Table entertainment for a small group of adults with fun games, quizzes, jokes and competitions. Competitions and funny games for a birthday party for an adult company

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Comic funny competitions and practical jokes will help you celebrate your birthday with friends and family. To avoid any hiccups during the holiday, you need to choose in advance interesting ideas for games and stock up on props. It is better to alternate table competitions with active competitions. Games for children and adults will make the celebration fun for everyone. Not only the birthday person, but also every guest should receive maximum attention.

    Two men participate in the competition. You can also arrange a tournament. To carry it out, you will need an elastic bandage or a wide elastic band 2 m long. The ends of the elastic band must be tightly sewn or tied to form a circle. At the distance of maximum tension of the elastic band, you need to place any object on the floor (for example, a can of beer).

    The opponents stand with their backs to each other, grab the elastic band and begin to move apart until the tension is felt. After this, at the signal from the leader, tug-of-war begins. Rivals pull each other, trying to reach the prize. The participant who first picks up the prize wins.

    Game "Communication"

    All guests of the holiday play. The main role in the game is played by the birthday boy. He sits on a chair in the center of the room or at the head of the table. It is important that the hero of the occasion can see all the guests. The presenter stands behind him. He begins to show the guests cards with certain facts (for example, “has a car,” “traveled abroad,” “has a dress,” “has three children,” etc.). The person to whom this statement applies must stand up. It may not be one person. The birthday boy needs to determine what connects these people.

    Game "Air Combat"

    All the children who are present at the holiday play. They are divided equally into 2 teams. To play the game you will need Balloons two colors in the same quantity. There should be 2 times more balls than participants.

    Before the game starts, the room is divided in half with chairs. Team members stand on their field. They are asked to choose the color of the balls. After this, all the balls are collected into a blanket. Adults stand at the border of the fields and shake the blanket. The balls rise up.

    The children's task is to throw balloons of their color onto the opponents' field and defend their field. Groovy music plays during the game. When it turns off, the game stops and the winner is determined. The team with fewer opponent balls on its field wins.

    Game "Reflection"

    All the children who are present at the holiday play. They line up in one or more rows and turn to face the leader. The presenter explains to the children the concept of “mirror reflection”. Then he begins to show different movements. The players' task is to repeat them, as in a mirror. For example, if the leader raises up left hand, children must raise the right one; if he takes a step to the left, you need to step to the right; touches the right ear - touches the left and so on. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The child who never makes a mistake wins.

    Several children take part in the competition. To carry it out you will need balloons and paper folding pipes for the holidays. Each participant receives a ball and a pipe.

    Children stand along the starting line. At the leader's command, they place the ball in front of them and, blowing into the pipe, push it to the finish line. Having reached your destination, you need to raise the ball high. The participant who completes the task first wins.

Due to their diversity and entertainment, games are interesting to people of all ages. Despite the fact that in modern times they are more often associated with computer games, many will not refuse to gather around the table with family or friends to have fun with such an intriguing pastime. We present to you the most interesting table games for a group of adults at the table.

This entertainment is ideal before the start of the feast; it will lift your spirits and create a pleasant atmosphere; all applicants can participate.

Rules: guests take a glass and pass it to each other, everyone who picks it up must pour a little alcohol into it. The loser will be the person who spills even a drop; he will have to drink everything poured and make a toast. It is highly recommended not to stir drinks!

Am I someone?

Purpose of the game: each participant has a piece of paper with a character, hero, actor, politician, etc. attached to their forehead.

During the game, each player must guess what is written there by asking one leading question and receiving an unambiguous answer to it.

The one who recognizes his hero is considered the winner; if his option is incorrect, then fines or elimination may be provided in the process.


The game got its name because it is a timed game, in the allotted few seconds a person must unravel as many words as possible. Entertainment leads the solving participant into a state of panic, which is very funny to watch from the outside.

