Tomorrow the Orthodox world celebrates the nut Savior. There are many interesting signs and traditions associated with nut spas. The third spas traditions and customs.

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The roots of the Nut Savior holiday go back to pre-Christian times. Signs and traditions of the holiday, as well as rituals and conspiracies that can only be read on this date, can be found in this article.

The Third Savior - the essence and date of the holiday

August is rich in holidays. In the last month of summer there are three Spas - Honey, Apple and Nut. The latter is the final, Third Savior. ABOUT The Nut Savior is celebrated on August 29, the day after the Assumption and the end of the Assumption Fast. According to the date, it is also called Autumn or Cold Spas.

In pre-Christian times, Nut Spas was a harvest holiday, like Honey and Apple. The hazelnuts are ripening, the grain harvest is coming to an end, hence another name - Khlebny Spas. This is reflected in the proverbs: “The Third Savior stored up bread.”

Several centuries ago, on August 29, they began to trade in canvas and linen. Therefore, the date is sometimes called the Canvas Savior. Fairs were filled with new goods, people free from harvesting sought to purchase useful things for everyday life.

With the advent of Orthodoxy in Russian lands, a religious meaning was added to the agrarian meaning of the holiday. The harvest festival became an expression of gratitude to God for “our daily bread.” On the Autumn Savior is revered Martyr Diomede. They pray to him for recovery. Revered Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Women pray before her for harmony in the family, deliverance from everyday difficulties, pregnancy and easy childbirth.

Coincides with the date of the Savior of Bread anniversary of the transfer of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. With his help, Christ's disciple healed Abgar. After this, the Muslims stole the image. Centuries later, Emperor Michael managed to return him to Constantinople. In the 13th century, the icon was stolen again during one of the crusades. It was transported on a ship, it sank, and the relic was lost forever.

Traditions and rituals

The Orthodox peasant began his day with prayer, church, and participation in the blessing of water. As on Honey Spas, on Khlebny it is customary to bless water in wells. Usually they pay attention to those that were ignored by previous water blessings. Well water was collected in reserve; it was considered healing. Those who did not have time to clean the well on August 14 began to do so now. They walked around it, symbolizing the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Household worries were not avoided, this weekday, dedicated to collecting grains and nuts, baking, preparing and preserving vegetables and fruits. Bread was baked from flour from the new harvest, the crumbs were not thrown away, they were given to the birds. If it was possible to finish collecting grain for the Savior of Grain, the sickles were tied with the last spikelets and left in the red corner - for next year’s harvest.

Despite the rampant forest evil spirits, they went to collect mushrooms and nuts. The most respected woman in the village was the first to begin the search, after her the others entered the forest. The girls predicted the future for the year. The first nut found will be ripe and tasty - wait for great love. The unripe one will bring news, the rotten one will bring grief. It looks ripe, but tastes bitter and promises problems in your personal life.

Canned vegetables, mushrooms and compotes - homemade preparations do not end there. The Third Spas was considered the right time for making vodka and moonshine tinctures. Particularly popular was the one infused with nuts collected on the same day. It is good for colds.

Nut Spas, as mentioned earlier, is a trading day; sales of fabrics began with it. Traditionally, they visited fairs and markets. At the end of summer, new agricultural tools will come in handy to replace worn-out ones. It was necessary to prepare for the autumn cold, to acquire warm clothes.

They started work after the church service, and after a day of work they set the tables and celebrated. In the villages, the holiday was not celebrated on a large scale; there was too much work at the end of summer. In cities, festivities were noisier and more widespread. In some regions they celebrated right in the fields. Those working there were greeted with bread and salt, treated to buckwheat porridge, and invited to the table at sunset.

The day before the Third Savior, the Assumption Fast ends, prohibiting the consumption of meat, fish and some other products. Therefore, the feasts for the grain harvest festival were plentiful. The main decoration of the table is a loaf. Dishes with nuts were always served, mainly baked goods and sweet porridge. Baked apples, meat and mushroom pies, and charlottes were on every table.

