Green tomatoes for the winter using the hot method. How to salt green tomatoes in a saucepan

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Salted green tomatoes in jars like barrels are one of the options for nutritious preparations. Although unripe tomatoes differ in their degree of ripeness, they contain proteins, vitamins and organic acids.

How to pickle green tomatoes in jars

To make the preservation work, you need to prepare the jars and lids. To do this, everything should be washed well with a clean sponge and soda. Boil the lids for about 3–4 minutes, and sterilize the jars in the oven for 5–7 minutes at 200 °C or over hot steam for 3–4 minutes.

  1. Unripe tomatoes should be free of rot and black spots.
  2. To make the winter salty dish tasty and reminiscent of barrel tomatoes, you should strictly adhere to the amount of ingredients and cooking recommendations.
  3. In order for the vegetables to be better saturated with brine, you need to make a small puncture in the area of ​​the stalk with a knife or fork.
  4. There is no need to store the harvested crop for a long time before preservation. The fruits should be freshly picked and firm to the touch.
  5. You can fill the workpieces with both hot and cold brine. The main thing is that the liquid completely fills the volume of the container.
  6. To prevent the jars from exploding, after rolling they should be placed on the floor and covered with a warm blanket (so the brine will cool evenly).

Attention! For preservation, it is important to choose fruits of medium and large sizes. Small unripe tomatoes contain a large amount of a toxic substance - solanine.

Recipes for barrel green tomatoes in a jar

Unripe salted tomatoes come out like barrel tomatoes if you stick to the recipe. It is convenient to use jars for pickling, because they take up little space in the cellar or refrigerator. To ensure that the appetizer does not differ in taste from barrel ones, you need to pickle green tomatoes in jars only with the right spices and all kinds of additives. It can be greens, peppers, leaves of fruit trees.

Classic green tomatoes “Like barrels” in jars

It’s not difficult to salt green tomatoes in a jar for the winter; the main thing is to choose the right products. This recipe doesn’t require anything special, but the result will pleasantly surprise you. Salty pickling turns out delicious.

The following products will be required:

  • unripe tomatoes – 2–2.2 kg;
  • water (for brine) – 1 l;
  • allspice – 15 peas;
  • hot pepper - a small piece;
  • umbrellas from old dill - 5–7 pcs.;
  • salt – 100–120 g;
  • parsley leaves – 4–6 branches;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves.
  1. All products should be washed under running water.
  2. Place parsley, garlic, and all the spices in the bottom of a three-liter jar.
  3. Place the tomatoes tightly, alternating with dill umbrellas.
  4. Boil water, add salt. Pour the prepared salt solution over the winter preparation. Cover with prepared plastic lids. Place on the floor until completely cool.

The salty snack is ready. But you can try it after 2-3 weeks. You can serve unripe tomatoes with meat, fish and any side dish.

Attention! The ingredients for barrel salted tomatoes are indicated for one three-liter jar.

Pickling green tomatoes in instant jars

The good thing about this recipe is that you can try the prepared snack the very next day.

What you will need:

  • tomatoes – 15–18 kg;
  • garlic – 3–4 heads;
  • water – 9–10 l;
  • salt – 1.5 kg;
  • dill seeds – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • peppercorns – 15 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 for each jar.

The salty snack is prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse all products under running water.
  2. Place dill seeds, garlic, unripe fruits (can be cut into slices) into prepared 3-liter jars and place the remaining ingredients evenly throughout all containers.
  3. Prepare a brine from water and salt. Fill the blanks and close with nylon lids.

So the green barrel tomatoes in a jar are ready for the winter. Leave until it cools completely. You can store it both in the refrigerator and in the cellar.

Cold pickling of green tomatoes in jars for the winter

In order to prepare winter pickling from unripe tomatoes with a taste like barrel tomatoes, it is recommended to choose tomatoes of medium ripeness (which have just begun to turn brown), of the same size and variety.

The following ingredients should be prepared:

  • unripe fruits – 10–12 kg;
  • dill umbrellas – 10–12 pcs.;
  • purified water – 10 l;
  • table salt – 400–500 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • bay leaf – 10 pcs.;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • peppercorns – 12–15 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The first step is to prepare the brine so that it has time to cool. To do this, boil water with sugar and salt. Stir until dissolved and let cool.
  2. Rinse all products under running water. Cut vegetables into quarters.
  3. Distribute equal amounts of all the spices and a little chopped hot pepper into the bottom of the prepared jars.
  4. Fill each container with cold salty brine. Close the lid tightly.