  1. All players write 20–30 words, except adjectives and verbs, and then throw them into the hat.
  2. Participants are divided into pairs, the goal of one of them is to explain each word in a phrase, the other must guess them in the allotted time.
  3. After they change places, the winner is the pair that named the most correct options.

The game, familiar to many since childhood, has not lost its popularity among adults. Its principle is quite simple and easy to remember.

  1. Players are divided into 2 teams, the winner is the one that gets 10 correct options faster.
  2. A captain must be selected from each team to whom the leader will speak. His task will be to explain to the team what he heard using gestures.

Eiffel Tower

The props for building the tower will be domino plates. Each participant builds a floor, the one who destroys the structure leaves the game or is subject to fines.

Alphabet in a plate

The entertainment is suitable for any feast where there are treats on the tables.

Rules: the host guesses a letter for the guests, who must find it at the beginning of the product name. The first person to find the right word takes the place of the leader.

Mysterious item

How to play: in this game, the gift for the winner is determined immediately; it should be wrapped in several layers of foil. A piece of paper with a riddle is glued to each layer; the one who solves it removes one sheet.

If someone fails to complete the task, he passes it on to the next competitor. The most difficult task should be placed on last layer foil, the winner removes it and receives a prize.


The goal of the game is to divide the participants into teams, one of which is not allowed to smile; the task of the opposite teams is, on the contrary, to make their opponents laugh.

The participant who laughs moves to the opposing team; the player who is never embarrassed wins.

"Bearded" joke

The essence of the game: each of those present at the table begins to take turns telling a sentence from an anecdote. If one of the participants can continue it, then a “beard” is attached to the story. The winner of the game will be the one who tells the most unique jokes.

Solving the hit


  1. One of the participants must leave the room, he will solve the phrase conceived by the team.
  2. The presenter, together with those present, comes up with a phrase from a song or poem, the main thing is that it is well-known.
  3. Each guest remembers one word from it.
  4. In the game, the presenter asks the participants one question in order, to which they will have to answer with a sentence using a hidden word.


People sitting at the table take a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter calls a letter for which the participants must quickly draw an object. Artists with matching pictures are eliminated. The winner is the one whose creations turn out to be the most unique.

The presenter takes one personal item from each participant and puts them in a common, opaque bag.

During the game, the guests present come up with a task, and the one whose forfeit will be taken out performs it.


The game is based on the well-known “spin the bottle”, but instead of kissing, the participants complete tasks that are invented before the game starts.

Collect a song

Rules: For this game, each word from the selected song is written on a separate piece of paper. All participants sit down at the table and get acquainted with the sheets of paper; the winner will be the one who quickly solves and sings the hidden song.

Finish a masterpiece

  • Option #1

The guests gathered at the table are invited to complete the drawing conceived by the author. The sketches must be identical; to do this, you can print them on a printer; the winner is the one whose creation is as close as possible to the pre-drawn original.

  • Option No. 2

The host gives the guests different parts of one drawing, which they must complete. The players who correctly draw the object win.

How to play: Many identical objects, usually matches or other sticks, are selected as props for the game.

A pile is thrown onto the table for the guests, from which one item at a time must be pulled out.

The person who touches the neighboring sticks loses and leaves the game; I pull out my own.

Mimic dance

Target: to cheerful music, the host names a part of the face, and the guests begin to dance to it. It turns out to be a lot of fun; the most original and funniest dancers are nominated as winners.

Mafia 2

How to play: take a deck of cards and deal one to each guest. The team member who got the ace of spades will have to be the mafia, and the one who got the ace of hearts will play the sheriff.

All others will be civilians. The mafia's task is to kill people with an unnoticeable wink. Eliminated participants place their card after a few seconds. The sheriff's goal is to catch the criminal.

Russian roulette

This game is more suitable for a feast where alcohol will be consumed. In front of the player, 2 glasses with vodka and 1 with water are placed on the table so that he does not know what is poured where, his task will be to drink both glasses in a row, what will be in them is a matter of luck...

This game is ideal for a party in which there are boys and girls who are not couples and are not related.