Vodka infused with walnut membranes was very popular. At the table they wish you good health, like a nutshell, grace and blessings. It is not superfluous to wish for wealth.

As on any other Christian holiday, you should visit the church. Below we describe the products that can be blessed at Nut Spas. Give alms, treat the poor with nuts and bread. You should pray for prosperity, family troubles, conception and easy childbirth, and recovery.

Do not avoid work related to food preparation. Khlebny Spas - harvest festival, so doing home canning is not a sin. You can work in the garden or vegetable garden, bake bread, which should become the main decoration of the festive table.

Fairs are one of the traditions of the Third Savior. It is worth following the example of your ancestors; shopping at Khlebny Spas brings good luck.

For the feast, baked goods are prepared with nuts and apples. Honey is no longer the main character of the table, as at Honey Spas, but no one forbids adding it. Pies with mushrooms, vegetables and meat are appropriate for a meal. Baking should come first - it is a harvest festival after all. They invite guests, treat neighbors - it is customary to share at Spas.

What can be sacred in church

Nut- the main date attribute. Any nuts can be blessed. Ideally, collected personally in the forest or on a personal plot. But you can also sanctify purchased ones. Nuts symbolize health and prosperity.

Can't be ignored bread and other baked goods. It must be made from new harvest flour. Again, it is best to sanctify products that you personally make.

It is not prohibited to add to carts apples and honey, but usually they are consecrated in previous Spas. Sometimes they bring vegetables to the temple. Poppy seeds and raisins will also not be superfluous.

Water They are sacred on almost any church holiday, and August 20 is no exception. Holy water will help from any trouble. Ordinary well water also acquires healing properties.

Superstitions and signs on the Third Savior

Usually you cannot work on Orthodox holidays, but the Third Savior is harvest time. Therefore, they do not avoid work; they are engaged in canning food for the winter and collecting fruits and grain. Laziness will be punished by living in poverty for a year.

It was believed that there was no harvest of bread and nuts at the same time. If there is a lot of grain, there will be few nuts, and vice versa. For more than two years in a row, as the ancestors believed, there is no abundance of hazelnuts. Bath brooms are made from walnut branches at the end of summer. They were used to treat the most serious illnesses. But such a broom needs to be stored separately from the rest so that it does not lose its properties.

You cannot refuse food to the poor, otherwise you will have to beg for alms yourself. Anyone who does not let a wanderer in for the night risks finding himself without a roof over his head. You can't swear or wish harm. All bad words and actions will be returned to the sender, everyone will receive what they deserve for what they did on Orekhoviy Spas.

You should buy something, at least an inexpensive thing. A miser who leaves merchants without money on this day risks spending a whole year in poverty. At the table you need to try every dish and praise the hostess - you will live in abundance for a whole year. For every treat you need to make a wish. If the hostess becomes embarrassed in response to praise, be lucky.

You can't go into the forest without a talisman. On August 29, evil spirits rule there. She can commit fornication- make you get lost “in two pines.”

A nut falling on your head means good luck. Wealth is promised to the one who finds two or three fused nuts. They should be kept in a wallet or pocket, picked up from the ground or picked from a tree with the left hand. Receiving a bag of nuts as a gift is good luck.

If the cranes have flown away, there will already be frosts by Pokrovi, and spring will be rich in sunny days. Birds are in no hurry to go south - autumn will be warm, winter will come late, and spring will be cold. The thunderstorm promises a warm autumn and late winter.

Rituals and conspiracies for the Bread Savior

There is a belief that on August 29, witches make staves, wands and magic wands. Traditional material - hazel. Mages with the necessary skills acquire new tools filled with the power of the Nut Savior. It also enhances conspiracies and rituals, the main components of which are nuts and bread.

