Healthy lifestyle for children with disabilities. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities through project activities

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Peteneva L.I.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities through the use of modern health-saving technologies outside of school hours.

Sukhomlinsky V.A. wrote: “Caring for health” is the most important work of a teacher. Among the most important social tasks facing education today is concern for the health, physical education and development of students. The increase in the number of diseases among students with disabilities has been rapidly accelerating in recent years. At the present stage, the task of providing school education without loss of student health has become urgent. Among the many tasks facing education in a correctional school for children with disabilities, first of all, there are correctional-compensatory, educational, educational and therapeutic tasks. Therefore, the use of a health education system is one of the most effective means of compensating for underdeveloped functions. The entire correctional and educational process is built on the basis of the use of intact functions, but at the same time taking into account the potential development capabilities of the child as fully as possible. Everyone wants to see children healthy and happy. But how can you make sure that your child lives in harmony with himself, with the world around him, with people? The secret of this harmony is simple: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. It includes maintaining physical health, the desire to provide help to those who need it, and the absence of bad habits. I believe that the result of working with children at school is their awareness of the positive impact of observing the rules of personal and public hygiene, the importance of playing sports for a person’s creative and life success, and awareness of the dangers of bad habits for life and health.

Boarding school as a social environment in which children with disabilities find themselves often creates psychological difficulties for them. The specifics of the modern educational process are determined both by the length of the school day, homework completion, and the structure of the activity, the quantity, pace and methods of presenting information, the initial functional states and adaptability of the student. The student has to adapt to the pressure exerted on him by the demands of the educational process. One of the tasks that we set for ourselves can be stated as follows: “Formation of the individual’s needs for maintaining and strengthening health.” This means that the problem of children's health is particularly acute. The truth is clear! If there is no health, then everything else is meaningless. Health-improving work at extracurricular activities is necessary to prevent overload, overstrain and ensure conditions for successful learning of schoolchildren. Therefore, our pedagogical activities are aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, forming their views and beliefs in preserving their own health.

GKOU SO "Ekaterinburg Orphanage No. 5", Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region.

Permyakova E.V., Gaponenkova T.S. Formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle among preschool children with disabilities in an orphanage // Sovushka. 2015. N1..2015.n1.00014.html (date of access: 07/06/2019).

Health- one of the main values ​​in human life and occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of human needs. It should be noted that the realization of intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy society. The concept of “health” has many definitions. The most meaningful, in our opinion, is the definition given by the World Health Organization:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

The culture of a healthy lifestyle contributes to a person’s achievement of active longevity and the full performance of various social functions.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

  • complete, balanced nutrition with a set of vital substances;
  • being in the fresh air, hardening, immunity training;
  • organization of an individual, expedient regime of physical activity that provides the body’s daily need for movement;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • mental and emotional stability;
  • competent environmental behavior
  • compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, personal hygiene;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • safe behavior.

Preschool age is the most important period when a person’s personality is formed. And it is during this period that the foundations for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle are laid. The child acquires many habits, including the skills of performing vital movements that significantly affect the functioning of the organs and systems of the body, awareness of the importance of personal hygiene, proper nutrition, and an active lifestyle.

Taking care of improving the health of a child is not only a medical problem, but also a pedagogical one. The team of teachers of the State Educational Institution of Educational Establishment of the Yekaterinburg Orphanage No. 5 for children with disabilities understands perfectly well that only properly organized educational work with children ensures the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, and this is not just hygienic measures.

The health of our students is determined by such factors as heredity, health disorders, living conditions and upbringing in the family and in the educational organization. The formation of a healthy personality in children, and in particular children with disabilities, is possible by ensuring an effective relationship between physical education and the targeted development of their personality, in a specially created and organized environment that promotes the development of independence, self-organization, and self-regulation of one’s own actions.

Our task as teachers is to prepare students as much as possible to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. The most pressing question arises about the need to develop the individual capabilities of each child, the formation of vital competencies in him. Thus, the assimilation of the rules of health-saving behavior occurs through the formation of initial ideas about social norms of interaction, associated primarily with the attitude towards oneself and towards others.