  1. Participants are divided into women and men, the latter leave the room while the ladies wish for one of them each.
  2. Each guy enters the room one at a time and tries to guess the one who chose him, then kisses her. If she answers him, then the sympathies coincide, otherwise he gets a slap in the face.
  3. The man remains in the room. If he chose his lady correctly, then the next participant who kissed his mate is kicked out the door.
  4. The one who finds his half last or does not guess it at all loses.

Drawing from memory

The players are faced with the task of completing the drawing of an object to the sketch of the drawing. The condition is to close your eyes and turn in place. Since this will not be easy to do, the winner will be the one who most accurately depicts the missing element in its place. In the end, it will be interesting for artists to see what comes out of all this.

Empty box

The entertainment is not suitable for relatives, and participants must be of different sexes.

While the music is playing, the box is passed around in a circle; the one on whom the sound has died down must take off some of his clothes. How far the game goes depends only on its participants.

This is what they are, table games for a group of adults at the table. Having watched a huge amount of entertainment, we can conclude that age has no effect on the condition human soul. Most games came to us from early childhood, only they have become even more interesting and fun.

The next video features another interesting competition for adults at a home party.

This section contains funny funny games for adults at the table, which will not let your guests get bored and will make your holiday fun and memorable.

List of games: Candy, I'll sing now..., More coins, Chupa Chups, Choir, Praise, Festive counting, Guess who you are.


Guests are divided into pairs: a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to jointly unwrap and eat the candy without using their hands. The couple who made
it's the first one, wins.

Unusual toast
Behind festive table guests take turns making a toast, or wishes of happiness, to the birthday person. But all the words are replaced with “Pa-ra-pam, pa-ra-pam... shurum burum,” etc. In this case, you can only use facial expressions, gestures, and intonation!

I'll sing now...

First we make several cards. We write the first two lines from any song known to everyone. Each guest needs to continue the song that he received on the card.

More coins

A plate filled with coins. Each guest is given
saucer, and chopsticks for Chinese food. Rules: get as many coins into your saucer as possible. The winner is the one with the largest number of coins!

The bravest

There are 5 eggs on a plate: one of them is raw, and the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and it’s just the last player who gets the prize, because he consciously took the risk of becoming everyone’s laughing stock).

Chupa Chups

A man is trying to explain to several girls the phrase “come with me.”
home, I have Chupa Chups.” It’s very funny when the “explainers” try to explain the last word. It’s also funny to watch the change in color on the faces of girls trying to understand...


From the letter A, and further alphabetically, the player begins a phrase of congratulations on the fact that guests have gathered. For example: A - The stork wishes everyone a Happy New Year! B - Be alert soon New Year! B - Let's drink to the Ladies! It's especially fun when the game gets to G, F, P, S, L, B. The one who comes up with the funniest phrase will win.


Guests choose a song that is well known to everyone and begin to sing it in chorus. On command: “Quiet!” the guests fall silent and continue singing the song to themselves. After a while we say: “Loud!”, and the players continue the song out loud. Basically, while singing to themselves, participants change the tempo, and after the command “Loud!” everyone sings out of tune and the game ends with laughter!


Praise with adjectives will delight any hero of the occasion. The meaning of this game: all players are asked the question: “Who is our birthday boy?” The answer must consist of adjective words only. For example: thin, generous, brave, kind, etc. The process of praising occurs one by one, and the words should not be repeated. Those guests who, after saying a lot of words, begin to think for a long time about how to answer the question, leave the game. The player who can praise the birthday boy the most wins.

