Genre originality of the fictional story “About Peter and Fevronia of Murom”. Genre originality of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”

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1) The history of the creation of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”.

During the time of Ivan the Terrible, Moscow Metropolitan Macarius ordered the collection of legends from Russian cities about righteous people famous for their pious deeds. Subsequently, a church council proclaims them saints. Priest Ermolai received an assignment to write an essay about the Murom saints - Prince Peter and his wife Princess Fevronia. Ermolai-Erasmus wrote “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom,” who were canonized at the council in 1547, that is, declared “new miracle workers,” saints.

2) Features of the plot of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”.

Plot sources. The source of the plot for the “Tale...” of Ermolai-Erasmus was a local legend about a wise peasant girl who became a princess (the village of Laskovo, five kilometers from the village of Solotchi and the former Solotchinsky monastery, where Fevronia was from, still exists today). Folk tradition had such a strong influence on Ermolai-Erasmus that he created a work not associated with the canons of the hagiographical genre: before us is a fascinating plot narrative, not much reminiscent of the story of the feat of the saints for the glory of the church. Both in the plot, and in the content of individual episodes, and in the making and solving of riddles, folklore motifs are noticeably manifested. It is significant in this regard that the story of Ermolai-Erasmus about Peter and Fevronia, recognized by the church as saints, was not included in the “Great Menaion-Chetia”, which, along with other texts, contained numerous lives of Russian saints.

Main stages of the plot. Exposition. “This is a city in the Rustei land, called Mur” - this is how the story begins simply. In this city, as the narrator says, the blessed Prince Paul reigned. And the rapist serpent began to fly to his wife. To outsiders, he took on the appearance of Paul. Pavel's wife told her husband about her misfortune, and both began to think about how to get rid of the rapist. One day, when the serpent again flew to Paul’s wife, she asked the serpent “with respect”: “You know a lot, do you know your death: what will it be and from what?” Seduced by the “good seduction” of Paul’s wife, the serpent replied: “My death is from Peter’s shoulder, from Agrikov’s sword.” Paul's brother, Peter, decides to kill the serpent, but does not know where he can get Agrikov's sword. He finds this sword on one of his trips for solitary prayer in a country temple in the altar between the “ceramides”, that is, ceramic tiles, usually covering the burials. Having made sure that it is not Paul who is sitting in the temple of Paul’s wife, but a serpent who has taken on the appearance of Paul, Peter strikes him with Agric’s sword. His true appearance returns to the serpent, and he dies “trembling”, sprinkling Peter with his blood. From this blood Peter is covered with scabs. His illness cannot be cured.

The beginning of the plot action. Peter's terrible illness serves as the beginning of the second part of the story, where the wise maiden Fevronia appears and heals the prince. Fevronia is the “wise maiden” of fairy tales. External manifestations of her big inner strength stingy. She is ready for the feat of self-denial, she has conquered her passions. Her love for Prince Peter is invincible externally because she is defeated internally, by herself, subordinated to the mind. At the same time, her wisdom is not only a property of her mind, but to the same extent - her feelings and will. There is no conflict between her feelings, mind and will: hence the extraordinary “silence” of her image.

Denouement. The life-giving power of Fevronia’s love is so great that the poles stuck into the ground bloom into trees with her blessing. She is so strong in spirit that she can unravel the thoughts of the people she meets. In the power of love, in the wisdom suggested to her by this love, Fevronia turns out to be higher than even her ideal husband, Prince Peter. Death itself cannot separate them. When Peter and Fevronia felt the approach of death, they began to ask God to die at the same time, and prepared a common foe for themselves. After that they became monks in different monasteries. And so, when Fevronia was embroidering “air” for the holy cup for the temple of the Mother of God, Peter sent her to tell her that he was dying, and asked her to die with him. But Fevronia asks to give her time to finish the bedspread. Peter sent to her a second time, ordering her to say: “I won’t wait long enough for you.” Finally, sending p for the third time, Peter tells her: “I already want to die and I’m not waiting for you.” Then Fevronia, who only had to finish the saint’s robe, stuck a needle into the bedspread, wrapped a thread around it and sent it to tell Peter that she was ready to die with him.