Place prepared green tomato pickles in 3-liter jars in a cool and dark place. The appetizer will be completely ready in 20 days.

Hot salted green tomatoes in jars

This dish will be suitable for any feast. The sweet and sour taste of barrel salted tomatoes from a jar will suit many dishes.


  • unripe fruits – 2.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • purified water – 2 l;
  • table vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • dill umbrellas – 3 pcs.;
  • horseradish (leaves) – 3 pcs.
  1. Place washed dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves and garlic at the bottom of the jar.
  2. Place the vegetables tightly and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Drain the water after it has cooled.
  4. While the liquid cools, you need to prepare the brine. Pour granulated sugar and salt into boiling water. Leave to simmer for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and pour in vinegar.
  5. Drain the cooled water and pour hot salty brine into the jars. Close the lids tightly and place upside down on the floor. Cover with a blanket.

Hot brine will make unripe fruits a little browner and softer. They will taste like barrel ones. This pickling of green tomatoes in jars for the winter will not leave anyone indifferent.

Important! The amount of ingredients is calculated for one 3-liter jar.

How to deliciously pickle green tomatoes in a jar with mustard

To make the taste more expressive and piquant, many housewives add their own secret ingredient to the preserves. You can pickle green tomatoes with mustard in jars for the winter.

To do this you will need:

  • unripe tomatoes – up to 2.5 kg;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • mustard – 2 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley – 13 branches;
  • dill umbrellas – 5–7 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 20 g (1 tbsp.);
  • table salt – 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • allspice – 4–5 peas;
  • horseradish - 1 leaf;
  • water – 1.8–2 l.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place horseradish, dill, some parsley and allspice evenly.
  2. Pack the tomatoes tightly, alternating them with heads of garlic and chopped parsley leaves.
  3. Prepare a cold salty brine from water, salt, mustard and sugar.
  4. Fill the container with the workpiece and close it with a nylon lid.

Winter preservation is ready. This recipe is sure to please those who love barrel tomatoes.

Storage period and conditions

You need to store salted tomatoes like barrel tomatoes in the cellar or on the balcony. The main thing is that the temperature does not exceed +5 °C and below 0 °C. You can put the jars in the basement only after they have completely cooled down.

Important! Considering that nylon lids were used in all recipes, shelf life should not exceed 8–9 months. Otherwise, the brine will become cloudy and moldy.


Salted green tomatoes in barrel-style jars are one of the popular preserves for the winter. Such recipes are actively used by young housewives who want to diversify their family’s diet.

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You can salt not only red, but also green tomatoes. Unlike ripened fruits, green tomatoes are more sour and firm, but no less tasty. They can be added to salads or used as a separate dish. You can pickle them in pots, barrels and jars. How to pickle green tomatoes?

Which green tomatoes to choose for pickling

Green tomatoes may contain harmful substances, so it is very important to choose the right fruit. Medium or large-sized tomatoes are suitable for pickling. Small fruits contain a harmful substance called solanine, which has an extremely negative effect on health and can be very dangerous. If you decide to use them, you first need to keep the tomatoes in salted water for several hours. During this time, the water will absorb all harmful substances.

Cold pickling of green tomatoes in jars


  • Green tomatoes 1 kg.
  • Capsicum to taste.
  • Salt 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic to taste.
  • Parsley, dill to taste.
  • Currant leaves 10 pcs.
  • Water 1 l.


  • Prepare the brine. To do this, add sugar and salt to the water. Place the brine on the fire, wait until it boils and keep it on the fire for about 5-10 minutes. Then the brine needs to be cooled to room temperature.
  • Place a clove of garlic, a few blackcurrant leaves and herbs on the bottom of a sterilized pickling jar. Then add a few tomatoes. Place garlic, currant leaves and herbs on them, add pepper. Alternate layers until you reach the very top of the jar.
  • Pour brine over the tomatoes and close the jar with a nylon lid.