Double nut spell

The double or triple nut itself is a money talisman that attracts wealth. It can be strengthened with a spell:

Let the lucky nut become a talisman for me,
It will bring me luck and a whole cartload of money.

As the money sign advises, keep it in your wallet or pocket - closer to the money.

Nut love spell

All three Spas contribute love magic. On the Third you can make a love spell as strong as a walnut. Pick one and split it into two halves. Use the edible part for its intended purpose. On a small piece of paper, write your name and your lover's name. Place it in the nut and tie the halves with red thread so that they stick together. Pick it up and read the plot:

She connected the two parts into one whole, and cemented our love.
The servant of God (name) will yearn for me, the servant of God (name),
I am the only one to think and dream about.
Our hearts will beat in unison,
And destinies will forever be intertwined.
May Nut Savior fulfill my wish,
My life will be filled with happiness. Amen.

After reading, you need to bury the nut where your loved one lives. This must be done silently, go home - without looking around, without entering into conversations.

Nut talismans

You can put a note with your cherished wish inside the nutshell, wrap the halves with thread and carry it with you. Within a year, your wish will come true. In Rus', love spells were made in this way, in China they attracted good luck, in Europe they cast spells with money. It is possible to glue the halves together with glue - if the note falls out, the wish will not come true.

Finely crushed walnut shells attract money. It is sprinkled on banknotes, goods before trade, and work tools. Among modern neo-pagans, money cosmetics based on the corresponding plants are popular - mint, basil, chamomile. Crushed shells can be included in the scrub.

Tie the walnut branches crosswise with red thread and hang them near the front door. The amulet will close the entrance to evil spirits, black sorcerers and other dubious personalities.

Money plot for bread

They talk about wealth bread baked with your own hands from flour of the new harvest. They do this before placing it on the festive table in honor of the Savior of Bread. You need to say the spell three times:

The grain fell into the ground, grew into a sprout, turned golden into an ear, and turned into bread. Just as there is plenty of grain in the fields, I have money to the sky. Just as the grain grows and heads, so my money grows and increases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The first piece should go to the one who slandered.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

You need to set aside a piece of bread cut from the one put on the festive table on August 29th. It must be said on the next Saturday or Sunday after the Nut Savior - no later than a week later. If the bread has spoiled, the Higher Powers are not ready to fulfill the wish. Get up at dawn, light a candle. Salt the bread with these words:

I meet the gods with bread and salt, I welcome my dream. I wish that (describe the wish in one phrase). I eat bread and salt, I get what I want, I thank the gods.

Eat salty bread. Take three sips of water from a full glass and say:

Just as all life comes from water, so will my desire come from it. Water, water, make my dream come true.

Extinguish the candle by dipping it into a glass with the remaining water with a spell:

Bread, salt and water will never let you down. Bread, salt and water are joy, not trouble. As I said, so it will be. Amen.

A candle goes to the church, the remaining water goes to the sewer.

Treating children with bread

On the date of the Savior of Nuts, healers have long received sick children. We treated enuresis, fear, the evil eye, and stuttering. With this spell, you should roll a piece of black bread over the baby’s head:

I roll bread, I roll it, I drive away trouble from God’s servant (name). I roll out, lure, drive out all fears, admonitions, lessons, evil eyes, invitations, envy, insincere praise, secret malice. I drive it out of the arms, from the legs, from the head, from the cheeks, from the veins, from the veins, from the white curls, from the clear eyes. Fright, fear, go away! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

People cannot eat this bread; it is given to dogs or birds. Another way to treat children's problems does not require conspiracies, it is enough to know the prayer "Our Father" by heart. Read it nine times over a three-liter jar of warm water. Undress the child, place him in a basin and pour it over him from head to toe. Throw a piece of black bread into the water for a couple of hours. Then give it to the dog or birds.

The Third Savior is a holiday of the harvest and the end of summer, which with the advent of Orthodoxy also acquired a religious meaning. This is a day filled with the power of the earth and nature. Its energy can be directed to treatment, enrichment or love spell. There are many signs and traditions of the Bread Savior. He who follows them will find happiness.