Epilogue. After the death of Peter and Fevronia, people put their bodies in separate coffins, but the next day their bodies ended up in a common coffin that they had prepared in advance. People tried to separate Peter and Fevronia a second time, but again the bodies were together, and after that they no longer dared to separate them.

What forces are at work at the beginning of the story? (the evil serpent is the devil)

What is Agrikov's sword? (Agrik is a fabulous hero. They said that he defeated giants and monsters. He collected a countless treasury of weapons, among which was a treasure sword.)

Why did Peter's body become covered with scabs and sores? (“...Peter, firmly convinced that it was not his brother, but the crafty serpent, struck him with a sword. The serpent turned into his natural look and fell dead in convulsions, spattering Prince Peter with his blood. From that enemy blood, Peter’s body became covered with scabs and ulcers opened, and a serious illness attacked him.”)

3) Artistic Features"Tales of Peter and Fevronia of Murom."

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” is a combination of two folklore stories: one about a seducing snake and the other about a wise maiden. These stories in “The Tale...” are connected and dedicated to Murom, and the whole story claims to be historically accurate.

The charm of “The Tale...” lies in the simplicity and clarity of presentation, in the sedate slowness of the story, in the narrator’s ability not to be surprised by the surprising, in the simplicity and good-naturedness of the characters that harmonizes with the narrator’s calmness.

1) The history of the creation of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”.

During the time of Ivan the Terrible, Moscow Metropolitan Macarius ordered the collection of legends from Russian cities about righteous people famous for their pious deeds. Subsequently, a church council proclaims them saints. Priest Ermolai received an assignment to write an essay about the Murom saints - Prince Peter and his wife Princess Fevronia. Ermolai-Erasmus wrote “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom,” who were canonized at the council in 1547, that is, declared “new miracle workers,” saints.

2) Features of the plot of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”.

Plot sources. The source of the plot for the “Tale...” of Ermolai-Erasmus was a local legend about a wise peasant girl who became a princess (the village of Laskovo, five kilometers from the village of Solotchi and the former Solotchinsky monastery, where Fevronia was from, still exists today). Folk tradition had such a strong influence on Ermolai-Erasmus that he created a work not associated with the canons of the hagiographical genre: before us is a fascinating plot narrative, not much reminiscent of the story of the feat of the saints for the glory of the church. Both in the plot, and in the content of individual episodes, and in the making and solving of riddles, folklore motifs are noticeably manifested. It is significant in this regard that the story of Ermolai-Erasmus about Peter and Fevronia, recognized by the church as saints, was not included in the “Great Menaion-Chetia”, which, along with other texts, contained numerous lives of Russian saints.

Main stages of the plot. Exposition. “This is a city in the Rustei land, called Mur” - this is how the story begins simply. In this city, as the narrator says, the blessed Prince Paul reigned. And the rapist serpent began to fly to his wife. To outsiders, he took on the appearance of Paul. Pavel's wife told her husband about her misfortune, and both began to think about how to get rid of the rapist. One day, when the serpent again flew to Paul’s wife, she asked the serpent “with respect”: “You know a lot, do you know your death: what will it be and from what?” Seduced by the “good seduction” of Paul’s wife, the serpent replied: “My death is from Peter’s shoulder, from Agrikov’s sword.” Paul's brother, Peter, decides to kill the serpent, but does not know where he can get Agrikov's sword. He finds this sword on one of his trips to private prayer in a country temple in the altar between the “ceramides,” that is, ceramic tiles that usually covered burials. Having made sure that it is not Paul who is sitting in the temple of Paul’s wife, but a serpent who has taken on the appearance of Paul, Peter strikes him with Agric’s sword. His true appearance returns to the serpent, and he dies “trembling”, sprinkling Peter with his blood. From this blood Peter is covered with scabs. His illness cannot be cured.

The beginning of the plot action. Peter's terrible illness serves as the beginning of the second part of the story, where the wise maiden Fevronia appears and heals the prince. Fevronia is the “wise maiden” of fairy tales. External manifestations of her great inner strength are stingy. She is ready for the feat of self-denial, she has conquered her passions. Her love for Prince Peter is invincible externally because she is defeated internally, by herself, subordinated to the mind. At the same time, her wisdom is not only a property of her mind, but to the same extent - her feelings and will. There is no conflict between her feelings, mind and will: hence the extraordinary “silence” of her image.