Green tomato appetizer with garlic


  • Green tomatoes 1 kg.
  • Hot pepper 1 pc.
  • Garlic 5 cloves.
  • Vinegar 9% 70 ml.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • Greens, spices to taste.


  • Cut the tomatoes into small slices. Cut the hot pepper and garlic into small slices.
  • At the bottom of the pan you need to put pepper, salt, sugar, spices and add vinegar. Add green tomatoes and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and leave it for about a day.
  • Place tomatoes with all the spices in sterilized jars and fill them with the juice that was released during the pickling process. Close the jar with a lid and place in the refrigerator or cool place. The appetizer will be ready in 7-8 days.

Pickling green tomatoes in tomato sauce with cinnamon


  • Green tomatoes 1-1.5 kg.
  • Tomato juice 1 l.
  • Sweet bell pepper to taste.
  • Sugar 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 3 tsp.
  • Cinnamon to taste.
  • Water.


  • Add sugar, salt and cinnamon to tomato juice. Mix everything and boil over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
  • Place the tomatoes in sterilized jars and fill them with a little hot water, then pour the tomato sauce over them. Close the jar with a tight lid.

Spicy green tomatoes


  • Green tomatoes 1-1.5 kg.
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves.
  • Black pepper 10-15 pcs.
  • Cloves 4 b.
  • Sugar 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water for marinade 1.5 l.
  • Bay leaf 4 pcs.
  • Hot pepper to taste (or chili).


  • Place washed green tomatoes, garlic and a few pods of hot pepper or chili in sterilized jars.
  • Add bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, salt, sugar, vinegar to the water. Mix everything and put on fire. As soon as the brine boils, you need to remove it from the heat and pour in the tomatoes in the jars.
  • Close the jars with lids and leave them to cool. You can store jars of tomatoes at room temperature, in the refrigerator or in a cool place.

Each of the recipes is a new and original idea for a snack that can become a favorite. With them you can please not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

Required ingredients:

  • A kilo of green tomatoes;
  • 6-7 blackcurrant leaves;
  • Two dill umbrellas;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • Three leaves of horseradish;
  • One hot pepper;
  • Allspice three pieces;
  • Liter of water;
  • Two tablespoons of salt.

On a note: From the specified amount of ingredients one two-liter jar of preparations is obtained.

How to pickle green tomatoes according to this recipe:

  1. Remove stems from tomatoes and rinse.
  2. In a two-liter jar, place some of the required greens on the bottom, then put the tomatoes, and in the final layer the remaining greens, garlic and hot peppers without seeds (otherwise they will give a bitter taste to the future preparation).
  3. Pour cold water into a bowl, add salt and wait until it settles to the bottom, forming a thin layer. After 2 minutes, the salted water must be poured into a jar with green tomatoes and herbs so that it completely covers the food.
  4. Next, you should dip a thick plastic lid into boiling water and seal the jar.

Such green tomatoes are stored for the winter either in the refrigerator or in a cool place like a basement or pantry. Tomatoes can be opened and eaten only 30 days after pickling.

Stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

Another delicious and original recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • A kilo of green tomatoes;
  • 250 grams of celery leaves;
  • 50 grams of garlic;
  • One medium-sized carrot;
  • Hot pepper pod;
  • Liter of water;
  • Large spoon of salt;
  • 50 grams of dried dill with seeds;
  • 3 laurel leaves;
  • 7 peas of allspice black pepper.

How to salt stuffed green tomatoes:

  1. Select large tomatoes, rinse, remove the stems, make a longitudinal cut in the middle of each fruit to place the filling there.
  2. Coarsely chop the celery greens, cut the garlic into thin slices, cut the hot pepper into rings, chop the carrots and mix all the products, then “push” the resulting minced meat into the tomato fruit.
  3. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add allspice, laurel, salt, dill. Let the brine boil for 5 minutes, then cool and remove the bay leaf and allspice from it, they can be thrown away.
  4. Place green tomato fruits stuffed with minced meat on the bottom of a large saucepan, place dill from the brine between the fruits, then pour the prepared brine over the tomatoes.
  5. Place a wooden circle or plate of a suitable size on top of the pan, and apply pressure to it. Cover with a lid and leave it like this for several days.
  6. After the time has passed, the tomatoes from the pan must be transferred to jars, again, dill should be placed between the fruits.
  7. Close the jars with lids and store the tomatoes in the refrigerator.