Festive counting rhyme

Whoever falls on the last word of the poem performs the corresponding action:

We'll start the counting rhyme
This is folk fun
Hug your neighbor on the left!
Here's another fun one
You crow for everyone
Don't waste your time -
Have a glass of vodka
You got a phantom like this:
Stomp your right foot.
Grab your neighbor's ear
And kiss him on the top of his head!
Let the owner not be jealous
The guest kisses the hostess
Well, my friend, don’t be lazy
Bow down to her to the ground
To keep your neighbor from getting bored, you need to tickle him.
There is no place for striptease here
But take the item off!
Do us a favor -
Show me the goat's face!
Show your flexibility -
Draw a swallow!
This guest will read a poem to us without delay!
There are a lot of good guests here
Clap your hands for them!
Try for your friends -
Pour wine into their glasses!
Look at your neighbor
Give me a peck on the cheek three times
You and your neighbor received a fine:
Have a drink for the brotherhood!
Listen more carefully:
Eat something quickly!
Well, then according to the program
You wiggle your ears
The neighbor on the right is in shock
Scratch his belly button!
Don't be shy, have fun
And show your tongue to everyone!
This guest is just a treasure
He and the hostess are happy to have a drink!
This one, look, doesn’t lag behind -
Goes to drink with the owner!
This guest is like the picture
Let him dance lezginka for us!
It will be more fun for all of us -

We write a word on a piece of paper, let’s say this is an animal, or famous actor. Afterwards, this piece of paper will need to be glued to your neighbor’s forehead, using tape. Every participant does this. Next, everyone, in turn, asks a leading question to which the answer is either yes or no and tries to determine what is written on his forehead. If the answer to the question is “yes”, then the player can ask another question; if the answer is “no”, then the turn to ask the question passes to another player. The one who guesses what is written on his forehead wins.

This section contains cool, funny, funny Games for adults at the festive table. Which can be used at a party for large and small companies, at a birthday or anniversary. These games help create a fun atmosphere at your holiday and will not let you get bored.

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A friend's birthday is in a week. Today he called me to invite me to the celebration and asked me to help with organizing the holiday, namely to prepare competitions and games so that the guests would not be bored.

Naturally I agreed, but how can I refuse? to the best friend? Moreover, organizing fun is my strong point!

So, I bring to your attention a small list of games and competitions for your birthday:

  1. Game "Crocodile"

    This is probably the most popular and at the same time easiest game to organize. There are many variations of the Crocodile game, but the main idea is that you need to guess the word one of the guests asked (it’s called “Crocodile”). This word should be depicted with the help of gestures and facial expressions by one of the guests who got to show it first.

    Initially, the first guessing and showing participants are determined by drawing lots. The next one to show is the one who first guesses the hidden word, and the one who showed the last time guesses.

  2. Fanta

    Number of players: unlimited.

    Before the start of the competition, you need to prepare forfeits (small pieces of paper on which you need to write wishes). Desires should be original and funny, at the same time you need to take into account the character of your guests, so that it doesn’t turn out that someone doesn’t want to fulfill the forfeit they come across. Although you can simply not give such persons forfeits)). Variations of wishes for forfeits can be very diverse, for example, to depict a kangaroo or annoying fly, beatbox or just dance.

    Before the start of the celebration, forfeits are distributed to guests. Each forfeit indicates the time when it must be completed. Indicating the execution time makes the competition even more fun. Imagine, you are drinking another glass of wine or a glass of cognac, and then, unexpectedly for everyone, your neighbor on the table on the left suddenly gets up and starts dancing the Macarena. Quite funny... The main thing is that the guests do not forget and glance at the clock from time to time or the host of the evening quietly reminds them of this.

  3. Quest “Find a gift”

    Number of players: one.

    Additionally you will need: pen, paper.

    This competition is intended for the birthday boy. It will require 8-12 notes (if less is not so interesting, if more is too long). All the notes are hidden in different places at home or with guests, and the first one is given to the birthday person. In each note you need to write where the next one is, and not in direct text, but in the form of puzzles, riddles, images, etc. Thus, the birthday person must find all the notes. The last one will say where the gift is.

  4. Mini competition "Hare"

    Number of players: unlimited.

    Additionally you will need: nothing.