Today, the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle is reflected in pedagogical theory and practice, but this problem has been little studied in relation to children with disabilities brought up in an orphanage. The issues of developing a culture of healthy lifestyles in children with sensory, motor, speech and intellectual disabilities in orphanages have not been sufficiently developed, despite the fact that these children need specially organized conditions for education and upbringing.

The developmental characteristics of our students influence the formation of their behavior, activity, emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres, which is undoubtedly reflected in the formation of ideas about the culture of a healthy lifestyle. The teachers at our orphanage try to take these features into account to implement a person-centered and differentiated approach to each child when teaching them the skills to maintain and strengthen their health, taking into account their condition. In addition, relying on children's personal experience when carrying out medical prescriptions helps them understand the need to take care of their health.

When creating a culture of a healthy lifestyle in children, we use the following forms of work (for preschool children with disabilities): observations, demonstration of methods of action, viewing of video and photo materials, illustrations, visual activities, didactic and role-playing games; stories from the teacher, conversations, solving problem situations, experiments, exercises, health-improving and hardening activities.

From our practice, we see that when performing hygiene measures, nursery rhymes and jokes evoke the greatest responsiveness in children. For example:

Ay, okay, okay, okay,
We love water very much.
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile sweetly.

Clean water
He will wash Sasha’s face,
Vanechka - palms,
And the fingers are for Andryushka.

Squish - squish with hands,
The basin is full of soap.
Don't touch, Slavochka,
Soap pen eyes.
And the water gurgles,
And the water is foaming.
Slavochka will wash herself,
He combs his hair and gets dressed.

If you don't wash your face in the morning,
The fairy may be surprised.
Unrecognizable and afraid.
We'd better wash ourselves.
(I. Gurina)

Also of particular interest are:

  • game - experimentation: “Clean and dirty hands”, “Making soap bubbles”, “Who is reflected in the mirror?”, “Wet sleeves and a towel”;
  • game - travel: "Confusion, or what is it for?", "Journey to the land of the Toothbrush";
  • game situations: “Let’s help the doll Masha get ready to visit the doll Dasha”, “The little bunny lost his sock”;
  • problematic situations: “Dunno bruised his knee,” “A stranger suggests taking a walk outside the orphanage territory”;
  • conversations: “Where do diseases come from”; "What to do if a person gets sick?", "Healthy food", "What is soap for?";
  • didactic game: Let's teach Mishka to fold his things", "Show Winnie the Pooh how to wipe his face and hands with a towel", "Teach Katya to fasten buttons", "Let's tell Piglet how to eat food";
  • health-improving and hardening activities: walking on a preventive mat, breathing exercises, air baths, visiting the pool, rinsing the mouth, etc.

Forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle is extremely important in strengthening the health of the pupils of our orphanage, developing their independence, initiative, responsibility in matters of preserving and preserving health; knowledge of the characteristics of your body, possible health pathologies and ways to correct them (development of compensatory mechanisms); knowledge of the basics of safe behavior in everyday life and society; developing skills for self-regulation of one’s own actions and interaction with others.

  1. Popov S.V. Valueology at school and at home. SPb.: SOYUZ, 1998. 256 p.
  2. Avdeeva N.N. Safety: a textbook on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age / N.N. Avdeeva, N.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin. SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2007. 144 p.

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education "Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan" Laboratory of Inclusive Education of the Institute of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Project work of students within the framework of the educational program “Modern requirements and technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of students with disabilities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard”

“Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities”

(correctional) general education

Type VIII boarding schools.

Scientific supervisor: Morozova A.N.

senior methodologist of the IRO RT.

Curator: Morozova A.N.

Senior methodologist of the IRO RT.

Kazan 2015


“Health is a precious thing, and besides

the only one for which I really

you should not only spare no time, effort,

labors and all sorts of benefits, but also to sacrifice

for his sake, a particle of life itself,

because life without him becomes

unbearable and humiliating."

Michel de Montaigne

The current state of health of all children, and especially those with intellectual disabilities, is of serious concern. Only 5% of school graduates are practically healthy, 40% of schoolchildren are chronically ill, 50% have morphophysiological deviations, instead of acceleration there is deceleration (a 20-fold increase in the number of short people), every year up to 300 thousand young men do not go to military service for medical reasons. Up to 80% of children suffer from various neuropsychiatric disorders.