How to pickle green tomatoes for the winter in jars with vinegar

A recipe for how to pickle green tomatoes in jars for the winter with the addition of vinegar will help extend the shelf life of the product and also help preserve the taste of the tomatoes.

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You can also try cooking.

Required ingredients:

  • Three kilos of green tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of a mixture of parsley, dill and cherry leaves;
  • One whole garlic;
  • 120 grams of onion;
  • Three liters of water;
  • Two tablespoons of salt;
  • 8 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • Three laurel leaves;
  • One glass of 9% vinegar;
  • 5 peas of allspice.

How to pickle green tomatoes for the winter with vinegar:

  1. Sterilize the jars and place herbs and garlic on the bottom.
  2. Next, place the tomatoes and onion cut into rings into the jars.
  3. To make the brine, add granulated sugar, salt, laurel, allspice to the water and heat all the ingredients.
  4. When the brine boils, you should immediately add vinegar to it, then pour the brine into jars so that it covers all the fruits entirely.
  5. After this, the jars must be sterilized for another quarter of an hour, and then rolled up.

Of course, these are not all the recipes for pickling green tomatoes in jars for the winter, but they are definitely one of the best. The fact is that there are many ways to prepare such a savory snack and every housewife has her own tricks. Therefore, you can safely experiment with spices and brine and add your own twist to each recipe!

Bon appetit!

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There are different ways to prepare green tomatoes for the winter in a jar. Unripe tomatoes can be salted, fermented or pickled. In any case, the snack turns out tasty and original. But for the preparation to be successful, it is important to properly prepare the products and containers for canning. Let's figure out how to make the workpiece correctly.

First of all, you need to select quality tomatoes. Carefully inspect each fruit; the tomatoes should be firm and without damage. Tomatoes should not be too small; it is recommended to use fruits that have reached normal size, but have not yet begun to turn red. It is allowed to use slightly browned tomatoes.

No special preparation of tomatoes is required; you just need to rinse the fruits well, and also make 1-2 punctures at the stem with a toothpick. These punctures are made so that the skin of canned food remains intact. But this is necessary if you plan to can whole tomatoes. If the tomatoes will be salted or marinated in slices, then you need to cut out the stalks of the fruits and cut the fruits into pieces of equal thickness.

You can use green tomatoes to make salads; they go well with various vegetables - onions, bell peppers, carrots, cabbage.

You can cook tomatoes cold or hot. In the first case, the jars are not hermetically sealed. Such canned food should be stored in the cold.

When cooking hot, the jars are sterilized and sealed with screw or tin lids.

Pickled green tomatoes in barrel-like jars

Traditionally, pickled vegetables were prepared in oak barrels. However, today most housewives use glass jars for fermentation. This is more convenient, and the tomatoes taste like barrel tomatoes.

  • 2 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 10 gr. tarragon;
  • 60 gr. fresh dill;
  • 10 gr. fresh parsley;
  • a small piece of hot pepper pod (about a third of the pod or to taste);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 gr. cherry leaves;
  • 10 gr. currant leaves;
  • 12 peas of allspice.

For the brine:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 70 gr. salt;
  • 100 gr. Sahara.

Thoroughly wash the vegetables and herbs and dry them. We divide all the greens into three approximately equal parts. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices. Cut a piece of hot pepper into three parts.

Boil water, add salt and sugar, let simmer for a couple more minutes and cool. We wash and dry the jars very well. Place a third of the prepared herbs, four peppercorns and a third of sliced ​​garlic on the bottom of the jar. Then add half the tomatoes. Place the herbs, garlic and peppercorns on the tomatoes again. Fill the jar with tomatoes up to the shoulders, and put the rest of the herbs, peppers and garlic on top.

Read also: Cucumber and tomato salad for the winter - 9 recipes

Fill the tomatoes with brine, making sure that the liquid level is above the level of the tomatoes. Cover the jar with a piece of clean gauze (it is important that there is air access) and leave at room temperature for 3-4 weeks. Sometimes the fermentation process takes 40-45 days. The duration depends on the air temperature. Ideal conditions are 20-23 degrees.