    The presenter wishes for all the guests participating in the competition different animals. Participants stand in a circle and place their hands on each other's shoulders. The presenter informs everyone that now he will name the types of animals one by one, and as soon as one of the participants hears the name of the animal that was given to him, he must immediately sit down. The task of the others is to prevent him from doing this.

    The whole joke is that the animal was the same for everyone, for example, a hare.

    When the presenter says: “Hare,” everyone will sit down sharply. Good mood guaranteed!

  5. Competition "Noah's Ark"

    Number of players: even.

    Additionally you will need: pen, paper.

    The names of the animals are written in advance on the pieces of paper (a pair for each creature: two tigers, two kangaroos, two pandas, etc.), after which they are rolled up, placed in a hat and mixed.

    Each participant in the competition is invited to take out one of the prepared pieces of paper, after which it is announced that they need to find their match without using speech and sounds, that is, with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

    The first couple to reunite will win.

    To make the competition last longer, it is better to make riddles about less recognizable animals, such as a gopher or a panther.

  6. Associations

    Number of players: any.

    Additionally you will need: nothing.

    The guests sit in a circle, and someone first whispers any word in the ear of his neighbor on the left. That player, in turn, must immediately say his association with this word in his neighbor’s ear, the third to the fourth, etc. until the word returns to the first player. If you get an “orgy” from a harmless “light bulb”, you can consider that the game was a success.

  7. Competition “Old fairy tale in a new way”

    Number of players: any.

    Additionally you will need: paper, pen.

    Participants are offered several plots of old Russian fairy tales, which need to be rewritten into a new one, modern style. In the genre of fantasy, detective, action, erotica, etc. Either one person or a group of people can work on the plot, depending on how much big company got ready.

    The winner will be determined by the guests by applause.

  8. Competition "Rhymes"

    Number of players: any.

    Additionally you will need: pen, paper, a collection of poems.

    One of the competition participants is invited to read quatrains, previously written out on a piece of paper or at random from a collection of poems. At the same time, he should read only the first two lines. The task of the rest is to guess, or, observing the rhyme, come up with an ending for the quatrain (two more lines).

    The resulting quatrains are compared with the original and participants with poetic talent are identified.

  9. Competition "Portrait of the Birthday Boy"

    Number of players: any.

    Additionally you will need: two sheets of whatman paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, a blindfold.

    Participants are divided into two teams, each line up opposite their sheet. The birthday boy is seated on a chair so that everyone can clearly see him. The participants of both teams are alternately blindfolded and asked to go to the easel to draw some part of the portrait of the birthday boy. When both portraits are completed, the birthday person evaluates the similarities and accepts congratulations.

  10. Competition "Where am I"

    Number of players: 4 people.

    Additionally you will need: pen, paper.

    Participants stand with their backs to the guests, and pre-prepared signs (sheets of paper) with inscriptions are attached to their backs. The inscriptions should indicate some place, for example “Nudist beach”, “Sauna”, “Toilet”, “Brothel”, etc.

    The presenter one by one asks the participants various compromising questions: “How often do you go there?”, “What do you do there?”, “Who do you take there with you?”, “Did you like it there?”, “What did you see there?” etc.

    Participants, not knowing what is written on the signs that are attached to their backs, must answer the questions asked.

If you have already decided on the question: “”, then the above list of competitions and games will help make it more fun and unforgettable.

Who said adults don't like to have fun like little children? Is it necessary to celebrate a birthday? big table and be accompanied by boring gatherings, at which some fairly drunk guests will want to indulge in boring memories and singing the same songs of their youth? Stop! Get only pleasure and positive emotions from the holiday. Frolic and have as much fun as you want, because such a significant date comes only once a year. And in order to properly tune in to the upcoming festive atmosphere, prepare cool toasts in advance, cheerful congratulations and don’t forget that you can arrange funny birthday contests. And we will definitely help you with this!


Several couples (boy-girl) are invited for this competition. The leader in the hall sets the boundaries (this will be a river). After this, a competition called “Gentleman” is announced. The guy must carry the girl across the river in various poses. The number of poses is decided by the presenter or the birthday boy. The one who shows the most intelligence wins.