In the Concept of health protection approved by the Government of the Russian Federationvillages of the Russian Federation in the transition period of reformIn the economy and social sphere, changing the behavior of the population has been identified as one of the priority tasks. This is due not only to diseases that lead to premature death in adults, but also to the increase in socially determined diseases in adolescents.According to the studies conducted, the prerequisites for behavior associatedposed with a risk to health, are laid before the age of 18 years. That's whyIn the Concepts of Education and Health Protection, great importance is attached to strengtheningcooperation between health care and institutions education and primarily in closed institutions (boarding schools). This is especially true for specialists. Corr. There are 8 types of schools, because they have a special regime of life. But, taking into account the peculiarities of physical development, the state of the nervous system and the health of the pupils of these schools, the regime must be protective in nature. Therefore, the work of teachers and educators should be aimed at strengthening the physical condition of children, their nervous system and health.

Of course, the reasons for the decline in health are manifold: family history, environmental problems, and social crisis. Modern school, with its increased physical and mental stress, often has a sharp negative impact on the weakened body of children, causing maladaptation and provoking an increase in diseases. The choice of a healthy lifestyle for a child must be conscious. That is why any general educational institution should become a “healthy lifestyle school” for students, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as eating, physical activity, etc.) will have a health-pedagogical orientation. This will help develop children’s habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, and the formation of skills for making independent decisions regarding maintaining and strengthening their health.

1.Relevance of the project:

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is caused by both an increase and a change in the nature of stress on the body in modern life, which is associated with an increase in environmental, psychological and man-made risks. Stress, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, passion for computer games, and “bad” habits accompany the life of a modern person.

The concept of “healthy lifestyle” has not yet been clearly defined. Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction (P. A. Vinogradov, B. S. Erasov, O. A. Milshtein, V. A. Ponomarchuk, V. I. Stolyarov, etc.) consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, an integral part of life of society as a whole. In the psychological and pedagogical direction (G. P. Aksenov, V. K. Balsevich, M. Ya. Vilensky, R. Ditls, I. O. Martynyuk, L. S. Kobelyanskaya, etc.) healthy lifestyle is considered from the point of view of consciousness, human psychology, motivation. There are other points of view (for example, medical and biological), but there is no sharp line between them, since they are aimed at solving one problem - improving the health of the individual.

Health - the category of reserves of life, the vitality of a person as an integral being in the unity of his bodily and mental characteristics. Such reserves and vitality are formed in the process of education. And this is the field of pedagogy. This means that health is a pedagogical category. Health is either strengthened or lost in the process of raising a person in the family and school.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the current situation is complex and requires immediate action. In order to preserve the health of a child, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all the adults around him (parents, teachers, educators, doctors, etc.), in order to create around him an atmosphere filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, from an early age a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed.

And if the problem of a healthy lifestyle is not addressed today, then “perhaps” there will be no one to think about it tomorrow. The priority areas in the work of the teaching staff were: maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, nurturing the internal need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Analyzing the CURRENT situation, there was a need to review the formation of a healthy lifestyle and create “Healthy Lifestyle” program.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of other aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full performance of social functions. As the saying goes: “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.”

2.Goals and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project : developing in pupils the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Project objectives:1. Formation of momotivation and responsibility for preserving one’s ownhealth, ensuring a healthy lifestyle by creating an environment in the group that is favorable for strengthening health health

2. Organization of diverse and versatile activities of children to form a physically healthy personality,

3. Development of a holistic health care system and its application in order to radically improve the state and quality of health of all participants in the educational process;

Project target group: students of a special general education correctional boarding school of the VIII type

Project participants: administration, class teacher, educator, teachers, school psychologist, medical staff of the boarding school, students with disabilities, parents.

Project location: State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities “Pestrechinskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type”

Project implementation timeline: 2013-2016.

Life cycle and stages of project implementation

I stage. Information and analytical - 2013-2014.