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Nut, Bread or Third Spas in August 2018: folk customs and history of the holiday

Traditionally, the Third Savior completes the series of summer Orthodox holidays. Like all church events, Orekhovy Spas has a rich history, as well as amazing traditions and customs, which you can learn about from our article.

The Third Savior is the last of three holidays dedicated to the Savior. People called this event the Bread or Nut Savior, and as a result many interesting traditions arose. In 2018, Orthodox believers will be able to celebrate the Nut Savior on August 29. Having learned about the main customs, you will be able to spend this day correctly, without violating church laws. In this article, experts will tell you about the history and traditions of the holiday.

history of the holiday

The Third Savior is also called the Miraculous Savior, or the Savior on Canvas, because of a miraculous event that occurred during the Savior’s lifetime. When the Syrian ruler was exhausted from a serious illness, he decided that only the Son of God could heal him. Despite the fact that he had never seen Christ in person, he believed in him and wrote him a letter asking him to heal his illness. Having instructed his painter Ananias to deliver the letter, he ordered an image of Christ to be painted on canvas. When the painter arrived in Palestine, he saw with his own eyes Jesus Christ surrounded by people. However, I couldn’t approach him, so I climbed onto a high stone and tried to draw his portrait. When the Son of God noticed this, he called the painter to him, took the letter and promised that his disciple would soon appear to the ruler and give him healing, and then asked him to give him water and a towel. Having washed his face, he dried himself with a towel, on which his Divine face suddenly appeared. Before the student arrived, the illness had already left the ruler, and the image of Jesus Christ became the main shrine of the Syrian city of Edessa.

Church and folk customs

Nut Spas is a holiday that over the many years of its existence has absorbed many church and folk traditions. Having learned about them, you can spend this day fun and usefully.

According to tradition, from this day on it was allowed to eat freshly harvested nuts, as well as to bless them in the church. It was believed that by eating at least one blessed nut, you could ensure good health for the whole year.

In 2018, the Assumption Fast will end the day before the onset of the Savior of Bread - August 28. This means that after a long period of abstinence on the holiday itself, you will be able to please yourself and your loved ones with dishes of meat, fish, as well as baked goods with any fillings.

In Rus', the Third Spas was considered the opening day of fairs. However, it was impossible to visit the fair without buying something. You definitely had to buy something so that you wouldn’t be short of money all year.


Nut Spas is celebrated on August 29 according to the Slavic calendar. This is the last of the three Great Spas, in addition to and. Otherwise it is called Spas on Canvas, Canvas Spas, Bread Spas or Autumn Spas. I’ll say right away without preamble that the event has a different name among the Orthodox. Transfer of the miraculous image of the Lord Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople.

The essence of the festival, traditions, folk rituals will be discussed.

Transfer of the miraculous image of the Lord to Constantinople

Events take us a thousand years ago, during the reign of King Abgar in Edessa. He suffered from leprosy and inflammation of the joints. Having heard about the miracles of Jesus, unable to move himself, the king sent the scribe Ananias to Jerusalem with a message to Jesus and a request to heal him. While still an artist, the scribe must paint a portrait of the one on whom the king’s life depended.

The letter was delivered and handed to the future Savior. And the artist was unable to paint his portrait. The face of the Son of God constantly changed under the influence of the high grace that emanated from Him. Jesus guessed Ananias' intention and decided to help him. He proved on himself the impossibility of separating the human essence from the Divine, revealing a great miracle. Christ washed his face and wiped it with linen (ubrus). The imprint of Christ's face immediately appeared on the canvas. Subsequently, the image received the name Saint Mandily.

It, along with a letter written by Jesus, was handed to the scribe.

