way

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay . (Martin.)

(After each riddle I solve, I post a picture.)

That's how many birds flew to us. Let's name these birds again. Children, would you like to become birds yourself? To do this, you need to find magic hats, put them on and say magic words. Spread out in your group and look for magic hats.

One two Three

Look for magic hats.

(Children walk around the group, looking for hats with pictures of birds. Having found them, they put them on and stand in a circle.)

I see that everyone is wearing magic hats. Now we just have to say the magic words. Repeat after me.

One two Three

Turn around yourself

And quickly turn into a bird!

Tell me what kind of bird you have turned into? (The name of the bird must match the image on the hat.)

The birds have arrived

Small birds

We rode merrily

The grains were pecked

And they quickly flew away.

Where do you think the birds could have flown? That's right, to your house. What is the name of the bird's house? Do you know that birds have different nests? Where does a woodpecker build its nest? Martin? Where does the starling live? (After each answer I post a picture of a nest.)

So we found out where the birds live. Where are the guys?

One two Three

Turn around yourself

And turn into kids.

(Children take off their hats.)

Children, pay attention to how beautiful, spring-like, cheerful the picture turned out to be. You like? Let's remember what we talked about today in class. . (Result of the lesson.)

Game “Say the Word”

Weather in spring... (which?)

Streams in spring... (what are they doing?)

Sun in spring... (which?)

Snow … (what is he doing?)

Icicles in spring... (what are they doing?)

Birds in spring... (what are they doing?)

Svetlana Tuzhikova
Summary of the integrated lesson in middle group on the theme "Spring"

Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”.

Purpose: Generalization of ideas about spring.

Software tasks:

Educational: Generalization of children’s ideas about characteristic features spring. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic "Spring". Improving the skill of viewing and comparing paintings, forming a holistic idea of ​​what is depicted in the paintings.

Developmental: Develop and activate lexicon children on the topic, develop logical thinking, communication skills.

Educational: Nurturing love and careful attitude to nature. Foster independence and accuracy.

Type of children's activity: playful, educational, communicative, productive.

Preliminary work: targeted walks, daily observations, looking at illustrations about spring, finger gymnastics, learning poems.

Materials: envelope, pictures, Tchaikovsky's music from the album "Seasons", ball, colored Whatman paper, blanks of snowdrop petals.

Progress of the lesson

The group plays music about spring from Tchaikovsky's album "The Seasons".

The children are our guests today, let's say hello to them. Now let's say hello to each other cheerfully.

Game "Smile""

Good afternoon

Good afternoon

Let's hold hands together.

And let's smile at each other

Let's close our eyes for a minute and listen to music.

What's your mood now?

Why, do you think (the music is cheerful, the birds are singing. Spring has come)

Surprise "Magic Letter"

Oh guys, look what this is? (letter). This letter came from spring, she asks you to help her and invites you to complete tasks.

Guessing the riddle

But the first task you need to guess is a riddle:

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small. (snowdrop)

Right. Well done. For each correct answer, spring will give you a snowdrop petal.

Guys, do you think spring has come?

By what criteria did you determine this? (Children name the signs of spring: icicles are dripping, snow has melted, streams are running, buds are swelling, birds are flying, etc.). Well done. You completed this task too.

Didactic game "Fourth wheel"

And here is the next task from spring.

Look at the pictures on the carpet. You must remove those pictures that do not suit spring and explain why.

Well done guys, you have successfully completed this task too.

Now let's take a rest.

Physical education minute

Drip-drip-drip, drip sounds

Drip-drip-drip, drip sounds

April has come to us again.

(clap hands)

A stream ran in the garden (running)

A hundred rooks have arrived (waving their arms)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting (they slowly squat)

And the flowers bloom (stand up, hands “flower”)

Okay, we had a little rest, but we have one more task ahead of us.

"Vexical exercise"

You need to take a picture out of the magic envelope, say what is drawn, what the object is and what it can do. (Children go out, show a picture and name: for example, this is an icicle, it can be wet, slippery, dripping, hanging, falling, breaking, shining; the picture is “Stream”, “Drops”, “Snow” and the last picture is “Breeze”)

Guys, let's blow on our palms like the breeze does. (Children blow on their palm, pronounce the sound sh-sh-sh)

You felt it. How warm and light it is. After all, the spring breeze is still so weak. Guys, how much do you know about spring? Don't you confuse winter with spring? (children's answer is no). Spring invites you to play.

Didactic game "Say the opposite"

Get into a circle. I will throw a ball to you, tell you what happens in winter, and you answer what happens in spring and throw the ball back to me.

In winter the snow is white, and in spring. (black)

In winter the snow is clean, and in spring. (filthy)

In winter the days are cold, and in spring. (warm)

In winter the days are short, and in spring. (long)

In winter the sun is dim, but in spring. (bright)

In winter the sky is gray, and in spring. (blue, light)

The wind is cold in winter, and the wind is cold in spring. (warm)

In winter the sun is low, and in spring. (high)

Well done guys, everything is correct. (pay attention to the sun)

Finger gymnastics "Flower"

A tall flower grew in a clearing(show the flower with your hands)

On a spring morning I opened my petals(spread your fingers)

All petal beauty and drink(moving fingers together apart)

Together they give roots underground.(palms down, backs facing each other, fingers spread)

"Forest clearing"

Guys, you are so great! You have completed the tasks of spring. And now I invite you to come and sit at the tables where miracles await you. Let's turn into young wizards for a moment, and a snowdrop will bloom in our meadow. You have collected snowdrop petals. I’ll tell you now what we will do to make the snowdrop bloom in the magical meadow.

Application. Teamwork.

Bottom line. Exhibition of works.


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