Stage II. Practical - 2014-2015

Stage III. Practice-summarizing 2015 -2016

Elements of a healthy lifestyle are implemented through a set of actions in all basic forms of human life :



    family household,


From elementary school in a special (correctional) boarding school of type 8, a certain culture of behavior and a corresponding lifestyle are formed. This is especially true in relation to caring for the health of children with intellectual disabilities. When drawing up the project, the mental disabilities of children and age characteristics were taken into account. Therefore, the work consists of six sections and in each of them, classes are allocated for younger, middle and older ages.

Basic principles of the project:

    Humanization and democratization - defining specific goals and objectives of education, upbringing and personal development, creating a comfortable environment and conditions for its self-realization;

    Correspondence of goals and content objectives national strategy programs, state and regional policy interests;

    Scientific - introduce advanced scientific experience of teachers in creating health-saving technologies;

    Participation - involving pupils in direct and conscious participation in targeted activities to improve the health of their body, rational use of time, and implementation of sanitary educational work;

    Continuity - ensuring an integrated approach to health education between different age groups;

Highlight three aspects of health or well-being:


    mental (psycho-emotional)

    social health

Lifestyle is shaped by the society or group in which a person lives. Therefore, the formation of a healthy lifestyle is primarily an educational task. The program highlights main components of a healthy lifestyle:

1.favorable social environment;

2.spiritual and moral well-being;

    3. optimal motor mode (culture of movement);

    4.hardening the body;

    5.rational nutrition;

    6.personal hygiene;

    7.refusal of harmful addictions (smoking, drinking alcohol)

drinks, drugs);

    8.positive emotions.

Human health (a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being) depends on lifestyle (up to 70%), heredity (15%), environment (8-10%), medicine (8-10%). Consequently, the main task in preserving and strengthening the health of children is the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Main project lines

Based on the study of the works of V.V. Kolbanova, I.I. Sokovni-Semenova, B.N. Chumakov can be distinguished main components of a healthy lifestyle:

1. Balanced nutrition.

Food must cover the body's energy costs, be complete in chemical composition and contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates (1-1-4), vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, be chemically harmless and safe from the point of view of bacterial composition.

2. Optimal physical activity for the body.

The role of physical activity in determining human health has been known for a long time. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato considered movement “the healing part of medicine.” The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy.”

3. Maintaining a daily routine (taking into account individual biorhythms).

I.N. Pavlov believed that the basis of the regime is a “dynamic stereotype”, i.e. regularly repeating activity, but not inert, monotonous, but dynamic, changing depending on the influence of the environment. This helps the child develop good adaptation to changing conditions. Be sure to follow only the basic components of your daily routine (waking up and falling asleep, eating, walking). Other types of children's activities can be changed according to the time and duration of implementation. And if, in addition, the regime is based on the characteristics of the individual “biorhythmological portrait” of the child, the systems of his body will be in better operating conditions.

4. Prevention of bad habits (or abandonment of them) and formation of useful habits.

Good habits and hygiene skills are better reinforced when they are realized. As for bad habits, the basis for acquiring and getting rid of them is will.

5.Increasing psycho-emotional stability.

Judging by experiments, it is not active emotions that are especially dangerous to health, but passive ones - despair, anxiety, fearfulness, depression. In humans, these emotions often take on the social connotation of guilt, regret, and remorse.

That is why positive thinking is considered one of the components of health. Positive thinking is not an innate property; it is achieved through persistent training. It is important to teach a child to rejoice even in his own small victory, and even more so in the success of others.

6. “Meaningful life” (the meaning of life).

It has a lot to do with health. Everything else - nutrition, movement, and hygiene makes sense only when a person has something to get out of bed for every morning, if there is a task that no one else can do except him or better than him, there is an interest in the world, there is love for at least one anything.

When drawing up the program, the following research and impact methods were used.

Research methodsI: study, observation, experiment.

Methods of influence: verbal, practical, visual.

The need for widespread use of verbal methods is due to the fact that pupils with intellectual underdevelopment, especially children, have a limited vocabulary and do not understand the content of many words. A conversation is often used, organized using a system of questions that gradually leads them to assimilate new material. During partial-search conversations, problematic situations are created (questions are posed, tasks are proposed), and a collective discussion is organized.