Denouement. The life-giving power of Fevronia’s love is so great that the poles stuck into the ground bloom into trees with her blessing. She is so strong in spirit that she can unravel the thoughts of the people she meets. In the power of love, in the wisdom suggested to her by this love, Fevronia turns out to be higher than even her ideal husband, Prince Peter. Death itself cannot separate them. When Peter and Fevronia felt the approach of death, they began to ask God to die at the same time, and prepared a common foe for themselves. After that they became monks in different monasteries. And so, when Fevronia was embroidering “air” for the holy cup for the temple of the Mother of God, Peter sent her to tell her that he was dying, and asked her to die with him. But Fevronia asks to give her time to finish the bedspread. Peter sent to her a second time, ordering her to say: “I won’t wait long enough for you.” Finally, sending p for the third time, Peter tells her: “I already want to die and I’m not waiting for you.” Then Fevronia, who only had to finish the saint’s robe, stuck a needle into the bedspread, wrapped a thread around it and sent it to tell Peter that she was ready to die with him.

Epilogue. After the death of Peter and Fevronia, people put their bodies in separate coffins, but the next day their bodies ended up in a common coffin that they had prepared in advance. People tried to separate Peter and Fevronia a second time, but again the bodies were together, and after that they no longer dared to separate them.

What forces are at work at the beginning of the story? (the evil serpent is the devil)

What is Agrikov's sword? (Agrik is a fabulous hero. They said that he defeated giants and monsters. He collected a countless treasury of weapons, among which was a treasure sword.)

Why did Peter's body become covered with scabs and sores? (“...Peter, firmly convinced that it was not his brother, but a crafty serpent, struck him with a sword. The serpent turned into his natural form and fell dead in convulsions, splashing Prince Peter with his blood. From that enemy blood, Peter’s body was covered with scabs and Sores opened, and a serious illness attacked him."

3) Artistic features of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”.

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” is a combination of two folklore stories: one about a seducing snake and the other about a wise maiden. These stories in “The Tale...” are connected and dedicated to Murom, and the whole story claims to be historically accurate.

The charm of “The Tale...” lies in the simplicity and clarity of presentation, in the sedate slowness of the story, in the narrator’s ability not to be surprised by the surprising, in the simplicity and good-naturedness of the characters that harmonizes with the narrator’s calmness.

During the lesson, students become familiar with the features of the genre of the Old Russian story; determine the proximity of the story to a folklore work; the teacher promotes the development of social interaction; education of moral qualities: kindness, devotion, loyalty in friendship and love, the ability to forgive

"For the teacher"

For the teacher

1 group. Plot and composition

Determine the main elements of the story composition

1. Exposure:

“In this city [Murom], as they say, the blessed Prince Pavel reigned. And the rapist serpent began to fly to his wife. To outsiders, he took on the appearance of Paul. Pavel's wife told her husband about her misfortune, and both began to think about how to get rid of the rapist. One day, when the serpent again flew to Paul’s wife, she asked the serpent “with respect”: “You know a lot, do you know your death: what will it be and from what?” Seduced by the “good seduction” of Paul’s wife, the serpent replied: “My death is from Peter’s shoulder, from Agrikov’s sword.”

2. The beginning Peter's terrible illness. The wise maiden Fevronia appears, healing the prince. Fevronia is the wise maiden of fairy tales.

At the same time, her wisdom not only a property of her mind, but to the same extent her feelings and will. There is no conflict between her feeling, mind and will: hence the extraordinary “silence” of her image.

3. Denouement:

The life-giving power of Fevronia’s love is so great that poles stuck in the ground bloom into trees with her blessing. She is so strong in spirit that she can unravel the thoughts of the people she meets. In the power of love, in the wisdom suggested to her by this love, Fevronia turns out to be higher than even her ideal husband Prince Peter.

4. Epilogue:

After the death of Peter and Fevronia, people put their bodies in separate coffins, but the next day their bodies ended up in a common coffin that they had prepared in advance. People tried to separate Peter and Fevronia a second time, but again the bodies were together, and after that they no longer dared to separate them.

Fairy tale


Fairytale beginning. And the first part of the story is very similar to a fairy tale, and the second part of the story is similar to an everyday fairy tale.