At a lower temperature, the fermentation process proceeds slowly, and at a higher temperature, the tomatoes may spoil. The finished product should be stored in the cold.

Korean winter tomatoes - a simple recipe

Let's prepare an excellent Korean-style green tomato appetizer using an affordable and simple recipe.

  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 pods of bell pepper;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 0.25-0.5 teaspoon of ground red hot pepper;
  • 1 bunch of greens to taste.

We wash the vegetables and herbs and dry them. Finely chop the greens and cut the tomatoes into slices. Wash and peel the bell pepper, cut it into thin strips. We peel the garlic and pass it through a press or chop it very finely.

Mix all the ingredients, add salt, pour in vinegar, add sugar and pour in oil. Mix. Place the vegetables in clean jars quite tightly. Cover with plastic lids. Store in the refrigerator. Korean-style green tomatoes will be ready in a day. The preparation is well stored in the cold for 2-3 months.

Salted green tomatoes Georgian style

Delicious salted green tomatoes are prepared in a cold way. We will stuff the tomatoes with fragrant herbs and spices.

  • 1 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 50 gr. garlic;
  • 200 gr. herbs (celery, basil, dill, parsley, savory);
  • 50 gr. dry dill;
  • 2 pods of hot pepper.

We wash and dry the firm tomatoes. We make a deep cut on each fruit, cutting the fruit about two-thirds of the way up. Wash the greens, shake off any drops of liquid, and dry. Finely chop.

Advice! To make the pickling more flavorful, it is recommended to use a mix of different greens. But if you don’t have celery and savory on hand, you can only use dill and parsley.

Place the chopped greens in a bowl. We peel the garlic and pass it through a press. Peel and chop the hot pepper very finely. Mix garlic and pepper with herbs, add salt to the mixture. Mix.

Stuff the cut tomatoes with the resulting green mass. Place the stuffed fruits tightly into jars. As soon as the jar is full, pour dry dill on top.

Read also: Plum compote for the winter - 6 recipes

We take a plastic lid and cut out a circle from it, which should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the neck of the jar. Place the weight on top. This could be a cleanly washed narrow stone or a bottle of water. We take the jar out into the cold. You will be able to eat tomatoes in 40-45 days.

Marinated tomatoes without strelization

Another option for preparations that are prepared without sterilization is pickled green tomatoes.

  • 1-1.5 kg of small green tomatoes;
  • 300-400 gr. salt;
  • 700-800 ml wine vinegar (6%);
  • 500 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon dry oregano;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground hot pepper.

We wash small green and brown tomatoes, cut the fruits in half, cut out the stalks. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt in a large container. Stir and leave for 8 hours.

We drain all the released juice from the container, but do not rinse the fruits themselves with water. Instead of drained juice, pour wine vinegar into the container (preferably white), and leave the fruits to marinate for 12 hours.

Advice! If desired, you can add small onions (shallots) or regular onions, cut into rings about 1 cm thick, to the green tomatoes.

Drain the tomatoes in a colander, then place them on paper towels to dry. Place the prepared tomato halves tightly into dry, sterilized and cooled jars. Pour vegetable oil on top, trying to ensure that there are no air bubbles left in the jar. Cover with clean lids and place in the cold. The tomatoes will be ready in a month.

Green tomatoes slices with vinegar

Another option for preparing it with vinegar is green tomatoes marinated in slices.

  • 1.2 kg of green and brown tomatoes;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 15 peas of allspice;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 1 teaspoon ground red hot pepper;
  • 100 gr. onions;
  • 150 ml table vinegar (9%);
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. salt.

Wash the tomatoes, cut out the stems and cut into large slices. Peel the onion and cut it into thin quarter rings.

Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it. Let the water cool and pour vinegar into it. Place the tomatoes in a large container. Add onions, peppercorns, hot peppers and bay leaves to them. Pour cold mixture over the vegetables, mix and leave in a cool place for 10-12 hours. Then drain the marinade.

Place the tomatoes, onions and seasonings in jars, lightly compacting them with a spoon. Boil the marinade and pour the boiling marinade over the vegetables in the jars. Cover the jars with boiled lids and sterilize the jars for 20 minutes.

Quickly seal the lids tightly. We turn the jars over, placing them on the lids. Leave in this position until completely cooled. There is no need to wrap the jars additionally.


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