Using the illustration method (showing posters, sketches on the board,

pictures, etc.) and demonstration method (demonstration of real objects,

experiments) made it possible to increase the effectiveness of classes. Much attention is paid to the example method. In classes, the techniques of “training” and “exercise” are actively used. In order to increase the emotional background of classes, didactic games (of various topics and content), elements of visual activity, and motor exercises were used.

When drawing up the program, various educational and methodological literature was used. The book “Extracurricular Activities in Correctional Classes” contains developments for a health day - “If you want to be healthy, try!”, a lesson - advice - “How to learn to maintain a daily routine”, compiled by G.P. Popova. The book by L.A. Obukhova and others “New 135 health lessons, or the School of Doctors of Nature” (Teacher’s Workshop) provided great methodological assistance. It contains a fully developed course of lessons for schoolchildren with planning. A practical guide was the manual for educators “Organization and planning

educational work in a special boarding school, orphanage" Khudenko E.D.

The program is a synthesis of knowledge about the main factors of healthy lifestyle and

includes 6 interconnected blocks of lessons:

Each program block consists of three subsections designed for three age groups of pupils:




Each age has its own lesson theme.

For example, section "Proper nutrition":



Middle management:

1. Nutrition is a necessary condition for life (conversation).

2.Healthy food for the whole family (presentation).

3.Nutrition is the basis of life (oral journal).

4.How to become Hercules? (correspondence travel).

5.Vegetables and fruits are vitamin products (conversation).

6.What are nutrients? (Questions and answers).

7. “Healthy” and “harmful” foods (crossword puzzle).

8.What rules of eating do you know? (generalization of knowledge and skills).

9.What does a person need in food? (nutrition rules)

Senior level:

1.Healthy eating (question and answer hour).

2Features of nutrition according to the seasons of the year (drawing up recommendations).

3. House doctor (conversation with the “doctor”).

4.The path of the pie (presentation).

5. The connection between nutrition and disease (auction of opinions).

6. Health pantry in the forest, in the garden (correspondence trip).

7. “Evil products” (compiling a crossword puzzle).

8.Avitaminosis and exacerbation of chronic diseases (role play).

9. Rational nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle (conversation).


1. Basic foods and human health (oral journal).

2. Reasonable diet (working with the menu).

3.Diet – pros and cons (auction of interests).

4.Rational nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle (conversation).

5. Vitamin deficiency and poor health (doctor’s advice).

6.Vitamins and chronic diseases (“going” to a nutritionist).

7.Analysis of the daily menu (workshop).

8. Product expiration date and my health (working with food packaging).

Work with students begins with consolidating basic knowledge about human nutrition in the form of conversations, game moments, and entertaining moments; then at the senior level, more attention is paid to practical and research work.

The number of children suffering from gastrointestinal diseases was analyzed.


Types of diseases

Number of students


Liver disease.

Gastrointestinal tract




Musculoskeletal disorders

Respiratory diseases





From the data in the table it can be seen that almost every one of the pupils (7 people) has gastrointestinal diseases. And mostly these diseases are acquired.

Children were surveyed during extracurricular activities. Example “Your food preferences.”

After analyzing this questionnaire, we obtained the following results: Diagram.

At the end of the school year, the results changed for the better:

Question 3

Question 2

Question 3

Option A




Option B




Option B




Option D




Option D



Option E


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the project:


The first direction is "Fundamentals of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle"

A healthy lifestyle is a rational lifestyle, an integral feature of which is active activity aimed at maintaining and improving health. A lifestyle that promotes public and individual health is the basis for the prevention, protection and promotion of public health.


The second direction "Cultivating a culture of health"
Nurturing a culture of health is the creation of pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of the student’s personality as a subject of health-improving activities in accordance with his interests, inclinations, abilities, value systems for self-preservation of health, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities to maintain a reasonable healthy lifestyle.


The third direction is “Prevention of bad habits”.
A bad habit is a way of behavior fixed in a person in relation to the person himself. The quality of life depends not only on compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, but also on the habits that a person developed at a given age. The referral has a preventive effect on a number of bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol and drug use.