Fairytale hero. This is the tempting serpent.

Good conquers evil, as in any fairy tale.

Magic helpers This is Agrikov's sword.

Constant epithets


The specific location of the story is indicated, the city of Murom (Ryazan region). In fairy tales, space is always undefined, not concrete.

The characters in the story are real people, which also contradicts the folklore genre of the fairy tale.

Helpers in the study of textbook articles: 1- page 17, 2 – page. 48-49 (up to 2 paragraphs)

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"



The story traces the traits of holiness in both heroes.

There is a word of praise to the saints: “Let us, according to our strength, give praise to them... Rejoice, venerable and blessed ones, for after death you invisibly heal those who come to you with faith!..”

The heroes' love for God, the heroes' reverence for the Bible.

Miracles that the heroes perform (for example, Fevronia heals the sick, bread crumbs turned into incense, dead stumps became lush trees in the morning).

Unusual death and posthumous miracles (faithful spouses not only died on the same day and hour, but also did not separate after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious illnesses).

The ending of the story is an example of hagiographic literature.


This is not a canonical life. There is no story in the plot of the story about their pious parents, about how faith in God arose in Peter and Fevronia; there is no story about what suffering they had to endure in the name of God. The story is permeated with lyricism, the author's sympathy for the hero, admiration for their beauty and spiritual strength.

The story is a prose genre, gravitating towards a chronicle plot, reproducing natural history life.

The authenticity of the “Tale...” is given by the names of specific places of action (the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo).

Heroes of the story - real people. (Peter and Fevronia reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, died in 1228).

In the center of the work is the image of a simple peasant girl who has to go through serious real tests.

For example, Fevronia wraps a thread around a needle: “...At that time she was finishing embroidering that holy air: only one saint’s mantle had not yet been finished, but she had already embroidered the face; and she stopped, and stuck her needle in the air, and wound the thread with which she was embroidering around it...” This detail shows amazing peace of mind Fevronia, with whom she decides to die with her loved one. The author said a lot about her with just this gesture.

Theme of social inequality

The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of boyars striving for power who killed each other in civil strife.

5 group. After studying the proposed material, tell us about the character of Peter. Think about what symbol might correspond to the image of the hero


Character traits

6 group. After studying the proposed material, tell us about the image of Fevronia. Think about what symbol might correspond to the image of the hero


Character traits

The reason for the meeting and subsequent marriage

Peter liked not so much the external appearance (there is no information about the beauty of Fevronia’s face and figure in the “Tale ...”, but, as practice shows, beautiful appearance has important), how much is the so-called “inner beauty” of the girl (see Peter’s perception in the left column of this table item).
Their subsequent marriage and common married life are connected with the recovery of Prince Peter.

The attitude of the boyars and their wives to the princely couple Peter-Fevronia

Love for each other and fidelity to marital duty in the traditions of Christianity (these qualities were most clearly manifested during the period of struggle between the prince and the boyars for the rule of the city of Murom)

Attitude towards people during the reign of Prince Peter

Monastic names after entering a monastery


The death of the main characters of “The Tale...”

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“Tasks for groups”

1 group. Plot and composition

Determine the main elements of the story's composition. Give examples from the work

1. Exposition- the part of the plot immediately preceding the plot, providing the reader with initial information about the circumstances in which the conflict arose literary work.

Where, when, who?

2. The beginning it is an event that is the beginning of an action. It either reveals existing contradictions, or itself creates (“starts”) conflicts.

3. Denouement- this is that part of a work in literature in which the hero’s fate is reversed. The denouement usually ends with the victory or defeat of the main character.

4. Epilogue- a conclusion made by the author after presenting the story and completing it with a denouement - to explain the plan with a message about the further fate of the heroes

2nd group. Definition of genre. Comparison with folklore works (fairy tales). The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" - a fairy tale?

Compare the plot of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” with the folklore genre, name similar and distinctive features.

Helpers in the study of textbook articles: 1- page 17, 2 – page. 48-49 (up to 2 paragraphs)

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

Fairy tale



3rd group. Definition of genre. The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" - the lives of saints?

Compare the plot of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” with the church genre of life, name similar and distinctive features.

