Grouting tile joints with your own hands: from selection to quality installation. Grouting tile joints with your own hands: choosing a mixture and use Joining clinker tiles

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In the building materials market, the popularity of clinker tiles is growing rapidly. This is not surprising, since it can easily be considered one of the most versatile products. Excellent aesthetic qualities, low water resistance, high strength and durability attract buyers to clinker tiles. It is used for various interior works, covering walls, floors, and stairs. The material is also used for exterior work, decorating entrance areas, the basement of buildings, barbecue areas and terraces.

The performance characteristics of clinker tiles make it possible to compare this material with armor that meets the highest requirements in terms of aesthetics. But like any other protection, this product also has vulnerabilities. They become tile joints, and if moisture gets into them, destructive processes can begin. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use grout for clinker tiles. Will regular jointing work? It is better not to use it, since clinker has low water absorption and special solutions are needed for reliable, long-lasting adhesion to it.

Main manufacturers of grout for clinker tiles

Eurokam is one of the leading manufacturers of artificial stone and facing tiles. A powerful production base and extensive experience in working with exclusive building materials have made it possible to create jointing solutions that work perfectly with clinker tiles. The company's product range includes two lines of grout - Antique and Color. Both of them have a high coefficient of adhesion, allowing you to create durable seams that can withstand atmospheric influences. Antique grout has only two colors, but the presence of coarse-grained inclusions gives the seams made of this material a special flavor. Color mixtures are modified to work with special devices. By feeding the material under pressure, you can significantly enhance the strength characteristics of the seam, and the presence of 13 colors in the assortment helps you make the best choice.

The products of Henkel Bautechnik are well known throughout the world. Dry mixes under the Ceresit brand have long gained a reputation for high-quality, economical and practical materials. The company's product range also includes grout for clinker tile joints - Ceresit CE 37. This product has excellent adhesion and is designed for forming joints with a width of 2 to 15 mm. A wide range of colors, durability and weather resistance make this grout one of the best specialized products on the domestic market.

One of the leading manufacturers of dry construction mixtures in the North-West region of the country is the Petromix company. In its workshops, materials from leading European concerns are used to create products. The company produces a universal grout for joints, intended not only for clinker tiles, but also for natural stone. It is also used for working with granite. Jointing is intended for forming joints between tiles, no more than 6 mm wide.

Kerapoxy Design grout is widely known among professionals all over the world. Its advantages include high elasticity, good adhesion and excellent choice of colors. Two-component epoxy-based grouts have increased wear resistance, do not fade, and seams filled with Kerapoxy Design jointing are easy and simple to care for. High oil resistance and resistance to acid solutions allow the grout to be used when finishing the interior of a garage or home workshop.

Ultracolor Plus, a polymer-modified quick-drying grout from Mapei, is an excellent choice for working with clinker tiles. The features of this material include excellent water-repellent properties and the presence of an antifungal barrier. This allows the mixture to be used in areas with high humidity. Excellent adhesion allows the grout to be used not only to fill the joints of clinker tiles, but also of polished stone. Consumers are offered 30 different shades, which makes it possible to make the optimal choice in accordance with design tasks.

The German brand quick-mix needs no introduction, as does its grout mixtures for clinker tiles. They are highly resistant to precipitation, temperature changes and solar ultraviolet radiation. The material is elastic, which makes it easier to work with. A wide range of colors allows you to select grout for clinker tiles from a variety of manufacturers. Quick-mix mixtures are used to fill joints from 5 to 50 mm wide.

Frost-resistant and economical grout for ceramic tiles ATLAS has proven itself in the market. Its advantage is the excellent balance between price and product quality. Nine shades allow you to select grout for tiles of various shades and solve design problems using this material.

Features of working with grout for clinker tiles

Clinker is a specific material and each grout manufacturer has its own secrets for producing colored jointing mixtures. That is why you should carefully read the instructions for use of the solutions. It is worth choosing the recommended tool and taking care of special liquids for removing grout from tiles in advance. The thing is that clinker has a matte surface, with which the fugue has excellent adhesion. You won’t be able to get by with a simple rubber spatula, which tilers use to so easily remove grout residue from tiles. Especially if we are talking about the first independent use of the material. Before using grout, be sure to remove any remaining adhesive from the joint and thoroughly clean it with a brush to remove dust and construction debris. Only in this case is guaranteed high-quality adhesion to the base and reliable protection of the seams from the effects of negative factors.