Ananias delivered Mandalia to the sick king Abgar. During the presentation, everyone around them witnessed the partial healing of the king before their eyes. Complete healing occurred later, when the Apostle Saint Thaddeus baptized Abgar, who believed, and all the inhabitants of Edessa. On the Image Not Made by Hands the words were spoken:

“Christ God, whoever trusts in You will not be put to shame.”

The image was placed above the city gates and from now on was ranked among the Images Not Made by Hands.

However, in the events of the next hundreds of years, idolatry came, Christianity was forgotten, as was the Miraculous Image of the Mandylium.

And only years later, in 545, this Image was returned to all believers. And on August 29, 944, Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus gave instructions to transfer the Image and that letter to the then capital of Orthodoxy in Constantinople.

That is why the Festival in honor of the transfer of the Image Not Made by Hands is called the third Savior, “Savior on Canvas” and is celebrated on August 29. The Icon of the Image Not Made by Hands is one of the most common.

The Savior on Canvas is final and closes the strict Assumption Fast.

The most important thing in this celebration is attending services, praying and paying tribute to the Lord for his strength and God’s endless grace. You can pray at home.

The water is illuminated in the temple.

They honor the Bread Savior Martyr Diomede. It helps in curing diseases. Revered Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. On this holiday, women especially pray for well-being in the family, asking for deliverance from problems and everyday difficulties. Pregnant women ask for an easy birth.

After the service, the nuts are illuminated. From this day on, it is recommended to eat them.

Nut Spas: folk traditions

Considering that in our latitudes summer is ending, and with it the harvest. By this time, grain had been collected from the fields, and the housewives were baking the first bread from the new flour.

And now it is the Slavic tradition to bake delicious rolls, pies with nuts, apples, and put honey on the table. The festive meal begins with these products, everything is diligently eaten by the guests, and they treat loved ones and poor people.

On the eve of the holiday, the Assumption Fast ended (August 27), and therefore fish and meat dishes have been on the table next to the heroes for days.

Canvas Spas gave birth to the fabric trade. Traditionally, fairs were opened everywhere.

If on other church holidays work is not welcomed, then on the Autumn Savior, work is held in high esteem. It’s just time to finish working in the field, in the garden, to continue making supplies for the winter, preparations, pickles, preserves, and preserves.

You can see more details about the signs on Orekhovy Spas in the video below.

Sayings on Nut Spas

The Third Savior saved bread.

The Savior is on the canvas, and the bread is in the threshing floor.

Harvest for nuts - expect a bread harvest next year.

Swallows fly away three times - three times the Savior.

The cranes flew off to the third Spas - it will be frosty on Pokrov.

The first Spas - they stand on the water, the second Spas - they eat apples, the third Spas - they sell canvases.

This is an autumn holiday filled with the power of the earth and nature. You should use the energy of the day and direct it towards treatment, enrichment or solving your problems.

Happy holiday to everyone, Happy Savior of Nuts.

Nut (Bread) Spas is a national holiday, which is celebrated on August 29, the day after the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary - this is the last, third festival of the passing summer, which symbolizes the end of the harvest.

On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople. On the same day, the church celebrates the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos of Fedorov and Port Arthur.

What a holiday

Nut Spas, like the first two - Honey and Apple, is an ancient holiday that united all Christian and folk traditions, so the third Spas was considered a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for the harvest of bread and nuts.

The Third Savior is called the Nut Savior because from this day on you can eat nuts after consecration in the church. It is not as popular as the previous two, but of the three it is the most important.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

The name of the holiday "Spas" was formed as an abbreviation for "Savior". Each Savior has its own history and traditions, but they are all connected with Jesus Christ and his deeds.

Another name for the Third Savior is the Savior on Canvas, or the Canvas Savior, which is rooted in the Christian tradition.

Savior Not Made by Hands

According to Tradition, the Savior was called Not Made by Hands because of a miracle that happened during the life of Jesus Christ. The ruler of the Syrian city of Edessa, Abgar, who was stricken with leprosy, without seeing Jesus, believed in Him as the Son of God and wrote a letter asking him to come and heal him.