Helpers in the study of textbook articles: 1- page 17, 2 – page. 48-49 (up to 2 paragraphs)

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"




4th group. Definition of genre. Study the features of the story genre. Find signs of a story in the story of Peter and Fevronia

The story is a medium epic form, a prose genre that has taken its place between the short story and the novel. The story genre is characterized by a rather slow development of action (compared to a short story and a novel), an even pace of narration, an even distribution of plot tension over a number of situations, simplicity of composition, and a chronicle arrangement of the material. The themes of these works can be different: the story can have heroic, romantic or moralizing content. In ancient Russian literature, hagiographic, short story, hagiographical and chronicle works were called “story” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”, “Tales of Wise Wives”). Then secular stories began to appear, reflecting modern events. So-called military stories appear (“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” “About the Coming of Batu’s Army to Kazan,” “The Tale of the Massacre of Dmitry Donskoy”). In the 17th century, the meaning of the term “story” begins to approach the modern one. During this period, everyday and adventurous stories were created, and corresponding artistic techniques were developed (“The Tale of Frol Skobeev”, “The Tale of Ersha Ershovich”).

The credibility of the “Tale...” is given by the names of specific.....

The heroes of the story are…..

In the center of the work is the image of ………………………., which has to go through …… ……. tests.

The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of those rushing to ………………., …………………………….

5 group. After studying the proposed material, tell us about the character of Peter. Think about what symbol might correspond to the image of the hero. (try to imitate it)


Social status(position) before marriage

Younger brother Prince Paul, who ruled in the city of Murom and after whose death was to become a prince. The devil began to come to Paul's wife in the form of a serpent. Relying on God’s help and receiving the “Agrik’s sword,” Peter struck the serpent. However, poisonous drops of the serpent's blood fell on Peter - this caused painful ulcers to appear on his body

Character traits

    Religiosity (went to church to pray; became a monk before his death).

    Love and loyalty to loved ones, courage (without hesitation, he came to the aid of his brother to save his wife from the were-snake).

    Pride (reluctance to marry a girl of peasant origin, despite the promise given to her).

    The ability to forgive is the church analogue of the word “unforgettable malice” (he forgave the boyars who ordered him to renounce his reign in Murom and practically kicked him out of the city).

The reason for the meeting and subsequent marriage

When Peter, using the “Sword of Agric,” cut off the head of a snake that was visiting his brother’s wife, poisonous drops of snake blood fell on his body and led to the formation of non-healing ulcers (scabs).
Fevronia agrees to heal him if, after recovery, he takes her as his wife, but Peter “forgets” about his promise (apparently, intentionally, he deceived, or “deceived”, since he still ordered gifts to be sent to her). But after that, when he falls ill again, Prince Peter himself comes to her, and, after talking with her, appreciating her intelligence and “inner beauty” (wisdom, meekness, observance of Christian commandments about caring for “neighbors” - those who are sick, relatives, beggars), falls in love with her.
They got married after Fevronia cured him completely.

The attitude of the boyars and their wives to the princely couple Peter-Fevronia

Some boyars treated Peter well - as a representative of the princely family, seeing at the same time that he ruled wisely and fairly.
Others, jealous of his status and his personal happiness, began to fight for the princely throne and tried to “denigrate” his wife (they accused Fevronia of being a princess, collecting crumbs from the “master’s table”, not understanding the true reason for her behavior (see the above information about Fevronia’s character traits), about the meaning of Fevronia’s true calling as the keeper of the family hearth and the abilities given to her by God (transforming bread crumbs into fragrant flowers).

Love for each other and fidelity to marital duty in the traditions of Christianity (these qualities were most clearly manifested during the period of struggle between the prince and the boyars for the rule of the city of Murom)

The boyars demanded that Peter expel his commoner wife: “Either let him let go of his wife, who insults noble wives with her origin, or leave Murom.”
True to his duty as a Christian spouse, Peter chose to renounce his reign and left Murom with Fevronia.

From Murom, the princely couple sailed along the Oka “on 2 ships” (they could, apparently, have housed “princely chambers” - cabins, clothes, shoes, food, servants... (about the everyday problems of the expelled couple “The Tale ... " is silent).

Attitude towards people during the reign of Prince Peter

Peter's reign was “truth-loving, but without severe severity, merciful, but without weakness.”
Murom residents considered him “father, protector, feeder, helper.”