After installing the tiles, it is necessary to process the gaps and seams. For these purposes, facade grout is usually used for clinker bricks, tiles, and porcelain stoneware. The use of grouting material allows you to give the cladding completeness and protect the gaps between the products from water penetration and other damage.

Applying grout for facade tiles is a mandatory work that is always carried out after installing tile products on the facade and walls of buildings. Tile grout performs several important functions at once:

  • Corrective. Using a grouting material, you can hide tile defects and smooth out existing deviations from the pattern (in this case, it is important to choose a mixture that is similar in color).
  • Aesthetic. The treatment will give the façade, wall or any other surface a complete appearance. You can choose grout to match the tile or a contrasting shade.
  • Strengthening. After applying the grouting material, the strength characteristics of the entire cladding increase, and the risks of damage to the edges of tile products during operation are reduced.
  • Protective. The applied grout does not allow moisture to penetrate inside the facing material, therefore the tile's resistance to negative temperatures increases.

You can process the tile seams yourself or with the help of specialists. The best option is to order this service from those craftsmen who performed the installation of the cladding. They will be able to choose the most suitable type of grouting material and method of its application, taking into account the operating conditions of the finish. Often, grouting services are automatically included in the total cost of tile laying work (especially if significant work volumes are involved).

Types of grout for clinker tiles

It is customary to distinguish two main types of grouting materials used for filling gaps. These are compositions made on the basis of cement and epoxy resin.

Special dry powder mixtures can also be used, which are made from Portland cement with the addition of plasticizers. They are usually used for sealing small seams.

Cement grout

Cement grouts for clinker tiles are suitable for external and internal work. Cement acts as the base in such grouting compounds. To increase elasticity and adhesion to the lining, plasticizers and other components that improve performance are additionally added to the mixture. Cement compositions differ in their scope of application:

  • For universal use.
  • For interior work (interior mixtures).
  • For performing external work (facade).
  • For rooms with high humidity (waterproof).
  • For finishing stoves and fireplaces (heat-resistant).

In stores you can buy cement grouts to which mineral pigments are added. This allows you to choose the material of the color that is needed (for example, to match the clinker used). The main advantages of cement-based grouting material include:

  • Large selection of all kinds in the store.
  • Wide range of colors (from light to dark).
  • Relatively low prices for products from popular brands.

Epoxy resin grout

Exterior epoxy resin grouts are made from two components: a hardener and epoxy resin. The components must be mixed before starting work, because the finished tile grout tends to harden quickly.

A high level of elasticity and rapid polymerization are the advantages of epoxy compounds for treating seams and gaps between tiles. But without proper experience, they are more difficult to use - if you leave traces of the mixture on the cladding for some time, wiping them off in the future will be problematic. The disadvantages of epoxy mixtures include their high cost when compared with conventional cement analogues.

On video: Epoxy grouting of clinker tiles on steps

How can I grout the seams between tiles?

There are several techniques that can be used to process seams. Regardless of the chosen grouting of clinker tiles, it is necessary to first carry out preparatory work.

  • When handling cement and epoxy compounds, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: respirator, goggles, gloves.
  • First of all, the required amount of water is poured into the container for mixing the mixture (indicated on the package with grout for tiles for outdoor use), after which the dry powder itself is added.
  • The resulting mass should have a uniform color and consistency. Before starting processing, you need to make sure that there are no lumps or pigment clots in the mixture.
  • Traditionally, tile grout mixtures for exterior and interior use are prepared for 20-30 minutes of active use. After this time, the prepared composition becomes unsuitable for application to the surface.

Semi-dry processing

The technology is relevant for use if the choice fell on traditional grouting of clinker tile joints for external work. To carry out the work, you need to buy a mason's jointing, which will correspond to the width of the gap between the laid facing products. The gap itself should be 5 mm or more in depth. When using the semi-dry method, work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Add water to the dry powder according to the instructions and mix until the mixture has the consistency of wet sand.
  2. Then you need to put a small volume of the resulting mixture in a suitable container.
  3. Finally, you need to fill the gap with grout using jointing.

The seams processed using this technology have a rough texture, but if the work is carried out with clinker, then this solution will be the most optimal. The rough texture of the seam will give the surface an “aging” effect. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that it is difficult to carry out the work yourself without the proper experience and skills.