Fourth direction "Active and educational games"

Play is a natural companion of a child’s life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the child’s developing body - his insatiable need for cheerful movements. The advantage of active and educational games over strictly dosed exercises is that the game is always associated with initiative, imagination, creativity, is emotional, and stimulates motor activity.

Chapter II. Project implementation mechanism

2.1Structure of a complex of health and physical education activities used in a boarding school

(A) During the educational process

Physical education lessons from 1

12th grade 2-3 times a week;

Outside of physical education lessons:

Morning exercises;

Moving change;

Physical education minutes.

(B) During extracurricular and

extracurricular work



Poor posture;

Visual impairment.

Exercise therapy classes from 1st to 6th grade

2 times per week

Holding Health Days

and health lessons;

Classes in sports sections;

Carrying out sports


2.2 Health-improving moments in the classroom and during extracurricular and extracurricular activities:

Physical education minutes, dynamic breaks

Minutes of relaxation

Breathing exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes

Massage of active points

2.3 Indicators (project effectiveness criteria, diagnostic methods) To solve the problems, a research method was used: analysis of methodological, psychological, pedagogical sources on the stated topic.

2.4 Expected results of the project implementation

During the work to improve the health of children with intellectual disabilities, a system was developed that made it possible to record positive results: the incidence of illness in children has decreased, a culture of healthy lifestyle is being formed, and independent beliefs about health are being developed

1. Acceptance of the value of health as one of the main human values ​​will allow students with disabilities to orient their behavior towards preserving and strengthening the health of themselves and those around them;

2. Successfully adapt to the educational and social space;

3. Reveal the creative abilities of students with disabilities;

4. To realize personal potential to the fullest and increase success in sports.

As a result of active work to improve the health of children with intellectual disabilities

    comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements: maintain personal hygiene and carry out hygienic procedures during the day;

    carry out active recreational activities;

    shape your health.

Students should know:

    factors affecting human health;

    causes of certain diseases;

    causes of injuries and rules of first aid;

    types of hardening (staying in the fresh air, dousing, rubbing, sunbathing) and rules for hardening the body; the influence of hardening on the physical condition and promotion of human health;

    about the benefits of physical exercise for the harmonious development of a person;

    basic forms of physical activity and types of physical exercise.

Currently, a large number of healthy lifestyle measures have been developed. This includes the radio line “Travel around the city of Zdoroveysk”, the correspondence trip “Why do teeth hurt”, the drawing competition “A healthy body means a healthy mind”, the lesson “Vegetables and fruits - vitamin products”, the presentation “If you want to be healthy!”, “Let's say no to drugs!”, “Smoking is harmful to health”, compiling a crossword puzzle “Evil products”, etc. Topics of the DRC (diagnosis, regulation and correction), carried out in the group: the health of students during the daily routine of a boarding school; the student’s condition and level of comfort in school and group.

She has spoken repeatedly at methodological associations and pedagogical councils with topics on healthy lifestyles (“The influence of psychoactive substances on a teenager”), and we share our experience of working with “Methodological piggy bank of the group”.

The problem of children's health is in the hands of our teachers, doctors, parents, and no matter what the socio-economic conditions surround us. Protecting the health of children is our top priority. Health will become a value for a child if: - He develops an interest in this problem; - Is supported by entertaining, playful activities;

“Caring for human health, especially the health of a child, is, first of all, caring for the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


Thus, Healthy lifestyle program provides widespread

health-saving culture of pupils, taking into account opportunities

and boarding school conditions. It provides transition mechanisms

external culture of a healthy lifestyle into the internal culture of the student’s personality, primarily through constructing a route for personal development, forming the student’s self-awareness. The program provides a connection between the physical, moral, mental components of the child and the corresponding types of health. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, special approaches are selected for each child brought up through non-standard, active forms and methods of training and education


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

4. Sanitary norms and rules approved by the joint

by resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision;

5. Order 1418 of May 15, 2001 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On approval of the approximate regulations on the center for promoting the health of students and pupils of an educational institution.”

6. V.V. Kolbanova, I.I. Sokovni-Semenova, B.N. Chumakova

“The main components of a healthy lifestyle in the educational process”, M., 2003.