He sent his painter Ananias with a letter to Palestine, instructing him to paint an image of the Divine Teacher if He could not come.

Upon arrival in Palestine, Ananias saw the Son of God surrounded by a large number of people, but there was no way to approach him. Therefore, the artist stood on a high stone in the distance and tried to paint a portrait of Christ, but nothing worked.

Jesus noticed the painter and called him by name, called him to him and handed over a letter for Abgar. The Savior promised the ruler of the Syrian city to soon send his disciple so that he would heal the sick man and instruct him in the true faith.

Then Jesus asked the people to bring water and a towel (ubrus), washed his face and wiped it with the ubrus, on which His Divine Face appeared. Ananias brought the ubrus and the letter of the Savior to Edessa - Avgar received the shrine with reverence and received healing.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

Icon "Savior Not Made by Hands"

Before the arrival of the disciple promised by the Lord, only a small part of the traces of the terrible illness remained on his face. He was the apostle of the 70, Saint Thaddeus, who preached the Gospel and baptized the believing Abgar and all the inhabitants of Edessa.

The image became very revered in Edessa. The board was nailed to a board and placed above the city gates - the city residents considered it a great shrine.

In 630, the Arabs took possession of Edessa, but they did not interfere with the worship of the Image Not Made by Hands, the fame of which spread throughout the East.

The miraculous image became the main shrine of the city of Edessa, remaining there until 944 - Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus (912-959) bought the Image from the emir, the ruler of the city, and transferred it to Constantinople, the then capital of Orthodoxy. Since then, this event has been celebrated by Orthodox Christians around the world.

However, during the Crusades, the Image was irretrievably lost, and today we have the opportunity to venerate copies of this image in Orthodox churches.

Traditions and customs

On this day, according to tradition, they finished harvesting the grain and baked the first loaf of flour from the new harvest. The bread was blessed in church and then eaten by the whole family, which is why the Third Savior was also called the Bread Savior.

In the old days there were such proverbs: “The Third Savior saved bread,” “If the Third Savior is good, there will be kvass in winter.”

The ritual of keeping the remains of the first loaf, wrapped in a canvas rag behind the icon, has been preserved in some villages to this day. People believed that in this way they lured prosperity into the house and protected the family from hunger.

In many cities and villages, fairs were held on Khlebny or Orekhovy Spas - it was believed that trade on this day would be especially favorable.

At the fairs one could find an abundance of various fabrics, which the villagers willingly came for, since there was an opinion among the people that on this day they needed to buy something from fabrics.

It was not customary to celebrate the Bread (Nut) Savior in any special way, since at that time the suffering was in full swing, and people had no time for entertainment. In the morning they attended church, blessed nuts, bread, grains and went to prepare the fields for winter sowing.

© photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

Nevertheless, some holiday customs were still observed - they baked bread for the poor, treated relatives and passers-by with nuts, and served pies with nuts and other gifts of the passing summer for dinner.

The festive table had to be rich and varied - the Assumption Fast ended on the eve of the holiday, so fish and meat dishes could be served. According to tradition, it was necessary to try all the dishes in order for the next year to be joyful and fat.

On this day, it was customary to give symbolic gifts to relatives, friends and colleagues - nuts, buns baked with your own hands, or canvas towels, since fabric products are also directly related to this holiday.

Housewives on this day were also preparing medicinal nut tincture. To do this, they used membranes of walnuts, which were filled with cognac or vodka and infused in a dark place.

This nut tincture was the first choice for treating colds in cold winters - it was added to hot tea.


There were many signs and rituals associated with the Nut Savior. For example, if two nuts grown together were found, then they were placed in a wallet with the left hand - such a nut would give a person financial luck for a whole year.

© photo: Sputnik / Valery Shustov

Young girls used the nuts to tell fortunes and find out their fate for the year ahead. They ate the first nut they picked and, based on its taste, they determined what awaited them in the coming year.