Pistol processing

Using a gun to apply clinker grout is a common technology because... It can be used by both professionals and ordinary homeowners. The work is performed as follows:

  1. You can use any type of grout for the joints outside the house - cement or epoxy.
  2. A solution must be prepared from the dry powder in accordance with the instructions on the packaging (it varies depending on the manufacturer, so it is difficult to give specific recommendations for preparing the mixture).
  3. A small amount of the resulting mixture should be placed in a standard construction gun.
  4. The mixture from the gun must be squeezed into the gap between the tiles, without getting on the cladding itself. In case of accidental contact with clinker, tile grout should be removed from the tile as quickly as possible.
  5. After the mixture has set, it is necessary to remove the excess with available materials.
  6. Immediately after this, you need to apply grout into the gaps with a spatula or just your finger.

The advantages of using a gun include the ease of work. Grouting work must begin only after the laid clinker tiles have completely set. Otherwise, there is a possibility of displacement of individual products, because The grout contains plasticizers.

Processing using the “surface grouting” technique

The method is easy to use, but it is not chosen as often as the pistol method. If grouting of tile cladding is carried out on the surface, then the work is carried out as follows:

  1. The first step is to prepare the mixture according to the instructions.
  2. The resulting solution should have a consistency similar to thick sour cream.
  3. You need to coat the entire surface with the finished mixture, then remove the excess using a rubber float, leaving the solution at the level of the tiles.
  4. At the last stage, you need to go over the tiles with a regular foam sponge.

All grout residue must be removed from the tile immediately before the solution sets (otherwise it will be much more difficult to wipe it off later). Experts include the following disadvantages of this method:

  • The laboriousness of the application process, filling the seams, and cleaning the surface from excess solution.
  • The method can only be used in cases where the clinker has a perfectly smooth surface (removing mortar residues from corrugated tiles is very problematic).
  • High grout consumption (when compared with other application methods).
  • Small selection of shades.

Grout for joints is a special solution designed for filling the joints between clinker tile elements. It is often also used for decorative filling of seams.
with brickwork. This solution is used for both external and internal work, framing and protecting the edges of the building material from various influences.

It is recommended to lay clinker cladding using a wide seam between adjacent elements so that the surface “breathes”. The thing is that clinker tiles themselves are characterized by a low level of vapor permeability, so the seams will play the role of precisely those ventilation compartments that will prevent the accumulation of moisture, the formation of mold, mildew and microbes.

Purpose of grout for joints

Cement multicomponent grouts are designed to form a waterproofing layer between clinker tiles and the surface of the building. Filling of joints is carried out on almost any surface (walls, floors, facades, concrete structures, thermal panels) that can withstand various deformations.

Grouts are available in a wide range of colors: white (base color), grey, brown, yellow, red, beige, black and other colors.

These mixtures perform two main functions:

  1. Decorative (with the help of grouts a holistic look is created for the masonry or coating).
  2. Protective (protection from humidity, temperature changes, waterproofing the ends of clinker tiles).

In addition, grout mixtures perform a number of other technical functions:

  • hide masonry defects (you can even out the thickness and straightness of the seam);
  • protect the edges of the tiles from chipping;
  • increase the level of strength and resistance of the surface to various influences;
  • help achieve various decorative effects (through the use of a variety of colors, you can create a contrasting surface).

Types of grout for clinker tiles

There are two types of materials intended for grouting: cement-based and resin-based.

In turn, grout for cement-based clinker slabs has its own classification:

  • Portland cement mixture with added sand. This grout is used for seams whose width is 5 mm or more. Due to its grain size, sand perfectly fills wide seams (the wider the seam, the coarser the sand grain size should be).

Classification of grouts for resin-based clinker slabs

Furan resins

This grout has a high level of resistance to chemical influences (and even to the strongest acids). All thanks to the fact that it is made without adding water.

The technology for using grout based on furan resins is very complex. Before using it, you need to treat the entire surface of the tile with wax, and immediately remove all remnants of the grout mixture after the procedures.

Such grout mixtures are produced exclusively in black, as they are intended for work in industrial premises.

Epoxy resins

Grout mixtures consist of epoxy resins, hardener and dyes. They are mainly used in industrial or commercial premises, as they are denser and have high resistance to moisture and chemicals.

Among the varieties of epoxy resin grout, there is a modified mixture containing Portland cement. From a technical point of view, such grout is similar to cement mixtures, but if we consider it from a functional point of view, it is stronger and more resistant to stains.