Both lived according to the commandments of God. Pleased God with yours good deeds, chastity, piety and mercy towards the poor, “caring for the entrusted city”

Monastic names after entering a monastery

The death of the main characters of “The Tale...”

Prince Peter, living in the city monastery, feeling that “his end is near,” sent a messenger to Fevronia several times, wanting her to be with him at his “hour of death.”

What happened after their death

Having been laid in different monasteries, their bodies three times “miraculously” (i.e., by the will of God) ended up in the same coffin - which serves as another striking example of the inexhaustible power of love and fidelity of Peter and Fevronia. And they were also buried together, in one coffin.

6 group. After studying the proposed material, tell us about the image of Fevronia. Think about what symbol might correspond to the image of the hero. (try to imitate it)


Social status (position) before marriage

The daughter of a peasant tree frog beekeeper (who collects honey), living in the village of Laskovo in the Ryazan land, “who had the gift of insight and healing” (reminiscent of today's psychics and folk healers).

Character traits

Along with religiosity, which was inherent in the majority of the population of Rus' during the 12th century, Fevronia had such character traits as:

Worldly wisdom (the ability to briefly tell about current events using riddles and sayings; knowledge of the character and behavior of people higher on the “social ladder” gave her the opportunity to predict the prince’s deception).

Insight, depending on the Will of God (she received a sign that it was Prince Peter who would become her future husband).

Hard work (the prince’s servants, who first came to her house, saw that she almost never rested, and even in her free time from other worries she worked at the loom (apparently, she weaves canvases and sews clothes for her father and brothers).

Caring attitude to bread, as the result of hard peasant labor (even after becoming the prince’s wife, she still collects in her hand and eats, and does not throw bread crumbs from the table.

Persistence in achieving the goal (she made sure that the prince finally married her).

Love for animals (the hare sat calmly in Fevronia’s arms during the arrival of Prince Peter’s servants and did not try to escape).

The reason for the meeting and subsequent marriage

Fevronya agrees to treat the prince for ulcers. But, being wise and perspicacious, she understood that the prince could deceive her, and therefore, giving him a healing ointment (“by blowing leaven on him”), she ordered the prince to leave one ulcer unsmeared. As a result, after he refused to fulfill his promise of marriage, this illness attacked him again.
They meet in person when the prince comes to her house.
Peter liked not so much the external beauty (there is no information about the beauty of Fevronia’s face and figure in the “Tale ...”, but, as practice shows, beautiful appearance is important), but the so-called “inner beauty” of the girl. Their subsequent marriage and common married life are connected with the recovery of Prince Peter.

The attitude of the boyars and their wives to the princely couple Peter-Fevronia

The daughters and wives of the boyars hated (envy, malice) Fevronya because she - a simple peasant woman - was not only able to marry the prince (bewitched, drugged), but also began to rule the city of Murom with him and, accordingly, their husbands - fathers and themselves.

Love for each other and fidelity to marital duty in the traditions of Christianity

When the boyars began to drive Fevronia out of the city, she, having received permission to “take what was most precious,” took Peter with her, since she truly loved her husband and was devoted to him.
And when the prince, deprived of his privileges, began to doubt the need to leave Murom, Fevronia supported him with the necessary words and phrases.

Attitude towards people during the reign of Prince Peter

Smart and pious, Fevronia helped her husband with advice and charitable deeds.
Residents of Murom called her “affectionate mother.”

Monastic names after entering a monastery


The death of the main characters of “The Tale...”

Fevronia, being in a monastery remote from the city of Murom, fulfilled her monastic vow: she embroidered the so-called “air” - a veil that is used during the sacrament of the Eucharist and communion.
But, having heard that Peter had very little time left before his death, she was forced to interrupt this “God-pleasing work”, stopped embroidering (“stuck a needle into the fabric”) and... died - on the same day and hour (according to the Christian calendar, this happened on July 8, new style), when her husband, Prince Peter/Davyd, died.

What happened after their death

Having been laid in different monasteries, their bodies three times “miraculously” (i.e., by the will of God) ended up in the same coffin - which serves as another striking example of the inexhaustible power of love and fidelity of Peter and Fevronia. And they were also buried together, in one coffin.