"Convey your feeling"

Cool and funny blindfolded birthday contests will always amuse everyone present. So, you need to invite 5 players to participate. Each of them should be seated on a chair. All but one must be blindfolded. The host must approach the hero of the occasion and whisper in his ear the names of several feelings, for example, fear, pain, love, horror, passion, etc. The birthday boy must choose one of them and whisper it into the ear of the player with with open eyes. He, in turn, must show this feeling tactilely to the second, sitting on a chair blindfolded. The second to the third, etc. The very last participant must say out loud what feeling the birthday boy wished for. Such funny birthday contests are suitable for corporate events and weddings.

"Understand me"

For this competition, you should prepare a small tangerine (so that it can fit in the player’s mouth) and cards with difficult to pronounce words. The participant must place the fruit in his mouth and thus read out what is written on the cards. Guests must guess what the “unfortunate” person says. Whoever guessed the most words wins.

"The Power of Touch"

Like many funny birthday contests for adults, the game called "The Power of Touch" is played while blindfolded. So, several girls should be seated on chairs. One young man is invited to participate and must be blindfolded and have his hands tied. Thus, the player must determine who the girl is without using his hands. This can be done in any way - rubbing your cheek, touching your nose, kissing, sniffing, etc.

"Real Boxers"

Funny, cheerful, interesting competitions birthday parties will definitely please everyone without exception if you involve more guests in them. So, the presenter should prepare boxing gloves. Two young people are invited to participate, preferably stronger and larger. For the sake of appearance, you can also use hearts.

The leader needs to put boxing gloves on the knights. Guests should come up and encourage each boxer, stretch his shoulders, muscles, in general, everything, just like before a real fighting match. The presenter’s task is to remind the main rules: “Do not hit below the belt,” “Do not push,” “Do not swear,” “Fight until first blood,” etc. After this, the presenter distributes candy to the participants, preferably a small one, and announces a competition. The one of the “fighters” who frees the sweet from the wrapper the fastest will win. Similar competitions are suitable for children and adults.

“Treasured... bang!”

You can invite several people to participate in this competition. To make funny birthday contests please more guests, divide the participants into teams. So, the presenter must prepare balloons, pushpins, tape (optionally, adhesive tape) and thread. Each participant is given a ball, the thread of which must be tied around the waist so that the ball hangs at the level of the buttocks. The other players need to be given a piece of adhesive tape through which the button is pierced, and stick it on each of their foreheads (with the point outward, of course). The presenter turns on the music. Participants who have a button on their forehead have their hands tied so that they cannot use them. The players' task is to burst the ball using a button. The team that does this faster will win.

"Let's congratulate everyone together"

When the guests are pretty busy and having fun, you can take a little break Great option V in this case There will be birthday competitions at the table. No, no songs and mind games there will be no, only entertainment and laughter. So, for this competition, the presenter must prepare a short text of congratulations, in which all adjectives must be excluded (in the text, in place of adjectives, a large indent must be left in advance).

Here is a short excerpt for example: “... guests! Today we have gathered at this ..., ... and ... evening to congratulate our ..., ... and ... birthday boy.”

The host must say that he has serious problems with inserting adjectives into the congratulatory text, and that the guests are simply obliged to help him out, otherwise the holiday will be over. The participants, in turn, must pronounce any adjectives that first come to their minds, and the presenter must write them down.

If you want these funny birthday contests to amuse everyone even more, make the task more difficult. Ask guests to pronounce adjectives related to, for example, medical, legal, erotic topics.

"Rich Cavalier"

What other games and competitions are suitable? Your birthday will be just wonderful if you use various paraphernalia in competitions. So, the presenter should prepare 30 bills in advance. To participate, you must invite 3 couples (boy-girl). Each girl is given 10 bills. The presenter turns on the music. Girls should put money in their boyfriend's pockets (and not only in his pockets). When the entire stash is hidden, the “satisfied liar” must perform a dance (while her eyes must be blindfolded). When the girls have danced enough, the music turns off. Now the ladies must find the entire stash.