A ripe and tasty nut means great love; a bitter one means your loved one will cheat; if the nut is not ripe, expect important news; if it’s rotten, there will be trouble.

With the arrival of the Nut Savior, autumn fully comes into its own - according to folk signs, a stormy August foreshadows a long, warm autumn. The last swallows are flying to Orekhovy Spas, and if the cranes are flying by August 29, winter will be early.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Nut Savior is the popular name for the Christian holiday of the Transfer of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands from Syrian Edessa to Constantinople in 944. The bright image of Jesus was created during His life by Himself on the eve of the end of His earthly life.

This holiday is celebrated on September 29, the second day after the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

What the Savior looked like during life

Not a single Christian document, be it the 27 epistles of the New Testament or hundreds of non-canonical books, accurately describes what Jesus looked like as a man.

The Evangelists Matthew, Luke, Mark and John also do not answer this question. The descriptions of the appearance of the Savior left by historians and philosophers of later years are so contradictory that it seems that they described different people.

It is not known for certain what Jesus Christ looked like

According to human concepts, Jesus should have been different from ordinary people in His appearance, but why then did the Pharisees pay 30 pieces of silver to Judas Iscariot for him to point to the Teacher? This means that the Savior had an ordinary appearance, which helped Him to get lost in the crowd. The Shroud of Turin gave humanity a posthumous image of the Savior, from which it is difficult to imagine what Jesus looked like during his earthly life.

The first, lifetime description of Christ was made by the proconsul of Palestine Lentulus, who described the portrait of Jesus in a letter to the Roman Caesar Tiberius.

Interesting! According to the proconsul, Jesus had a beautiful, noble face and a harmonious body. His hair was the color of a ripe nut, and his face radiated strength and calm, his blue eyes always remained serious. He was slow in conversation, always calm and balanced.

However, this message was called into question, because historians did not find a proconsul with that name in Tiberius’ entourage.

Drawings of that time depicted the Savior either as a Roman citizen in beautiful clothes, with short hair and a shaved face, or as a Greek, or as a Jew.

The history of the appearance of the Miraculous Image of Jesus

Healing of Avgar

According to legend, the ruler of the Syrian city of Edessa, Abgar, fell ill with leprosy. Patients with this disease were forced to live in a leper colony, but the power of the authorities saved the ruler from shame.

The rumor about the miraculous healings given by Jesus spread throughout the entire eastern coast, and Abgar also learned about Him. The Syrian ruler, by the grace of God, immediately believed in Jesus as the Messiah promised by God and sent a messenger to him asking for healing. This messenger was the court painter Ananias, who was ordered to capture the Divine Face of the Savior on canvas.

About other icons of Christ:

The obedient messenger reached Jerusalem, found Jesus, but could not get close to the Teacher because of the constant crowd of people around Him. The resourceful painter stood on a high stone, trying to make sketches.

The Syrian ruler Abgar received a “miraculous” image of Jesus Christ

Christ noticed the messenger, called Ananias and Himself handed over a note for Abgar, which said that one of the apostles would soon visit the sick man and bring healing.

The Savior knew that a terrible death, crucifixion and resurrection would soon await Him. Jesus agreed to the request to make a portrait; the Teacher asked to give Him a piece of canvas or tarpaulin and water. Having washed, the Savior blotted his bright Face with canvas, leaving His Image Not Made by Hands on it, and gave the imprint of His face to the artist. Hence the third Spas is also called Spas on canvas.

The painter delivered the holy decoration and the message of Christ to the ruler Abgar, who was almost completely healed from one touch of the message of Christ. Soon, the Apostle Thaddeus, one of the 70 disciples, visited Syria, and through his healing prayer, leprosy left the ruler of Syria forever.

Important! The Apostle baptized the ruler and the entire population of Edessa, after which he left an inscription on the Image Not Made by Hands, saying that no one will be ashamed, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pious Abgar decorated the canvas and hung the shrine over the main gate of the city. For many years, everyone entering Edessa worshiped the Image Not Made by Hands, until the great-grandson of Abgar became an idolater.