7 G.P.Popova. “Extracurricular activities in correctional classes”, M., 2000.

8. L.A. Obukhova “New 135 health lessons, or School of Doctors of Nature » Rotov on/D: Phoenix, 2009.

9. E.D. Khudenko “Organization and planning of educational work in a special boarding school, orphanage,” M., 2006.

10. Kvach N.V. Health-saving pedagogy. – M., “VLADOS”, 2001.

11. The health of our children. // Primary school, No. 8.9 – 2004


Appendix No. 1

Healthy lifestyle formation system


Fostering a healthy lifestyle culture

Introduction of new technologies

Appendix No. 2


1. What foods do you like to eat? A) fruits B) flour products C) chips D) crackers E) other

2 .Which drink do you prefer when purchasing? A) juice B) Coca-Cola C) Sprite D) lemonade E) mineral water E) other drinks

3. Do you know the benefits or harms of these foods and drinks? A) yes B) I have a vague idea C) I don’t know D) I don’t care

extracurricular activities “Sport is health”

Goal and objectives of the program:

Target: ensure the possibility of maintaining children’s health while studying at school; to teach children to be healthy in soul and body, to strive to create their own health, using knowledge and skills in accordance with the laws of nature, the laws of existence.


    to develop in children the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle;

    to form in children the motivational sphere of hygienic behavior, safe life, physical education;

    ensure physical and mental self-development;

    teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;

    achieve the need to comply with basic health rules.

Features of the program

This program is being built on the principles :

    Scientific ; which are based on an analysis of statistical medical studies on the health status of schoolchildren.

    Availability ; which determines the content of the course in accordance with the age characteristics of junior schoolchildren.

    Systematicity ; defining the relationship and integrity of the content, forms and principles of the proposed course.

In this case, it is necessary to highlight practical orientation course.

    Providing motivation

Being healthy means being happy and successful in your future adult life.

The classes are of a scientific and educational nature.

Main activities of students:

    discussion communication skills;


    a game.

The study of program material begins in the 1st grade at a level accessible to primary schoolchildren, mainly in the form of educational games and in the process of practical activities. In addition, each individual section of the course includes additional activities:

      • learning and performing songs;

        organization of outdoor games;

        conducting experiments;

        performing physical exercises, exercises for relaxation, concentration, development of imagination;

The organization of educational classes assumes that any activity for children should become a lesson in joy, revealing to each child his own individuality and reserve capabilities of the body, which ensure increased levels of performance and adaptability.

It should not be a “memorization” lesson, in which, instead of achieving a healing effect, only an additional burden is created. Each lesson should become a real lesson in “health creativity”.

The program is designed for children 7-10 years old and has been implemented for 4 years. The number of students is 10-15 people.

Description of work: The scenario was developed for extra-curricular leisure activities for children with intellectual disabilities in primary school. This development can be used for preschool children, simplifying the tasks of sports competitions at the discretion of teachers. The entertainment scenario is aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle; ways for younger schoolchildren to preserve and strengthen their health have been developed in a playful and exciting way.

Scenario of an extracurricular event for junior schoolchildren “We wish everyone health!”

Target: consolidation of students' knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a sustainable desire to constantly improve their health.

1. Repeat knowledge about ways to improve your health.
2. Correct voluntary attention and long-term memory based on the completion of tasks during the event.
3. Foster a sense of responsibility for your health, motivation for an active lifestyle.

Equipment: decorating the hall with posters with proverbs about health and healthy lifestyle; attributes for competitions: 2 balls, 2 medium hoops, 2 jump ropes, skittles - 6 pcs.; a bag of vegetables: tomato, cucumber, potato, onion - turnip, carrot, beet (1 pc. each).
Participants: primary school students.
Characters: presenter, Gantelkin.

Progress of the event:

Children sit on chairs in the hall. The leader stands in front of them.

Leading: Hello children!
Children: Hello!
Leading: I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health! Why do you think greeting people involves wishing each other health? Because HEALTH is the most important thing a person has... Therefore, as you already know, today we met at an event called “We wish everyone health!” A guest has been invited to visit us and, in order to be hospitable, everyone sit down nicely and prepare your palms to clap. So, meet Gantelkin!
Music sounds, Gantelkin appears with a large umbrella and a bag behind his back.