The catch is that while the girls are trying to dance, the insidious presenter changes the gentlemen.

"Eastern dance"

What other birthday contests can you prepare? Funny and cheerful are undoubtedly associated with dancing.

So, the presenter invites all girls present to participate. Each of them must loudly announce to the audience which part of the body suits her most about herself. For example, one says shoulders, another says knees, a third lips, etc. Then the presenter turns on beautiful oriental music and asks each one to dance in turn with the part of the body that she just named.

"Guess the color"

The presenter invites a certain number of people (you can at least all those present) and puts them in a circle. The music turns on. The presenter shouts: “Touch blue color! Everyone must find clothes of the appropriate color for each other. With each round, those who are late or do not find are eliminated from the competition.

“Where are you, my love?”

For this competition you will need one participant (male) and 5-6 girls. One of them must be his wife. So, the girls need to be seated on chairs. The main player is blindfolded and asked to use his legs to determine which of them is his favorite. To make it more colorful, you can add two or three guys to the girls.


One player is invited to participate. The leader needs to prepare a long rope in advance. The player is blindfolded and invited to go through the maze (on a rope). Guests must prompt the player in which direction he should follow. Naturally, the treacherous presenter is simply obliged to remove the rope, while the guests will laugh heartily at how the participant carefully follows their instructions.

"Slow Action"

The presenter should prepare in advance as many cards as there are participants in the competition. You should write phrases on them like: “kill a fly”, “drink a glass of vodka”, “eat a lemon”, “kiss”. Each participant, without looking, takes out a card, for example, from a hat or basket. Players take turns, in slow motion, to depict what is written on the card. Believe me, only such birthday contests can make guests laugh and amuse them from the bottom of their hearts. Contests and games designed exactly like this can easily defuse a boring atmosphere.

Competition for the birthday boy

In order for the birthday to be a success, it is necessary to involve more of the hero of the occasion in competitions. It would be great if, out of the banal presentation of gifts, we create some kind of interesting game. To do this, the presenter should prepare several small paper cards in advance, which will indicate guidelines for finding gifts.


For this competition you will need inflated balloons. The presenter needs to scatter them on the floor. Participants must collect as many balls as they can in their hands. The most greedy one wins.

"Dress Me"

For this competition you will need men's and women's clothing. It can be anything, from socks to family underpants. Men's clothing is placed in one bag or package, and women's clothing in the other. Two people are invited to participate ( better man and a woman) and 4 more assistants (two each). The presenter distributes packages to the teams. It will be funnier if a man comes across a bag of women's clothing, and for a woman - with a man. So, the presenter gives a signal and notes the time (1 minute). The assistants must take out the contents of the package and dress the main participants. Whoever does it faster wins.

“Take me to work!”

5 people are invited to participate in this competition. The presenter must prepare the costumes of fairy-tale characters in advance. You don’t have to rent them from the nearest salon, you can do everything yourself, believe me, it will be much funnier. So, the presenter announces the interview. For example, in order for participants to get to work, they should dress up as written in the dress code rules. The rules, naturally, must be prepared by the presenter in advance and hidden in the hat. Participants, without looking, take out a card and dress as it is written there. After this, they go out into the hall and pityingly ask, for example, the birthday person (let him be the employer) to hire them. Believe me, a man with a cowboy hat, with a mop sticking out between his legs (like a cowboy), pitifully asking to be accepted for a position, will cause a storm of positive emotions among all the guests present.

"The most dexterous"

To participate in this competition you must use 5 pairs. Women should be seated on chairs. Opposite each one, make a path of bottles. Men must remember their location and, with their eyes closed, without dropping a single bottle, make their way to their missus and kiss her. The cunning presenter, naturally, arranges the bottles as he likes and switches the places of the girls.

We hope there are no problems with funny competitions you won't have any more problems. Have a nice and fun time!


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