Great power of the shrine

The heretic ordered the destruction of the Holy Face, but the Lord appeared to the Bishop of Edessa in a dream and ordered the shrine to be hidden from human eyes. On a dark night, the priest made his way to the Holy Face, lit a lamp in front of the shrine and covered it with clay boards and bricks. Centuries passed and the Holy Face was forgotten.

The year was 545. The Persians, led by King Chozroes, laid siege to Edessa. When the city was preparing to surrender its positions, the Virgin Mary herself came to the aid of the residents, appearing to the Bishop of Edessa. Bishop Eulavius ​​heard the Most Holy Mother of God, who ordered him to get the Holy Face to save the city. Imagine Evlavius’s surprise when the bishop saw a fireproof lamp, a shrine and another miraculous Image imprinted on a clay board.

The Persians lit large fires around Edessa in an attempt to burn the city. Residents of the besieged fortress made a religious procession around the city, carrying shrines in front of them. During the religious procession, as the Image Not Made by Hands approached the fires, the fire disappeared on its own. This phenomenon so impressed the Persian army that King Khozroes ordered a retreat.

The fame of the Image Not Made by Hands quickly spread throughout the East, so the Arabs, who conquered Edessa in 630, did not interfere with the worship of the shrine. Until 944, the Christian relic remained in the Saracen city.

Transfer of the Miraculous Image of Jesus Christ

The Greek emperor Constantine persuaded the emir of the city to sell him the shrine for a huge sum, paying him with silver, personal gold and releasing 200 noble Saracens held captive by the Greeks.

Great honors accompanied the religious procession that came out to meet the Image Not Made by Hands in Constantinople, after which the shrine was kept in the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Legends about the further fate of the shrine

Where did the great shrine go? There are several versions of her disappearance and existence.

According to one legend, the Image Not Made by Hands was stolen by the crusaders in the 13th century and drowned along with the ship in the Sea of ​​Marmara. Other sources claim that in the middle of the 14th century the shrine was transferred to the monastery of St. Bartholomew, located in Genoa, where it is kept secret to this day.

Miraculous Image (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ

Russian Christians have long honored the Holy Image, placing the image not made by hands on the banners of their troops.

Important! The Russian Orthodox Church adheres to the pious custom that every believer, upon entering the temple, read the troparion to the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Oh, Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, our God, You are more ancient than Your human nature, having washed off Your face with holy water and wiped it with a rubbish, so You miraculously depicted it on the same curb and You deigned to send it to the Prince of Edessa Abgar to heal him from an illness. Behold, now we, Thy sinful servants, are possessed by our mental and physical ailments, we seek Thy face, O Lord, and with David in the humility of our souls we call, do not turn away Thy face, O Lord, from us, and do not turn aside in anger from Thy servants, our helper. wake up, do not reject us and do not leave us. Oh, All-Merciful Lord, our Savior, depict Yourself in our souls, so that in holiness and truth, living in holiness, we will be Your sons and heirs of Your Kingdom, and so we will not cease to glorify You, Our Most Merciful God, together with Your Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit. forever and ever. Amen.

Voice 2: We worship Your most pure image, O Good One, asking for forgiveness of our sins, O Christ our God: by the will of Your flesh You have deigned to ascend to the Cross, so that You may deliver Him from the work of the enemy. Thus we cry out to You in gratitude: You have filled all with joy, our Savior, who came to save the world.

According to popular belief, a rich nut harvest guaranteed a grain-rich next year.

At the same time, the last sheaves of grain were knitted, hence the third name - Savior of the Bread, after which it was possible to sow rye for the winter.

Nut Spas is the last of the three Spas, the final chord in thanksgiving to God for the given harvest of nuts, bread, apples, honey and poppy seeds.

Video about the Third Savior - bread, nut


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