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"Lesson No. 6"

8th grade

Lesson #6.

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." Theme of love and family.


1. introduce students to the features of the genre of the Old Russian story; determine the proximity of the story to a folklore work;

2. to cultivate moral qualities: kindness, devotion, loyalty in friendship and love, the ability to forgive;

3.promote the development of social interaction.

Expected results:

Students know features of the genre “Tales”, differences between the work and folklore and hagiographic genres;

Students can give characteristics of images-characters, draw conclusions about the meaning of moral values ​​in life

Students studying communicate in a group when developing a solution


text of the “Tale”, musical fragment, RM – tasks for work in groups

During the classes

Teacher activities

Student activities

    Organizational stage.

Psychological mood. Listening to the audio recording “Peter and Fevronia”. Division into groups.

Listen to the recording

    Motivation for learning

Exit on the topic of the lesson. Joint goal setting.

    Teacher's opening speech

What a holiday Lately Has it become very fashionable to celebrate February 14th? Valentine's Day - patron saint of lovers catholic church. There are patrons of family and love in different religions and cultural traditions different peoples.

For example, the holy commander Sarxis in Armenian, among the Czech people St. John of Nepomuk is revered, an example of love and friendship is the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad and his wife Aisha.

But in Russian Orthodox calendar has its own Valentine's Day - July 8, associated with the history of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom - patrons of family and marriage, whose love and marital fidelity became legendary. The life of Peter and Fevronia is the story of the relationship between a man and a woman who managed to overcome all the difficulties of a long and difficult earthly journey, revealing an ideal Christian family.

    Compiling a syncwine “Family”or cluster « Moral

values ​​that create harmonious relationships in family"

    First line - syncwine theme, contains one word

(usually a noun or pronoun) that designates the object or thing being discussed.

    Second line - two words (most often adjectives or adjectives

tiya), they give description of features and properties the item or object selected in the syncwine.

    Third line - formed three verbs or gerunds,

describing characteristic actions object.

    Fourth line - phrase from four words expressing personal about

    Fifth line - one word - summary, characterizing essence subject

or object.

    Appeal to the epigraph lesson

How do you understand this statement, which is the epigraph to our lesson today?

A What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in life?(generosity, kindness, compassion, wisdom, loyalty, honesty...)

Do you think the attitude towards the main truths in human life can change over the centuries or does it remain unchanged?

It is possible that in ancient times we will find the answer to this question, because ancient Russian literature covers a period of 700 years out of 1000 (from the 10th century to the 17th century).

    Determining the purpose of the lesson

Recall the features of constructing a syncwine, make up in pairs

Read several works, analyze what they read, determine the commonality that unites all the works

Write down the epigraph:“The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the morality of human society depends.” Friedrich Adler - German architect and archaeologist, professor

Jointly determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson

    Discovery of new knowledge. Mini-studies

Tasks for groups in the application

Work in groups to complete assigned tasks.

    Presentation of research results

Band performances

Discuss evaluation criteria:

2. Presentation


Listen to performances of other groups. Make notes in a notebook.

Evaluate the performances of other groups according to criteria


Conversation. What questions can you ask when summarizing the results of studying the story?

Why do you think the author chose not a noble girl, but a girl of peasant origin as the main character? (He teaches to value people not by their origin, but by their actions; I wanted to say that among the peasants there are wise, pure, and faithful people). Let's not forget that the heroes of the story are real historical figures.

- What feelings did you have for the heroine while reading about her? (They sympathized and felt sorry when Peter and then the boyars did not accept her; they respected her for her intelligence and loyalty, they rejoiced when everyone realized that she was wise, kind, fair, and accepted her).

- Why doesn't the author draw portraits of the characters in the story? (It is not appearance, not beauty that is important for him, just as it is not the main thing for Peter and Fevronia. Peter was convinced of the girl’s intelligence and spiritual beauty. After all, before Peter took Fevronia to Murom with great honors, they did not see each other and conducted all communication through servants).

- In what does the inexhaustible power of mutual love between Peter and Fevronia find its highest expression?(Both spouses, not thinking of the possibility of outliving each other, die on the same day and hour and are not separated even after death, in defiance of those who tried to separate them).