Preparation of the solution (work order)

Preparing the grout is one of the most important stages in the entire work, since the ease of application and the time spent on sealing the joints will depend on it. You should act strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Pour the required amount of water into the bucket (t=5-20 o C).
  2. Add the required amount of dry mixture to the water.
  3. Stir thoroughly until smooth.

You need to remember that it is the mixture that needs to be added to the water, and not vice versa. To stir the grout, it is best to use a special whisk, but you can also use a regular stick or any other convenient object.

After stirring the grout, be sure to leave the solution for 5-7 minutes, then stir again. The consistency of the grout mixture should not crumble or roll off the surface being treated; the mixture should be similar to sour cream.

To stir the grout, it is recommended to use an oval or round container so that the dry powder does not get clogged in the corners, and the entire mixture turns out to be of a uniform consistency. The entire package of dry grout should not be mixed, since its hardening time is approximately 30 minutes, after which its uniformity will have to be adjusted again.

Video on grouting and preparing the solution

Grouting joints of clinker tiles

After installing the clinker slabs, the first step is to prepare the facing surface. This is necessary in order to correctly select the type and proportions of the grout mixture, taking into account the thickness of the joining seams and the area of ​​the surface to be treated.

Grouting the joints of clinker slabs includes several stages:

  1. Mixing all the necessary components to obtain a grouting material.
  2. Maintaining and adjusting the proportions of the resulting solution.
  3. Re-mixing the grout material.
  4. Elimination of defective areas of grout.
  5. Performing troweling work.

The grout is applied with a rubber spatula using smooth pressing movements. After drying for 30 minutes, the seams are wiped with a dampened cloth, thus removing the dried elements of the mortar from the clinker tiles.

Grouting for the seams of clinker tiles and clinker brick masonry is used to solve a whole list of problems: here it is sealing the cladding, strengthening it and giving the surface a more attractive appearance.

And although clinker in this case is not unique - any lining and almost any masonry can be rubbed down - I would like to talk about some of the nuances based on personal (albeit not the richest) experience.

Seam filling basics

Why is grout needed?

First, let's try to find the answer to a seemingly obvious question - why do you need grout?

  1. The first answer is simple - filling the gaps between the tiles significantly improves the appearance of the cladding. By choosing the color of the composition to fill the voids, we can both emphasize the boundaries between the finishing elements and “link” all the tiles into a single continuous texture.
  2. Next is an equally obvious advantage from the grout mixture. It prevents moisture from getting under the cladding, which means we reduce the risk of getting wet and deforming the base. If the clinker was laid, for example, on plastered plasterboard, then protection from moisture will be very important.
  3. Another advantage is that the composition that is used to fill the tile joints increases the mechanical strength of the cladding itself, acting as an additional binder.
  4. The grout mixture in contact with the ends of the clinker tiles protects them from chipping. Yes, clay fired at high temperatures is quite strong in itself - but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to additionally protect the corners from damage.

  1. Well, one more plus is relevant specifically for clinker. This material is characterized by extremely low vapor permeability, therefore laying tiles with a wide seam and filling the gaps with a suitable composition allows the cladding to “breathe”, effectively getting rid of excess moisture.

As you can see, the grout mixture is one of the most important components. That is why it is so important to choose and apply it correctly.

Compositions used

Grouts for exterior and interior use are made from a variety of materials. But when working with clinker, I prefer to use either cement or epoxy products. So that you can appreciate their main properties, I will briefly describe them in the table below:

Grout type Description
Cement The basis of the material is, as is obvious from the name, cement. To increase elasticity and improve adhesion, plasticizers, hardeners and other components are added to it. The appearance of the seam depends on the material, because a significant part of the raw material is made up of mineral pigments.

Depending on the type and brand of cement used, as well as on the proportion of additives, several types of grout mixtures are distinguished:

  • universal;
  • interior (for interior work);
  • façade (for outdoor use);
  • moisture-resistant (used when finishing rooms with high humidity);
  • heat-resistant (used for lining fireplaces and stoves).

I would say that the advantages of cement grouts are a wide range, a wide palette, as well as high availability, which is explained by the relatively low cost.

Epoxy Epoxy grouts typically consist of two components: a base and a hardener. They are mixed immediately before use, since the finished material hardens very quickly.

High polymerization rates and significant elasticity are the advantages of epoxy mixtures. On the other hand, they are more difficult to work with: it is very important not to leave the grout on the front surfaces, otherwise it will be very difficult to clean it off.