Gantelkin's welcome dance
Gantelkin: Hello guys!
Children: Hello!
Gantelkin: My name is Gantelkin. They sent me an invitation to your holiday via the Internet and so I came. Please remind me what event you have at school today?
Children:“We wish everyone good health!”
Gantelkin: So I wish you all health!
Let's play sports.
Let's toughen up
And swim headlong in the ice hole.
And barefoot in the snow,
And in the morning we'll do exercises,
And we will eat food from the garden,
And don’t forget to wash your hands,
And glorify the day of health!
Do you guys do everything to be healthy?
Children: Yes.
Gantelkin: What do you do for your health?
Leading: Come on guys, I'll help you. I will read poetry to you, and you will finish the last phrase in chorus.

Vocabulary and didactic game “Finish the phrase.”
1. We woke up early this morning
We ran away from the sofa,
So as not to be afraid of germs
Need to in the morning……… (to wash).

2. We washed ourselves carefully

Ears and neck were not forgotten.
To make our teeth shine
In the mornings we……. (we brush our teeth).

3. We dressed up in clothes,
They stood up straight, bent over,
So that the day goes well,
In the morning we do………. (charging).

4. The ball is bouncing along the path,
It's like a bunny jumping.
So that we can glorify friendship,
We need together………. (play).

5. We will all be very clever
From special training.
So that we can gain health,
We need sports…………. (study).

6. Whoever plays sports has strength…….. (typed).

7. To be big and strong, you need to eat……… (vitamins).

8. Sun, air and water are our best……….. (Friends).

Leading: That's right, guys, well done!
Gantelkin: I’ll check now how you do your exercises in the morning.
The sedentary game “Charging” is conducted by Gantelkin.
Gantelkin, reading a quatrain, shows exercises,
children repeat them.

Gantelkin: Every day in the morning we do exercises,
We really like to do everything in order.
We raise our hands to the sun, we walk happily together,
We squat and stand up, we live very well!

Leading: Well done, guys, we see that you do exercises in the morning, and we also know that you eat vitamins from the garden. Now I will tell you riddles, and you try to guess them. Gantelkin has the clues hidden in his bag, he will come up to you, and the one who guessed it will take the clue out of the bag with his eyes closed.

The word game “Riddles from the Garden” and the game “Wonderful Bag”.
1. How riddles grew in our garden bed
Juicy and large, so round.
They turn green in the summer and turn red in the fall (tomatoes)

2. I am both fresh and salty, all pimply and green.
Don't forget me my friend, save your health for future use (cucumber)

3. The red maiden sits in prison,
and the braid is on the street (carrot)

4. Unprepossessing, gnarly, but she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully: “Well, it’s crumbly and delicious.” (potato)

5. Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
whoever undresses him sheds tears (onion)

6. Green above, red below,
has grown into the ground (beet)

Gantelkin: Well done guys, you know everything. Are you good with sports?
Children: Yes, we love to play sports, play and compete.
Leading: Guys, let’s now show Gantelkin how strong, brave and dexterous we are and hold a competition, don’t you agree?
Children: Yes, we agree!

Children participating in the competition come out and are divided into 2 teams.

Competitions between teams “Wrappers” and “Bantiki”:
1. Running like a snake with a ball in your hands between the pins.
2. Run in a straight line, rolling the hoop around you.
3. Knock down the pins with a ball from a distance.
4. Throw the ball into the hoop from a distance.
5. Jumping rope in a straight line.
6. Walk in a straight line, twisting the hoop around your waist.

At the end of the competition, the results of the competition are summed up and the participants are awarded.

Leading: Everyone knows, everyone understands.
It's nice to be healthy
You just need to know
How to become healthy.
Gantelkin: There is no better recipe in the world:
Be inseparable from sports.
You will live 100 years
That's the whole secret!
All of you are great, you know a lot about health and how to be healthy! I really enjoyed playing and competing with you, but it’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye, guys!
Children: Goodbye!
Leading: This is where our holiday ends. I wish everyone to be healthy.


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