- What is the main value of the book? Which life values are they approved in it?

This story is a kind of hymn to faith, love and fidelity.

Love for people, courage, humility, family values, loyalty, religiosity.

The triumph of faith, wisdom, reason, goodness and love is the main idea of ​​the story.

- Why are Peter and Fevronia remembered in our century?

Rich in shocks XXI century, the years of reforms have shaken many of the values ​​on which vitality, physical and moral health society and man. Including such an important foundation as a strong family has always been. The consequences of its destruction were grave: a reduction in the birth rate, hundreds of thousands of homeless and neglected children, the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, selfishness and cynicism. The cynical destruction of family and marriage by globalization must be stopped!


Reflection "RESULT"

    AND Interest - What was interesting in the lesson?

    T grumbling - What creative works did you perform?

    ABOUT learning - What have you learned?

    G main thing - What new did I learn in the lesson?

Students fill out the table using the “TOTAL” method, voiced by 2-3 students


Essay“What attracts modern readers to Peter and Fevronia?”

We started studying the Tale of Peter and Fevronia in 7th grade. In the lesson, thanks to the story About Peter and Fevronia of Murom, we will learn about the lives of people who were canonized.

The story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom briefly

If we turn to the content of the story About Peter and Fevronia of Murom, which was finally formalized by Ermolai Erasmus at the beginning of the 16th century, we will learn a wonderful story of love, strong and invincible love, as they say, love to the grave. It is this kind of love that is briefly described in the story About Peter and Fevronia.

From the story we learn how Fevronia, who was smart, wise and prudent, is found by Peter's envoy in her hut. The envoy came to Fevronia so that she would appear to Peter and heal him from the poison of the snake. And the girl, with the help of potions, heals the prince. At the same time, a true feeling of love arises between them. The prince marries a girl, despite the difference in class, and Fevronia becomes a princess. People in the prince's district disliked the girl and wanted to expel her, but the prince and princess, having renounced their high titles, leave together.

The story tells us about all-consuming, real, warm and beautiful love. Before last day Peter and Fevronia loved each other. They wanted to die one day and asked God about it by taking monasticism. And so it happened. They died on the same day, but they were buried, despite the will of the two lovers, in different graves. However, the inexplicable happened; the bodies of the dead always ended up in the same coffin, so after several attempts to separate the bodies, Fevronia and Peter were no longer separated.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia heroes

In the story About Peter and Fevronia, the heroes are Peter, who was a prince and whose choice fell on the simple girl Fevronia. She gave him life, healing him from poison, and he never regretted his choice. And Fevronia, a peasant girl who was not only beautiful, but also possessed wisdom, was smart, kind and sympathetic.

Listen to the story of Peter and Fevronia

Criteria for assessing the defense of a student presentation Contents (maximum – 30 points): The research topic and problematic question are formulated, the information is accurate, complete, useful and relevant, the research results are clearly presented and structured, illustration of the research results, expression of one’s opinion on the problem, literacy (spelling and punctuation). Design (maximum – 20 points): Readability of text, use of animation effects, color scheme, the illustrations are interesting and relevant to the content. Presentation defense (maximum – 20 points): Fluency in the topic of the project, the ability to briefly and competently present the essence of the work, monologue of speech, use of scientific terminology.

5. There are riddles that the heroes of fairy tales often have to guess 6. Cunning test tasks (Peter’s task to sew a shirt from a bunch of flax and Fevronia’s task to make a loom from a log) 7. Magic items(for example, Agrikov's sword) 8. Constant epithets (the crafty serpent, the wise maiden).

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” is written in the form of a hagiography. In the course of our work, we identified the following features of the hagiographical genre: The author glorifies the saints, creating ideal images. (Peter - pious, holy; Fevronia - holy, reverend, blessed) The heroes’ love for God, the heroes’ veneration of the Bible

3. 3. Miracles that the heroes perform Unusual death and posthumous miracles There is a word of praise for the saints The story uses vocabulary characteristic of spiritual literature: blessed, doing alms, the commandments of the Lord, loving children, etc.

During the study, we discovered the following genre features: 1. Specific locations of action are indicated: the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo. This gives the story credibility. 2. The heroes of the story are real people. The genre of the work is defined in the title: “Story”


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