But the price of epoxy brands is significantly higher than that of cement-based materials.

If you have not encountered grout mixtures before, then for simple finishing I would recommend buying a ready-to-use cement-based composition. Yes, you will have to spend a little more money than when buying a dry mixture - but you will definitely be sure of the optimal consistency and will be able to immediately begin filling the joints between the clinker tiles.

Technologies for grouting clinker brick masonry and cladding

Method 1. Semi-dry technology

In order to qualitatively finish the seams between elements of clinker cladding or masonry with your own hands, you need to understand the basic techniques used. There are not many of them, but each has its own differences.

If the depth of the seam between the cladding elements exceeds 5 mm, then the semi-dry filling method can be used.

To implement this technique, special cement-based compositions are used:

  1. First, prepare the grout mixture. It is very important here to avoid waterlogging: the composition used to decorate the cladding should have the consistency of wet sand.
  2. We clean the seams between the tiles, deepen them (it may be necessary to remove part of the mortar) and be sure to moisten them. Attempts to seal dry gaps will result in the compound simply falling out.
  3. We put the mixture on a falcon or on a plaster float and, using jointing, stuff it into the cracks between the bricks or tiles. We select the size of the jointing so that its working part fits into the wall cavity with minimal gaps.

Immediately after completing the seam, wipe it with a soft, damp sponge.
This is done in order to remove crumbs of material from the front surface: if they dry out, it will be much more difficult to remove them.

  1. The grout placed in the seam is carefully compacted and smoothed.
  2. When the grout mixture has hardened, spray it with water from a spray bottle: this will allow it to gain strength and prevent cracking.
  3. After drying, the material acquires the texture of old cement, which is why it is preferable to use it with tiles that imitate worn-out masonry.

The semi-dry method also has its disadvantages. First of all, this is the complexity and labor-intensiveness of application: the low humidity of the material does not ensure primary adhesion, so each seam has to be literally pressed in, which is very tedious. I would also consider the limited range of colors to be a disadvantage: if you need colored grout, then this method will not work.

Method 2. Filling the seams with a gun

When finishing a large area, it makes sense to use a special gun for grouting clinker tiles. This device allows you to squeeze out the grout mixture in the form of rollers, the thickness of which corresponds to the size of the tile joint.

The gun is used quite simply:

  1. We dilute the grout mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream - so that it is squeezed out through the nozzle of the gun with force, but evenly.
  2. Using a gun, we apply grout to the surface, filling the joints throughout the entire depth and leaving no air cavities.

The slower we press on the piston of the device, the better the result will be.

  1. After partial polymerization of the filling (you should get a plastic mass that does not stick to your fingers), cut off the remaining grout, and put the seams themselves in order, smoothing them with jointing.

  1. When finishing, make sure that the spaces between the tiles are not deepened. This is especially important for facade finishing: water will accumulate in the buried seams, which will gradually destroy the most resistant grout.

Method 3. Jointing

Finally, smooth surfaces lined with smooth clinker tiles can be finished using continuous grouting - the so-called jointing. The instructions for performing all operations here are extremely simple:

  1. We dilute the composition for filling the seams to the consistency of sour cream. It is very important that the grout is homogeneous, so mix the solution thoroughly.
  2. We scoop the material onto a rubber-coated grater and apply it in a continuous layer over the entire coated surface.
  3. Having processed all the seams in this way and waited until the fugue begins to polymerize, we clean the front parts of the tiles. This is done with a sponge dipped in water: while the cement grout has not hardened, it is washed off very easily.

If we missed, and the grout has set on the clinker itself, then it can be washed off using special compounds for removing cement.
Yes, you will have to spend money on buying them, but we will not damage the lining during mechanical cleaning.

The main disadvantage of this method is its cost: a significant part of the mixture is wasted. In addition, only smooth clinker can be jointed, since it is almost impossible to remove cement residues from the recesses that form the texture.


Grout for clinker tiles for outdoor and indoor use performs a number of very important functions. Selecting high-quality material for grouting and applying it correctly is not very difficult - but still, to avoid annoying mistakes, it is worth watching the video in this article.

And if you need advice from a practical point of view, then you can ask any questions you have in the comments below!

All our clients are faced with the problem of choosing grout (joint) for clinker tiles of thermal panels. There are many brands on the market, expensive and cheap, in different colors, and customers need help navigating this variety.

In addition to such obvious differences in grout as price and color, there are significant differences in the types of grout that you need to pay attention to when choosing.

In the domestic building materials market, three groups of grout for clinker tiles can now be distinguished, distinguishing by the type of grout applied to the joints:

  • semi-dry application
  • application from a pistol,
  • application over the entire surface of the tile.

Applying grout using a semi-dry method

To work with such grouts, water is added to the mixture so that it does not become liquid, but acquires the consistency of wet sand. After thinning, the grout is pressed into the joint with a special tool - a mason's jointer. Wet grout is applied from a hard horizontal surface (from a sheet of plywood, for example) with jointing, selected according to the thickness of the seam, between the tiles. The tool must be selected not only according to the thickness of the seam, but also according to its length (for transverse seams you need a tool with a short blade).

This type of grout is characterized by a rough texture. We recommend it primarily for thermal panels with hand-formed tiles. This combination creates a pleasant old brick effect.

As an example of this type of grout, let's call Quick-Mix RFS.

Advantages of grout applied using a semi-dry method:

  • low price
  • no plasticizers

Disadvantages of grout applied using a semi-dry method:

  • at the moment there are few specialists capable of competently working with this type of grout
  • The seam depth must be at least 5 mm
  • narrow color palette: Quick Mix RFS is available in only two colors: beige and gray.

Pistol application

These grouts are diluted with water to a creamy consistency and applied to the seam with a special gun. This procedure is necessary in order not to smear the grout on the tile. Among grouts of this type, you can find low-quality ones, which, when they get on the tiles, spoil them, leaving whitish stains and spoiling the texture.

The next step after applying the grout to the seam is to wait for it to dry to a plastic mass that does not stain your fingers. The recommended waiting time varies among different grout manufacturers; this is indicated in the instructions. Excess grout is cut off, and the remaining grout is smoothed along the seam with fingers or a spatula and given shape.

The shape of the joint for facade tiles matters. The seam must not be deepened. When the grout is pressed between the tiles, a space is created for moisture to accumulate. Any accumulation of moisture on the facade can deteriorate its performance properties over time.

As examples of this type of grout, let's name Pirrell.

Advantages of grout applied from a gun:

  • mass scale and simplicity of technology
  • wide color palette

Disadvantages of grout applied from a gun:

  • higher price
  • the presence of plasticizers: at first the grout is plastic and this is convenient during application, but as it dries it does not harden completely.

Application over the entire tile surface

After dilution to a sour cream state, these grouts are applied to the entire surface of the tile and smoothed with a rubber float. After drying, the remaining grout is removed from the tile with a sponge using movements at 45 degrees to the tile. High-quality grout of this type does not require effort to remove residues. If an unsuccessful, dirty grout was chosen, or if the grout on the surface of the tile was forgotten and dried out, you can clean the tiles with cleaning agents to remove cement stains.

This type of grout can also be applied with a gun.

As an example of this type of grout, let's call Ardex BS.

Advantages of grout applied over the entire surface of the tile:

  • versatility: these grouts are suitable not only for clinker, they can be used on any tile on the facade and in the interior
  • increased wear resistance

Disadvantages of grout applied over the entire surface of the tile:

  • high price compared to other types of grouts
  • this type of grout is only suitable for smooth tiles
  • narrow color range: Ardex BS is available in only four colors


Comparison of different types of grout for clinker tiles
Type of grout application Advantages Flaws
Semi-dry method Low price.
No plasticizers.
Grout is difficult to work with.
The limit on the seam depth is at least 5mm.
Narrow color range: beige and gray.
From a pistol Mass scale and simplicity of technology.
Wide color palette.
Higher price.
Presence of plasticizers.
Over the entire surface of the tile Versatility - suitable for any tile, both on the facade and in the interior.
Increased wear resistance.
High price compared to other types of grout.
Suitable for smooth tiles only.
Narrow color range.

When buying grout, pay attention to the process of its selection. This is the final stage of finishing the facade, giving the house a finished look. And although at the final stage the homeowner is usually tired of endless construction problems, the wrong choice of grout can worsen or even ruin the facade.

We are always ready to help our clients with the choice of grout - both the type and color of grout. When looking for a grout color, it is important to remember that the seams connect the facade to the plinth, so this third color on the facade should be in harmony with the colors of the clinker. For information on how to choose clinker tiles for finishing the facade of a house, read our article dedicated to this very issue.


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